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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2020

    Cami- you crack me up with the comments about us in one pocket and candy in the other. I too want to know too what kind of candy?

    I am going off on an adventure today to a couple old mining towns not far from here I have not been to in awhile. Maybe some photos for everyone tomorrow.

    Have a good start to the weekend all!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Morning Cat GIFs | Tenor

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Jazzy u find so many things to do, WTF ur state has a plethora amount of things to do <is that the right word>??? and u find them.

    Kim good for you an sadie, nice cool sleeps and lots of tummy rubs.

    Lori ur EX still does these things and talk about u...that's really low. Mine stopped when my kids were leaving their teens. What can he possibly say about u now, it's been so many years he still loves u and wants u not to be close to ur kids so he punishes you. I'm sorry this pisses me off. See the bitch I am I would call him and find out, but again ur way to nice to do that. Honestly at this point what could he possibly say especially with all uve been going thru, I don't get it, I really don't. But remember ur DD is older and wiser so it might not have made any difference to her

    He Sandy, u doing OK???

    BTWwaiting for results my DD's drive me nuts no one else does they ask every day UGHIf I didn't need a ride I wouldn't even tell them about any of this. And Thank you so much about having more interest in the candy than my life and death experience <LOL> Some is hard, but my favorite are those soft with the chocolate inside. I'm sure u understand my choice for my pockets now.

    Ok I'll peek in later, so don't talk bad about me, or go ahead it's all right.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2020

    Cami, it's not that's he's saying more bad things about me, altho I guess he could be. He just told my DD about when he called me and told me off. I don't know what all he told her about that conversation between us. Altho, it wasn't between us, cuz I said nothing, he did all the talking just saying nasty things to me.

    Some chocolate candies filled with liquor for your pockets, promise not to melt or make a mess!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    Oooh, Lori, those look so tempting! I am a non-recovering chocoholic.

    I'm doing OK, considering the earthshaking news we all got last night (not a subject for this thread, of course). Today my new Peepers non-Rx reading glasses (+3.0) came--but they're way too strong. Sigh--will definitely have to get refracted, as my L eye needs a stronger reading correction (both eyes are currently at +2.5) but my R needs a stronger distance correction. So progressives it still is. I have a wardrobe of frames I've amassed since 2016, with only minor changes of prescription so they've been pretty much interchangeable. Warby Parker will update lenses in existing frames--but only single-vision Rxs. So it looks like I will have to get new progressives, sunglasses and computer readers. (That sound you hear is my credit card groaning).

    Pollen & mold have been doing a number on my eyes--itchy to the max. Fortunately, I found a newly-made-OTC version (Pataday 24 hr) of the Rx eyedrops (Pazeo) I used to get but ran out (as did my number of refills remaining). Good thing, too--Pazeo, even with a GoodRx coupon, is over $200 per bottle. (Used to be $65, which was bad enough). I got Pataday for $18. Hope it works. The homeopathic stuff (Similisan) might as well be plain saline, and Alaway/Zatidor just burns but doesn't help; Systane keeps my eyes lubed but doesn't relieve the itch.

    Went out for brunch today, in Cellars' new tent (no yellow jackets!). But it was only in the high 50s here by the lake (same as overnight low)--Bob told me I wouldn't need a jacket, that my heavier heathered long-sleeve tee would be enough. Should've worn at least an actual sweater, or a denim jacket over the tee. Will be warmer tomorrow, when we're going to Gibson's Oakbrook's pation for dinner (Oakbrook, being far inland, is warmer during the day but colder overnight).

    DOTD was cava.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2020

    Chi- really sad about RBG 😔

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited September 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! I'm the administrator on call this weekend, got a few calls yesterterday ayem, wound up going in to fix a computer access problem, took Sadie with me. Spent a few hours dealing with a situation of one resident hitting another resident, a nervous new nurse giving her first shot to a very frail elderly resident, an aide from an agency with a major attitude problem, and a whole bunch of little "I know you can't do anything about this but I want you to know how much I don't like" things. All in all, I was there from 10:30 to a little after 1 peeyem. Stopped for lobster rolls for lunch. Sadie got the chips and a couple lobstah knuckles, she ate them but didn't seem terribly interested in them. Of course, she'd had a half a bag of treats through the morning as she visited with residents and staff.

    Jazzy--how was the adventure to themining towns?

    Cammy Cat--nice and cool, alright. Can see my breath this morning! Gave in and put on a sweatshirt. Going to be a good day for cooking if things stay calm at the nursing home. I'll look for some good candy for your pocket next week.

    Goldie--oohh, likker filled chocolates, YUM!!!

    Chi--itchy eyes and multiple corrections are not fun. This time of year I put a jacket in the car and leave it there, I'm always thinking I don't need something like that until I get where I'm going and then decide I do want one!

    Re: RBG very sad.



    How to mix

    Fill a mixing glass with ice cubes. Add all ingredients. Stir and strain into a cocktail glass.

    From <>

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited September 2020

    NM - I'm going to substitute peach schnaps for the apricot brandy, since that's what I have on hand - AND in Texas you can't buy booze on Sunday. But I want to raise a glass to RBG and the drink you posted seems appropriate.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Cats Snuggle GIF - Cats Snuggle GoodAfternoon - Discover & Share GIFs

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Lori maybe ur Ex thought u might have said something so he figured he wanted to get his sugar coated side out. I know I'm overthinking this.

    Oh Lori that's the way to have chocolate, it solves everything.

    Sandy it sounds like u should have good sight when this is all over I hope.

    aha Kim how could it get that cold so fast. But r u supposed to get really warm again, or is this the end of the summer for you. Cuz if it's ending for you it will be ending for us and maybe we can get in some fall weather, which sounds good to me. I like wearing a sweater or jacket all the time so I like fall. I hope we get a lot of fall weather instead of rushing into winter. I enjoy so much when u talk about Sadie going to work with you, she has to give comfort to so many plus u get extra time with her. All good Kim. U r so caring.

    BTW Jazzy I so enjoy ur pics. on FB such a breath of fresh air and beauty. Thank you.

    OK have to get my Covid test this afternoon ick, but I don't have to get out of our car so unick now.


  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited September 2020

    Cami- I will say a prayer for you. I bet the nurses love when you come in, you are probably the most fun patient they have. (I want to be in the pocket with the candy)

    Lori - your home is beautiful and the chocolate candy liquors look good too!

    Sandy - I hope you get a definite answer about your eyes.

    Jazz - the old mining towns sound very interesting. I hope you had a good day.

    Hello to NM, Illimae, minus, JC, teka and who every I am missing.

    I don't always have time to post, but reading this is one of the highlights of my day.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2020

    A couple quick photos. A turq ring from the Cerrillos mines and what the raw stuff looks like in the vien below. Both were take aways from my visit!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited September 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day! I'm working Wed, Thurs, Fri this week to help with staff COVID-19 screening, so got to sleep in a bit today. Had to close up the windows yesterday, probably going to turn the heat on for a bit in the evening, definitely too chilly to do anything without some heat now. Last year I waited too long, and spent a lot of time wrapped up in blankets or sweaters and not doing anything around the house because it was too cold. Not going to make that mistake this year. Even Sadie was burrowing under the covers last night!

    Minus--I bet the peach schnaps tasted good!

    Cammy Cat--We could still get an Indian summer (is it ok to say that? Do I need to figure out another name for it?), that usually happens in October, but lately the seasons seem to be jumping from one to the other without any real transitional weather to give us a chance to get used to the change. And we are getting a lot of high atmosphere haze from the smoke from the wildfires, so there isn't as much sun warming as usual, that may be speeding things up a bit. I do like taking Sadie to work with me, and she seems to like the attention, too.

    Misty--I'll save some room for you in Cammy'scandy pocket tomorrow!


    Jazzy--who'd have thought that pretty ring stone would come out of that rock!

    Indian Summer

    Indian Summer


    • 1.5 oz. Ketel One Oranje® Flavored Vodka
    • 1 oz. fresh orange juice
    • .5 oz. cinnamon simple syrup
    • .5 oz. pomegranate reduction


    Combine all ingredients in a mixing glass. Shake well with ice and strain into a rocks glass filled with ice. Garnish with a cinnamon stick and orange twist.

    Cinnamon Simple Syrup: Crush 15-25 cinnamon sticks and infuse with equal parts water and superfine sugar for 1-2 hours.

    Pomegranate Reduction: Boil down one bottle pomegranate juice for 60 minutes and then stir in a box of superfine sugar. Finish by cooking for another 30 minutes. Remove from heat and cool.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2020

    Good morning friends - quick hi and will be back again soon. Busy and fun weekend, with my trip to the mining town of Cerrillos and Madrid along the Turquoise Trail. Cerrillos is a sleepy little village that used to have active turq mines until the 1950s and there is still some work being done to collect in a few private mines. The photo above includes a lovely ring I found and sample from one of the mines. The guy who sold it to me runs the trading post and museum and both gathered the stones and made the ring. Cradle to grave vendor, not something you see very much here anymore. I had a great lunch in town and enjoyed my time there. Then I was on to the nearby town called Madrid which is an old coal mining town turned artist community (but much busier) and stopped there briefly but did not stay too long (way too many people).

    Yesterday was yoga day and the farm where I go was celebrating Mexican Independence Day and along with the yoga practice, there was a fun all female mariachi band and other good things going on to celebrate. Ran in to some jazz friends and got a visit in with them. Got a swim in too. All in all, a pretty good weekend.

    Running for some car service this morning and will be in Cami's pocket tomorrow for the biopsy.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2020

    Long day today, traveling all over 2 counties. Labs and groceries and then to the doctor's office for my injections. Been feeling overwhelmed lately. Just feel so much weighing on my shoulders and it's catching up to me.

    NM, hope your on call weekend wasn't too busy. Does sound like a bit of drama and oh my, the residents hitting one another. Almost funny. Was it women? Do you know what the fight was about?

    Thank you Misty, cute kitties!

    Cami, where are they doing the biopsy? I hope you don't have to wait too long for results. Is Joey taking you? As for my ex, that's just it, he doesn't THINK. I have never said a bad thing about him to the kids, not EVER.

    Jazzy, beautiful ring. Glad you get yourself some gifts.

    Cami, more candy for the pockets. This one has nuts so you get some protein too.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2020

    Morning DahhhLinks,

    Yes it's me again finally. read the last 2 pages, boy have ya'll been busy. I will try again to post a pic of my Sofia otherwise I'll try emailing to you Lowee.

    The dry needles have helped a little bit, but I guess I have to go back for more. That L5 of my spine is still driving me nuts with pain. Next appt is 10-4. So I'll keep,ya'll posted.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    Jazzy, gorgeous ring! I'm so envious--the Chicago area has few if any day trip possibilities that are scenic, interesting, and COVID-safe.

    Mema, that acupuncture sounds like it's working. Hope it works on L5.

    Cami, still in your pocket for your tests!

    Lori, medical appts. & grocery/pharm shopping are just about the only things that let me venture past my own backyard. I get my manis biweekly (and a pedi every 4 weeks), but I'm still nervous about that even though the nail salon gets stricter and stricter over time. I'm not going back to the hair salon any time soon: my eyes are very sensitive now (pollens & molds off the charts) and I don't want to expose them to fumes from chemical services (dyes, keratin). Also don't think my stylist is careful enough--he's had to be admonished by the owner several times for sitting too close to me while I wait for the dye to "take," there are no temp. checks (just a questionnaire), and no physical barriers between stations.

    If my new muddler arrives today, might make mojitos.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    good morning graphics, pictures, images and good morningphotos. Social network, image editing, and free image hosting.A little different this morning

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Mornin; ladies,

    Kim Leslie was telling me about our weather and said it was cold like urs was. And she wanted to know why I even mention it cuz I never leave, my room. OK so far I see how ur working OK this week, now keep it up . I think it was normal hours.

    Jazzy I like how u go out to do one thing and end up doing 5 things, meeting people and ening up with a beautiful ring. and nothing is really planned. U must know almost everyone in that town. I understand why they like u so much tho.

    Teka those furbabies are so very cute, I want them, their little faces are perfect.

    Minus u seem to change recipes and it always sounds good.

    Misty no one looks forward to see me, they tell me that but I think they;re going to shit me up that way.

    SusyQ oh that pain is so bad I wish they could get all of it at the same time. I pray this pain will be treated to help.

    Lori no wonder u can be so exhausted just going to the Dr. is a big deal for u and ur DH, then the grocery store a whole other experience. Ur just so far from ordinary things. U have to come home everytime just plain out of it. Well now we know who's going to be where in my pockets all with the candy, I'll be lopsided. Biopsy will be under my arm somewhere, this sounds stupid but all I feel is bone there so IDK where exactly

    Oh the Covid test should be like all tests. Not one car in line waited a total of 5 minutes for all paperwork to clear, did the test and it was done. I thought there would be a line. Never left my car and just put my head back. Done, they had the results by morning. Now this stupid test, I was told plan on being in the hospital 6 hrs. and they aren't putting me out so what takes so long??? Just a lot of waiting that's all. Why do they plan then u wait for the most part, just prep and do it. That's what everyone wants. Oh I did tell my sister last nite, I knew she'd go all HULK on me <green and all> I really shouldn't have told her cuz she worries so but I thought if I tell her right before she wouldn't have time to think about it. I should have known better, we were talking at midnite and I had to tell her it's probably just an infection, which it

    Oh Kim right about Indian summer now it can be called PeeTee summer, mountain summer or my personal favorite with hand going back and forth over ur mouth woo woo woo summer Anyway u say it someone will protest anyway so we know what it is.

    Hope u all have a good day today.


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited September 2020

    Covid tested yesterday morning for work - probably wan't there even 5 minutes including waiting in "line", they scanning my info and being swapped. The gal swabbing goes "we don't go all the up to your brain"! Easy peasy and painless. Should have results by end of week. Only expect negative due to socially distancing - only going to grocery store and doctor appointments and working remotely. Getting slu shot beginning of October. PCP recommended to wait over getting it a couple weeks ago.

    Have a great week.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited September 2020

    Good morning everyone! My weekend in the mountains was wonderful. We tried to go to the winery one afternoon, but there was a huge crowd for the space so we left. We ended up in town at a little wine store. They allowed us to sit inside at a table where they usually do wine tastings and eat some food. We did buy wine and get a ‘lecture’ about certain vintages, etc. Thee was no crowd so we felt safe. The weather was beautiful! I am so ready for summer to be over.

    Cami - definitely in your pocket for the biopsy!

    Sandy - hope you hear about your eye soon.

    Goldie - I am so spoiled here. Only thing 30 minutes away is the infusion center. Everything else is walkable. Remember you have a lot of support and it is ok to have a ‘blue’ day.

    NM - don’t work too hard, but be your usual wonderful self.

    Time to get laundry started and plan for the beach. Kids come to dinner tonight, so I must get to the grocery. Take care everyone

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited September 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday, and my last day off of the week. Will be getting up at Oh Dark Hundred, aka 4:15 ayem, tomorrow and Thursday, to be at work at 5 ayem. So I won't be posting in the ayem, maybe in the peeyem. Sadie will be a little miffed at me for working a different schedule, but she'll forgive me eventually. Oh, and it's the first day of Autumn!Happy Autumn!

    Also in Cammy's pocket this morning.

    Jazzy--sounds like you had a great weekend!

    Goldie--You did have a long day! Second day of call was silent, no calls at all. I guess we got all the drama out of the way on Saturday. I don't think there was an actual fight, both residents have memory problems. I suspect one was in the other's line of travel and not moving fast enough to suit. It was broken up before the second slap could connect. And it was funny, in a way. I hope someday soon your kids realize you have never said anything bad about their dad, that all the negativity has been one sided. Those cookies look very yummy!

    Teka--I did turn the heat on for half an hour yesterday ayem. It was enough to bump the house temp up to something bearable. I noticed on the way back from grocery shopping that the leaves are really starting to turn now. I think it's too dry for it to be a really spectacular foliage season, but it sure is pretty in places.

    Mema!!!Glad the needling is helping some, praying more will help more. Back pain is terrible to live with. Can't wait to see Sofia!

    Chi--What's your favorite Mojito recipe? I've got some mint I need to harvest before the frost gets it and am thinking that would be a good use for some of it. I'd be leery of that hair salon, too, fromyour description.

    Cammy Cat--love the cute little pupper! Sounds like COVID test went quickly and easily. It is too bad more things can't be set up to run that efficiently. When will you get the biopsy results?

    Karen--I hope we can set up our staff COVID testing to run as efficiently as yours! We're expecting this first run to be a Chinese Fire Drill, but then we'll have the info we need to set it up to run smoothly. CDC is recommending not getting the flu shot until October so that it will still be effective through April. I just read that the flu shot is really only effective for about 6 months, get it too early and the coverage is lost before the flu season runs out and that is why we have been seeing secondary spikes in flu cases in March, April and May in recent years. The medical community is hoping to avoid that this year since it's going to be confusing enough with COVID and flu running simultaneously.

    Teka--so pretty!

    Librarian--I'm glad your weekend turned out so well. How nice to get a private wine talk! Work tomorrow and Thursday will be interesting days as we figure out the whole staff testing process.

    First Day of Fall Cocktail: Apple-Cider Spritzer

    First Day of Fall Cocktail: Apple-Cider Spritzer

    - 1 ounce whiskey or bourbon

    - 2 ounces cider-honey syrup (recipe follows)

    - champagne, to top glass

    - sprig of rosemary, to garnish

    In a shaker filled with ice, combine the honey syrup and whiskey. Shake vigorously and strain into a serving glass. Top with champagne and garnish with a rosemary sprig.

    Cider-Honey Syrup:

    - ½ cup honey

    - 1 inch piece of ginger, peeled and sliced

    - 2 cinnamon sticks

    - 1 teaspoon whole cloves

    - 1 cup apple cider

    - 4 sprigs rosemary

    In a small saucepan over medium heat, whisk the honey, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, and apple cider together until the mixture starts to bubble, about 3-4 minutes. Remove from heat, add rosemary and let cool for 25 minutes. Strain through a sieve and transfer to a container until ready to use. Can be made ahead and stored covered in the refrigerator for up to one week.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited September 2020

    We have been having a bit cooler weather and less humidity feels great. Fall was always my favorite season and in Florida you only have it for a week or two (or it seems). It feels like we go from just go from summer hot to winter cold. My mom is having a rough time, she is physically feeling better having shots in her hip and physical therapy, but my dad is not good and it is hard for her to keep taking care of him. He fell yesterday at 5:00 am, and she couldn't get him up. She called my cousin and her husband tried and couldn't get him up either so she called the fire department to help. They got him back up in his chair. She has some calls in to get some help. My sister who is retired is trying to help her too. It makes me wonder how I will be when I get that age.

    The apple cider spritzer sounds good right now.

    Goldie - Just enjoy your time with your daughter and don't worry about anyone else.

    JC - Glad that you had fun. I think it worked out perfectly that you ended up in the little wine store, much more personal.

    Karen- and Cami - you both made the Covid test sound so much smoother and easier than other people when they talk about it. I think some people really like to complain and make it sound like they had a dreadful thing done to them.

    Love the heart leaf Teka.

    Sandy- I hope you get your biopsy results soon and that it is good news. Seems like it is taking way too long.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    Well, as I previously said, the biopsy results would have no bearing on what comes next, so why worry (as Dire Straits sang)? You go looking for trouble, trouble will find you, as the old blues song goes. (Unlike breast biopsies, which would dictate the types and timing of treatments; there are no drugs or surgeries for a tumor this size, and I already had the standard-of-care type of internally-delivered radiation).

    Heard back from N.Shore that they can't administer my flu shot anywhere but one of their pharmacies (Skokie, almost 40 minutes away, or Glenview, which is even further). So I will probably just go back to Walgreen's or CVS, but still wait till Oct. Meanwhile, the Warby Parker branch where I'm likeliest to find parking nearby isn't booking eye exams past Sep. 28, so I'm getting refracted this Sat. Been long enough post-op--I don't expect my R eye vision to improve further. (Still better now than before the 2016 cataract surgeries).

    Gorgeous today--it's 80! Just came in from having my daily latte out on my deck. Kim, I make my mojitos by muddling together a jigger of white rum, the juice of half a lime (or 1T.), simple syrup (regular or sugar-free) to taste--usually a couple of teaspoons--and a handful of fresh mint leaves. I add crushed ice, then top up with seltzer. When I was in rehab after my last knee replacement surgery, the center would serve "faux-jitos," substituting Sprite for the rum, lime juice, seltzer & sweetener. (It was a brutally-hot couple of weeks in June). Today I will make mine with actual rum if we're not going out to dinner and having wine.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited September 2020

    Oh no - Tommy DeVito of the original Four Seasons has died of Covid 10 in Las Vegas. What a great group. Loved all of their songs. And "Jersey Boys" is a great musical show.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Good Morning Cat GIFs | Tenor

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2020

    Just a quick poop in, I just have tons to do and have to be outta here tomorrow morning no later than 6:30. The other day was 165, that took 6 hours. All just for 2 injections, labs and some groceries. Yesterday I had a melt down, just overwhelmed at all I have to do. Still lots to do today, but feeling better about it. Labs, TM's made another huge jump, jumping more than ever...oh well.

    LDB, I'll be happy to post a pic of Sophia, and so sorry about the back....I can relate!

    Cami, glad the covid test was easy and I hope the biopsy was easy too. Now to wait! When will you know?

    Misty, I will be seeing my daughter, my son, 2 brothers and their partners.

    My DD was supposed to get to my brother's house in time that she can go with him to pick me up at the airport tomorrow. But she mentioned to me that she is going to a BBQ at an Aunts (dad's sister) house today. So I'm wondering if she is going to my brothers after that, or if I have to wait even longer to see her. I'm thinking dad planned it that way to sabotage my visit. At least that's how I feel. So not sure when she will make it to my brothers, her dad has to work. I'm thinking she is going to call my brother and ask him to pick her up tomorrow, so daddy doesn't have to take her!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    JC I knew u would have a great weekend, u always do. I'd be looking forward to that too.

    Oh Lori I've said many times how spoiled I am too. All my drs. and hospital are within 3 miles of us, as is grocery stores, take outs and most stores. So if u forget anything u can just take a run back for it whenever.

    I can't figure out how to copy drinks any more so I hope someone else can get to our DOTD of the day.

    Misty it is so hard to pick up anyone who falls no matter what they weigh. Usually u have to call the paramedics for a pick up, until u get the hang of it. Actually Dan told us how to do it cuz he lifts so many things I guess and we never had to call anyone again. But ur heart goes out to them especially when u can't do it.

    Kim said she would be working differently these next few days, so hope we hear from her later.

    Sandy ur wait has been so long, I'm sorry.

    Biopsy done, and as usual goofiness rained on us, Suffice it to say Jodie got my wheelchair stuck in the waiting room and we started to laugh, after a minute or so we heard laughing behind us as we were struggling and then heard sorry we're laughing at u but I haven't had a good laugh in a while. Of course we laughed really hard and Jodie loudly says I'm going to pee my pants everyone was laughing and I'm saying get on the floor, cuz that's the way to hold it better. So take it from there. If that was Leslie she never would have reacted like that, but Jodie is more like me that way. And I really forgot I'm numb under my arms so I barely felt a thing even the numbing shot and I did apologize for anything I said before it started and after it was finished. Cuz I do tend to ramble as u all know by now. Well we all know now it's just wait, that's it. I'm sure it will be OK.

    Misty I always liked that group too.

    Teka perfect picture for fall.

    Hope everyone has a good day.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2020

    Cami- I am glad you are through the biopsy. Now we wait.......

    Oh and it's so good you can laugh sometimes about the weird things that happen with this medical stuff. Jodie sounds like she went with the flow and found the comedy too.

    Goldie- I am sorry to hear about the TM's being up and all you need to do. I hope your travel is easy and this stuff with your daughter goes okay once you are there. I know you said your ex makes everything hard, I have a relative back in my home state who does the same whenever I visit. It is not like traveling is an easy thing period, especially in this time? Be safe and hope there are some good visits to be had up that way.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Just me poopin in.

    Oh Lori I just read ur post. When did all this happen??? Ur TM'S are up, I'm so very sorry.<<<HUGS>>>. Ur going to see ur family, how did I miss all this. No wonder u had a meltdown, I'm sure when ur with ur family u will absolutely feel better just seeing them. And ur DD probably figured u wouldn't be there yet so she opted for her aunt's house. It'll be fine Lori, u'll see. Wishing u safe travels and a very happy time.