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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    Sunrise GIFs | Tenor

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited October 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! I've given in and am turning on the heat in thelate peeyems and early ayems, but still turning it off overnight and during the day. I was hoping to get closer to November before doing that, but mother nature isn't playing along with that plan. Such is life, right? Sadie and I had a very nice day yesterday just puttering around the house and getting a bunch of on line errands done. I ordered a few things to be delivered to Mom's place as a housewarming gift, a one cup coffee maker, a grabber, some lidded storage boxes and a set of shower curtain rings. I know perfectly well that she will pick up a shower curtain she likes pretty soon but will not think about the rings for hanging it with. Hopefully, that will make her laugh, or at least smile when she gets it. She's always talking about getting clear plastic containers, shoe box sized, to sort and store things in but never actually buys them, now she's getting a case of 30 of them. If she doesn't like them, I'll take them and use them myself! Planning to go in to work for a few hours today, then do some grocery shopping on the way home. Probably will take Silly Sadie with me today as a guarantee that I don't stay for hours and hours but just long enough to get a couple of time critical items taken care of.

    Cammy Cat--we must have bumped each other into the pool!I did get a late start yesterday. That Sex on a Snowbank looks COLD!!!!!

    Jazzy--Ah, yes, the good old TB and MMR routine. Once you get a copy of the MMR titer results you really want to keep it where you know where it is. I suggest laminating it to keep it from disintegrating during multiple trips through a copier! If you get a flu shot somewhere other than where you will be working make sure to get a written confirmation, many states, including Maine, are now passing legislation requiring health care workers to get annual flu shots just like having to prove MMR and pre-work TB testing. Mom is ok with her little falls, at least so far. She bruised her ribs in a fall a while back, thinks she's re-injured that area a bit from the aching she's having. She's made friends with the neighbors, and has learned about the people in all the houses within site of the apartment already. It seems like an older neighborhood.I've got to get myself introduced to the neighbors and make sure they have my phone number sometime soon. Maine has very few safety nets outside of the Medicaid program, and only 2 insurance companies in the government insurance market place, and only a couple more commercial insurance companies that are registered in Maine. Those are Harvard Pilgrim and Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield, and both keep trying to pull out of Maine but the state insurance commission won't allow it because that would give the remaining company a monopoly.The population is too old, with too high a cancer rate and other chronic illnesses, they can't make money off us. So health insurance has been a struggle here for decades. Maine requires employers over a certain size offer health insurance to anyone working 32 hours per week or more, consequently, the vast majority ofjobs are 24 hours. Almost no one offers health insurance to part timers here. But I'm ok with that, dollars and cents wise I'm better off without than with right now, and am willing to take the gamble that I won't run into another catastrophic diagnosis in the next 3 to 4 years. I will ask about that, though, particularly if I run across a remote job that is home based in another state where the rules may be different.

    Chi--I only use 2 brand name prescriptions, both for asthma, and your comment reminds me to contact those pharmaceutical companies and see what I can find. It's surprising what programs the pharmaceutical companies have that they never advertise, you have to know to ask about them! OH, my, the Zoom rehearsal with the mirroring must be a real headache to adapt to!Can't wait to see the clips!

    Good Morning, again, Cammy Cat!

    Insurance Policy


    1½ ounces Angostura bitters

    ½ ounce Luxardo cherry syrup

    ½ ounce lemon juice


    2 ounces dry sparkling wine


    In a mixing glass, add the bitters, syrup and lemon juice. Add ice and stir. Strain into a flute and top with the sparkling wine. Serve.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Illi I like the way everyone asks u how ur doing but always asks what r u doing. Food an drink around here.

    Sandy good for you with ur weight. That ain't easy. I'm look forward to seeing ur posts for ur show.

    Where is Kim and Sadie???

    Jazzy I was thinking having this whole new career plan will really b goo for you. No more worries about time due, u won't have any of those stressful changes when ur on ur own. U'll just go into work like most and when u leave for the day, u'll. Let's face it this is all exciting,

    Going to lunch with my BIL and sister today. We're going to a nice restaurant <one that I would go with our GFs a while back> But I was looking at the menu wow the prices are recockulous. I would think the prices would be better do to the amount of people that are going right now or maybe that's why the prices are high. I couldn't eat much yesterday so I had a malt that I kept sipping on for a few hours and it tasted good. Oh now I know why they had a great buffett and that was priced nicely. It did look funny when we'd get in the line a few of us had walkers, oh that was a mess. Now I have to figure out what to wear. I have a few things that I ordered a couple of months go now they're to big. These sizes. are crazy a 12 can run big or small, depending on the store. The more expensive they are the better the sizing and I don't buy expensive. I went down 6 sizes and I look horrible instead of looking good. I have loads of hanging skin an wrinkly all over. I look so much older. If I were younger people would say Oh look great, now I hear wow u lost so much weight, then they tell Leslie I look so sick. And I feel like I look, oh well I'm still hangin' in there.

    Hope everyone has a goo day.


  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited October 2020

    Good Morning all! I have been kinda busy so have not popped in for a few days. Been working in the yard and doing a few social things. My DIL’s birthday is coming up soneed to think of gifts. Found a pretty sweater yesterday and will order some outdoor lights for her new patio. I also plan to paint an older strawberry pot as a “basement” find to continue my pandemic basement shopping. Then I should start thinking about Christmas!

    Sounds like everyone is really busy. Cami is even going out to eat! Good luck with the Zoom concert, Sandy. Do share the link as I am sure it will be entertaining. I am impressed with all your job prep, Jazzy! Enjoy your dinner. I do hope Goldie is having a great time camping. NM, your mama is an independent, stubborn woman. Hopefully once she gets familiar with her new home and some of the boxes out, she will stop falling.

    Today DH and I will walk, then I will start working on my pot painting. Did read that my Baylor football team will suspend playing as several players are positive for Covid-19. Not sure why people are so willing to risk their lives for a sport that might kill them.

    Take care and stay safe!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited October 2020

    Lori - my daughter is an Israeli citizen. She did a gap year program after high school and then became a citizen. It's her 5th year there. It is her home and she is also going to University. Cases are really bad in Israel, they are on lockdown. It is horrible. She doesn't think the border will open up before the end of the year.

    My son is 9 hour drive so its had to visit.

    NM - i agree with the Canada boarder. So far its closed till later this month, but i'm sure it will be extended.

    I best get busy for the day. Lots to do.

    Have a great week-end.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020

    Hi ladies- it's friday again, and just a few tidbits before I head to da pool for a noon swim.

    New Mexico's infection rates are jumping really high again after being really good from mid August through most of Sept. We were below 100 per day (whole state) and now ranging close to or over 400 a day. Governor did a state of the state yesterday and sounded the alarm bell and said she is worried we could become a hot spot again. A couple weeks ago, we heard through our collaboration that some of the native communities that got hit so hard had serious outbreaks and thought it might be coming to the whole state. No changes to the public health order yet, but I feel it's coming with the next update next week. I am going to rethink my get away to Taos in another weekend (supposed to go a week from today for a couple nights). I will decide by next Wed based on the numbers and what I think may be coming if I just cancel out on that. A friend told me at dinner last night that she had some friends up there recently and no one is wearing masks, restaurants are crowded, etc. Sigh......

    NM- we have the same issue here in NM with companies pulling out of the ACA market. We had four or five to start, but as we have a poorer and sicker (and aging) population too, and without enough young people in it, the insurance companies are loosing money. One of them who actually formed around all of this to support the NM community is calling it quits here end of the year. That will leave BSBC and Molina, plus supposedly 2 coming in that are new but not sure who they are. I wish they would at least drop the Medicare age to 60, it's been talked about.

    And yes, I am doing a better job going forward of keeping all my immunization info together. They gave me a sticker to put on my future badge around the flu shot (and brought the confirmation yesterday). I should be able to see all the result in my on line profile they have set up probably by next week. She said if I need an MMR, they will give me time to get it. She also suggested I am due for another pneumomia shot (had one in 2006) and going to ask the PCP about it on Monday during my annual check up.

    Chi- glad you got through your physical this past week. I am sorry you have not seen anything from your biopsy and wish they would at least tell they can't answer whether this is cancer or not. I guess you go forward and assume it is and think you said there is nothing more to be done at this point. I hope the scans go okay. Once they start with those MRIs and CT scans, they find lumps and bumps....

    Karen- I think I had heard Israel was not doing well. I hope she can stay safe as well as the rest of the young people. Hard to not be able to see everyone this year. Sending big hugs.

    Cami- well I hope you can enjoy the outing and not worry to much about what to wear. Comfort is key right now. We will want to know everything you drank and ate because well, it is what we do here.

    JCS- hope your day is going well today.

    MinusTwo- thanks for your PM and fun note about you know what.....

    Gotta run but will share more on my dinner last night and the whole bottle of wine I bought (but had corked and sealed to bring the rest home)

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2020

    Actually, it wasn't a physical but rather the semiannual MO (breast) visit I had yesterday. I get my lung CT on Tues. (the day after the "allergy challenge"). Already being "challenged" by ragweed, as I had to temporarily discontinue my Zyrtec & Patatday eyedrops until Mon. night. I could take Benadryl through Sun. morning, but don't like it because it's short-acting and makes me get up in the wee-wee hours to pee--and with difficulty. (Same with doxylamine). If I take it, I can't take Baclofen or Xanax lest the combo make me loopy enough to fall en route to the bathroom. The only way I use Benadryl is topically, on cat scratches or insect bites. My actual physical with my new PCP will be 11/14, first appt. I could get.

    I just signed up for Northwestern Univ.'s COVID-antibody self-test (finger-stick). NU has published a study showing that 20% of Chicagoans already have antibodies. Its test is much more sensitive than the venipuncture blood draws from commercial labs such as Innovative Express Care and Quest--Bob did the latter and to his dismay tested negative. The commercial tests showed only 5% antibody positivity. The NU dried-blood-spot test may tell me once and for all whether the cough I had all last Dec. was COVID (I had traveled on a full jumbo-jet from Europe a week earlier) or something else (likely pertussis, as my late PCP originally thought until I later told him about my travel history). I think Bob should also take the finger-stick test as well, because he's encountered more COVID+ patients (albeit while clad in full PPE) than have I (in fact, I can't think of a single COVID+ person I've encountered in person). But we were together on that flight, as well as in London in the days before. If I come up antibody+, I will still (of course) continue to mask up, social-distance, and hand-wash, to protect myself from (unlikely but possible) reinfection and protect others--not just from that virus but any colds or transmissible bacterial infections I might get.

    DOTD last night was that Aussie sparkler--it's finally starting to go flat. Tonight, whatever goes with whatever I'm eating. Though I have leftovers, I may still head to Cellars' patio for a light dinner because it's lovely and warm, perhaps the last such day till spring 2021. If so, cava will be the DOTD.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited October 2020

    Jazzy - did you know there is a newer pneumonia shot? I had the Pneumococcal vaccine when I was in the hospital for my BMX in 2011. Then in 2016 my PCP said I needed to get the Prevnar 13.

    I had the MMR blood test and am only immune for Red Measles - so I'm planning to get the MMP vaccine. Also there were no DPT shots when I was a kid. I've had tetanus boosters over the years when I stepped on rusty nails & such, but my PCP recommended I go ahead and get vaccine. In any case apparently the immunity only lasts for 10 years before you need a Td or Tdap booster.

    NM - Just double checking with the resident nurse to make sure this is correct.

    Just as an aside, of course Medicare does not pay for these shots. I've found the price varies widely - the most expensive being at my PCP's office. The second most expensive is WalMart.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2020

    I had DPT boosters throughout childhood and as an adult--but switched to TDaP when DPT was withdrawn from the market due to concerns about its preservatives (unlike most other vaccines, it requires thimerosal, which is mercury-based). TDaP is much less protective against pertussis than was DPT. As a kid, I had measles & chicken pox, but neither mumps nor rubella. At 27, I was vaccinated (separate shots) for both of the latter. Wondering if I should get a titer for MMR--will ask my new PCP at our first visit in mid-Nov.

    At 60 I began getting Pneumovax every 5 years; at 64, during my pre-lumpectomy physical, I got both my flu and Prevnar-13 shots, one per arm. (Pretty hard to lift my arms for nearly a day after). My Medicare supplement paid for my flu and second Pneumovax shots--as well as both my Shingrix doses. (For Zostavax, which I got at 55, I was reimbursed in full by Merck). My regular insurance paid for TDaP and Prevnar, as I was not yet Medicare-eligible. Not sure when or if they recommend a Prevnar booster, but I'm not due for a TDaP booster till 2024.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020

    MinusTwo- I think I did know that but it has not come up in annual physicals but it will be on Monday.

    I think I only had the "german measles" shot as a kid (the rubella part?) because in the 1960s, I remember it was a big deal with pregnant women getting infected and having babies with birth defects or stillborns. I expect I am going to probably need to get the MMR.

    Chi-sorry about that, it was your MO apt. I think getting an antibody test is a great idea. Let us know how that works and what you find out. I think masks may become the new normal after this in public places.

    The pool was good!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020

    Have I ever shared this before? Seen it once before. Karen Carpenter and Ella Fitzgerald. Although I never saw Ella live, The Carpenters were my first concert ever at age 11 in the 1970s.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited October 2020

    Hi all, I’m here, reading along mostly. I cut my right index finger pretty badly on a double sided razor blade that DH annoying discarded in a bathroom drawer instead of the trash, it didn’t require stitches luckily but did bleed a lot. So, I’ve taken a couple of days off from cleaning and packing. Not cooking much either since any pressure on the finger tip is painful but I did get a delicious takeout burger and onion rings. Both were excellent 😁


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited October 2020

    Jazzy - thanks. My daughter doesn't go anywhere!!! School is online, they order groceries. i got the German measles shot when I was 12 and my mother had to guarantee to some extent that I wasn't pregnant - now way. could I be since I hadn't started puberty yet. I had measles, mumps in elementary school and my chicken pox as an infant. I've had every shot for 60+ - Prevnar, shingles, pneumovax 3 years ago and next one in 3 years. I believe all my other shots are current as well.

    Sandy - if I remember correctly there is no Prevnar booster - its one shot for life - its the pneumonvax(sp) that is given every 5 or 6 years at least according to my hematologist.

    Cases are starting to increase in Canada so more restrictions.

    Uneventful 6 month check up with oncologist and Prolia shot. Continue with 6 month appointments.

    Off the computer for the week-end as its the last of the fall holidays.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2020

    My BFF is Canadian, rural Nova Scotia-born & raised. Though she's lived here almost 40 years, she never did apply for US citizenship. She holds a Canadian passport. Nevertheless, she can't cross the border to visit her ailing (heart condition) brother in Halifax--acc. to Canadian immigration authorities, siblings are not considered close enough relatives! (Only spouses, parents or children--no exceptions).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited October 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday, not.I thought I was on call next weekend, found out yesterday the schedule was changed and I'm on call THIS weekend. And already scheduled to work tomorrow ayem from 7 to noon. Now a night shift C.N.A. has called out, and if they can't find someone to cover, I'll have to go in at 11 peeyem. Which essentially means missing the train ride cuz I'll need to be trying to get some sleep or will be on and off the phone negotiating work time with people. Sigh. I hope there's another trip next weekend and I can still get a ticket.Today's trip is the extended, 2 hour ride, the rest are the regular 1 hour.OK, I just bought a ticket for the Hot Cider and Donuts ride next month, and will probably buy one for the Pizza and Whoopie Pie ride the week after, as long as the call schedule stays the same.

    I did run in to work for a few hours yesterday to make up for the time I spent working as a med nurse on Wednesday. Took Sadie with me, she had a grand time getting all kinds of attention. I thought I was taking her out around after lunch was over with, but the kitchen was running late and everyone had their lunch trays, many people had hot dogs, so guess what Sadie got lots of pieces of to eat!

    Cammy Cat--I wish I had your weight loss problems! I have this hilarious picture of a line up of little old ladies with their walkers trying to navigate a buffet line--you'll have to hire people to walk with you, carry your plate,and dish things up at your directions!

    Librarian--love the idea of pandemic Basement Shopping!Mom is very independent, and I can't wait for her to be done with clearing things out of the camp. If she falls there no one may find her for days, especially since she STILL has not replaced her phone!

    Karen--it must be hard to have your family so spread out. Hope you have a good weekend, too!

    Jazzy--If only they would drop the Medicare age to 60!Then I would qualify! I just don't see how they expected younger, healthier people who are not making tons and tons of money were ever going to afford health insurance even through the ACA. The monthly premiums are hundreds of dollars a month higher than most mortgages! I cringe at the idea of flu shot stickers for health care worker IDs. Talk about invasion of privacy! That leaves people open to questioning if they don't have a sticker, and not everyone with a health condition or allergy wants to have to explain that over and over again. But it is an effective way of shaming workers who are on the fence into getting it. I can remember a time when there was talk about testing all health care workers for HIV infection and making that info public back at the beginning of that outbreak, before we knew very much about how it was spread.

    Chi--there is so much info circulating around antibody testing, I wish I had more time to go over it in detail. If there is immunity after illness, that will be good news, especially if it is long lasting immunity. It would be good to know if you had COVID vs pertussis, then you'd know which one you could still catch and which you probably won't.

    Minus--The pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine protection wears off 30 or 40 years, it's been discovered. There have been a number of babies with pertussis who caught it from their grandparents and unvaccinated siblings. In 1959 the MMR regimen was changed from atwo shot to a one shot, now we've found that the protection rate is much lower than originally thought with the 1 shot. That's why health care workers born in 1959 or after have to show proof of immunity or proof of a second shot.

    Jazzy--oh, my, what a duet!

    Illi--OUCH! Nothing as painful as a finger cut. That burger and onion rings sure do look good!

    Chi--can you imagine if the US tried to institute such a stringent restriction? There'd be rioting in the streets!Oh, wait, there already is that. . . . .

    Border Crossing Recipe


    • 1 1/2 ounces tequila
    • 2 teaspoons lime juice
    • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
    • 5 ounces cola
    • Lime slice, to garnish


    1. Combine the tequila, lime juice and lemon juice in an ice-filled highball or Collins glass.
    2. Add the cola, and gently stir.
    3. Garnish with the lime slice, and serve.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020

    Good afternoon friends- another lovely fall day today. I am staying home for the most part, getting some summer clothing put away (most of which I never wore this year) and making sure my fall and winter wardrobe is more handy and ready to go. I am putting more things together for consignment and donations. Less is more, right? I am going to finish my garage cleaning this weekend too.

    Anyone watching The Vow documentary on HBO right now? If you are, I have a story for you......

    NM- well that is too bad you are on call and will miss your event this weekend. I hope you can get to the next one. You are a wealthy of info around this immunization stuff. And yes, kind of weird about the mark that you had the flu shot. Probably will do another one when the Covid vaccine comes out? I hope you can get some rest when you can and enjoy some of the last of the pretty fall up there. I noticed today my red oak is starting to change color (it goes the last and is really deep red by Thanksgiving).

    Ill- I am sorry about your injury, and hope that is all better soon. I am glad you had something good to eat this week. That burger and the onion rings look really good! I am a total foodie and love photos of tasty food.

    Cami- I think the career plan change will be a good thing. As NM said, ACA, the cost for some the market place plans can be as much as a house payment. I got rid of of the house payment close to a year ago, and now get to keep mo money with a guarunteed paycheck to plan around. I really just want to save more money for retirement at this point along with being sure I have health insurance. I have talked to others about FT jobs in the past few years but the fit wasn't there, but this one is. Two more weeks to my start date and getting ready.

    I am interested to hear about your lunch outing yesterday and if it all went okay?

    Chi- that is sad about your friend not being able to visit her family in Canada. I have a cousin who lives in the EU who really wants to come visit a friend who is in poor health in the states and she does not want to get stuck here.

    Karen- thinking of you enjoying the last of your fall break.

    I went to dinner with a former client the other night and had a delicous meal, including roast duck in a cherry zinfandel sauces. One of their signature dishes for this restaurant and had not had it in awhile, but so yummy. I ended up buying a full bottle of Kermit Lynch Cote due Rhone and had her cork and seal it to take the rest home. I forget that is an option sometimes instead of buying an expensive by the glass option, or not having the option for a glass or two of something on the wine menu. I am enjoying the rest of the bottle this weekend (one glass last night and one will happen tonight). I am into the reds now as we head in to fall.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2020

    Had a great time at our son's BFF's movie's theatrical premiere (a one-off, though). Old-fashioned theater, with a bar adjacent. Seats >300, but only 10 in attendance, all masked, of course. We had the bar to ourselves afterward, too. Lifted our masks only for each sip. So my first DOTD was a cocktail of champagne & St. Germain. (I have both at home, but never thought to combine them--I've only put the SG into seltzer). We went out to Cellars with our BFFs (whom we hadn't seen in person since January)--we couldn't take Leslie & Gordy, because they wanted to hang with his BFF, whom they hadn't seen since before Christmas (he came in from L.A. in March to help with his dad & their dogs, and doesn't want to go back because Chicago's still safer--though IL's positivity rate hit 4.2% today, same as the city's). That would have required a table for 7, but city regs limit parties to 6.

    At Cellars we sat indoors--they're allowed to serve at 40% capacity, and they were barely at 30%, still better than they've done since being allowed to serve indoors at 25%. It was just too chilly to sit outside last night. Indoor tables were 12 ft. apart, and we all wore masks between bites & sips. I had a Havenscourt Cabernet Sauvignon (Napa, 2016) with my steak.

    This morning we went to brunch there, sitting outdoors since it had warmed back up again--quite comfy in long sleeves & light jackets. With quiche, a flute of cava. Much as I'd like to indulge tonight along with my leftovers, I need to dial it back--so just water.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited October 2020

    Jazz - no fall break - the end of my religious holidays!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020

    whoops Karen, I need to read more carefully ❤️

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited October 2020

    Busy, busy Monday. Meeting 8-10, 11-1 and students 1-3 and meeting 3-4.. Going for run at 6:30 then get ready for work. Will take a walk between 10 and 11, my only break during the day. I don't think T,W, are quite as bad and Thursday is open to catch up on paper work etc. Need time to get ready for the training I'm doing in 2 weeks.

    low 70s for today - yesterday a front came in and was windy, windy, windy!!! Air quality is now only Yellow.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020

    Good morning ladies- the week begins and I am off to the PCP first thing this morning. Funny, I went swimming yesterday and ran in to her at the pool. We both sort of laughed and said "you know I am coming to see you tomorrrow morning." She said she knew as she had been reviewing apts and charts right before she went to prepare for her Monday. Regular annual check up and fasting this morning to have them do the blood draw there. I miss coffee!

    I am going to be deciding on Wed if I go to Taos for the weekend. Cases came down yesterday but watching the trends. Will ping you before I go or maybe from up there.

    Have a good week friends and stay safe!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    Whatever Bye GIF - Whatever Bye NeedCoffee GIFs

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    WOW I can't keep up, so please bare with me with what I member. Shots come to mind for the most part. My Dr. really hates giving me shots. The last few yrs. I ened up in the hospital getting so sick from them so I don't know what will happen. But all of u have really gotten everything set up pretty well. U all keep great records.

    Another thing is whoever needs to organize their work time is doing a great job. Ur ready for anything. OK KIM u get things thrown at u and u know how I feel about that but I'll take a lock.

    I hope Lori is doing well, she tends to push herself as we all know.

    Now Karen I didn't know ur son was that far from you either.

    JC ur always planning fun stuff besides fixing things up. Ur a busy lady.

    OH my lunch out. If they did a remake of any three stooges this would be one. Suffice it to say, the food was meh, the bathroom trips were many <remember walker and canes> my BIL backed up <his car> and knocked a big potted plant down. My BIL ordered a piece of Banana cream pie and asked if there were bananas in it, cuz last time it was just pudding and he likes bananas. Oh he got it, all bananas an no pudding. And he ordered my sister and me not to fall at least 5 times cuz he no longer can pick us up, so I told him he was ruining everything cuz that's what we planned. well all in all we did decide never to do that again. But the seating was great no one was near us, Thank God for them. But the owner did come up to us and told me I looked beautiful and I assured him it was the mask that made it so. <I had a cute one on> Hey 75 and crippled is not a good picture. But it did bring back some fun memories for my sister and me, a man hitting on her for our whole dinner with my GF;S and the time a man bought all of our dinners cuz he thought I was so beautiful. I was sure even then he had cataracts <yrs ago of course> but we all excepted it. OK my day out, see Kim I went but that's it, no more, not for a long time.

    Hope everyone feels well.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2020

    I am on pins & needles--unbeknownst to us, we got exposed to COVID on Saturday when we went to a private-event, socially-distanced movie premiere and the host/director (and his dad, our retinologist) didn't bother to tell us they'd been tested on Friday (due to an incident in his dad's office) and were awaiting results. We found out only last night when he group-texted us. (Obviously, he didn't tell us because this was the only date the theater had available and he was afraid nobody would attend--turned out we older adults were the last people he invited, only this past week, because those he'd originally invited had declined).

    The 300-seat theater had only 10 people attending, widely scattered. But he plopped himself down next to my son Gordy, eating popcorn until the flick was half over--and only then put his mask back on. (Parties were instructed to leave at least a row and 4 seats open on either side--but he considered himself part of Gordy's & Leslie's "party" even though he hadn't seen them since January). The rest of us all were masked and tried to socially-distance in the adjacent lounge afterward--but he came over to answer questions we had about the making of the movie. We went out to dinner (indoors at Cellars) with only our two BFFs, whom we hadn't seen since March and who'd left their house only for walks, doctors' appointments and grocery shopping. Gordy & Leslie couldn't join us for dinner, because instead of going back to Oak Lawn with his dad, John insisted on going back to their place (socially-distanced but maskless for 1/2 hr) and then taking them downtown (all masked, in an Uber) to dinner, and our party size would have exceeded the city's 6-per-table limit. The restaurant he chose, Morton's Steakhouse, had only recently reopened and it was their waitstaff's first weekend back to work. And it was Leslie & Gordy's first indoor restaurant meal since March. They're getting tested tomorrow. I am awaiting a call back from my oncologist to find out when to reschedule my chest CT (3-mo. followup for a tiny lung nodule) and whether NShore will test me even though I have no symptoms.

    We went to brunch outdoors at Cellars yesterday but followed the same mask protocols as indoors.

    Bob's medical partner is the kid's dad's girlfriend--so she & Bob will have to get tested too. They're both going in to work today--Bob is a bit more philosophical & cavalier, because we were wearing KN95 masks and pulled them down only for each sip or bite. And he has examined COVID patients--including one or two who refused to mask--while he was masked, and hasn't gotten infected all this time...till perhaps now.

    Obviously, this week's wine dinner is a no-go: they're sold out so they won't have a problem filling our seats. We postponed to next week, but my allergist says to quarantine for 2 weeks (till the 24th), regardless of symptoms or test results.

    Gordy was our miracle baby: miscarriages before & after, and he had his own challenges over the years. I always had a sense of foreboding we might lose him, and now I am terrified for him. (He has asthma and his girlfriend is obese, so they have risk factors too),

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited October 2020

    ChiSandy, I’m sorry for your worry. It’s so disappointing when people put others at risk, even just potentially, for selfish reasons. Sending you all my best good vibes


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020

    ChiSandy- wow, how do you feel that you were invited and told after they were waiting on results? I would be pissed. Are you and Bob getting tested? I am so sorry you got exposed. Sigh.

    Cami- sounds like it was not an easy outing, but you got some nice compliments. I bet you were beautiful.

    Got a pneumovax today at my physical. Got my panel back from the blood titer test. Looks like the only thing that I am unprotected from is measles (mumps and rubella okay). No TB. Are you sick of hearing about my immunications, I am!

    Tomorrow I go for the Prolia shot. Will do one more and then may move to an endocrinologist again for longer term bone health needs.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2020

    I (as well as Gordy & Leslie) will be tested at a drive-up clinic on Thursday--N.Shore won't test w/o symptoms (and they didn't believe my seasonal allergies are "symptoms). They said that any negative test before day 5 would likely be false-negative. I had no more than 5-10 min. w/in 6-10 ft. of the "vector," and I was masked the whole time, but he wasn't. So I probably did not get infected. Gordy & Leslie, though, almost certainly have because of longer contact.

    My DOTD last night was--I am ashamed to admit--a chocolate egg cream (washing down chips and 4 GirlScout Thin Mints cookies). If ever there were a time for comfort food, that was it. "Dessert" was a 1mg. Xanax. Went to bed at 3am. Slept like a rock, and my dreams didn't include COVID. Today, black coffee, ice water after my boiled egg breakfast.

    Our housekeeper came in--masked. As long as anyone but Bob is in the house with me, I'm masked too. Postponed all my upcoming appointments. (Cats very confused as to why my HK & I have these strange things on our faces). I am quarantined till the 24th.

    Thanks for everyone's good wishes. Had two Zoom rehearsals for the Bar Show musical numbers I'm in. There are two videos already released, with a third this Friday. The first one I'm in (which I'm recording tomorrow & Wed.), will be online a week from Friday. Go to the BarShow FB page for links to the videos: The 2020 Chicago Bar Show: "A Change of Venue"

    It's FREE to watch! We're not even putting a "donate" link on the page. We're self-costuming--and all the tech involved is volunteer.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2020

    Bob & his medical partner will be tested in a nearby SW suburb on or after Thursday. And Jazzy, "pissed" doesn't begin to describe what we--and especially Gordy--are feeling right now. I will have to have my housekeeper drop off my ballot for me starting Wed.--unless I want to wait till the 24th to go to the early-voting dropbox. Until then, I'm stuck inside my house or my backyard deck (except for getting tested).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited October 2020

    Good Moning, Loungettes!Happy whatever day this is. I think it's Tuesday? Argh.What a weekend. I was so looking forward to the foliage train ride. Instead I ended up working from 3 ayem to noon on Sunday, then back in at 10:30 peeyem to work overnight to 7 ayem Monday. Came home and spent all day trying to get to sleep only to keep waking up and thinking I heard people hollering at me or that someone had fallen down, or Sadie barking at me to let her out or let her in. I finally really fell asleep somewhere in the evening and slept hard until this ayem's alarm. So I'm up and moving, and not feeling too tired, still pretty stiff and sore from all the lugging and tugging and walking Sunday into Monday. The work itself wouldn't be so bad, but one of the nurses I was working with is an energy vampire, a real Negative Nellie, who tries to micromanage my work while complaining about how much she has to do and no time to do it. But she always has plenty of time to track me down and yammer at me, or call me and tell me to do extra stuff to help her out. Something needs to happen with this staffing crisis very, very soon. I can't keep going like this. I'll be working almost 40 hours this week with the weekend work and my own work and I'm still not sure I will be able to catch up on my own work.

    Sadie has been very loving this weekend, and has worked hard to keep my feet warm and me calm. Good thing I've got her to look out for me!

    My mother STILL has not gotten a new phone. Now I have to go check on her again after work. I love her but I'm running out of patience with her and her phone drama.

    Does it sound like I need a vacation?My cousin in Las Vegas is flying me and another cousin out there after the holidays for a vacay/mini family get together. I can't wait!

    Jazzy--I will not miss the next ride, I've bought the ticket and will not work. It shouldn't be my weekend to be on call, and I will simply not be available. This is getting crazy, and the board of directors either needs to approve funding for a couple of traveling nurses or find some other immediate fix, or decide to shut down. The Director of Nursing, Assistant Director of Nursing, and I can't keep every weekend's staffing afloat indefinitely. Oh, my, I just realized how negative I am sounding now. Time to shut up about staffing!Red oaks are beautiful in the fall, they are one of my favs, right up there with the vivid yellows of the birch trees against the deep blue fall sky. The dinner and wine sound lovely!

    Chi--Wow, you had a great weekend!Good for you!

    Morning, Karen!

    Cammy Cat--I can relate to that kitty, I'm drinking my first cup of coffee since Saturday ayem! The coffee machine at work wasn't working this weekend, ugh.Any chance I can get you to talk to the Administrator and Board of Directors at work? Maybe YOU can make them see that changes are needed? Or at least make them feel really, really badly about the situation? Oh my goodness, what a lunch out you had! Sounds like you had a lot of fun, and that's the thing. And to still be getting hit on, not too shabby! LOL at the banana cream pie, too funny!

    Chi--oh dear, what an ending to what seemed to be a very nice weekend! So irresponsible of him to take off his mask during the movie and after, he really could have made that small effort to protect everyone else while waiting for test results if he wasn't going to quarantine like he should have. Praying you and Bob stay negative.

    Morning, Illi!

    Jazzy--tis the season for talking about immunizations!

    Chi--things sound good for you. Praying for Gordy and Leslie to stay negative, too. Can't wait to see the videos!


    Coffee with your favorite alcohol added!For me, that's a shot of Kalua.Repeated several times.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    Funny Good Morning Meme - Cute And Beautiful Pictures For Him & Her