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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited September 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Had our first frost warning overnight last night. Definitely cooler than usual this ayem at 45 degrees. It made cuddling up with Sadie very nice and warm last night. We're gearing up at work to start getting all the staff and residents COVID tested and start what will be monthly testing right now. How often we test depends on the COVID activity in the county, and can be as often as twice a week. So now we are just waiting for our first positive test. We know it's coming, and we hope it will be a staff member and not a resident. Not that we want anyone testing positive, but with school starting and things opening up it is inevitable.

    Cammy Cat--How did the scan go? When will you get the results? I love root beer floats, too!

    Jazzy--do you ever have problems with the sugar free ice cream crystalizing in the sugar free root beer? I've had that happen a few times.

    Librarian--Hooray for surviving the colonoscopy! I am trying to be patient with Mom and her moving drama. And I'm dreading the time when she'll need to move into an assisted living setting and will have to downsize. This move is actually to a bigger place with more room, so she's not getting rid of anything this time around.

    Cammy Cat--Oh my, three tries to get the IV? Not fun at all. I can picture you falling asleep with a fork inyour hand. At least you didn't land face first in the plate!

    image alt="">

    Test Pilot


    1.5 oz dark rum

    .75 oz light rum

    .5 oz Falernum

    .5 oz Cointreau

    1-2 dashes angostura bitters

    6 drops pernod

    1 Cup Crushed Ice

    Maraschino Cherry, speared with a wooden oyster fork or toothpick, for garnish


    • Add all ingredients to a blender and blend on high for five seconds. (Go for a chunky blend.)
    • Pour unstrained into a double old-fashioned glass with more crushed ice to fill.
    • Garnish with a cherry speared with a wooden oyster fork.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2020

    Teka/Minus2, you both gave me a chuckle over the cocktail with grape juice. Teka only wanting to try a tsp if someone else ordered it and Minus2, sounded like you were talking yourself into it, have most of the ingredients and then.....Nope, don't think I'll try!

    Celia, I can't even imagine what your cousin went through on 911, oh my, how terrifying that had to be. Yes, I have lots of cubbard space. I have lots more in my laundry room. My DH opened a drawer the other day on the island and said he didn't think he even knew that drawer was there! We have lived in this house for 15 years.

    Karen, I hope your neice stays safe. My step DD and her family are near San Diego, but no mention of lots of smoke.

    Jazzy, tis the season for the balloons. Have they canceled the festival? Ok, I should read further, canceled. LOL at the back yard of your SUV. Sorry to hear that one of the hot spring places caught fire.

    NM, glad the vet visit went well and you both got treats! Funny how a dog can love to play in the water but hate a bath. That Sadie is a smart one, opening drawers. Hopefully you can get that mouse evicted soon and lets just hope she doesn't learn to open the fridge! Turning clocks back is November now, on the first. Covid testing possibly 2x a week, yikes. With all the talk about flu season, I was telling my brother that with all the mask wearing, I wouldn't think flu season would be all that bad...makes sense to me anyways.

    Cami, I don't mind doing the Thanksgiving thing, it's just that they don't help what so ever. What ever happened to the kids doing these big meals and inviting the parents??? What kind of phone did you get and sure the business phone number hasn't changed, just because the phone did. So cute that you asked for a gown with big pockets.

    Teka, l too love floats, or anything with ice cream for that matter! I guess I prefer shakes and I like putting fruit in them.

    Sandy, I never even signed up for a patient portal. What good is it if you can't see what you want? I do have one for my labs.

    JCS, sorry they found a polyp, hopfully it's nothing. I think it's common as we get older. If you had a 2 hour nap, you must have needed it.

    I've only been posting about every other day, just so busy. Did more canning yesterday, got 10 halp pints of some zucchini relish. Took my quad to the post office, oh my, what a mistake! The road going that way is horrid, I didn't think I'd ever make it home. Talk about a rough ride! DH has appt with the surgeon on Wednesday, I leave next Thursday for MI....yikes!

    My laundry room....more cabinets!



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2020

    Saw this on FB....I like it!

    Do not comment if you don't agree, I didn't post this to start a debate, just my opinion. -I have been wearing a mask in stores and limiting my activity since March when this whole thing went down.

    I'm not sure how being considerate to others for the common good is now being mocked by some who are calling it "living in fear," but it needs to stop....

    When I wear a mask over my nose and mouth in public and in the stores/Supermarkets/Pharmacies/Offices - I want you to know the following:

    📷 I'm educated enough to know that I could be asymptomatic and still give you the virus.

    📷 No, I don't "live in fear" of the virus; I just want to be part of the solution, not the problem.

    📷 I don't feel like "the government controls me." I feel like I'm an adult contributing to the security in our society and I want to teach others the same.

    📷 If we could all live with the consideration of others in mind, the whole world would be a much better place.

    📷 Wearing a mask doesn't make me weak, scared, stupid or even "controlled." It makes me caring and responsible.

    📷 When you think about your appearance, discomfort, or other people's opinion of you, imagine a loved one -- a child, father, mother, grandparent, aunt, uncle or even a stranger -- placed on a ventilator, alone without you or any family member allowed at their bedside.....Ask yourself if you could have helped them a little by wearing a mask.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    Lori I agree wholeheartedly. And my, all that cabinet space!

    Not sure about tonight's DOTD--will depend on what if anything Bob brings home from Boston Market. Made a breve cappuccino (drank it out on the deck) when I got home from the Subaru dealership to fix a "low tire pressure" dashboard light that wouldn't go out: turns out I had one faulty tire pressure monitor sensor. It threw them for a loop, because when a TPMS fails it usually doesn't sense an impending flat; but in my case, it registered "zero" (flat) even though the air pump's gauge said my tire was properly inflated. And they had to order a side-view mirror cover (which has to be painted too) to replace the one I damaged a couple of months ago when I had to move aside in my alley for a jogger who apparently couldn't hear my horn over the loud music in her earbuds. I didn't realize the dumpster on my right had a projecting handle...

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2020

    My favorite song about the fall. Also one of my favorite albums of all time. Walking Man by James Taylor. Enjoy

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2020

    Another favorite. Neil Young's Harvest Moon

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited September 2020

    Just a quick pop in here as it is almost midnight & my pillow is beckoning me. Hello to all!

    Lori - Totally agree with your "mask" posting. So much cabinet space you have, my dear! Too late to check out your videos tonight - will do so tomorrow.

    With all the mask wearing, makes me think of the Billy Idol song "Eyes Without a Face".

    Cami - Glad to hear you made it through OK. You must have needed that sleep.

    Thanks, Jazzy, for the reminders of those fall oriented tunes!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    Young's "Harvest Moon" was on the radio as I pulled into my garage today!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Funny Sleeping Cats GIFs | Tenor

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Hi Ladies,

    Lori ur cabinets out number all the people u can fit in the house. But u can't have to many. And if urs are as neat as ur house wow u fit a lot of thing in there. Can u just randomly take a picture cuz u home always looks like that. Wow how amazing.

    Well the count is in, it looks like the majority of us like root beer floats. Now I wat one but I'm way to tired to bother.

    Wow not just music tonight but a whole picture show. I'm like Celia tonite, it will wait til tomorrow, my chair is beckoning me <Celia I like that word>

    Getting much cooler in Maine Kim. o u think u can get ur mom to get rid of somethings even tho she has the room to move everything. Big job I know..

    Lori totally agree with what u wrote, wearing a mask is such a small price to pay if we can stop this thing after all just one person can spread it to loads of people and they don't even realize it.

    See u in a few hours.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited September 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! Yesterday was interesting at work. I got assigned to call resident's Medical POAs and get consent to do COVID-19 testing as required by Medicare and the Federal CDC. Got through the whole list, got almost all the consents in the morning, then at lunch time the regulation changed, and we are no longer required to routinely test resident's, only staff. Arrgghhh. Yet another source of confusion and concern, and I spent the afternoon re-contacting POAs and re-explaining the situation. Thank God most of the families are understanding of how fast the regulations are changing. Even Sadie thinks the whole thing is crazy and needs to be over with or a way to deal that will be permanent devised so people can get used to whatever is going to be going forward. Speaking of Silly Sadie, I did not realize how stiff she had gotten until the Vet put her on an NSAID. She is moving so much better after only a week of treatment that I am ashamed that I didn't realize how much she had stiffened up and slowed down. Last night at bedtime I found her curled up on the pillows--all the pillows--on the bed for the first time in ages. We had to have a long discussion about how I am the one that makes the bed, washes the linens, and so I get first choice of at least ONE of the four pillows on the bed (in addition to her designated pillow). It took some time, but I finally did get one pillow to use!

    Goldie--I had to LOL at your hubby finding a new drawer in the island after 15 years! The current thinking is that the masking and other COVID precautions will help keep the rate of the flu down this season, which would be a very good thing. The concern is primarily for older people, those at high risk for severe COVID disease. What happens during the flu season is that more than one respiratory virus circulates. Flu, RSV, common cold viruses all circulate at the same time. Catching one respiratory virus leaves older people more susceptible to developing a secondary bacterial infection, which often progresses from bronchitis to pneumonia. After catching one respiratory virus, older people are more susceptible to catching a second, and then a third, and the risk of going on to develop a pneumonia increases with each infection. The key to breaking the cycle is to effectively treat the very first infection (if it can't be prevented entirely). We have the flu vaccine and antiviral medications to prevent/treat flu. We have medications to treat RSV. Hopefully we'll know what will really treat COVID soon, but currently we don't. All of them present with the same symptoms, so sorting out what a person has will be critical, and that means multiple tests on each person.The reliable tests mean waiting for results from a lab, which can take days if there is a lot of testing being done. Effective flu and RSV treatment need to be started within 72 hours of the start of symptoms. COVID swabs have to be processed within 72 hours of being obtained. We already have had instances of swabs being thrown out without being tested due to backlogs, and we are not testing for flu or RSV right now. My nursing home was given a machine to run screening tests for COVID, flu and RSV, but the screening tests need to be verified with a lab run test, which means taking 6 swabs from each person with symptoms to run a full set of tests. When the provided supply of test kits runs out we have to buy more. Enough COVID test kits to test all the residents and staff will cost us $6,000. And, yes, nursing homes must pay for the testing themselves, Medicare will not be helping financially, and will be fining nursing homes that do not do testing at the rate they set. Thank God our state Health and Environmental Lab tests for COVID for free. Heavens, look at all that cabinet space! I've seen that FB post, too and think it's great.

    Chi--I had to replace the tire pressure monitors on Pearl a year or so ago. Expensive little buggers, aren't they?

    Morning, Celia!

    Jazzy--great clips!

    Cammy Cat--I'll see if I can get Mom to start weeding things out, but she tends to just pack things up to "deal with later when I have time and space".We'll see how it goes.

    Hump Day Cocktail


    • 1 1/2 Ounce Tequila Ocho Plata
    • 3/4 Ounces St. Germain
    • 3/4 Ounces Manzanilla Sherry
    • 3 dashes Angostura Orange Bitters


    Combine all ingredients in a chilled beaker. Add ice and stir until well chilled and diluted. Strain into chilled coupe. Express grapefruit oil on top of the cocktail, rub the peel around the rim, and drop into the cocktail

    From <>

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited September 2020

    Goldie, your house is lovely! I am green with envy over your garden area. Are you able to run your house with the power from the solar panels? Are you and your DH both handy? My DH is a dud when it comes to using any kind of tools. We have an electric leaf blower. I will hear him cursing regularly when the 30 ft cord gets tangled around something or itself. And I seem to have no ability to grow any vegetables.

    Waiting for the remnants of Hurricane Sally to blow through. I will be heading to the mountains on Friday, but do not expect much rain there. Even if it does, we will be too busy talking and laughing to notice!

    Take care all! I will check back in to see if there is any news.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Good Morning Funny Gif Animation Download Gif | Funny good morning wishes, Good morning cat, Russian blue cat

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    OMG Kim all the confusions with a flu shot. I don't know if I should get it or not tho. I id get it bfore and ended up in the hospital cu I had the flu and was so sick, I got the pneumonia shot an had that for a while an ended up in the hospital with my organs slowing own. So I'm not to hot on getting anything but this yr. it seems so different, I just don't know, I didn't know that it was so much extra for any kind of expense for the home. And packing up ur mom Holey Moley I remember the times my parents moved. But when my mom passd away my sister an I waited about a yr. before we could actually do it. And all of her clothes went to Italy cuz we didn't want to see any of her stuff around here. So glad to hear Sadie is doing so much better just from a pill,it has to make u feel better too.Give her an extra rub from me.

    JC I always like to hear when u'll be with your GFs for the weekend. I know ur having fun and enjoy hearing about it.

    OMG this is the 2nd time I fell asleep writing my post and not sending it. WTF. Well I have to get ready for my goofy Dr. I'll let u know nothing I'm sure.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    Only reason not to get an annual flu shot (and not keep current with your pneumonia & TDaP shots) is if you never leave the house and never have anyone visit. If you got a serious flu and ended up in the hospital after getting the shot, either you caught it before the shot could kick in (takes 10-14 days) or it was a different strain. (During the flu season 3 years ago, Gordy got the shot for the A strains but caught the B strain). Same thing with the pneumonia shot--it protects against several strains of the pneumococcus bacteria, but not against the bacteria mycoplasma pneumoniae. And it also doesn't protect against viral pneumonia--Pneumovax and Prevnar13 protect only against certain bacteria, not viruses; just as the flu shot protects against only the seasonal flu viruses, not bacteria.

    Had my full-skin exam, and my derm was delighted to see no new freckles and no sun damage. Some eczema, so just have to use topical ketoconazole & cortisone creams as needed. She said that the most likely reason I didn't get a path report for my ocular melanoma is either that it's "borderline" (for premalignant nevus vs. early melanoma) and had to be farmed out, with differing interpretations by dueling pathologists; or that the needle-biopsy couldn't harvest enough cells. If it's a melanoma, it's stage IIA because of its location in or touching the ciliary body (by size alone, it'd be IB). Ocular nevi usually eventually turn into melanomas--though the std. of care is periodic observation, pre-emptively radiating it was in the long run worth the slight vision loss from radiation "leakage." And the derm's nurse put together a goodie bag of skin care samples (the big self-service bowl of them on the front desk has--duh--fallen victim to the pandemic).

    One benefit of semi-quarantine, and of mask-wearing, is that I'm saving a bundle on sunscreen!

    Last night's DOTD, with ribs, was Casanova Chianti. As dessert, Box & Dice (AUS) brut NV. 2 oz. ea. If we can go out tonight (depends on when Bob gets home), DOTD will depend on where (whose wine list) and what we eat. Outdoors, of course.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited September 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! It is so much easier to wake up and get out of bed when the sun is up than in the dark. So it was sonice to be able to sleep until the sun was showing, especially cuddled up next to Sadie. At one point last night she had her head on my shoulder and was gently snoring directly into my ear. It was surprisingly relaxing!

    Librarian--have fun in the mountiains!

    Cammy Cat--talk to your doc about getting the flu shot and folllow his/her advice. Medicare is very good at making Nursing Homes do things that cost money but not providing any financial support to do it with.

    Chi--good info about what vaccinations cover and don't cover. I still think hearing nothing about the biopsy results is wrong, no matter the reason. If it was farmed out, why not let you know and give an estimated time of getting results back? That kind of thing used to be called "common courtesy" once upon a time. Love the idea of the goodie bag of skin care items.

    image alt="">

    The Waiting Room


    5 Fresh Cherry Tomatoes

    5 fresh basil leaves

    2 oz Blanco Tequila

    1 oz Lime Juice

    .75 oz agave nectar

    .25 oz aged balsamic vinegar

    Himalayan Pink Salt For Garnish


    • Rub a lime around the rim of a coupe and roll it in the salt, if using.
    • In a shaker, muddle the tomatoes.
    • Add remaining ingredients and ice.
    • Shake and strain into the rimmed coupe. Add one big cube of ice and serve.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2020

    Sandy, we had one of those tire issues on my FJ, tires were all fine. Finally figured it out, it was the spare!

    Cami, my home NEVER looks like that. Those pictures were taken when we were trying to sell. The pics of the messy/lived in are more what it looks like all the time. I've never had a flu shot. I think you might be ok not getting it, you don't go anywhere. I know there is risk of the rest of the family getting the flu....IDK! Anxious to hear how your dr visit went.

    NM, so sorry for all the hassle you had to go through with all the contacting POA's with Covid testing and then it changing. Glad most were understanding. Glad Sadie is doing better on the NSAID's, don't beat yourself up over it, you are a good mom. Her snoring must have been your white noise.

    JCS, our home and business are on solar, we are completely off grid. DH is quite handy, except when it comes to auto mechanics and anything domestic! And DH cussess through just about anything he is doing!

    Follow up with surgeon yesterday for DH, all is good. Made a quick stop at Sam's club, another all day ordeal since it's 2 and 1/2 hours one way. Time to start setting things aside for my MI trip, and then Moab about 3-4 days after I return home. My brother called me the other night, he talked with my DD and I guess she told him that the day before we leave to fly home, she wants to go say good bye to her dad. She will have been with him for 3 weeks! Why does she have to take time out of my time to be with her, to go and say good bye to him? Really hurts my feelings. Especially since I haven't seen her in a year and a half. Not sure yet how I will handle this one. I'd like to say, if you want so bad to see your dad, then just stay there. Of course I won't tho.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2020

    Hi ladies- well I posted my entry for you on another thread by accident (the decluttering thread) and realized that and deleted it and will try to get this right. This week is going by fast but the weather is nice and the skies are clearer so that helps.

    Goldie- I am so sorry about your DD not making the time to see you during your upcoming visit. I have had stuff like that happen when I visit family back home (and even when I moved here and some who refused to see me before I left because they were mad I was moving away). Something is going on there and maybe once you are there, you can just ask her what is up with this?

    Cami- I hope your apt went well yesterday. We are here to listen if you want to share anything.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2020

    Oh Jazzy, you read that wrong. My DD is coming to stay with me at my brothers. She just wants to make one more trip back to her dad's to say good bye, after spending 3 weeks with him. He went off on me not too long ago, if you remember. So none of us will be taking her to see him. He works and doesn't get home until 3-4 pm (I think) and lives over an hour from my brother to the north, airport is to the south about an hour. So from her dad's, it's probably an hour and a half.

    I have a hotel res. at the airport for Oct. 4th, we both fly out on the 5th. My flight leaves at 9 am, which I can have my brother take me that morning, no big deal. But her flight leaves like at 6 am, so anyone taking her to the airport that morning would have to leave like at 3 am. No one wants to do that and her dad has to work (not my problem). Which is why I got the hotel.

    I would like to tell her that she can go to her dads on the 4th, he can take her to the airport on the 5th and he can go to work from there! And I'll just cancel our hotel res. Just not sure I will go that route. Not really sure how to handle and she doesn't know that I know, that she wants to make one more trip to see her dad.

    Make sense?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    I'm not going to nag about my path report, because I had been warned there was a chance the needle-biopsy sample might be too small. Results would not affect my treatment unless or until the tumor spreads anyway. Besides, right now the UIC Health System is a "goat rodeo:" nurses, custodial, tech & clerical staff at the hospital are all on strike. My vision is dramatically improving too. Will get refracted at Warby Parker after Yom Kippur (6 weeks post-op). Refractions aren't covered by Medicare (or my supplement) anyway. Our ophthalmologist (a friend) used to throw them in for free when we bought a pair of glasses from his in-office shop, but he has since sold the entire practice and then retired. (Which was why I didn't get an eye exam this spring as planned--the office was closed during lockdown).

    Dining in alone tonight, so my DOTD (if any) will be some of that Aussie sparkler. Gonna use the now-flat Mumm Napa in a choucroute tonight.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    I'm so tired - Good Night | Good night funny, Good night greetings, Nighty night

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    He it's just me,

    Lori I would feel hurt too, but I think <for me> I would say nothing. What's the use, u might be taking a chance of ur DD feeling not good about what she wants to do and u know that's the last thing u want especially when u don't see her all the time. But let's face it u know her best so whatever u decide it'll be the right thing, just don't over think it. OK. honestly I would be as nice as I could be and somehow make my DD feel as guilty as I could, but u are nicer than me so I know u wouldn't do that. I've been called the Queen of guilt, what can I say.

    Sandy I'm sorry but I'm so mixed up with ur results. As I understand u don't have all the results yet. And I understand about farming them out but I don't get why they don't contact u more, after all u might be a nervous wreck, tho u don't. sound like it but sometimes waiting is just so aggravating so u can figure out what ur going to do if u should have to do something. Unless I'm all screwed up. We know that can't possibly be.

    Oh JC is getting ready for her big weekend, lucky duck.I've always wondered why a duck is lucky, they could be shot from the flight at any time, well I guess if they're not they're lucky.

    Kim I enjoy ur stories with Sadie so much, cuz I'm jelly of course,. Especially when u get to cuddle with her at nite altho I think snoring might get to me, maybe not. Extra belly rubs for her again.

    I thought I told u gals about my Dr. app't, she could have told me this over the phone. She is straight forward tho and I like that. She set up an app't for a biopsy for this coming Tuesday so she'll know for sure, but my symptoms an cat showed somethings all wrong with my lymph nodes and it lites up like cancer. But I told her even tho I have all the chit going on I know I don't have cancer and if by chance she's right then we'll deal with it. She actually said I wish I had more patients like you. I actually said if ur right and I have cancer u'll eat those words. I always ask my Drs. to tell me what they are looking for, I don't like them being vague about why I need to do things. HaHa but my lungs were good . So now I wait like we all have to, but that's fine, and we all know having a biopsy is no big deal.

    OK my eyelids are droopy like the little kitten so it's time for me to say goodnite.


  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited September 2020

    Cami, joining in your pocket met the biopsy and the wait for results.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2020

    Cami- glad you are through the doctor's visit and have some next steps planned. You have lots of friends here as you know, and we will all be there in your pocket on Tuesday. It's the last weekend of summer, so I hope you find some good summer treats to enjoy!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Just me,

    Thank u guys but u all have to get in one pocket, the other pocket will be full of as many pieces of candy I can get from that office. <and I will>.

    Teka u have always cracked me up, u know that I love when u poop in.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    Cami, glad your lungs are fine; here's hoping the lymph node biopsy will be too.

    As to my missing path results, it's more a matter of wanting to know whether my prognostic markers are awful or merely bad. Based on size, it'd be a Stage IB, but its location makes it IIA. (Weird, but that's what the articles say). So long as (knock wood) it hasn't metastasized, there is no treatment after finishing the plaque brachytherapy--just watch & wait, getting exams & imaging every 90 days. But as a medical geek, not knowing the specifics (grade, genomics) is frustrating. And that UIC staff strike isn't ending any time soon.

    Will (after online temple from 8-9:30) have a red with the brisket & tzimmes (carrot & apricot casserole) I got delivered from Whole Foods. So likely a red wine.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2020

    Cami, just make sure that one pocket is big enough, for us, not the candy! What kind of candy anyway? I know they are doing node biopsy, right? But where? Is the doctor thinking this might have something to do with the weight loss? Also, your stage IV diagnosis de novo, was it breast only at that time and nodes? And no, you hadn't told us about the appt. As for my DD, I will most likely try to make her feel guilty about it all. I almost wish I hadn't known because I am over thinking it all.

    Well, my brother called me again. You remember when my ex called me not long ago and went off on me. Well, he told my DD about it! What the hell is wrong with him, this had nothing to do with her. I guess she told my my brother that she wasn't happy with what her dad did and he told her only some things and she said she didn't want to know what was said. WELL, I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HE TOLD HER.

    NM, you and Sadie sleeping in this morning? Give her some tummy tickles from me.

    DOTD: Unicorn Cocktail

    Some candy for Cami

    Rum Chata and Mango Rum make this Unicorn drink martini an easy and fun cocktail. Top with your favorite candies and cotton candy!


    • 2 ounces Rum Chata
    • 2 ounces Bacardi Mango Fusion Rum
    • 3 ounces Pomegranate Juice
    • ½ cup Cool Whip
    • Cotton Candy
    • CInstructionsandies
    • Lucky Charms Marshmallows
    1. In a martini shaker, combine 4-5 ice cubes, Rum Chata, Mango Rum, and Pomegranate Juice. Pour drink into martini glasses. Spread the Cool Whip on the surface of the martini (this will keep the cotton candy from melting) and then garnish with cotton candy, candies, and marshmallows. You can also serve the drink without Cool Whip and the candies. Simply pour the drink into martini glasses and serve.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited September 2020

    Looks like yesterday's post didn't go through, so here it is:

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! Looks like I'm going to have to close up some windows today. Definitely got a nip in the air this morning. Sadie and I had a lovely day of doing nothing yesterday but binge watching Season 9 of Call the Midwife. I thought I had missed several episodeswhen it was airing, but turns out the only thing I missed was the Christmas special! Made for a very nice, relaxing and rejuvenating day, though.

    Goldie--the hassle with COVID is an ongoing thing. Every day we learn something more about that nasty little virus so rules and regs change to keep up. It's annoying and beginning to get disheartening that we can't seem to make headway toward letting families visit more. At least Sadie seems to have forgiven me for not catching on to her pain sooner. She is much more active and frequently interrupting whatever I am doing for pets and belly rubs and general attention. Glad to hear DH's appointment went well. Sorry about DD hurting your feelings. I'm sure you will handle things gracefully, but that won't ease the hurt. Hugs.

    Jazzy--don't you hate it when you realize you are typing something in the wrong place? I get so irritated with myself when I do that.

    Chi--glad to hear your vision is improving!

    Cammy Cat--Sadie says thanks for the extra belly rubs! A biopsy procedure may not be a big thing, but the waiting for results sure is. Glad to hear your lungs are good!Hugs.

    Very Pink Raspberry Cosmopolitan


    For the Raspberry Juice:

    • 2 cups frozen raspberries
    • 1 & 1/2 cups water

    For the Cocktail:

    • 2 ounces Raspberry juice
    • 2 ounces Raspberry Liqueur
    • 4 oz good quality vodka ( Ketel one, Grey Goose)
    • Juice from 1/2 lime
    • 1 ounce simple syrup (Bring equal parts sugar and water to boil in a saucepan until the sugar is dissolved. Cool).
    • Pink sugar crystals
    • Raspberries for garnish


    To make the raspberry juice:

    1. Combine 2 cups of frozen raspberries and 1 1/2 cups of water and bring to a simmer, mashing the berries against the sides of the pain to release their juices. Strain into a cup or bowl scraping the seeds with a spatula along the bottom of the strainer to extract all the juice.

    To Prepare the Cocktail:

    1. Fill two standard size martini glasses with ice and water to chill.
    2. In a shaker combine the Raspberry Juice, raspberry liqueur, vodka and lime juice over ice and shake a few times until ice cold.
    3. Pour out the ice water from the martini glasses and dip the rims of the glasses in simple syrup then into pink sugar crystals. Divide the mixture between the two glasses and garnish with raspberries.

    From <>

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited September 2020

    Good morning Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Sadie and I are getting up to a very chilly ayem, complete with frost on the ground. Hoping the sun will warm things up pretty soon, I don't want to have to turn on the heat until mid to late October if I can help it.

    Good morning to Teka, Beaver, Jazzy,Chi,Goldie!