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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited September 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Not going to be so much fun for me, but I'll get through it. Helping Mom move is turning into quite the process. Dick's son borrowed a pickup truck and offered to move a load for Mom yesterday. His kids wanted to move a load of Mom's stuff, then move a load of Dick's. It took more than 2 hours to load the pickup and one car, Mom really has very little actually packed up and ready to move. So we were trying to pack her stuff, and she just could not stay focused. And all the goings on made Dick confused and anxious. After Dick's kids left I worked with Mom to get some more stuff packed up, she kept wanting to "go through that and see what I want to keep" and I kept telling her that she needs to wait until she is unpacking in the new place. I finally snapped and told her she missed the chance to go through everything (a process which involves her going over everything page by page or item by item and 2 or 3 times before actually putting the item into a box or the trash.) She said I was being a bully, I agreed, and we kept on. The woman is moving into an apartment where she will be living alone. We packed up and moved enough sets of dishes to serve dinner to 50 people at once, I swear! I asked her what she was going to do with all of it, she's going to "outfit my new place, then donate the rest to Goodwill." She wanted to go through the pantry and make sure she got her half of the stuff there, so we did that, and I was able to keep her from packing some bottles and jars of stuff that she didn't even know what it was. And I got her to start looking at expiration dates. She wanted to take a gallon jug of molasses--"I won't ever have to buy any again!" but it was 5 years past it's "best used by" date, and so covered with dust she had to clean it to figure out what it was!She packed a half full gallon bottle of bleach and was going to pack a full gallon jug. I convinced her to leave the opened bottle (one of three they have going) and take only the full one. We do not have enough packed up for a full pickup load, Mom didn't even have any boxes to pack things into. I'm going over this morning to see if there are any other areas I can get Mom to actually pack up before Dick's kids get there after lunch. They are being really kind but are getting frustrated. I think they've decided that if they can get Mom's stuff out it will be easier to decide what to do with Dick's stuff. Which is very true. Right now we need Mom to identify what is all hers, what is shared, and what is Dick's alone. Mom says she's going to take loads to the apartment every day for the next week, I hope that actually happens.

    Jazzy--Sounds like a great change for you! I think you'll find the transition back to full time work is not so bad. Enjoy the morning yoga class!

    Morning, Illi!

    Beaver--Ouch! At least there is some advantage to mask wearing in public. Sorry to hear about needing the dental work, though. I've never understood why women wanted to have that fat lip look, either, but then I rarely understand fashion trends.

    Cammy Cat--exhausted, yes, sleep deprived, no. I went to bed at 9 peeyem, didn't get up until 8:30 ayem. Much less achy now, but I need to remember to take some tylenol before leaving the house today.

    Minus--I did come home exhausted, and very sore all over. Not really looking forward to another day of it, but at least it will start later today. I will leave Mom's place around 4 peeyem again today, and will have to think about if I am going to go over tomorrow (I'm working Tue-Wed-Thurs this week). I probably will take tomorrow for myself.

    Chi--Medicare can find more ways to not pay for something and create work for people, and mistyping birth dates is a favorite tactic. Funny how the reading glasses were too strong!



    • 1 ½ oz. Bombay Sapphire Gin1 ½ oz. Bombay Sapphire Gin
    • 1 oz. Freshly squeezed lime juice1 oz. Freshly squeezed lime juice
    • 1 oz. Simple syrup1 oz. Simple syrup
    • 4 to 5 Slices of cucumber4 to 5 Slices of cucumber


    • Fill glass with ice
    • Add cucumber, fresh lime and simple syrup to a mixing tin
    • Muddle with three ice cubes until the cucumber is dissolved
    • Add ice to the mixing tin to fill it halfway
    • Shake gently and strain into iced glass and enjoy!

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Oh Beaver sounds bad. How about u drinking shakes or malts. I mean ur not really eating so that should go down pretty good. And u want something to fill u up too.Anything mashed that u like <veggies or fruit> Mac and cheese or cottage cheese takes very little chewing. And maybe it will help u to heal faster. IDK, just a thought.

    Sandy so ur reading glasses were to strong??? I bet a lot of people don't wear the right strength when u buy readers. So now u need to go to the clinic, What a pain when u were at a place to get a shot. Is this an app't now or can u just walk-in???

    I hope no one gets offended by the name of the DOTD, Ok, Sandy and Karen shouldn't at all. But I didn't name it, just copied it cuz Kim is busy this weekend and Lori's gone for a while <hoping everything is going good for her and Kim doesn't have to work to hard.>

    I had breakfast with Jodie and Joey yesterday, answered some calls and that's about it. I was reading <no, this is not a brag, I've done this for years> anyway that this pandemic is going to last for some time still. This is so strange, I really thought by now it would have wrapped up, but I'm so wrong. Well I shouldn't complain at all, we're hanging in there so just waiting now.

    The kids went shopping and I gave them my list. My first draft is so long, it's like I'm planning a party. So when I start marking things off I end up with all the same stuff from every other week, they really don't need a list from me but they always ask so I make one up. See what excitement I live in.

    Have a great day everyone, be well.


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited September 2020

    Kim, I remember when I moved my late parents from FL to CO. We had an agency that helps seniors downsize and my late mother was the same - she had to touch everything 3 times - it drove everyone crazy. They were downsizing so lots and lots had to go. Very hard and stressful on everyone, especially since it was cross country. Good luck with the rest of the move. Hope your mom likes her new place.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    Kim, I remember when Bob's dad decided not to go into assisted living near where he'd lived in Queens, but instead move in with us. One of his friends from church helped him pack his stuff from his house (which he sold w/in a year). When it arrived here, it included things like tinfoil (partly used), toothpaste & shave cream, canned goods, every prescription receipt going back a decade (still stapled to the empty paper bags), Bob's grade school report cards, and of course his clothes (mostly multiple white dress shirts and a couple of polyester leisure suits). One of his shirts stank of VOCs--turns out he had packed it in the same box as a half-empty can of 3-in-1 Oil (like WD-40), which leaked all over it. I found out only when he came downstairs to accompany me to one of my gigs--I gagged and had an asthma attack. He reluctantly discarded the shirt and changed into one from a different box.

    OTOH, when my mom moved from Brooklyn to a fully-furnished (including dishes, pots & pans, utensils, glassware & flatware) FL retirement condo, I helped her pack--and she was relentless about leaving stuff behind. She did pack her two favorite skillets, her china and silverplate (which I gave to my sis after Mom passed). She did pack three solid oak bookcases and all my dad's LPs after the local college music library refused to take them--we had them all shipped to me and the records are still in my basement (the bookcases are still in use)

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited September 2020

    NM - as I said on "hoarders", take boxes and make yourself scarce. If nothing gets done this week, at least you'll be able to toss it in something next weekend.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2020

    Hi ladies- well I wrote a big long post and the WIFI dropped so I lost the whole freaking thing. I can't redo the whole thing, but here are the highlights.

    NM - I hope that you get through this painful move with your mom.

    ChiSandy- hope you can get that flu shot done.

    Cami- yes, this will be a big change in many ways but good with it. New chapter!

    MinusTwo- my sister is not that great right now, a not good visit with her partner this week. Thanks for asking.

    Beaver- I hope that dental work gets done without too much pain and money.

    Goldie- hope the trip is going well!

    Karen- are you still having fires?

    Ill- what are you eating this weekend?

    Celia C, Teka, Mistyeyes and everyone else, hey!

    Best wishes for a good start to October all!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited September 2020

    Jazzy, I’m finishing up leftovers but good ones. Friday was national lobstah day, so I got the feast and have been working on it each night. I did have Raisin Bran for breakfast, it was so good! Now I’m working on some goldfish crackers. We’re not doing real “meal” until all leftovers are gone.

    Might have a glass (or 2) of red wine tonight though, I’m exhausted from packing up our house for the move to the cabin, I earned it :)

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    Was able to get my flu shot at CVS today. Walked right in, the tech recognized me, asked if I wanted a flu shot, and cued it all up, including my insurance info. So the one at Walgreen's definitely made a typo. Good thing it turned out so easy-peasy, because when I tried to make an appointment for it at NorthShore, the first open date they had was Oct. 29!

    DOTD: cava at brunch, latte out on my deck.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Good Morning Cat GIFs | Tenor

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    wayward vessel | Rum drinks, Spiced rum recipes, Blue chair

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    I lost 1/2 of my post but since I'm not really interesting it's not worth repeating. But I don't know when Kim will be on her regular schedule so alcohol is alcohol so it's good enough.

    Illi sounds like things for eating are going well for you, been taking long nough so everything must taste really special.

    Minus two clever idea sounds like something I would do. Clever thinking.

    Jazzy u sure membered a lot of ur post. That's why any job ud do will be perfect.

    How r u holding up Kim. This is such a big job, can't imagine u being done yet.

    My kids are now working on their memories of moving around with me, but nothing is fun.

    Sandy good for you and the shot, see 1 2 3 and done. That's always nice.

    I ate a piece of pumpkin slice for dinner last nite, it was good but stomach upset most of the evening so nothing else passed these lips. But I'm sure that piece went right to my hips.

    OK getting set up for any calls that come in s have a great Monday everyone. It's starting to get light.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited September 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!

    Well, yesterday turned out to be another interesting day. Mom has arranged to have the furniture moved next Saturday. Problem is, she is supposed to be out by Thursday. Dick needs to move into the Assisted Living place on Oct 1st. He won't move until after Mom moves out. Dick's kids are ok with the furniture and other big stuff being moved next Saturday, as long as Dick moves on Thursday. We did get most of Mom's stuff cleaned out of the house. What's left she want to pack and move herself. Things like clothes, the stuff on top of her dresser, the stuff in the laundry room. I think we got all her stuff out of the barn, too. when I left she was going through and finding her stuff in the storage shed. And, of course, I can't be there Thursday to help, that's the day at work that we are giving Flu vaccine to all the residents, (or as many as will consent). And now it's raining and supposed to be rainy most of the week, which will make things even harder for Mom to move stuff cuz she won't want it to get wet. I am definitely a bully in her mind right now, but she did say she wouldn't have been able to do it without help, so she'll forgive me soon enough.

    God bless Sadie. I came home, sat down and started crying, and she climbed into my lap (she almost never does that) put her head on shoulder and nuzzled me for almost an hour. I shared my Olive Garden take out special treat dinner with her after that.

    Cammy Cat--I like the looks of the Holy Water DOTD! Very pretty and sounds like it should be very yummy to drink, too! It looks like the COVID pandemic will end up like the H1N1 pandemic a few years ago, blow around the world, create chaos, then settle in for a long visit.

    Karen--Mom does like the new place, if only because it is brand new and still smells like paint! Fortunately, it's only 5 miles between the 2 places. But she is moving from a house to an apartment and she is NOT downsizing, she is trying to take EVERYTHING, even stuff she has never unpacked from more than 10 years ago. Honestly, she doesn't even know what is in some of the boxes we moved. "If I packed it that carefully it's important I planned to keep."

    Chi--Oh, my, that packing job sounds like the stories I've heard of military families getting packed up and moved into a new place complete with trash in the trash cans! Mom is moving multiples of many things, she's a bit of a stockpiler. She will never have to buy aluminum foil or plastic wrap ever again, and has these huge, restaurant size container/dispensers to try to find a place for.

    Minus--I saw that, and I can get some boxes at work to take down to her. Or maybe leave in the jeep. If I go down, I'll have to pack and move stuff, and that will be too much after a full work day.

    Jazzy--We'll get through the move. I just hope Mom doesn't end up losing anything that is really important for not being able to stay focused, but most likely she'll end up with a whole lot of junk she doesn't need. But it's her place, her choice, right?

    Illi--you have certainly earned your glass or two of wine!

    Chi--Glad you got your flu shot so easily!

    Cammy Cat--very yummy DOTD! Thanks for covering for me! I am taking today off from the moving stuff. Hoping to calm down the aches and pains enough that I won't be moving too stiffly at work tomorrow. Sorry the pumpkin upset your tummy.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited September 2020

    I have participated in moving my Mother/parents many times. Each time I was the bully. She wanted to keep the insides to a coffee percolated. There was no actual pot, so the insides were useless. Nonetheless, I was a bully.

    Still enjoying the beach and the company. I will have to work in my yard once I get home. The weather is turning cooler and the yard needs tidying.

    Take care all

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2020

    Sandy, I DO feel better than the numbers (TM's). In fact, I feel great...thank you.

    And thank you to everyone else as well. MO wants me to stop in when I get back for some blood work. It's guardian, need to look it up as I know nothing about it.

    Cami, how much sweeter can Joey be, good gosh I love that kid! I do not get any vaccines and never had, except hepatitis one when I worked with the kids. Cami I'm laughing at you suggesting to Beaver what you eat when we can't get you to eat!

    Jazzy, huge congrats on the job. You sound super excited. Sorry about the not so good visit for your sister and her partner. Is she declining?

    NM, so good to hear how well Sadie is doing but so sorry to hear about the move. This too shall pass! My mom never wanted to get rid of stuff either, mostly with clothes, purses, shoes, hats and sunglasses. Her famous words were "well I might wear that again". And I'm thinking, you can't hardly walk and you never leave the house. You are such a sport and so understanding with your mom. And good for you for the melt down and letting it out, I hope it helped. Oh my, not really downsizing. Where is she going to put all this stuff?

    BabyGirl, congrats on your move, it's an exciting one and the eating. So happy you are finally able to eat more.

    Hello to everyone else. Sorry not to address everyone.

    Flight was great, my youngest brother and my DD were there with my middle brother to pick me up. My son came and stayed for the weekend and did great with everyone else embibing. We tried to go to the zoo yesterday, just to get out and do something. Well, you could only get in with basically a reserved ticket as they only let so many in. Then we tried the cider was packed with a million people (well, you know what I mean) The brother I stay with, his girls came by Saturday, and the oldes is pregnant, we are so excited! Everything is ok with my DD. She will leave leave Thursday in the afternoon, she has appt to get Covid test and then out with her day and she'll be back Thursday night. A$$hole ex tells her to tell Lori he said hi. I didn't even respond!

    Me and mine kids. Hate that darned beard, but he won't shave it!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    Beautiful kids, Lori!

    Taking a break right now from online Yom Kippur services--afternoon starts back up at 3:15. They're much shorter than in-person, mainly because they had to be pre-recorded, mixed and edited (they started back in Aug.). I couldn't volunteer to take part (blessings, ark-opening, etc,) in the recordings, because at the time I had the big lead patch on my eye, and then even with no patch my R eye was not ready for public viewing. But the services turned out fantastic--including even Jeff Tweedy (leader of Grammy-winning rock band Wilco) and his two sons singing one of the hymns, with wife Susan behind the camera. (Yes, they're temple members--we are so lucky to have them).

    It was a bit weird to see the chat scrolling along the side, with greetings & comments by the rabbi & cantor in real time. At one point last night, there were over 300 people logged in, from all over the country. And I discovered this morning my TV has YouTube built in! No way to do live chat on it, of course, but I can always mute the audio on the computer and type while I watch live on TV. I watched archived morning services (slept in because of fasting), but will do the rest live, till the last blast of the Shofar and the subsequent Kiddush (blessing over wine & bread, which I'll have at the ready), Havdalah blessings & celebration. That will still end during daylignt, but we are a Reform congregation after all. (Not doing between-services Bible study on Zoom because I don't want to be visible in my PJs).

    DOTD: just enough water to take my meds & stay somewhat hydrated, and a half-cup of coffee (the real bitter Keurig stuff Bob likes but I don't--the point of these exceptions to the fasting rule is medical, not pleasure) to fend off a headache & keep my lungs open. Elderly & sick aren't allowed to fully fast--but I'm a not-yet-elderly senior and recovering from that eye radiation back in August, so I'm not-quite "sick" but not taking any chances. No food, though. And of course, there will be wine (maybe some of the Vin Gris I have already open, or leftover Passover Manischevitz--it keeps forever and is what gets poured at temple for those who needn't limit themselves to plain grape juice) & challah (albeit stale) for the Kiddush afterwards.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited September 2020

    DOTD, water. Not imbibing while on antibiotic and pain meds.

    I can eat basically anything I want that can be cut into small bites or spooned in and does not require the use of a straw. Lip is healing, chin is changing colors, antibiotic is giving expected SEs. See dentist on Wednesday in part to remove the stitch in my lip (the stitch fell out on Saturday, I'm taking it in to show him) and to learn next steps. No fractures seen on x-ray, do a recheck in two weeks...

    NM, oh the stresses of moving!! And it is worse when it isn't your move. Sending patience your way! Belly rubs for Sadie, especially for being such a comfort to you.

    Goldie, glad you had safe travels. Have a happy vacation.

    Sandy, glad you could have proper observance of an important day.

    To all I have missed, hope you are doing well.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2020

    Hi folks- accepted the job today. Start date is 10/26. I offered sooner but they cannot onboard me until that date. An orientation class they have you take the first time. I am okay with it, gives me more time to get some things done and maybe a little vaca in state. Lots of paperwork to do, plus drug test, trip to occupational health, etc. I am pushing as many doc apts scheduled up or in this next month before I start. So many things have to be exactly a year late for wellness check ups or insurance won't pay. Sigh.

    Goldie- love that family picture. You all look great. Your son looks really good, he is doing okay? That staying sober thing is touch business. Good to see you together, makes me happy. And yes, my sister's partner is declining and won't get better.

    NM- I would cry too. How sweet that Sadie could comfort you. And there were snacks for you and her. She is a great dog. Your mom needed to be purging a long time ago to be ready to go from a house to the condo. Rule of thumb is, it's been in a box for 10 years and you haven't used it, you no longer need it. I hope you take care of yourself and focus on your own care.

    JCS- seems like we have bully mom's galore, don't we? My mother, sister and former sister in law are all cut from the same mold- disorganized, reactive, last minute decision makers, mostly angry. I am a planner. My phrase is "thanks for always making me the bad guy in your story." I get a lot of vacant looks with that one.

    Beaver- I hope you continue to feel better. I have so many bad moving stories from my many years of doing my own plus helping others.

    More tomorrow, I am going for a celebration lunch with a friend tomorrow. I am still kind of in shock I am going back to work full time.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    80 Good Morning Memes To Kickstart Your Day |

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    recipe Memes & GIFs - Imgflip

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Mornin' ladies,

    Beaver u sound better, good for you.

    Hey Teka!!!

    Lori great picture. I'm glad ur feeling so good, of course u look fantastic, u really do. I'm glad we heard from you too.

    Oh Kim I don't blame you for a meltdown, I would have had at least 3 by now. And then there's Sadie, the best comfort u can have. And where the heck is all this stuff going, even a storage place might not be big enough plus it sounds like ur working so very hard. And it's not like u have work off. Extra treats and belly rubs for Sadie. Ur a hell of a daughter. Ur mom is very lucky.Plus u give ur all to everything u do, everytime.

    Sandy it seems like everything is in order for ur Holiday altho this one I'm not familiar with and I'm sorry what it's about.

    Jazzy I can't even imagine how u feel with this whole new job situation. This is such a change for you This will be interesting hearing all about it plus I might actually know what u do.It's good u have a couple of weeks before u start so u can get organized for this new chapter. Congratulations.

    Illi keep up the good work and everyone else feel good.

    Finally talkted to my Dr. and this is what she said......Well u don't have cancer but u do have something, it's just that we don't know what it is I was LOLing so I think she thought I was LOL cuz I was relieved, I was LOL cuz I thought WTF does this mean. She said I will say u don't have cancer at this time but I want all these tests done in about 6 weeks, cuz they just can't figure out what this is. So I asked if my symptoms were all in my head she said no something is going on we just on't know what it is. I did suggest when they found it out can they name it after me. Explaining this sounds crazy My sister and Bob called last nite for any results and we all LOL. Of course my sister asked if I asked to send the results to oh maybe some smart people and Bob said u didn't thank them for taking a chunk out of ur body. Like I said this was some hard 'splaining to do. But I really knew I didn't have it but LESLIE wants to know WTF is going on with me cu in her words she sees me every day and she knows I'm sick. Which is in her own mind. dealing with her is the hardest, believe me.

    So that's my story not exciting but no more cancer, but the Dr. made it sound like on't worry maybe we'll find it next time. hahaha

    Have a great day everyone, it's only Tuesday and feels like Thursday to me.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited September 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Back to work for me, which will be a bit of break. Sadie and I did very, very little yesterday but veg out and enjoy the warm weather, even if it was raining off and on all day. Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Librarian--I can handle being the bully while Mom moves. She'll get over it once she gets moved in and can starting going through stuff. She'll keep it all, of course, but that's her choice. Glad you are enjoying the beach!

    Goldie--I'm happy to hear that you feel great. I suspect a lot of stuff will end up in her bedroom or in a storage unit. She sleeps in a recliner due to shoulder problems and pain when she lies on her side or tries to move in a bed, so I suspect her bed will become the storage space. Or maybe she will surprise me and actually get rid of stuff over time. Heaven knows she doesn't want to spend money on a storage unit.Time will tell. So nice you got to visit with your kids even if you couldn't get out and do something fun.Great pic!

    Morning, Teka!

    Chi--I can't imagine how different it must have been to watch the service with the chat scrolling! But this may be the way of the post-COVID future for the world. I wonder if large gatherings will ever be allowed again.

    Beaver--Sadie says "thanks" for the belly rubs.I say "thanks" to everyone for listening to me whine and moan all weekend.

    Jazzy--CONGRATs on the new job! Isn't it amazing how insurance has come to run our lives in one of the most important areas of our lives? Mom should have been packing and organizing for months now, she's been talking about it for that long and longer. Her big thing is her craft stuff, she has tons and tons, sewing, woodworking, glasswork, knitting, some of which she hasn't touched in years. That may change, she is setting up the second bedroom as a craft room, is having a custom work bench built in soon. I am taking care of myself, I set 4 peeyem as the "I'm done" time at Moms, did not go yesterday, so I had one day off between that and going back to work.

    Cammy Cat--LOVE the Mango Momma Slapper!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    Well, starting on Thurs. up to 50 people (masked and socially distanced) will be allowed for indoor gatherings in Chicago--as long as that doesn't exceed 40% of capacity. Highly unusual for regular Fri. night services to have that many, though for Yom Kippur eve and memorial services we usually have over 500 (high was 1000). High this time was 325 people watching.

    Lori, terrific that you're feeling great (and lookin' good too).

    Cami, Yom Kippur is the Day of Atonement, on which all vows (Kol Nidrei) made during the year are cancelled (it was started during the Inquisition, when Iberian Jews were forced to convert to Catholicism or be executed--so that on Yom Kippur, God understands that the conversion vows were made under duress and so He allows forcibly-converted Jews to not follow Jesus but instead remain Jewish in their hearts. Over the years, that's been extended, except for marriage vows and written contractd). On that day, Jews deprive ourselves of pleasures (including food & drink, bathing, grooming for vanity, and even wearing leather shoes), and refrain from work and non-spiritual concerns--except of course for emergencies or when health would be endangered. It is the last of the 10 "Days of Penitence," which begin with Rosh Hashonah (New Year), on which God inscribes names in the Book of Life/Lives Well-Lived; on Yom Kippur, by the end of the day, the Book is sealed. Sort of like 24-25 hours of Extreme Lent.

    Glad to hear, Cami, that whatever you have isn't more cancer.

    Beav., in your pocket for tomorrow's visit; hope they can put in an implant and temporary tooth or make you a fake gap-filler on-site. Meanwhile, eat the most delicious soft foods (including bisque soups & ice cream) you can find.

    Last night, with my break-the-fast meal (mostly fish), I had some of that Aussie Alpha Box & Dice sparkler.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited September 2020

    Sandy, dentist said last week they will put in a flipper or space filler. Have no idea how the came up with that term!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    A "flipper" is polycarbonate plastic, very much like a clear retainer (like from Invisalign or SmileDirect), only it fits exactly over your existing teeth without trying to move them. The "tooth" shape over your missing tooth is tinted the same color as your existing teeth. Another kind of "flipper" is tinted movie-star white and sometimes worn by models or child beauty-pageant contestants. Unlike a retainer, you will likely be allowed to eat with it in, as it will likely be temporary until you've healed enough and your bone is able to be prepped for an implant (and temporary tooth screwed into it); or a "Maryland" bridge (which is a fixed bridge containing one or two false teeth, anchored permanently on the tongue side of the adjacent teeth). I have the latter on the bottom, replacing a front tooth that split down the middle a decade after it was root-canaled and not salvageable enough to be crowned. My bridge is going on 17 years old now!

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited September 2020

    it is going to be interesting to see how he handles it. The chipped crown does have the underlying tooth to which the flipper could be attached but the other tooth/crown broke off at the gum line and what is left in the gum will have to be pulled. I have already told him I prefer an implant.

    BTW, I did know what a flipper is in dentistry but thanks for explaining for those who did not! I still think the term is amusing.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited September 2020

    Beaver - there is a temporary "tooth" that can be 'installed' after they pull your broken tooth. Likely with a 'bridge' type of anchor as ChiSandy mentioned. I chose to just wait after the extraction for the steel post to be installed and the bone to heal around it. But then mine broke at the gum when I was still in treatment and I wasn't going any where except for infusions &/or surgery so I didn't have to smile at anyone. And it wasn't my very front tooth - but one to the side.

    I learned in a hurry not to eat corn on the cob anymore - but really - it broke when I was eating a butter lettuce salad for heaven't sake!!!! At Ruths Chris for Thanksgiving dinner no less. Interesting to note I've gone back to corn on the cob a couple of times a years even if it isn't the smartest decision.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited September 2020

    Minus, I have not bitten into a whole apple since the teeth were capped about 25 years ago so I identify with the corn on the cob! Will know more tomorrow...

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited September 2020

    Come to think of it Beaver - I always cut my apples before eating but I hadn't thought about it. Thanks for the reminder of ice cold whole apples from the vending machine at my high school - MANY years ago.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited September 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! Got some very brisk wind and rain going on today. I could hear the wind blowing before I got up. It was very nice listening to the wind and rubbing Sadie's belly before crawling out of bed. I do wish it wasn't so dark. I think I overstepped myself at work yesterday. We're getting ready to give flu shots, and yesterday I started some of the prep work the new Director of Nursing was saying we would do today and tomorrow, hoping it would help us get a bit ahead and make things easier. Got a call from the Director of Nurses saying she thought we were doing that Wednesday. I guess she prefers things be done right on the settime line, or maybe I should have asked permission. I had some down time and thought it would be a good thing to do. Or maybe I'm being overly sensitive with all the changes going on at work and in life. On the up side, our staff COVID testing was 100% negative!

    When I got home from work yesterday Sadie very proudly pointed out the mouse she had caught and killed in the middle of the kitchen floor!

    Teka-- I'm working on taking care of myself, for sure!

    Chi--Thanks for the explanation of Yom Kippur. The rich heritage Jews have fascinates me and makes me a bit jealous.

    Beaver--I hope that flipper works, whatever it is!

    Morning, Minus!

    Laughter in the Rain


    • 1 piece (1 inch) peeled cucumber, chopped
    • 2 ounces organic vodka, preferably Rain
    • 1/2 ounce peach liqueur, preferably Mathilde
    • 1/2 ounce freshly squeezed lemon juice
    • 1/4 ounce Simple Syrup for Mixed Drinks
    • 1 strip lemon zest
    • 1 strip cucumber peel


    Instructions Checklist

    • Step 1
      Shake all ingredients over ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with lemon zest and cucumber peel.

    From <>

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited September 2020


    Last morning at the beach. Sorry the pic is sideways. Will check in later to see how all are doing.

    Take care!