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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited April 2020

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!The first night shift is over, and the building is still standing, no blood on the floors and everyone lived. Successful shift! The Maine Gov came out with her 4 stage plan for reopening the economy, and it includes 14 day quarantines for anyone coming into the state (or returning after leaving the state) through August. There goes the summer tourist season for this year. No one is in a position to, or will want to plan a vacation of quarantine for 14 days, then whatever time is left to actually visit and explore, and probably going home toa quarantine as well.A month of quarantine for what few days you get to actually vacation just isn't going to fly. Strict restrictions for nursing homes for at least that long, and possibly longer. But some business can reopen as early as Friday if they can meet "the checklist" of mitigating actions.People are very excited to be able to go to the hair salon! There's lots more to the plan but my mind is trying to shut down, so I'll not try to explain today. Sadie is confused, to say the least, about my working overnight. Although I noticed she was very comfy curled up in my rocker/recliner when I got home. I had to speak to her to wake her up to get belly rubs!

    Goldie--have a nice day of running errands and getting labs done and such!

    Chi--Cremant de Limoux sounds decadent!

    Overnight Daiquiris - a great "make ahead" drink in any flavor. Alcoholic or not made ahead and kept frozen to have ready for any occasion.

    Overnight Daiquiris


    • For Peach Daiquiris:
    • 1 16 ounce package frozen peach slices
    • 3/4-1 cup granulated sugar
    • 2 cups water
    • 1/4 cup orange liqueur for non-alcoholic use orange juice
    • juice of 1 1/2 lime
    • 1/2-3/4 cup light rum
    • 1 can lemon-lime soda for non-alcoholic version only
    • Garnish with lime slices or mint sprigs
    • ----------------
    • For Strawberry Daiquiris:
    • Substitute frozen strawberries for the frozen peaches
    • ----------------
    • For Blueberry Daiquiris:
    • Substitue frozen blueberries for the frozen peaches


    1. For any flavor:
    2. In a medium saucepan, combine frozen fruit, sugar, water, orange liqueur and lime juice.
    3. Cook until sugar is dissolved and fruit is thawed and softened. Approximately 5 minutes.
    4. Pour the fruit mixture into a blender and pulse until smooth or desired consistency.
    5. Pour into a pitcher and add the rum. Stir until well blended.
    6. Pour into a freezer container and freeze overnight.
    7. Remove from freezer 15 minutes before ready to serve.
    8. Pour into glasses (if serving as a non-alcoholic drink - add a splash or two of lemon-lime soda)
    9. Garnish with a lime slice or mint sprig. (opt.)
    10. Enjoy!

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2020

    NM- glad to hear you are still standing. Our state is working on the plan to slowly open and the Mayor of our city says we should expect to see businesses slowly opening here by the week of 5/24. I have an hair apt this weekend which I got a note about and working to reschedule to end of the month.

    We had a small community over to the west of here open up Monday despite our stay at home requirements through mid May. This mayor of this town went rogue and opened up some of the city services and encouraged businesses to open up. The police showed up to the city golf course and asked they close and the city manager did and then got fired. Other rural communities are saying they are going to open too. Lots of small businesses here and NM being hit hard by that and not easy access to the funding coming from D.C. I get their frustration and desperation, but public health?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2020

    I hear you, Jazzy. I'm not willing to lay down my life for anyone's income, much less their looks or leisure. I'll let my roots and blowout grow out, and keep my nails short (and am trying to get used to playing cleanly with finger-picks, which requires patience and discipline). As to facials, I have a supply of sheet masks and exfoliants.

    Personally, once the "non-essential" stores reopen for pickup or delivery order fulfillment, I'm not going to be comfortable patronizing them. Online ordering from dept. stores, warehouses, etc. is safe (returned items get sanitized before restocking)--but am I willing to buy something from a boutique that other people have had on their bodies? When Warby Parker reopens, I'm sure their optometrists will wear masks & gloves (as must all customers, per state orders), but can I be sure the sample frames I try on will have been properly disinfected? They won't replace any lenses but single-vision in any of a customer's own Warby frames--and I wear progressives. (I no longer trust the integrity of Zenni's frames--they're cute, but in my experience rather fragile--one pair flew off my face and its temple broke off when it hit the floor, and couldn't be repaired). My own ophthalmologist retired (his office sold me the pricy Moda "Eco" frames in my avatar), and I have no desire to travel all the way down to the far SW side (even further than Bob's office) to patronize the guy who bought his practice, especially now that we have to pay for refractions rather than get them free with professional courtesy (Medicare pays for all of the eye exam except refractions).

    Kim, a "cremant" is any sparkling wine made in France other than in the officially-designated Champagne AOC ("appellation d'origine controlee"). They are made by the same method as Champagne, pioneered by blind monk Dom Perignon (natural fermentation in the original bottle--called "methode Champenoise"), but outside Champagne it is called "methode traditionelle"; and often use exactly the same grape varietals as in Champagne: pinot noir, chardonnay, pinot meunier, and in Alsace pinot blanc. What does cremant de Limoux taste like? Champagne! (But try telling that to anyone from Epernay or Reims)!

    There are other sparkling wines in Europe made by that same method: Cava from the Penedes region of Catalonia in northern Spain; some Italian sparklers (but not prosecco); some excellent ones from England (!!!), even sparkling Grüner Veltliner from Austria (I've tasted one and regret not having bought several bottles). Plus, of course, Australia, California, NM (Gruet, as Jazzy can attest), OR (Benoit & Argyle), WA (Ste. Michelle), NY, VA, etc. The German "sekt" and Italian prosecco, OTOH, are made by the same method as cheap American sparklers (such as Andre, Cook's, etc.): the "charmat" or "bulk" process, in which the wine is tank-fermented and then bottled. You can tell either by the label (outside the EU, it can say "methode champenoise" or "traditional method") or by the thickness of the bottle & depth of the concave depression (the "punt") at its bottom: a traditional-method sparkler's bottle is made of thicker glass and has a deeper "punt" because since all the fermentation takes place in that bottle, tremendous pressure builds up inside and a flatter bottom & thinner glass would likely explode!

    Gonna have more of that bubbly tonight, as I'm making shrimp for dinner.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2020

    This is weird--the "My Favorite Topics" list said there was a new post in this thread from JanieMarie, but mine turns out to be the last.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,608
    edited April 2020

    A fellow sista posted on her fb page, I copied to mine and I thought I would share here :)

    Copied from a friend ❤️❤️❤️

    Just a thought... As governors are trying to figure out how to ease back in to a new normal, please remember:
    🛑 Some people don't agree with the state opening.... that's okay. Be kind.
    🏡 Some people are still planning to stay home.... that's okay. Be kind.
    🦠 Some are still scared of getting the virus and a second wave happening....that's okay. Be kind.
    💰 Some are sighing with relief to go back to work knowing they may not lose their business or their homes....that's okay. Be kind.
    👩🏾⚕️Some are thankful they can finally have a surgery they have put off....that's okay. Be kind.
    📝 Some will be able to attend interviews after weeks without a job....that's okay. Be kind.
    😷 Some will wear masks for weeks....that's okay. Be kind.
    💅🏻 Some people will rush out to get the hair or nails done.... that's okay. Be kind.
    ❤️ The point is, everyone has different viewpoints/feelings and that's okay. Be kind.
    We each have a different story. If you need to stay home, stay home. But be kind .
    If you need to go out, just respect others when in public and be kind!
    Don't judge fellow humans because you're not in their story. We all are in different mental states than we were months ago. So remember, be kind.
    Please share this reminder for kindness.
    I did!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2020

    NM, I forgot to answer you about traps in my garden. OMG yes! Lately I've been getting mice a day, yesterday I got 4, and occasionally a rat. I keep traps set all the time. I'll go awhile without anything, I think I'm getting to that point, then they pick up again. I hope the new shift is going ok.

    Jazzy, "my little buddy" doesn't understand his mom being sick. Plus he's getting extra attention from others. It would only be an issue if she were to pass. He doesn't understand what that means, all he knows is his mom is no longer there, he doesn't understand the "why" and it angers. Hopefully your prolia aches are gone by now. My Iris's and cactus are blooming too.

    NM, I had a chuckle over a customer, he placed an order, it shipped the same day, lives in ME. Well it's 5 business days there. He emails me and says if it hadn't shipped to cancel as it would be too late for him. I'm thinking, you are still getting snow! Too late for what? Sorry about the left open door scarring you. Sounds like something I would do.

    Sandy, interesting that your dr says you proably had CV19 in December. I too plan on staying put no matter what opens. I need a haircut, but it can wait! In one of the grocery stores yesterday, at the check out, they had the CC machine all covered in Press N Seal. I said "oh, that does a lot of good. Everyone is still touching it". She says yes, but we disinfect it every hour! Ok, that protects 1 person!

    Karen, I have seen that floating around on FB as well. Be kind!

    Everything went smoothly yesterday. Just very busy, for some reason, at SonoraQuest for labs. Our primary and his cousing came over for irrigation supplies. The cousin owns an company that does stuff with wood, one being making pellets. So we get a pallet of pellets free and he got some irrigation supplies for free.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2020

    DOTD: Midnight Rider



    • 2 oz Hennessy VSOP cognac
    • 1/2 oz Tawny port
    • 1/2 oz Noilly Prat dry vermouth
    • 1/4 oz Crème de cacao
    • 2 dashes Bittermens orange cream citrate
    • Garnish: Brandied cherry

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2020

    2.0 -// iCalcreator 2.26.9 ...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    I'm so far behind, seems like everyone is doing OK, as well as would be expected I guess.

    I'm in a daze, my cousinNicky, I must have talked about him over the years. another super close person to me die. He had a heart attack, 58 rs. old. we're all in shock and can not even see each other yet. I talked to so many people yesterday an none of us can believe this one. I happen to talk to him the day before an we both said I love you when hanging up <we always do> but happy I did. It really sucks now cuz we can't comfort each other like we should, just talk on the phone Dan called to tell me then he called again late to just talk and said he was going to come over, but thought better of it. I'll be back just thought I'd poop in to tell u why I'm on the quiet side right now.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2020

    ChiSandy- it is going to be interesting to see how some of the clothing retail is going to work. For example, I take things to consignment and sometimes get things in return on credit, other times I take the cash. I took some spring things in back in February and in March, and had quite a bit in there as things closed down here. They have been doing some on line sales through a web page and also these Facebook live pages where they are trying to sell off some of their inventory. I have almost $180 in credit now and some summer things to bring in but waiting to hear how they are going to be able to do things. How can they assure that people's donations don't have virus on them? You can't wipe them down with Chlorox wipes?

    Same question about donations. I have a few bags of things to go to my fav donation places. Everything is closed down and wonder the same question. They use these donations to help fund their non for profits. Will they be able to accept things?

    Well, I started this yesterday and finishing today and was at Sam's Club early today. All their clothing stuff, which I always check out as there are some good work out things there were on clearance. I got a cute top for $3. They told me no clothing can be returned, which I expect is probably going to be true now in just about any store. But it begs the question, who will want to try on clothing in a store now?

    I have so many questions and very few answers......

  • peregrinelady
    peregrinelady Member Posts: 416
    edited April 2020
    Hi Jazzygirl, I have the same questions as I am an avid thrifter. I was thinking yesterday that when I return to thrift shopping I will wear gloves and not try on the clothes until I get home and wash them. Then I will return them if they don’t fit. I will be very choosy when I buy so hopefully there won’t be a lot of returns. I am curious to see how Goodwill, etc. handle this.
  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited May 2020

    Hey! Sounds like everyone is doing well and staying busy. Cami, so sorry to hear about your cousin. Take your time to grieve. Losing someone is just so damn hard.

    I went to the Oncologist today for a routine blood test. He did the CT15-3 tumor marker test. The only other time he did it the score was 45 which is a bit high. This time the score was 18. I really think, for now, we did stop the progression of the cancer.

    Had a Zoom happy hour this afternoon. Tomorrow DH and I are going to a friend’s farm to do a social distance hike and lunch. It will be nice to go somewhere other than a grocery store. We ordered dinner tonight from a local restaurant that just reopened for curbside pickup. They are such nice people and it was wonderful to reconnect. Maybe I am not the introvert I thought I was! I am enjoying the people interactions.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2020

    Cami, so sorry about the sudden loss of your cousin. May his memory be for a blessing.

    Karen, good advice--but I don't feel I need to respect people's opinions that are based on rejection of science and on political social media misinformation and conspiracy theories. I will respect people's decisions that are driven by personal necessity (NOT mere preference) and not by conspiracy theories, celebrities, cult figures or "influencers" (be they in or out of actual power).

    Had the last of that Austrian Grüner Veltliner tonight with shrimp remoulade I made. I have a different Grüner (2 bottles) on the way from Williams-Selyem, the famous Sonoma pinot noir winery. Also ordered 2 of their rosé of pinot noir. Normally, these wines are sold only at the tasting room, unavailable to even their "list members." But circumstances being what they are, the winery is closed to the public.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited May 2020

    Cami, so sorry to hear of your loss, which is especially rough when sudden/unexpected.

    We had a loss in the family as well. DH's brother Reuben (eldest of 9) passed away on Sunday. He was confined to bed for about a week & under hospice care. His daughter was at his bedside & said he passed peacefully. 93 years old. He was a lovely man, and in 1951 became one of the 1st few male nurses in the UK.

    We are planning to continue social distancing for quite some time. I was shocked to hear a lady in Zoom Yoga this AM saying she was driving to Tennessee to visit her son this weekend.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,608
    edited May 2020

    Cami - sorry to hear about your cousin. He was so long. I'm editing my post as I first read as he had a heart attack, not that he passed away. I hope your memories bring you comfort.

    Tomorrow is May!!! I hope it doesn't seem like an eternity as March and April did!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2020

    Cami, I am so very sorry to hear of another loss in your family. And one so young. Sending prayers to all that loved him. Again, I'm so sorry.

    Jazzy, great score on the $3 top. I don't shop for clothes often, but it hadn't crossed my mind about whether or not to try things on.

    JCS, great news on the TM's going down and thinking that you've stopped the RB for now.

    Celia, I would consider driving to see someone, but would have to be very sure that they have not been going out, and would be very careful getting gas. Sorry to hear of the loss in you family as, altho it seems it was expected.

    Karen, I almost had to chuckle over your comment to Cami in regards to her cousin about recovering. Now that would be a miracle, as he passed away.

    NM, how are managing?

    Not much going on here, other than the usual and it's HOT!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2020

    DOTD your choice of 3. Kombucha Cocktails.

    See the source image

    1. Green Kombucha Vodka Cooler

    Make cucumber juice by grating 1 cup of English cucumber into a fine sieve set over a bowl, squeeze juice out of cucumber. For each drink, add 2 Tbsp. of cucumber juice, 1 1/2 oz. vodka and 1 tsp. honey in a glass and stir. Fill glass 3/4's full with ice and set half slices of kiwi and fresh basil or mint leaves. Top up the drink with multi-green-flavoured kombucha. Garnish with a skewer of thinly sliced cucumber and a slice of kiwi, and serve.

    2. Kombucha Mango Daquiris

    For two daiquiris, add 1 cup mango-flavoured kombucha, 1 cup fresh mango, peeled and cubed, 3 oz. white rum and 2 Tbsp. fresh lime juice to a blender and pulse until smooth. Add 1 1/2 cups ice cubes and blend until smooth. Serve in two chilled martini or other decorative glasses. Garnish with lime slices and wedges of mango.

    3. Kombucha Berry Mojito

    For each drink, place 1 1/2 oz. white rum, 1 tsp honey and 12 mint leaves into a tall glass. Use a cocktail muddler, or the end of a long spoon, to stir the mint and release its flavour and aroma. Fill glass 3/4's full with ice. Add fresh berries to the glass and top up with berry-flavored kombucha and serve.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited May 2020

    I was in the middle of a post when the wind and rain took the power out. I will go back and finish it later when the power comes back.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited May 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! I've gotten 1/3 through my night shift stint, and am remembering why I got off night shift work! The work itself isn't bad, slower pace, quieter. Much less drama. I was able to nap some during the day Wednesday, but not as much as I would have liked, so I was very tired by the time I got out yesterday ayem. I definitely slept pretty well off and on yesterday and last night. I've got to run out this afternoon and pick up some groceries and my order from the Farmer's Market Drop off. One of the pandemic changes I hadn't thought about was the change in hours most stores have made. I'm used to stores being open on the way home from work (not an issue when working day shift) but with them not opening until 8 or even 9 ayem now, and I got off at 7. So no picking up groceries on the way home like I planned. Probably just as well, I was so tired I would have forgotten the important stuff anyway. And today is the day that some business can open up again following a checklist of "mitigation practices".Come to find out, all a business has to do is download the checklist and then say they are following it, no one from the state will be checking!The now standard 6 foot social distancing rules are still in place, as well as a new must wear a face covering "when social distancing will be difficult" ,I have a feeling my trip out this afternoon will be educational. I have to admit that I was very glad to see the sign announcing the opening of the Drive In Theater that I go by on the way to work! On the other hand, nothing will change for us working in long term care for at least the end of June, and probably later. Working wearing a mask is not fun, and not comfortable, and is beginning to cause its own set of problems (sinus infections and respiratory irritation from inhaling the chemical infused paper particles, sore ears from the loops (although there are a lot of ways to address that now), and facial rashes and breakouts from the constant moisture and rubbing against the masks. In normal use, when there are places where you can take the mask off for a break, when the mask is changed frequently so it doesn't get so wet, this isn't so much of a problem. When the really warm weather comes this is going to be an even bigger problem. Still, it's what is needed, so it's what we'll do. The scary news, the homeless shelter that is in the same building complex as my nursing home, just announced 21 positive tests among guests and staff. And a local firefighter went to a fire the other night, then died at home of cardiac arrest, and the Maine CDC is investigating as a possible COVID-19 related death. I wish I knew the details of this situation.

    Jazzy--I think rogue business opening will be a common thing before too much longer. Here in Maine there are vast areas with fewer than 5 confirmed cases, compared to the areas that are urban and have hundreds in a fraction of the space. The idea that we all have to open things at the rate that is safe for the urban areas is rubbing the wrong way. The 14 day quarantine upon entering the state is going to hold at least through August, so the tourist season is pretty much closed down, and with it most of the state's economy for this year. Opening up more things to local use, at least,would take some of the edge off, especially since much of the summer work force is from out of the state or country it would open up some work for locals to replace what has been lost. I am glad that no cruise ships carrying more than 50 passengers will be allowed to stop locally. Influxes of 2 to 3 thousand people in a few hours every few days makes for a lot of complications and problems, too.

    Chi--you have a good point about how shopping will change when all this is over. I am going to go back to carrying a little spray bottle of alcohol to use on items before touching. Thanks for the info about "cremant".I had heard that a wine can only be called Champagne if made in a certain area of France,

    Karen--I saw that on Fb, and think it's wonderful. It's a complicated and convoluted situation.

    Goldie--what do you do with the mice?I wonder what part of Maine that customer lives in? There may be some places right along the coast that can be planting outside of greenhouses, but there's still plenty of time to get a garden in! Putting a covering on something makes it easier to clean and is a good step, but a better one would be to put a bottle of sanitizer next to the machine for people to use when they are done. More effective, easier, and in the long run, probably cheaper. And people have got to get used ot the idea that they need to take care of themselves and not depend on others to take care of them. The first couple of night shifts went well.I'm 1/3 done now and already will be glad when it's over. I've always admired the bartering process, such a great way for everyone to get what they need (or want) with no losers! That Midnight Rider sounds very yummy!

    Cammy Cat--aw, kitten week!Oh, Cammy, I am so sorry to hear about your cousin. Hugs. Sadie said to send some belly rubs and hand licks.

    Jazzy--It is going to be interesting to see how businesses change due to all this. I wonder how many drive through places will bring back the 2 window system, so the same person isn't handling money and food?

    Welcome PeregrineLady!

    Librarian--So glad to hear the TMs are down and things are under control! I hear you about enjoying the few and far between interactions! I know I'm an introvert, and I am really surprised how much I miss those little interactions during checkouts. In Maine stores may now sell mixed drinks for take away, as long as they also sell food, check IDs and the drink is sealed. I can't wait to get some food and a drink from one of my favorite places to take home after work!Gotta wait until I'm back on day shift, though. Outdoor activities will be able to open up again very soon here, as well as some of the parks and other outdoor spaces. Easy to social distance in the woods or on a lake!

    Chi--I had a rose of pinot noir not long ago that was wonderful! I've got to check out my supply and see if I have any more and bring one up to open if I do.

    Celia--My condolences on your DH's brother's passing. So sad. Are any states other than Maine mandating a quarantine for people coming into the state?

    Short pause for power outage, now that power's back I can finish!

    Karen--I do hope May goes faster than April!

    Goldie--I'm managing pretty well. Right now I'm contemplating a message the scheduler left f orme, asking me to cover nights for 2 additional weeks. The upside is that most of the shifts are 8 hours instead of 12. I've got to call her back and get more details before I decide anything. I do like the more peaceful atmosphere at night. Pretty Kombucha Cocktails!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2020

    Cami- I missed the post about the unexpected passing of your cousin. Wow, gone too soon and so sorry to hear of this and especially right now in the middle of all this other problems goig on in the world.

    Sending much love to you and your family today friend Heart

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,608
    edited May 2020

    Lori - I missed that word. I went back and edited my post. I feel bad about my comment

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2020


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,720
    edited May 2020

    Hi everyone 😁 I’m sure you all know how hard keeping up is when you’re struggling and I still am but there are some small improvements happening, so trying to be patient. I bought a small pool for my yard and it really turned me around. I also met with docs again about the vocal cord and was told it would likely take 6 month, not 3 to heal. I am disappointed but glad to have more realistic expectations. The vomiting is also being controlled better now, so I don’t feel as weak as I did a couple of weeks ago. Anyway, I wanted to pop in and say hi, I miss you all and I’ll check in more often.

    Minus, big thanks for being awesome 👏


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2020

    Ilona, so glad you're getting to soak up some rays and that you have an actual timetable for vocal healing, albeit longer than you'd hoped. And also glad that your vomiting has lessened. Baby steps, baby girl! We've missed you!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2020

    NM, I give kudos to you for wearing that mask for so many hours. I can't stand it for an hour in the store. As for the critters, my driveway is probably 1/4 mile long, so I walk down to the end, go out the gate and dump them in an opening so the ravens can see them, and they get a snack! That customer that was complaining that lives in ME is in Stockton Springs, which I think is about an hour from you. 2 more weeks of the night shift eh. Well, if you do, at least you will be more acclimated.

    Karen, your comment was an honest mistake and Cami would have understood, I figured you would edit it, I would have too.

    Jazzy, pretty picture with your cocktail. Love the glass.

    BabyGirl, glad to see you check in. Hoping all will go well over the next couple of months and you can get some complete healing. What a ride! How long has it been? Pewl looks refreshing, enjoy.

    Well, I looked at my labs, and as usual my TM's have skyrocketed yet again! CA 15-3 is up to 880 (normal is less than 30). CA27.29 is 1027, normal is less than 37. Have appt. with MO on Friday. Went out to the garden yesterday morning to check on things and something ate one of my pepper plants that was like a foot tall.....grrrrrr! I only had 2 to begin with. I'm thinking squirrel, not a mouse for sure and I don't even think a rat.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,910
    edited May 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Sunny and bright here, and a bit warmer. Got my first load of laundry out on the line. I did agree to extend my time as a night shifter by 2 weeks, but I will be working 8 hour shifts instead of 12, which will be a lot easier for me. Now I've got to figure out how to get some of my other job's work done. Some I can do during down time, but some I can't. Got to make a list and get it all planned out. With working 8 hour shifts I'll have a few hours of time I can put to that.Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Jazzy--pretty cup, pretty drink, pretty flower! I like Amsterdam flavored vodkas, too.

    Illi--there is a standing rule in the Lounge that no one ever needs to keep up or catch up, you are only expected to jump in where you are when you can. We all know that life just gets in the way sometimes, and that's ok. It's more important that you feel welcome to pop in anytime and share anything.That pool looks wonderful!I can see where that could turn you around! Glad to hear there are small improvements, and that you have a realistic time frame for recovery.

    Goldie--I wish I could wear a cloth face covering at work they are so much more comfortable that the medical ones! Stockton Springs is a bit closer, about half an hour from where I live. That customer must have wanted to take advantage of the sunny day today to plant a garden, but frankly, I think the ground is still too cold. Of course, that customer may have a different microenvironment than I do.I like the idea of feeding the mice to the ravens! I think I'll do ok with the extended night shift, now that I know I need to make sure to take something with me to eat during the night and will be dropping back to 8 hours. Do you have any rabbits or deer in your area? I hear they like pepper plants.Sorry to hear the tumor marker results.

    Mouse Trap


    • 2 oz vodka

    • 3 oz 7-Up® soda

    • 1 1/2 oz triple sec

    • 1 1/2 oz grenadine syrup

    • 2 oz orange juice


    Shake vodka, triple sec and orange juice with ice. Strain into a cocktail glass and add 7-up (do not shake, stir). Layer the drink w/ grenadine on top.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited May 2020

    Ill- it is good to see you here and know your recovery is slow, which is hard. I love the little pool you have to relax in and help you along the way. I love water, I find it very healing and miss being able to swim in my city pool, go to hot springs, etc. That being said, I have become very fond of a good hot shower at the end of most days.

    Sending much love for continued healing and recovery to you sister Heart

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2020

    Why so fast? - Cats Gif (69471)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2020

    Just poopin in for a minute.

    Illi so glad to read u, sorry it's going to take longer but some things are a little better and ur pool looks Mahvelus Darlink.

    There was no question in my mind Kim u would agree cuz u know they need you, not cu it's 8 hrs. u silly.

    And Karen I would not take offense in an way believe me.

    Oh Lori I'm sorry about ur numbers, what can I say.Back at the top ofmy list for prayers. <<<HUGS>>>

    This whole house is teetering with tears and we opened our borders. OMH Dan came over last nite and stayed about 3 hrs. Katy Marty's cousin who's been very close with Leslie and even more so with Nicky <get it> has been here and here now. Damn Nicky is trying to take us with him.

    I'll be back just tired right now.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 2020

    My housekeeper's DH is exhausted after yesterday's dialysis session. But he's had that on & off for at least a year. He was retested and we should know by Monday. Meanwhile, she's compensating by gardening up a storm.

    Bob's at Little Company again (this is his Hell Weekend), and I spoke to him around 6:30pm--he was very busy, which is not a good sign. He won't be home till 9 tomorrow. Hope he gets to sleep in on Monday. I went to CVS to pick up my Xanax and hopefully score a pulse ox--they were all out. I couldn't log into my phone with floppy rubber gloves on, so I gave up and paid cash (swept the change into the bag--I'll wash the coins & disinfect the bills). Drove to the garden center, which reopened yesterday, for some basil plants to replace my dead root-rotted ones; the line was around the block, without proper spacing and some people not wearing masks. I figured I don't need insalata Caprese that badly. On a hunch I went to Whole Foods--and scored the last two basil seedlings they had, plus 3 tomato seedlings (one beefsteak and two heirloom). I gave up at the cash register and simply took one glove off to use my phone for ApplePay. (They're not accepting cash, and not allowing customers to bring their own bags).

    Last night we ordered out from Cellars--sharing soup, crab cakes and fish & chips (which I haven't had in nearly a year). We were celebrating my hitting 148 lbs., 2 below goal. (Gonna keep going till I plateau--my size 12 jeans are swimming on me, but not gonna buy any more new clothes). I had one of the three crab cakes (and all the mesclun greens), half the coleslaw, a handful of fries (which I've now confirmed I can live without) and one of the four planks of fish. That was worth it, but I can wait another year for the next one.

    Cracked a bottle of "Chill" Central Coast (Buellton, CA) Chardonnay. Did a double-take when I looked at the vintage: 2013! Not a hint of oxidation. IIRC, even though it didn't have a screw-cap, it wasn't a particularly pricey bottle.