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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2017

    I got the teaching job! Just waiting for the e-mail with the offer and the link to get into the personnel and training system and back ground check. I've even gotten a request to teach a class in November! and I haven't even formally accepted yet! I'm popping open the bubbly rose that's been chilling!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    NM- congrats! I wish I were there to share the sparkling rose with you! Happy

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2017

    Hooray, Kim—l'chaim! That's “to life," which is what we Jews say instead of “salud" or “cheers."

    Jazzy, no actual celebrations other than a big meal before temple, and apples & challah bread dipped in honey (for a sweet year) upon returning from services. There is a dessert called taiglach, which is little cookie balls glued together with a reduced honey syrup, studded with walnuts and candied cherries. The whole thing looks like a dome. You break off some pieces, eat them, and then call your dentist, screaming in pain because you've pulled your fillings out (just kidding...maybe).

    Spent today dealing with the wasp hive, which turns out to be inside OUR wall. The good news is that they're yellowjackets instead, and the pest guy was able to spray and kill the ones outside. He'll be by tomorrow to check if any of the critters got stirred up inside, and if so will patch or duct-tape over any indoor ports of entry before spraying from the outside into that wall. Our neighbor wants to split the cost, but I think we should pay the whole thing because the nest/hive is on our property, despite his having discovered it in the course of his own home improvement. Not his circus, not his monkeys, not his expense.

    We got our new iPhones today, at different stores. Bob is panicked because he doesn't know how to pair the new phone with his car audio. I haven't done any of that with the Fusion since I gave it to him 3 years ago, and I couldn't walk him through it on the phone from my car while I was driving. I asked why Best Buy couldn't do it, and he replied that they wanted $14.99 to do it. Really? He just dropped seven Benjamins on a new phone and won't fork over another fifteen bucks? “The one down near Christ Hospital did it for free," he explained. I was going to say he should just take the phone & car to that one, but I bit my tongue and told him I'll do it when he gets home tonight. I printed out the directions from Ford’s website.

    Meanwhile, my Time Capsule is stuck in backup hell—endlessly “preparing backup” and either stopping or completing it deathly slowly. Spent over an hour with AppleCare on the phone to no avail—when they called back to follow up, and I answered, nobody spoke. Tried to back up to my old Seagate portable overnight. But when I came downstairs this morning and woke the laptop from sleep I saw a warning message that the Seagate was “improperly ejected” and should have been dragged to the Trash icon. So I tried to properly eject it—but it showed up nowhere in any window to do so, and its light was lit. So I disconnected and reconnected it and now it won’t mount. It’s not any cable or port adapter, since I tested those with my printer and it worked fine. The Seagate is even older than the TimeCapsule, which I bought in 2012. Apple isn’t even making them any more—they’re still selling the model I have. I bought a dedicated USB-C portable drive and will try backing up to that. The guys at the Genius Bar today (while I was getting my new phone set up) said to bring I need the computer and the Time Capsule—which is also our wi-fi router. Yeah, right-$and watch both Bob & Gordy freak out when they can’t get online

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2017

    checking in for an update from Camille, hoping to hear something.

    NM, a big congrats to you on the new job!

    Lori, yes, i have started the job and am going nucking futs!! Remind me to tell you about the major snafu I did in text messaging, send text to 38 people I work with instead of my cuz and it included an f bomb, oooooops.

    Gotta run, food is on the grill, was jest tinking of Cam and Les and JOey and Marty and saying some prayers.

    APpt with PS next week, I have a knot that has "bled" through my stomach scar from the diep and it appears to be getting infuckted. ugh, here we go. it hurts too.


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited September 2017

    The Herceptin and Perjeta is every 3 weeks forever but I'm ok with that, it's seems to work really well for many people.

    Congrats on the new job NM!

    Just got home from a coworkers retirement party, had a couple beers and a couple shots, time for bed, lol

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Dara- F-bomb ???? Singing

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2017

    Jazzy, it's not likely that my DD will turn on her daddy. I'm more upset over the money. I will find out one way or another if has helped her monetarily. I love me some pumpkin ice cream! We don't have Kroger, but I think Safeway or Basha's is the same. I like the Pumpkin Blizzards too! And the coffee creamer.

    NM, so happy you got the teaching job and another maybe in the making

    Sandy, that is too funny about the hubs not wanting to spend $15 to pair his phone.

    Oh my Wacko, text to co workers that was meant for Cheryl. How is the world did you manage that? Can't wait to hear about it.

    Happy saTURDay!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Yesterday was a bit of a roller coaster. The man came to fix the dishwasher, an adapter kit was missing one piece, which has been ordered, so now he has to come back again on the 2nd.The guy coming to fix the garage doors never showed, never called.BUT, I did get the teaching job! And I've not even officially/formally accepted the offer and have a tentative date in November for the first class! Now just need to let the background check go through, get the formal offer e-mail and accept it, and start training. Training time is paid at $15/hour. Not bad for sitting at home and working on the computer and attending a few virtual classes. The actual teaching time pays $5/hour more than Hospice does. AND--once up running as an NCLEX Prep Instructor there are advancement opportunities in the company, many of them remote or virtual. I am so excited to be back in teaching again! And Sadie just seem particularly happy yesterday and this ayem, I guess she's picking it up from me.

    I pretended everyone from the Lounge was here last evening when I opened the sparkling rose.It made a nice pop, Sadie was looking all around for where the noise came from.I even put a little on a dish for her, it was so funny how she reacted to the fizziness!

    Goldie--One of my Aunts has rheumatoid arthritis and uses a "marijuana salve" prescribed by her doctor for the back pain at night. Auntie hates the idea of using pot but since it's the most effective thing she's ever used she keeps going with it. I doubt it's the same thing as Salvex, Auntie does have a medical marijuana card from her doc, but it's another example of the good things I keep hearing about the whole cannabinoid/hemp product usage movement.

    I suppose it's kind of natural for DD to stick up for her Daddy. Probably the best thing you can do is not really respond, just accept what she says about him and move on. Children of separated parents often feel like they need to stick up for the parent not present, it's a common phenomenon. If you don't express any opinion, she won't feel the need to stick up for him. Eventually she'll see for herself where she fits in his life. In a situation like she is in, real family would have figured out something--temporarily allowing her in GF's room, letting her sleep in a couch, or renting her a hotel/motel room, connecting her with a friend who has a spare room, something so that DD is safe and has a chance to figure out the next steps. What kind of preppers are you accountant and BF? Hard core or it-sounds-like-a-fun-excuse-to-do-silly-stuff kind? Could be interesting, and you might just learn a new trick or two!

    Jazzy--Sounds like the work stuff is coming together nicely for you! That must be a good feeling. The elderly couple was going to India. The weekend so far has been pretty decent. Planning to fill the dumpster today as the humidity is supposed to build again tomorrow. I just do not move well when it's hot and sticky out.

    Good Lord, pumpkin pie ice cream. It's not even October yet and I am heartily sick of hearing about pumpkin this and pumpkin spice that already!I suppose that's because I'm not terribly fond of pumpkin flavor in anything but pumpkin pie, and once a year is plenty for that!

    Chi--If you have to have wasps, yellowjackets are better than most. The stings hurt but they don't tend to be aggressive. Kind of the neighbor to offer to split the cost of the wasp eviction. The Challah bread look delish! Dipped in honey, must be fun to eat. Your DH is funny, not wanting to pay $15 to get the phone paired to the car, but my Mom is that way, too. Sometimes, when it comes to money you just have to shake your head at people's reactions.Sorry about the back up issues, but a good back up system is really important these days. Bob and Gordy may just have to freak for a couple days while you get that dealt with!

    Dara--Oh dear, a text message snafu is never fun. Hopefully people will be understanding. Praying the bleeding spot is not going to be a big problem for you, you've been through too much as it is with that.

    Illi--thanks, and have a good sleep!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    for the humans:

    Image result for wasp drink recipes

    For the Wasps:

    Image result for wasp drink recipes

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Good morning friends- waking up to a bit of overcast and rain around. That is okay, rain is always good here in the desert! I am taking some too big clothing to consignment today and that feels mighty good! Got some other things that are not sale worthy to go to donations. The purge continues.....

    Well this is funny/not funny. I have a vodka injury! Last night, I was pulling my pumpkin ice creme out of the freezer and it was on the shelf where I have some bottles of vodka that are remain chilled. Nothing like chilled vodka in the summer. Somehow, when I pulled out the ice creme, a bottle slide out and fell on my foot. Ouch! It fell on the second toe of my right foot that smarts today. I don't think it is broken, but definately bruised and hurting. I am icing it and the whole thing feels stupid to me. A vodka injury without even drinking vodka, go figure? I have some shoes that feel comfy today and will wear those today and think I will live......

    No final word yet on the local work, but chances are my client has not had a chance to get with her VP. I will wait until early next week (tues) and check in on how things are going. Been getting the other contract stuff finished up for the 2018 opportunity. Pluggin' away.

    Tonight is the Lindsey Webster concert. The & coming jazz vocalist whose music I have been following since early this year. Also with her is Vincent Ingala (sax player). Got a great seat close to the stage and will post pics tomorrow!

    Goldie- I forgot to say I have never been able to post any documents on BCO, only links and pics. If you can save it as a Jpeg, tif, gif file, you may have better luck than a PDF?

    NM- that bubbly sounded so tasty. I love a good sparkling rose and still have my Mumm in the fridge. I love how new things are coming to you as you move into this new way of working. Despite how it happened, I am glad you have been able to make the change to a better work situation that works better for you.

    Also, I am enjoying some pumpkin spice coffee I got yesterday too, lol!

    Oh and about dogs and squirrels, my sister often talks about her golden retriever going crazy when squirrels are in the yard. When I was visiting there in August, she was laying by the pool all nice and relaxed and then suddenly up and looking at the roof. Two squirrels were up top and definately taunting her. I have no doubt the one in your yard is too. Busy time for squirrels, acorn time! I have a squirrel that visits my yard and seen it around lately as my red oak is doing it's thing.

    Chi- new devices are always a challenge to get used to. I am having all kinds of techno issues right now with my home office, but working through them. It appears my Eclipsis tablet has also died, but is leased so I will be going to Verizon tomorrow to see if they can fix it or get another. Technology is great when it works!

    Time to get going. Wishing everyone a good weekend!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2017

    Hi Ladies, sorry so long.

    Lori so very happy to hear about ur DD. That was a horrible time for her AND you, and I do think not to say a word about u'r ex--it doesn't help til they get it. I know. As long as she's safe, Thank God.

    CONGRATS KIM-- Sounds like a great job and it's something u want to do---I'm so happy for you.

    Ill, CONGRATS to u too,,,Done with all that crap--u done good girl and so glad it's over for that.

    Sandy I never understand the medical world stuff, but I hope she can be helped now, so sorry u'r mom hd to live in pain tho And u'r DH is hysterical about 15.00. And happy whateverit's called to you.

    Dara don't even start with that infection thing, I can now see the pic. in my head OMG get it looked at.

    Jazzy I think they might have a code V in ER--yes for vodka--u should have used it After all u deserved to. LOL

    I'll be back to tell u about Leslie. It's a mess for her to handle.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2017

    Jazzy, yikes, a wodka injury without drinking the wodka? Good God, maybe drink it to punish it for hurting you? Enjoy your concert.

    Lori, yep, I was so embarrassed over the snafu. Here is what went down. I am on a groupme text message with all these other parties that I work with. A message had come through while I was texting Cheryl. She was in her prior home town which is an hour away. I was telling her to hurry home and wrote "I will stay up, it is absoFUCKINGtootly beautiful outside". The first person responded OMG, next was Holy Cow, then the next person said to put a dollar in the swear jar. The next person that commented was not so kind about it, she wrote "let's keep the swear words at zero"! OMG, here i am brand new with this company and I effed up big. So that is it.

    Cam, waiting patiently to hear more on Leslie, she remains in my daily prayers.

    Ill, glad you enjoyed the party and got some good dwinks in.

    Teka, cute kitty! My visist with Cammy was just so special, she and her family are just awesome people. And that Joey, words can't express what a great lil man he is!

    NM, lol on portending we were with you but i WAS there. I was the one passed out on your clean floor lol. So happy for you.

    To everyone else and all of you, enjoy the rest of your weekend and remember, keep those titties up, that is IF you got em!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2017

    Dara u crack me up, they probably all talk like that, u'r just the one that opened the door. That's not even officially a swear word, it's just a word made up of letters in England I think and they mean something but now I forget.....

    Ok Leslie--she had her meeting with all the Drs. at the same time--her stage is 2 and a half, but thy'll know when the surgeon gets in there. She'll start with chemo every other week, operation they found another small mass, then rads-----so she did meet with the Drs. for about 2 hrs. And each one explained how they will work with her and how they will help her, get thru this especially with her bi-polar chit, She's been calling me mommy, when my girls call me that they're scared and my sister was told today, oh she's so sad for us--member she went thru this with her DD, when we all had it at the same time and she was only 42--Now my sister has 4 DDs and they make Leslie LOL so hard all their lives so right now she's enjoying them and Joey talked to me bout it and closed my door and sid I want the truth, What stage is she??? so when I told him he put his hand over his heart and said Thank God it's not 4. and he proceeded with questions and said he felt much better with everything answered, I said to him I was his practice cancer now he knows so much he could have a sit in with the Drs. He'll be so comforting for her and knows what he can do for her too. He really members so much So that's where she is right now. At the beginning where we all started.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Cami- it sounds like you are getting a lot of good information around DD's dx and treatment plan. Stage 2 and a half sounds like Stage 2/grade 2 to me. My sister was the same and doing fine 4 years later. Joey is wise to even know the staging of cancer, and smart enough to understand the differences. The whole dx process, getting dragged through all the tests, and waiting for the treatment plan to me was the worst of it. I felt better once I got to the place of getting the stuff out and all the rest to treat the rest. Your family has had so much with this cancer stuff sister.

    Will keep everyone in my daily meditations for continued healing and sending much love as always Heart

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2017

    NM, I detect a happiness in your post. The new teaching job made the dishwasher and garage door so much easier to deal with. Even Sadie thought so! Congratulations friend. And the sparkling rose was yummy! My MIL uses a MMJ salve as well. But mine and hers are legal, there is no THC in them. The accountant and BF are not preppers. We were looking for business opportunities, but didn't find any. It was quite small. My DD and Ex get along very well. And he is a good father. I really can't say anything bad about him. He is a very lackadaisical type person. He could give her some $.

    Wacko, I forgot to comment on your tummy. I sure hope it's nothing, my gooness! Oh my, so you dropped the "F" bomb. Get over it peeps, it wasn't meant for you.

    Teka, your Teka looks quite comfy there!

    Jazzy, I am LMBO over your "mumm" still in the fridge! But your poor toe, even iffin it was broke, nothing they can do about it.

    Cami, do worry about being away, you have too much going on in your home. I am praying for you and your DD. I sent Les a private message on FB. She sounded so good with her post she made there. I'm sorry it's so hard for her and she's so young.

    Nothing to report on my end. Just cleaning and gathering up things for our trip.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! I got a lot of crap pulled out of the sewing room yesterday, need to pop down and toss it all in the dumpster this ayem before it gets too warm. Got the office supply stuff organization well underway, the rolling cart, which doesn't roll since the rollers won't stay in place is set up and filled with room for the stuff I know I'll come across, and some labeled boxes of stuff stashed in the living room closet where they will live now. I the Fly Lady is right, I am addicted to office/organizing supplies. Hopefully now I will be able to find stuff and not run out and buy more of it! Going to get the top of the cart set up as a recharging station and place for the electronics to live when I'm not using them. Then spent the evening untangling and rolling up a ball of silk yarn while watching Helix on Netflix. Sadie thinks it's great fun to pick up something after I put it down and toss it around and try to get me to play fetch with it. I did get some before pics of the sewing room, going to be quite the sight when I am ready to take after pics! All that and still got some back deck lounging time in.

    FYI, next Wednesday I have my annual physical, at 7:15 ayem. This was scheduled back when I was working full time for Hospice and this time got me in and out and too work not very late. On Friday I have to be at the Fire Station at 6:25 for a flu clinic, so won't be checking in here those mornings.

    Anyone want a Yellow Lab? Sadie pulled the "new' Pampered Chef baking bowl off the stove and broke it to get at the tuna casserole inside. I had a long talk with her about pulling stuff off the stove and cupboards, but she didn't look like she was paying much attention. At bedtime last night, though, I got all kinds of kisses and cuddles, and she usually doesn't kiss or lick. I just can't stay upset with her, especially when she comes over and lays her head in my lap and gives me the puppy eyes look!

    Teka--What's the coonie's name?She's beautiful!

    Jazzy--A vodka injury? How embarrassing, especially without benefit of imbibing! If walking gets uncomfortable get some tape and tape the hurt to the one next to it (don't use the big toe). That will splint it and minimize movement and make it less hurty, and works if the toe is broken or not. Actually, that's pretty much all we do with a broken toe. Ice and elevation is good too. Add a shot of Vodka for pain management and you are good to go!And keep pluggin' away at the contract stuff, sounds like your winter will be well set up. I've got to admit that I like the sparkling rose better than I like champagne! A bit more taste to it, and the same fizziness. I am discovering that I am more partial to sweeter wines than drier ones. It's been a blast reading and tasting and listening to podcasts about wine. I'm certainly no expert, but I'm beginning to get the vocabulary to describe what I like.Squirrels and dogs, what a combo! I think the squirrels have a competition around taunting dogs and they sit around all winter swapping stories and bragging about their exploits. Good luck with the tablet!

    Cammy--thanks, it is going to be a great job and I am really looking forward to it. Praying for Leslie. So not fair.

    Dara--oh, my, how embarrassing! If I were you I would take a pic of my hand putting a dollar in the swear jar and send it out to everyone with a short apology: "Sorry, obviously thought I was texting a personal friend. Paid my fine to the swear jar!" I think most people will just chuckle and move on, we've all done it, own up, apologize and let it go. Oh, yes, now I remember, you were the one I stepped over on the way to bed the other night! Hope the floor was comfortable!

    Cammy--ok, Stage 2 is early stage. That's good. Finding another small mass isn't so good but better to have found it than not, and finding a second mass isn't that unusual. So glad you could have a frank talk with Joey, he was probably worrying himself sick wondering and thinking the worst. He's at an age where he can be hugely helpful to Leslie and he is so very lucky to have you for support and as a source of info.I'm keeping all of you in my prayers.

    Goldie--Yes, getting the teaching job did make the disappointment about the dishwasher and garage doors easier to shrug off. I keep telling myself that they are inconveniences, the dishwasher hasn't worked for months and I've coped, and the garage door won't be out that long. And I will appreciate them both more once I have them back.

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Three Stages of Friendship



    Mix all three in a shot glass and shoot the damn thing.

    Best served in a Shot Glass.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Good morning ladies- great day yesterday between taking some clothing that is now too big to consignment (and using existing credit to come away with a few smaller things....) Got more to go, but have some additional apts in place and they love my stuff and said to bring it on over!

    NM had some nice rain off and on yesterday and in to last night, and nice crisp moring today. Motivates me to get some things DONE today around the house.

    Went to a fabulous concert last night with two rising smooth jazz stars, Lindsey Webster (who I have been raving about) and Vincent Ingala who plays a mean sax, but also a wonderful guitarist and singer (who knew?) The concert was so good and I got to meet Lindsey after and got a selfie with her. Whoot whoot! Meeting the artist after any show puts it over the top for me. Lindsey has one of the most powerful voices for a young singer I have ever heard and her music is riveting. I think she will go very far......

    NM- oh that Sadie is a bad girl isn't she? I have no doubt she looked at you with that "what's wrong look." Did you ever see the Far Side cartoon about what we say to dogs and what they here? If not, here you go.


    Thanks for the advice on my toes. I did tape them yesterday and don't think anything is broken,just bruised, and took it easy off and on and iced and the foot is better today. Getting colorful though and did a yoga practice this morning but nothing to stretch the foot or toes. I plan to swim later and will be careful with it until the bruising has subsided. It's tough getting old and being clumsy too?

    Dara- I hope you can recover from the snafu with your new job. Just try to be gratious and say you made a mistake and won't do it again. I am not a huge texters or group messenger type person on FB, but many are and sometimes see some crazy stuff sometimes. I have made more than a few mistakes in my life with "reply all" e-mails. Most people have made mistakes around this, but do know many won't tolerate it more than once. I hope you are enjoying your new work!

    Teka- someone was telling me recently about a cat they have they think is part Maine coon and how independent they are, definately not cuddlers. I love the name Teka but did not realize the origin of the name. No messing with that kitty! Hope you are enjoying fall in North Country!

    Goldie- I hope your plans are coming along with the trip and that your DD is able to regroup from the problems in the VI. Is she planning to just stay there until they get some things back in order? I know the VI, PR and the FL Keys are just trashed right now. PR sounds like they are unraveling fast. Just breaks my heart, all of it.

    Got to get moving a bit more to my day and some new music from last night to listen to. Enjoy your Sunday Funday!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2017

    Jazzy, that was gorgeous--especially since the harp guitar was in tune. (Don't ask). I have half my Mumm (rosé) in the fridge. I never had a vodka injury but I did have a coffee bean injury that sent me to the ER. Before I learned more about coffee, I followed the then-conventional wisdom to store coffee beans in a spring-bail jar in the freezer to keep them fresh (don't, BTW--it dehydrates and degrades them). I pulled out the jar one morning to grind some beans, and the jar spontaneously shattered in my hand. I think that the beans were so fresh they were still outgassing CO2 when I'd poured them out of the bag into the jar; the sudden temperature change caused the glass to crack, and the gas built up in the airtight glass jar made it crack very forcefully. I took four stitches to my L middle fingertip.

    Last night we went to a hospital banquet at the Adler Planetarium. Cocktail hour was out on the Cafe Galileo terrace facing the lake, and the views were amazing. Temperature was in the lower 80s, quite pleasant compared to 94 in the afternoon. There were also two weddings going on in other parts of the building & on lower terraces. Maiden voyage for the camera in my new iPhone 8 Plus:


    Not a selfie--a fellow guest shot this. The selfies were depressingly high-def.





    Next time, I will have to try the skyline shots before having wine...
  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Chi- ouch! I did not know that the freezer dessicates beans, I have some in there, most in a container next to the coffee pot. Ouch on the stitches!

    What a great photo of you and Bob, and the Chicago skyline! Thanks for sharing those!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monkey Day! The mini-heat wave continues here, looks like some high temp records got met or broken yesterday, supposed to be the same today and the next couple of days, too. Moved the big fan into the bedroom last night, made for very comfy sleeping, even Sadie came up on the bed. On hot, muggy nights she usually sleeps on the floor where it's cooler for her. I think I'm going to be happy to have the AC in the car today.

    Jazzy--that Harp-Guitar is amazing!

    Teka--even a small Coonie is a significant bit of cat! Watch out for them claws, though, when they come out they mean business.

    Jazzy--I have seen that cartoon, and it is so spot on! Sadie did give me her patented "I'm a dog and this is what dogs do, so what do you expect?" look. Which is always followed by a "But you love me anyway" look and a little nudge or nuzzle and the next think I know I'm down on the floor giving belly rubs. The baking bowl is a thing. A think I am not meant to have, apparently. I have a casserole dish I can use for the same things. Glad the toe isn't broken, but bruised is ouchy enough!

    Chi--OUCH!I'm very careful with glass in the freezer for fear of something like that happening. Wow, FANASTIC pics!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Boston Iced Coffee



    Pour all ingredients into a highball glass, and stir. Garnish with a lemon twist, and serve.

    Best served in a Highball Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2017

    Oh Sandy that's a beautiful pic. of u'r DH and you..I's funny he looks like my cousin;s DH or a twin. I think for those of us who live near Downtown, Chicago forget how beautiful our Skyline is--Great pics.

    Leslie's GF from Florida asked to come here at the beginning of Dec. and stay a while to help her. Her DH has a concert here then, I forgot where, but Jazzy u know who I mean and he told her to stay here if it's all right cu he'll stay with wherever the people who are preforming or whatever stay. She's a nurse and thought maybe she could help her, which is sweet and he's such a good guy. And I know she'll make Les feel better. Well more relaxed anyway. We'll see.And my BFF is coming in Nov. So we'll have some motion around here. Personally I think it's better, but then again how would I know

    I slept most of the day yesterday, I couldn't keep my eyes open. But she has a couple more tests to have today, and I think that's it, for tests anyway.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2017

    NM, sorry about your pampered chef, I think Sadie was just trying to!! Anxious to see your before and after pictures. I have a dishwasher, but rarely use it. I wash dishes by hand and use the dishwasher for the drying rack. We had a low yesterday morning of 33!

    Jazzy, my DD made it to Michigan. She will be there for about a month. Good for you in being able to get rid of clothes that are too big.

    Oh my Sandy, having that jar burst in your hand. Glad it only got your finger and no glass in the eyes. Nice picture of you and your DH and the skylines.

    I got the cutest little hummingbirds in the mail from my sweet friend Wacko. Thank you love for thinking of me.

    Cami, when the time comes, you might want to make sure Leslie is up for the company. Especially if she has to do chemo. Did they tell her the ER, PR, Her2, etc.?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Good morning friends- hoping everyone had a good weekend and are looking for a good week ahead. I hear it is 20 degrees in northern NM in some places, low 50s here this am. Then it is too warm in the east for late Sept? Ah the joys of weather. It really does feel like fall here now and feels lovely!

    I decided to not push it with the pool yesterday and the foot injury, and instead, focused on cleaning out a bunch more stuff from the closets. I am going to stop by the consignment shop later today and going to see if they can fit me in for another apt sooner than the end of Oct to get rid of more of the stuff I am looking to get back out there for too big things. Yesterday I went through some outer wear (fleece things and the like) and also some holiday wear that I will put aside until they are ready for those. I don't do a whole lot of holiday events anymore, and one only needs so much velvet? I kept the things I love and that fit well.

    Today I have more contract work to do and hoping to hear from my client on the local work so we can get the SOW done on that and in to their legal dept to ammend my current agreement. I think my soonest start date will be 10/11 and working towards that as an agree to date. A SOW will move through fast, but I have conferences this week and next and better to get those out of the way if I can.

    Busy, busy! Life is good!

    Cami- how wonderful that Leslie's BFF is coming to help during her time of treatment. I know exactly of who you speak, and her jazzy DH too. They are good people and always wonderful to see how people respond to the news who want to help. That is what I learned, let the people help who can and want to. Good to hear your BFF will be there in Nov. That will be a good break for YOU from things. We need our friends around during times like this?

    Goldie- glad your DD has a place to be for awhile until she can determine what next. I know it is going to take awhile to clean things up down in the Carribean and get electricity back. Big job ahead for many of the islands that were impacted by the storms.

    NM- sounds like you have a bit of Indian summer going on back there. Enjoy it as I know summers are short in Maine. I hope Miss Sadie behaves and it is a good thing she is cute, right?

    Gotta get going and wishing everyone a good start to the new week!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2017

    Morning DahhhLinks,

    I'm ashamed I've been out of the loop all these days…been reading posts as often as possible.

    Sounds like most of you are doing OK. Been praying for everyone morning and night.

    Dara - WTF what is going on with you now? I mean ur tummy. Sorry but had to LOL over u dropping the F bomb. I agree with the others, 'tis ain't no big deal'. Have you had any negative responses from peeps or da boss?

    Cami - still praying hard for Les. Like you need anymore stress in your life. Glad to hear you will be getting some help soon.

    NM - Sadie is a special pet, am so glad you have her, what a character she is. Sooo sooo happy about u landing the teaching job.

    Jazzy - you sound really good. Am very happy things seem to be finally coming together.

    Lowee, so nice of Wacko to send u some hummingbirds. And u and hubs have been pretty busy yourselves with your traveling. I do envy you and lubs ya.

    Can't get to everyone today, x-sil and her hubs coming to visit today and I have so much to do.

    Still have not heard from my onco after the MRI/mammo. I placed a call last week, never got a recall, got to call again today. But I figure, test musta been a bust cuz if it was serious they would have called me back in by now. So I am not fretting much now.

    Gotta get my ewwa in gear…will b back soon.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Mema- I agree about the fact they would have called by now, but also remember a time when I was waiting on path results for something that it took a long time and got less worried as time went on, and then BANG, there was a problem (it was a skin cancer thingy though). Hopefully you will hear soon. The waiting part totally sucks! Keeping you in thought and prayer for good outcomes sister!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2017

    92 here today. May get a shower on Wed. night, then down into the low 70s and then 60s. But no real rain forecast till next week. (My luck, it'll rain on the outdoor folk festival I'm playing on Sunday). It's also a "mold action alert day," highest mold count in two years, and we with allergies are urged to stay indoors, windows shut, A/C running. I have a workout scheduled for 6:30, and I normally walk to the gym; but I'm gonna max my time in climate-controlled conditions and drive there. (Also have a grocery/pharmacy run to make afterward).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!A nice leisurely ayem for me and Sadie today, then a half day of Travel Medicine learning, then grocery shopping. Early ayem tomorrow with physical at 7:15, Immunization Clinic from 10 to 2, and a Pampered Chef party at 5. Told Hospice I'd work a half day on Thursday, they've got me a full day assignment on the tablet right now, hoping that will be whittled down a bit by Thursday. I may have to say something to them. Then a 6:30 ayem flu shot clinic at the Fire House Friday, and I just picked up a couple hours in the peeyem to go to one of the local schools and give some international students some immunizations to catch them up on requirements. I can't believe it's almostOctober. Not getting a whole lot of foliage color this year, it's been too dry and then we got such heavy rain right at the end of the season. Lots of leaves are coming off already, half green, half pale yellow. My birch trees can get a very vibrant, deep yellow that contrasts beautifully with the autumn blue sky, but doesn't look like I'll get that this year. Ah, well, such is life.

    I'm not sure if Sadie is mad at me or if a mouse or other critter got into the house yesterday. I came home and just about everything on the kitchen counter is either on the floor or knocked over, including the toaster! The butter bell is broken, and stuff was scattered everywhere. I suspect she was critter evicting, given how tired she was when I got home. And this is the time of year the critters start trying to come inside. Could even have been a bird. As long as it wasn't a bat!

    Cammy--I think it's great that Leslie's friends are coming to help her! It's always a good thing to have someone helping to take care of you when you are really stressed out. Keep listening to your own body, too, and rest when it needs it!

    Goldie--I love and really miss my dishwasher. I really, really, really do not like hand washing dishes. That was one of the big house hold chores growing up, and I never seemed to be able to do it right according to my Mom. She made me re-wash the entire set of dirty dishes so many times cuz I'd wash them in the wrong order, or the water wasn't hot enough, or if the copper pots weren't shined enough, or if she found any speck of dried on food. I remember washing one set of dishes 3 times before Mom believed me that the mark on one plate was a crack and not a stain or bit of left over food. Mom has always been a bit obsessive about dishwashing. She did finally get a dishwasher, but we washed the dishes before putting them into the washer to be "sanitized". Thank the Lord she's not quite so obsessive about dishwashing these days! I guess some mellowing does come with age.

    Jazzy--keeping what you love and fits well sounds like a great way to go! Hope you get into the Consignment shop earlier. I am loving the Indian summer weather, looks like it will hang in through the rest of the week. And yes, Sadie is very cute and it is VERY hard to stay mad at her! And she knows it!

    Mema--Silly Sadie is pretty special, even if I am a bit biased. She does keep me on my toes and keeps me from getting to hung up on the not-so-important things. Praying you are right about the no news is good news on the scan front.

    Chi--AC is a God send for us with allergies and asthma, isn't it? Hear you about the rain on the one day you wish it wouldn't. Must be one of Murphy's Laws.

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Master Cleanse Cocktail

    Our take on the lemon juice and maple syrup detox craze has a special spirited twist.


    2 oz Campo de Encanto Pisco

    1 oz Fresh lemon juice

    1⁄2 oz Grade-A maple syrup

    1 shake Ground Cayenne pepper

    1 shake Chili powder


    2 tumblers or 2 shot glasses

    How to make The Master Cleanse Cocktail

    Add all the ingredients to a shaker and fill with ice.

    Shake, and strain into two small tumblers or two large shot glasses.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2017

    Sue, what kind of travel have I been doing? We went to Kanab UT, and tomorrow we leave for Moab. That's it! Hoping that your news is good news chica. Odd that they have not called you back. You know, we don't really worry about these things!!!!! Assholes!

    NM seriously? You tell hospice you will work half a day and they fill you with a full days worth of work? Don't do it! They SOOOOO know how to take advantage of you! Sorry you had to wash the dishes so many times. I don't mind washing, but hate putting them away. I also have to have the water very hot. And I too would have to wash the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher.

    Friends that are going camping with us are arriving today. Making some lasagna that I had frozen, so easy meal to have, along with some garlic bread and that will be it! Left overs will be taken camping. Heading out of here around 6 am.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2017

    My cat Happy was dejected yesterday: after killing a moth, he couldn't understand why it wouldn't play with him while batting it around the floor.

    Last hot day for awhile--of course, tonight's rains will come during my walk home from my train commute from chorus rehearsal in the Loop. Going down into the 60s before rebounding into the 70s (and dry) again over the weekend.

    Last night's DOTD was Mumm Napa 2010 Deveaux Ranch Blanc de Noirs to go with pan seared king salmon; tonight, another flute of it should the Cubs clinch sole possession of the NL Central Div.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Hi ladies- just a quick poop in again on this busy week. NM is getting a BUNCH of rain right now. Where did all this moisture come from? Sort of late monsoonal stuff me thinks, but we will take it. Some areas of the state got up to 3 inches yesterday (in a place where the norm is 8 inches annually). It is raining again and have to say I like it. I won't swim tonight as if there are t-storms around, they kick us out and will plan to go tomorrow night.

    I just wanted to post this for NM and her sweet Sadie. More soon
