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how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2017

    and the hair and dress, from the back!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2017

    sorry for being such a page heart! OK over and out, back to the yard! I am transplanting bunch of hostas in my wheel barrel tire is flat so I have to do it by hand , ugh

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Good morning friends- hope everyone is having a good weekend. I had a quiet day yesterday getting some things done around the house, ran some errands, and came home to begin WAY TOO MUCH binge watching of the Game of Thrones marathon on HBO. The new season is starting soon!

    Dara- I was wondering if someone has Cami's phone number. If you can text her, then I assume you have her number or maybe you mean PM her. I am on FB with her as well as here and her last posts were on 6/25. Makes me wonder if she is not in the hospital with something? I may be able to track her DD down through that so if no one else has good info, let me know?

    Goldie- I wish your friend the best time with her new guy! Sometimes you just step out of the way and let the ones who are not ready pass on by. Everyone is on their own journey in life, recovering from a divorce takes time for most.

    I have found the tops of some of my best flowers with the tops biten off the past few years and caught a squirrel in the back yard recently eating off my plants. Now I know who is doing it. Darned squirrels!

    I had a nice morning on the patio reading, doing some yoga, tending to the gardens that have just had the crap beat out of them with the heat. Some of the leaves just burned! Anyways, it should be a warm but okay day today.

    Wishing everyone a good Funday Sunday and if you are working tomorrow, hope you can look forward to another short break on Tuesday!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2017

    and my birdies (buddy), The last one flew the coop yesterday. Mom and dad were on top watching her every move.


    imageI can now water my plant regularly!

    Ok over n our, for real dis time.

    More chEErs n luv

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2017

    Ms Waco, I am not saying you disobeyed doctors! But I will say, I know of no one that has gone through the chit you have been through! I sent a message to Leslie in regards to Cami. I hope she is just have some holiday fun! Logan is so darned cute and I love how him and mom match with their outfits. And the rainbow! Hope you have a most wonderful day with your peeps. It's still too hot to enjoy being outside here. Have to stay inside, 100 degrees is just NOT fun to be out in.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2017

    Cami Update....

    I messaged her daughter, like I said. It seems she was put in the hospital and now is in a rehab place. I think maybe problems with her back, I 'm not sure. Her daughter, hubby and Joey are away on vacation and I guess Cami doesn't have her phone. So no way to call. Here is the message I got from her DD...

    Long story but yes her back to started up again so they put her in the hospital now rehab facility so she can strengthen her self and if not she might have to get surgery I don't have a lot of phone service I'm on vacation she does not have her phone with her but she just wanted me to let you guys now she is OK thanks for asking

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Goldie- I sort of figured she had been in the hospital. Unfortunate the family is away right now. I know they don't like you to have a lot of personal stuff in rehab, but the phone is her connection to the outside world. Hoping her boss Dan can help in some way......

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    Whoa—when I was in orthopedic rehab for physical therapy after my knee replacements (too many stairs leading to my front door so not possible for me to get to Athletico twice daily every day), they let me bring my laptop, iPad, guitar, dulcimer, cellphone, hairdryer, flatiron (both because the salon was open only one day a week and booked heavily), makeup & skincare, and whatever foods my doctor allowed me to have (e.g., EVOO, real maple syrup for my oatmeal, dark chocolate bars, prunes) that the kitchen didn’t stock. No alcohol—I was on opioids & warfarin. The lucky ducks who weren’t were actually served red or white wine with their dinner! I guess that some facilities double as substance abuse rehab centers, and I can understand the “no cellphone” rule—especially if patients’ rooms didn’t have lockable closets.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2017

    oh chit I,m on a little thing that the hospital has,just t let u know that,s where I,ve bee , now i,m in rehab. We.ll it seems better to think rehab ....alcohol, but we all know it,s cuz I can,t walk now...finally som good drugs.

    I'll hope all is going wel

    Sandy y made the trip. Sorry that,s allowed I read I hope everyone is doing well, I can,t see chit on this thing

    I,ll try to catch up tomorrow...

    Luis u all.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    Cami, please let us know if & when you can have visitors! I’ve been in orthopedic rehab three times over the years, so I can relate. I hope you’re getting some decent food, besides the good drugs; and that there are activities (my last rehab had an ice cream parlor, movies and mani-pedis!).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Cami- so good to hear from you. I am sorry you were in the hospital and that you are now in rehab, but it sounds like you have better pain management now. Get better friend. We miss you!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2017

    SO happy to hear from you Camille, we was sick with worry. Hoping they git yeou all better and out dwinkin with we goils! Lots of love, Cheryl also sends her love!

    cheErS all!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2017

    IteI.mhaving trouble wth this little thing. Ooh, my phone is with Daniel,s his' but u can have pretty much anything jib here. I,m just Dow n the block from my home and ny kids just went away overnite and Jodie took over. With. Nicky.....Joey and. Jodie were here the first day making sure mt room was comfy,,,moving ever.

    HeDara Logan. Is beautiful, he has to be so much fun. Btw why did we see the back of th e dress.

    This I difficult to use for me.

    jazzy good video

    Jeez use the. iPad it.ll be fun.

    Lori I hope u,r feeling ok today

    Susyq and nm u gals o

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2017

    There's the Boss Lady! Good to see you girl! Any idea how long you will be there?

    All is good with us, just hot! My garden looks so pathetic!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Good afternoon friends- things have been quieter on the threads, but also think that goes with summer. Hope everyone who worked today survived it. Weird to have a day, then one off. I also hate it when Xmas is on a wed. Yuck!

    I found a new outdoor pool to swim this weekend, but missed the lap hours. But I checked it out and was able swim around and think it will be a nice place to do an hour swim on Sat or Sun. I plan to try again this weekend and know everything I need to bring now!

    Today started with swimming, then Home Depot, then went to get a pedicure. I have golden orange summer toenails with a lovely flower. Been working on business and home stuff this afternoon. And watching the last of the HBO Game of Thrones binge that started Sat (think we are about done with the final season).

    Goldie- my garden looks aweful, much has gotten fried with all the heat and no rain. We should be starting up with monsoons and some scattered storms around but nothing significant yet. I bought a few things at Home Depot today to put in the pots as they are doing better, but the rock garden look ruined to me. Sigh.

    Dara- hope the licensing and new job are going well!

    NM- thinking of you with all the family things going on right now.

    Hope everyone else is doing okay here? Sisters in treatment and recovering from, check in please?

    Cami- we really miss you!

    BTW, if you guys like fun apps, there is something called WTForecast for your phone you should check out.

    Hoping your July 4th is great!


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited July 2017

    Jazzy, I've been watching some GOT reruns too, saw Ned get beheaded the other day and it ripped my heart out and pissed me off all over again.

    Got my leaky drain checked out (got plugged up by tissue, eww!) and had my H & P treatment today, all good.

    Loving that boneless watermelon, hilarious!!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    LLL- sometimes it is a wicked, WICKED show. I just saw the season finale of the last season again (man that had some rugged stuff too). I do think Season 7 is supposed to be the last? HBO has a way of hooking you with their mini-series. Big fan of True Detective, Big Little Lies, Six Feet Under, Sopranos, you name it!

    How are you feeling?

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited July 2017

    jazzy, considering your taste in television, I think your my showmate, lol... and I'm well, just can't wait to get these darn drains out, so I can get back to my walking routine.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    O'Doul's Amber (auto-correct tried to type "O' Foul's") with a big fat Gorgonzola burger and sweet potato fries tonight. Pretty good all around. The near-beer tastes real to me--not much of a beer drinker. I am hurting all over--we worked some new muscles tonight (inner obliques) and I did a lot of weighted rope work. Glutes too. We walked to dinner & back, and the old metatarsal stress fx in my L foot (from 7 yrs ago) is flaring up again. Time to see the podiatrist--new orthotics? Bunion From Hell is painless, though

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Sadie and I are back home, I'm on call/doing a day's worth of visits today, working tomorrow and Thursday, going back to the island Friday for a family dinner out. Auntie's funeral will be Sunday afternoon. We cleaned out enough junk to fill a 15 cubic yard dumpster, and took 3 car loads of clothes and other good things to a local resale place. Cousin's hubby will arrive Thursday, he wants to see Sadie so we're staying over Friday night and Saturday night. By then the internet, phone and cable will be turned off, so it will be a very "primitive" weekend. Cousin is coming back in August to clean out the house and finalize everything needing finalizing at that point. The house will be sold, but all the money will go to the State to reimburse them for Aunty's Medicare bills. Cousin and her DH will drive a U-Haul with whatever is left back to Vegas then. Now the challenge is on, Cousin challenged me to clean at least as much junk out of my house by the end of the year! Sadie was a very good girl all the time we were on the island, very patient with the kids (7 year old girl, 11 year old boy). So life is transitioning back to "normal" for me and Sadie. I miss Aunty verymuch already, but am relieved that she is not suffering any more.

    Well, time to hit the shower before the phone starts ringing. Be back tomorrow ayem.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    Great to see you back, Kim!

    Still no boozing for me yet. (And we’ll be in an Evanston park—no alcohol allowed on city property. Evanston was the home of the WCTU, originally an abbreviation for “Heaven’s Town” and dry for decades. Weird for what is now probably the most liberal city in IL). Cherry-lime seltzer with our picnic as we watch the fireworks.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Movie recommendation: Go see Wonder Woman and see it on the big screen if you can. Awesomeness!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited July 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Dragging my butt out of bed this ayem, my 9 hour on call shift turned into a 16 hour, 230 mile day. I was falling asleep on top of the tablet while finishing up my notes last night. Now I remember why I dislike being on call so much. One patient's family wanted me to make a visit yesterday just to trim toenails. Had to call and reschedule that visit due to emergency calls. Problem is, that family has been unhappy with our service over things like this in the past, and probably will be complaining again now. I did call the Clinical Manager and get her input on this one, so if I go down on this, so will she. Half day of work today, then I can finally get some grocery shopping done. And a nap. My cousin sent me a pic yesterday of the 18 pairs of glasses she found cleaning out her Mom's place. I think that's the winner of the number of duplicates of an item so far!

    Chi--Cherry-lime seltzer is good stuff, love it. Especially with a shot of vodka or rum! Hope the fireworks were good. I did get to see a few backyard fireworks as I was driving home last night.

    Jazzy--I'll have to see Wonder Woman soon!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:


    Beetlejuice Drink

    A tall glass filled with a sweet and sour green apple drink.

    Serves: 1


    • 1/2 oz. Vodka
    • 1/2 oz. Melon Liqueur
    • 1/2 oz. Blue Curacao
    • 1/2 oz. Raspberry Liqueur
    • 1/2 oz. Cranberry Juice
    • Sweet n Sour Mix


    1. Take a tall glass and fill it full of ice.
    2. Pour the vodka into the glass.
    3. Fill the glass 3/4 full with Sweet n Sour Mix.
    4. Pour in the rest of the ingredients one at a time.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2017

    Jazzy, almost all of my petunias and even my geraniums are dead from the heat. And no rain here either. Love the boneless watermelon! Wonder Woman was good eh?

    Ilona, what is H & P treatment?

    How sweet to say that about your hubs KB.

    Sandy, you just continually have something of sorts going wrong.

    Wow NM, you guys got a lot done at Aunty's house. And of course you miss her. Glad Sadie had some play mates to play with. Looks like you got a little taste of what work USED to be like. Glad you only have half a day today.

    Neighbors are having a cookout, invited us. Pig cooked in the ground. Looking forward to that. But have to get orders out first. Hope everyone had a fun Holiday.

    Cami, what are they doing with you there?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited July 2017

    Hi friends- just a quick note to say hi. The skies look like they could bring some rain, and I hope. I got some new supplies last week at Home Depot to do some deep watering for the trees and did some work on that this morning. Trying to give my yard some TLC.

    Goldie- most of the perrenials out front, including the heat resistant ones are brown. My geraniums are doing well though and the pots seem to be okay where as the gardens are cooking. Where are those monsoons? Heat in the 90s, better than the 100s a few weeks ago.

    Native- you had a busy day after all you just did with the family, and hope you had a better day today. My sister always says the patients become high demands during the holidays. When she used to be on call years ago, people would come in to urgent care with nothing of concern on holidays and just seemed to want to talk. My thought with the clipping of the toenails on July 4th. Holidays are not easy for many, especially the lonely and infirmed.

    ChiSandy- any updates on your anemia problem and what they are looking at next?

    Cami- I hope you are getting good care where you are and have lots of visitors!

    Hsant- how are you doing friend? Never sure what holidays may be important for someone after a loss. Hoping you had a peaceful day.

    Got some things to do and swimming tonight. I have inspired two friends to start swimming after watching my transformation the past few months with getting back in the pool in a bigger way. One of them lives here and is coming tonight to get started, the other lives back east. Both of them exercise regularly but like me, working to find the key to the weight loss. I told them swimming gives you a two fer 1) good cardio and 2) overall body toning.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited July 2017

    Goldie, H & P is Herceptin and Perjeta for HER2+, which I'm told I'll be on every 3 weeks forever.

    A pig cooked in the ground sounds like big deal cookout. My DH roasted one once but it made be cry a lot, we have French bulldogs and they look too much like piggies, it was sad but tasted good.

    In other news, I got 2 drains out today, woohoo! Just the axillary left, should come out at next weeks post op :)

    Hope cami and everyone are doing well.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2017

    hi friends! Just checking in to see how everyone's doing. I'll propose a toast to two less drains, here here! Cheers!

    I had a fabulous fourth, watched the fireworks from my yard that were displayed at the high school one town over - I am less than a mile away. I've also been working feverishly in my yard with planting, pruning, painting, hauling dirt etc. Like jazzy, i'm in the mist of a backyard/resort makeover.

    NM stop working so hard!

    Lori, so sorry that your plans have succumbed to the high heat. It has been hot here as well but not as bad as there. My poor weather is up to 86°, well it feels like bathwater, it does not provide the relief when I get myself in a major hot flash sweat.

    Praying for our Cammy girl and hoping that she is up and walking in no time. This place is definitely not the same without our Camille.

    Got a run, I have Bubba burgers on the grill and can't wait to sink my teeth into them! Cheers girls!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    No updates on the anemia--trying to schedule repeat CBC and will see where it goes. Meanwhile, MO wants my 2013 endoscopy report, which is not in my Presence MyChart portal, as well as the X-ray reports (she hasn't asked for the films, but who knows)? She wants me to come in for my 6-mo. followup with her and talk in person before she weighs in on anything. So trying to schedule that as well.

    Seltzer again tonight. Maybe with a little ginger (sliced or grated). Or considering my bumper crop of mint, perhaps a "faux-jito" made with seltzer and lime and perhaps a splash of Minute Maid Light.

    Speaking of drinks, the county sweetened-soft-drink tax is on hold (though many businesses have programmed it into their cash registers). Bob (who loves him some Coke Zero and the aforementioned Minute Maid Light) thinks diet drinks should be exempt--but how are fast food joints (which hand you a cup, point you towards the soda machines and tell you to have at it) gonna be able to ring up different prices for diet and sugary sodas? And research shows that artificial sweeteners cause the same insulin release and fat storage as does sugar--regular diet-soda drinkers are just as or more obese than those who knock back the sugared stuff. He says it's a regressive tax because it disproportionately hits poor minorities (but wealthier people drink more water, which is cheaper than soda or juice drinks); it may be a tradition in minority neighborhoods (and many folks say they're going back to DIY sweetening their own Kool-Aid), but depending on sugar water to feed your family is just screwed up and costs us all in increased healthcare costs for dentistry, diabetes and obesity-related diseases (endemic to many minority communities). Why should my insurance premiums and other taxes go up so people can rot their kids' teeth and ruin their health more cheaply?

    But here's another weird thing. Buy a plain unsweetened 12-oz. bottled Frappuccino at the grocery or convenience store: no sweet-tax. Buy a flavored one, pay the tax. But go into Starbucks, order a big honkin' Venti Frappuccino, extra whipped cream and three extra pumps of syrup? No surtax. No rhyme or reason either

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2017

    Oh, and had a great time at the Evanston fireworks & symphonic band concert. The band—Palatine Concert Band—was very good, but its conductor was pedantic as all get-out, reveling in long-winded intros to every piece in a relatively obscure repertoire. From even the best known composers, he chose arcane and sometimes difficult-to-enjoy pieces: his Bernstein selection wasn't even the overture to “Candide," much less anything from “West Side Story," but “Slava," his tribute to his pal Mstislav Rostropovich, which changed keys, modes and time signatures as if the composer had ADHD; and for John Williams he chose the score from the John Wayne film “The Cowboys," which lasted nearly as long as the movie. By the time he finally got around to “Stars & Stripes Forever" he prefaced it with an anecdote describing in excruciating detail the circumstances under which it was written (including excerpts from Sousa's diary). But the fireworks were terrific—so long they even had halftime! Porta-Potti lines were long and traffic home was brutal, though. We used my HC placard so we could park close enough for my pal with COPD to walk comfortably—turns out that if we didn't have a placard, we wouldn't have found parking at all after 5 pm (concert started 7:30).

    We saw a rainbow of people of all ages and ethnicities all celebrating this country's birthday—Evanston is marvelously diverse, bordering on Chicago's Rogers Park neighborhood, which is even more diverse. That's what America is all about. And even though skies were clear, we saw this actual rainbow overhead—upside down!


  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2017

    Native, I'm so, so sorry about Aunty. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. My thoughts will be with you on Sunday. How is your mom and Dick? {{{{Native}}}

    Dara, congrats on your new job! Woo hoo! Logan is absolutely darling! His mom should consider getting him into modeling. He would book like crazy. Of course, I say this as long as it's something that he would enjoy.

    Jazzy, it's very, very good that you found out about your old beau before you wasted your very precious time with him. He sounds like he's in a place (space) that you do not want to be a part of at this point in your life. How old is dude #2?

    Cami, wow! I hope you're feeling better, and will be home soon. I'm sure Your family is watching out for you, and making sure you get the BEST care. Most importantly, I hope you're on good drugs, and you're not in pain {{{{cami}}}.

    Goldie, pig cooked in the ground? I've never heard of that technique. How does that work?

    Are your guests still in town?

    Sue, I hope you're feeling well, and all your tests came back NED.

    Sandy, hope you're feeling well. I'm on a quest to find foie gras pate in my neighborhood. Oddly, it was very easy to find near my dad in Cleveland. Same with Truffle salt. It was sold at the local Whole food in the bulk section, so I could get it relatively cheap, and it didn't contain "flavors", "essence" or "aromas" (aka synthetic truffle oil).

    Y'all, it's been a couple of weeks, and I've only skimmed. I'm sorry if I missed anything important.

    Last week, I had a bad bout of vertigo. My dad diagnosed this a while back as a non headache migraine. I rarely get this, but it was pretty bad last week. I couldn't walk with out hanging on to the wall. Very unusual for me, since I rarely get sick. I'm fine now. We had a nice holiday. I walked 3 1/2 hours on sat. And sun. Went to friends for a BBQ on Sunday, and watched the beach fireworks from our neighbors roof top deck yesterday. Strawberry 'gitas were the drink of choice. Love you all!