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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017

    Lori- I saw your post too after I wrote more today. So glad for your surprise, we like surprises especially if they are good ones, right? Sounds like a fabulous trip! So glad you had so much family come to make it super special! You deserve all the happiness life has to offer, sister!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2017

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday!It's Columbus/Indigenous Peoples Day here in Maine, what I call one of the half-a$ed holidays. Half the world is closed, half is open. Half the doc's offices will be closed, not sure about banks, lots of businesses but not all will be closed, just nuts. Getting the last remnant of Nate coming through, it poured rain a couple times yesterday, very warm and foggy this ayem.

    Goldie--so glad the camping trip was so good for you! What a great surprise you got!Hooray for you and your family!

    Teka--I hate it when soft apples get mixed in with the harder ones.

    Jazzy--amazing pics of the balloons and the fog on the river!

    Chevy--Snow? Well, it is coming! How far up in altitude are you? Wow, what camping experiences you have had!

    Jazzy--Sadie and I had some wonderful snuggles until the weather warmed up again, now we're back to bedtime snuggles ciz I sleep with the ceiling fan on!

    Goldie-can't wait to see the video!

    Mema--great interview! Very scary situation.

    Illi--confusing is right.Glad you are feeling well, that is a good step in the right direction. You must feel better that there is a plan in place.

    Dara--the Zappos guy is pretty amazing. And his approach proves that taking care of employees and the community doesn't get in the way of making money.

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Apple Blossom



    Pour ingredients into a mixing glass almost-filled with ice. Stir, and strain into an old-fashioned glass over ice. Garnish with fruit, and serve.

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2017   HAH!!!  I Hope this works!  It's a video of Caramel Apple Mimosa's!  They look soooooo good! 

    And yes, I saw your reunion on FB Goldie...  What a great surprise for everyone!   

    So many names I remember here with you goils...  Memma Sue, Miss Native, Jazzy, and Dara!   And so where is that Cammiwiththephonejob???  I know little love...  taking care of your little girl.....  just know we are all thinking of you....  we've all been there, so we know what you are feeling.... I'll have a toast to your day ....  It's snowing here!  We are in Denver, and it's only a mile above sea-level...  but first snow of the season...!  And it is just 33 degrees out...  75 yesterday....  It's a wonder we all don't have pneumonia or something similarino.... 

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2017

    Illona, sorry about those darned mets. It's like we sit around and wait for that "ball" to drop. Glad you feel so good, I feel the same way.

    Oh my Sue, so glad your niece is ok. So scary!

    Wacko, glad things are going well. How is your tummy? I will be glad to have you back on a regular basis.

    NM, you can see the video on FB.

    Cami, I'm so sorry for things going on in your home and praying for all of you.

    Chevy, Elizabeth Dahling….it IS good to see you around the lounge. Glad you gals keep up with Cami. You and her remind me of Lucy and Viv!

    I planted some beets before I left for camping, came back and they were starting to come up and dang it all if a mouse or rat ate them!!!!! Gonna have to try again!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2017

    peaking in briefly while eatting a sammy. Sending prayers to anyone near Sonoma Valley, horrible wild fires burning there. A classmate and dear friend of mine from college was just evacuated.

    lol Lori on Lucy and Viv. Love that. My stomach .... ugh, hate even going there. It looks like I will need another surgery albeit a minor surgery. Still, don't want a plastic surgeon near me with a knife! A debridement is one thing. The PS thought it was a knot and tried to pull it out but to no avail. It is oozing more now, PS said if it became exposed again, I could try a general surgeon to dig out the threads. I just wanna kill Dr. pRick, the PS at Univ of Penn Hospital that jacked up my body so horribly.

    Continued Prayers for Leslie and for Sue.

    cheeRs loves!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2017

    Yes.... I'm Elizabeth Dahling...  Hah!  Or Ed... or whatever I changed my name to at the time... Goldie, we used to have so much fun teasing each other....  she will be back... I just know it....

    So beets??   Can you get a hold of a BIG pot?  Like the one grow-houses use to grow pot?  Then you can plant stuff, and put netting all over everything, and maybe the little B-tards won't get your veggies first?  I had to get some "deer netting" and drape it all over my tomato plants, and anchor it down at the bottom of the pots, and it kept the squirrels out of them...  they only liked the Heirloom, or large tomatoes... not the cherry tomatoes.   I don't know if that would work with "in the ground plants"....   SOMEone set 8 of those huge grow-pots out in the alley 2 years ago.... So of course I go rescue them....  I saw "White Rhino" written on tape on one of the pots.... I go google that name, wondering what kind of plant that is, that I could grow....  HAH!  It is some fancy strain of marijuana...  I found out...  So I'm just sticking to Tomatoes, herbs, etc....  

    But one of my friends has 4 pots of MJ growing on their deck!!!  It has buds on it...  But she says it is a job, to dry and whatever get those buds into something you can smoke....  I was, and still am too afraid to try it....  

    Miss Dara...  What happened to you?   And I don't even know what a deprivement is....  nor do I want one....  I have enough trouble with all my rashes, and whatever.... and trying to figure out what I'm doing....  to get rid of them....

    Our power came back on... I think our little morning snow-storm broke branches off the trees, and onto the power lines!    I can't imagine what the folks in Texas, Florida, and then Puerto Rico did without their power, and all their other problems... so I'm not complaining....It's only 33 degrees out...  but oh well...  

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2017

    This is my friend... & her plants....Happy

    No.... I'm just kidding.....WinkingImage result for growing marijuana

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2017

    On hiatus from workout--trainer (who is observant) took time off for Yom Kippur & Sukkot, so I did what I could at home (the stretches, modified pushups, squats) and used the treadmill at the gym. But now I'm having weird jaw/ear/neck pain on L side, affected by movement, so I'm taking it easy. It came on suddenly last night in the Uber en route to the Little Steven & the Disciples of Soul concert (fantastic show), abated during dinner & the concert, but recurred in another Uber en route home (sat in same location, with shoulder belt across my neck). Got worse overnight and still worse now. Frustratingly, I can't reliably reproduce it and I can't tell what will set it off--though head movement and swallowing (my own saliva but not beverages) often bring it on. PCP's PA says it's not ONJ or an ear infection; not a tooth abscess because I have no fever or weird taste in my mouth and my gum doesn't hurt when I press on it. She has it narrowed down to sinus inflammation (mold count over 53K today), salivary gland or adjacent lymph node problem or perhaps TMJ. I have an upcoming dental appt so will ask for another X-ray or ENT referral if it persists. Meanwhile, I've been advised to use heat, Aleve, decongestant and keep encouraging saliva flow in case it's partial blockage caused by parotid "gravel."

    Yesterday, with dinner (shrimp & grits at House of Blues) I had a dry "Sofie" rosé by Niebaum-Coppola.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Still tropical and rainy here, no more talk aboutdroughts for a while. Got through the Columbus/Indigenous Peoples day half-a$ed holiday with a minimum of annoyance. Visited with my Mom for a bit at her place, she's cleaning out the trailer, one of my cousins is going to move it to her land and fix it up (it doesn't need much fixing, but a bit) so Mom is sorting and boxing and moving stuff to the storage shed or the dump, as appropriate. Kind of sad to see the place being stripped down like that, but she hasn't lived there for years, and without attention it's just going to deteriorate. She's also trying to sell the land, wish I could afford to buy it, but that's not in the budget without my going back to work full time and I don't want it badly enough to do that. Mostly I just don't want her to sell it, forno good reason other than I'd like it to stay in the family. I guess I still think of it as home, in a way. Time to grow up, I guess!

    Chevy--The Caramel Mimosas look absolutely yummy! I may have to go out and get some caramel vodka, and it's coming into cider season, so time to mix up some. It's crazy you got snow, but I can remember Trick or Treating in the snow, with costumes over snowsuits when I was young, so not so surprising, really.

    Goldie-- I did see the video on Fb, what a nice surprise on a rainy day! How nice of you to plant some beets for the critters to eat while you were gone!You are so thoughtful of the critters.

    Dara--those fires are frightening. Glad your friend is out and safe. I can imagine how you feel about more surgery, and to be having issues at this late a date, that was so botched up. I hope you can find someone who will finally fix the issue once and for all.

    Chevy--I can't believe your friend is growing pot on the deck! Glad you got power back, and it is humbling to realize that so many people are still without power due to the hurricanes.

    Chi--having unexplained pain is scary and not fun. I hope you find a cause ASAP and that it can be treated.

    Dances with Hornet's DOTD:

    Cider Cup Ingredients


    Combine all ingredients in a saucepan; bring to the boil, stirring occasionally. Allow to cool. When cool, strain and chill for several hours. Re-heat one hour before serving, and serve lukewarm.

    Best served in a Pint Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2017

    Wacko, I can't believe you are having more problems with that tummy. How does that happen after such a long period of time? So, what are you getting with your MMJ card?

    Chevy, you are so funny as well. You and your neighbor with the MMJ, too funny. To just smoke the stuff, I think you just let it dry. I don't smoke any, I use the RSO and just at night before I go to bed. I will plant some more beets and I put gallon milk jugs over them. They just need to get going. Once they get big enough, the critters leave them alone.

    Gee Sandy, one thing after another for you.

    NM, is the land ofyour moms where you grew up? I know I hated to see my mom sell our place up north. 10 acres and a trailer. We didn't grow up there, but was up there just about every weekend growing up.

    Going for labs today, should have results tomorrow and see my onc on Thursday. Then attending a MMJ conference in Phoenix. Looking at trying to get in with this growing industry some how.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017

    Good morning friends- getting caught up here on this crisp fall morning. Another nice moring for the morning mass ascension and saw about 10 floating down the valley, but in a distance. Here is another great video I saw on FB this morning from GMA.

    Had the cleaning company here early yesterday, working on the contract with the new teaming company (finishing that today) and also got my car in for the two new rear tires. Hope to have her back by end of the week. They always seem super busy and it takes awhile to get repairs done. Thankfully not my primary vehicle but one that is lovely to drive this time of the year as a convertible.

    Dara- there was another sister here on a thread who went through so much of the same thing you have been dealing with from your recon. She had many debridements/follow up surgeries from her recon process and shared so much of the same stories you are here. She dropped off BCO awhile back. I wish you resolution with this so you can continue to focus on your new work.

    Sorry to hear about your friend being impacted by the fires. I know people in both areas where the fires are (northern and southern) and have not heard from my sister yet this week and she works not far from the Anahiem fires.

    NM- I so understand your desire to buy the childhood property to keep it in the family. It sounds like it would put you back in a place you don't want to be (FT) and after you just paid off your own home this year. But that being said, the emotions of a place where we grew up loom large. We had to sell our childhood home in 2005 and my sister and I both talked about whether we could find a way to keep it. I had JUST built and moved in to my own new home at that time, so there is no way. I remember walking around the house at the end to say goodbye with tears in my eyes. But a nice man bought the house, has fixed up the property in a lovely way and have seen it several times during my returns back east. Makes me feel good that someone who valued that space bought it and made it even nicer. I hope the same for you, it can make you feel a bit better about the whole thing. Hugs sister!

    Chi- I had a really bad pain in my ear/jaw back in early Sept I was sure was a sign of swimmers ear (given my weekly swimming activities). But I also suspected it could have been a blocked eustacean tube and in fact, with some decongestants, it got better quickly. So your thought about the mold could be right on. I hope you feel better soon.

    Chevy- how is your weather? We are getting COLD down here and some snow up in the northern parts of the state yesterday, and freeze warners everywhere. Hope you are staying warm!

    Goldie- good luck with the labs and hope you get good results! Is it getter cooler too where you live?

    I have heard a lot of people are getting involved with the MMJ industry. I had an opportunity a couple years back, but not a good fit for me and required special (and expensive) insurance for my biz so I opted out. Just be aware of that if you start a new business around the industry, you may need special insurance coverage.

    Ill- thinking of you and hope your apt went well yesterday and that the doctor is putting together a new plan to help you.

    Genny- how are you doing sister, any news on your tests and also your neice's recovery?

    Hello to all others and wishing everyone a terrific Tuesday!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2017

    Morning DahhhLinks,

    Illi - I can remember going thru all those tests and how scary it seemed, but it actually wasn't too bad. Never had the gamma knife tho, so if you feel like it you can share the details. Praying for you and sending you BIG HUGZ!!

    Jazz - thank you for your thoughts. Addie is home now with lots of elevation for her leg.

    Lowee - wah wah wah…I don't have FB so please tell me what the surprise was.

    Dork - thank u for the compliment, but Addie is my niece thru marriage. I'm glad that u think she looks a little like me tho. I am sending u BIG HUGZ and lots of prayers. You don't have to use Dr.pRick do ya?

    NM - ick, warm & foggy, but glad Nate do more damage to your area. Love the DOTD

    Ed - LOL, I knew u had a nickname on this thread, mese feeble brain jes cudn't remember it. So thrilled to see you posting again.

    Sandy - WOW what a croc that you are going thru more pain. Will send u some cyber HUGZ and energy.

    Lowee - hoping for the best possible results on your labs. WOW, growing mmj. You definitely have the space for it, keep me posted.

    BOMB, BOMB, BOMB yesterday. I cried n cried, am thankful hubs was here. He jes held me. Got 'the call' regarding the biopsy. I am scheduled for 2 weeks from today (24th).

    One of you, Jazz or Sandy mentioned a similar incident with melanoma. I was too relaxed and not worried and then bam. Trying hard not to crawl into da wabbit hole. But even if I do for awhile, I still think I can overcome/deal with the results.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017

    Mema- I am sorry the news was not good sister. We will be here as you go through things on the 24th. That is what friends are for.

    Sending big hugs Heart

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2017

    Thanks bunches sister Jazz. I feel ur Big Hug now. love yas all. Hopefully will be back tammary.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited October 2017

    Jazzy, all other scans were good, so gamma knife is the only plan, no changes to what is working from the neck down.

    Mema, sorry to hear about the melanoma, thinking of you and hoping for a good, easy outcome.

    Hope all is well with everyone else :)

    FYI, I'm craving a cocktail, maybe a margarita or something sweet on the beach this weekend!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017

    Some music for your tuesday evening. I have seen several clips of this woman and she has about the closest vice to Whitney I have ever heard

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2017

    Mema, sorry to hear about the melanoma, but hopefully they've caught it early and the surgery won't have to be too extensive. (My best buddy from law school has had two of 'em in the past 15 years--whenever we go to the L.A. area to see him, the first thing he says after we greet each other is "Where's your hat?" The second thing? "Have some sunscreen").

    The molds here have been horrendous--yesterday was over 58,000. I'm finding it tougher to fully snort my Nasacort, and I'm getting headachy. And Gordy has cold symptoms but also no fever or body aches--and today in the shower had vertigo. (Thank heavens for grab bars). After. my mani tomorrow I will go to my PCP and see what he says about imaging my left salivary glands. Was able to sing at rehearsal tonight but blew off the open mic--I was starving and it was storming outside (my umbrella kept turning inside out as I walked back to the CTA Red Line and then again as I walked home); the tavern where it was held was all the way out on the NW Side (a half-mile walk from the Blue Line and then probably an Uber home). And who knows when I'd have been on.

    Will pick up some Sudafed--been afraid to take it ever since being dx'ed with hypertension, but my PCP says the BP med I'm on will keep me safe. I have some phenylephrine-containing cold medicine (generic DayQuil), but I don't really want the other stuff that's in there (Tylenol, cough suppressant). I hear phenylephrine isn't very effective anyway.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017

    Mema- BTW, I did not have melanoma but had a basal cell on my scalp. I am praying they caught this early and you will have good outcomes. You've got this sister.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Got a morning at the Immunization clinic planned, a phone call with Kaplan to get the orientation process started this afternoon. Looks like my first class will be in January. Looks like it's going to be a sunny day today. Been dreary and rainy the last couple of days so it's good to see the sun. Plus, the rain has brought out a lot of color in the leaves, there are some really vibrant reds showing up now. Just beautiful.

    Goldie--the land is not where I grew up, that house/land was sold years ago when Mom and Dad moved to this spot. It was part of a much larger plot of land that was in my Dad's family, and has been sold off parcel by parcel over the years, although much of it has gone to my cousins, so it's still in the family. I think I don't want to see Mom sell it mostly because it's where I remember my Dad being in the last years of his life. He built cabinets into one of the bedrooms to make it a craft/sewing room for mom, added on the decks, built on an addition and built cabinets in the addition to make an entry way/pantry. He did beautiful wood work. I wish there was a way to move some of it into my house, but one of my cousins is taking the trailer, moving it and fixing it up to live in on their own property. I guess I see the land and trailer as a connection to Dad. There really isn't anything I can do with the property, and Mom is convinced she is going to need the money to live on someday. I guess it's just a change I don't want to see happen.

    Jazzy--great video! Thanks for the hugs, I'm working on letting go of the idea of owning family land, and reminding myself that I have wonderful land and home of my own that I do own outright now. Some change is just more emotional than others, I guess.

    Mema--oh, dear, so not fair to get bombed on like this.

    Chi--The sudafed will be safe enough if you don't take it for weeks at a time.

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Down Home Punch



    Mix in pitcher with ice. Pour into glass with ice, and enjoy.

    Best served in a Pitcher.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2017

    Jazzy, we have had a few nights where it got to freezing. Daytime temps have been in the 70's and somewhat breezy too.

    LDB, what biopsy? Did I miss something? Ok, I see it was melanoma. What will they do for it? As for my surprise, I posted it previously. I will go find it and email it to you. If you go down dat wabbit hole, I will come and keep you company. And I am not growing anything. Legally I can't, because I'm within 3 miles (as the crow flies) to an elementary school.

    Ilona, I say "take yourself to the beach with that margarita!"

    Sandy, that walk sounded brutal, with the wind and rain….brrrrr!

    NM, one thing about AZ, we don't have many trees that change color. Main color around here is just yellow. Well, sorry again about the land and trailer. But you will always have the memory.

    Cami, how is Les doing?

    Sitting here refreshing, refreshing, refreshing lab portal for my results. Not in yet!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2017

    Alright Sue, I went back many pages and don't see anything about a biopsy and melanoma. Only that you were waiting to hear from onc re your MRI and Mammo?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2017

    Tank ewe Teka! Guess I din't go back far enough.

    So Sue, the melanoma is IN the breast? In the skin? I funcused! As I thought melanoma was skin cancer?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2017

    Labs are pretty much the same, down a tad!

    I'll Take it!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2017

    Dang Sue, that was mid August when they found the mass. It's been almost 2 months!!!! Uncalled for, sorry!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2017

    Morning DahhhhLinKs,

    I have to is not melanoma (that was the reference I mentioned about the wait to hear results that one of the breasties mentioned)...mine is a biopsy for a new mass found in my R-breast. I must have really messed up my sentence structure in the other post. Sorry ladies for my faux-pau.

    Lowee - tank ewe fer sharing your surprise with me. Am thrilled ur TM's are down even if only slightly. I had given up with the results, figured they didn't find anything as the MRI-mammo was on 9-13. I was so relaxed that when the call came - I lost it.

    I think the surgeries boil down to Illimae and I. She is scheduled for 10-20 and I am for 10-24.

    NM - I can relate to the land and the house creating somewhat of a heartache. Hated to leave my childhood home in Phx, and my kids were unhappy about my selling the house in LV that they grew up in. It's not easy.

    Gotta get busy - it's laundry day....ugh.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2017

    Oh, and Teka - WOW I am impressed at how fast you found those posts. Tank Ewe berry much!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017

    We will be in a couple pockets next week while Mema and Illl go through more treatment Heart

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2017

    Good morning, almost afternoon, Loungettes!Got on the computer and got carried away getting some things taken care of and never realized how late it was getting in the day! But I've got my e-mail caught up and cleaned out, and following up on the garage door repair among other odd assorted chores that needed doing online. Fall has moved in, Sadie is out on the sun porch basking in a pool of sunshine, I'm wishing the passive solar would heat up the living room a bit faster cuz my fingers are cold and I keep making typing mistakes.

    Goldie--praying for good lab results. I will have the memories of the time in the trailer, and that's what really matters. And who know, Mom may never get what she wants for the land and I may inherit it when she dies (along with my brother). I think I'll let God take care of that one for me, if I'm to have the land, I'll end up with it eventually, if not, then I don't need it. I think it's more a last connection to Dad than anything else. Aha, lab result are holding steady or just a bit better, that's good!

    Mema--I'd be messing up more than just sentence structure if I got a call about needing a biopsy so long after getting a test. It's funny, I didn't have much trouble when my folks moved out of the house I grew up in.I was grown and in my own place when they made that move. I wonder why this time it's bothering me so much more?

    Teka--you must be some expert scroller to find that stuff so fast!Good skill to have!

    Jazzy--up, pocket parties to be planned!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Arizona Sunrise



    Add ice into a tall-stemed cocktail glass, pour grenadine over ice, add enough that some settles on the bottom of the glass Add tequila, orange juice, and lime juice into shaker with ice. Shake thourghly. Garnish with a straw, lime wedge OR orange and cherry.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2017

    Hi girls, Happy thirsdey to you all!

    Mema, sending you lots of love and hugs and sending up prayers too. Thanks for clarifying what is happening, I was funcused.

    Lori, glad to hear that the TM's are down some, that is good news.

    NM, sorry to hear that the remaining parcel of property from your childhood is being sold off. I remember when my parents sold my childhood home and it was so sad. I still ride by when I get that way.

    Sandy, hope you are feeling better. Dahem, it is jest one ting after another with you.

    Ill, I will be in your pocket when you have your surgery, we love pocket parties. Will join Mema Sue as well.

    Teka, good job getting the 411 on Sue. Love those willie plants wanna schoke em up.

    ED! So good to see your face in the lounge, let's knock down a few together. cheeRs!

    Jazzy, loved the video from GMA. And that singer, yes, her voice is beautiful and does remind me of the departed Whitney. I am still sad over Whitney's death, so senseless. Glad to know I am not the only one suffering from post surgery issues, ugh. Sorry for your friend.

    About mese belly, I am going to see a general surgeon, I am not in a hurry although I prolly should be. It has been three years since the botched diep surgery. The small area in question has never been quite right. It got worse since the debridement. I am so busy with work that I hate to take the time to get my issue handled.

    Weather here is sucky. It has been cold and dreary. But had the best summer ever. I have really enjoyed working outside this year and my yard is in the best shape ever. I put in so many perennial gardens. I can't wait til next year. I am really sad to report that I am getting my pool closed on Sunday. i hate hate hate the ugly green cover. I wish someone would design a safety cover that looks like a summer scene and igves the illusion that the pool is still open. We had the best weather lately, days and days and days of abundant sunshine. I told Cheryl that I felt like I lived in Southern California. Speaking of, where has our Heidi been? Tinking of her along with our other missing gals. Miss Cammy and hoping that Leslie;s first treatment went well. Pls report Cam and Heidi if only to say hello. I hate when I do not see my goils in de lounge.

    Well that's about it from Kansas hehe. Hope you all are having a stellar day. Remember to dwink up and keep those tits up, that is IF you got em!


    (and lots of love to all)

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017

    Good evening ladies- what a busy week this has been! I got my convertible back today with new tires on the back! Lots of errands done too. Then spent some time this afternoon in to evening continuing to work on finishing the residual organization in my garage. I have a few boxes left to go through and working to either donate, take more to consignment, recycle, etc. as I go through. Almost done and down to the hardest boxes (the paperwork stuff, ugh). I managed to drop off a lot of donations yesterday and the 2017 clean out continues.

    Got some good news that my new teaming partners are meeting with the CFO tomorrow on the RFI we just put in. I like the people and excited about this project too. We hope to get a timeline on final decisions so we know if we are part of the chosen consultant team or not. I may know more after tomorrow, fingers crossed. I had something else come up on the west coast and going to talk to that group tomorrow!

    The balloon fiesta continues to have stellar weather this year and so pleased to see things going well for the visitors. We can sometimes have rain, or wind, or both The community here makes hundreds of millions between hotels, restaurants, car rentals, various retail sales, etc. and very good for this impaired economy. I was at a local nursery today and saw some people dropping big money on some of the mexican yard metal yard art (I got a wicked cute pumpkin container). The people who thought they might be coming through town could not make it so no going down to the field, but I am going to be up early tomorrow to do some rooftop yoga where we can see the balllons floating over head. Should be a fab experience!

    NM- sounds like fall is feeling crisp your way. Regarding why things bother us more as we age, I think after certain events (like the passing of people), we yearn for the old times. I sometimes yearn for the place, but in reality, it is really the time in life that we cannot return to. Both my sister and I had this huge nostalgia about moving back east after our mother died, even though we grew up there, moved away and then back and away again and really don't fel like it's home anymore. The last time I visited, I just felt like I totally had no place there with too many gone, no homestead to stay, etc.) There is a term by the name of "saudade" that sort of describes this but think there are other terms too. Sometimes just blessing the time for all it gave you can help?

    Dara- sorry to hear the weather is not great, but it sounds like the summer was most awesome for you. I think a pretty pool cover sounds like a business opp. There seem to be pictures on everything these days, have you looked on line? I hope you can get help from the GS on the diep flap problems. I too hope the BC sister here who had problems is doing okay.

    Wondering where Genny went?

    Goldie- glad to hear the TMs are stable. We too only have yellow foliage here, a few places get the reds and oranges. The cottonwoods at their peak of gold are lovely (aspens too, but over now....)

    Cami- where are you friend?

    Hoping our other sisters here are hanging in. Will post some pics from yoga and balloons this weekend!