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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Sandy I don't blame u at all, maybe more about Gordy than u. But think of it this way....I'm sure we have all been exposed never knowing and somehow nothing has happened. Well Bob especially and even tho he comes in the house and removes everything and showers there still might be something going on and u've all been doing fine all these months. Ur inability to already catch it is a good sign, for Gordy too. We leave our homes and it's all around we don't even know where. Altho the man who sat next to all of you was not being fair and he should know better by now. And especially keeping himself covered. How concerned is Bob about all this??? He would be ur expert and he's been exposed more than any of us. There's nothing u can do but wait, but wait with the sense of it's flooky and ur chances are more positive than negative. Give ur concern anytime we are all here.

    Jazzy u remind me of so many things all the time, so don't stop.

    Kim I'm sorry this has been so hard on you. U are always just to kind an caring u have a very hard time in saying no to anyone <u must be quite a date> I just worry u will get urself sik cuz u tend to overdo and just won;t say no, it's funny cuz I wanted to call right away on ur behalf but I know I can't, u know I would too. Do what u can and use any excuse why u can do no more. And ur mom STILL doesn't have a phone??? Not a good idea, what's taking her so long.That should have been on the top of the list of to do's. U have a lot of things going on now, so take some steps back for u and Sadie.

    Jeez I started this a while ago and then fell asleep in the middle. Wait u don't know this tho. LOL. OK now I put on my tapes of the goofy realities shows I watch and have a good laugh.

    Have a good day.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020

    Good morning/afternoon- through a couple medical apts with shots in both arms the past couple days. My visit with the PCP yesterday went fine, will wait on the bloodwork for anything there. That Prevnar shot for pneumonia really made my arm hurt last night. Woke up a couple times in my sleep when I rolled over on it. Better this morning.

    Today was my visit to the cancer center for my 6 month Prolia shot. Ran into a friend who has had a blood cancer for a long time and we know of each other's cancer stories (have the same MO). I have not talked to him in about a year, but it sounds like his cancer is not in a good place (he has been receiving treatment off and on since 1989). Talk about living with cancer. Anyways, I am going to follow up with him to see what is going on. I am preparing for the usual aches that come with the Prolia shot a day or two after.

    Chi- well, I guess you all have learned something about that person who chose to not share he was waiting on test results. Once someone shows me who they are, I believe it. My time on Facebook has shown me who all the anti-vaxers are, those that won't wear masks, or follow other recommendations and those that clearly don't follow or believe in science. My list of people I want to be around has changed. As the meme on social media says "I want some of you to socially distance from me forever." Hope everyone in the family makes it through this without a problem. It's one thing to not know, but to be in that possibility place or confirmed and make that choice is JUST NOT COOL.

    Cami- are you able to get out and see the foliage in your area? What is Joey's fav class this year? Love your kitten pics.

    NM- I think your job has changed things to be totally beneficial to them, but it does not meet your needs now. I went through something similar with my last FT job I left in 2007, where the company was doing expansion into TX and I ended up being put on the road endless to work on projects over there. My life was not structured to be a 100% on the road person and just home on the weekends. I had to hire someone out of my own pocket to keep tabs on my home when I was away during the week and about the time I was ready to look for something else, they let our entire group go so I stayed on a bit to finish something and used my "goodbye money" to start my business. I hear that you have an erratic schedule, are missing your personal commitments, and more. I am sure they are short staffed and know these are tough times for the healthcare industry but this may not change. Sorry you missed the train foliage tour. We are hear to listen and support you sister.

    I need to get some calls done but decided today to cancel my trip to Taos. In thinking it through a bit more, I decided there is not going to be enough to enjoy there right now plus the state has a spike and just feel like it's not best to spend days up there. Instead, I am going to plan to go to another closer area to soak in the hot spring for a few hours this weekend (and the foliage should be peak) and maybe catch another trip to Santa Fe later next week. Safety first!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2020

    Bob is less worried for us than for Gordy & Leslie. Gordy's temp has been running in the 99s--even when first waking up. He reports feeling "meh," but like me, has seasonal allergies; so it may be hard to tell what's viral vs. what's pollen & mold. (Now that I'm back on antihistamines due to postponing my antibiotic allergy-challenge, I'm feeling a bit better). Bob & I have been out of the house a lot more than have the kids--they work from home and Leslie does the shopping and takeout pickup because she drives and Gordy doesn't. He Ubers over here every other Monday (his day off), but of course not yesterday. Saturday was their & our first indoor social activity since early March--and their first time dining indoors at a bar or restaurant. (Our first time inside a bar, and only the third time dining indoors at Cellars, and only Cellars). I'm quarantining (except for going for my Thurs. COVID test) until I'm told otherwise. Bob isn't--he's had longer and closer exposures before, and thus far his (remaining) office staff is still coming in despite Nenita also having been exposed. Both he & Nenita wear masks except at home. (But I wear mine when my housekeeper is here, and keep one by the door to put on when accepting deliveries or picking up mail from the porch). Bob & I used to mask in our cars when riding together, but realized that since we share a bed that's kind of silly. But when carrying any other passengers, nobody gets inside w/o a mask.

    Haven't felt like drinking any alcohol lately--I can still smell & taste just fine, but I don't need the extra calories...or the potential GERD or premature awakening from sleep. Speaking of calories, my weigh-in next Thurs. has been converted to virtual (as it was in June), and I promise to be honest about reporting my weight & waist measurement. So I need to keep the carbs to a minimum--but lately it's so hard to fight the cravings before bedtime. I've gained 2 lbs. and I don't want to gain any more.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2020

    Hello DahhhhLinks!!

    Just got home f/St gGeo. Got my chemo and bone shot. I really like this place in St Geo. Never too busy n I get lots of attn.

    Cami - thot of you a few days ago (it was Sunday)....Anyway, I didn't make it home in time to get to le'toilet, what a mess I made. Hubs did the clean up, and started the washing mach. I was totally embarassed but I had no way to stop it once it started flowing out of me. Guess I need some muscle exercises.

    Anyway....been thinking about all of you, read a little but cudn't do too much as I am very tired. NAP time.

    Lubslbslubslubs to allHeart

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    80 Good Morning Memes To Kickstart Your Day |

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    Mornin' ladies,

    Jazzy I have to say I'm was hoping u wouldn't go this weekend but really didn't want to say anything, but inside I'm glad ur not going. Things are peaking all over the place even tho it got better. Joey seems to like math and science <well those are what he tutors> but I know he reallu likes social science and literature too. He really just enjoys a lot of school and I really enjoy the conversations we have about all of it. I'm the one asking now and he explains so well. I feel like I'm being schoole again, but this time I'm listening. But I can not in any way talk about triginonitry an callculus those are way out of my league or capacity in my brain.

    SusyQ glad u thought of me thank u very much at such an urgent time. Most people do. Just hope ur feeling better and when ur tired just completely give in and rest.

    Sandy like I aid I don't blame you, but the days will pass and praying nothing will come of it. It always seems like it's getting better then and people tend to loosen up the reigns and personally I don't think that's the way to do it, but IDK it seems we should stay vigilant longer and maybe it peaks won't be so often. and finally we' all have a hold of it, but patience is not an easy thing for most and in this mess it's got to be important for all of us.

    U all must have red about Lori, I was just sick. Can't even imagine all the pain that he's going thru and poor Lori driving so much alone. Maybe he's home <I hope> by now or soon but sounds like to many fractured an broken things to go anywhere. Going on vacay and such a terrible accident to happen is so horrible, what can u do. I hope we all hear from her soon to explain everything to us and give us an update, it's to short on FB. Bless her heart so many things to digest in a short time.

    Hope everyone has a good day.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020

    Good morning ladies- welcome to wonky Wednesday. Today I am going to be at home working on business closure things, house things, etc. I opted out of swimming last night as my Prevnair shot arm was still store and I wanted to give my body a break with all the shot stuff right now. Got some good rest last night and ready to rule the day.

    Cami- when I made the plans weeks ago to go to Taos, I told myself I would check the numbers a few days before as to whether I would stay or go in order to cancel my hotel in time. If you make plans for anything in this pandemic, you have to be prepared for those to change. As you know, most hotels have a certain number of days or hours to cancel without penalty. Interestingly enough, late yesterday the Gov shared she is rolling back some things. More quaruntining rules and they are reducing hours for indoor dining, group gatherings (down from 10 to 5) and hotels have to reduce now occupancy too. I saw it coming, but was not sure we would hear until Thursday. I am looking forward to my road trip on Sat instead to the hot springs where I will enjoy some soaking, foliage and fresh air. There is always a Plan B.......

    Mema- I am glad you found a new place that works for you. Did you go to St. George UT from where you live for care?

    Hope everyone has a good day and fingers crossed for ChiSandy and family and wishing better days Lori too.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited October 2020

    Cami - I don't do Facebook so I didn't see about Lori. Sounds like they had a car accident? Any details you can share would be appreciated. In the mean time - Lori - keeping you in my thoughts.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited October 2020

    Ditto what Minus said!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2020

    I'm on FB but not connected to/following Lori--what happened? Bad enough she's been struggling with pain and rising TMs, and now a car crash? I forgot where I read it, but 2020 seems to be like looking both ways as you wait for ages to cross the street, and then when the traffic stops and you step off the curb, an airplane falls on you.

    Jazzy, Chicago just added NM (as well as NC, IN and RI) to its "fecal scroll:" anyone coming into the city who's spent more than a few hours in those states has to quarantine 14 days before they can go out in public. Every state bordering IL is now on that list. The state's positivity rate rose a full percentage point this week to 4.6%, with the city at 4.4%. Every one of IL's 11 coronavirus "regions" is seeing an increase in cases.

    Last night's DOTD with rotisserie chicken was that Aussie Barbera I Coravined last week.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited October 2020

    The numbers are on the rise in Denver and I think Colorado as a whole - some places worse than others. Our middle and high school students were supposed to return hybrid on the 21t - it's now not before Nov 9th.

    I am fb friends with Lori - what a horrible accident for her DH. Thank G-d it wasn't worse. She's driving 2 hours/from the hospital. He's out of the ICU and in regular room. He was riding the 4 wheeler with a friend.

    Sandy what is your fb name if you don't mind sharing. If not, I understand.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited October 2020

    Oh no! This is terrible news about Lori’s DH. Hopefully he will continue to recover and come home soon. This year really sucks

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    Top 30 Afternoon Cat GIFs | Find the best GIF on Gfycat

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    Hi Ladies,

    Just poopin in.

    Lori's DH went riding their quads up in the area they were camping, well somehow his back wheel went into a deep area and flipped everything over, his friend couln't lift it off <way to heavy> a nurse happened bt and a few people 2 EMT took 4 men to get it off, finally the amb. came and he ended up with like 15 factures, stitches in his head and staying in ICU for 2 days. Lori goes to the hospital everyday and it's a 2 hr. ride each way Considering what happened Lori said it's all a mess but it's better than it could have been. What a trip. Just wanted to let u all know.


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited October 2020

    Thanks for the update Cami. Lori - holding you and your DH in my thoughts.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited October 2020

    Thinking of you Lori Heart

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited October 2020

    Lori, thinking of you and your DH. May you be safe and your DH heal auickly.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020

    Lori- thinking of you and sending loving and prayers to DH for healing and to surround you with love and protection during all this Heart

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2020

    Lori, prayers for healing, patience and comfort.

    I'm on FB as Sandy Andina, Sandy Andina Music, and Andina & Rich

    Cami, that meme reminds me of the old SNL recurring sketch "Toonces the Driving Cat."

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    Mornin ladies, I screwe my puter up and can't get to any other tabs for now so here I am, no memes or anything. An Sandy ur right that reminded me of SNL too.

    I gave u the shortened version of what happened with Lori and her DH, it sounds terrible 12 broken ribs. which we all know is shear pain with nothing anyone ca n do about it. plus more fractures in his body and stitches in his head. Those quads are like 800 lbs, thrown on top of him and sitting on him til they could get enough men to get it off him. I am thankful Lori wasn't on it tho, OMG it was a disaster to begin with let alone if Lori was part of it. Sending prayers to both of them during this time. She's so far away and there's nothing we can do but keep them close in our hearts. I hope we hear from her soon, just to keep us in on. <<<HUGS>>> everything. She has to be exhausted mentally and physically.

    I have to try to fix my puter, don't have a clue how but Joey doesn't get up for a while.


  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited October 2020

    Good morning all! Up earlier than usual as I will be getting the quarterly CT scan this am. Not too much scan anxiety, but still a bit nervous. A woman I met early on in this process has passed away. She was diagnosed with breast cancer 30 years ago. It was treated and she was fine for years. Lately, it had come back and she was doing chemo again. She was so kind to me explaining the chemo and surgery choices, as well as how to look good while feeling crappy. She was a truly lovely woman.

    I hope Lori and her DH are doing better today. Sandy, I do hope you do not have to wait long before you know the test results. I am hoping for a relaxing weekend and good test results.

    Take care.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited October 2020

    Ok looks like Wednesdays post didn't post. So here it is a little late.

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! I feel better about work now that I got so much done yesterday. I had to tell the DON that I needed to work on education stuff and not be cleaning out medication and treatment carts and doing other tidying-up "getting survey ready" stuff. She was a little miffed but she got over it. Remember the foliage train ride I couldn't go on last Saturday? I scheduled another train ride--hot cider and donuts ride--on Nov 7th. Today a new on call schedule came out and guess who was on call on the 7th? Yup, me. So I sent out a notice that I had a prior commitment and need coverage, and the DON swapped weekends with me so I can go and am not working 2 weekends in a row.

    Mother still does not have a working phone. Apparently she bought one but can't get it set up. So she wants me to make phone calls for her to coordinate moving some of her stuff into storage. I told her no, I won't try to do that, she needs to have a working phone. If the cell phone won't work she needs to get a landline. I'm sure she'll be mad at me now, but that's ok.

    Sadie says Woof to everyone!

    A mystery has been solved--on one of my trips into or out of work this weekend I saw a very long line of people waiting to get into a place where there hasn't been a store or anything for a while, and wondered what was going on. Just saw on TV that line of people, they were waiting to get into a recreational marijuana shop! They were finally allowed to open this last weekend.

    Cammy Cat--Yup, Mom needs to prioritize getting a phone. I told her so in the email answer to her email asking me to make a bunch of phone calls for her. At least she has internet now and we can communicate by email. I've told her to email me and a few other people every day until she gets a phone so we know she is alive.

    Jazzy--I really am beginning to think the staffing crisis will never be better, and have started looking around for other work. I know if I leave this job I will feel like I am abandoning the residents, but I simply will not continue to give them nearly full time hours for next to no benefits. On call should go back to every 4th weekend in December, but I'm not sure that is going to be soon enough to make a difference. When I saw the On Call scheduled had been changed again and it looked like I was going to miss the cider and donuts ride, I was really ready to give my notice right then and there. Sorry about your trip to Taos, but it is better to be safe than sorry, especially when getting ready to start a new job. At least you have an alternative.

    Chi--you might want to look into legal action against the guy that was unmasked and near you while waiting for his COVID test results. CDC and most state instructions are to isolate (not quarantine, full isolation) while waiting for test results. The assumption is always that the person being tested is positive until a negative test result is received. He was willfully and deliberately endangering other people, in some states that is criminally punishable. LOL at the masks in the car but not in bed, that is so true!

    Mema!!!good you've found a place where you feel comfortable and get lots of attention. Everyone deserves lots of attention. I can relate to the no way to stop the flowing out once it starts, I'm afraid of that happening every time I sneeze or cough!

    Crisis Cocktail



    Apricot Brandy









    Ginger Ale





    Pour ingredients over ice in order given and don't stir. Enjoy!

    From <>

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited October 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Sorry for not posting yesterday, had a go-round with the computer, wound up spending much of the day uninstalling and reinstalling office to get things working again. The process was slower than it needed to be since Sadie was needing lots of ear scratches and belly rubs. I think she was doing that to keep me from getting frustrated. She takes such good care of me.

    I did get a call from work yesterday peeyem. A police officer showed up looking for me, he had my driver's license and bank card from the wallet I lost a month or so ago. They found them on a person they had arrested. How they knew where I worked is something I wonder. They had my address on my license, of course, but my license doesn't say where I work. I had cancelled that bank card that same day, and have since gotten a replacement license, but I was wondering what was being done with the license. Nice to have it back. The Administrator has locked them up in my office for me.

    Cammy Cat--We are all praying for Lori and her family! So scary!

    Jazzy--it sounds like you are getting pretty good at predicting what will happen with the COVID restrictions in your area. Good skill to have!

    The COVID numbers seem to be going up all over the country again. I wonder if we are seeing the start of the second wave?

    Prayers for Lori and her DH!

    Librarian--condolences on the loss of your friend. So hard when that happens. Glad your scanxiety isn't too bad.

    The Midnight Prayer


    • 1 1/2 Ounce G'Vine Floraison Gin
    • 3/4 Ounces St. Germain
    • 1 Teaspoon Crème de violette
    • 1 dash Regans' Orange Bitters No. 6


    Add all the ingredients to a mixing glass and fill with ice. Stir for 30 seconds and strain into a chilled small cocktail glass. Garnish with a broad slice of lemon peel.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    kitty cat LOL funny cute quote text quotes funny gif cats kitten fun funny gifs cat gif kittens HAHAHA texts kitten gif heartsandmagic •It's working now.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited October 2020

    Got brave today and went for a hair cut - after almost 9 months, it was starting to look straggly - got 3 inches cut off and it looks so much better. It's still longer than I had been keeping it, but I like the extra length. I was the first one in the place, then 2 other older ladies showed up - one was taken right away and the other was sitting on the other side of the room. I felt fairly safe - but don't plan on another haircut for several months!!!

    Starting to get medicare stuff in the's all so pcp only takes 5 different plus plans - one of them, I've been thinking of going with, but I have to take out Part B when I turn 65 - so need to look into another couple plans. DH plans to retire in 14 months so thinking I might as well just sign up for everything in May, rather than do it in bits and pieces. His plan is quite good though. The one through my teachers retirement is very good too, except for having to pay for Part B for several months before I need it. DH just signed up for part A based on recommendations from is HR and SS.

    Weather is getting cooler - but nice - mornings I need to bundle up for my 6:30 run and bundle up for after dinner walks. During the day its okay.

    Off to run errands and go to the grocery store.

    Lori - thinking about you and your DH.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited October 2020

    Jazzy - hope you were able to pull yourself out of the hot tube in time for the virtual jazz concert. BELL clear tones. I clapped at the end of every number. Probably classified as hard core, esoteric jazz. I miss smoky jazz clubs. But then again there are probably no more smoky clubs anywhere & and quit smoking in 2007. I'm fortunate that my son made sure my computer has a great set of speakers - including a heavy duty woofer.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020

    MinusTwo - I did and it was fantastic. Thank you for that link. I was listening to it while I was making a pasta dinner tonight. Music inspired my cooking ❤️

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020

    I just checked Lori's page. No updates since her last entry four days ago 🙏

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited October 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Nothing much to report here, had a lovely morning on the deck reading and relaxing before the rain set in. Now it's raining steadily. Mom wants me to come help move some stuff today, I am going to go see her but I'm going to get her phone working first. Maybe tomorrow we'll move stuff when it's not raining like a sun of a gun all day. Unless she has something else in mind, she did just say come help, she didn't say exactly what with. We'll see. Picked up the Farm Drop order from a new location, much closer to home. And they have a food truck--wood fired pizza oven! I had ordered a frozen goat cheese pizza, and ordered a hot Margarita pizza made with goat cheese instead of mozzarella and basil fresh out of their garden, literally, the guy ran out and picked a handful when I put in my order! Sadie was not pleased that I didn't take her with me on that ride, so she got into the order later and ate all the cherry cheese danishes I had bought. That will teach me to put the food away as soon as I get home with it!

    Morning, Cammy Cat!

    Karen--I bet getting the hair cut was a wonderful feeling. Why does all this insurance stuff have to be so complicated?

    Minus--glad you enjoyed your show!

    Morning, Jazzy!

    Praying for Lori and her DH.

    Clear As Rain

    How to make:

    STIR all ingredients with ice and strain into chilled glass.

    1/2 fl oz

    Patrón Silver blanco tequila

    1/2 fl oz

    Mentzendorff Kummel Liqueur

    2 fl oz

    Birch water

    1/6 fl oz

    Dutch White Crème de Cacao

    From <>