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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Also for Sadie......


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2017

    Finally, some seasonable weather here! May even put on capris instead of shorts to walk to & from the gym tonight.

    Bubbly still sitting in the fridge, since the Cubs blew it last night. Take two...and call me in the morning...

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! I've had a bit of a busy week, but a really fun one, too. Glad for the weekend and a chance to sleep in a bit, getting up to 44 degrees outside, freeze warning up for most of the state through the weekend. Autumn has arrived! From nearly 90 degrees one day to overnight freezes and 40 degrees the next morning, what a swing.Had my annual physical Wednesday, clean bill of health except for letting myself get talked into trying a cholesterol medication again (been there, done that, at the first sign of the muscle pain coming back that pill goes in the trash), and the usual need to lose weight lecture; the rest of the day was spent at a health fair for city employees giving flu shots. Told Hospice I'd work a half day on Thursday, got a full day assignment, worked 9 hours. Next time I will be very specific about what I will do in a half day. Friday started at 6:30 ayem at the fire station giving flu shots, a little travel medicine, went to the airport and gave some flu shots, and then to one of the local schools to give some international students immunizations to get them caught up. The last 2 were set up on short notice, so the city bought me lunch to say thanks for picking up on short notice! I tell you, those big, burly firemen can be real wusses when it comes to shots. They are so funny, sometimes. Sadie is loving the change in the weather cuz she can ride with me in the car when I go out for errands. Sadie loves rides!

    There was a point during the Health Fair that I had to literally bite my tongue. The had a cook (not a dietician) doing a presentation on healthy eating and she went on and on about how she was diagnosed with Stage 0/DCIS breast cancer and cured herself by changing her diet. She attributes the negative margins after the excisional biopsy to the diet changes she made a few weeks before when the mammogram showed something suspicious. She went on about how her daughter is at risk now through her, and how her daughter is protecting herself with diet changes.No "toxic chemo" or "dangerous radiation" for her! So, Loungettes, all we have to do is never eat white sugar, white flour, only eat organic fruits and veggies, eat meat only on special occasions, and make sure to eat lots of grains with very odd names and taste weird and we'll never have to worry about the beast again! I was truly biting my tongue at times.

    Goldie--I know I should have made a fuss about the assignment Thursday, but the clinical manager responsible wasn't working so I let it pass and will only do half days with very specific instructions as to what towns I will go to and how many visits I will do in the future. Probably I will only sign up to work when I want full days, since this will probably be an ongoing issue. They have hired a nurse who will be taking over case management in the area I am in, and have already shortened her orientation by a month causing herlot of frustration, and her family is already complaining about the hours she's working and driving and the amount of computer work being done at home at night. I have a suspicion that she won't stay. Lasagna is a wonderfulmeal, and leftover lasagna will be great out camping! Hope you have a grand time!

    Chi--poor, unhappy Happy Cat! Sounds like you get the same kind of temperature swings in the fall that we get here. Makes it hard to dress comfortably for the day.

    Jazzy--when did you sneak in and take a pic of my Silly Sadie at grilling time! That so captures her attitude around food. Hope all the rain is soaking in and not just running off and causing troubles.

    Teka--Hooray for heat wave endings!

    Jazzy--LOL!I can just see Sadie doing something like that!

    Chi--sorry you couldn't indulge in the bubbly, glad the weather pleases you!

    Dances with Hornets's DOTD:

    After Work Special Cocktail Recipe

    Ingredients :

    - 3 oz amaretto

    - 2 oz coconut rum (malibu)

    - 1 oz rum (white)

    - 3 - 6 oz orange juice

    - 3 - 6 oz apple juice

    Use a "In glass" for After Work Special drink recipe

    Pour the Di Amore amaretto, Malibu rum and Bacardi rum over 5 ice cubes in a hurricane glass. Fill the rest of the glass with orange juice and pineapple juice, to taste, and serve.

    Serve in "Hurricane Glass" Garnish: No

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Good morning friends- finally catching up here after a super busy, but productive week on the work front. I spent a bunch of time working with my new collaboration consulting group on a request doc for a big project. Worked with the exec director and another project manager type. Required me to do some on line research as well as some phone calls to collegues. I got things to where I could by Thursday night and then took a break yesterday while I was at the conference. We will finalize the response on Monday and then hope to have a shot at providing some help for the new project that begins in 2018!

    My local client has not followed up with me yet on the short term needs she talked to me about. I did put a call in on Tuesday, but also know it was the emr user conference this week and she may have been out to that. So we will see if she surfaces this week so we can get this gig going.

    And conferences, one yesterday and one coming up this coming week! The one yesterday was with our local iT council and was better than expected, and the lunch time speaker were the best. Got a book by one of the guys who is a creative TV and movie producer. Got a photo opp too. They had a wine bar mid afternoon too, that was a REAL plus!

    They did a "tech crawl" after which is visiting local downtown tech business for networking and snacks. Went to the first one, but my tender foot that is still healing was sore and decided no more walking for me. Plus the clouds and rain were moving in. I considered the day a success, but also felt I needed to just head out. Came home to relax with some of my own nice red wine called Silk from Menage de Trois.

    Today is self care day. Going to slow down, go to the spa in a few hours for a massage. Spend some time reading. Tomorrow is a local harvest fair and may go that but will see. I have another busy week ahead.

    NM- ha ha, men are big wusses anyways about just about everything. Shots to everything else. Good thing the women are the ones to have dem babies or our species would have died out a long time ago! You sound like you are good, enjoying the variety of things you are doing, and more. Is Miss Sadie still knocking things off the counter to keep you mouse free? I hope you can slow down this weekend. Any fall color there?

    Chi- sorry about the Cubs loosing. Hope you won't have to wait too much longer on the bubbly. Good to hear you are having some indian summer too?

    Cami- I hope Leslie is doing okay. Thinking of you and your family this weekend.

    Ill- I hope you are feeling stronger as you come through the end of rads. Doing anything fun this weekend.

    Celcia C- you out there sister?

    Hsant- thinking of you sister and sending you love Heart

    Teka- do you have any fall color in north country?

    Genny, Mema, Goldie, and everyone else, wishing you a great weekend!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2017

    Morning DahhhLinks,

    Poopin again. I have been hit with the flu. Last few days were murder, body n headaches, the big D all day, only had ½ a drink since Tues.. Ran out of my 'diapers' too. I hope I feel like going to the store today. Living on soup and ramen and toast (1pc) with Pbutter and honey. Lost 5 lbs, which I'm sure I will gain back once I am eating regular again. Feeling better today but will still take it slow.

    Still no word from onco, I will try and call again this week. Now I'm starting to git pissed. I'm trying to be patient but as you all kno, easier said than done.

    Jazz - now u r scaring me, u getting ur results so long after and then to have it turn out to be something. Love the pic of the lab. Mese tinks that if that was Silly Sadie, there would be less food on that grill.

    NM - WOW about Sadie wrecking the kitchen n all. Did you ever discover what she might have been chasing? I too had to LOL over the firemen being so squeamish about the shots. I still have to get my flu shot and pu a perscription, and get to DMV to renew my D/L. Ugh! LOL over what bs u got about diet for our ratbastards.

    Sandy - We've had some rain, but it's never enough. Temps so much cooler in am's now. Still in low 90's by end of day and will continue for another few days according to our weather forecasters. OK with me, jes glad it's not 110 and higher.

    Teka - glad to hear the heat wave is ending. I complain if it's too hot and then in I bitch about the cold. IDK what's with me.

    Lowee, are u out in Moab this weekend? Just be safe in your travels. Lasagna sounds perfect for your caamping days. Miss you all.

    Nancy - sorry I didn't respond to you post, but I think of you often and was glad to read that you're doing OK.

    Dara - Where are you and how are u feeling. How is the new job going after ur fauxpa.

    Cami - how are you and Leslie doing. Still praying for all of you.

    Lubslubslubslubs and prayers to ya'll.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Mema- sorry about the flu sister, that sucks. I hope you can get on the other side of this and feel better soon

    I did not mean to scare you about the results taking so long and then something being there. I just wanted to say I always "assumed" that if something was not good, they would tell you the results quickly. It taught me to keep on top of it with the docs and not assume. Keeping you in my prayers for clear scans sister and let us know when you hear something as you want to share.

    NM- I forgot talk about the eye roll with the diet and cancer. Of course eating well is a good thing for overall health, but even Steve Jobs who was a dedicated organic vegetarian got cancer. More to this stuff than what you eat, but having cancer taught me a lot about people's belief systems about who gets it. Even my sister (who is the MD) used to poo-poo me when I had previous cancer scares. We don't come from the cancer family, she said. Then we got diagnosed within months of each other. We do now! I would have had a hard time keeping my mouth shut too with the preachy lady like she is an expert. I have met a whole lot of people who have never had cancer who preach it too?

    Off to the spa shortly!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2017

    DOTD last night & this a.m.--water, for taking meds. And this a.m. one cuppa black coffee--to keep the ol' lungs open and the headache at bay. (Yom Kippur, gotta fast till sunset). Will skip my afternoon iron pill, since it's a form that needs to be taken with vit. C (the chewables are like candy so that's cheating). The morning one doesn't. Off to temple w/in the hour for memorial & concluding services.

    Oh, and I did get that bubbly in when the Cubs clinched!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited September 2017

    NM, I would have had a hard time with the cook too.

    Jazzy, I'm doing ok, the rads really did a number on my skin, I stayed home from work a couple days to rest, no weekend plans other than Sunday night dinner with friends.

    Sorry to you ladies going through tough times :

    Hi to everyone else :)

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2017

    Ilona, hope your skin feels better soon. Our temple served a nice Côtes du Rhône red at post-services Kiddush.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017

    Ill- I had internal rads, therefore, no skin burning but think there are some special cremes for skin you may be able to find. I am a big fan of Vitamin E for healing the skin (helped me after my surgeries).

    Chi- I love cote du rhone......

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! I had to give in and turn on the heat yesterday, it was still only 55 degrees inside the house at 11 ayem. Just too cold to function. Amazing what only 5 degrees can do to improve the comfort level of a house. Once the sun came out the house warmed up even more, hoping that will happen today, too. Took advantage of the chilly day to re-season the cast iron pots and pans. Game plan for today is to get the kitchen table cleared off so I can set up the dehydrator and start preserving the herbs before the frost gets them.

    I also put in an order with a meal packaging company to get myself kick-started cooking again. Need to do something to get me out of the no veggies, whatever is quick and easy rut. Cooking up some meals from a box of ingredients will get me going again, not to mention each meal is 2 servings so I will have one serving to eat and one to pack for a lunch. It's an easy way to try some new things, too. And is works out cheaper than going to the grocery store and getting the stuff for the recipes. Of course, I do play with the recipes they send, too.And Sadie loves it when I cook, she is right underfoot and catches anything that drops or rolls off the counter.

    Jazzy--Wow, you have been busy!Good for you! It's really nice when a conference turns out to be interesting and helpful. A midafternoon wine bar is a real plus, that's for sure!I have slowed down this weekend. Sadie isn't knocking things off the counter, and I've got the dirty dishes caught up so that decreases the mousy attraction factor.I will be so happy to get the dishwasher fixed, supposed to happen tomorrow, hoping third try is the charm.The part has been delivered, so I have high hopes. Fall color here is very muted this year. Too dry during the summer, then too wet all at once this fall. Leaves are drying and falling without really turning color much. It may get better now that there have been some very cool nights. The best color comes when the summer and fall have average rainfall, fall has sunny, warm days and cool nights, with breezes but not hard wind. There will be areas inland that will have good color in a few weeks, but the coast is pretty much a bust this year.

    Mema--Oh no, so sorry to hear you caught a bug. So not fun. I heard the other day that there were more than 100 cases of confirmed flu in Maine by the middle of September. After my go-round last winter I did get a flu shot this year.The big D is such a pain in the anatomy, especially when you run out of protective undies! Praying you feel better very, very soon. I would be getting pissed waiting this long for the results from the onco, too. I wonder if they know what we go through waiting for them to call us with results that we KNOW are available. There just must be a better way. I suspect Sadie was chasing a mouse, I found mousie poopies on the counter. The mice tend to start moving in this time of year, and I think I heard the pair of owls that live in my area the other night. They start hunting closer to the house at night when the weather starts cooling. Time to check the known mousie holes and make sure they are blocked and look for the new ones. Not one of my favorite fall projects!

    Jazzy--I have no issue with people teaching "healthy" or "healthier" eating, but I don't buy into the diet/disease connection. Correlation? Perhaps. Causation? Ain't been proven yet. And as long as medical science does not know what causes cancer in the first place they cannot tell me that diet will make that big a difference. Or exercise. Or avoiding alcohol. But when someone is so blatantly wrong and presenting that info as an expert it irks me. But what am gonna do? Try to let it go and keep chanting, no my circus, no my monkeys. Enjoy the spa!

    Chi--it's amazing how potent a drug caffeine is, isn't it? So glad coffee is not hitting the market in the day and age, the FDA would either never approve it as too dangerous or it would be a prescription only drug requiring special training to prescribe, like chemo and some psych medications!

    Illi--sorry the rads did a job on your skin. It's been a week or so since rads was done, right? So the fatigue will build for another week or so and then things will start getting better again. Hang in there and keep taking care of yourself.

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Earl Grey Tea Cocktail

    Serves: Serves 1

    Measurements Ingredients

    • 6 ounces cold Earl Grey tea
    • 1¼ ounces gin
    • 1¼ ounces honey simple syrup (recipe below)
    • ½ ounce fresh-squeezed lemon juice
    • 2 lavender sprigs


    1. Brew 4 cups Earl Grey tea. This will give you enough to make a few cocktails. Store in the refrigerator to keep cold.
    2. Make a batch of honey simple syrup to store in the fridge as well. 5 cups water, 1 cup honey.
    3. Bring to a simmer until honey has dissolved.
    4. Then cool in the fridge.
    5. Add all of the above ingredients into a cocktail shaker, with 2 sprigs lavender and ice.
    6. Shake several times. Then strain the cocktail into a glass over one large ice cube.
    7. Garnish with lavender.
  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017

    Good morning friends- the trip to the spa yesterday was just what I needed. I had my massage therapist work on an all over body massage and could not believe how sore and achey I was. He worked a bit on my feet too, but had him focus there less due to the tender toes that are still healing from the vodka injury. It is mostly better, but was sore after too much walking during the conference on Friday.

    Rain, rain and more rain. I have not seen rain like this in a long time, but as you know, many communities have been saying that through all horrific storms. Seems like this is a late blast of monsoons, and we are now having communities flood down south that are getting too much at once and there was also a tornado 30 miles to the west of the city. No damage, very rural area. Looks like it will dry out for the next few days but rain returning Wed through Friday. Balloon fiesta starts next Sat and hope the rains will hold off for that (they cannot fly in the rain and/or the winds with storms can keep them down too).

    I decided to skip the harvest festival today as it will be more walking than will be good for my foot. Instead, going to stay home to get more caught up on housework and do some cooking too. Another pot of green chili stew and may get some dough going for some quiches. I have a busy week ahead and need some more home time.

    NM- I agree about it being good to discuss diet as part of overall wellness. The only food I think has had some linkage is sugar, because too much of it can lead to insulin resistance and that can lead to weight gain, etc. My endocrinologist has told me it is less about the weight gain (which my BS told me was the issue), but more about insulin resistance and cancer linkage. I gave up sugar six months after treatment finished due to increasing A1C that "hit the line" with diabetes and that has helped me to get things more under control. My insulin resistance is getting turned around now with her help and with the weight loss. I know all this helps my overall health, including reducing the risk of future cancer dx, heart attack and stroke. I was very addicted to sugar and only truly realized it after I gave it up completely. But no, cutting out sugar does not ensure I won't have something happen either. I think if you have a belief system about something around who gets cancer, you will always be shocked when it happens. I always knew that cancer struck anyone and no guaruntees. I am a realist.

    Too bad about the bum foliage this year. Weather is really off everywhere. Perhaps our new normal too......

    Teka- I agree about fall weather and heat. Not every year has good leap peeping?

    Got to get to my day and wishing you all a good start to October!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017

    Your music for sunday afternoon. I got some great jazz going on here while working on the house today.

    Saw Bill Cantos in Laguna Beach in August. Bought the CD and listening to it today

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monkey Day! Waiting for the dishwasher repair man to come, listening to the news coverage of the shooting in Las Vegas last night. Lots of good all the metal detectors and back pack screenings did there. This guy doesn't seem like the usual shooter, either. I can just imagine the amount of speculation that's going to be going on over the next few weeks.

    Looking forward to a nice work week, 2 days of Hospice, 1 day giving flu shots. Been doing a little too much the last couple of weeks and am feeling kind a tired, so going to back off a bit this week and next. Need to take Sadie for some rides, too. And maybe do some baking. I love baking bread this time of year. Smells the house up so good!

    Jazzy--Glad to hear the Vodka toes are doing better. Ooh, quiche, I haven't made a quiche in a long time. Will have to think about making one today. I'm glad you were able to get off sugar and have had such good results from that. I've heard the same from other people.

    Very nice music!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Fuzzy Monkey



    Shooter. Shake ingredients with ice (in a mixing tin). Strain into a shooter glass.

    Best served in a Shot Glass.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2017

    Just letting you all know that my kids and stepkids are all OK. I kno 1 of the victims was my greatniece Addison, shot in the leg and at a local LV


    hospital. I am sick, crying, just can't wrap my mind around this insanity. And the shooter was from here (Mesquite), we didn't know him.

    Please stay safe my lovely ladies!!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017

    Mema, I was thinking about you and your proximity to this. I am praying for your neice and she gets good care and is better soon. There is no way to understand this type of thing. Please keep us posted friend.

    Sending you and your family much love today on this tragedy Heart

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2017

    Mema, glad you're okay and I hope your niece makes a full and speedy recovery.

    Not going to post my DOTD tonight--between the horrific shooting and Tom Petty pulled off life support after a heart attack (he has a DNR order and it's only a matter of time), I think all of us have ample reason to imbibe if that's how we cope with extreme stress. (If I had an MMJ card, which is legal in IL, I would light up and listen to "Mary Jane's Last Dance" in Petty's honor...and in memory of my late friend Maryjane who died in June).

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2017

    Hi girls,

    Just popped in to see is Sue reported into the lounge. I too am utterly sickened by the shooting in LV. And omg, when I heard that the shooter was from Mesquite, I immediately thought of you Sue. I am so sorry your great niece was shot. I remember you posted pics of Addison a long time ago if I am not mistaken. Isn't she quite young? I too have a hard time wrapping my head around this one. And I fear too that some crazy sicko will try to top the LV massacre. It is sickening that people can be so cruel and just disregard the life of complete strangers.

    I have been uber busy at work. I am still learning the ropes, it is stressful and I can't wait for time to pass so that I fully grasp everything I need to know to do my job. The guy I report to told me not to worry about the faux pau I made.

    Had to have another debridement in my stomach and had a slight infection from the string that came out. It was part of some mesh that was placed when I had my diep flap. It was hurting like a mother effer which was the only reason I went to the PS. they freak me out, I am tankful for the one I have here in NJ, he is quite nice and I trust him like no other.

    I am happy to share that I will be getting a MMJ card. I got popped last time I was at pain management for having some Willie in my urine. My doctor told me that it would be okay if I could get a note from my phych stating that I have PTSD then I could get a card. I had an appointment the next night and got the note. So I will be going back to pain mgmt on Friday to find out how to proceed with the MMJ. I am so furcited. I jest love love love mese willie!

    NM, not sure how you bit your tongue when that woman gave the nutrition lecture and advised if we ate right, we'd avoid BC. I'd have to tell her to STFU or something. Really lady? You go Kim!

    I will try to check back with everyone in the next few days. I miss all you girls so much. Between work, redoing my kitchen and having play time with Logan, I do not have much spare time. After hearing today's news, I had to check in. Sending prayers for you Sue and your community and especially Addison. Hope and pray she makes a full recovery. I will be praying for the rest of the victims and their families as well.

    Love you girls.


    Image result for prayers for las vegas images

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2017

    Hi my breasties,

    What a day eh? It's been just cray cray. My phone has been ringing all day, peeps wanting to kno if I knew the officer killed or the others that were wounded. I don't have names of the officers so I couldn't ans them. Did talk to my DD as she was on her way back into work todat. She worked 16 hours yest and only got 2 hours sleep last night. But she did say she was very proud of her crew and others who came in off-duty to help on the phones. It was so busy they lost the phone system for a few minutes, then the power and a/c. She said there was over 50 911 calls in que. I can relate. I was there working when the MGM fire happened. It was NUTZ in dispatch. Just an over-all hi-stress (more than normal) night. I told her I was writing an email to the Sheriff and news agencies about 'kudos' for all dispatchers, police, fire, and medical. I already sent the one to the Sheriff. We will see how he handles it.

    Dara - that pic was of out granddaughter, Madison. Addison is my DD's cousin on my dh's side. She is very close to Addie's mom, who is also a cop at Metro. My step-son sent a text with a pic of her leg. She is going to have surgery tomorrow. I'm praying for all who have been affected by this asinine caper. Hate to say it, as forgiveness is a virtue, but I am glad the f'n coward killed himself when SWAT showed up at his hotel door. Save lots of anguish not to have to put him on trial, imo.

    Had a few dwinks, now gotta get my ewwa to bed without cracking another rib...UGH.

    Love you all and thank you for your thoughts and prayers!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2017

    Oh I miss u gals--these days have been running by with --craziness.

    SusyQ OMG I can't believe u'r niece was shot will she make a full recovery??? These things are so unbelievable to me, it seems like u can't go anywhere, it just makes me sick. I hope u'r bug is gone and all is good with results.

    Kim I don't think u can help u'rself when it comes to helping people, that's just you.

    I'm sorry I'm not addressing everyone tonite I'm super floopy, I'm usually just plain.Hoping Leslie's infection clers up soon, she should be getting her port next Mon. and start Chemo the same week. As of now her BIGGEST concern is loosing her hair, so she's going all over trying to find the perfect wig to style, so it has to be long. I don't say nything hoping that this is the biggest thing that will happen.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2017

    Dara, cancer is not a qualifying condition for an MMJ card in NJ, but PTSD is? Just the opposite in IL.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2017

    Sandy, you are partially correct. Some cancers/stages do qualify as well as PTSD. Here is the link from my pain management doctors that shows who may be eligible:

    Hope you sleep well, Sue. And hope too that you are feeling better ((((SUE)))


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2017

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Finally have my dishwasher back in working condition! Yeah! Still no word from the garage repair folks. Harvested some herbs yesterday and have them in the dehydrator, also have some chopped up herbs in oil and butter in the freezer. Used some herbed butter I made a while back to fry up some ribeye for dinner last night, very yum. Got my gizmo charging station set up and running. And the Dumpster is full and ready for pickup today. I'm really happy with how the kitchen and living room are looking. Sadie is being a big help when I'm puttering in the kitchen, making sure everything that goes into the trash can is rinsed or lapped off so nothing will smell. Now if I could get her to put the stuff back in the trash can when she's done with it. . .

    Mema--such a relief to know you are safe.So sorry about Addison, praying she recovers quickly and without complications. Such a scary, crazy thing that man did. I hope authorities can figure out why he did this. I'm betting there is mental illness involved.

    Chi--it's been a difficult few days all the way around.

    Dara--learning the ropes at a new job can be stressful. Glad your boss is ok with the faux pas, that should be a bit of a relief for you. I cannot believe that you are having issues with the recon even now. I'm glad the string is out, hope there are no more issues with the mesh. You had such a time with that in the first place, so not fair to still be dealing with it. Glad you are getting and MMJ card, too. Sounds like it will make a huge difference for you in the long run. I bet Logan is a blast to be with now.

    Mema--good for you for writing to the Sherriff and new agencies. Those people working "behind the curtain" are critical to the whole response effort, and will be working their butts off for a while.

    Cammy--I am praying that Leslie finds a wig she can style, and has no side effects from chemo beyond losing her hair (which is bad enough, after all) and sails through this whole thing. And that your days have less craziness soon.

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD

    Glam Trash



    Fill 3/4 of a shot glass with chilled goldschlager then add 1/4 glass of bud light. Splash grenadine on top for color. Allow the beer to suspend the gold flakes in the glass. Serve immediately.

    Best served in a Shot Glass.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017

    Mema- I am keeping Addison and her medical team in my thoughts right now for a successful procedure tomorrow and do let us know how she is doing as you wish. My heart really goes out to you and your family at this time, as well as everyone else in the Vegas community and others from everywhere, whom have lost people or are struggling through as they try to survive their injuries.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2017

    Good morning Ladies,

    Oh wow Dara it just hit me about u'r infection, oh no u can't have more complications, u've had so many, it's awful for u. Just stop. Sounds like Cheryl is doing better, and I'm happy about that.

    Jeez Kim u haven't stopped, I give u so much credit, u have turned everything around and u do sound happier.

    Ill I hope u'r feeling better just do what u'r body tells u, u've done so well with u'r attitude;

    SusyQ oh u'r poor niece, going out for a fun night and the tragedy everyone encountered, sending more prayers. So sad.

    Not much to report from here, everything is about the same. Chaos everywhere LOL


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2017

    happy GIF

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Going into town to do a flu clinic for some city workers in a bit, then got an afternoon open. Getting the itch to do some baking, may do that when I get home. Haven't decided yet. Maybe I'll take Sadie for a short walk, and get the walking program started. Will see what I feel like doing when I get home.

    Sadie is having a grand time chasing off the local dog-teasing squirrel. She's running herself tired and then coming to me for petting and loving when she doesn't catch him. Poor abused baby!

    My cousin and her husband live in Las Vegas and keeping up a running commentary on the reaction and how things are going there. So much shock, so much anger, so much fear, and so much generosity and so much thoughtfulness.My cousin works at Zappos, they are all given all the time off, with pay, they need to process what happened and connect or reconnect with family and friends, and have counselors in the building 24/7 for anyone needing to talk. Her husband works at the Mirage, and most of the hotels on and off the strip are giving free rooms to family members flying in to be with injured family members. Airlines are giving free air fare to family members trying to get to LV to be with injured family members. The lines outside the blood donation centers are hours long, some centers are staying open 24 hours. Local restaurants and shops are regularly bringing free food, water, coffee to people waiting in line to donate.My cousin, who waits in line for NOTHING, waited in line for 6 hours to donate blood. It's just amazing.

    Cammy-- nope, not stopping now, on a roll with the decluttering. It's amazing to have so much more room, and frighteningly amazing how much room clutter takes up. I'm getting my house back!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Cookies And Cream Paralyzer



    fill glass with ice, otherwise it can curdle.

    add 1/2 oz of kahlua, then add creme de cacao, and creme de menthe.

    add coke until glass is 3/4 full then add milk.

    it tastes like a minty oreo blizzard... very tasty and hard to put down!

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017

    Good morning friends- been hard to write here about things going on in my life, when many others are struggling and suffering right now. That being said, I am always impressed how citizens show up to help in the worst of times during natural disaster and other events. Per NM's note, I have also heard and read how much the Vegas community and airlines are helping people in need in Vegas right now.

    Mema- I believe your grand neice is having her surgery today and keeping her and all of you in my heart today as you wait to hear she is out of surgery and on the mend. Praying for a solid recovery through time.

    NM- I am glad to hear your Vegas family is okay and stepping up to help with blood donations sister.

    Cami- chaos everywhere is right sister. Hope things are going okay at home.

    Dara- good to hear from you and hope your incisions are better soon and good to hear your work is going well too! Congrats on getting the MJ card too!

    Got lots to do today and another conference the next two days so I will catch up with you gals again this weekend.

    Until then, be safe my people Heart

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2017

    Morning Ladies.

    My niece is doing well. Started PT yesterday and hopefully will be able to go home in a day or two.

    POTUS just touched down in LV. My DD, her captain, n the two dispatchers that worked the radio that night, will be at Police Head quarters today while the Pres is here. Cudn't find emails for the news stations but did fire off one to Metro's Sheriff. Looks like dispatch is going to get some good recognition after all. Got recorder set for all 3 news stations, mayb shud record CNN too?

    I'm feeling much better, thanks for all your kind words and prayers. Am so blest to have you ladies to vent to, I'll hold you all forever in my heart.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017

    MemaSue- thanks for the updates and glad to hear your neice is on the mend. I hope she is home soon and able to continue recovery from home. We are more than happy to be here for you during this time, sister!