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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2017

    Wow quiet here.

    Lori so so happy U'r DD is OK, I purposely followed the VI and as bad as it is, they seemed to know what to do. She must be exhausted--I pray she can get out tho if even to rest a bit. So nice of u'r friend to help her.

    NM u always end up busy, but at least it's not day after day. So relaxing with Sadie always sounds good to me.

    OK Jazzy nd Sandy u both loose me in puter talk, u know that, but I always continue reading hoping to learn something but I don't.

    What a week this has been. Leslie does have cancer, she'll see the Dr. Tuesday for all the nswers on what they will talk to her about what should be done and her stage. But it has gotten to her nodes, now again all we can do is wait. And my sister operation on her knee did what was supposed to be done but now having complications Oh boy, rough week. Damn I can't even do anything to help anyone. But my sister is going to rehab, Medicar finally gave the OK. All I can do for Les is listen, and she couldn't sleep the other nite and came into my room after midnite and I heard Mommy are u awake???We just held hands and talked a little BTW she hasn't called me Mommy since she was little. Joey and I talked and he is showing strength cuz he knows that's his job now, He understands a lot about it and he remembers everything he helped me with big time making me LOLtoo, so he's got the idea.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Yesterday turned into rest day for me and Sadie. Today needs to be fill the dumpster day. Garage door still not fixed, parts ordered, guy will be back on Friday (along with the dishwasher repair man). Thinking it's time to look at the sewing room. I've been tossing boxes and junk into the room and slamming the door shut just to keep it out of sight, so there should be lots of cardboard and junk to bag up and toss out the sun porch window. Need to move some stuff around in the basement to give the garage door guy more room to work on one side, too. So maybe time to start organizingdown there. Need to start thinking about putting the property to bed for the winter, too. Got up the other day and the deck was covered with orange and yellow leaves from the birch trees. They're the first to start turning around my house. I seriously need to look at what needs to get done outside and in the garage before it gets too cold.

    It's been just about a week since I disconnected the cable box. Except for the local morning news I don't miss it. Been watching Zoo on Netflix, actually, binge watched Zoo yesterday, and loving it. I have an HD antenna coming, when it gets here I should be able to get the local over-the-air stations and see my preferred news again. I can, and have, gone on the channel website and watched it there. Getting the new laptop set up with apps for all the stuff I'm used to having and want to have more portable access to.

    Sadie thinks all the time I spend sitting on the floor sorting through stuff is a great game. I get more stretching done reaching for things she's moved, like the trash bag or an Item I want to look over! And she's taking advantage of my distraction sometimes, too. Yesterday I realized at one point that I was feeding her for the THIRD time in the morning!!! It's a wonder she isn't a fat dog!

    Goldie--I don't have an on-demand hot water heater, yet. Working on getting one. Everywhere I have ever lived I have had to wait for the hot water to get to the tap, so for me that's normal. But I can see where it would be annoying. Your poor DD. I bet she is working very hard. When she gets off the island does she plan to go back, or have plans not gotten that far yet? Still praying for her safety. Even if she can't get the money now she'll have something to work with down the road to get back on her feet with.

    Teka--ah, yes, the fall cleanup/putting the property to bed for the winter. Such fun!

    Jazzy--So glad the endo appointment went well. I'm also glad there is a plan to keep you going the right way in the interim. I hope your doc does go into private practice or finds someplace where she can work at the level she is committed to.I didn't really think I offended anyone, it's just unusual for there to be NO activity in the Lounge for that long. All the Loungettes are really busy with lots of different things and there are lots of family issues going on. The weather here has been bipolar--chilly at night, warm during the day, typical fall stuff. The humidity is becoming less of an issue. I love this time of year!

    Chi--No need to apologize, we all have lives to live and sometimes that interferes with Lounge time! Boy you did have the go-round with the digital purchase process. Whatever happened to computerization and automatization minimizing the need for human intervention and speeding things up for processes like this? That was really getting to be a circular argument. Sounds like you and Siri are having quite the relationship conflict! I laughed out loud at your comment about her throwing her hands up and ignoring you.I don't take advantage of the voice activated services, that will be a new area for me to explore.

    Cammy--true, that super long day at Hospice was only one day, and I got to sleep in the next morning. Oh, dear, not what I hoped to hear about Leslie. And your sister having complications, so not fair! Don't discount the importance of your being there to hold hands and listen. That is a huge support to Leslie, and to Joey. I'm sure he's strong and capable, but he must be scared silly, too. Prayers.

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Tennessee Tear Drop



    Pour all but cola and peach schnapps into an ice shaker, pour into cocktail glass, after all ingredients are poured into the cocktail glass add the cola and peach schnapps to the cocktail glass and serve chilled.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Cami- I am so sorry to hear about Leslie's dx. Will PM you too. We are here for you sister Heart

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2017

    Cami, prayers for Leslie and that her treatment will be successful and not too hard on her. Our babies are always our babies, no matter how old they are. Joey is a treasure. Sorry to hear about your sis' knee surgery complications--hope they can be treated in rehab rather than readmission to hospital.

    Kim, I found Zoo addictive for the first season. But IMHO they "jumped the shark" (np pun intended) in the second season--it became too convoluted and harder to follow or suspend my disbelief. I've gotten hooked on The Deuce (set in the years immediately after I left NYC), and remain hooked on Ray Donovan. Not to give a spoiler alert concerning last & current seasons, but they need a medical advisor if they're going to deal with an issue such as bc. (DCIS is not treated with oral chemo as an experimental alternative to surgery; and if it's going to mutate to IDC and metastasize, it'd take a lot longer than one year, even in "TV years"). Still waiting on the resolutions to the Chicago Fire & Chicago Med cliffhangers--Chicago PD, not so much because it didn't involve life & death).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Well, got to call the rubbish people, the dumpster isn't full this week. Lounged on the deck yesterday when I planned to be cleaning, but it was so warm and summery and I wanted to enjoy the weather before it's gone for this season. Of course the devil on one shoulder and the angel on the other are having quite the bit to say to me today. Trying to ignore the devil and listen to the angel, but it's hard!

    Working Travel Medicine this afternoon, Hospice Tues and Wed. Probably should work a third Hospice day this week but just do not want to. Got the property tax bill coming up. Not as bad as I was thinking it was, but the biggest bill I have now, so it shows on my financial radar! It will be easier to work extra days in the winter when there aren't so many other things to do. Or so I keep telling myself.

    Sadie has now decided that we should both get up and go pee at about 3 ayem every night. I love the way she includes me in everything, but since I already get up around 2 ayem to pee, the 3 ayem trip is a bit annoying! Especially when she beats me back to bed and takes over ALL the pillows.Good thing she makes a good pillow herself!

    Teka--those Indian Cups are beautiful!

    Chi--I just finished the first season of Zoo, doesn't look like season 2 is on Netflix yet. The set up for season 2 looked interesting.Guess I'll have to wait, or do some more looking around for season 2. A lot of shows pullme in for one or two seasons then they drift so much that I lose interest.

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Devil's Cocktail



    Pour ingredients into a mixing glass filled with ice. Stir. Strain into a cocktail glass.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2017

    Cami,I am so very sorry to hear that news. Which is why I didn't post yesterday. Just know that we are here for you and for her. Ya know, we can't prevent cancer, but we can hope to catch it early. So praying that is the case.

    NM, can't blame you for wanting to enjoy the nice weather. Glad you did.

    My daughter was able to make it to PR and has a flight out tomorrow morning. If they cancel that, she will be stuck there and hit with hurricane Maria. Praying so very hard she can get out of there!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Good morning friends- busy weekend and busier week ahead. I had a great time at the state fair on Saturday, the rodeo, and then the Kenny Loggins concert. The rodeo and concert were sort of lumped together, hence my trip to do both (might not normally do the rodeo part), but did enjoy a lot of the rodeo show. Been years since I was to one and enjoyed watching the women do the tricks on the horses and barrel racing too. I used to ride a lot as a young girl and learned to do both those things. Brought back the fun of those earlier days. The men's stuff like bucking broncos, riding bulls, and the free style with the bulls (basically they chase you around the arena and you avoid getting gored) seems a bit crazy to me still? I did see one guy literally jump up and over a bull as he came at him. Wow!

    Kenny Loggins sounds as great as ever and he had a nice band with several guitarists, the drums, and a keyboardist. More acoustic stuff than I ever have seen him do before and SO NICE! Lots of his old music from Loggins and Messina days, plus a lot of his favorites from the movies like Footloose, Danger Zone, etc. He told us a lot of stories about the origins of is music, including writing the Pooh Corner song in college and how he got through the hurdles with Disney around recording that (turns out his girlfriends Dad was the CEO!) The band did two encores and the whole thing was worth waiting through the rodeo for. I did have an option to pay an extra $5 to go down on the arena floor to be right up in front of the stage, but I decided I did not to pay extra to go stand in horse chit. LOL. Attaching my best pics from sat night.

    Got my home office computer guy coming to install the new computer this morning so I need to get ready for that. Will pop in and write more later today or by tomorrow morning to talk to a few more directly about their updates and some worries here.

    Goldie- thinking of your DD and hoping she can get a flight out of PR before hurricane Maria comes.

    Cami- thinking of all you and your family are going through right now.




  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2017

    Hi girls,

    I wrote a long post early yesterday but did not submit. Today when I hit submit, I was prompted to log on which made me lose the effing post. Damn gremlins!

    Not going to write much, been reading.

    Cam, all of my love to you and your family. Especially to Leslie. She will remain in my prayers. I am so sorry the result is positive. Shit. ((((Cam))). Love to Joey as well, what a sweet soul he is to take the news like the man he is.

    Lori, hope your daughter is able to get out. She deserves some much needed rest.

    Gotta hit the sack, talk to you all later loungettes. Love and peace, peace and lots of love to all of ye!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Had an interesting day at the Travel Clinic yesterday afternoon. One doctor who has traveled before who just wanted the shots and to get out the door. One elderly couple who had all kinds of questions about unrelated stuff and who could not be kept on topic that took twice as long as scheduled. One young couple from Australia, been sailing and traveling the world for a year, needed some shots updated who just walked in (this is an appointment only service, usually). Picked up a flu shot clinic at the local fire station next week, at the lovely hour of 6:30 ayem. It was fun, and I've got a pretty good handle on all the paperwork now.Sadie was miffed that I didn't take her with me.

    Looks like Jose will be passing by out to sea over the next couple days. There are high surf warnings up on the coast. I'll have to go check that out and see if I can see some good wave action--from a safe distance!

    Goldie--I am praying that DD gets out without any more delays or hurricane effects.

    Jazzy--I've only seen rodeos on TV, bet real life is a lot more interesting and fun. Sounds like the concert was really good, too. A new computer will be fun to set up, I bet.

    Dara--we need to find a reliable computer gremlin exterminator for your computer! It needs to be doing what you want it do, regardless of what you tell it to do!

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:




    Pour into an old-fashioned glass filled with broken ice. Garnish with a green cherry, and serve.

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2017

    SHE'S ON THE PLANE! On her way Stateside. However I am heart broken over the fact that St. John is going to get hit again. Tonight with a cat 5 and even more rain. I don't see how that little island is going to survive. It's only 5 miles across, and 9 miles long! I mean all the debris laying around, that they've cleaned up once and put in piles is going to be flying around.

    Cami, thinking of Leslie today and praying that it was caught early. I know how hard this must be for your family. So not fair that your family has been hit so many times with the RB.

    Jazzy, you find so many fun things to do and go to.

    NM, sounds like your day went well. Hoping Jose doesn't create any problems.

    Wacko, have you started your new job?

    Been getting ready to head out next week, Wednesday. I can't wait. Temps will be high 70's and lows in the 50's.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Good morning friends- had a productive day yesterday and another one on the horizon. My computer guy was here early to set up the new all in one printer. Along with my laptops, he also has my mobile devices (Google phone and Eclipsis notebad) set up with the printer too, but said not as easy to print to those and to choose the laptops first for printing needs. I just want it as a back up. Always good to have multiple back ups with home office equipment! So I am back in business, and it helped me to push forward on a few things I need to get done like a contract review and some other things I needed print outs to review. Got some follow up things to do today with the new healthcare group who is looking to bring me on for some new project work!

    The weather here is starting to cool FINALLY! Beginning of Sept was too hot with temps in the low 90s. It sizzled a couple of the mums in my garden I planted as the rains came in August and cooled things down. However, the gardens are still doing okay and looking lovely as fall officially approaches in the next couple of days. I took a walk last night in the cooler evening and out this morning to meditate at dawn and just so lovely. I love September!

    Lori- congrats on your DD getting out of PR and to safety. I am not hearing good things about the early damage from Maria on the Dominica and now heading to PR and the VI. With the winds and debris from Irma, people of these areas will have some different risks to deal with this time. Whew sister!

    NM- the story about the elderly couple going off topic at the travel clinic made me smile. I love those situations called "ask me anything" day, and went through something like that this summer with someone visiting asking me endless questions about NM I could never answer. Did you get questions about the country (ies) where they are going? Ha ha, travel nurse not travel agent. Well, it sounds like you got through it and maybe a good experience for the next patient that tries to take too much time?

    You sound like you are making progress with your decluttering. Will you have the dumpster removed for the winter or keep the process going year round? I know things get trickier with snow around. I am pushing to finish some decluttering my garage this week that is lingering.

    Need to get to my day and hoping that everyone has a terrific Tuesday!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2017

    Wow, I've really been MIA, this time, the time is crazy

    Oh Lori I've watched all these storms and when they showed so much on TV and how small some of them were, I thought How can they rebuild. I'm so very glad u'r DD got out, she must be a wreck too. They're getting hit one after another---those poor people.

    Kim u got some big stuff done, it's like u don't want to stop. And almost don't.

    Jazzy have u gotten job yet, u'r always so so busy.

    Teka that pic. is beautiful.

    Dara I still loose posts all the time.

    And now I'm screwing up the phone still, All I hear is oh u'll love it, well I don't even want to look at it.

    Leslie hs 2 more tests to take nd should know Friday what's happening. and nothing sounds to good yet, but the Dr. said there might be one chance she doesn't have to get chemo but won't know until she's in. The found another small mass too, and Marty and I are so concerned bout her getting any type of episode during all this, cuz her brain gets thrown like a frizbie when under stress.She struggles with her bi-polar chit all the time now this so all we can do is wait. And physically I can't help anyone, I'm still struggling with pain and meds.

    No my sister is doing better tho, she's in rehab and determined to get out. And I bet she'll get out soon. She's a lot tougher than me so now I'm not as worried, just feel bad what she's has to go thru. But when she's ready she has to get another operation with one eye, and it won't be easy at all. Again waiting.

    OK ladies, I'll try to be back latter'


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Good morning friends- busy, busy and got back in the pool yesterday after a longer than expected hiatus. Between company in town and a busy week last work around some new work opps, this girl fell off her routines. But I got back in the pool yesterday and hit it hard and did a mile, but felt exhausted last night. Amazing how it takes so long to build things up, and you can loose it so quickly! Anyways, back in the saddle again and going again tomorrow and then this weekend. Two times a week is minimum, three times is ideal?

    Cami- glad to hear DD is getting more information from the med apts. I do hope she does not have to do chemo (I only had surgery and rads, plus on the AIs for five years). Chemo is a tricky business as most here do know.

    Regarding work, the project I have been waiting on for some time seems to be in a protracting contracting process that won't have us starting on anything this year. I told myself it was okay to take the summer off as not much new comes up in the summer months, but that I would have to make some decisions by Sept as to whether I need to move on from this collaboration team opportunity. In the meantime, a new opp has come up and working through a contracting arrangement and expect to have something with them soon. I talked to the other group and said I needed to move on, but agreed to work in an advisory role (meaning I could help with creating some structures, approach, etc. for the new project) but would not likely be in a position to attend on site things with that client. The prime on this was okay with that, and there is another consulting group who can bring a resource to the table. Advisory role is what I want anyways. And meeting my local healthcare client tonight for dinner too. Watch, all three will come in now.....feast or famine?

    Goldie- remind me again where you are going next week?

    Dara- how is the new work going? Hope you are doing well and enjoying life?

    NM- do you have fun fall festivals in Maine? I remember going up there in my youth in the fall for leaf peeping back in the day. When does your wine group meet again?

    Hsant- thinking of you sister and know you are still going through a lot and thinking of you.

    Ill- how is rads going? How is Houston doing too? We don't hear much now on the national news with Irma, now Maria bashing it's way through the Carribbean. I hope things are slowly getting better.

    ChiSandy- how are you doing friend? How are your work outs going?

    Where is Genny?

    MemaSue- hope you are doing well too sister?

    CelicaC- you out there?

    Teka- I have another concert this weekend with an up and coming jazz vocalist by the name of Lindsey Webster.

    Gotta get going and wishing everyone here a good wonky Wednesday.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited September 2017

    My last radiation is this Friday! Houston is recovering, things are back to normal for most and I believe almost all the water has receded. Those with flooded homes have months of crap to deal with, I do feel bad for them. Next week should start to calm down at work and I'll get back to a more productive schedule. I'm signing up for a day of the dead themed 5k next month and my best friend is planning a trip out here Oct/Nov sometime. That's pretty much it, now I will have completed my initial treatment and get scans and follow ups, hopefully I continue to do well this well :)

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2017

    Jazzy, the cooler weather has been nicely welcome!

    Cami, I can't stop thinking about Les and how strong Joey is being. What horrible thing for him to have to grow up with. And then you with all your pain and the "D". I too have been concerned with her mental health in all of this. Has it been shared with your family?

    Jazzy, good luck to you on the job front. We areheading to Moab UT, and then up to Flaming Gorge.

    Ilona, glad things are getting back to "normal", for you and for Texas. Good luck on those upcoming scans.

    My daughter is safe in MI. Her island didn't get hit too bad with Maria, thank goodness. But they still aren't getting any news coverage. More news on the Earthquake, they are still talking about Jose, PR and St. Croix, which were hit the hardest with Maria.

    I am quite pissed at my ex, as I don't think he has done anything to help our daughter. I have put out quite a bit to get her to MI and stuff over the last couple of years. It was my brother that picked her up at the airport. Her own father couldn't take a little time off work to pick her up. And not sure how much time, if any, he is taking off to do stuff with her. And pretty sure if I say something to her, she will stick up for him.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Tuesday work went long (again) and I was bushed when I got home. Then hit the snooze button to the limit on BOTH alarms, and dragged my butt out of bed with just enough time to get dressed and get out the door to head to work. But, I had a lovely sleep in this ayem, and am going to have a leisurely day setting up the HD atenna to the TV and pulling out all the other phone and internet stuff now that the desktop is wireless adapted and connected. Need to call about getting an on-demand hot water heater installed and set that up. The repair men are coming back tomorrow to fix the dishwasher (that part arrived here the other day) and the garage doors (if those parts come in today), so need to do some tidying in the kitchen and living room. A nap is definitely on the agenda, too. And I've got to remember to go to the farm store and get more milk and half-n-half since they are going to be closed tomorrow and over the weekend to be at the big fair put on by the Maine Organic Farmers and Growers Association. It's a great aggy fair on Saturday, but very, very crowded.Not so crowded on Friday and Sunday, but on Friday everyone is setting up and on Sunday everyone is taking down, so not so much to see and do.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Goldie--Hooray for DD being on the plane and, by now, in the States. Those poor islands, I cannot imagine the destruction and how big the recovery job will be. Jose isn't causing any real weather problems, other than some unusually high humidity for late September and the pressure changes making my knees hurt like a b@$#@rd. Haven't even gotten a really decent wave action on the local coast. But, as long as Jose stays where he is Maria is blocked from reaching the East Coast. So I'll put up with the knee pain and just power through. Bet you are looking forward to next week's trip. Don't blame you!

    Jazzy--Very good idea to have multiple back ups with ANY electronic equipment! Sounds like you are all backed up and ready to rumble. Sounds like your summer of leisure time is coming to an end with work projects on the horizon, good for you! That couple had very few questions about their destination, oddly enough. From the woman's accent I am thinking she has been there before or comes from that general area. We did find out that they are traveling with a group of friends, and we are praying that the friends are more cognitively functional than the 2 of them! I plan to keep the dumpster year round. I'm going to talk to the guy that does my plowing about the best place for it to sit come winter time as right now it's in the area where the snow gets piled up. I do not want torestart holding trash in the garage until trash day, missing trash day and having it build up all over again, and I plan to continue the decluttering throughout the winter. I'm looking at this summer as phase 1--getting the trash and cardboard and big stuff out so there is room to move, winter will move into phase 2 which will be focusing on each room or part of rooms with more detailed decluttering and deep re-organizing, with maybe a project or two thrown in for fun (painting, putting up shelves in the pantry, pulling up carpet and putting down tile in the sewing room). I expect to only need the dumpster emptied about once a month or maybe every 2 weeks come winter. Keeping up with the trash will be a lot easier if I can do it on my time frame and not have to remember to put stuff out at the side of the road between 5 and 7 am on Wednesdays.

    Teka--Sadie is 9 years old, as best we know. Still acts like a foolish puppy much of the time, though.

    Cammy--my goodness, you are going through a rough time. The waiting to find out the details is so hard, and is especially challenging for Leslie, I imagine. Glad your sister is going strong and getting better. I'm praying for all of you.

    Jazzy--it is amazing how fast conditioning can wear off. And yup, I bet all three projects will want to start now, like you say, feast or famine! We do have some fun stuff in the fall, there are scenic train rides that go through some prime foliage viewing areas, The Common Ground Fair this weekend that is all organic and all Maine based.Funny factoid: for years they did not allow coffee to be sold on the fair grounds cuz coffee is not grown in Maine. Maine coffee roasters and blenders could set up booths, but not sell coffee. So the roasters set up booths next to the fair ground entrances and sold coffee, and did not set up inside the fair grounds, so they were making money but not renting booth space! And there was steady traffic in and out of the grounds by people going out to get a cup of coffee. The roasters were putting out commercial (AKA non-organic) creamers and sweeteners, which was absolutely horrifying to MOFGA (Maine Organic Farmers and Growers Association). MOFGA tried to ban roasters from setting up outside the fair entrances, tried to ban creamers and sweeteners from the area, even tried not allowing fair goers to bring cups of coffee into the fair grounds one year. The attendance dropped dramatically that year. So MOFGA changed their ruling and started allowing Maine roasters and blenders to set up booths and sell coffee inside the fair grounds.The roasters promptly made arrangements with the organic dairy people to buy milk, cream, half-n-half to use during the fair. Attendance at the fair skyrocketed that year.The wine group meets Oct 4th for a tasting and pair, and Oct 11th (women's group), Oct 15th for a tasting and pairing at a local winery. On the 21st is the big Bangor UnCorked event:

    "BANGOR UNCORKED IS BACK! Come spend an evening surrounded by friends as you sip from over 55 different kinds of local, national, and international wines. Chat and relax with great live music, while browsing makeup, fashion, home decor and more!"

    VIP Session is 4 hours of wine sampling, souvenir wine glass, light appetizers, live music and shopping. I've heard it's a lot of fun.

    Illi--Hooray for last radiation being within sight! Glad you didn't get flooded, feeling so bad for those who did. That must be horrible to clean up. I'm sure you will continue to do well, and getting back on a more productive schedule will feel so much better for you.

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:




    In a mixing glass half-filled with ice cubes, combine the rum, peach schnapps, and vermouth. Stir well. Strain into a cocktail glass and garnish with the lemon twist.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Hi ladies- going to make this a quick one as I have more work coming in! Land of feast and famine, more feasting on the horizon! I met my local healthcare client last night for drinks and dinner, and she needs my help with something through year end. We still have a contract in place so I should be able to get a statement of work set up fast and on my way soon. She is talking to her VP by tomorrow to get approvals so we can move forward. I may be in there as soon as the week after next, if we can fast track the addendum with legal. Also working on the other contract for the 2018 work. And yes, I expect they will all come in at once now! Play time is over.....

    Goldie- I am glad your DD is out and safe. I heard PR is trashed, no power on the entire island. I worked there a lot back in the 1980s, lived there for a few months too and just love the place. I cannot imagine how they can recover from everything. So heartbreaking. Their government is also bankrupt and with the damage from Harvey, Irma and now Maria, more demands on the feds to put up some disaster aid. Billions of damage everywhere. Not sure where Maria is going next? And we are mid way through the hurricane season.

    I am sorry your ex is not helping your DD. Given the dire circumstances of coming out of a natural disaster would make one think he would be more than willing to help. But people show us who they are, especially in the hardest of times, so it is up to her to see things as they are. Sometimes just too hard for people to accept someone they love is not that great in return. Hugs on this sister.

    Enjoy your trip! Love Moab!

    NM- you sound busy and happy to me. Glad you are keeping the dumpster year round. And figured those older people might be looking to you to be a "travel agent" type of resource. One stop shopping! LOL. Whenever I have friends in town, they ask me things about New Mexico I will never know and can't answer. You have Google folks, use it!

    Ill- really good news on finishing up rads soon. Yay for you sister. My guess is you will be starting on your Tamox. protocol next. Did they give you five years or longer? It seems to be varying these days as to how long women do these drugs.

    And you go girl on the day of the dead 5K. That will be something to inspire you as you work through your recovery. Getting back the things we lost during our treatment time is important. I love day of the dead stuff, big here in NM where I live. I just bought a new mask for our events here in November. We have something called the Marigold Parade here and think I may go this year. Let us know how you do? Also glad that work is settling down. Working post treatment is just a one day at a time thing for a long time.

    Cami- thinking of you and the family and hope you are getting through one day at a time right now too with DD's dx and upcoming treatment. I hope you are doing better too sister. Sending much love to you today!

    Okay, so last night at dinner, the brewery/bistro we went to has a new chef and I had some delish food there. Got there a bit early and had this super tasty app called a reuben eggroll to quench my appetite until my client got there. Good thing as she was late, and I needed FOOD. There is a new chef at this place, and while I was waiting, he approached me about taste tasting a new dessert for him. Most of you have heard I don't eat sugar, so I said I couldn't but then said "wait, what is it?" It was a fruit desert that included pears soaked in a sauvignon sauce, and put on a base of apples and creme cheese. Done two ways, one was deep fried and the other wrapped in a crepe. Well, I knew I could do that (more fruit based, not cups of sugar involved) and said YES!

    So here it is, and it was SO good! My client said she liked the fried one best (top), but I loved the crepe one myself (bottom). He said he is going to be adding them to the dessert menu with both ways soon.

    I guess I must look like a foodie?


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2017

    Looks yummy, Jazzy!

    With our apples, challah and honey last night, instead of Port we had Champagne--Happy New Year 5778!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Chi, Hsant, and anyone else here of the Jewish faith, wishing you a happy new year! Heart

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2017


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited September 2017

    Jazzy, oh that crepe! Every legit Hungarian Restaurant has crepes for dessert usually filled with fruit and walnuts with powdered sugar. So envious right now! As for the tamoxifen, I started it a couple weeks before rads, 10 years is the plan with Herceptin and Perjeta forever.

    Thanks NM and Goldie, I'm excited for tomorrow and looking forward to taking some time off of the daily/weekly treatments and recovery, time to relax a little :)

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Ill- oh yes, the bone mets require longer term care. How often on the infusions? Tamoxifen already under way. Hope you are doing okay on that?

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,705
    edited September 2017

    Infusions are 60 minutes per drug, 2 hours total every 3 weeks. Not a big deal, I bring snacks and watch American Pickers, lol. Tamoxifen has been ok so far, I had some night sweat in the first couple weeks but that's gone now, my only problem is stiff finger joints when I wake up, I've been taking glucosomine (no improvement yet) but it only last a few minutes. Otherwise, I've been pretty lucky.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Ill- sounds like you are doing okay. I have stiff hands too, especially my left hand and also issues with my feet. Learned to cope through time.

    I told a friend recently who was trying to help me with suggestions with my SEs that we cancer survivors just learn to cope with the longer term stuff. It is the stuff people understand the least about, many assume you have treatment and are "done with it." Not ever done with it really.....

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2017

    My sis (64) called today--she's been diagnosed with PMR (polymyalgia rheumatica) and possibly GC (giant cell arteritis). Her orthopod got suspicious when she described profound fatigue, bilateral (though not equal) shoulder pain and hip/thigh bursitis, but X-rays & ultrasounds were negative; and when she mentioned she's had migraines since her 40s and her eyesight had gotten worse over the last few months, he ran a sed rate and CR-P, and both were high. It's commoner than most people think, and was not generally diagnosed until the past decade or so, especially in elderly women. That's why, when our mom had the same symptoms at 80 (she used to get migraine auras w/o the headaches), the doctors chalked it up to old age and the CHF she'd already developed as a result of COPD. Turns out it can be triggered by an adenovirus, but susceptibility to the virus has a strong hereditary component. (Average age at diagnosis is 72, but risk begins at 50). It's commonest in those of N. European ancestry (including Ashkenazi Jewish), and occurs up to five times oftener in women.

    It's also related to tenosynovitis--hello, trigger fingers. (Sis has a trigger thumb, Mom had those too, and I've had both thumbs and currently an index). It might even be possible that the joint & muscle symptoms we're assuming were AI SEs might be PMR comorbidity. (Just because we've had cancer doesn't cure everything else that afflicts us).

    It's an autoimmune disease. Treatment is an initial course of moderate-dose prednisone, which is bumming her out because she's a bit more obese than I am (though she's lost weight spontaneously over the past few weeks) and steroids cause weight gain. But they will give her the loading dose and start dialing it back till symptoms reappear, then titrate it up just enough to achieve relief again. And an anti-inflammatory diet is also key. Anything that aggravates symptoms (mild food allergies, intolerances & sensitivities, as well as sugar) causes inflammation.

    What is so awful is that if doctors knew back in 2000 to check for PMR & GCA, our mom could have lived out her last six years in a lot less pain.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2017

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF! Getting up to a chilly ayem here, but warming up already. Looking forward to getting the dishwasher fixed and I'm very much hoping the items came in and the garage doors will get fixed today, too. And I'm going to get a call about the teaching job sometime today, in the e-mail she wanted to know when I would have 10 to 15 minutes to talk. I'm talking that as a good sign, if they were hiring someone else I think she would have just said so in the e-mail, or set up a brief phone call. Guess I'll find out for sure one way or the other later today.

    There is a squirrel in the yard that has started seriously teasing Sadie. Sadie will be quietly lying on the ottoman or living room floor, there will be a chittering sound from outside, Sadie will look up and then launch herselfout the kitchen door barking madly at the squirrel that is running back and forth along a branch just out of her reach. This will happen over and over for a couple of hours unless I shut the kitchen door! I swear the squirrel is doing it on purpose.

    Goldie--I can image you are upset with your ex. It certainly sounds like he isn't making much, if any, effort to be a part of her life. You are probably wise to not say anything, she'll see for herself eventually. Those islands must be an horrific mess.

    Jazzy--Wow, an immediate project and one for 2018, you must be very happy! I think the older couple was looking for a more comprehensive travel service than just the medical and safety pieces. I'm glad they didn't seem to be internet users, we'd still be there trying to explain some of the contradictory and out-and-out incorrect info they would have found! It was bad enough with the "I talked to a friend who is a Medical Doctor who told me to be sure to (fill in the blank)." Case in point, one doctor friend recommended getting a prescription for Azithromycin to take with them, another doctor friend recommended getting an antibiotic to take with them. Well, Azithromycin IS an antibiotic used to managed traveler's diarrhea. So we spent 20 minutes explaining how to use the Azithromycin, then spent 10 minutes explaining that Azithromycin is an antibiotic, and they do not need a prescription for "Antibiotic" as well. They were awfully sweet people, but very medically naïve. I think we got them squared away, though. Those desserts look wonderful, both ways! You must look like a foodie, indeed!

    Chi--that sounds like a wonderful evening's food! Is it correct for me to wish you a Happy RoshHashanah? Even if that's not the correct phrase I'm sure you get mymeaning. 5778--wow, to have that much history is amazing to me.

    Illi--I bet you are looking forward to the break from the daily appointment routine. I was so relieved when I was done with that stuff. I took tamoxifen for a while, hated it cuz, (get this) I had NO side effects. I was convinced it wasn't doing anything for me. I was actually relieved when I got switched to arimidex with ovarian suppression, cuz I had side effects and knew it was doing something! Talk about how fear can make someone totally irrational. But I hope you have no side effects from the tammy, it would only be fair with everything else you are getting.

    Jazzy--it truly never is "done", is it?

    Chi--oh my goodness, your poor sis. And your poor Mom. Autoimmune diseases are really awful most of the time. Treatment is so hard and so hard on the person.

    Dances with Hornets' DOTD:

    Mandarine Cosmopolitan



    Shake all the ingredients with ice and fine strain in a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a flamed orange zest.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2017

    NM, such a fuss over some coffee? Gheesh! Girl you have cleaned a ton of stuff out of your house. It must look like a totally different place! Good luck on the phone call. Did they give you a time when they would call? I hope that squirrel doesn't make it into your house somehow.

    Jazzy, the crepe sounded very very yummy! And FREE, makes it even better. Nope, never done with treatment. Sometimes I feel like I'm just waiting for the BIG ball to drop. It really SUCKS! Learn to cope, been doing that for 9 years!

    Ilona, it's the herceptin you get infusions of? For a year, right? I've been using a salve made from CBD, I wonder if it would help your sore joints. Salvex, it's expensive, but you don't need much, and if it helps, woot woot! I am going to order more today. I also use their CBD oil. You can find that on the pdf form. I'll know more if that is working when I get my next labs. Page 2 on the pdf, I take the first two items.

    Can't figure out how to add a pdf. Hmmmm....I shall return!

    Sandy, you write like a doctor, I don't understand any thing you are saying, but that's ok!

    Happy New Year Sandy and Heidi.

    Well, just as I thought, my DD is sticking up for her daddy. Putting blame on his girlfriend. Who is actually staying with her brother as he had surgery. But my daughter was told she can not stay in her room. Why they sleep in separate rooms I don't know. But what pisses me off more is the fact that he has not given her a dime.

    Off to town to do some last minute shopping and put more stuff in the toy hauler. Tomorrow we are going to a "preparedness" meeting with our accountant and her boyfriend. I think it's more to drum up some more business, as we are not preppers. Well, just as I thought, my DD is sticking up for her daddy. Putting blame on his girlfriend. Who is actually staying with her brother as he had surgery. But my daughter was told she can not stay in her room. Why they sleep in separate rooms I don't know. But what pisses me off more is the fact that he has not given her a dime.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2017


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2017

    If you want the actual pdf, PM me and I will send. I might need an email tho.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,971
    edited September 2017

    Good afternoon friends and happy first day of autumn!

    I have been out and about this morning and got my hair restyled with some longer layers, and then to the grocery store. Now that I am unpacked and have eaten some lunch, going to finish some paperwork related to one of my contracting activities. Hoping to hear on the final approvals for the short term work I discussed with my local client this week today. She needed senior management approval, but think it will all come together.

    Goldie- well that is too bad about the DD. I just always say nothing when someone says they have seperate bedrooms, like opening pandora's box! I wonder how long the idealization will last if she is living with him temporarily though? I had a friend whose DD always treated the dad like he could do no wrong, and then she went to live with him for awhile and it all changed after that. Be ready that the light could go on at some point through all this. Hoping all comes together easily for your trip!

    NM- out of curiosity, where was that elderly couple going? I hope you have a productive weekend with all the great things you are doing.

    Chi- any special celebrations this week around the new year?

    Cami- thinking of you and hoping things are coming along with the treatment plans and everyone is hanging in there.

    Teka- this is one is for you. Saw this in the store today and got some. Pretty tasty! Pumpkin and pumpkin spice everything now through Thanksgiving!
