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how about drinking?



  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited June 2017

    Goldie, shart, lol! I hope you feel much better very soon.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    Lori, are you on a statin by any chance? My PCP told me today that the muscle pain& weakness from it can manifest years down the road—a patient who’d been on 20mg of Lipitor for 5 yrs suddenly couldn’t lift his legs from a seated position. Muscle atrophy from under-use doesn’t come on that fast.

    Lost a pound this PCP visit—would’ve been more, but since I had fasted today for blood draws, I was literally full of… After I got home from the fro-yo parlor, sweet relief, and flatter belly. My intermittent murmur is gone, and even with the “stair-climb” exertion test, my pulse was only 72. (It was 60 at rest). I’m much fitter now. I’m reaching higher too. Last time I was there, my hemoglobin was down to 11 (from 13 two years ago and 12 last summer), so we’re testing me for iron & B-12 levels (the iron is probably normal) as well as D3, lipid panel, chem panel and CBC to figure out what’s causing that anemia. (Not that the blood bank would ever take me again as a donor till I’ve been off letrozole for 5 yrs). He isn’t worried about my a1c being 6.1, and neither is Bob. Guess they deal with real diabetics all day. Meanwhile, keep taking what I’ve been taking, slash the carbs and keep moving. If I lose weight and keep the LDL low & HDL high, I should be cardiovascularly set for life. (Maybe a long one if I don’t get mets).

    DOTD is cherry-lime seltzer. Pretty yummy. Cellars is doing a soft-shell crab special, but by the time I’m hungry enough for dinner they’ll have run out. We went last night to pick up the wines from the last tasting (2 each Slovenian Pinot Grigio & chardonnay, and 2 Montepulciano d’Abruzzo) and had fish & chips—theirs is better than any I had in London. Had a Maryhill Winemaker’s White with it. If I go out again (for either the soft-shells or the crab Louis special) I’ll have cava. Otherwise, will wait till I’m hungry, make either a salad or sear some halibut, and have some more Mumm Napa brut rosé (or even that $8 Spanish rosado from Whole Amazon Bob opened last night).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Goldie- may be time to get to the doctor if you are worse tomorrow. Should be on the mend vs. slipping back. Worried about you sister.......

    Chi- my first A1C was around 6.1 and no one put me on anything until I hit borderline at 6.5 six months after I started the A1s. I am now at 5.8 with the current regime. I hope you stay in the pre-zone.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Good kinda Morning Ladies,

    Lori I hate that u feel so chitty. But 101 is high. U've gotta feel lousy. I hope u can get to a urgent care of whatever they're called there or somewhere. Having an infection is crap and it sure sounds like u have one. I know u do all the right things for u'rself but maybe u need some kind of anti-b for this one just to push it away. And all u can really do is rest it out, I think <<<HUGS>>> big time. Let us know.

    NM I was tlking about u tonite, oh nothing personal, just how u've worked for Hospice. My niece dropped by <one of the nurses> and she was talking about working for a Group and how she hates it. She's gone back into nursing now that her boys are adults and she really doesn't like how it's changed. She did say patients come last now and $$$ comes first--which she hates, she's kinda old school, in her 50's and this really bothers her so she doesn't know what she's going to do about it. And she did say what a woman u are for doing hospice, and I totally agreed. And that's one of the reasons I enjoy u'r choices now--look how much u are finally doing for u'rself and it's about time. U gots lots of garden stuff, and like Lori u have pics. to take now.

    Lori it just hit me how hot is is by u, oh way to hot, forget the dry heat, it's like an oven. Jeez

    Oh Jazzy that fire sounds terrible, every year it happens somewhere high up and there are so many worries about all the people. I know it's been cancelled but good thing. And In always love u'r pics. So professional and always a great view. But I'm sure u have things to do for the weekend and pray for the fire hazzards. I think that came out sounding silly, but u all know me now,

    Sandy I have to say u always make fish sound good, I always want to like it but don't unfortunately. But I do hope u'r up to all the driving and schlepping all u'r equipment around. To bad it's so far to drive. And hope u'r DH is doing well.

    Lori my Jewel GF is another one of my friends, this one I'm seeing is a retired nurse. I have a couple of groups of friends that all know each other thru events and stuff, but really don't hang around together. These go back to when I was a kid and we all grew older together, but this one has my cousin and sister going too.

    Aha NM u had to check on my term, spelling was off but years ago Italians were the group that was known for all spicy foods from the salad <which we ate last> to everything that was on the table, and dessert had liquor in it and then wine, I think everyone had it then and the drink was baking soda and water. LOL Everyone had gardens with hot peppers in it. My dad use to say that's why we didn't have sinus problems, our noses always ran thru our meals with napkins to use for them. Joey and Leslie still eat like that, but Marty and I don't now.

    It was a super busy week and thought it was supposed to rain tonite bu so far no and cool off some but we'll see.

    Ah Dara, wedding this weekend, I hope Cheryl is doing better. And Dara better have some pics for us. Want to see all, but want to see her dress too.Weddings are so fun and I'm sure Dara will enjoy herself.So we might now hear from her for a couple of days.

    OK OK enuff from me I get it. But I hope SusyQ is doing better, she's got a lot going on too.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Image result for google images of recipes with vodkaGive NM a break--this looked so good--Happy Saturday

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2017

    Ilona, glad you got a chuckle from the shart, they are VERY real!

    Thanks again Sandy. I didn't know it would take a long time for muscle atrophy to set in. It was the only thing I could come up with for the burning pain in the back of my thighs after being up and standing for about 15 minutes. It hurt so dang bad! Not on any statins.

    Thanks Jazzy. I think DH will make me go to the doctors on Monday iffin I'm not getting better.

    Thanks Cami, YES I feel lousy/miserable. And it's really wearing on me. I will do lots of resting today and tomorrow. Really DON'T want to go to the doctors. Especially since I go to see my onc every 6 weeks.And yes, hot is hot I don't care if it is dry. I am staying in. Not like I feel like going out and doing anything anyways. I think if the temps reach 120 in Phx, they shut the airport down!!! A drink with just baking soda and water, ewwwwww! Why?

    Dorothy, I deleted your comment on my FB page about "hope you feel better". I didn't want my mom to see that. She always has a way of turning everything into a negative. She would have me on my death bed by the end of the week.

    Well, I am thinking its sinuses/allergies (infection, due to the fever) as I am now sneezing and my cheeks/forehead hurt. No fever this morning, but that has happened before and comes later in the day.

    Speaking of my mother, there is so much chit coming down with her, she makes me so ANGRY sometimes. I'll post this and then see if I can summarize about her.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2017

    Here ya go. Feel free to skip on by...

    Mind you my mother considers herself a God fearing Christian. My son used to live with her but he moved. Got fed up with her calling him 10 times a day. Can you do this, can you do that. Bring me some water, let the dog out. Go to Burger King for me. I need cigarettes. On and on and on.

    She is obese, chronic COPD (and continue to smoke like a fene), fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, diabetic, incontinent. Her bedroom carpet has got to be a hazmat situation. I can't tell you how many times she has had accidents. She has a potty chair in her bedroom. She only gets about $800 a month from SS.

    Well now that my son is gone, my one brother had gone over there and said the dog had shit all over the house. This is a big German Shepard. And now he is saying that he is peeing all down the hallway, cuz she is not letting him out.

    She has a care giver 3 days a week. Who does absolutely NOTHING. Well she had a friend over that was having trouble (won't go into all of that) but asked the caregiver to follow her home. Mom tells her, I give you a day off with pay and $10.00. You have no idea how this pissed me off. That bitch KNOWS my mom does not have money!

    So the house just reeks of smoke and fecal stuff. So nobody wants to go over there.

    She thinks nothing of calling 911 when she is having trouble breathing to take her to the hospital. Gets her breathing treatment there and o2. Then doesn't want to stay and will think nothing of calling someone to come and get her at 3 am. Or she tells them the ambulance can take her home. Well she got a bill for that, like $600.00. Says, I'm not paying that. She also buys stuff from catalogs and then doesn't pay those either. I know of 2 which total about $1000.00. The other day she bought $100.00 worth of jewelry. WTF? She doesn't even go out, she can barely walk and is in a wheel chair. I ask her why she is spending money she doesn't have. Her reply, I don't have anything else to do and I like it. I say to her, what about when there is an emergency, she says like that? Washer, dryer, stove, fridge, etc. She says I'll do without. Yeah right. Last year her furnace went out and my brother and I had to pay for a new one. Which I don't mind, but not when she just blows her mo ney.

    I told her that my brother was not happy about her buying that jewelry, and that she was gonna get an ass chewing. She says I don't care, bring it on, there's a lot of ass to chew and I don't care.

    Also, now with my son gone, she's afraid her social worker will have her put in a home. And I have to say, my brother and Ihave discussed this. To have her SW come for a home visit, which she does anyways, but only about once a year.

    Almost all of her teeth have fallen out. She has my brother take her to the dentist and tell brother go get the dentist and tell him to come out here. So he does! And there they are, in the parking lot, doing an exam!

    She said if they put her in a home, she will never talk to my brothers again! Also she says, I don't have anything to do, I'm bored, I can't go anywhere. Her cousin's kids come and get her at least 3 times a week, take her out to lunch and movies. I said you aren't capable of doing those things and you brought this on yourself. She says how so? Really????? And then says, well Jo (my SIL's mother) had lung cancer and died, and never smoked a day in her life. And I'm thinking what does that have to do with the tea in China?? Those boys should be coming over at least once a week to see their mother.

    So there is my book and I am so dang frustrated with her. It's just a mess and not the stress I need. Cuz I am the calm one. My brothers get pissy and mean, so everyone always calls me to vent.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Well, my plans yesterday got sidetracked. It started raining before I was done with my morning routine on the computer. So I worked on decluttering the bedroom and getting the clothes decluttered and organized. Getting rid of everything I don't wear or have been saving for when I lose weight again. And cleaned out much of the junk under the bed. Talk about dust bunnies! It's gray but not raining this ayem, may be able to get out into the gardens today. Got a text from Mom yesterday afternoon, Dick is back in the hospital with weakness and a fever. Not sure what the heck is going on there, hope they find out soon. My cousin is coming home next week, and she needs to make changes in what is going on with Auntie with ALS. The current situation with Auntie's granddaughter taking care of her is not working out (which doesn't surprise anyone, Auntie is very independent, granddaughter is freaked when Auntie doesn't use the walker and falls, or doesn't follow the swallowing recommendations and chokes. Add in granddaughter's two little kids and you get instant chaos. My cousin is going to look things over and decide if she is going to stay here or move her mom to Las Vegas with her and her husband. I think Auntie wants to go to Las Vegas. I've got mixed feelings about the whole situation. I'd like Auntie to stay here so I can help and keep up with things, but I'd like Auntie to go to Vegas where she and my cousin won't be working through so many other people and there will be less confusion, but more work for my cousin. No matter what, it's not my decision anyway, so I just need to be ready to support whatever they decide to do. At least I now have the flexibility to go to where ever I may be needed, if my help is wanted.

    Goldie--boy when you get sick you do it up big time! The D is also a side effect of the FU pills, so maybe stopping a little early is a good idea this time around. I can see not wanting to go where the temp will be 120+ when you are already running hot, but if the MMJ place isn't open Sunday, maybe you better go today. I will get some pics of the gardens pretty soon.Want to get a little more done with them first.

    Jazzy--YIKES! A nearby wildfire would certainly not be relaxing, especially if you can smell or see the smoke. Even less so if you can see the light from the fire, let alone the fire itself! Definitely not good for the asthma. Good advice from your friend. I'm sticking with Hospice a couple days a week cuz that gives me the money I need. If I can pick up a part time teaching position I won't need the Hospice piece anymore and may be able to get health insurance for less. I figure it can't hurt to apply to a couple of teaching jobs and see what happens. I'm not losing anything if they don't work out. I hope that the little bit of weight loss that I've seen will continue, and eventual get to a point that will make a difference with the GERD.



    Goldie--call your MO, you should probably really stop the FU pills if you are still having the D. And maybe even to the ED--people on chemo who get a fever really should be seen and get antibiotics started ASAP. Don't let this drag on too long.

    Chi--good point about the statins. We routinely recommend discontinuing statins on admission to Hospice for that very reason. Many people do not realize how much of the pain they are having is from that drug and not from the disease process. I remember taking it for a while once, the pain was horrible. I told my PCP I'd rather have a heart attackand die than live with pain like that for years. Cherry-lime selzer (or anything, for that matter) is yummy!

    Cammy--The trend in health care of putting money before patients has been going on for a while, but is really prevalent in a lot of places now. Hospice is one of the last places in nursing where you can do hands on patient care and really see the difference you are making. Tell your niece to look at many different places, especially outside of the hospital setting. Nursing positions are usually more patient centered outside of the hospital, but often don't pay as much as a hospital. Hard choice to make, sometimes. I had to look up that term, it was so fun!

    Thanks for the watermelon based DOTD--I wonder if I can make that with plain vodka and watermelon? Hmmmmm…….

    Goldie--I've done the baking soda and water thing--it's basic so it counteracts the acid when you have heartburn. Plays merry he## with sodium levels, though, lots and lots of sodium in baking soda! Oh, my, your Mom sounds like a real trial. It's so hard to work with people who won't help themselves and count on everyone else to take care of them. And not one drop of gratitude for all that others do for them, only complaints about how it's never enough. You can't just walk away, but nothing you do is ever right or enough, either. And she can't be placed in a home against her will unless she is declared legally incompetent by a judge and someone appointed to be her guardian and be responsible for her. Making bad decisions and living in filth is not enough to be declared mentally incompetent. Now if her town health officer deems the home unsafe for human habitation, then a judge may rule differently. Call the department of human services or adult protective services agency in the area where your Mom lives, explain the situation, and see what they say. Even if they can't do anything right now they will have the record of the contact. If others are also calling with concerns about her situation it will build a record attempts to help her and her responses. It's a very frustrating and upsetting situation. Wish I could fix it for you. And feel free to come here and vent any time you need to. That's part of what we are here for!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited June 2017

    Hi girls,

    Jest have a minute, ready to pack up the laptop and hit the road.

    Cam, Cheryl is not doing any better but is in good spirits. Thanks for asking. Will def post pics although I am slow so dont expect dem too quickly lol.

    Lori, hope you are feeling better today, sending hugs n love.

    Have a nice weekend goils!


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited June 2017

    Good Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Yay…it's me…I'm back. My tailbone is feeling better, by about 50%. Less painful now to sit.

    Been making my packing list for my trip, if I didn't I'd forget something I really need.

    Lowee - hope the dang fever stays away today and into the future. Sorry the FU pills create so much pain for you. (((Lowee))). It's been triple digits here for sev days. DH had a friend put a mister on a fan. I tried it yest, just gets everything wet. DH will show me how far to turn the water as I probably had it too high. We shall see. Am thinking about your mom and how you're worrying about her. But as we all know, can't help someone if they won't help themselves. Prayers for u n ur mom. Sorry about yur sharts. I've had a few of those moments over the last 10 days. Been taking to wearing diapers at night. Ugh, but I don't worry so much when I'm wearing them.

    NM - You sound so good can't tell you how happy I am for you. Good luck on a teaching position, bosses should look closely at you and your intelligence, any of them would be foolish not to hire you.

    Dara - yes, we want pics. Still praying for Cheryl, hope she feels better soon. Have a wonderful time at the wedding. U get your hair done at the pharmacy? Am I reading that right?

    Illi - Your looking good, how are you feeling?

    Sandy - Congrats on losing some weight. Nice feeling I kno. You got some really good news on your blood work. Whoop whoop!!

    Gotta get busy with the laundry and pooches to the park.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Good morning friends- getting ready for another HOT one here. My BCO sister from Mass is coming this week and the temps will be the hottest this year, up to 104 by Thursday. She is worried about her L and compression but have been coaching her about how to minimize her exposure to the heat. You just have to be indoors during the worst of it. We are meeting for breakfast on Tuesday and then she will be here with her friend for dinner next Sunday (and expect we will need to eat indoors vs. on the patio). She will be the second sister I have met in person from BCO!

    Since I have found time this weekend, goign to get more house stuff done and going to da pool today. I had set a goal to swim 3 miles in total this week but realized with the yoga retreat, probably would run out of time and now I can get there this weekend. Too hot to bike or do anything else outside, so swimming will be good. I will let you know if I acheive my goal! I am also going to go catch some outdoor jazz tonight which I have yet to do this month as it has got going. Tomorrow I am going to hit the farmers market too. Always things to do!

    Goldie- sorry you are feeling punk. In Nov, I had a resp thing that turned in to an infection. I was doing a go live when the infection set in and went to urgent care. I understand your desire to not

    I am really sorry about your mother and the situation. My mother always expected everyone to wait on her and meet her needs here whole life, so I totally understand this behavior. Every single one of us in the family got worn out by it through the years. I moved away not once but twice because of the situation. That being said, I realized sometime later in life my mother had some untreated mental health issues that were causing a lot of this behavior. Then a crisis came in 2004 and she ended up in assisted living for the longer term.

    Your mom does not appear to be able to take care of herself, and your siblings are just worn out and she may need to be in a home for better care. The living situation sounds both unhealthy if not outright dangerous. I read NM's suggestions and think she is right on. No one ever wants to have anyone go in to a home, but she needs to be kept safe and cared for. I am sending you big hugs, this stuff is hard and you must be exhausted from the all the family calls. Try to rest today and don't answer the phone!

    NM- having worked in healthcare delivery systems off and on since 1998, I have seen the change to be more money focused. Getting reimbursed by insurance has become more challenging with time, which is where most revenue cycle depts struggle. I have worked a lot on the money side of the business, but work more enterprise now and the pressure on clinicians financially is enormous. I think insurance companies have a lot to do with the money struggles and always looking to push back denials.

    As a consumer of healthcare as well, I have seen it too. I had some documents from Blue Cross on my breast cancer treatment some 2 years later saying they had audited some records and were pushing back about some of the treatment. WTH? I talked to the BS office about it and they said they could not come back years later and say give us back our money. I also know that office was not always great about getting the appropriate authorizations. My BS kept pushing me to get all these genetics tests but often would not get the appropriate auths so they would come after me for payment to the tune of $7000 or more per test. I won't do any more of those now as a result. She is convinced my cancer was genetic but no proof if it.

    And good job on getting the decluttering started! So sorry to hear Dick is back in the hospital. I hope they figure it out soon. And the thing with your Aunt is a tough decision soon. I hope the family can figure out what is best for her. Eldercare is by far the most stressful thing I have gone through (and well cancer treatment too....)

    Dara- where you off to girlfriend with your laptop? I hope your cousin is better soon......

    Cami- you sound like you are looking forward to seeing your friend. Did you know yesterday was national cannoli day? The only good ones around here are found at Whole Foods, not much for italian pastry shops here. I hope you and your friend have a good time! We both have friends visiting this week?

    Chi- sorry to hear about Bob's fracture. I hope you are getting ready for your trip and that everything goes well with the services and the performance.

    LLL- I think you have your surgery coming up this next week? Are you feeling ready? Hard to feel ready for anything but think you were have the L vs. the MX and hope things go well. I recovered pretty well from the L part, but the sentinal node incisions bothered me more as they went through muscle. They are well healed and hardly visible now. Just remember you will heal from all this!

    Gotta get some things done and places to go and people to see. Thinking of Hsant, Mema, Genny, Celia, and many others here today. Stay cool in the heat if you have it!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    Good news on the bloodwork—glucose is 102 (down from 112), cholesterol 210 (down from 285), HDL 85 (hence the high cholesterol—my other lipids are w/in normal limits). RBC, WBC, B12, D, & iron also normal. Now the bad news: my hemoglobin is steadily dropping over the past two years, down to 11.7 from 13.0 in 2015 (my pre-op testing). So the anemia could be a GI bleed…or a harbinger of very early cancer of another sort (stomach, colorectal—despite no polyps—lung or myeloid such as leukemia, myeloma or MDS.And my upper back is getting sorer and sorer even though I haven’t done any weight/resistance training in a week (trainer on vacation). That could be a spinal fracture (I was already osteopenic before even starting rads, much less letrozole) or (gulp) lung cancer—either primary or mets.

    Before I got my test results, to celebrate an otherwise clean bill of health and Bob’s ankle getting better, had some Scharffenberger Brut with dinner out. I will probably need a chest X-ray very soon, because with my back feeling like this I’m not up to a long drive and especially a long (3-hr) gig. Not wise to put it off till after that gig up north. And Tues. I have my 6-mo. mammo and BS/NP appt. I will ask her—if I don’t get the X-ray today (may not be able to get to Urgent Care before it closes because I’m waiting for a friend to come pick up an Rx Bob wrote) or tomorrow I could have Radiology do it Tuesday. Monday I have to sit around waiting for the DirecTV repair guy—been getting weird error messages about my satellite dish that tech support couldn’t solve. I am so sick of waiting for people!!!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Chi- some things sound good from your bloodwork, but worried about your anemia and the back pain. Do get that looked in to. You are on the AIs and that can create bone pain, I get it sometimes but it goes away. But a lingering pain should be checked in to. My MO said a deep bone pain should not be ignored. Keep us posted sister......

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    It feels like the bottom of my ribs are squashing something—lungs? Spleen? Normal spinal (and presumably lower chest) X-ray when I sprained my lower back in Dec. Never had bone pain on AIs—after Zometa, and some joint pain (in the natural joints I still have) due to letrozole. No muscle pains from the Crestor. Could also be costochondritis, from ribs irritating a membrane inflamed by a low-grade cold, but it’s a duller pain.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Chi- how long has this been bothering you?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    It came on Monday morning—two days after the workout, which is when I normally get delayed onset muscle soreness. Normally it peaks at the morning of day three and then I'm fine by the morning of the fourth day, but this time it kept getting worse & worse. I worry that I might have overdone it and instead of just microscopically injuring my lats (which is how strength training works—induce micro-tears which repair themselves & build a bit on the “days off”), I might have pushed a vertebra past the point of no return into a fracture—my DEXAScan in Nov. 2015 indicated osteopenia in spine & hips, but maybe letrozole, despite one Zometa infusion and a Prolia shot six months later, could have pushed me into osteoporosis territory. But it feels like soft tissue soreness, so I dunno. No word yet from my PCP, though I messaged him. Not about to go to an ER, so I'll wait till the Urgent Care center down the block opens in the morning. I wouldn't panic as much but for the gradual progression of anemia despite the D & B-12 levels and everything in my chem panel & CBC except hemoglobin being normal.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Chi- I think you are leaving in a few days on your trip. Go get things checked out. You may have pulled a deep muscle too, those hurt really bad when they happen and have had it working with the trainer in the past. The anemia is concerning too, but can be from many things. Our bodies are such complex systems.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    I worry that going on this drive and playing this gig could make it much worse. An X-ray would at least rule out a fracture or lung lesion, so if it is just a muscle issue I’ll suck it up & do what I have to. We’re contractually obligated to play the festival (they’ve advertised us and are paying us several hundred bucks—we could possibly be sued for more than that. Wish my singing partner had e-mailed me the contract first before signing it). I don’t know how I can safely or at least comfortably do this drive, even over two days, haul instruments, and perform for three hours. This is scaring the crap out of me.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Chi- Bob cannot go with you, right? Can you get another friend to join you on the trip or your son?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    Nope, Jazzy. Gordy doesn’t drive and all my friends are otherwise occupied.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Good Morning Ladies---Happy Father's Day??????????

    Oh Lori way to much stress and I know u can't handle all of this. No one can. With all the problems of u'r mom it's like a nitemare and what can u possibly do.??? It's not like decisions are easy to come by. I would think the best for u'r mom is not at all what she wants in any way and it sounds like u'r brother <s> are lost knowing what to do Wow U'r mom needs so much care, mentally and physically and I know it has to break u'r heart to have to think what can be done. But sometimes there isn't much of a choice. And then to have a pet she can't possibly take care of is really horrible to have the house smell of that and maybe she's used to it, but that's no way to live for her. We edned up putting my dad in one and it's so not easy, but he needed 24/7 care, like u'r mom sounds like she does. Altho we did it for 4 yrs, it's impossible for anymore of a length of time. NM hit it right on the head about the home care person for the surrounding county, they can make a decision where it''s to hard for the family to do, and deem the home not safe for her to live in and possibly be the best decision would be to put her into a home tha tshe would be cared for. It's easy to say, but oh so difficult to do. The only up thing is that she would have people around her, to make sure she has what she needs. But our family is big so there was someone there everyday sothat was a little different maybe. Like I said we're a big family tho.This is very hard for u'r family and I really give u'r son so much credit, but he needs a life too. And so do u. U have enuff going on in u'r own life to give u 100% attention to. I mean this with all respect to you and how I feel <of course I could be wrong, we all know that> but as it sounds u'r mom can not live a lone anymore and u all can't go on like this and neither can she. It's something we all have to face <I think of me too>. Whatever u do u can't feel guilt u can only do what u know is right for u'r mom, whether it's popular or not. If it's possible for 24/7 care great but it doesn't sound like it. I sound mean don't I, but I'm not it's just reality. I'm sorry to be so blunt but I am, and u have to know I do love u and I always put u first, I can't help it. sorry, but u have to be able to not worry about u'r mom and know what's best for her. Do I make sense??? OK I'm off my soap box but I care so much about you. XXXXOOOO

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    I'm back....

    NM u'r true personality has really been shining since u've made u'r decisions. And it's opened u up for the kind of life u deserve. Of course u want to work for people cuz u are so caring and u must give so much to people, but u also now have balanced everything and can enjoy Sadie, u'r home and u'r life. which is all over do. And I am sorry u'r family is going thru difficult times right now, now that I would want u to worry, but now u have more time to be there if anyone needs u, where u never did--chit u didn't have time for urself. So lovin' it for u totally.

    Sandy u sound like this trip may not be such a good idea for u. I have a feeling u'r going to go anyway, but that's not so good. When u first said u'r DH was going I really thought oh this will be great, but now all the chit thats happened kind of goes in the other direction. The drive alone sounds not so good to begin with, then add in the other stuff and wow it's a lot. Having a partner to depend on u has to be particularly difficult, seems like the hard decision u have to make. Please try to look at the whole picture of YOU in this equation, I just hope u start feeling better.

    Jazzy I am so enjoying u'r life of all u do and the wonderful friends u have. <well I don't doubt that> and as I've said u could absolutely do photography if u chose to. U'r pics are beautiful and right on point. And u fill u'r life with beauty and great people and that's what life is about for everyone. And I think one of the reasons is u put u'rself out there and do the things u really enjoy and people just like that spirit. And u work very hard to be able to do this too.

    Well we all kind of know we won't hear from Dara for a while, she'll have to recoup from her weekend. Just hoping that Cheryl could have a good time too.

    What a goofy weekend here. A friend of Marty wanted to have a BD party for his DD. <adult> so he asked if he could have it here, well of course. Oh it was funny my kids knew everyone but it was only a few people and all left at 8PM, Leslie still had a couple of balloons so she semi decorated for it. I don't know it was just funny to me. And Joey slept away, so I just missed him LOL. I stayed in my room, which was actually better. Now Joey isn't here to make coffee, brat. Well if I could stand long enuff and fill the coffee thingy up even little by little, I would--OK I'm lazy, nothing new.

    Still so busy with work, but I also feel like my voice is starting to show the pain I'm feeling--I just want to know what they want and get the info. I'm trying my best but this lousy pain is really off the charts for me anyway. But I am able to finally put my feet up and get a few hrs. sleep so that helps.But have to lift them one at a time, oh this is miserable. I still can't take a shower but have all those washing things to help, hoping it does LOL Takes a while to do but I do manage. But I did have a talk with Joey and we talked about how he hates to see me like this so he feels bad just talking to me sometimes. Oh well. Cuz he heard me moaning and I really didn't think he did . If FF was working I would stay with my older DD for a while cuz I could live on one floor there, but I can not tolerate him especially alone. Give everyone here a break, they never suggested that, but they have to be thinking about it. Just venting ladies, cuz I know u all understand what this lousy rat bastard did; plus all the chemo, where as now I don't think they give it to the extreme.

    SusyQ so glad u'r recouping at this rate, I was wondering how u were going to do everything u planned, yaayyy for u and I'm so happy plans are on.

    Ill I hope u poop in and tell us when u'r surgery is so we can give an extra prayer for u. But it all sounds good and hope u feel better quickly.

    Celia, Pegg and Meow hope u'r day goes great and if I missed anyone I don't mean to--have a Sunday Funday everyone.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2017

    Related imageJust trying. Anything in a champagne flute sounds good to me.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited June 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! Looks like it's finally going to stop raining enough to get outside work done today. I did get through the closet yesterday, have a big bag of clothes to go to somewhere. Only kept the clothes I will actually wear, that actually fit. Even giving away a couple of new items that I tried on and fit but I won't wear. The closet is only about half full now! I wish I'd thought to take a picture of it before I started. The "throw out" basket is full, will be bagging that and taking it to the dumpster today. Poor Sadie sat in the doorway watching me like I was some kind of crazy woman!

    I had a little WTF moment yesterday. Got a notice that there was a change in my credit score. So I went toCreditKarma and checked. YUP, my credit score has dropped, AGAIN. Why, this time? I took out a credit card, a "Tire Card" at the place where I get my tires regularly. Getting the 4 new tires on the card saved me a couple hundred dollars. The card limit is $900, the bill was in the $800. No interest for 90 days. Paid off the entire balance in 30 days. Don't plan to carry a balance. Now this account is showing up on the credit report (with at $800+ balance, they payment hasn't caught up yet) and they are knocking points off cuz the credit card use is too high. So now I have too few total accounts, the accounts I do have are too new (refinanced the student loan), a couple of negative marks (left over bc bills) and high credit card use, and have gone from pretty good to "needs work." Not much incentive there to pay off bills or get out of debt, is there?

    Dara--Where you going, now? Hope it's a fun trip!

    Mema--glad the tailbone is feeling better. I hear you about the packing list. Without a packing list I would take all kinds of stuff I don't need and leave behind everything I do need! Not to mention packing way too much in general. Thanks for the kind words, I'd like to think I'd be agood teacher.

    Jazzy--Wow, another BCO sister meet-up! Good for you and I hope you both have a blast! Health care reimbursement has become it's own business over the last 10 or 20 years and has created all kinds of issues. Almost all health care documentation is now focused on jumping through the hoops to get paid for the services provided. And don't be too hard on your BS, with the emergence of the healthcare reimbursement business an insurance company can authorize a test, but the reimbursement company can still deny it after the fact. Prior authorizations are almost useless these days, unless you get one from BOTH the insurance carrier AND the reimbursement company. Even then both entities will scrutinize the bill to try to find an error so they can deny payment. Dick should be going home today, the verdict is that he caught a virus while still recovering from the electrolyte imbalance. Mom says he's doing better. Elder care is stressful, and when I think that Auntie is only 11 or 12 years older than I am, it gets scary to think about.

    Chi--Very good news on the blood work! Your hemoglobin is still within normal range for a "post middle age female" (I'm guessing that if you were diagnosed at age 64 you are over the age of 55-60 now, which is the generally accepted upper end of middle age). So I wouldn't be too quick to jump on the it-might-be-early-cancer band wagon just yet. Wait until you have at least one other symptom. And waiting on people is NOT FUN!

    Cammy--good words for Lori.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Image result for father's day drink recipe

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited June 2017

    LDB, glad your tailbone is feeling better. Thatis SO painful. With a mist system, you want the water on high, as you want the pressure. Surprised me that even on a fan it was getting things wet.

    Jazzy, meeting a BCO sister is so much fun, unless things don't click! Gosh, I think I have met at least a dozen. My mom was an only child, and my grandmother (Nan) was very sickly, died when I was about 4 or 5. So my mom had a "mammy". I think she called her Momma Lizzy, Heavy set black lady. And so my mom was very spoiled. Met my dad in her teens, got married 3 days after her 18th birthday. So ALWAYS had someone to care for her.

    Sandy good news on the BW, not the other. Praying all is ok and it's anything but more cancer. Glad too that Bob is doing better.

    Cami, why do you always think you are mean.That did NOT sound mean at ALL to me. I'll tell more about mom and me at the end of my post. I so wish your docs could help you with your pain. Can you get a shower chair and maybe have your DD help you with a shower?

    NM, you are a work in progress, good for in getting the closet done! And poor Sadie, but it's funny. Sorry about CC issues.

    Mom called me yesterday to apologize. Asked me if I ever watched Hoarders, I said yes. She says I think I am one. I said you are, but not to that extreme. It's with clothes, purses, shoes and sunglasses. She has so much CHIT with stains and what not, but will NOT get rid of them. Oh I can put a broach or something over it. I can wash it. None of it ever happens, I don't think she even has any broaches! Anyways, she told me she was scared and she doesn't know what to do. Doesn't want to go to a nursing home. Her aide is Mel, I said get her to cleaning. Mom says, shes my only company, the only one I have to talk to. I said she can clean and talk. But a dollar to a donut, that won't happen. That $100.00 you spent the other day on jewelry could have paid for a carpet cleaner. However the carpet was just cleaned about 6 months ago. But just the living room and hallway. If they were to come in and check the carpet in her room, I can't even imagine, as I can't tell you how many times she has had accidents. I actually thought about calling her social worker and having her do a check, but now I'm reconsidering. Let some emergency crew do that. If she wants to live in squalor like that, then so be it.

    Well, I broke down and went to the ER yesterday. They drew blood for blood work and cultures, chest xray and 2 bags of IV fluids. Blood work all ok, WBC low, but not below. Chest xray clear. They think it's just a sinus infection and gave me a script for some Anti B's. So I should get to feeling a bit better by Tuesday. But OMG, I'm so behind on getting back to customers! Still feeling like CHIT!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    Good morning friends- happy Fathers to you all and know this day may be either one of celebration or nostalgia for any of you. My dad and I were very close and do miss him so much. I like to eat or drink things in honor of family who has gone before, so I bought some of his favorite ice creme (butter pecan and sugar free too) this week and doing rootbeer floats this week. My dad loved a good rootbeer float in the summer.

    I went to the summer jazz at the museum last night and it was their Juneteenth concert where they feature all kinds of african american music to remember the final day that slavery ended in the US (Texas was the last to free the slaves on 6/19). They do a great show every year with this, but last night was particularly spectacular. They had a number of gospel groups from the area but they also brought in this singer from TX by the name of Carolyn Traylor who was just incredible. She sounds like a combination of Aretha Franklin and Patti LaBelle, and I was riveted to her performance.

    Today I am heading to the farmers market and likely to the pool for a swim after I get home & settled. I know it will be mobbed so I need to get there early when lap hours open at noon and missed that yesterday with being on the phone for awhile with my sister (and things are better with them.....)

    Chi- just not sure what to say about your situation. I hope you can find a way to get through this, but do see where doing these gigs is just really hard for you now. My hope is that for the longer term, you can do some gigs that are closer to home to keep your music going and avoid anything that is too much stress on your body and energy. Hugs sister. Get the pain and the rest checked out when you can and we will be here to listen whenever you need us.

    Cami- what is going on for Marty for father's day?

    Dara- hope the wedding was fun and share pics if you wish?

    Lori- how are you feeling today?

    Will poop back in later gators, need to get moving to the market. Stay cool if you are in the hot zone like me.....

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited June 2017

    I'm here, just been catching up. My surgery will be lumpectomy and alnd with a reduction/lift on 6/27. It was on, then questionable because my recent bone scan showed what could be seen a progression or healing of my hip bone met. No one can say which it is but I chose to continue with surgery as planned and later the MRI came back interpreted as healing too.

    DH is home and our Louisiana friends are here for the weekend, I enjoyed a couple of beers and red beans and rice yesterday.

    Today is an odd day for me (mothers day too) since I really don't like my parents. I raised myself, so who am I obligated to call or send a card to? Ugh, anyway, I hope I just get the voicemail, lol

    I'm enjoying my new emoji, it's been a fun creation.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited June 2017

    LLL- I understand your feelings about today. It is a non-holiday for many because of the way some parents are with their kids. One of my closest friends has no relationship with either her parents so days like today are really painful for her. Same for some of my friends who have a parent who was not kind to them. I was closer to my father than my mother, father's day brings nice memories, mothers day things not too easy. So I say peace sister and make today whatever you need it to be.

    So do bone mets heal? Maybe shrunk with the chemo?

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited June 2017

    For me, today is just another Sunday but I'm cool with that. Yes, bone mets hea, I think part chemo, part my immune system.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited June 2017

    Illimae, I'm rooting for “healing.” Cami, I’m so sorry you’re in such pain. (If you are an answering service for plumbers or repairmen, I bet we may have spoken last weekend). Lori, it is so ironic that there comes a point in life when adult children have to make the difficult choice about whether to administer “tough love” to recalcitrant parents. Your mom sounds as if she wants to be bailed out but is completely unwilling to take the first steps to make that possible for you & your sibs. No idea how to advise you. Hugs if you need ‘em.

    Kim, it's not so much the fact that my hemoglobin is 11.7 that worries my PCP: six weeks ago it was 11.8, last summer it was 12, spring 2016 12.5, and Sept. 2015 (right after my bc dx) 13. It's the gradual and steady decline that worries him. My PCP messaged me back this a.m. that he's ordering a ferritin level tomorrow, and that I do need chest/spine X-rays but he'd rather I go to St. Joseph's for them so “we could look at them together." (His office is a block from St. Joe's). He also said until we find out why I'm anemic, no more NSAIDS—and that means no Celebrex, or even topical diclofenac (patch or gel). He said it could be a compression fx, rib fx or deep muscle strain (Bob thinks the latter), but that the treatment for all of them would be the same: pain management (he said tylenol, codeine or norco) and avoiding any exercise that strains the back & its muscles.

    Bob says I should do the drive and the gig—but he has an extreme work ethic (which explains why, with a fibula fracture and ankle sprain, he's working full days and then some, with just a soft brace and Aleve, when friends with similar fractures were put in knee-to-toe casts and forbidden to bear weight for weeks). It doesn't matter whether I split the drive up into two days or do it in a single shot, except that if I take two days that means two sessions of unloading instruments overnight to avoid keeping them in a hot car, hauling them to my motel room (up in da nort' country, there ain't no such thing as bellhops), and then hauling them back into the car in the morning. Not to mention the schlepping stuff at the gig (which may have been what precipitated this injury). It hurts the same whether I'm sitting here typing, behind the wheel, standing or sitting on stage, standing over a counter or sink to do dishes. When I'm perfectly still I don't hurt. It's not a constant pain, so I see no need to ask for an opioid 'script—it hurts if I get up, sit down, turn, move suddenly or breathe too deeply from the wrong (chest vs. lower ab) muscles. I suspect that if it's a spinal fracture, the damage has been set in motion: my innards are getting progressively “squashed" no matter what. All I can do is slow down the worsening, maybe with a rigid brace to force more upright posture (ugh).

    Could be from aging, but more likely it's the combo of osteopenia, then radiation and then AIs pushing osteopenia over the edge into osteoporosis. Seems even the earliest, mildest breast cancer is still “the gift that keeps on giving." The question is, if I'm gonna hurt no matter what, should I just cowgirl-up and force myself to do the gig & drive? I used to do stuff like that when I was younger with knees so bad I had to use a cane before I finally got TKRs. What right have I to complain when women have had extensive surgery, chemo and are even Stage IV and still press on forward?