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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! Was going to do some baking when I got back from the flu clinic yesterday, sat down for a minute and fell sound asleep! I didn't sleep well the night before, but I didn't think I was THAT tired! Only woke up when I really, really had to pee. Not sure what all that's about, but whatever.That nap felt sooooo goood. Especially with Sadie lying on my feet. Hospice day today, got to be ready to say something about the overloaded day and get it backed down if that hasn't happened already.

    Jazzy--it is a strange time, isn't it? I'm trying to stay focused on the stories of people helping, like the nurse from Bangor that's in Puerto Rico for 2 weeks as part of a network of nurses who respond to disaster areas to help. Makes it easier.

    Mema--Hooray for niece's surgery going well!Praying for quick recovery and very effective PT. Glad DD and her department is getting well deserved recognition. Probably couldn't hurt to record CNN, too! And you can come vent anytime. That's part of what the HTL is all about, after all!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Presidential Margarita



    Pour each ingredent into a large glass and add ice. Rim a margarita glass with lime and salt, fill with ice and garnish with a lime slice. Carefully pour contents of large glass into the salted margarita glass, leaving salt undisturbed.

    Best served in a Margarita Glass.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2017

    Went out for fish & chips last night, so I had a 2015 Sancerre. Yum! Reheating Tues. night's leftover ribeye, so will probably have some Burgundy or a California Pinot Noir. Still have half a bottle of LaSpinetta "Casanova" super-Tuscan, but it's sort of acidic. Just got a new aerator to fit over my Coravin's spout (and may double-aerate by pouring it through a Vinturi), so perhaps the acid will mellow.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2017

    Hi ladies, Jest checking in to see if more from MemaSue, glad to hear your niece is doing well, Sue. Continued prayers coming at her. Glad you are feeling better too.

    NM, thanks for the updates from your cousin in Vegas. So nice to hear all of the nice things that employers and other companies are doing to help those in need. Big kudos to zappos, I shall forever hold them in my heart as the best online retailer ever. If you recall, they sent me flowers after my Mom;s death and did not require that I return a pair of shoes that were late being shipped back. Comapies like this really still exist!! Nice feeling.

    Hello to everyone else, missing Lori in these parts, hoping she is having a nice getaway.

    cheeRs girls.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited October 2017

    I'll be having a glass or two of red tonight to wash down the news of the 5 lesions to my cerebellum that I found out about from last nights MRI. Had a migraine last week, which are not new to me but this one lasted several days. More scans tomorrow, then meeting with MO and Neuro docs on Monday.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2017

    Oh, Ilona, I'm so sorry! But if you're prone to migraines, better switch to white wine, beer, cider or booze instead. Red wine has tyramines, which could trigger migraines.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017

    Ill- I am very sorry to hear the news about the mets to the brain sister. Sending you much love and keep us posted on anything as you wish.

    We are here for you.....Heart

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! No particular plans for the day today, need to pick a project or room to work in and putter. Made some scalloped potatoes and sausage gravy when I got home from work yesterday, need to make some biscuits today so I can have some biscuits and gravy for breakfast tomorrow, and get something out of the freezer to thaw to have with the potatoes tonight. Sadie is soooo helpful in the kitchen, parks herself right between me and the counter, and I wonder why my back hurts so much after I've been cooking!

    Chi--I've been noticing a difference in the taste of my wines on the second day, must be the aeration effect. I'm surprised how much difference that can make! I've been looking at decanters and aerators, quite the variety out there!

    Dara--I do remember you telling us about Zappos sending you flowers and not requiring you to return the shoes. My cousin says that all the people who man the phones are encouraged to do things like that.They are totally focused on customer service there. The owner of the company requires EVERY employee be taught how to take phone orders, during busy times every employee takes phone orders, even if routine cleaning and other such things don't get done. The owner himself is frequently in the building and often is sitting at an empty station taking phone orders.He was sitting next to my cousin for a few days of her training learning how to use the recently updated phone system, just like any other employee. She didn't even know it was the owner until she was chatting with him during a break and they introduced themselves to each other. She thought his name was familiar, but it didn't click in who he was until after work that day!

    Illi--Oh, no! I don't know what to say. So not fair.

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Fridays Frozen Mudslide



    Begin by crushing the 8 ice cubes in a blender. When ice is finely crushed, add the remaining ingredients and blend for 45 seconds on blender's highest setting. Pour into glass and serve immediately.

    Best served in a Hurricane Glass.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017

    Good morning- on my way to Day 2 of the conference and it's very good. A different sort of conference for me as it includes three groups with finance/CFO types, docs and IT types all associated with healthcare. The topics are big picture, everything from regulatory updates, to medicaid programs, to the opiod epidemic, new models of value based payments, etc. Today there should be some good discussion on EMR interoperablity which is my world......

    There was this top notch DA that came in to talk to us at noon time during lunch about the crime issues in the city (they are really bad here, especially property crime) and told us the root cause links to the opiod epidemic, but also how they are changing this system to better identify the repeat offenders to get them and keep them off the streets. Also how the issues here are a community issue and how we can get involved to help young people (been working with some folks on new mentoring program ideas recently....) I also learned the number of deaths from opiods last year surpassed Americans killed in the Vietnam war.

    Today is day 2 and I will be stalking a VP who is a decision maker on that local work I told you about that should be there. I saw his name on the list, and sat with some folks from my healthcare client site and heard they had an event yesterday but that he should be there today. The decision to bring me in is stuck with him right now, per my client updates this week and going to try to corner him to find out what the story is and/or if this is still a possibility or I need to let it go. The conference is a fortuitous opp to catch him and make a connection. We have a good professional relationship and may just pitch to go in and talk to him and my client next week to map out how I can help them for a bit to get through their current problems. Jazzy the stalker.....

    Have a good friday, will write more this weekend......

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2017

    Kim, decanters are a great idea if you will be serving a young & tannic wine (or a well-aged wine with sediment at the bottom so you can stop pouring before you reach the yucky dregs). I wouldn't store a wine in a decanter, unless it's a Port and the decanter has a good stopper. You might want to invest in a wine filter to catch any stray bits of cork. (Even a mesh juice strainer will do). Any nice glass carafe is good for decanting--you don't have to get those fancy crystal duck-or-donut-shaped crystal ones. As for aerators. I own the Vinturi (comes with a filter and a stand so you can place the glass or carafe beneath it and free up your hand. Gordy got it for me as a Christmas gift. (They make a model for white wine, which is unnecessary). I forget which ones CR and ATK prefer, but they replace the cork and you can aerate straight from the bottle to the glass.

    When you order a bottle of red and it is brought to the table, make sure it is opened in front of you to confirm it's not one that someone else sent back (or worse, filled with an inferior cheaper wine, or "corked"--i.e., there has been some sort of fungal exposure and the cork will smell like bleach or mold). If a waiter asks if you'd like him to let it "breathe" before you drink it, say "Yes please--in the glass." Especially if it's one that is younger &/or likely to have some easily perceptible tannins (you can tell by the shape of the bottle--those wines, such as Cabernet Sauvignon or generic Bordeaux, Chianti, Rioja, Petite Sirah, Zinfandel, Merlot, Malbec, "super-Tuscans," or California "meritage" blends come in "high-shoulder" bottles that are the same shape all the way up to the neck, as opposed to slope-shoulder bottles), the wine needs to have air exposure to as much of its surface area as possible. After you taste it (you should be given the opportunity), have the first glass poured--even if you're still on an earlier course for which you're drinking something lighter. By the time your entree arrives, the wine will have breathed enough to soften the tannins and reveal its true taste & texture.

    If you did not order by the glass, send back a bottle that was opened back-of-the-house or a carafe and demand an intact bottle to be opened in front of you. That is your right as a customer. If you are unsure as to what to order (even by the glass), ask if you can have a tiny taste first. (Most waitstaff will pick up on your uncertainty and offer a taste before you can ask).

    When is it appropriate to send back a wine (or a full glass, if ordered by the glass)? If it tastes or smells "off" (corked or chemical smell, a white wine that is darker than it ought to be and tastes oxidized--can't describe it, except it sorta smells & tastes like sherry and you didn't order sherry) or is clearly not what you ordered (you asked for a glass of Pinot Noir and they brought you a Malbec, Merlot or an obvious generic red; or the bottle shows a different winemaker &/or vintage than on the wine list). If it is simply not to your liking (not spoiled in any way but drier or sweeter than you want), or isn't what you expected but is what you ordered, etiquette demands that you are stuck with it. That's why it's always prudent to ask if it's possible to have a taste first--and to that end, Bob & I usually order by the glass (not just because different wines go with different dishes and we don't want to either get blitzed or have to haul partly-drunk bottles home).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Sadie and I didn't do much physically yesterday, but I got myself up to date education-wise on the "investigational" yellow fever vaccine we will be using now and got about a third of the quarterly "education" done for Hospice (and billed them for the time). Talk about craziness, there is one company that makes 2 yellow fever vaccines. One vaccine has been through the US FDA approval process and is approved for use in the US, and has been for years. The second vaccine is virtually identical, but made in a different plant with a couple different chemicals in the processing, has been used in Europe for decades, but was never submitted for US FDA approval. The company shut down the plant that makes the US approved version (they are updating/modernizing the plant and can't produce vaccine during the renovations). So, for a couple of years it's been known that the US approved vaccine supply will run out mid to late 2017, and the new plant won't begin production until 2018.A small number of countries will not allow travelers to enter the country if they have been in a yellow fever areaunless they have proof of vaccination, and yellow fever vaccination is strongly recommended by the CDC for travel in certain yellow fever endemic areas. So the European version of the vaccine has been cleared for use in the US as an "Investigational" or experimental drug, as it has not been through the approval process. Which means lots of extra paperwork and explanations.The company only put one version through the US FDA approval process because of the cost, and then there wasn't time to go through the process from when they knew they were going to shut down production until the supply ran out. Ah, well, education is a good thing, right? I was reading a lot of the material to Sadie, and she helped me take the post test so I can get education credit, so I consider her to be edumacated on Yellow Fever, too. Her opinion is that she doesn't want to get yellow fever and doesn't want to travel anywhere where it's a problem, and doesn't want me to, either.

    Jazzy--sounds like a fun conference. The opioid epidemic is affecting so many parts of life now. At least the DA who spoke is including reaching out to the individuals at risk and not just blaming health care providers for the problem. It sounds like VP stalking can be kind of fun! Hope you connect and get answers.

    Chi--Thank you so much for all that great info! I'm looking at the collection of red wine bottles on my kitchen table (just got a case delivered of various wines) and can pick out the high shoulder ones! I don't order wine by the bottle when I'm out, I don't know enough about that yet, and don't drink enough to warrant ordering by the bottle, but that info is fascinating, and I do have a friend that will order a bottlewhen a bunch of us get together and now I understand more what is going on there. I like ordering by the glass so I can try a couple different wines. The wine world is so complex and so much fun, and I'm really loving learning about it.

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Yellow Fever



    Shake well over ice cubes in a shaker, and strain into a large highball glass over crushed ice. Serve.

    Best served in a Highball Glass.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2017

    Morning goils.......  Sorry I have been away so long....  but I have been so fortuitively working in my gardens, and just trying to stay up-right!  I know my spelling is not right, nor the placement of words, but I know you all know what I mean...  So does this mean I have to start drinking again?  This morning??

    And WTH Cammi!!!  I'm so sorry about what is going on with you guys!!   Can I still cuss on this thread?  Okay, good!  DAMNIT!!  I am so sorry about your little kiddle!  I would be so scared if one of my Daughters had that diagnosis!  But she will be alright.  I said so....  Like I know......  But you guys just keep letting her know you are on top of it...  And Joey is you guys guardian angel.

    He  will hold you up...  even when he feels like breaking.  I am so glad you are in that close family....  Don't ever let Joey leave.... or grow up, or go and get married, or stuff like that.  

    Sheri just flew with her youngest Son to California....  He got a great job there, with a medical supply place, and they paid to send his car there, and he is living with a Fireman!   So Sheri & Janie and HE flew there, and were there for 10 days, getting him settled.  But it makes your heart sad when your kids leave, and they aren't under your wings anymore!   Even your Grand-kids!  But he is doing good....  sounds happy, and that makes us feel better!   I mentioned "so what about this fireman?  If he doesn't want to live there in that nice house with him, I would...."  They share a house...  But with a FIREMAN???    Some people have all the luck!  

    CAM....  You and I should go visit them.... I mean the Fireman, and ask if he needs someone to cook or clean, or just hang out.... I could bring that pole I dance on, and you could bring your phone, and act like you know how to use it...  maybe impress him with your ..... whatever???  

    Oh I meant to tell you.... I am so proud that you now paragraph!  You are such a fast-learner!   Only took..... how many years????  I see you all the time on Face-book, and "share" 1/2 your posts...  just because.

    So thank you Teka...  Thank you for keeping an eye on this Cammi of ours...  she needs help.....  

    So many familiar faces and names... I'll have to "poop" in more often... Hah!  I thought it was "pop".... but whatever you guys say!

    And when we go to the Casino, I always order a Bocce' Ball....  Try it goils....  It is Amaretto, Vodka & orange-juice over ice...  and make them put cherries in it too...  I could make them at home, but then I start "waving" when I walk.... or is it weaving....  whatever........... xoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2017

    Image result for in our family we don t hide crazy

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2017

    Morning DahhhLinks,

    The weather here is so nice, especially in the mornings. Got up n found that our Mr. Coffee machine took a dump. Thank goodness we have a Keurig too. Still haven't heard from my now even more sure there was nothing found on the MRI-mammo.

    My niece is home, doing better and getting her PT. Thank you all for you kind words and prayers, ur the besties.

    Teka - gorgeous pics. Where is AuSable River? I've never been good at geography.

    Dara - what's the latest with your tummy? I worry about you gf. Sounds like job is a good fit for you, hope it remains so.

    NM - I am very impressed with all you have been doing and how positive and rested you sound.

    Lowee - hope you are OK and having a nice time camping.

    Chevy - good to hear from you too. Your post had me LOL. Miss that.

    Cami - prayers and positive thoughts going out to you and your Les

    Ill - I too had brain radiation for 6 lesions. Except for having to drive into St George 5 days a week it was easy-peezy. Did lose my hair again,, cept this time it took forever and still several bald spots. Have been using Rogaine for about 18 mos now. DD used it, told me it could take 2-3 years to come back. I see some changes and I am A-OK with my hair as I've learned how to cover those areas with what hair I have.

    Jazz and Sandy - thank you too. U both are so down to earth and very caring.

    Gotta get my ewwa in gear...ya'll have a great weekend.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017

    Good morning friends- the balloon fiesta is underway and they had a perfect launch this morning after a few days of rain before. Always good to have cool crisp weather, no rain and box winds for this event. What is a box wind you may ask? It is a box shaped wind that forms around our mountains and helps the pilots predict how the winds will move them. Ideal for flight planning. I don't usually go down on the field, but may have some folks in town next weekend for it so I may go this year.

    The conference finished up well and was totally worth the two days. I came away enlightened and heard a lot of good things from many levels of the healthcare industry. Yesterday featured a CEO panel including a woman doctor from the independent cancer center here (I had a consult there years ago), and some very interesting perspectives on the challenges they face as independent providers trying to get patients in quickly for tests, scans and even procedures. And some programs they tried that sped things up for patient care, but created issues with billing. Lots of issues for the rural hospitals too that are closing their doors through time. And the future of what will happen to healthcare funding (depressing). Whew!

    I did see the VP that is holding the purse strings yesterday, he was there and we were able to chat for a bit. I asked him how things were going and he brought up the upgrade that my client (one of his reports) mentioned was not going well and where they could use my help. He made some glossed-over comments about how things were resolved mostly due to my client and that he had confidence that all was going to be fine. Hmmm. Anyways, I texted my client and shared that I ran in to him there and that he said they were good on the upgrade. My client texted back and could tell she was not pleased to hear that. Anyways, their upgrade is going in two weekends from now so in reality, there is not much I can do at this point. But she and I will connect this week when she is back in town and leaving the offer open if it does not go well to go in and help.

    NM- the problem here with crime is multi-level because of our economy being in the tank still, the drug issues, not enough cops and some issues with that anyways because the DOJ came down hard on them here a couple years ago for excessive force, the way they pull criminals in and let them out again to continue on. The DA wants to figure out how to segregate the occaisonal offenders from the serious criminals and to partner with the healthcare orgs to get these people in to treatment. Our Medicaid population here is huge, like 40% so they are trying to figure out how to deal with at least getting these people off the drugs. But there are larger systemic issues here with education, lack of jobs, etc. Anyways, it is less about blaming, then trying to get these people help from what I heard. And then the governor announced yesterday they are giving him money to do this (but wonder where the money will come for treatment?)

    I also read this on Linked in today about some drug manufacturers pulling back on opiods:

    Chevy- how you doing sister and good to see you here? I hope you are enjoying the fall in CO. I heard Denver got a big snow storm last week?

    We do keep an eye on our Cami. I am one of her fans/stalkers and found her here after she bounced around on a few threads. We all do that a bit too.

    Teka- that bloom is so lovely, I could eat it. Amazing colors. I have been back east the past two Octobers to enjoy the foliage, but this year, firmly rooted in NM for the month. Enjoy this time and before snow sets in! Are you getting some good fall apples your way too?

    Chi- I loved your suggestions about wine and not to ever let anyone not open the bottle in front of you. I do a lot of business dinners where wine is involved and we often go to places with not only good food, but also good wines. I am particular about tasting them too.

    Got to get a few more things done around here and then off to the Greek Festival with a friend today. Enjoy your first full weekend of October, friends!

  • lilbill
    lilbill Member Posts: 7
    edited October 2017

    Happy Birthday Bach. To another year of wining, dining, and making merriment. Stay strong and know your power.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited October 2017

    hi just saw an instagram lol

    Wanted to share with you all lol

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2017

    Now why can't my trainer give me that exercise?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2017

    Good morning, Loungettes!Maine weather is being crazy again, gone from chilly enough to consider turning on the heat for a few minutes yesterday ayem to warm and muggy and almost uncomfortable last night and today. Thank goodness for thebrisk breeze. Love listening to the wind in the trees, especially when the leaves are dry and rustling. Baked a batch of lavender sugar cookies yesterday to make my sweet tooth happy. Love having leisurely days to putter around like that. Gotta get back on it and fill up the dumpster, today, though. Put in another call for getting the garage doors fixed since I haven't heard a word from the guy that came out that one time. He was supposed to be from a reputable company, not sure what to think, but I've left some messages and should get a call or e-mail this coming week. I'll be glad to get that done so I can move on to other projects.

    Chevy--Long time, no see!Glad to see you!Drinking is optional, just as long as you don't mind if the rest of keep on imbibing. Working in the garden is soul soothing, isn't it? So happy for Sheri's youngest, and living with a Fireman?Wow! That Bocce Ball drink sounds yummy! Love the putting crazy on the porch and giving it a cocktail!

    Teka--beautiful pics!

    Mema--Hooray for niece being home, that's a big step forward! And I am loving the part-time working life.

    Jazzy--The balloon fiesta sounds like a lot of fun. Glad the conference was informative. Health care delivery and billing is such a complex system nowadays, filled with challenges. Not sure it will ever get better. Interesting article on drug company and insurance company limitations on medications that will be allowed/available. I'm not sure how that approach is going to change anything other than making it harder for people in pain to get access to pain medication. I don't know what the answer is, but I don't think that cutting off the supply will work. Didn't work for Prohibition.

    Enerva--great instagram, thanks for sharing!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Bocci Ball



    Shake amaretto and orange juice first then top with soda.

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2017

    OMG, I cannot begin to tell you what an amazing camping trip. We met up with our friends and the following day it was raining, so I decide to just chill and get things organized. My husband left to take our friend Rich to meet another friend of ours there in Moab (that was just a cover up). Well, a bit later he knocks on the RV, I open the door and my daughter peeks out around the door. I am in shock. Moments later, here comes my son!!!! We are hugging and then around the corner come two of my brothers. I LOST IT! We had sooooo much fun and the whole thing was caught on video.

    Gonna go back and read to catch up. I have missed everyone one!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017

    Good morning- for now, just want to share a great video of the balloon fiesta. There was fog in the valley this morning

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2017

    Oh hey all you little kiddles!  Snow is coming HERE starting tonight!  It's been up in the mountains lately, but not here yet!  Got everything covered or put away in my gardens.  And we've eaten almost all of our tomatoes!  Been such a great year for those special plants I put in, along with the compost.

    Goldie...  Camping, eh?  I remember one time we stayed in our tent, beside the lake....  And here comes a wind storm!  We had our 2 little girls, the youngest was about 2,  so I held her inside the tent, sitting on the cot, hoping the storm would pass....  The wind blew the tent OVER !!!!  OVER on top of me, sitting there, holding the tent up with my head...  I just sat there... afraid to move....  So Husband comes running over, and helped take the little one out, then I crawled out, and we made a B-line for the safety of the car!   I remember I washed the camping dishes in the lake...  I must have been nuts...back then....  okay Cammi, never mind!

    Then another time, up at the Miracle Mile in Wyoming...  Beautiful weather on the way in.... Set up our tent...... But of course, another storm!  Rained so hard we had to leave....  That Wyoming mud is like paste...  That dirt road was carrying us over to the edge...  DH jumped outside the drivers side, door open, pushing the car back on the mud road....  I was trying to help steer the damn car, back onto the middle....  OMG, we were never so glad to see pavement in our LIVES!!!!  It was THEN that DH took out that bottle and had a rightly deserved swig!  I just sat there & cried.  

    It was cabins from then on........ 

    So could someone go wake up the Camster?  Does she pretend she is "working" ???   Stay warm gals! xoxo

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017

    Good afternoon friends- lovely fall weekend here and two good morning for balloon fiesta. This event brings a lot of people and money to this place that really needs it. Hoping the weather continues to be good for the duration. It ends next Sunday morning. I don't go to the field unless people are in town (possibility of friends passing through but waiting to hear the next few days).

    I went to the Greek festival yesterday with a friend and had a blast. Good food, amazing dancing, a bit of shopping too. We were there a good three hours and then headed out mid afternoon. Spent the rest of the day at home and been working on some home organization/purging yesterday into today. Got a pile sorted for donations as well as a trunk filled with things for donations to drop off this week.

    Ill- thinking of you sister and keep us posted on anything you want to talk about with next steps for treatment. Sending you much love sister.

    Chi- how go those work outs friend?

    NM- it is getting much cooler here now and saw it may hit freezing tomorrow night so I will need to cover some plants. Usually we don't get a hard freeze until later in October, but one never knows. I hope you and Sadie are enjoying some snuggle time in the warmth of your house this weekend!

    Cami- thinking of you and the family and hope DD's treatment plan is coming together.

    Mema- did you get any news yet on your test results?

    Wishing everyone a good week ahead

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017

    From the ABQ Journal, love this photo!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2017

    Ilona, is it confirmed for brain mets?

    Chevy, no tent camping here. We have a toy hauler, hauls our ATV and then when we take that out, we have sleeping, kitchen and bathroom with shower.

    I'll try and get the video on you tube. Those of you that are friends with me on FB, then you can see it there.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2017

    I hope ya'll can see this. It's only 1 of 3 interviews Addie did. Let me kno if it works, then I'll post the other 2.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited October 2017

    Goldie, I think it's pretty much confirmed, although, I thought only a biopsy could confirm and these are sub-centimeter lesions. I met with the neuro rads docs Friday morning, the neuro board met Friday afternoon and I got the call that gamma knife is scheduled for 10/20. My husband flew home from out of state and we see my MO tomorrow for more info and results of the bone and CT scans I had on Friday too. Hopefully, no more bad news. I still feel great though, totally normal. This disease is so confusing.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2017

    I managed to load the Dr Phil one. It took about 3 mins tho. I have a slow puter.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017

    Ill- I am glad you are feeling well and glad your husband is home to be with you at the doctors. I hope the apt goes well to prepare you for the surgery. Dang sister, I am just so sorry about this.

    Mema- thank you for sharing the video with us. I am glad Dr. Phil went to visit your neice and the other young woman. She is so beautiful and looks healthy, despite all she has been through. I am glad he also mentioned the possibility of PTSD too.

    How is she doing? Is she home from the hospital?

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2017

    Illimae - I am praying for you. There were too many lesions in my brain so no biopsy was performed, I just went for the radiation. God bless you and I am hoping for good results which ever way you go. Like I said in a prev post, no heavy side-effects with brain rads. Other than losing your hair again. Hang in there sister...u can do this.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2017

    Hi girls!

    I had to see if Lori posted as I just saw her video on facebook. What an amazing surprise for you Lori, Your family jest love you so berry much. I am so happy for you.

    Illimae, sending hugs and prayers to you dearheart, so sorry to hear your news. But you got this!

    Sue, i do believe I saw that first interview on the news or possible another interviewer. Wow. I am glad to hear that Addie is feeling so much better.

    NM, what an amazing guy the owner of Zappo's must be. I would truly love to work for him. It is unbelievable for a company today to be so damn generous and caring for all of their employees.

    Cam, continued prayers for your family.

    Me busy with work, spending time with my little guy and dwinking. Sorry still not caught up, skimmed and commented on the most relavant posts I remembered. Oh nice to see you again Chevy missed ya!

    Sue, I was able to view both videos btw. Very moving. I would be star struck having Dr. Phil in my hospital room, no doubt lol. And girl, I can see a little resemblance in that gorgeous blond bomb shell to little ole ye! More love coming to you and your community.

    Have a great week ladies, love each and ebery one of you great gals!
