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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2017

    NM, now you know Sadie would cook for you whilst you are at work. You have to give her credit for at least trying. Hence all the cooking utensils in her crate! That cruise sounds absolutely divine, sorry you were a tad chilly. I have never even heard of someone being allergic to oranges.

    OMG Chevy, that looks horrible! I hope it looks worse than it feels! At least you are all set for Halloween! Getting out for walks and such is a good thing. We are rarely out after dark too and don't like driving in the dark. DH doesn't mind if it's "morning" dark, but not at night. How goofy is that??? I hate to see the garden season end. I do have my lettuce coming up, and dang critters keep eating my beets.

    Sandy, I can't imagine having to be glued to my phone like your DH. Guess it's the price you pay for being a doctor.

    Got a lot of cutting back done in my garden yesterday.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monkey Day! Sadie and I are enjoying a leisurely start to the work week, I don't go in to work until 3 this afternoon, doing an evening clinic. Hospice tomorrow, Clinic and Travel Medicine Wed with the Wed, Women and Wine meeting after, getting the garage door fixed Thursday so going to bring home some paperwork from the clinic, off Friday, big wine tasting event Saturday evening. Got to get out this morning and get some stuff into the dumpster before they come to empty it tomorrow. The wind has been really blowing, most of the leaves are off the trees now. Makes it a bit harder for the squirrel that is teasing Sadie to hide, but since he stays well out of her reach I don't feel too sorry for him. But it makes Sadie's nose some cold when she nudges me for attention.

    Chevy--Oh my goodness!That looks like it hurts. I am so glad the latch missed your eye, it certainly did enough damage. Do we need to wrap you in bubble wrap to keep you safe?

    Chi--good point about the difference between allergies and intolerances/sensitivities. And a very good point about associative reactions to food items. I wonder about the lady with the orange allergy, would have liked to have talked with her about it but wasn't going to go looking for her. Mostly curious to see if she was carrying an Epi-pen. Moving all the oranges out of the main cabin seemed like a reasonable thing to do until I thought about all the people in the upper cabin and on top that would be eating the oranges then going to the main cabin to get coffee, soda, beer, other snacks, etc. Didn't hear about any emergencies, so I guess she did ok.It's funny sometimes when I'm asking people about allergies, and ask what happens when they take the drug. People have told me that theyare allergic to a particular sleeping pill cuz it makes them sleepy.Sorry, folks, that's an intended effect, not an allergic reaction. Most sleeping pills will make you sleepy, if it doesn't, it's not working!My favorite conversation around an allergy to sleeping pills went something like this:

    Me:Are you allergic to any medication?

    Them:(a patient being admitted to Hospice with end stage cirrhosis of the liver) sleeping pills.

    Me:Which sleeping pills?

    Them:all of them.

    Me:What happens when you take sleeping pills?

    Them: I get really sleepy.

    Me:(thinking there was something else that happened, like bad dreams or itching) What happens after you get sleepy?

    Them: I fall asleep.

    Me: (after a pause to think) Have you taken many kinds of sleeping pills? Do they all make you sleepy?

    Them: Yes, every one I tried made me so sleepy I couldn't keep my eyes open.

    Me: (trying to figure out what class of sleeping pills Them is talking about) Do you remember the names of any of the sleeping pills?

    Them: No, mostly they were samples from the doctor's office.

    Me: (still trying to figure out what class of sleeping pills) What were you taking the sleeping pills for?

    Them: (looking at me funny) I was having trouble sleeping.

    Me: Did you ever find anything that worked to help you sleep?

    Them:Yup. Whiskey.I discovered that if I drank enough I would go right to sleep.

    Me: So drinking whiskey would make you go to sleep but not make you sleepy?

    Them:Yup! I hate feeling sleepy. When I want to go to sleep I want to go to sleep, without any of that silly sleepiness stuff first.

    Me:Do you still have trouble sleeping?

    Them: Sometimes.

    Me:What do you do then?

    Them:since I can't drink anymore I take this sleeping pill the doctor ordered (shows me the bottle)

    Me: I thought you were allergic to all sleeping pills? How is it you can take this one?

    Them: I am allergic to it, it makes me very sleepy, I just take a drink to two so I go to sleep quicker.

    Me:changes the subject

    Chi--It's crazy the way we expect people to be available 24/7. That is just too much responsibility and not near enough down time to recharge. Most people would not tolerate their job requiring them to step out of a movie to answer a page or text every few minutes, but expect doctors to do that.

    Jazzy--I suspect some of the allergen free areas have come out of law suits involving accidental exposures. I know some people can be so sensitive to peanuts that shaking hands with someone who has eaten peanuts or eating food not containing peanuts that was prepared in a factory that also processes peanuts will trigger a reaction. The whole thing kind of baffles me, since other food allergies, like shellfish or milk allergies can be just as serious but nobody demands no shellfish or milk be served on planes or in schools, that's almost exclusively a peanut allergy thing. One of my cousins has a boy who had an anaphylactoid reaction as a toddler, was diagnosed as allergic to peanuts, spent the next few years avoiding any food made in any place where it could have come into contact with peanuts cuz he could die if he had another reaction despite having Epi-pens on hand. When he was finally old enough to be tested they found out he's not allergic to peanuts at all, he's allergic to Tree nuts. He's being formally desensitized to all nuts now. His grade school when peanut free while he was attending as he and several other children were diagnosed with severe peanut allergies at the time. I'm surprised there isn't a movement to remove peanut butter from the market!

    Chevy--I have noticed that some things change and slow down over time. I'm not so quick to drive on the interstate anymore, more content to have a longer drive on slower roads. And it does take me longer to walk across large parking lots when my knees are acting up. But I am working on doing things I like and not putting things off too much. And I have rooms and drawers to organize, too! Neosynephrine is terribly addictive, that's why it's recommended to not be used more than 3 days in a a row, and many docs will tell you only 2 days. The rebound swelling can be horrendous when you are trying to breathe!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD;

    Peanut Butter and Jelly



    Pour ingredients into a stainless steel shaker over ice, and shake until completely cold. Strain into an old-fashioned glass, and serve.

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2017

    Good Morning Ladies and Chevy---

    OMG what a pic. Chevy Oh I like the cover-up story u have, it steers clear of the real action of how it happened.. I told u to stop working that one corner at night, but u don't listen.--but u'r still beautiful, u'll always be.

    Kim what a wonderful trip u had.. So glad u went and spoiled u'rself some--U need and deserve it. But I bet Sadie missed you. Or did u take her on as a service dog. Good idea actually. U've been so busy so it ws time to step back.

    Sandy I bet u wish u'r DH would retire. But he does sound like heloves what he does and I'm sure his patients don't want him to. We all love Drs. like that. But I'm sure u would like to go somewhere with out him on the phone 1/2 the time and enjoy retirement together.

    J have a great weekend planned, sounds nice and relaxing to me.

    Lori I'm sure no matter how long u'r DD stays it can't be long enough, it goes by so quickly.

    Hey Teka always glad u poop in.

    Well I didn't go yesterday, what else is new, I always feel so bad when I can't make things, mad too. But it is what it is and hopefully it will get better and Leslie is still doing all right, fingers crossed.. With all the Lysol being sprayed, but I hate to tell her she went to party the other nite in a bar having a drink--Jeez u'd think there might be some germs living there??? After all they use so so many cans of Lysol there and wipes all the time. Oy vey go to the bathroom once.

    Hope everyone has a great da especially for a Monday.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2017

    Morning DahhhLinks,

    NM - Wish I cudda been with you on that river cruise. Sounds like a wonderful way to spend the day. Bummer you didn't have ur other camera tho.

    Lowee - I may have said this already ..but I'll say it again, Loved Loved the video. You are sooo loved and admired by your family and all of us here too.

    Teka - I like to listen to some of 'the Kings' tunes also, but still prefer my Motown.

    Dara - hate to say it, but I agree, get that mess taken care of soon gf.

    Ed - ohh mese, it looks soo painful. Am glad u have a doc appt next week. Ur right, it could've been worse, like u say, I'm glad u didn't take an eye out. Hope you get better soon.

    Sandy - I didn't know that about the sinus meds. I used to get wired if a took a benedryl while others I know would get sleepy, now I use loradatine when my sinuses are acting up. Thanks for 411 on the anti-hists. My dh keeps threatening to quit his 3-day a week bartender job, I don't like the idea at all as he has no hobbies other than taking his guns out for target practice, oh and drinking and some gambling. I know he would get bored silly in jes a few weeks. We will see. He turns 70 in Feb, but he still has a lot of 'get up n go'. I don't, for obvious reasons, so when he suggests we do this or that, it usually puts too much stress on me. Oh well!

    NM - LOL'd about the allergy pt rundown, or runaround. Heehee PB&J DOTD sounds delish.

    Cami - still praying for Les. When I go to the bar I always ask for a bleach rag and wipe down the area where I'm sitting. I also carry a small pack in my purse, used them a lot on my plane trips too.

    My cleaning crew is here, hafta get my pooches to park and back before they start mopping.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2017

    Yes Mema....  I forgot about the drinking........  After "some" retire, they DO tend to over-imbibe quite a lot more than what we hated in the first place....   And it's then that you yourself really have to question your own sanity, or even safety...  It's then that you have to figure out where do I go next?  

    And sometimes....  we just have to take a break.  Until hopefully things straighten out, and there is a big "change" in behavior.  MAN, I sure worded THAT nice!   I mean things can all go to hell, and we even think of "giving up".....  We ourselves can fall to the lowest level we have ever known.... and we don't know what to do!  

    But a church, friends and even hopelessness can turn your life around.   Sheesh.... I sound like I know what I am talking about. 

    Honestly, I just thank God every day for our lives...  For what we went through, and came out on the other side, even stronger and with more devotion than we ever knew.   I just pray for a million more tomorrows.......

    Cams....  My face doesn't hurt anymore... I just bought some of that Nasacort that is supposed to "shrink polyps"  if that's what the problem is...  

    Ed....  Winking

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2017

    Oxymetazoline is what's known as an "alpha-agonist" that has the effect of shrinking nasal passages (or as eyedrops, constricting capillaries to reduce redness). Its advantage over Neo-Synephrine is that it is longer-acting (12-24 hrs. vs. 4-6) and therefore needn't be taken as often; but like Neo-S. it also causes rebound congestion or red-eye--it just takes a couple of days longer for that to happen. But its rebound congestion also lasts longer--up to a week.

    Sinus or nasal polyps can be diagnosed only by visualization, usually via flexible 'scope. (Congestion, however, can be diagnosed with just a flashlight in a totally dark room--clogged sinuses won't let the light shine through). You need to see an ENT for a definitive diagnosis, because that could influence treatment of your symptoms. Those allergy desensitization shots you got when you were younger can sometimes wear off if you've gone years without exposure to the allergen. I got ragweed shots from age 12-20, when I was growing up in NYC where ragweed was abundant. Then I spent 7 years in Seattle, where there was no ragweed, and I was fine...until I moved to Chicago. That first summer & fall was torture: I was convinced I was catching cold after cold, including sore throats. My GP suspected I had lost my immunity to ragweed while I was away, and Chicago has tons of it--plus tree and grass pollens against which I'd never been desensitized. Had to get skin tests & take shots (ragweed, trees, grasses) from 1978-84.

    Unfortunately, there are mold spores here against which you can't really get desensitized, because there are hundreds if not thousands of kinds and in sufficient quantities they will cause nearly everyone to release histamine and produce allergy symptoms. And they're present year-round outdoors except in subzero weather. We've had five "air quality alert days" due to molds this year, when in the past we would get maybe one every couple of years. Today the count was only about 500 spores shy of an "alert." (High mold levels are anything >13,000 spores; the alerts kick in at 50,000). The one facility in the Chicago area--Gottlieb Hospital--that takes pollen & mold counts stops at the end of Oct. and doesn't start back up till mid-March. Abbott Labs used to, but they no longer do. And the allergist at Gottlieb is who does the counts is 83 years old and goes up to the roof to get slides every morning M-F in season.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2017

    Mema, unless the Benadryl you took was Benadryl-D (which contains pseudoephedrine), you had what's known as a "paradoxical reaction" if it made you "wired." Generic Benadryl (diphenhydramine) is the active ingredient in most OTC sleep aids (which are pricier than plain diphenhydramine) and "PM" pain relievers. Most hospitals will use it as a first-line sleeping pill before trying the prescription stuff.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017

    Good afternoon friends- lots of interesting posts here today! I had a good day yesterday with a chilly convertible ride to the farmers market (probably my last for the year) and a local apple and pumpkin festival in the same area. Came home with lots of great veggies, some apples, cider too! Some good eating around here this week. I am making some potato leak soup in the next few days.....

    Cami- you are good about managing your energy around invites. Sorry you missed out yesterday, but think there will be more fun for you to do this fall and into the holiday season. What are you dressing up for Halloween as? I have two different masks, including something scary from Walmart today. I think I will wear it everywhere on the 31st?

    NM- sounds like a good week ahead for you. I think we should all fly to Maine next year to do that cruise with you!

    That discussion about the SEs of sleeping pills is unbelievable.

    Chi- IT people have to be on call a lot too, except no malpractice involved. I have not had that too many times in my work, only during long running data conversions and the like, but it can really limit your free time too. I do understand Bob not being quite ready yet, but he is adapting they way he works through time and that is good. I think all businesses would be smart to let people work differently as they age. Part of why I like self employment, gives me the flexibility to take care of things which there seem to be more of than not as we age (especially our health and endless doc apts....)

    Mema- your procedure is this week, right? On Friday?

    Ill- are you feeling ready for next week friend? How long do you have to be out of work? I know you just went back recently......

    Goldie- good job on the outdoor work. It was chilly here yesterday but warmed up in the afternoon to do a few things. I need to work on pruning my rosemary bushes next......

    Chevy- I am 57 heading towards 58 and try to stay active. I know it is important to have a good quality of life as we age. I think we all have to adapt as we get older. I have become more judicious about how I spend my free time so I am ensuring I get the proper exercise and things to keep me whole. I appreciate your sage wisdom sister!

    Puter is needing for recharge so that is all she wrote for now....

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2017

    Sandy - thanks again for the 411. My dh tells me to only buy otc sleep aids that contain diphenhydramine. Which is what I take if I need it. But my med mmj (phx tears) works very well.

    Jazz - my biopsy is on the next week. I still don't have a f/up appointment w/my onco, will prolly get a call after the biopsy.

    Time for mese bed....lubs all!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017

    Mema- oh I have it flipped around on the dates with you and Ill. Biopsy first and hope it is just nothing to worry about.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2017

    A 2014 Morgon with the duck breast I (ineptly) pan-seared--should have scored the skin and started it in a cold pan. Still yummy, though.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2017

    Kim, it amazes me at how stupid some people can be. Sleep aide makes him sleepy so he's allergic! Give me a break. I'm surprised you didn't change the subject long before you did!

    Oh how I have missed the banter between Cami and Chevy. Please stay ED!

    Cami, I'm sorry you missed your outing with family. My DD is in MI, I had my time with her, so when she goes back to the VI makes no difference to me. I think she might be getting help from FEMA, do to lost employement. Glad to hear Les is hanging in there. Is she going to continue to work?

    LDB, you too are very much loved and admired my love. I was so flabbergasted at my surprise that my husband planned for me. Benedryl always knocks me out. They gave it to me during my chemo treatments, had to go back to my hotel and get to bed! My DH takes some MMJ to help him sleep. IT WORKS!

    Jazzy, you sure do make good use of your time!

    Nothing here to report. Very smokey here this moring, I think it's just prescribed burns tho.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2017

    Oh, and a classmate of my DD's works at a newspaper and did an interview with her. Here is the link if you would like to read it. If not, that's ok too!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited October 2017

    Jazzy, I had my consultation today, which went well. The lesions are tiny and they expect to zap them successfully. Very low risks and no meds (steroids, etc) with them that small. The procedure is Friday morning and I'll have no restrictions for work or exercise. I am relived, I have a 5k in two weeks and plans for a little strawberry daiquiri party :)

    I've got a lot of catching up to do here!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2017

    Oh Cammi is such a brat!  She seems to be insinuatingly  (on that's funny... spell check has given up on me!)  She seems to be a-thinkin' that I am clumsy or something appropriate....and similar... which I am..... but she don't have to SAY it...too much...  sigh.....  I would be teasin' her more, but I know she has lots on her mind, and little brain... so I shan't  say anything disparaging..  Watch... she'll look that word up...

    Sandy... I'm always amazed at how much you know about drugs and SE's !!!  I wish I knew 1/4 as much!  Even as much as I try and figure out, I'm always wondering if I am doing the "right" thing....  And I DO have Prednisone, but I'll wait to see what the Doc says....

    The 1/2 of my nose, is the only problem I have....  (oh now shut up Cammi)....  I'm not used to taking Anything... no pills, no nothin!  And I'm always afraid of over-doing something when I am sick... or hurting....  So neither my Husband or I, take anything on a regular basis... So Thank you Sandy, for listening to me, and explaining the differences in those nasal sprays....  I'll just stick to once in the morning, and again at bed-time and one Claritin, morning and night...    

    You are right about the allergy shots...  That's not the problem really, right now...  I just have it pinned down to my nose... 1/2 of it anyway... and what I did when I fell...  I'm thinkin' that the PC will refer me to an ENT...  if she can't have a good answer, as to why that one side seems "plugged".... with nothing in it!   

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017

    Good afternoon ladies- busy day today, got 4-5 things in the cooker now for new work. Got an update on my new teaming opp for some info we put in for on a big project, and my teaming partner met with them on Friday and found out about some challenges going on that will have final decisions and start up delayed by a few more months. Been down this road before and said we can keep in touch but will leave it up to them to continue developing the relationship until the work is there. Par of for the course with healthcare projects this year. But in the meantime, I have a few other things popping and like it!

    The weather here continues to be beautiful. I am looking forward to escaping to the mountains this weekend for my yoga retreat.

    Ill- that is very good news that they found these things so early and have a good plan for treatment that won't have you down too long. We will be in your pocket and wish you a successful procedure and speedy recovery.

    Goldie- so you are getting the smoke from the fires. These wildfires are horrific and heard there are like 50 in this one area of CA alone. Still a lot of people missing, some tragic stories and some wonderful reunions too. Do you have asthma? I cannot be around wildfire smoke, makes me SO sick. When we have fires here, I have to be indoors.

    I love the article about your daughter. I have not been to St. Johns since my college years (a long time ago), but was amazed by the price of some of the rentals with the high end homes. Just wow! It was pretty earthy back when I went there, and my BF at the time and I did the platform tent camping at Cinnamon Bay for a week. My first time ever in the Carribbean. I googled it and good to see they still have it there. In my old age, this no longer appeals at all......

    Mema- how is your neice coming a long? Is she going to be home for awhile or be able to return to school with some assistance? We are not hearing as much about this anymore with the next crisis that seems to follow quickly in this country, but know many have a long road out from this. Sending the family much love and to you to as you prepare for next week.

    I made my next follow up apt for January today and learned my MO is now down to two days a week. Going to see the CNP this next time as I need to go on a Friday with some expected work travel soon. But in the end, I tell myself that he may be retiring before too long. I don't have my endocrinologist anymore either, but seeing her CNP in Dec too. Well, this is the world we were all told was coming, seeing nurse practionners vs. doctors. Anyways, I plan to keep up with my apts and will see how it all goes. I have this one more 6 month follow up with the MO's office in January, then everything goes yearly starting next summer. I am already off the 6 month imaging and surgeon visit and don't need to tell any of you how much of a relief that is.....

    Back to the grind. Swimming tonight!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2017

    Good evening, Loungettes!Sorry not to poop in this ayem, but it was some cold in the house this ayem (as in 50 degrees) and I stayed in bed cuddled up to nice warm Sadie until the very last minute. As expected, the oil tank was filled today while I was at work, so the house is now warm enough that I can sit at the computer and type what looks like English, with pink instead of blue fingers. Did my Hospice day today, working all day at the Immunization/Travel Medicine clinic tomorrow, Wed/women/wine meeting tomorrow evening, garage doors being fixed Thursday, have Friday offand all to myself and Sadie, big wine tasting event Saturday evening. Not too bad a week!

    Cammy--Sadie did miss me while I was gone. I didn't try to take her as a service dog, although she would have been a very welcome source of warmth, cuz she can't go all day without piddling and I didn't want to have to try to clean that up on a rocking boat! Did you know that service dogs are trained to go potty at specific times? I learned that back when I was working in the hospital and had a seeing eye dog come in with a blind patient. The dog stayed under the bed unless the patient was out of bed and moving around, and the patient gave us the schedule for when the dog was scheduled to go outside for potty business. If the patient's wife wasn't visiting at the time one of us took the dog out to a place the hospital designated for his doody spot. It is funny how people can be about germs, isn't it? Good for Leslie for going out and having some fun, though. That's as important as being careful about germs.

    Mema--I'll make a special point of getting the digital camera charged up and running and take it with me more often. And especially for the cruise next year. I'm going to do one of the day long cruises every year that I can, they are so relaxing in a funny sort of way. I had planned to take pictures with the cell phone, but once we got moving I just wanted to unplug from anything remotely work or social media related and just experience and enjoy. So that's what I did. It really helped clear the cobwebs out of my brain and helped me re-center myself. Had some nice chats with some of the people on board, watched some people with serious cameras do some serious photography, and have a whole lot of mental pictures that I will be able to see in my mind's eye for ever.

    Chevy--You do have a way with words!

    Chi--I would never have thought about desensitization wearing off without exposure to the trigger, but it makes sense. And mold is just plain dangerous to some people. Mold and pollen counts are done here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in the spring and summer, but not in the fall and winter. The changes in the counts are amazing sometimes. Imagine that 83 year old going up on the roof 5 days a week!

    Jazzy--I'll let you all know when the special cruises are next year as soon as the schedule comes out, it would be great to have a bunch of us go on one! I'm with you on the need to work differently as we age. I am loving being in total control of when and how much I work. I love knowing I can say "no" when asked to work when I am tired or not feeling good. Now I just need to start scheduling some exercise time and sticking to it to get into better shape than I have been since being so sick last April.Still hard to prioritize myself, sometimes.

    Chi-- one of the nice things about cooking is that the food can taste great even if it doesn't look as pretty as you wish it would!

    Goldie--some people are truly odd. That guy really hated feeling sleepy, wanted to go from wide awake to sound asleep without any transitional sleepiness. Lots of people say they are allergic toa medication if it makes them feel a way they don't like feeling. Don't really understand the difference between an allergic reaction, a side effect, or an expected effect of a drug. Crazy world, sometimes!Hope the smokiness doesn't bother you, and it is just prescribed burns. WOW, what a powerful description of the effect of the hurricanes. Great article.

    Ille--so glad to hear the lesions are tiny and the treatment expected to be very successful. They must be very small spots if they aren't going to prescribe steroids or other meds to help the rads. Will there be only one round of rads or more? It sounds like it's a one shot deal, and that is great!

    Chevy--sounds like an ENT referral would be really helpful. It wouldn't take much, just a little camera up the nose to see what's going on.

    Jazzy--wow, 4 or 5 projects cooking, that sounds great! Sorry the one is going to be delayed but it sounds like that's not unusual for you or causing any worry. I'm not sure I'd care for camping type accommodations, but the cottages do look nice!Still prefer my own bathroom rather than a communal one, though.

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:



    • 3/4 oz After Shock Fizzy Orange
    • 3/4 oz Sambuca
    • Red Bull


    1. Fill a rock glass with ice.

    2. Pour in After Shock and Sambuca.

    3. Fill the glass with Red Bull.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited October 2017

    NM, yes, it's a one shot deal, estimated to take about 45 minutes. If I understood correctly, the reason for no meds is because they don't expect swelling as the lesions are so small that they don't believe my brain has recognized them yet and a couple of them could've been mistaken for blood vessels. While it sucks having something new and scary, like the brain, to stress about, I am really happy my headache got this discovered so early.

    It gave DH some piece of mind too, he's terribly concerned but trying to hide it well.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Long time, no see!

    Illi--I'm glad to hear that the lesions are so small. Talk about an early catch! And to only need a one-shot treatment is reassuring. Guess that headache was a good thing.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2017

    Good Morni ng Ladies,

    Lori what an article, u'r DD should be doing the news, it was so vivid, she's like u.

    Ill those headaches were a blessing. I'm so glad there will be no meds and this will be over for u. U've had enough.

    SusyQ always sending u prayers and a good outcome. U all are so special to me.

    Kim I still think of the time <not to long ago> u were so sick, but that started u'r independence and u'r own time limits--u always sound happy now, without all the pressure u were under. And now u'r decluttering is really paying off. U could never have done any of this before.

    Jazzy things look good for u and u always seem to make them good.??? And as everyone has said u can really describe what we re all taking so well, better than the Drs. can. Thank you.

    Oh I almost forgot---CHEVY--- yes I did have to look up the word but then again I thought about u'r nose and the problems u'r having and thought who knows where ur nose has been over the years---u cant blame it on one thing. There's probably a few factors going on in there. Think about it

    Teka I enjoy when u poop in, hope u keep at it.

    Holy chit it's Wed. I don't recall Tuesday very well. but then again Tuesday is a no feel day.

    Leslie is going for her wig today with Marty's cousin (she's close to her) so I hope she has luck, then her DH will come over and they'll order pizza and I've known him since he was like 10, I worked with his mom who passed away with cancer young too. So I've always liked him---They are the only 2 I actually like out of his family--Marty feels the same way. And Lori, she's not working now but she will go on things to introduce new products anyway, but that's all. She doesn't feel well all the time but it's not horrible so I hope it stays like this--sometimes she just stays in her PJ's and rests and her stomach is upset and I tell her just do things u feel like doing. Sometimes we just sit and talk for a while--she does have to go and get blood taken today and Katy will take her then onto the wigs. This is her main thing as I have mentioned and Joey's too. LOL

    I hope everyone has a good day.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2017

    Chevy, do you have an appt to get that schnoz looked at?

    Jazzy, the smoke we have is from controlled burns in the forests here in AZ. Surely they do those in NM to? No asthma here! Thank gooness! Ending any kind of treatment is always good, or follow ups. After I hit my 5 year mark, I told my onc I wanted to stay on 6 month check ups.Pretty cool that stay you did in the VI. I highly doubt it's still there after the hurricane. The park took a good hit, but all the island did.

    NM, you mentioned working at hospice without any incidences! Amazing! Interesting about service dogs and potty schedules. LOL at your comment about Chevy having a way with words. I could listen to her and Cami all day long. It's been a month and a half and still no power on St. John.

    Illona, I think Memasue had headaches too, which led to the discovery of brain mets. I wonder if that is always the case? Hoping the radiation kills all of those little RB's. (RB-Rat BasTURD)

    Cami, my daughter was intviewed for the article, she didn't write it. LOL about Chevy's nose. Do you know what chemo Les is on? My hair started to fall out exactly 2 weeks after I started chemo.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2017

    Yes Goldie... In one week!  You know, I tried and tried to figure out what is wrong with it now...  I thought it was maybe polyps, caused from that face plant...  But now I think I might have hit it so hard, it sort of broke, or caused a deviated septum...  I'm going to go get some of those "Breathe Right" nasal strips, because if I hold it open, I can breathe better...  It doesn't hurt...  And after I did it, I kept ice on it...  but after reading all about it, I'll bet that's what I did...  

    I know the nasal sprays are bad...  So I'll try and not use them...  It wouldn't help the problem if it IS what I think it is...  Except they DO reduce the swelling somehow....  

    Now Cam...  At least I didn't fall on my nose whilst pole-dancing.... at midnight.... in the alley....  and you were standing there all naked and laughing and trying to get the cars to stop...  Scared them 1/2 to death!   The Police were really nice to you.... considering.....  Sorry they took you away so fast like that....  I felt bad, seeing you hauled away in the back of the Police Car, screaming out the back window....  Did you get any of their numbers?  Thought so.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2017

    Pooping in for a minute whiles eating mese lunch.

    Lori, great article, Bless your daughter for helping as she did.

    LMAO and the chat between Cam and ED.

    ED, sorry about the nose, looks so ouchy. Hope you get it bixed all up.

    Best wishes going out to ya Ill and Mema, prayers and hugs to you goils and to all mese goils for dat matter.

    Hi to everyone too!

    Gotta fly


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2017

    Chevy, was gonna suggest that the fall might have broken your nose just enough to deviate your septum—Bob was born with one and if the sinuses on the “good" side clog up he can't breathe through his nose. If those strips work for you, then you probably don't have one or it's not completely deviated. See an ENT anyway. (DS surgery isn't for everyone—Bob opted out when he was younger because recovery can be worse than the original symptoms).

    DDS yesterday said my pain was not dental-related and probably either due to a low-grade infection or salivary gland problems—should see an ENT once I'm done with my upcoming trips this and next week.

    Speaking of which, I've procrastinated packing for my IA City trip today (conference is tomorrow thru Sunday), so I'd better get cracking. My room is paid for, so if I get a late start driving today, no biggie. Only a four hr drive. But hit the ground running tomorrow—part of the Songs for Seniors caravan (others are depending on me since I'm providing a PA and one of the rides, & we gather in the lobby at—ugh—8 am). This is gonna be my last “Folk Music Hunger Games"—getting too old & lazy for this chit. Late night showcases and sadistically early-morning breakfasts & panels. Had I not prepaid and volunteered for stuff, I'd have backed out.

    So if I'm silent around here till Sun. night, when I return, no need to worry.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited October 2017

    Good morning in to afternoon friends- into my on the go day and started with breakfast with a fellow music friend and cancer survivor. My friend is doing fine for the most part, a bit tired but who isn't? I know most of you can relate to that on some level. Got another resume sent off for another opportunity in the pacific northwest and hoping to get some phone interviews next. This afternoon is work on the house time and more decluttering. We may get some rain tomorrow.

    Goldie- yes we do have the prescribed burns. Although we have mountain nearby, most of those burns are further north and tend to be more in the spring. We do have some big farm fire in the valley south of year and been warned about smoke in the air but don't smell a darned thing so must be far enough away with winds going elsewhere?

    And yes, I bet Cinnamon Bay got creamed in that storm. I have fond memoires of the beaches on St. John, my first tropical paradise ever. So beautiful. I am glad your DD is getting some help from FEMA. We are not hearing as much about the hurricane stuff like we had been.

    NM- how is your hump day sister? Miss Sadie too?

    Cami- yes, trying to make the best of all the opps. I am in a prime time for some juicy new contracts. Between Oct to March is the best time to find project work in what I do. In the zone.....

    Dara, dara, DARA- hi girlfriend! Hope things are going well and thanks for pooping in.

    Chevy- did you get checked out by a doctor or CNP to be sure you did not break anything?

    Teka- I saw on the news there were some people in an airport trying to build the tallest donut structure and break a world record? Something like only 3 1/2 feet is the record. Then what, you eat them all? Those donuts look good.

    Well, ha ha on me, got to the pool to swim today and forgot to bring my bathing suit! Usually I put it on before I go, but thought I had packed it after getting home from morning apt and errands. Duh! Not enough time to go back and get it and make it worth the time. So I will go tomorrow. Too much going on today I think? The leaves are turning down by the river and will go walk down there later before music class. The pool will be there for me tomorrow.

    Wishing everyone a good rest of this wonky Wednesday!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2017

    Hey gals...  Yeah Sandy, that's what I'm thinking...  and no, even if I have that, I won't have surgery...It didn't really bother me when it first happened...  just later on...  One of the sites mentioned the strips might help...  for that.

    But I'm going next Tuesday...  I have to get a referral from her if I have to see an ENT anyway.  I'm still lucky that's all I did!

    The leaves are all so beautiful here...  Bright yellow, red and bronze!   And the sun-rise this morning was amazing!  So many things to make you happy...Smile

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2017

    Just checking in after a 5-hr drive and a nail-biter of a game (much of it spent trying to get engineering to make the channel work on my TV). DOTD was a glass of Domaine Chandon Brut (which I brought up to my room to eat with my to-go sashimi from the new sushi bar next to the hotel). Was quite appropriate because the Cubs are stayin' alive (and won't face the humiliation of losing a 4-game sweep at home). Can't watch Game 6, because conference showcases start tom'w night.

    Off to bed now--gotta be up by 7; and dressed, caffeinated (if not fed) and in the lobby by 8. My first showcase is at 1:30 am. (Hope I can nap after lunch).

    And in 12 min. it'll be Bob's 68th birthday. (We'll celebrate in Vegas next week, along with Gordy's 33d).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2017

    Mornin' Ladies.

    Well Chevy I have to say I got everyone of those cops numbers and did whatever I could for the uniform, but as long as u didn't get arrested it was worth it. Very worth it.

    Leslie went to the Dr. yesterday and again things are worse now she's a full blown stage III and might be going to a stage IV, She had a test at another hospital about 4 yrs ago so they compared and this Dr. wondered why they never called her back, cuz she saw 2 lymph nodes that were lit up, so she couldn't figure that one out. Leslie is in a stupor cuz apparently they cleared her and told her she was good for another 5 yrs before she needed another mammo. WTF---this is crazy now. Lori she started with the Red Devil and another one and the Dr. told her after her 2nd one she'll be loosing her hair. So she's doing another shop day to find one she really likes--but the Dr. did say we don't like to call it the red devil, but no one knows it's name, cu that's what I called it. I feel more worried now than before, they just keep on finding more in there everytime they do anything. I'm glad she's focusing on her wig right now so that's main in her head Oh this is all chit, the RB.

    I have to try to get some sleep I don't want Les to think I'm more worried than I am.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2017

    Illona, praying for you that the one zap does the trick.

    Teka, need some cider to go with dem donuts.

    OMG Chevy, I am cracking up as you "watch Cami get hauled away". I mentioned earlier that you guys remind me of Lucy and Viv, I meant Lucy and Ethel. What show was Vivian on?

    Jazzy, I think its cuz the news is focused on the fires in CA. But you are right, nothing more on the Vegas killings, the earth quake in Mexico. Nothing on the islands, except maybe some about PR, nothing on TX.

    Awww Cami, big hugs for you, of course you are worried about your baby. I am so sorry to hear this. And especially the fact that the doc says she saw the nodes on the old mammo. Sort of reminds me of what happened to me. In the end, we still have cancer, but it could have been caught sooner. I thing the Red Devil is the Adriamycin, and then she is probably on Taxol or Taxotere.

    To go with those donuts Teka brought to the lounge.

    Apple Cider Mimosas

    Apple Cider Mimosas. This is the best and easiest cocktail for Fall! Apple Cider loves Champagne <img class= | The Cookie Rookie" src="" />


    • Apple Cider
    • Champagne
    • gold and silver sprinkles for rim of glass (optional)
    • apple slices for garnish (optional)


    1. Dip the top of each champagne glass into water and then dip in the sprinkles to coat.
    2. Pour each champagne glass 1/2-3/4 full with apple cider.
    3. Top with champagne
    4. Enjoy!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited October 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! Waiting for the repairman to come and fix the garage doors today. I really miss the convenience of having the car in the garage. No waiting for frost to melt off or to scrape it off, car is relatively warm when I get it in, better flight of stairs to carry stuff up into the house from the garage. I'm really appreciating having the dishwasher back in working order, too. Somethings are just so worth the expense! Sadie won't be very happy when the guy comes since she'll be relegated to the bedroom to be sure she doesn't get loose and isn't underfoot "helping." But I'll take her for a ride after, need to go to the farm store and get some milk and half and half and maybe some eggs, and see what else is there.

    Cammy--you are right, I could not have gotten my life back in control working full time. I feel so much better, and so much happier with things the way they are now. And I pray I never get as sick as I was last spring. And I'm taking steps to make sure I don't! I hope Leslie found a couple of really good wigs. And I think she's smart to take it easy on the work front, and not try to work full time if she doesn't feel up to it. There is so much pressure from the world to carry on with life during cancer treatment as if nothing else is going on, and that is just too much of a burden for manypeople.

    Goldie--Still no power on St. John? Wow. That is some serious devastation. I feel for the people living there. No power makes it hard to boil water and do all the other things you have to do to stay safe and healthy in that kind of situation.

    Teka-- oh, yum!

    Chevy--your poor nose! You and Cammy get into the most unbelievable trouble!

    Dara--hope you had a yummy lunch!

    Chi--I hear you about the too old for late nights and early mornings!I can manage one or the other, but not both anymore. Have a good trip and try to get some sleep!

    Jazzy--LOL, forgetting the bathing suit! Sounds like something I would do. I had a nice Wednesday, 8 hours of clinic time that was slow, so did very little and a nice get together at a local restaurant with a couple of friends after. Sadie is keeping the neighborhood well under control and alerting me to everything that goes on.

    Chevy--leaves changing color are beautiful, aren't they? Especially in the sunrise and sunset lighting. My favorite is the bright yellow of birch trees against the robin's egg blue sky on abright day.

    Chi--I'm like you, got to be at least caffeinated in the mornings, and generally around 2 peeyem as well. But a 1:30 ayem showcase??I'd absolutely HAVE to have a nap with that kind of schedule.

    Cammy--oh, no, I can't believe what Leslie is going through!I take it the change in stage isn't changing the treatment plan? It's just plain wrong when something gets overlooked like that. ARGH.

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Irish Russian



    Add the ingredients in the order listed in the recipe. Care must be taken when adding the guinness to prevent an excess of foam. Do not add ice.

    Best served in a Highball Glass.