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how about drinking?



  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited September 2020

    Working at an airport that day was very bizarre, watching all the planes landing at our airport as the skies emptied when Air Traffic was suspended. Not to mention watching in horror in our break room as the events unfolded on TV. On 8/11/01, I was in the city with my sister and daughter. We took the Staten Island ferry so we could cruise by the Statue of Liberty and also admire the skyline. Neither my sister nor I nor my daughter who now lives in Manhattan have been brave enough to visit the Memorial. Kudos to you Jazzygirl for doing so & thanks for the lovely photo.

    If the link below works, it should take you to an article that includes a video of the tribute to the victims featuring the Budweiser Clydesdales. It has aired only once, during Super Bowl XXXVI on 2/3/02. The horses honor the memory of the fallen with an unforgettable breathtaking bow.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2020

    Good morning ladies- well today is a somber day for those of us here in the US. I know we all remember where we were that day and all that followed. I think I have shared before I went to ground zero when I was back east a month after and will never forget it. All the pictures of missing people on the chain link fence surrounding the recovery site. And then my sister and I were in NYC in 2016 and visited the memorial. I would like to go to the one in PA some day. I did not loose anyone that day but know people who did and have a friend who is a first responder in CT and went to help. Hugs to any of you who may have experienced any losses that day or since around 911.

    This week went fast. As of yesterday, have another interview coming for a contract opp that came through a friend and then got some feedback that there may be issues with my rate. Well apparently not but we will see if it's offered and what they want to pay. Waiting for the schedule for my discussion. Got some other things popping too, one on line app that was a thanks/no thanks response but nothing I was excited about. It seems like things are opening up, and think work is on the horizon in some shape or fashion.

    The storm has finally moved through and there is sunshine today and feeling like Sept finally! My mums I planted in pots and in the front garden look happy again with the cool weather. I hope to get out and enjoy the nice weather this weekend plus have a lot of errands to do. More donation drop offs, consignment trip, and more.

    NM- thanks for posting that clip on FB today of the calls. If you ever visit the 911 memorial in NYC, there is a room where they run some of those calls and when I ended up in that towards the end and it just put me over the edge and I had to leave. But it is so beautifully done and I also hope some day I can visit the memorial in Shankesville, PA too.

    Goldie- I love your kitchen too. I have a large kitchen especially for this small home, but it was a selling point when I was looking at the various options for building in the neighborhood. Lots of counter space and cabinets and good when I get into a cooking thing. I am sorry to hear about the microwave, is it the built in kind or the freestanding kind you can replace easily? I know you have your trip coming up. Is DH going with you or will he be continuing to recover at home? Is he doing better each week?

    I will write more tomorrow, and to a few more of you too. Wishing everyone a good slide into the weekend.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    Thanks for the compliment, Karen--but those pix are of Lori's (Goldie's) house, not mine!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Have A Good Day GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Mornin' ladies,

    WOW Celia I never saw that, like probably most, it was beautiful and very teary eyed watching it. I think we all remember exactly what and where we were that ay. It was so horrendous. I was at work <DMV> and the place was the usual crowd of people. And as soon as we heard on the TV in the back it was like panic went over everyone. Springfield called and told us to let the people out and all of us go home. That was the only time that place closed and we stayed glued to the TV. It was so this can not be happening day.

    Jazzy sounds like u have a few things on the burner for work, which is always good. U know I always wish u the best for all u do.

    Jodie will be here soon so I'll get ready to take a shower this morning so that will get done and rain all day.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited September 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Sadie has an appointment with the Vet this morning, going to get all caught up on her shots, get her nail trimmed and a general check up. She'll love the car ride. Then some more puttering around the house. Nothing terribly exciting going on today. What is exciting, or else means the end of the earth is near, is the news that my mother has actually hired people to move her furniture! I cannot believe she is actually going to spend money on movers! Of course, they are only moving the furniture, she and I, or so I was informed yesterday, will be moving everything else. So guess what I'll be doing the weekend of the 26th and 27th.She has the key to then new apartment now, and can start moving small things in. The washing machine, dryer, dishwasher haven't been installed yet, but are sitting in the middle of the living room. Exciting times!

    Goldie--The Violet Liquer is sweet, but not super sweet. I get naked to wash Sadie cuz I get soaked in the process and it's easier to just be naked and then shower off when we're done. The dog wash stations look like mini-car wash stations, depending on how long it takes to do everything it costs between $5 and $10, but is much less back straining than wrestling Sadie into and out of the tub and has a dryer. I didn't find one yesterday, and was too tired to do the wrestling thing, so we may do that on the way home from the Vet today since I know where there is one in that town. Oh my, what a time with the microwave! Your kitchen looks lived in to me!

    Beaver--definitely enjoy the coolness while you can!

    Cammy Cat--Yes, I was off yesterday. Sadie likes it when I'm off work, too! And you got a new phone, what fun!

    Morning, Karen!

    Celia--working in an airport that day must have been surreal. And very difficult. That Clydesdale tribute still brings tears to my eyes. I never saw it on TV, but I see it on the web this time of year and it has not gotten any less moving over the years.

    Jazzy--I do want to visit all the memorials someday. The clip with the telephone calls really gets to me every year. People knew they were going to die, and were still thinking about others more than themselves. Glad to hear you have work opps lining up, looks like you'll get to choose, always fun!

    Cammy Cat--I never saw the only TV run of the Clydesdales either, I've never been interested in sport and don't watch those big Bowl games. I'm glad it's on the web so it can be brought out periodically.

    911 Cocktail


    • 1 ounce - ice 101...( which is high grade of peppermint schnaaps)
    • 1 ounce-- Firewater....( a cinnamon type schnaaps)

    How to make it

    • Mix equal proportions of each in one shot glass.
    • . Serve in: Shot Glass

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2020

    Well, I cleaned up that messy kitchen yesterday, but it's a mess again! And thank you all for the nice things you say. That area of the house, kitchen/living rm, used to be 4 bedrooms and 2 baths. There is one original bedroom left, our spare, that is behind the wall with the stove.

    Cami, it's been chilly here too, but going to heat up again, just like you say. Will be in the mid 80's here. So sweet of Dan to pay you, but obviously he thinks you're worth it. Seems like everyone is concerned with your weight. When do you get your scans?

    Celia, I can't even imagine what it was like working at an airport during 9/11.

    Jazzy, fortunatly I did not lose anyone or know of anyone that was involved in 9/11. Had to have been very sureal to go there a month after it happened. As you can see in the pictures, it's a built in micro wave, over the range. DH will not be going with me to MI. Good luck on the job ops, I'm sure you will find something, you always do.

    NM, does Sadie mind going to the vet? What did we decide on that bath? I hope the move goes smoothly for your mom's move and glad she is going to use some movers. I also hope she likes it. My MIL moved a couple of years ago from her home in TN to OH and she does not like it. It's a senior condo complex and her son lives close by. I kind of figured the naked bath was for the reason you mention. But I think I would still opt for the doggie station.

    Ha, my kitchen is very lived in! Seems it's always a mess. DH uses the table for his work stuff that he brings in from the office. We eat at the counter, so that is no biggie. We only eat at the table if we have company, which is hardly once a year even! My step DD and her husband mentioned that they may be coming for Thanksgiving. Not sure if you remember my rant about that in the past. Going to try and clean out my upright freezer and the one on the fridge. It gets to a point where you just open the door and put something where there is space and it becomes very unorganized and harder to find things.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited September 2020

    Teka - that's about what I'd like. However I do have bourbon & orange bitters & some Welches grape juice... Nope don't think I'll try.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited September 2020

    The Clydesdale advert is not one I remember, but a relative posted it on Facebook and I thought it was very touching. Must have taken some training to get all of those horses to "take a knee". Glad that it was enjoyed. Yes, it was definitely surreal at the airport that day and the silent skies the next day were even more surreal. I did not lose anyone, but my cousin Nancy, who worked in one of the towers, managed to get out and then ran for her life when the 1st tower collapsed. It is so strange to see oldervmovies where the towers are part of the skyline.

    Goldie - Great pics of your lovely home. Oh, to have all of that cupboard space!

    Just finishing up an afternoon wine cooler. SanPellegrino Momenti Clementine & Peach with Bonterra Sauvingnon Blanc. Nice weather here today - able to have the windows open until around 2 pm for some fresh air. Sunny and 82 currently.

    Teka - That drink sounds like it would pack a punch.

    NM - Hope your vet visit went well and Sadie gets her bath ok. I thought dogs were supposed to like water?

    Happy Saturday to all!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited September 2020

    I remember the Cyldesdale commercial. Very powerful.

    Cindy - I knew that it as Lori's house but thanks for the correction.

    Hope the fires in CA, OR etc are getting better controlled. My niece and family live in Tigard (right outside Portland) and they are only a mile from the fires. Air quality is HORRID!! They are keeping windows shut and have an air filter in the family room and their 5 year old daughter's room. It is unbelievable how much dirt is in the filter after just one day.

    Lots to do today. Rosh Hashana is in less than a week away. House, errands, cooking and an online course plus work stuff!!

    Have a great Sunday

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2020




  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited September 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! Sadie got a pretty good report from the Vet. Got her started on an NSAID to help with the arthritis in her hind legs and got a supplement ordered that should help, too. Otherwise she is in good shape for an old lady dog, probably better shape than her old lady dog mom! Picked up some pulled pork from Moe's BBQ as a treat for the both of us for lunch. We did stop at a pet bath place on the way, but it wouldn't take my money, so we skipped that. Good thing, cuz she got her anal glands expressed and made the car pretty stinky on the way home. She's gotten a bottom wash but we'll do a full bath this afternoon here at home, since I need to have a shower before bed tonight anyway.

    Goldie--Sadie isn't too bad about going to theVet. They are doing curbside pick up and delivery of pets, and she didn't want to go in with the tech at first, but they say she did fine once she got inside and got a treat. I would have preferred the pet wash station, where I can wash her standing up and it's easier on my knees and back than sitting in the tub, not to mention they have very effective blow dryers. My little hand held blow dryer will work, but it takes a very long time and Sadie is not really crazy about the noise, but we will manage.

    Teka--I'd like to try a taste of that drink, too!

    Celia--Sadie does like water, but she's not fond of getting a bath. Hmm, maybe if I fill the tuband let her play in it she'll do better. She doesn't like getting sprayed with water, but she loves to play in the water. Or maybe it's a control issue, getting her into the tub is a bit of work!

    Karen--the pics I've seen of the fires on the west coast have been absolutely terrifying. You must really be on edge with family only a mile away. The smoke can be terrible, I remember times when we had air quality issues here from fires in Canada.

    Jazzy--Love those Rainbow Riders!

    Rainbow Paradise Cocktail


    Serves 1



    1 oz.


    1 c.

    crushed ice

    4 oz.

    Hy-Vee 100% no-sugar-added pineapple juice, chilled

    2 oz.

    coconut-flavored rum

    1 oz.


    ½ oz.

    blue curacao

    Orange slice, for garnish



    dd grenadine to a 12-oz. hurricane glass. Fill glass with ice.


    Combine pineapple juice and coconut rum in a glass measuring cup; slowly pour mixture over ice in glass.


    Combine water and blue curacao and slowly pour over pineapple-rum layer. Garnish with an orange slice, if desired.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Best Coffee Hea GIFs | Gfycat

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Busy saturdays.

    Jazzy I always enjoy seeing all the balloons, cuz we never see them here.

    Kim LOL with Sadie and bath time. Most dogs don't like baths at all. Bigger dog, bigger mess for sure. Can u start getting boxes for ur mom. I wouldn't get big ones cuz they might end up being to heavy, unless u can get them right with the furniture an the moving men <ShOcK> could just grab them. Moving <to me now> sounds horrendous.

    Lori I was thinking Thanksgiving sounds so far away but it'll be here before we know it. I hope it all goes well for you. All I remember is all the work that has to be done before hand.I never liked that part cuz yrs. ago I always had it an Christmas too.

    Karen u have a lot to do this week, good for you. And good luck. But being that close to that fire is just lot for me to grasp.

    Celia thinking about it must have been like Twilight Zone those day after with no flying. What happened is extremely heartwrenching, but it took years in the making and somehow pulled it off and no one expected it. Extremely cleverly EVIL.Makes me wonder.

    Joey taught me some stuff about my phone, not everything just enough for now. If I was getting a report card it would be a D-. I had a customer yesterday asking my direct phone line and I don't know how to maneuver the phone to see it and I had to say I don't know. What a representative I am. I could have lied on the next question but didn't. How long have u worked for them??? 8 years just came out.

    Cat scan tomorrow in the afternoon and Dr. visit on Wednesday. I'm sure it's nothing but they have to do something I guess just to make sure.So again all it is is to wait, which we're all so use to that. No biggie.

    Oh my sister has a newer phone too, well all it took was 5 minutes to finally hang up, so it's not just me.

    Have a good Sunday everyone.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    Make room in your pocket for the CT, Cami--I'm jumping in.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2020

    I will be in your pocket too Cami 🙏

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited September 2020

    Cami, it had better be a very big pocket, or you might need to add another one. Joining the "gang" in your pocket.

    Edited to correct typo.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2020

    Happy Funday Sunday everyone!

    It's a beautiful day here and feeling like fall. I was out on the patio this morning and there was quite the parade of balloons coming through the front and back yard today. This is the time of the year the box winds form that are ideal for flying, and thus, why they usually have the balloon fiesta in October. Not this year, but it seems many are still doing the rides and good to see the balloon companies making some money. I am lucky to live in a part of town where they take off and land and have my own private parade. Temps in the 70s this weekend.

    Working on some more purging this weekend. I made an apt for my consignment place to take some clothing, shoes/boots and some jewelry I want to go and also have the back yard of my SUV filled up with some donations to drop off this week. Trying to reorg the closets to have some of my professional clothing more handy for this time of the year as I prepare to return to work soon.

    NM- when you say they would not take your money at the groomer, I assume you mean cash? I know several places here are cards only. I hope Sadie enjoyed her bath today. One for her and two for you no doubt. And that is cool your mom has agreed to hire help. Better for everyone involved, including you!

    Cami- I am on a couple threads on FB where people are talking about the pandemic and how people are handling Thankgiving and other holiday invites this year? As part of my no out of state travel/no visitors/no larger get togethers decision for 2020, I expect I will just be hanging at home and making something good to eat and watching some movies. I sometimes get together with friends for either or both holidays, or go to the hot springs (my fav ones caught on fire last month, sigh) but think it will just be a quiet one this year. I think for families that have people all over the country and world, end of the year is their time to see one another, it will be a tough decision for many.

    Teka- that is a good looking drink, although I am not a bourbon fan. I just finished up some rose wine and think it's time to change to my fall and winter drinks from the usual summer ones (rose for wine, flavored vodkas which I really got in to again this year). Are you a bourbon fan?

    Celia- your weather sounds really nice there too!

    Beaver- what part of TX do you live in? I lived in the DFW area back in the early to mid 80s. Changed a lot since then.

    Karen- thinking of you and your family in CO. I heard the snow this week helped the wildfires but did not put them out. We have constant smoke down here and the air quality varies day to day (it's good today fortunately).

    Chi- still no word on your path report?

    Got some things to get back to and wish everyone a good week. I will pop in to see how Cami's test and Drs apt goes after Wed and what else is going on for everyone else.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited September 2020

    Make room, I’m jumping in 😁

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited September 2020

    Jazzy, I am in south central Texas.

    re the "in grape fashion" drink, I'll take the tawny port by itself, thank you!

    DOTD was Ken Volk zinfandel

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited September 2020

    Jazzy - Nice balloon pics. Sounds like your view of them is excellent.

    Cami - Joining everyone else in that pocket for your scan.

    NM - Glad to hear Vet visit went well and they can provide some meds to help Ms Sadie.

    Teka - DH and I both love root beer floats. His Birthday was on the 7th and we had them as his birthday treat.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2020

    Still no word on the path report. My UIC patient portal "went live" yesterday--but the only test results were my pre-op vitals for my plaque removal surgery and my two negative COVID tests. Maddeningly, anything else (other than personal info and upcoming visits) is "not available to patient." Grrrrr...

    Gorgeous day today--called Cellars to make a reservation outdoors (figured because of the Bears game, most people would want to eat indoors by the TV screens); unfortunately, they were full-up. So I had brunch (quiche & salad, plus a bagel/lox plate for Bob to eat tonight) delivered instead. Co-owner delivered it, and threw in a chilled bottle of "Box & Dice" Australian Brut sparkler! (I had half a glass with half my quiche at brunch, and another half-glass with the leftovers for dinner).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited September 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day! Getting up at 6:30, 7:00 with sunlight is very different from getting up at 5:30 in the dark. Time to get the little lamp on the timer again, I guess. Anyone know when the time change happens this fall? It appears a mouse has tried to move into the house, Sadie actually pulled 2 draws out of a kitchen cabinet trying to get at it yesterday! If she can open drawers, how long before she can open the fridge?

    Cammy Cat--Mom has been buying plastic boxes with lids in a size that she can manage to pack her stuff in. She will let the movers move her furniture, but she's decided that she and I will move the boxes as she doesn't want strangers seeing her things. Like movers haven't seen lots of craft stuff and kitchen stuff and clothing before! Still, her letting someone else move the furniture is a huge step forward, and I'll take it! The idea of moving makes me cringe, but she's excited. As far as knowing my own phone number, for years I had to put a sticky note on the back of my phone to refer to! So you are not alone there. Good luck with the CT scan.

    Morning, Teka!

    Jazzy--it sounds like balloon riding would be the ultimate in social distancing! It must be lots of fun to watch the balloon parades fromyour own patio! Yes, I was talking about cash--the pet wash station is a self-service place, connected to a car wash that also has a motorcycle wash station. Now that Silly Sadie's shots are up to day I think I'll start taking her to a groomer periodically since they can also trim her toenails and she won't let me do it.

    Morning, Illi!

    Morning, Beaver!

    Celia--I'm glad too, it's only been a few days and Sadie already seems to be moving easier.

    Chi--the wait for the path report seems to have gone on WAY too long. How nice to get a bottle of bubbly added to your order!


    Spin Move


    • 3 Green cardamom pods
    • 3/4 oz Dewar's White Label scotch
    • 3/4 oz D'ussé cognac
    • 3/4 oz Fresh lemon juice
    • 1/2 oz Simple syrup
    • 1/2 oz St-Germain
    • 1 dash Angostura bitters


    1. Smash the green cardamom pods and add them into a shaker.
    2. Add the rest of the ingredients and ice and shake.
    3. Double-strain into a coupe.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2020

    Cami, be sure and wear something with lots of pockets today. Wishing all goes well for you. I love you.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Good Morning~ **Yawn** | Cutest kittens ever, Kittens cutest, Cute cats

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Wow all that u gals do, if I was an emotional person, I'd feel guilty doing so little.

    jazzy u really have the perfect view of the balloons, but I didn't think we'd see so many out this year. It's almost like an opening for good stuff to come. I hope that's true.

    All right what's going on here??? So many of us like root beer floats, the mixture goes so well and actually root beer is my favorite soda, don't like pepsi or coke to drink that is. When I was younger and we'd stop at the "soda fountain" we'd stop on the way home, didn't have money for a float but I;d get a Green River, I can't imagine liking that now.

    Beaver always like what u pick to drink, sounds like ur another one who really knows ur wines.

    Hey Teka how is North Country???

    Illi always like when ur getting better and better. This has been a long haul for u and u ar a trooper.

    Hey Celia hope ur doing well, it's almost Fall. I can't believe how faast all of this is going.

    Well another big deal on FB, my sister blocked someone, oy Vey this is our family yet. LOL

    Sandy why is this taking so long, I thought maybe cuz different Drs. have to put the puzzle together. Hoping it's good.

    Oh I asked for a gown with big pockets, told them no questions asked please, but don't think I'll get one but TY for everyone jumping in there for me. OK girls it's going to be a bumpy ride so fasten up.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2020

    Cami- I am buckled up and ready for the ride.

    And I am a fan of root beer floats too. I make them at home in the summer with sugar free root beer and no sugar added ice creme to cut the sugar content. Tastes the same and reminds me of my dad as he was a big fan of them.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited September 2020

    I survived the colonoscopy! They did find one polyp, so I am still on the 5 year plan. I took a 2 hour nap this afternoon. That rarely happens. I have eaten and am enjoying a vodka tonic while waiting for DWTS.

    Cami - Fingers crossed your tests went well today. Please let us know as soon as you are able.

    Jazzy - Love watching the balloons. Not sure I would ride in one, but they are glorious to watch.

    NM - I had to move my mother twice. She complained the entire time about the cost of the movers even though there was no one strong enough to move the heavy items. you have so very much patience!

    All those in the path of the weather, please stay safe. They are close to running out of names for all these storms.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    See Victor_Coj's Animated Gif on Photobucket. Click to play | Good night greetings, Funny good night quotes, Good night wishes

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2020

    Hi ladies,

    JC did they put u out for ur test??? Finding one polyp is good isn't it. I hope so. But I was thinking of you just having fun this weekend with ur GF's, so I hope u did. Yea sleeping is inevitable when u come home. Most importantly did u get ur cookies an juice. Lorna Doone did it for me.

    Well my test went like an episode of I Love Lucy <as usual> so I won't even go into it. But when I finally got home I was so so tired Joey made me something to eat and drink and I fell asleep with a fork in my hand about an hour later. But this time it only took 3 people to get a baby needle in me, always love that...OK JC now we wait.

    Thank you ladies for being you.