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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    cats good night Memes & GIFs - Imgflip

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    Oh, Lori, so sorry about your TMs! Hope you still feel a lot better than the "numbers."

    DOTD was 2019 Williams-Selyem Vin Gris (rosé) of Pinot Noir. Perfect for what I now call "Summer v. 2.0."

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Malibu rum sunset cocktail | Alcohol drink recipes, Drinks alcohol recipes, Alcohol recipesIt's what I could do so just like it.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Good Morning Cat GIFs | Tenor

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited September 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! COVID testing went surprisingly well at work yesterday, we got most of the staff tested. Running the testing for a half day today to finish up. The Director of Nursing said I don't have to go in early today, that a couple people can handle it very well.We had 4 people working it yesterday, and I got sent off to do some other projects after the morning rush. So I get to work a regular day today, and a short day tomorrow since I've already got over 10 hours in for this week. Sadie didn't even seem to mind that I left early.

    Got a call from Mom last night, she picks up her keys on Thursday, and is going to start moving her things in on Saturday. She wants to get all the moving done on Saturday, except the big stuff that the moving people are taking care of. She wanted me to come down today and help her pack up stuff,since she still has a lot of stuff to pack up, but since I'm working that won't work out. Apparently the game plan is for her to be out of Dick's place by the 30th. I suspect Dick's kids want to get him settled in the Assisted Living place and get his house closed up for the winter before the weather really turns. Oh, his daughter asked Mom to help pack up Dick's stuff, too, and gave her a list of things to pack for him! Given the way she's been treating Mom recently I am so mad at her for doing that, but strangely enough, Mom doesn't seem to mind. So I'm keeping my mouth shut about the whole thing.

    Misty--It's hard to see our parents declining as they age. Falls are such a scary thing, too. Glad your Dad didn't get hurt. Also glad your Mom is getting some help in. and that your sister is able to help. It does raise the question about what we will do when that time comes for us, doesn't it?

    Chi--thanks for the recipe, I'm going to try that as soon as I get a lime or two. I may have to make a special stop on the way home tonight to pick up a couple!

    Minus--so sad!

    Cammy Cat--only you can turn a biopsy visit into a comedy show! Glad you all got something to laugh about. And glad the procedure is over. Now the waiting begins. . . .

    Goldie--If anyone has earned the right to a melt-down, it's you! Glad you are feeling better today. I think it's healthy to let all that emotion out from time to time. Bottling it up and pretending to everyone that everything is fine is just too hard to maintain. It does sound like something is going on with DD and your visit. Either that or she is a total air head and just doesn't realize other people have feelings. I am so sorry you have to deal with all that. The TMs going up sounds scary. I think I'd have had a meltdown, too, with everything you are dealing with.

    Morning, Jazzy!

    DOTD for those who like Pumpkin Spice everything:

    fall cocktails

    Bourbon Pumpkin Smash

    What you need:

    8 oz. pumpkin purée

    1 cup water, more as needed

    1 cup granulated sugar

    1/2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice

    1/2 tbsp. ground cinnamon

    1/2 tbsp. ground ginger

    Pinch of ground allspice

    1/2 tbsp. brown sugar

    Lemon wedges

    1 oz. pumpkin spice syrup

    2 oz. bourbon

    1/4 oz. lemon juice

    4 oz. soda water

    How to make it:

    To make the simple syrup, add pumpkin purée, water, sugar, and pumpkin pie spice to a small saucepan. Bring mixture to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring constantly. Once the syrup is boiling and smooth, remove from heat and cover. Let sit for 15 minutes. Strain the pumpkin spice syrup into an airtight container, and let cool completely before making the cocktail. (Syrup can be stored in the refrigerator for up to one week.)

    In a small bowl, stir together cinnamon, ginger, allspice, and brown sugar to make the cinnamon rimming sugar. Rub the edge of a rocks glass with a lemon wedge. Pour the rimming sugar into a shallow dish. Rim the rocks glass with sugar. Set aside. Fill a cocktail shaker with ice. Add pumpkin spice syrup, bourbon, and lemon juice for the cocktail. Shake well. Fill rimmed rocks glass with ice. Strain the cocktail into the glass. Top with soda water. Give the cocktail one final stir and serve.

    From <>

  • Mike007
    Mike007 Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2020

    Great post! So many fun answers from a lot of lovely people! Took me a while to look over all the answers...;))

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Well Kim must have been very busy yesterday and that's all I'm squakin' about.

    Oh wow it's so dark out, going to sleep in dark and waking up in it winter's a-comin.

    JC it's Friday Eve so u must have a smile on ur face getting ready for the weekend cuz u have such good ones.

    Lori u probably won't read this but I sure hope ur trip goes smoothly, every part of it.

    Can u gals tell I'm watchin' Andy Griffith Show with Don Knotts.

    BTW Jazzy what are those orange suits going to be used for, for ur volunteer work.

    Sandy u seem like u had a quiet nite last nite. Witch is a good thing really.

    I had some calls last nite but not loads so it was easy for me to explain the jobs, I love the way people talk to me like I know what they mean. Even after all this time I know nothin' but act like I do, but I'm getting worse at it. But after all these yrs. I still can't understand accents at all, even when they spell it.

    Leslie has this little business for writing for her profession with an agent and all. So she's working on a humdinger right now. A lady from the UK wants her to proof read and organize a world wide test. Even that language has different words for this stuff so she has everything spread out all over and we do not talk to her thruout the day. I have no idea how she started all of this but her brain is really being taxed right now and she can be a bitch. I would hate to do what she's doing, of course I couldn't do it actually. Joey's piled himself up with school and took work for some tutoring in math or science so he's making a few bucks doing that. He had to do it last year for volunteer to show he's able to do this. IDK , at least he enjoys it.

    OK ladies hope ur day is good, calm and nothing but good news.


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited September 2020

    Lori - sending you hugs. Safe travels to Michigan. Hope the trip turns out how you hoped. Sorry to hear about the tumor markers

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    Had our first Zoom rehearsal for the Bar Show sketch in which I'm a featured soloist. (Big, juicy solo, too). Still sworn to secrecy about the subject matter--we won't be releasing it online till mid-October. It is a rather involved process--for the unison portions, we had to mute our mics and the music director took it on faith that we were getting it right. For the solos, we left our mics on. We will get the musical "scratch track" e-mailed to us--over the weekend we will record our vocals on one device while we listen via earbuds or phones on another. They suggest a walk-in closet as the best place because all those clothes will muffle any echoes. Then we send our recorded vocals in to the musical director. Next Wed. we "stage" the scene via Zoom (yes, choreography!); once we have that (with props & costumes) worked out, we record the video against a neutral background, singing or lip-syncing over our own recorded vocals sans earphones--the tech director will edit out that audio anyway. He will then take the videos, sync them to the audio recordings, and "knit" the scene together. For simplicity's sake, no harmonies and no full-cast numbers. At 13 people (4 featured--full verse each--soloists, 4 single-line soloists, 4 unison-only singers and one non-singing flag-waver) it may end up being the largest number in the online show.

    Will give you the url for it when it's up online. We'll release one scene per week until the election; after the election some major rewrites will be necessary and we will record a lot more scenes--and release them as an entire show starting the same week in early Dec, that the show had always run--only this time, it'll be up for much longer since we won't have to pay for a theater, (Of course, this year it'll be totally free of charge to watch--normally, admission is $45 main floor, $35 mezzanine). No commuting, no searching or paying for parking, no getting home late. We could get used to this--but hope by next year we can resume performing live with a (masked, social-distanced) audience in the "house."

    Had some more of that Williams-Selyem Vin Gris as my DOTD. I Coravined it--not all that easy with a chilled bottle, but I managed. Easier getting the needle in than extracting it.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Friday Cat GIFs | Tenor

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited September 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! I'm looking forward toashort day today, but with all the prep work for flu shots next week for residents and next month for staff I'm not betting on it. At least the weather has warmed up again, we are officially in Indian Summer according to the weather man, since we've had our first hard frost and now the temps are going back up to the 80's through the weekend, and the humidity is supposed to come back this weekend. I hope it waits until Sunday, since I'll be helping Mom move on Saturday and don't want to be doing all that in sticky weather. Not that I won't be helping on Sunday, too, I bet. I do not think she will get everything moved in one day, just not possible. Sadie delayed me getting up this ayem, demanding belly rubs and general cuddles before letting me get out of bed. She was acting like a silly puppy!

    Welcome, Mike!

    Cammy Cat--Yup, getting to that get up dark, go home from work in the dark time again. Seems like summer didn't last very long this year despite the time moving so slowly. Leslie's work sounds fascinating, I'd love to be able to look over her shoulder for a bit! And good for Joey doing the tutoring. Maybe he's going to be a teacher some day?

    Morning, Karen!

    Chi--a Zoom rehearsal? Wow, I never thought of using Zoom for that! Did it work well for you? And a big, juicy solo for you, YEAH! Sounds like quite the undertaking and a lot of work. Cudos to you and everyone involved!

    Cammy Cat--That DOTD does sound interesting--I love chocolate and cherries!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    It's quiet in here. I'm sure Lori must in on her way an praying all goes well and Kim not being to tired <again not saying anything>. But I did think it was Saturday but just now realize it wasn't. Oh well.

    Sandy I know everyone knows what they are doing but it sounds like for me it woul be called Insaneizoom. The person in charge sounds ;like a genius to put this all together. But I'm sure it will all be done perfectly and extremely clever planning. Amazing what everyone is going with all this crap going on. And since everyone understands it'll be easier than it sounds.

    I was thinking last nite I could never explain exactly what Jazzy does now I have Leslie who I really can't explain what she does. Believe me I'm not comparing, it's just that I knew what people did, With what's going on it's more confusing to me. Of course Jazzy always did this.I know this isn't funny just strange to me.

    Who's getting a flu shot??? I like to think about this. I think when I got the flu shot I ended up in the hospital once for a few days. the pneumonia shot I ended up 2x in the hospital. I know I was in ICU 2x and it all just puts me in a floop. My Dr. just mentions it to me but never pushes me anymore. I know the risks just don't understand what they are to me. So again I'm just asking, just remember ur opinions might kill me, but I don't want u to think of it that way.

    Joey doesn't have school today??? That doesn't mean he'll be home much just don't understand with 8 days and then a day off. Personally I think he should give Leslie some time to give her a hand on what she's doing. It seems like he gives her a more calm way of doing things and she feels better, but I really don't get very involved in what they decide. It's funny after I've lived a life always being "in charge" of everything to really be in charge of nothing and keeping my mouth shut. It ain't easy for me, I always have an opinion on everything, right or wrong I did what I thought was right but who knows??? I used to be the bright bulb, now I'm the little Christmas tree light that barely blinks. It still hard to get used to. <OK I was never that bright>

    Who's got plans this weekend, mine are the same, TADA


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    P.S. Ladies. OK Kim I just read ur post. Already it's time to move ur mom, I don't envy you and hope the weather is on ur side. Stuff like this drives me crazy, moving that is. I know u have a lot of energy, but don't overdo please, I think u tend to keep going. U'll need a supervisor so I think u should take Sadie with u. When does the truck come for the actual move and will anyone else be helping you??? Hope u do have a short day today.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited September 2020


    The beach is lovely! Wish I could bottle this and share it with everyone.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    I have my refraction eye exam tomorrow at Warby Parker, so will probably stop off at Walgreen's or CVS to get my flu shot. With a 6-month effectiveness, it'll get me through flu season.

    The Zoom rehearsal went smoothly, but logging in was tricky, as the first couple of meeting links didn't work for anyone. The host finally posted one that worked, and we were all under way by 7 pm.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2020

    Hi ladies- I am on the run but I got an fabulous job offer today, and expect I will be taking it. It is not consulting work as I have been doing, but a full time position I interviewed for earlier this month you may remember hearing about. It went quiet but then got busy this week and the offer came today! Way better than expected and going over the benefits info this weekend but think this is going to be my next thing I will do.

    More this weekend but just had to tell ya!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited September 2020

    WOW Jazzy. Great news. Looking forward to more details when you can share.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    Mazel tov, Jazzy!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited September 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Moving Day for Mom, and I'm getting in an extra cup of coffee before heading out to help. I did only work a half day yesterday, but we have plans in place for next week to flu vaccinate all the residents who consent, and then all the staff during the 2 weeks after that. Sadie wants to know when she can go to work with me again. I took her with me to pick up the farm drop order and she actually ran down the stairs to the garage. She is moving so much better since going on the NSAID.

    Cammy Cat--I'm getting the flu shot not because I really believe it will help with the flu but because it's easier than going through the hassle that health care workers get put through if they don't. Some hospitals will even fire staff who don't get the flu shot. So much has changed with flu shots.I remember when they first came out only people over 65 could get them, no one else could. Then it expanded to family members of people over 65, and then to family members of people with compromised immune systems or being treated for cancer, and then to people with chronic illnesses like heart disease or COPD, and then to their family members, and then to people working in jobs that put them in contact with large numbers of other people, and then to kids and then to babies. Now we know the regular flu shot doesn't even work well for people over 65, they should get an enhanced flu shot or get 2 shots! Now we are learning the protection only lasts a few months, not indefinitely for individual strains as originally stated. The more we learn, the more I swear we do not know.As for Mom's move, I don't know when the guys are going to be moving the big stuff. I would love to take Sadie to supervise, but Mom does not like dogs and I'm sure I'll get a lecture about never bringing Sadie to the apartment, since there's no pets allowed and Mom doesn't want to deal with all the dog hair and smell. Don't know if anyone else will be helping, I'll have to wait and see. I'll let you know how it goes!

    Librairan--I want some beach!Glad you are enjoying!

    Chi--Glad the zoom thing got straightened out!

    Jazzy--HOORAY for the job offer!

    Morning Teka and Minus!

    The Moving Day Mojito

    You'll need:

    2 cups water

    1/2 cups white sugar

    2 cups mint leaves, chopped

    2 cups lime sherbet, softened

    1 cup lime juice

    1 cup water

    8 cups club soda

    1 cup white rum

    lime slices for garnish

    Make a simple syrup by combining water and sugar in the microwave for 5 minutes. Let the mint leaves steep in the syrup for 5 minutes. Strain and set aside. Stir the lime sherbet, lime juice, white rum, and 1 cup water together in a large pitcher until well combined. Add your mint syrup. Add club soda and stir. Serve over ice. Garnish with lime slices.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2020

    Good morning friends- thank you for the kind words and good wishes. What a week but it ended on a very positive note. So the job is with one of the local hospitals here that has developed a new program and needs a sort of "inside" consultant type and I am their new person for this. It has felt like a big decision for me to move back to FT at age 60, but I have very specific reasons and needs to do so. Although I have really enjoyed self employment for awhile, there have been a lot of changes that have been going on that work against remaining in a small freelance business anymore. I need to be sure I can remain insured with my health insurance until I reach Medicare age, which is the biggest driver for me, but also will provide more financial stability until I retire is another reason. As I was struggling through some decisions on this, a wise friend told me that I was making a decision about what I needed until I could retire in another 6-7 years vs. making some big career decision. The salary offer is better than expected and I am reviewing the benefits info this weekend. Time for a change!

    Lots to do to finalize this but also need to shut down my consulting business. As a freelancer, not as much to do but reached out to both my atty and accountant to get some things going to do this property. I also have some things to finish up with medical apts and house stuff. And I told my collaboration group yesterday that after next week, I will be mostly unavailable outside of being contacted for questions. Our initiative is winding down anyways, and going in to back burner mode, but probably will ramp up at some point. Been a great experience and plan to keep in touch with these folks!

    NM- I saw your post here and also on the decluttering thread. I hope things go well today and too bad your mom does not like dogs so that Sadie could come too. She would like to help. My mother did not like animals either, we never had a dog, but loved all my friends dogs! I am glad Sadie is moving better too on her meds.

    I always get the flu shot and will be requesting one at my upcoming annual check up. My sister got the over 65 one this week and said her arm hurt and she was achy right away, but better after. I have been getting the flu shot since my 30s with my asthma. I think many hospitals are worried about the impacts to their admissions with both the seasonal flu and Covid around this winter.

    Well I can only scroll back so far to ketchup on reading here so I will leave this one here and be back later. Got a morning yoga class to get to and a friend meeting me there!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited September 2020

    Congrats Jazzy! Very exciting.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited September 2020

    Jazzy, sounds like a good thing has come your way, congrats. And it is local too!

    NM, may the move go smoothly and your mother's transition, too (making friends quick!y so more is not expected of you, your plate is full enough!)

    I do get the flu shot, haven't had the flu in years, fingers crossed for this year. I'll be out and about more than usual over the next several weeks as I tripped and fell this week. Led with my chin and broke two front teeth so lots of dental visits ahead. At least the required mask hides my technicolor chin! After this "fat lip" experience I really don't know why folks pay good money for botox lips!

    For those who are having good weather (defined however you define good), enjoy. We are heading back to the 90s with continued humidity.

    Have an enjoyable weekend.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Just Wanted To Say Hello! | Good morning funny, Hello greeting, Hello quotes

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited September 2020

    Beaver - LOL a fat lip w/o Botox . Are you able to eat more variety of foods yet?

    NM - I can hardly wait to hear the results of this first day's adventure. But I expect you'll be exhausted - with tomorrow still to come. Hope it goes OK.

    Jazzy - my son was born at Methodist in AQ. I always felt I had great docs there, although it was 40 years ago. The job sounds interesting and yes, you can always consider it as a 5 year job, so... Hooray for insurance!!! Is your sister doing OK?

    Edited - sorry Cami - I meant to say I loved your comment about the bright bulb becoming a tiny Christmas bulb. Hope you don't mind if I borrow it.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    OMG Jazzy this isn't just a new job, this is a change of everything for you. AMAZING. And I love how u dive into something new and everything falls into place. U've worked for this all these years and planned it well and taking a different path sounds wonderful to me. We all know how time will fly a nd to set urself up so this will really count is the way that sounds good to me. Good going Jazzy and now ur preparing for a new stage and u sound so confident we're all happy for you, that's for sure.

    Kim ur making me so tired just reading about this weekend for u, but I know u'd never not do this for ur mom. I just hope u don't get to much sleep deprivation, I'm only kidding but this is a big undertaking I know. So Good Luck.

    I have been on this post for so long, I keep on falling asleep with while drinking my coffee.


  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited September 2020

    Minus, I can pretty well eat whatever I can get into small enough pieces to skip into the side of my mouth. Swelling of upper lip is diminishing although still puffy! Trying to avoid anything that takes lots of chewing to avoid biting the inside of my mouth.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    Jazzy, sounds like a dream job that will fit you like a glove for as long as you want it!

    Tried to get a flu shot at Walgreen's, but the clerk at the pharmacy counter ran my Medicare & BCBS cards and said that my birthdate didn't match Medicare's records (and that BCBS no longer contracts with Walgreen's for flu shots). I did a live chat with Medicare and they said I DID give the birthdate they had on file, and confirmed with Social Security that my Medicare number is also correct. I bet the clerk made a typo on the Medicare number. I will just have to suck it up and go to NorthShore's "flu clinic" in Skokie.

    Went to Warby Parker for my eye exam (everything but dilated retina exam). The optometrist was young eye candy, even with his mask on. The exam was the most thorough non-dilated exam I've ever had. He said that he could see no residual sutures nor damage from the brachytherapy plaque in my R eye, but he could see the floater (and slight vitreous detachment) in my L. I learned that part of the trouble I've had reading is that my reading glasses--same diopters as the "add" in my progressives--are too strong! He explained that single-vision readers needn't be as strong as the limited-area in progressives. I was able to get the lenses in my readers replaced (sending them out to the lab in upstate NY) for $50! He suggested that in the meantime, I get some drugstore readers in +2.0 for close work, especially the double-acrostic puzzles I love to do as a distraction. So my trip to Walgreen's was good for something after all.

    I also got new progressive shades, replaced the progressive lenses in the last Warbys I got (right now, wearing an older prescription because the coating on the pair I got in Oct. 2019 (ordered in March, but had to send them back twice due to breakage and then a lens defect) from my old ophtho's in-office boutique has begun to get blotchy (yes, the pricy Essilor package)! Those Warbys will be my spare pair at home--no photochromics, but blue-blocking instead. For my main pair, I splurged on a purple-tortoise pair with silver accents--and those are photochromic. I should have everything delivered in about two weeks.

    Went to The Barn of Evanston for an early dinner (5:30, more like a late lunch, because the next table they had wasn't till 8:45). I wanted a Gruet sparkling rosé (nod to Jazzy), but they no longer feature it. Instead, I had a "La Libertad" sparkling rosé of cabernet franc, from the Mendoza Valley of Argentina.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Good morning hope your day is wonderful – Commentwarehouse | Say it with a pic!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Loz Vodka 102 Rum l/2ox Blue Curacao 1/20: Peach Schnapps lo: Lemonade Splash Pineapple Juice - iFunny <img class= in 2020 | Alcohol drink recipes, Drinks alcohol recipes, Boozy drinks" />