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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2020

    Good morning friends- happy last day of September, where did this month go? Feels like we were just coming in to Labor Day. Thew weather has been beautiful this week, a bit cooler and feels like fall again. The ballons have been up and flying around, one cruised through the back yard yesterday. Supposedly the city and state have approved for balloons to fly from around different parts of the city this weekend and next, just no spectactors. A couple came in this week for the event in their RV (they are mimes) and were shocked to find out the event has been cancelled? That happened in the June-July time frame. No words.

    I am glad I have a month to myself to prepare for this and now have buckets of to dos, including work to finish up on my collaboration this week, close my consulting business, medical visits due in Oct (or that I am trying to move up), home projects and some new employer requirements. I also am going to take a little break in a few weeks and go up to Taos for a couple days as I won't have much time to do much for awhile. Little vaca time, although I will get some of those additional holidays. I get two days of at Thanksgiving, Xmas, New Years to start. I think I will need those for ketchup time on things at home. I don't expect to be any bigger travel for awhile anyways.

    Cami- so it sounds like you got your biospy results? Must have been negative for cancer on that front. You know the doctors always start there, scans that look for junk and then to test it. Sounds like you have more tests to do, and hope they can figure this out. How are you feeling? Able to eat?

    NM- my heart goes out to you about this whole thing with your mom. My relationship with my mother was never easy, but particularly difficult after my brother died. Despite our challenges, I made a commitment to my dying father we would always look out for her. I tried to help her with things, but always a struggle (and usually blamed when it I think your mother is going to end up with a lot of clutter in her condo and maybe you can help her to be sure she has no safety risks? A friend of mine just went through this with her mom (who is 90 and lives at home) and with clutter that was causing issues for her.

    I am the type of person who likes to get ahead on things too, use open timely as wisely as possible. Yes, sometimes a good reminder to check vs. just go do it. That is great news on the all negative Covid tests. Good luck with the flu shots!

    Chi- I am reading about the loss of some of the nice wineries near St. Helena. Have you been up to Napa/Sonoma area in awhile? I was there last in 2009, I used to do a lot of business travel to the Bay Area and would sometimes spend a weekend there. I really loved it there back in the early 1990s, was a lot more built up and touristy my last visit there over 10 years ago. I think the wine industry up there will be forever changed. I know you are a fan of good wines. This is the time of the year they are harvesting and starting the wine making too. Sigh.

    Beaver- thinking about all your dental work sister. I hope you are doing okay.

    Ill- west Texas should be really nice by the time you get out there with the move. Hope the packing is going okay. I saw some things on the declutter thread that suggest you are making progress.

    Teka- are you leaf peeping yet? I know you sometimes drive over to VT to see the foliage. We have fall here, but the colors are nothing like back east.

    Goldie- thinking of you with your travels and hope you are still having good visits and will be home safely.

    Got lots to do and need to run. Be back again when I can. Lubs you all, as Cami would say

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    I was last in the Napa Valley (the Meritage resort in American Canyon) in 2014--toured several wineries, including one that was destroyed (Signorello) in the 2017 fires. Some bigger ones have burned down or lost one or more buildings. Many vineyards were burned up, the rest (mostly Cab. Sauv. this time of the year) ruined by smoke permeating the grapes. It has been confirmed that there will be no 2020 vintage declared for most of Northern CA (and some of the Central coast north of Monterey, including the Santa Cruz/Santa Clara areas, most notably famed quirky "Rhone Ranger" winery Bonny Doon). The 3-Michelin-starred restaurant at famed Meadowwood Resort is no more--its building (separate from the hotel) has been destroyed. The "Glass" fire that has devastated Napa & Sonoma appears to have started spontaneously due to high winds, high temperatures, and extreme dryness (since it began in the wee hours, maybe even a spark from an outdoor motion detector light turning on). And most of the vegetation burning had been untouched by previous fires (unlike many of the CA fires further north, east & south).

    Chilly night dining out yesterday--bundled up (sweater under denim jacket while at table, topped by a down vest while walking) under the tent. Indoors was pretty much deserted--had we known it would be, we might have gone in so we could hear the weekly guitarist more clearly. Bob is still spooked by the table full of raucously laughing non-masked close-together nursing students across the room at brunch 3 weeks ago, when we were forced indoors by bees--these patrons were happily guzzling "bottomless" mimosas. As a former Bears season ticketholder, he's fine with dining outdoors as long as it's above 0F and not snowing too hard.

    Last night's DsOTD: a half glass each of cava and La Vielle Ferme red blend.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2020

    Just too funny not to share.....


  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited September 2020

    Met with the dentist today, he says things are healing well. Go back in two weeks to start the replacement process. He recommends a bridge, similar to what Sandy described. Cost is much less than a crown replacement and an implant. While cost is not the primary decider, having teeth again in about six weeks instead of six and a half months is a strong influencer!! Will get temporaries in two weeks and go from there. See my PCP next week for a follow-up on my arm which is still sore and bruised. At least I can cover the evidence with clothing and a mask.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited October 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! Moving Day for Dick, not sure what Mom will do since her furniture hasn't been moved yet. That will be this evening's thing to deal with. We are doing a big Flu Vaccination push today, trying to get all the residents who have consented vaccinated. Sadie wants to come and play therapy dog, but I can't manage her and the computer and give shots all at once, so I have to disappoint her.

    The Gov announced another extension of the State of Civil Emergency another 30 days yesterday. Even though I know all the other states are doing the same, and I really should have been expecting it, the news made me want to cry.

    Librarian--ah, the beach, how I wish I was there with you!

    Jazzy--Wow, 2 days off for the big holidays! That is massive! Good idea to get in a small vacay before the new job starts. Hard to believe that couple didn't know the balloon festival was cancelled, but I suppose there are a few people out there who are not plugged into the news and are living their lives happily.I'm not too worried about Mom's safety, clutter-wise, just yet. All her stuff is in boxes, and she can keep it all in the bedroom while she unpacks. It's going to be after the furniture gets moved and she starts unpacking that I'll have to keep an eye out for that kind of safety problem. I'm more worried about her living alone. She did not do well living alone after Dad died, which is why she moved in with Dick in the first place. Other than a few years as a young adult and after Dad died she has never lived alone. At least she is close enough to keep an eye on.

    Chi--So much devastation from the fires. So sad. I can understand Bob getting spooked by the student nurses at the inside setting. Got a chuckle at his being good with eating outside as long as it's above 0F and not snowing "too hard"!


    Beaver--good to hear the healing is going well! Six weeks is a lot better than 6 months, that's for sure.

    The Flu Shot


    1 oz tequila

    1 envelope Lemon-Lime Emergen-C

    3 oz water


    1. Mix Lemon-Lime Emergenc-C in water (hot or cold)
    2. Add Tequila

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    ᐅ Top 350+ Good Morning GIFs, Morning GIF, Love GIF Images.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    OH, I read everything 2x but I forgot half, so if I don't address you please forgive me.

    Kim I don't get it, I would think u would be appreciate for being ahead on all that's going on I really hope u din't feel bad cuz u shouldn't. U shoul be happy with urself for being so organized, oih she must have been jelly cuz anyone would be happy about that. Ur mom seems like she's going in high gear with her move. But u did say she is close to you so that's good. If I had Sadie we would hardly ever gt out of bed.

    Sandy those fires are horrible, I've seen some pics. an I can't even imagine being in the vicinity. It's scary just thinking about them. And there's so much involved. Wow 50 people is quite a lot for nowadays.

    Beaver sounds like u've got ur teeth figure out and ur right having a mask on is a big help for now. Minus seems like she had some goo ideas.,

    Hey Teka!!!

    JC good pic.

    Jazzy funny one, tho it seems true.

    Yesterday I seemed so busy and never left my room. I talked with my cousin for about an hr. <phone> my niece came over for my shower and stayed for 3 hrs. Gossiped a lot I really enjoy when she comes over, then some phone calls. BTW I was never nervous about my tests I knew they would be all right. Thank you all for all ur good wishes. I just took a nap for about 1/2 hr. LOL Sometimes I blink and they just stay closed for a while.

    Hope everyone has a good day


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020

    Hey ladies- glad you liked my funny. Best thing I have seen on FB in awhile. Everything is political infighting.

    I got my dexa scan and check in with my MO moved up from Dec to October. I used to see him Jan and July and then would always have my other diagnostics around that. But then in the past few years, his scheduled had me seeing him Mar & Sept, then this year it was April and Dec. He wants to make a decision about whether we do any more Prolia shots and asked if we can do it now vs. wait to the end of the year. In fact, we can and I go tomorrow for the dexa and then he will decide based on the results (telephone call follow up from what I hear). They have me scheduled for a shot on the 13th if I need it. I have a visit with the gyn next week, then PCP, call with the MO, Prolia shot at the cancer center and once again, a reschedule visit with the breast surgeon from my summer image (which was July, oiy). My BS visits are always told them I am starting a new job and really need to get this done in October. I do understand she gets called out on emergency surgeries, but at some point, it becomes not doable. And then there are the visits for the job to do too. My list is a mile long and really glad I have time to get all this done. I don't want to be going in and saying "hey doctor apt here, one there, etc." They will be like "what is wrong with that gurl....."

    NM- I wish you luck today with the flu shot clinic. They are encouraging everyone to get those done and I was told if I don't have one before I visit occ health, they are giving me one there. My sister got the over 65 one and said it really hurt for a day. Too bad Sadie can't go and say hi to everyone.

    Having watched what my mother went through living alone for 11 years and then when she finally landed in assisted living, I believe that elders really need community. My mother lived alone from the time my father went into a nursing home in 1999 and until her medical crises in 2004 and in the beginning, but towards the last few years, she was very socially isolated. She was afraid to go out in the winter with the snow and ice, but some neighbors of ours from growing up would go pick her up for a weekly lunch outing. I know those types of things are not happening right now, and those I know in assisted living have had to isolate anyways in the pandemic. I guess because your mom has lived alone before, she knows what she is getting in to? Is your mom tech saavy? Does she have a computer and know how to Zoom?

    Chi- my fav winery for cab is Whitehall Lane and they sound okay for right now. I may need to order a box of their cab to help them. They are located in St. Helena where the bad fires are this week.

    Well it's Pinktober ladies. Be ready for everything breast cancer on the news.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2020

    My mom moved from her home in Brooklyn--where even though she lived alone, she still had friends from her lodge and her part-time job editing her union's newspaper. But when almost all of the lodge and lifelong friends moved to retirement complexes in S.E. FL she decided to buy a condo in Kings Point (where most of them had moved). She spent the last 13 years of her life there, but one by one her friends and close neighbors passed away. Before her best friend died, she toured a couple of independent living facilities--one of which was adjacent to the assisted living wing. But she found even the independent living units tiny and depressing. So she decided to stay in her 2-BR condo, get oxygen and a home health aide (by then her COPD & CHF were beginning to advance), have my sister & I visit periodically, and get to know the new neighbors who bought the units vacated by her old departed friends. As her social network began to crumble, so did her health. She went on home hospice, got an aide and a laptop; and stuck it out in her condo--past her 85th birthday, the winter holidays, getting discharged from hospice after 6 months, and Passover; she passed suddenly a few days after my sister & niece flew back to VA after Seder. We never had to reconsider our promise not to put her in a nursing home--she died on her own terms.

    As to DOTD, we got some potentially bad news. Cellars may have to close at the end of the month--after 25 years--if more people don't start dining in or ordering out for takeaway or delivery, now that they may lawfully seat 40 people (60% of capacity) indoors. They did have a good summer, due to takeout orders and outdoor dining weather--patio tables were full from start to end of service, but the mercury began to drop after the past weekend. They can't afford electric heaters in the tent because it would require an expensive extension of their wiring (and the city won't allow gas heaters in a tent or under a canopy). Early-ish Tues. night we sat outside and froze, and could barely hear the jazz guitarist who had moved inside to play. When we'd paid our check and packed our leftovers, we went inside to tip the guitarist and found only one other party seated. (And that was when the capacity limit was still 25%).

    I'm still conflicted, but with tables at least 6' apart and powerful ventilation it's probably safe. After all, Bob eats lunch and sometimes dinner indoors at the hospitals (and occasionally, like tonight, at the hotel in Oak Lawn where he stays the night before an early-morning shift). And the restaurant staff is indoors for hours each night & morning they're open.The state requires wearing masks--even when dining outdoors--whenever not actively eating or drinking. Much easier to do than I'd imagined. We reserved a spot at their next winemaker dinner (there will be four seatings over two weeks). There will be no more Tuesday or Wednesday nights (except for those two wine dinner seatings), or Friday brunches. We're hoping Oct. won't be, as they put it, their "last hurrah." We've been loyal to them, rarely patronizing other area restaurants even for takeout, ever since March.

    Bob has noticed that in the SW suburbs and in the Mexican restaurants on the SW side, restaurants have been filled to capacity for months--and nary a mask on any of the customers. People dine out more there, even though their incomes are lower than up here. (And all the enforcement efforts seem concentrated on the N. Side). Diners on the North side and North Shore suburbs seem to be much warier, which has caused many restaurants, bars and coffeehouses to shutter permanently. But one look at a citywide& countywide COVID map says it all. We're healthier--but we're about to become much hungrier.

    No alcohol for me tonight--dining in alone (probably "breakfast for dinner," likely a cheese & veg. omelet); and I forgot my bedtime meds (except for CBD & melatonin) last night (and couldn't sleep, duh) so I don't have any of my PPI (Dexilant) in my system to fend off reflux that will come from hitting the hay earlier than usual.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited October 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day!

    Long Rant Warning.Feel free to skip.

    After yesterday at work my mind is just running around and around. The plan was to work on getting flu shots given to residents. While I was waiting for the Director of Nursing (DON)and Assistant Director of Nursing (ADON) to start that I was asked to be a sitter for a bit. In health care a sitter is a staff member who stays with one patient/resident at all times, done for various reasons like suicide watches and, as in this case, behavioral issues. One resident, due to multiple diagnoses, has a tendency to go into other residents' rooms, move belongings around, try to move residents around, and become angry and attempts to hit people who get in the way. Sure, I can do that for a bit, until the DON and ADON are ready to start flu shots.The other nurse says she'll be sure the DON and ADON know where I'm at.A few minutes later the other nurse tells me the DON knows where I'm at and will come get me when she is ready to start the flu shots.An hour goes by. The DON comes onto the unit, is giving flu shots by herself. The ADON has been helping in between dealing with other things. The DON asks how it's going, I tell her. Resident sleeps for a few minutes in a chair, gets up, tries to go into other residents' rooms, I stand in the door way and use my body as a block, resident gets in my face and yells at me (words only partially make sense, but the tone is clearly "get the F…. Out of my way, B…", tries to shut doors on me, pushes me and swings at me when I won't allow the resident to play with electrical cords and computer equipment or fire alarms or take food off other residents' lunch plates, or take clothes off other residents.I don't take the behavior personally, it's the diseases talking, not the resident. I know how to keep from getting hurt or letting anyone else get hurt. It's just on aspect of nursing work. But, it's a very boring way to spend the work time, and a bit frustrating when I have other things I really need to be doing.But from 10 ayem until 3:15 peeyem,that was my day. It was supposed to be "for a few minutes while I finish (a task)".I did get someone else to cover long enough to get a bathroom break, she was going to be in the area anyway, but never could get someone to agree to cover long enough for me to get a lunch break. I know it's not a fun job, I know it's boring, I know it can be frightening at times, and I know staff don't like to do it, and they demand they get breaks when they are doing it, and I don't mind helping out and covering for breaks and even taking a hour or two, but everyone was "too busy" to cover for me for 15 minutes? I wasn't even asking for an entire lunch break! With nothing else productive to do during all this time I did a lot of thinking. About how the COVID changes are pretty much going to be permanent. How the mask wearing and my age related hearing loss is making it harder and harder to hear what's being said, how it's been over a month with new management and I still don't know where my role fits in and what is really expected of my position now, of how often I am working extra to help with staffing problems but can't afford health insurance, how it seems like everything I try to do to be helpful and involved in the work flow and processes I'm getting something wrong, and now nobody care enough about me to cover for 15 minutes? When I've saved you from 5 HOURS of doing it? At the expense of my own job's work? Have I really just gotten too old to do this kind of work anymore? At the end of every day I am so tired and so achy and sore. How much of what I am feeling is just accumulated COVID stress from 8 months of putting a positive, upbeat face on constantly changing information and practices, and chasing down staff to make sure everyone hears all the info and being supportive of their fears and frustrations? And dealing with2 total management changes at the same time? Or am I just overreacting because I had a boring, not so fun, not so pleasant day at work? Or should I really be thinking about retiring entirely? Is retiring even an option? Am I ever going to live without some part of my world being in crisis all the time?

    Thanks for listening.

    Cammy Cat--Everybody ate work is stressed lately, and I keep telling myself not to take reactions too seriously, they are often more intense than intended. And I am thinking of taking Sadie and going back to bed this morning. Get up later and start the day over, and make it a brighter one!

    Jazzy--Mom is moderately tech savvy, I could teach her how to Zoom or Skypebut she is doing well with texts and the cell phone for now. She has a laptop and does a lot of genealogy work on that at times. I'm hoping she knows what she is getting into, and that the answer to isolation won't be me again. Right after Dad died, I was going down every weekend. She lived further away then, so she didn't expect me to drop by after work or anything like that, but every Sat and Sun I was expected to be there, with a telephone call every evening and an e-mail every morning when I wasn't there. Unfortunately, she isn't tech savvy enough to not click on things that pop up or to read what she's clicking on, so my brother or I have to go in and clean out all the stuff that gets added onto her laptop periodically. At least she doesn't do much online shopping!

    Chi--so sorry to hear about your favorite restaurant possibly closing. It seems like the really good food places are the ones not making it, while the fast food places are managing to stay up and running. Many places here are praying for a long, warm autumn as it's the outdoor dining that has kept them alive and going, bars and tasting rooms in particular.

    Orange Crisis

    2 oz of Light Rum

    1 oz of Triple Sec

    1 oz of cream

    1 splash of grenadine syrup

    2 oz of peach schnapps

    1 oz of Apricot Brandy

    Shake all ingredients in a shaker with ice and pour into shot glasses.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    Good Morning Grumpy Cat Gif - Grumpy Cat

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited October 2020

    NM, sounds like now is a good time to figure out if or when retiring is/will be a good option! At least then you'll have a base for making decisions.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2020

    Morning my DahhhLinks

    Hope all are doing well. Jes so ya'all know, the dry needling did not work on my spine, hubs says I have to do it at least twice, sometimes 3 or 4 times, so I'm going again next week.

    I tried to post the pics of Sofia, but it didn't take it, so Lowee, can I try to email to you n mayb you cud post em for me? pwwweeeesssseeeLoopyLUBSLUBSLUBSHeart

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2020

    NM, terribly sorry for what's going on at work. You are such a caring person, and REALLY care for you patients, which is why I think you go over and above, always picking up where you are asked, and I think people know that, therefore they take advantage of you. Give it time to calm down (in you) and then decide what you would like to do. Or just quit stepping in when you are asked and JUST SAY NO. However, I don't see you doing that, but because of the patients, no other reason.

    LDB, do send me the pics and I will post.

    Still having a good time, not doing anything, weather is cold and windy and been having some rain. DD went yesterday for Covid test and tested negative, and negiative for antibodies. So that makes me think I am negative too, as we have been around all the same people. Leaving on the 7th or 8th for camping, so not sure how much more you will hear from. I can post while still in MI, but when I get home I'll be too busy unpacking and then packing for camping!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020

    Hi ladies- this week has been BUSY and after running around for six hours today, I am home and needing an adult beverage. I have gotten a lot started for this transition back to FT work end of this month, including things to close my business, some things for my pre-employment requirements, medical apts for myself and with them, home stuff, blah blah blah. I am working on this health assessment about all my immunizations for occuplational health, and lord, I can't remember everything I had as a kid. I went through this before when I worked for another university 25 years ago, but think I had the records from my mom who was alive then. Somewhere I think they are in my garage and think I saw them cleanig some things out (let to finish) so I sumbitted the ones I could and going to look for those records and then call it done and get an apt to review things and get caught up on anything I need to do. I got my flu shot at Walgreens done so that is out of the way.

    NM- I will share that many of my nursing friends who have been doing actual nursing activities have moved to doing other things the end of their careers that are more administrative and/or don't require the long exhausting hours that nurses are forced to work. I have nurse friends that are still working into their 70s, but not in the same way they used to in their earlier careers; many are now case managers, clinical experts for software companies, managers of clinical documentation improvement program initiatives, and other types of clinical consulting work. Many of these roles can be done remotely now (some require no travel either), especially in the time of Covid. There may be other ways to work (I have done all the different scenarios) and each comes with pros and cons. Remember nurses are in great demand, it may be finding a different kind of role than you have done before. And with the house paid off, you have more flexibility too! PM me if you want to chat about ideas.

    Goldie- good to hear that you are enjoying your visit with the family. I assume things with your DD and her schedule have settled down now that you there. Camping sounds fun (okay, I am not a camper anymore but know you enjoy it). The west is really nice and cool now, beautiful weathere here in New Mexico and probably where you are going too. Hope DH is doing well at home and wishing you safe travels and a safe road trip.

    Mema- praying for some relief for you and sorry the treatment is not helping. Anything else going your way?

    Chi- sigh, I am sorry you may be loosing one of your fav restaurants. You have talked so often about the place. I am watching places here go down too. Many of the places here are still doing outside patio dining in the nice weather (up to 75%) capacity. But when it gets too cold to sit out here and we are at 25%, we will loose more. Hugs.

    Cami- what is shaking girlfriend? How are your boyfriends?

    Lots of late afternoon news going on right now on the tube.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2020

    Ordered for delivery from Cellars tonight, but the hostess let slip over the phone that since their regular driver went home "feeling under the weather" (uh to the oh), they're using GrubHub tonight, and GH would get most if not all the tip. Nuh-uh--I called back immediately after placing my order and said I'd pick it up instead. I tip like crazy (35-50%) in order to help keep the place & servers afloat, and no way am I gonna "feed" a corporate dotcom. I noticed that despite the temp being in the low 50s one of the two outdoor tents was full (4 tables), 2 tables in the other were occupied, and the inside seemed to be at about 25%. I would have dined there myself, but I don't like eating alone when not at home, and didn't want to sit inside for too long. (Bob is spending a second night in Oak Lawn). If he gets home in time tomorrow night (they're open till 9) or Sunday night (open till 8), we'll walk over and dine inside. May walk over for brunch (my usual quiche) Sunday morning--they do have great brunches and had to turn people away when they were allowed to operate at <25%. Next week promises to be mild enough for outdoor dining again.

    Kim, I second Jazzy's advice to pivot to a transitional job that taps your accumulated nursing knowledge without physically taxing you. That can let you still draw an income without fully retiring.

    Sue, bummer that the acupuncture isn't "taking" for your spine. NV is a weed-legal state (or is it just Las Vegas)--perhaps an edible or even a CBD balm (available OTC even in chain pharmacies) or transdermal gel (CBD or THC) from a dispensary will help. I know the combo of roll-on lidocaine and a CBD balm stick works when my spine spurs irritate the adjacent muscles; sometimes I'll use a CBD transdermal gel "pen" (Mary's Medicinals--which has a little more THC than the OTC stuff--from the dispensary, Mary's Nutritionals online from their site) and rub it over the vein on the inside of my wrist, where the capillaries are close to the surface and absorb the stuff into the bloodstream. Select even makes CBD transdermal patches that time-release over 12 hrs., but they're hella expensive--ten bucks each at CVS or Walgreen's. I've cut them in thirds, and used them on long int'l flights to countries where even CBD isn't legal (so I couldn't bring my drops or gelcaps with me).

    Lori, enjoy the camping trip! Bob & I used to camp up & down US 101 from the Olympic Peninsula to Big Sur when he was in grad school and I was a law student. Even a motel room was a luxury for us back then. We used a 9x9 umbrella tent that had to be assembled & staked--it was before "pop-up" ones were available--and polyfill "mummy" sleeping bags over Ensolite pads. What made it comfy was bringing real pillows from home, instead of those tiny backpacking pillows. We lived in a $90/mo furnished student apt. for our 7 years in Seattle--and it felt like in the tent, we owned the roof over our heads. We cooked instant food on a little butane-canister stove. Now, of course, we have trouble getting up off the ground; heck, with his creaky knees Bob has trouble getting up from a chair or sofa that's too low.

    DOTD with my Cellars takeout: Williams-Selyem (Sonoma) Vin Gris of Pinot Noir. Hope their winery is safe. And an after-dinner pourover of Metropolis' "Xeno's" decaf--hard to believe it's unleaded. (They threw in 3 tiny brownie "bites" that made just the right amount of dessert). May make a "faux-jito" before bedtime, since I picked some mint on my way back from my garage to the kitchen door.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited October 2020

    Hello, all. Just popping in. Will have to read through back to pg. 2046 and come back later.

    For now, hope those that enjoy adult beverages are able to imbibe and that everyone is staying healthy and safe.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2020

    Decided I needed a more "adult" beverage, so I added a capful of rum, turning it into a "skinny mojito." (I used sugar-free simple syrup).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    Good Morning – Cute Cats -

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited October 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! I feel better after a good night's sleep without nightmares and with the sun coming out this ayem. I am going to get all my retirement accounts info together and make an appointment with a financial adviser and start learning more about this whole retirement process just to see where I stand. I forget who said to do that, but that is exactly what I needed to hear. Once I have the info in hand, I can make informed and logical decisions. And I bought a ticket for a fall foliage train tour for next Saturday as a treat for myself to get myself out of the house and around some people other than workmates. Hard to believe this year is almost over andyet it has seem to drag on forever. Sadie has been very loving and wanting lots of attention this weekend, and she say's Hi to everyone.

    Beaver--Just what I needed to hear! Having info and a plan will make thing feel much less unsettled.

    Mema--sorry to hear the needling hasn't worked yet. Praying it does soon!

    Goldie--I think I did get taken advantage of at work the other day.I need to remember that I am entitled to breaks just like everyone else and maybe I need to get just as insistent about that as the rest of the staff. And I do need to say "no" from time to time or I'll never have any time to do my own work! Enjoy the camping trip, post when you can!

    Jazzy--I hadn't thought about transitioning to another type of nursing, but that is truly much more of an option than it used to be. And one worth looking into.

    Chi--I am going to start looking into alternative nursing employment and see what is possible. It amazes me how versatile CBD and THC products have become!

    Hi, Celia!You know the rules, you don't have to go back and ketchup, you jump in anywhere, anytime!

    Good Morning, Cammy Cat!

    26 Easy-to-Make Drinks, A-Z | Tequila sunrise cocktail, How to make drinks, Tequila recipe style="width: 615px; height: 408.935px;">

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited October 2020

    Good Morning all! Beautiful weather here. DH and I will do our morning walk then work some in the yard. Lots of pruning and general tidying to do. My eldest DS and DIL had to put their elderly dog to sleep yesterday. She was my first grand dog and I did shed a tear for her. I went with a decorator friend to a friend’s house to advise her on some tricks to freshen her house. It will be a challenge to get her to listen to the advice. We really want her to leave for a couple of days so we could rearrange furniture and decorations to make things look better.

    I kinda envy you working girls even though there are so many challenges. I enjoyed working with people and feeling challenged each day. Retirement started out fun. I was volunteering, traveling and spending time with friends. Then the cancer diagnosis. 2019 was not a good year for me. 2020 has been much better as I have not had a chemo infusion since mid-January. I will have a scan in a couple of weeks that hopefully will show no cancer. I do try to focus on that even with all the other s__t going on all around me. This group has been great for learning about how to deal with cancer and keeping things real!

    Sandy - Sorry about your restaurant. We have lost a couple of good local restaurants due to Covid-19. Social events like eating out may not be possible for awhile.

    NM - Stay strong, but do not be afraid of retirement. It is mainly another phase of life to look forward to participating in.

    Jazzy - Good luck on the job! Sounds exciting.

    Goldie - Enjoy your trips. Do wish I enjoyed camping. I love being outdoors and seeing the sights, but enjoy indoor plumbing!

    Cami - Keep those cat memes coming.

    Stay safe everyone and enjoy the beautiful fall.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    I started a post after my cat but I got super busy and then lost it. UGH

    JC with how this year is going u really have kept urself busy. Good for you..

    And yea Sandy places are closing and I hate it.

    JC u really keep busy even when most can't do all of that. Good for you.

    SusyQ sorry for the pain u have. Sometimes it takes longer to catch hold of that pain, maybe the next one will work.

    Lori I hope u get some posting in, cuz we all miss u when u can't.

    Kim sounds like u've opened up ur mind to different choices. And I really like what Jazzy said, sounds like a good plan for you. I just can't imagine u leaving nursing all together yet.

    Joey and I had a great talk for about 1 and 1/2 hrs. I'm learning more from him than he ever learned from me. Politics, physics, calculus then I asked if we could talk about something and dumb it down. to much for me. Than talked to Bob for about an hr and Dan for 1/2 hr. So my boys kept me company. I'm waking up a little later but it's still dark.. don't like that,

    jodie will b here soon, so shower for me and we'll have breakfast for all of us.

    Have a great day.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2020

    Jazzy, you are always so organized but still manage to get some "me" time in.

    Sandy, we don't tent camp, we have a camper. Queen size bed, a few cubbards, sink, stove/oven, micro wave, fridge, bathroom with shower, toilet and sink. We have a generator, and a solar panel on top. It's not a huge one, but works for us.

    NM, you sound in better spirits and glad you have the fall train ride to look forward you and like Jazzy, enjoying some "me" time. Can Sadie go on the train? My guess is Jazzy is probably the one who suggested a finacial advisor. Sounds like her, she is so helpful with her advice.

    This is a campsite from a previous visit.


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited October 2020

    NM - just adding a thought. One of my good friends was an OR nurse & eventually transitioned to 'educator'. Now that she is "retired", she goes in 2 or 3 days a week and mainly works with new employees - doing orientation and teaching the required classes, CPR and etc.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020

    Hi friends- today would have been the start to the ballon fiesta and although the larger event was cancelled, there were some balloons locally and a few that came in to town that were allowed to fly (just no spectators on the field). About 20 floated by, one cool oval one that came closer. It's perfect weather today and as the weather man said "perfect day for the first day the year it's cancelled." There will be more of them. I enjoy seeing them from afar including from my back yard.

    NM- that is actually a good idea to meet with a retirement planner. My sister did that about 5-6 years out from when she finally retired. It will help you figure out everything you will have to work with. Many of my retired friends who retired still work part time, either in things they did career wise or with something else they enjoy. For us single gals, working keeps us engaged in life, with community, etc. If you need more work time before you are ready, then you can figure out the when. I told myself I need to AT LEAST get to Medicare age, then full social security if at all possible. And you may find you are in good shape to retire. Just watch for the health insurance stuff because that is the big issue for gals our age.

    I am thinking that today your mom has her furniture getting moved. Hope that all goes okay and she can get all her stuff in one place and then unpack to her hearts content. Get that kitchen and bathroom set up for her first if that is all you can do. We need to eat and use the facilities every day!

    JCS- I think some people really enjoy retirement and have seen others not as much. Yours started out good, you have chemo behind you now, and this whole pandemic will not be around forever. The people I know who plan for retirement including what they will do after (do hobbies, volunteer, get a part time fun job) seem to enjoy it the most. The ones who are unprepared and being forced retirement through company changes,lay offs, etc. and very bitter. That happened to my dad in the 1980s when that whole downsizing thing became trendy and was a good lesson for me- don't assume any work is forever. I hope to retire on my own terms and timeline when the time is right. Glad you are enjoying what you can this year. Stay well sister.

    Cami- I think you need a kitten! A friend of mine who retired and lives in southern NM was posting a photo of two kittens and trying to decide on which one to add to her home. We all said "get both, they seem like a great pair" and she said she could not handle having three cats. But yesterday, she texted me a photo she got both and showed me them eating side by side at her house. So I guess what I am saying is you need TWO kittenz.......

    Celia C- hi and happy reading. Hope you are enjoying the fall where you live. Retirement still enjoyable even during the pandemic?

    Goldie- that photo is up in the Moab area, right? I am due for a trip back up that way some day. No time off for me for awhile. I may be going to Taos for a few days in a few weeks but watching the numbers here (which are unfortunately going up again, sigh). Enjoy your camping, October in the west is stunning.

    Ill- I know you are busy purging and packing. What things are you eating this weekend? I am a foodie and need to know.

    That is it for today. Wishing everyone a nice first weekend of October.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited October 2020

    Jazzy, today I had a leftover Baja fish taco from lunch yesterday with a friend/former coworker (my work husband/bestie) and a celery stick with peanut butter. We’ve been busy packing and cleaning, so not terribly hungry or motivated to cook.

    Tomorrow is DH’s birthday, so I’m making a spinach, garlic, feta stuffed chicken breast wrapped with bacon and a side of roasted rainbow carrots and a Cesar salad. For dessert, I’m thinking of a kind of apple turnover with walnuts in puff pastry.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited October 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Sadie says Hi to everyone. She and It took a little walk yesterday, only 15 minutes but getting out of the house and moving felt pretty good! Going to try for a repeat today. Hoping the sun comes out, it's cloudy and gloomy right now. Good day to get some cooking done.

    Librarian--Life seems to be one big change after another, doesn't it? Glad 2020 has been better for you than 2019, and here's to 2021 being even better than that!

    Cammy Cat--I don't think I'm ready to leave nursing entirely yet, either. And things may still smooth out at work. There's been a lot of change in a short time and I may just be reacting to all of that. But I am going to start looking at alternatives, and definitely find out more about retirement and how that works. Good times you've had chatting with the boys! Good for you!

    Goldie--I do feel better now than I did on Thursday and Friday. I've been thinking about talking to a financial adviser for a while now, not sure where the idea came from. I'm not taking Sadie on next Saturday's train ride, but there is another train ride that I can take her on that I will try to get tickets for again this fall. Jazzy is very helpful. Love the camper pic!

    Minus--that's a great idea, I'll have to look into that, thanks!

    Jazzy--You are correct, Mom's big moving day was yesterday. When I tried to call her last night to see how it went her phone went straight to voice mail, so she's forgotten to charge it up again. I may take a drive out her way later today if I can't get her on the phone later this ayem. Health insurance is a no worry for me. I don'thave any and won't until Medicare time in 4 more years, just can't afford it. I'm kind of hoping that I can retire soon on what I have for retirement accounts and wait to draw Social Security when I get full benes, but that's a long ways off still. What I need now is solid information, so the financial planner/ retirement advisor is the next step for me. And I probably will still work part time just to have something to do and a way to stay involved in life.

    Illi--YUM! What a great birthday meal for DH!

    Apple-Brandy Hot Toddies


    • 1 1/2 cups water
    • 2 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons honey
    • 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
    • 2 cups apple brandy, preferably Calvados
    • Eight 3-inch cinnamon sticks

    How to Make It


    In small saucepan, bring the water to a boil. Remove from the heat and stir in the honey until dissolved. Stir in the lemon juice and apple brandy. Set a cinnamon stick in each of 8 mugs or heatproof glasses, pour in the hot liquid and serve.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020

    All over the hood today. Moon photo bomb


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    Good Morning Grumpy Cat Gif - Grumpy Cat

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Wow Illi what a meal, u do sound like a great cook and glad u can eat all of it.

    Lori for some reason I thought ur camper was smaller. It's great, no wonder u love to go. Of course I would still want restaurants near by, but for u2 it's something u really look forward to.

    Kim I'm sure u'll end up checking on ur mom if she doesn't answer. She's probably so busy just looking at everything she forgot about her phone. Jazzy is great about all the procedures for retiring and her ideas sound fantastic Altho u have plenty of time it's still good to plan it out. And I think the happiest retirees are the ones who planned it.I didn't plan mine, but for me I was thrilled, I hated working and like so many of us worked most of my life stopping to have kids then going back. Minus had a great plan too.

    Jazzy what a view u have, they r so fun to watch and some u can actually see the people <brave people>. At least a few people are enjoying it. And yes I should have 2 kitties one for Joey cuz we both love cats. He got so used to mine when he was younger sometimes they would sleep with him so he turned into a cat lover too. At first he was a little afraid cuz they do their random run and act crazy so I bout a book and we read about why they do that and that solved that for him. I really miss my cats.

    Everyone have a good Sunday, hope weather is good.