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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2020

    Our Gov said today the stay at home is extended to 5/15. Pretty much aligns with the map above and what I think many were expecting. Many are furious though, and expect we will be seeing protests starting up here soon. I won't be in that crowd.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2020

    Kim, watching Maddow right now--and she is spot-on about nursing homes. 40% of our CV19 deaths are occurring in privately-owned (mostly for-profit) long-term-care facilities, few of which have enough (or any) experienced skilled RNs & LPNs like you. They are clueless about infection control, because up until now that has not been an urgent need. They don't know what they need in terms of that (and they don't know what they don't know). Time we started getting more PPEs and training to them. (Good luck having an MD or even NP there full-time). Too few people realize they're not hospitals. I've twice post-op-rehabbed in them, and even most of the CNAs have precious little formal training. One of them didn't even have a single RN overnight--if we didn't get our pain meds before midnight, we were screwed till morning. Sorry to get topical here, but it is what it is (and it's about time that changed). You are more of a superhero than you realize.

    With takeout (old-school) Cantonese food, Bob & I are drinking Domaine Collin Cremant de Limoux Brut NV bubbly. Might make a pot of oolong (no sugar though--when I was a kid, my cup used to have at least 2T. of sugar).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited April 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! Yesterday's snow has mostly melted off, but everything is covered in a thick frost this ayem. There was even a mention of wind chill on the weather, but it was for yesterday, and given how hard the wind was blowing for a bit, I'm not surprised. Had to go back to a blanket with the comforter and Sadie bed warmer last night after a couple of nights of just the comforter. Where is spring?????? Where is the warm????? Arrgghh!!!OK, Sadie just came over for her second morning pets and cuddles session and I feel better. She is sooo warm to cuddle up to!

    Goldie--Almost all my cookware is either cast iron or stoneware. I've got a couple of glass pots, and one big steel canning pot. I love the versatility of cast iron.Glad to hear the business is doing well.

    Librarian--Sounds like you had a good visit with the family. I'm glad to hear that some mayors are keeping the beaches closed. I hope the bike store figures out a way to manage the traffic. The Zoom cocktail hour sounds like a lot of fun!

    Morning, Jazzy!

    Celia--wow, how did Kentucky end up with a later opening estimate than all the surrounding states?

    Cammy Cat--believe me, Sadie lets me know in no uncertain terms when she is unhappy about something. Right now she is pretty content. And she thanks for the extra belly rubs from everyone! So your doc's appointment was on the phone, sounds like it was kind of fun and now you have your medications continued, so that's a good thing. Did you notice I didn't say anything about the weight loss? I hope you notice I didn't say anything about being worried about the weight loss.

    Chi--hope you found some good Chinese. So jealous that you can have coffee on the deck!

    Jazzy--Maine's stay at home order currently ends April 30th, latest news out of the gov's office is that a decision about extending/opening hasn't been made yet. The Gov is working with the Maine CDC. The numbers aren't going up so fast now. I kind of hope the stay at home is extended to let us get over the hump, but some serious economic damage is being done, but we do not need a secondary surge from opening too soon.Glad I'm not the one making these decisions.

    Chi--What has happened over the years as medical science has expanded is that sicker people are being transferred to skilled rehab facilities, but the requirements for working in such facilities has not changed, nor has the pay rate. So you have nurses and CNAs with training that was appropriate 5 or 10 years ago. A lot of what I have been doing as Staff Educator is getting that education caught up. 5 years ago if a patient had c diff they would never be transferred out of the hospital until it was cleared up. Now, getting patients with active c diff from the hospital is not only common, but the hospital doesn't even have to tell us the patient has it until the patient is on the way to the nursing home. 5 years ago, if a patient needed and IV for antibiotics or fluids, they either stayed in the hospital or were transferred to the hospital. Now we do that almost every day. But pay rates to the nursing home by Medicare, Medicaid and most insurances is no more than it was 5 years ago, yet the nursing home must cover all the care the person needs, even the follow up doctor's appointments and testing.Yup, a patient coming from the hospital after, say, a hip replacement, who needs x-rays to follow up on the hip replacement, and maybe a CT or MRI scan to follow up on a lung finding in the pre-op workup, gets those services paid for by the nursing home out of what we get paid. This is saving the hospitals a bucket load of money, as they can now transfer a patient as early as the second day after surgery. Too many things have changed without the support structure and repayment structure keeping up. Sorry to go off on a rant, I guess you pushed a button!But it is NOT right.

    I'mma Get Superhero Drunk: Avengers Themed Cocktails - Geekologie

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited April 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Huh, almost 24 hours and no activity in the HTL, that's unusual. Hope everyone is doing ok, just busy with this and that.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Three Sprinkle Rimmed Frosting Shots

    Frosting Shots


    • 1 cup frosting canned or from scratch; try vanilla or cream cheese or chocolate
    • 2-4 ounces vodka depending on how strong you want it
    • Sprinkles and corn syrup or honey for rimming the glasses


    • To rim the glasses: place corn syrup or honey on a small plate and sprinkles in a small bowl. Dip the rim of each glass in the sticky syrup, then in the sprinkles.
    • If using canned frosting, heat it until it's warm and pourable but not too hot (15-25 seconds for most microwaves). If using a homemade frosting, make sure it is very room temperature and smooth. Pour into a jar or something with a tight fitting lid. Add the vodka, then seal and shake vigorously, until the frosting is mixed with the vodka.
    • Pour into glasses and serve. You can also let this sit for up to 3 hours, then shake and pour before serving. They'll last in the glasses at least an hour before starting to separate.
  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2020

    Good morning- quick message before I get to my day. I have a weekly webinar I do every friday with a business educator I always look forward to, then off to see the MO today. They kept my appointment for my yearly check up, where I also get my Prolia shot. They have contacted me about every other day to verify I have no Covid symptoms nor have been exposed to anyone known with it. I am ready to get this done!

    Will write more this weekend and will leave you with this Rolling Stones video. I am not a huge fan of them like some, but do think this is music for our times. Enjoy!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2020

    JCS, you and Mary both are doing the ZOOM cocktail thing. How fun.

    Jazzy, I am A OK with staying put until June. Heard on the news this morning, GA is opening up, spas, bowling alley, gym, theaters and few others I think. I wish there were a way to know if any of these protesters gets the virus, so we can refuse to treat them!

    Cami yes, Utah is right above us. That is where we always go camping, in Moab. It's about a 6 hour drive. March 8th is when Mary and I were there. I know, I got home just in time. I know it's hard for you to not see the weight, and especially cuz the hernias, but I def. see it.

    Sandy, enjoy your take out. I won't even do that. My DH was a little upset cuz I would not let him get take out on Monday when we had to go into town.

    NM, I can't believe your weather, and we are expceptionally warm, no.....HOT. Love your no comments to Cami. I think this is going to be the norm now! She loses weight cuz she doesn't eat. I think if there is going to be a second surge of this virus, it's going to be worse than the current.

    Mary, are you seeing the girls today?

    Welcome Li, come in and grab a drink.

    Yes, a quiet 24 hours. But I managed to poop in this morning. Did some things outside yesterday, had to get caught up on my paperwork for the month. About the same for today. I am NOT ready for this hot weather, way to early.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2020

    Kim, I never said that the archaic training & pay, nor the hospitals' premature "turfing" (used to be called "buff & turf," but they don't even bother to "buff" anymore) of patients who need skilled in-patient care are okay. I find it disgraceful, and noticed it as far back as 2012 & 13 when I rehabbed after my TKR surgeries. We as a society really need to take a long hard look at how truly "essential" these poorly-paid workers are and revise their pay scales (and Medicare/aid reimbursements) upward.

    A huge portion of COVID cases & deaths here in IL are in congregate-living facilities & environments. An upscale retirement bldg. in S. Edgewater has had 5 cases and one death; the upscale nursing home where my FIL spent his last days has had 20 cases and 3 deaths; and a SNF in West Ridge (the neighborhood to the NW of us) has had a staggering 13 deaths.

    Up very early this a.m. to get Heidi to her dental vet appt. Last night I had to stop feeding her at 10:02pm (after she had seconds) and she made her displeasure known--she went and sulked under the bed for a couple of hours till she finally came out to snuggle me to sleep. I felt like an axe murderess, knowing I would be hauling my purring furbaby downstairs to her carrier. Got her inside, closed the door...or so I thought. Happy came upstairs and was also displeased at my having had to remove the kibble dishes, and (messily) demonstrated his hunger pangs--and suddenly there by his side was Heidi! Had to scoop her up, take her back down, and this time force her into the carrier, making sure the door latches were tightly closed. Dropped her off at 7:30, came home, woke Bob, had coffee & breakfast. Am awaiting the call from the vet--Heidi is second or third in line this morning, and the vet will call me first if extractions will be necessary (they weren't last year, but she's 15 now and has some resorptive gum lesions). Might take a quick 40 winks.

    More Chinese leftovers & Domaine Collin bubbles last night. Will order from Cellars tonight. Bob wants the chicken and I the salmon--so will crack another Pinot Noir (either ordered or from our stash).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited April 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!

    OK, gang, I need to rant and rave for a minute. Feel free to skip this part.Medicare has announced "new" regulations for nursing homes on reporting COVID-19 cases. I put "new" in quotes, because we have always had to report EVERY infection and infectious disease toMedicare, State and Federal CDC, and local, state, and federal public health.Yup, every case of the flu, every wound infection, every bladder infection, every cold, every pneumonia, every infected surgical wound, every infected hangnail has to be reported. Reports go to Medicare monthly. Reports go to other agenciesmonthly or quarterly, as they require. So what is "new"? COVID-19. The requirement for reporting a positive COVID-19 test is 12 hours. Nursing homes must report, within 12 hours of getting the result, a positive COVID-19 test must be reportedto Medicare, state and federal CDC, local public health, and EVERY resident and his/her family.Currently, there is no way to report this to Medicare except through the monthly report. Yup, nursing home are required to report within 12 hours, and Medicare is saying "We don't have any way you can do that right now."I work in a 60 bed nursing home.This is a very small nursing home. If we get a positive test (either a resident or a staff member) we will have 12 hours to call allthe families. Imagine getting a test result at 9 or 10 peeyem (this is not unlikely), and having to make that many phone calls by 9 or 10 ayem the next day. Imagine being the family member getting a call from a nursing home where a loved one lives at midnight, 1 ayem, "sorry to wake you up, but we have to report to you that a resident in a different unit from your loved one tested positive for COVID-19."And do you know what this is based on?The nursing home in Seattle that had the first cases. That facility didn't report the initial outbreak in their building to Medicare before the routine monthly report, or to the local public health folks after the first case BECAUSE THEY DID NOT KNOW IT WAS COVID-19.The freakin' disease wasn't even named at that time! They treated it like pneumonia or flu, followed all the rules and regulations, and Medicare is still citing them for not doing things that were not even put into place until weeks later. Oh, and by the way, a nursing home can be REQUIRED (FORCED) to accept a new admission that is COVID-19 positive, or has symptoms but hasn't been tested if a hospital needs to open up beds.Nursing homes are being harassed for requiring COVID-19 testing before accepting non-emergency admissions. So nursing homes must accept these patients, and then report them and face fines. Or be fined for not accepting them.Add to that the more frequently asked question of "what do we do with long term care when this is over?" "should elders even be living in congregate settings?" and nursing homes being characterized as the portal through which the virus is coming intocommunities (totally untrue, it's picked up in nursing homes earlier than in the general public because we have to report every infection, no matter how mild, socoughs and such that a regular person doesn't call the doctor about gets reported to both a doctor AND Medicare).The growing trend is making nursing homes out to be horrible places deliberately looking to harm or take advantage of our elders.Already there is whispering about how Medicare is going to get back the money they are sending to nursing homes to help out during the epidemic (all the thingsMedicare is requiring nursing homes to do are costly) by setting new, higher, and nearly impossible standards that must be met to avoid being fined. Take the focus on handwashing, for instance. If a worker takes 19 seconds instead of 20 seconds to wash his/her hands, there's a fine. A worker comes out of one room, washes hands, goes into the next room with a call light on, has violated hand washing rules--hands must be washed when coming out of a room and before entering a room, so 2 washes needed back to back. BUT, if the worker takes too long between coming out of one room and going into the next room with a call light on, guess what?Another fine. Every nursing home that has a resident or staff member test positive for COVID-19 will be fined for not preventing the virus from getting into the facility.MANY nursing homes have had 1 (ONE) case, and it never spread because they did everything they were supposed to according to Medicare and usually more based on solid infection control science), so there was never an outbreak (3 cases, at least one is a resident),will be cited and fined. It is becoming very clear to me that the trend in America is to close down all nursing homes. I'm not surprised, nursing homes are expensive, and represent a large part of the cost of health care in theU.S. But I can't help think back to the same attitude and approach when inpatient mental health institutions were deemedineffective, inhumane, and not cost-effective and were closed down. Where did all those people go? I can tell you from experience that there is not enough home care assistance out there for families to hire 24 hour care for a parent with dementia or advanced Parkinson's Disease, or is paralyzed from a stroke. Imagine, if you can, a world where long term care nursing homes do not exist. It's coming.

    HUGE SIGH.I feel better. Thanks for letting me unload. And for those who choose not to read through all that, it's OK, I totally understand, and I still thank you for letting me fill up some of HTL space and giving me a safe place to unload.

    Sadie and I are going to take advantage of the sun and temp maybe hitting 60 today, before the storm front bringing 1-3 inches of snow moves in. If April showers bring May flowers, than April snow better be bringing bumper crops of snow and everything else!

    LI-T--glad you like the recipe!Welcome to the HTL!

    Jazzy--I hope the MO and prolia appointment went well. So much has changed, I wonder how much of all this will stay with us forever now.

    Goldie--I'm afraid there will be a second surge, too, and that it won't be blamed on actual cause--relaxing restraints too early, or opening the wrong venues too soon. But I don't know for sure how (or when) it should be done, either, so I probably should keep quiet.

    Chi--I agree that society needs to re-evaluate how essential all levels of health care workers are, and adjust pay scales. But as long as society values people playing games more than health care workers or food supply chain workers there will always be a pay disparity. I just do not see Medicare/Medicaid reimbursements going up noticeably any time soon, the people who are making those decisions are too open to being swayed by other opinions, especially when those opinions are backed up with money. I hope Heidi's appointment went well and she's forgiven you! Sounds like you are planning a very nice dinner, hope it was tasty.

    Aggravation Cocktail recipe - Scotch, Kahlua, Cream

    Aggravation Cocktail


    • 1 1/2 ounces scotch
    • 1/2 ounce Kahlua
    • 1/2 ounce heavy cream

    Fill an old-fashioned glass with ice. Pour in the scotch and Kahlua. Float the cream on the top and serve with a straw for stirring.

    From <>

    I wonder if I can make this with rum instead of scotch--I have rum, but not scotch!

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited April 2020

    I am ready to have this self-isolation over! LOL!!!! The thinking that we have to have projects is about to kill me. We have a four bay walk out garage that is mainly DH’s space. It has generations of family trash in it that is not worth anything. Over the years we have slowly culled a small portion of the mess. Yesterday we started another session. DH has A LOT of musical equipment (drum set, lights, speakers, mic stands, etc.) scattered around as well. We sorted and cleared out a bunch of stuff that no longer works. Also got rid of FOUR tires we have had for years that go to a car we no longer own. There is also mildew in the garage as three of the four sides are underground. I ended the day with a headache caused by breathing all that mildew and dust. We did complete the cleaning and reorganizing one bay! Only three more to go!!!

    Also participated in a Happy Birthday parade for an old friend. It was fun to see people from afar and have kind of a party. Beautiful weather here so must go walk and get to work on maybe the last pandemic project.

    Take care.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2020

    NM, still more snow, say it isn't so! My goodness, and like I said, we have temps up in the 90's this week...ugh! I read through your rant, all of it. And no, I can not imagine no nursing homes. And the mental health institutions, that used to exist for the mentally ill, I use to work at one. I think most of those went into "group" homes? I look at the condition my mom was in, she had no money and no way could have taken care of herself. I had to stay with her 24/7 while we struggled to get her into a nursing home. It was NOT easy, they did not want her BECAUSE she didn't have any money and would make up any excuse they could to deny her.

    We will be getting the cooler ready today for these hot temps. IF you remember, out here in the west we use "swamp coolers" or "evaporative coolers", for us AC would eat up all of our electricity. Last night when we went to bed, it was 80 in the house. I can't do that. I've been getting LOTS of 4 legged rodents in the garden, so have to go every day to dispose of them. The ravens are happy!

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited April 2020

    NM - Echoing goldie's thoughts about more snow. We are in the pleasant mid 60s here today. I read through your rant and cannot believe the craziness surrounding nursing homes. All this regulation around nursing homes (many of whom are stretched to their staffs' limits) is worthy of a rant. Rant on, as I believe it is good for the blood pressure. Oh, and give Sadie belly rubs - also good for the soul.

    I have run out of white wine to use in my Chambord Spritzers Scared. Thanks again for that recipe.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,315
    edited April 2020

    NM - your rant is more than valid. I'm going to copy anonymously to some of my friends who are in public health or hospital nurses. I know where many of the people from the mental heath clinics & hospitals went. They are the homeless on the streets.

    Can I toast you with an Aggravation Cocktail, substituting bourbon for scotch? Is 1:30 in the afternoon too early?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2020

    Afternoon ladies,

    Celia, cellia Celia, it's never to early for a drink.

    Welcome Li-T hope u come back to share with usLC that sound like awfully hard work, maybe to much.

    Lori 90 degrees, that's not even fair ..this time of year. Can't u get one of those portable a/c u could even move to what room ur in and at nite put it in with the door closed about an hr. before. They're not to expensive either.Lori it's got to be hard working outside with weather like that,

    Jazzy u r always busy, whew.

    Kim do not ever apologize. I knew there was loads of rules and regs. but not like that. But of course everything has to be reported, that's kind of common sense, but for people not knowing that is crazy. And being in a closed environment and so many people coming to visit <before> the germs have to be rampant and that's normal germs. So when there is a huge problem it''s got to be really crazy. Especially for you, U are so meticulous in what you do, if all would be like you what a difference it would make. You know I can never say enough nice things about you and how u manage what u do. The Herculean work you do always amazed me. U know when u got sick u were so sick I worried about you, so I have to nag. An I applaud you for a non lecture about my weight, with Lori buzzing in why. Thanks Lori LOL

    Sandy another good meal for tonight, I like to hear what u eat cuz it sounds good. I especially enjoyed the Chinese food.

    It was Marty's sister's BD today so the did the ride-by HB parade. Something to do I told them just throw the gift and cookies out the window and get the hell out of there. That's really wht they' like to do every year but u just don't, well they won't.

    OK u gals I'll shut up for now, only now, cath u later.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2020

    I'm trying new flavored vodkas. This cucumber vodka with seltzer is a new fav.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2020

    Kim, those "Catch-22"s are maddening! I would think that washing hands between patients should be enough--having to wash leaving one room and re-wash entering another shouldn't be necessary if not enough time has elapsed between the exit & entry. But never underestimate the capacity of bureaucracies from making rules in a vacuum, to the point of the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing. "12 hours" should not include overnight, and Medicare should have a mechanism for accepting reports with none of their staff on duty. But that would make way too much sense. I share your fury--it's part of the reason Bob was considering retiring before all this.

    Heidi is her old self again. I came back up to "her" room to bring her more food, but the moment I cracked the door she shot off like a streak down the stairs. Haven't had to give her the "munchies med," as she's been eating robustly (and nagging for more). Then this morning, she turned her nose up at her prescription wet food (anti-kidney-stone) and Happy at his (rabbit & pea protein for sensitive tummies)...and they each gobbled up the other's food. Now they're back to demanding the commercial stuff. That transdermal appetite stimulant will be necessary when her new prescription (senior, with "SO" index) wet food arrives, if she spurns it. I was warned to wear a rubber glove when administering it, lest it give me the munchies (without the usual high).

    Not sure what we're gonna drink with leftovers (last night's, plus the Panera salad Bob brought home for lunch today). I think there's some of that Viña Robles rosé left over, plus half a bottle of the 2017 "Poppy" Monterey County Pinot Noir we got last night.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited April 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! I heard the weather report wrong, Sadie and I have another nice day today and the snow comes in tonight. Which is reallynice, since it actually got warm enough to sit out on the deck for a while yesterday afternoon, finally! I had a lovely time with a good book, some ice wine, and peanut butter and crackers while Sadie was roaming around the yard and sniffing things over. And it's actually warm enough this ayem to leave the kitchen door open and turn off the heat!While checking out the world when we first got up I got a lovely serenade from a bright red cardinal. I'm not sure if it was my Dad or my Grandmother coming to visit, but either way, it was wonderful. I did make the Aggravation cocktail using rum. It was ok, but I like Kahlua and cream and think I'll just stick with that, the rum really didn't add anything but a bit of kick. I get a lot more enjoyment out of a shot of Kahlua in a cup of coffee or mug of hot milk.

    Librarian--Hooray for getting one bay cleared out!That is progress! We mustn't discourage ourselves by always looking at what is yet to do, but acknowledge what has been done as well.

    Goldie-- yup, now it's 3 to 6 inches, up from 1 to 3. I am about ready to scream if I see any more snow. You remember correctly, a lot of people moved out of mental health institutions ended up in group homes (can you say "congregate living"?) or homeless or in jail or in cemeteries. The media is not talking about the group homes having outbreaks of COVID-19, not like they are the nursing home and jails. Of course, here in Maine, there has been exactly 1 COVID-19 case in the jail system, so the media can't get their teeth into that. And in a state with 50 deaths total the only sexy numbers are the deaths in nursing homes, which is also the only place where universal testing is being done. 1 case testing positive based on symptoms will uncover a dozen of asymptomatic cases. BUT, they are not universally testing in the hospitals. Testing is done only when someone becomes seriously ill and may need to go into an ICU bed. And I am not saying that any number of deaths in a nursing home is acceptable, it isn't.But it's like trying to make a world-class wedding cake with half the eggs and no salt and making sure everyone loves the taste. Ain't possible! I do remember you explaining about swamp coolers before. I really don't want my house to be 80 degrees, either. But being able to keep it above 55 without turning on the heat pump would be nice.Still, the electric bill is going down from it's winter level, so that makes me hope a bit. Do you have rodent traps in your gardens?

    Celia--thanks for reading, and yes, I feel better and I bet my blood pressure is better! Sadie has been getting lots and lots of attention and loves it. I'm sorry to hear you have run out of white wine. Wish I could send you some!

    Minus--Toast away! I had my Aggravation Cocktail at 3 peeyem, as the saying goes, "the sun's over the yardarm somewhere".Was it good with the bourbon?

    Cammy-Cat--I really don't mind working hard to take good care of the people in my nursing home. What I really resent is not being allowed to have what is needed to do the job the right way, yet still being held responsible for something goes wrong. And I learned my lesson when I got so sick, and I do NOT work that much overtime or overdo things like that any more. I'm actually going to be working fewer hours these next couple of weeks on then shift than usual, to offset the extra biological stress. I like the Birthday Party parade idea, what a way to recognize a birthday and still stay safe! Now go and eat something, there's a good Cammy Cat.

    Jazzy--cucumber vodka? That sounds like it could have a lot of uses! And be very nice for hot weather.

    Chi--Medicare is notorious for doing things like this to nursing homes. Right now we have infection control regulations that state that any resident on any kind of precautions has to have a notice outside their room, and we have resident rights regulations that state we cannot put anything outside their room that would single them out or shares any medical info.The best we can do is put up a "See nurse before entering" notice, and hope everyone (visitors) pay attention. Glad to hear the Heidi is herself again. Ah, Panera, I really like their broccoli and cheddar soup in a bread bowl!

    Cardinal Martini

    Cardinal Martini


    • 90 ml (3 oz.) cognac and passion fruit beverage (like Alizé Gold)
    • 45 ml (1 1/2 oz.) vodka
    • 45 ml (1 1/2 oz.) red cranberry juice
    • Ice cubes
    • Lime slice


    In a shaker

    Combine the passion fruit and cognac beverage, vodka and cranberry juice in a shaker filled with ice.

    Shake vigorously for 8 to 10 seconds.

    Strain into a martini glass using an ice strainer.

    Garnish with a lime slice on a pick.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2020

    Hi ladies- checking in here on Sunday Funday. Ha, are we having fun yet? It's the simple things, right?

    New Mexico is coming down from it's peak, but still have some areas in trouble up in the northwest corner of the state around the Navaho reservation. That area is going to need help for awhile, and heard they are flying in doctors from the west coast to help as CA is doing okay for the most part. We have a couple thousand confirmed cases, about a third of those recovered, less than 100 deaths. As I think I shared earlier this week, we are on lockdown through mid May and think we will start seeing some slower openings in the later part of May. Still one day at a time over here.

    The MO appointment went fine on friday. Lots of questions coming up to the apt for a week in advance, the day before, at the door, at the front desk. Took my temp as I came in too. The cancer center was pretty sparse, only about four of us in the waiting area at any one time with designated spaces to sit. I did blood work, the office visit, and Prolia shot. Just got the CBC panel back and everything looks to be in the normal range (yay). My doctor wants this to be my last Prolia shot, thinks I can come off this two years out of the AIs now and we are going to do a check in December on my bone density, plus he says my Vitamin D is low and we have to work on that. He wants me to work with my PCP on getting a script for the high dose Vitamin D and working on that. Sometimes I have some aches and pains from Prolia but so far so good here a few days later.

    NM- I am glad you are hanging in there and that you have a nice day. Yes, the cuke vodka is good and yesterday I saw some other brands that were cucumber-mint. Seems to be the new flavor this year? I find myself lingering way too long in the vodka section of the grocery store these days. I bought some peach vodka yesterday. My favorite flavored vodka is pear (made by Skye) but have not been able to find in the regular stores. There is a place near my hot springs I may be able to get some. I did an inventory on Friday night and going to get a few new flavors. Vodka and tonic is my fav summer cocktail and one easy to make at home.

    Goldie- how is the weather your way? Been really nice here this week, but expected to hit 90 here before the end of April. That would be a record breaker. Makes me worry it will be a hot summer. Usually by June, we can be up in the low 100s here (ugh).

    MinusTwo- it's never too early for a cocktail in pandemic times. Remember it's 5 o'clock somewhere, right?

    Cami- so did they do the parade or not? I know lots of people trying to having birthdays during pandemic and it's hard to celebrate. I still plan to do more once I am free to go out a bit more again. A day at the local hot springs will be the plan. Hot springs with a mask on, I am in to it!

    Celia C- did you get more white wine? Do they sell it in the grocery there or do you have to do a liquor store? I love chambord.

    Ill - thinking of you and just saying a gentle hello for when you return. Sending love for better days Heart

    JCS- you might benefit from some of the dust masks for home stuff. I use them for yard clean up because I am allergic to so much, especially right now. Mold and mildew no good for my allergies but less common in the dry desert here. Hope you are staying well friend.

    Well, time to get to some business things and some outdoor things. Working on my rock garden today. Some of the irises here are blooming and really lovely.

    Wishing everyone a good week. Into May we go......

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited April 2020

    DH and I were able to get all four bays of the garage swept out. The custom here is to put items on the curb for trash pickup. People will stop and go through the piles and are welcome to take what they want. Everything except for a briefcase and an ancient space heater have been taken. One man lifted a very heavy, rusty safe by himself into his car! Now we have smaller projects to complete in the garage. Two file cabinets need tobe cleaned out and gotten rid of. Lots of old paint and thousands of jars of nails and screws. I think each son may get a two jars of screws and nails plus a hammer and screwdrivers for Christmas!

    NM - Crazy it is still snowing in Maine. I would be very tired of it by now.

    Jazzy - Work on that Vitamin D! Many doctors think that could be a key to numerous diseases.

    Sandy - Our male cat has been having a time keeping his food down. Unbeknownst to me, DH has been feeding him his anti-scratch pill in cheese. I think he had an upset stomach. He has been fine most of today.

    Cami - We did a Birthday parade. It was a lot of fun.

    Found out my 87 yr old Aunt fell and broke her leg. She spent a few days in the hospital, but is home now. Her daughters traveled to be with her. The fun never ends!

    Take care!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2020


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2020

    Hey, Kim, have you seen this from the Boston Globe?

    Doesn't make the Medicare nursing home rules (nor the endless snow) any more tolerable, but...

    Chilly today--not getting in my "formal" exercise but what with all the cat care, laundry, trash/recycling and disinfecting I'm doing I'm at least getting my steps in and exceeding my "stand" goal. Tomorrow I have to go pick up my letrozole script--dreading it, in that tiny drugstore/deli, masked & gloved. They delivered it last time out and told me I could defer my co-pay till this month. But I don't want to hand them my credit card and have it get contaminated (and then disinfect it again), so maybe I'll just give them a $20 and tell them to keep the change. (It's less than $9 for 30 pills). I have a little of my NovartisUK stash of Femara remaining--expiry was 4/19 but my MO says they're still fine--so maybe I can have the pills delivered again and just leave the $20 in an envelope in my door.

    Bob went foraging at Whole Paycheck today, and brought back (among other things) a 2018 biodynamic Grüner Veltliner from the Burgenland region of Austria. So that was the DOTD. Refreshing and snappy--went well with chicken piccata.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2020

    Celia, looks like you need to hit the store for some more wine!

    MinusTwo, I was always skeptical at the care my mom was getting while in the nursing home. It wasn't the best, because the aides (the ones that do most of the work) and they only get paid minimum wage pretty much.

    Cami, the cooler works pretty well, and it does cool off at night, thank goodness. And it's not the money for an AC, it's the power they use. And I do not work outside when it's that hot, I can't. You are welcome for buzzing in and telling on you. Isn't that what sisters do?

    Jazzy, what did you mix with the cucumber wodka? Yes, it's hot here. I too am worried about a hot summer. My garden does not like that, and does not produce well! Most of our cases around me are on the reservations as well. Navajo and Apache. Sounds like you had a good doctor visit.

    Sandy, glad your Heidi is doing better.

    NM, so nice to get a visit from beyond. Again, this weather, so so cray cray. You still getting snow and me in the 90's.

    JCS, where my mom lived, you could put your garbage out at the curb and people would help themselves. I think its great. Sorry to hear about your aunt, but glad she is doing better.

    Some of you may remember me talking about my "little buddy". Mentally and pysically handicapped little guy. Well he's not little as in age, he's in his mid 30's now. His dad passed away a few years ago from cancer that came on quick and took him in like 6 weeks. Well his mom is now in the hospital with cancer. Ovarian and moving into the intestines (we think). Don't have all the reports in. She is having a port put in today for chemo. She is doing all of this for John (my little buddy), she is in her mid to late 70's.
    I'm having to help with orders, as my husband just isn't doing well, plus take care of the phones. Monday are the busiest day, but I did get several orders packed up yesterday and Saturday. Need to make a grocery run, can't go today, too busy. Tomorrow morning is Senior Hour, so if you go during then, it seems to be very busy, and if you go after that, then everything is picked over. So may wait and go Wednesday. Also have to do labs, for MO appt on May 8.

    Have a great Monkey Day goils!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2020

    Hi friends- happy Monday. Feeling a bit achy from the Prolia shot, but not too bad. I usually have a bit of a reaction a few days in, and it's here today. Nothing a little tylenol won't manage. I am going to work on the rock garden this morning, and have board things to do and a cousin Zoom meeting late afternoon. All seems more than enough for this monday.

    Now in a triangulation with my MO and PCP. The later says my levels are not that low, in the normal range, just at the bottom of the lab detection range. I know my Vit D has been lower in the past, and why I dosed up to take 5000 IU daily for years now. It has brought my values way up. I thanked her for her response and messaged him and told him what she said and said I would let them work it out what they thought I should do. I was surprised he asked me to follow up with her instead of contacting her directly, but I don't expect as much right now from the healthcare industry. Anyways, he acknowledged things and asked me to be sure to get my dexa scan scheduled which I will do today.

    Goldie- I mixed the cucumber vodka with Perrier, which I really liked. I did not have any tonic, but do now and will try that but think cucumber is better with something non sweet.

    Your little buddy must be very scared with his mom in the hospital and very sick. You are kind to be friends. My neighbor next door has been failing for some time and took a bad fall and is very bruised and broke her arm. I am trying to help her with some things right now, including some yard watering and offered to get food for her this week as her other friend who helps has a broken down vehicle. So much hard for everyone right now. I hope your DH is better soon. And yes, I am concerned for the heat and the flowers and veggies this week. It may be shock to them after cooler weather this week.

    ChiSandy, this one is for you as we recently talked about Audra McDonald.

    Have safe week friends. Be back when I can....

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited April 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day!Sadie and I are getting up to a windy and raining morning. The wind is actually quite loud today. No snow, at least, just rain so far, but boy is it a cold rain. Sadie did one of her super fast potty trips this ayem. Even more branches have come down. I'm hoping there won't be power outages today. And I have got to stop watching horror movies before bedtime. I woke up in the middle of the night last night, the house was awfully chilly, got up to make sure the heat was on and found the kitchen door open a bit and the rain coming in. Scared myself silly until I remembered that the last time I went out I came back in with an armful of laundry and just pushed the door closed with my foot, and it doesn't latch when I do that. I forgot to go back and latch it, and the wind will blow it open if it isn't latched. And who sleeps through that whole episode?Silly Sadie. Yup, big ole watchdog Sadie was sounds asleep, as in snoring, during all that. Actually, I'm pretty sure she would have reacted if anyone actually came in to the house, but still.

    Oh, look!There is snow mixed in with the rain now!Yippee!

    Jazzy--what's the population of New Mexico? The Maine numbers are about half New Mexico's and I'm wondering if our populations are about the same. Maine is 1.3 million. We still haven't heard if the stay at home order will be allowed to expire on Friday or if it will be extended. Glad the appointment went well. Do you use a particular formula/brand for high dose Vit D?I found some flavoring for water that is cucumber-minta while back and it is very good. I have that at work, but haven't been using it, actually haven't been hydrating like I should due to wearing the mask. When you have to walk to a break room, empty conference room or bathroom to take off the mask to take a swig of water (or coffee) it takes up a lot of time.

    Librarian--the same thing happens in Maine with the curbside clean out in the spring! It is amazing how much stuff will go and how fast. And I am getting VERY tired of snow. And cold and chilly breezes. I want to be able to sit on the deck and bask in the warm sun! Oh my goodness, your poor Aunt. Glad to hear she is well enough to be home!


    Chi--I'd not seen that article, but it sounds about like I'd expect. Dover-Foxcroft is only 25 miles from where I live, the same distance as Bangor in Penobscot County.Does your pharmacyhave a way to pay for scripts online rather than risk credit card contamination or handling real money? What does "biodynamic" refer to? I haven't heard that term before.

    Snow Cap | The Cocktail Project

    Snow Cap


    • 3 parts Maker's Mark® Bourbon
    • 2 tbsp Sugar, Powdered
    • 6 tbsp Heavy Cream
    • 2 parts JDK & Sons™ O3 Premium Orange Liqueur
    • To taste Nutmeg
    • Garnish Orange Twist


    Stir ingredients together and pour over crushed ice. Garnish with nutmeg and orange twist. Serve in small brandy snifter.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2020

    NM- our state has around 2 million people in total. We have about half of that here in the ABQ area, the rest is concentrated in the other urban areas like Santa Fe and Las Cruces. Lots of rural with some urban mixed in. Probably a lot like Maine, based on what I remember from my time spent there in my earlier years.

    I had something similar happen a couple months ago with my front door, where I discovered my internal door was open when I got up middle of the night and went in the kitchen for some water. I have an external glass security door and then a large metal door to my front entrance. I saw the security door was closed (but not locked) and the front door wide open. I remembered had come in from the garage that evening, and thought I locked things up but obviously hadn't. Anyways, I was scared when I discovered it open and worried someone might be in the house, but no problems. I had NEVER done that in my 16 years of living here, but boy did I repremand myself to do the round with all the doors to be sure they were closed before bedtime. Glad you are okay. Sadie would not let anything happen to you!

    I currently am taking Nature Made brand. I change it up periodically depending on what I can find. Not every brand sells in 5000 IU.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2020

    Kim, a "biodynamic" wine is one that is made without either chemicals or artificial manipulation (such as mechanical picking, crushing and filtration). The nature of the grape itself (including terroir--the specific patch of earth where it grows) is allowed to come to the fore, rather than being altered by the way it's processed. The soil in which the grapes are grown takes on the character of other plants growing nearby, and pest control is done by using natural predators (including insects). It differs from "organic" in that the latter only means no fertilizers, pesticides or added sulfites (some do occur in nature).

    My PCP messaged me back today that given my travel history and then the symptoms I had in Dec. I quite likely have had CV19 (neither of us thought about foreign travel as a factor back then because none of us had heard of this virus). He said I could get an antibody test, but he doesn't think that even a positive result guarantees immunity. The scariest thing is whether after recovery, the virus can remain dormant in the body and reappear (the way varicella and herpes can). If so, that may account for "re-infections" in "recovered" patients.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2020




  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2020

    Bob just mentioned that he is on Day 9. "Day 9 of what?" I asked. "Day 9 after I saw a COVID patient and wasn't told that was what he had." Yup--it was at Little Company of Mary--and because he saw him as a regular cardiology consult was not wearing PPE. The independent-contractor ER doc (may he rot in hell) deliberately turfed him off to Bob without telling him the truth because he didn't want to be exposed any longer than he cared to. So now I'm waiting with bated breath--and he insists on going back there this weekend. I told him this time he doesn't treat so much as a hangnail there without full PPE--if they don't suit him up the moment he walks in, he is to turn around and walk out.

    Speaking of people who should have hot weather for eternity, this afternoon I went out to the alley to take out my recycling--and there lying in my blue bin were torn gardening gloves and a bloodstained Kleenex.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited April 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday.Today is the bit turnaround day for me, going in to work at 7 peeyem rather than 8 ayem. I stayed up late last night thinking I would sleep in late this ayem and be more adjusted, but no, up at practically the usual time. Obviously a nap is in my future today. That's ok, the novelty of the new shift will get me through the first night, the second is always the hardest, and then it will be one third over. I still am grumpy about it being April and the weather people are still talking about wind chill factors. The wind was really howling yesterday, still blowing pretty good today. Very few power outages, though.And I refuse to acknowledge the snow I saw just now while I was hanging out some laundry. Sadie, God bless her soul, has been a great foot and bed warmer!

    Jazzy--it does sound like New Mexico is a lot like Maine. According to the New York Times Map and Case Count (, New Mexico has 135 cases per 100,000 people, and 5 deaths per 100,000 people. Maine has 76 cases per 100,000, and 4 deaths per 100,000 people. I know Maine's case count is low because a lot of people, even healthcare workers, cannot get their doctor to order tests due to the perceived reagent shortage. I say "perceived" because the Maine CDC keeps saying there is enough right now and keeps reporting a testing capacity much higher than the testing rate. I'm lucky in that I don't feel the need to lock my doors, in fact, I don't even know where the keys to the house doors are! But it is still a bit frightening to find a door open in the night, even so. I'm pretty sure Sadie would let me know if someone came in the house. Nature Made is a good brand, I use it pretty frequently.

    Chi--thanks, biodynamic sounds pretty interesting. The idea of the virus going dormant and then reactivating is frightening. I'll be very glad when fast, dependable diagnostic and antibody testing is developed. So many questions, so much data to review.It's going to take time.


    Chi--Oh dear. Prayers for both of you.

    SnowFall Cocktail

    1/4 whole vanilla pod

    1 1/2 oz Vanilla Vodka

    1 1/2 oz cream or half-and-half

    1/2 oz sugar cane syrup

    Cut vanilla pod along it's length. Muddle in the base of a shaker. Add other ingredients, shake with ice and fine strain into a chilled glass.

    An alcoholic version of a vanilla milkshake

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2020

    Hey ladies, been a busy day. Town tomorrow, have to be there by 6 am, so I won't have time to check in in the morning. Have to do labs as well. Haven't been grocery shopping for 3 weeks!

    Sandy, praying you, your DH and all the patients and others that he has been around are safe. So scary, and I'm so sorry!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2020

    Lori, hope your appointments go well and the labs have good news. And have fun (irony alert) getting groceries.

    With quiche & salad tonight, Domaine Collin Brut Cremant de Limoux.