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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2020

    Leslie got her negative test result this morning! Since that particular clinic sends out automated calls, followed by patient-portal entries, it does so in alphabetical order for every given day's "batch." Her surname is in the middle of the alphabet, which was why Gordy got his results yesterday morning but she didn't get hers till after midnight. So DOTD was more of that 2012 (late-disgorged) La Spinetta "Contratto" no-dosage (i.e., super-brut) bubbly. Last night was Bob's birthday but he didn't get home till midnight (ate at the office--his partner made Filipino food for everyone, and sent some home with him). So tonight will be his birthday steak dinner--and the DOTD will be a bottle of "The Prisoner" 2018 Napa Meritage. (He requested we open, not Coravin, it).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020

    Hi ladies- just read Lori's husband i s back in the hospital on FB. Our girl is still in a tough place Heart

    Chi-that is so good to hear. Whew.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    Hi just me,

    Jazzy I was just on FB and saw Lori's post. This sounds terrible an I don't mean it to but I think it's best he's in the hospital and Lori can't go. Taking care of him now is a huge job. He needs constant care just looking at him hurts, maybe by the time he goes home he'll be easier for Lori to care for. Lori I hope ur OK with this cuz u need to also take care of urself cuz that's just as important.

    Love and prayers


  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited October 2020

    Sandy, all negative is good, no it is great, news.

    Goldie/Lori, sorry to hear your DH is back in the hospital. That said, as a retired nurse, the pictures and his typical unwillingness to do what he needed to do (but who listens to the wife?) had me very concerned about his needs being able to be met at home. I fully agreed with NMs advice but was/am very concerned about one person being able to do all that is needed 24/7. Please take care of yourself while others are taking care of him. (I know that is easier to say than to do!). Prayers for both of you.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited October 2020

    Goldie - agree - what man listens to his wife??? So sorry but I think your DH is better off in the hospital for now. Where is he? Flagstaff? Glad that you have the home health care background, but please do let me know if you want me to activate my "cousin network" for when he comes home. 24/7 doesn't work for long. Even a couple of morning a week off can be a life saver.

    OMG NM - yes, you've created a monster with your Mom's phone. Good girl for sticking to your guns - maybe dinner once a week!!!

    Cami - I love reading about your life & your job & about Joey. Even though I may not post often, you're always in my thoughts.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    Other Funny Gifs And Funny Youtube Video - | Cute baby cats, Baby animals, Kittens cutest

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    I was thinking <yes it does happen> Lori said her DH was airlifted to the hospital, does anyone know how far the hospital is??? Even if she could go it's got to be a long drive. I hope ur getting some rest Lori.

    It looks like rain but I haven't listened to any reports so right now it's super cloudy.

    My work day started dumb. Someone called about lights for scanning medical stuff, I for some reason was thinking it was some medical thing for me and my scans and spoke accordingly. Of course I then realized I was answering for a company an he wasn't talking about me at all. I asked him to forget everything I said, oh he laughed but everything I said was really stupid. Believe me if we weren't related I'd be long gone. But I had Dr. stuff on my mind cuz I have an app't Friday, but my dr. said I have a choice of coming in or doing the telephone thing. I opted for phone cuz it seems to be peaking again around here.

    Minus u must be really bored to like my stories, I just go on and on about nothing. The Seinfeld show could have been about my life

    Well today is another shower day so my niece will be here soon. This tires me out so much, even thinking about it.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2020

    This is what I put on FB yesterday...

    UPDATE: Just spoke with a nurse at the hospital, and his blood levels are good, so the bleed isn't "urgent", not any vessels, but they don't know where it's coming from. Sepsis will be treated with anti biotics. Took Darrell to the doctors, doctor sent him straight to the ER, which is just down the street. They wouldn't let me in. Anyways, they did some scans and he has a GI bleed and is septic. I only know this because our doctor came to the hospital on his lunch break, which he works out of, and he told me. They couldn't treat him there, small hospital. Closest hospital they could find was in Phoenix that had a bed, so they air lifted him there. I am home, as they won't let me in the hospital. So for now, that is all I know. Thank you everyone for all of your comments, concerns and prayers....keep em comin! I'll post when I know more.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2020

    I just spoke to him and he has a bunch of ulcers, treatment will be some pill. They haven't said anything to him about the Sepsis. Letting him go tomorrow! He's in Phoenix, 4 hour drive one way. So I won't be on tomorrow.

    Thank you again everyone.

    NM, I think you and I need to hit one of those hot springs/spas that Jazzy goes to for a weekend....what do ya think!

    I had my video conf. with MO today. He got the results of that Guardian blood test they did, I'll share about that next time. But I'm amongst the Her2+ now, so perjeta and herceptin in my future.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020

    Lori - 🙏🙏🙏♥️

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited October 2020

    Goldie, sending my best good vibes for your DH’s continued recovery.

    Also, Herceptin and Perjeta have been super easy and successful for me, hopefully you’ll get all the benefits and none of the SE’s too 😁

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited October 2020

    Goldie - adding wishes for your DH speedy recovery. Sorry for all the miles you have to drive. I too did Herceptin & Perjeta. I found Herceptin easy. I think Perjeta contributed to the Big "D", but I was on so many other drugs that might not have been the drug at fault.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited October 2020

    Lori - sending you gentle hugs from Denver.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited October 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! Well, working 8 hours overnight is better than working 12, but is still a butt-kicker. But I got everything possible done before the relief nurse came in Pretty much all I did yesterday after I got home and unwound was snooze in front of the TV. Still didn't drag myself out of bed until the second alarm. Did get my covid swab taken before I left work, the Director of Nursing came in really early to set up and start swabbing people, as well as having to deal with the additional paperwork the lab now requires. Sadie has been a sweetheart keeping my feet warm and making sure I get up and move around every few hours to let her in and out and give her belly rubs.

    Chi--Hooray for Leslie's negative test!

    Jazzy-- I saw Goldie's post, too. Praying for everyone involved.

    Cammy--I agree, he's where he needs to be, hard though for Goldie not being able to visit.

    Beaver--good advice for Goldie!

    Minus--I'm sure Mom's calls will calm down when she gets more settled, at least I hope so.I figure one free dinner a week is a pretty good deal since my Mom is a really good cook, and that way I can be sure she is eating well, too.

    Cammy --I've had conversations like that, my side totally out of synch with the caller. Embarrassing, to say the least. Funny at times, though. Enjoy the shower!

    Goldie--hugs and prayers, you must be feeling so upset. 4 hours is a long drive, make sure you be careful, please! Ulcers, at least, are manageable. So the beast converted to Her2+? I've heard that happens. Praying the perjeta and herceptin turn the counts around.

    Morning, Ili!

    Morning, Karen!

    Galaxy Magic Moscow Mule Cocktail changes from blue to purple in clear glass mugs with blue straws. Limes in background. Color changing cocktail

    Galaxy Moscow Mule

    • Lime Juice
    • Vodka
    • Ginger Beer
    • Butterfly Pea Flower Tea (more info below!)

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    Cats Saying "Nom Nom Nom" While Eating Compilation - YouTube

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2020

    Mornin DahhhLinks,

    Lowee, finally found the picks of Darrell and my response was OMG, that is sooo freekin terrible. But damn, it cudve been so much worse. Isn't it too bad that he refuses to help himself. My heart goes out to you...I'm giving you a HUGE HUG, can ya feel it?

    Lubslubs to all

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    OOH poor Lori she must be going crazy. I can't believe he's going home already and such a long ride too in one day.But I agree with u Minus I think being positive is better.

    Kim I'm sure when ur mom gets used to living alone she'll gravitate towards her own life. But in the meantime u can get a good meal and make her happy.

    Not much to say, I'm having a meh kina day.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2020

    Lori, prayers & good vibes sent for Darrell's healing and the both of yours' safety & patience on those long drives. Prescription-strength PPIs (like Protonix, Dexilant, etc.) can work wonders on ulcers; and the abx he's already getting to combat his sepsis are likely to knock out any H. pylori if that bacterium is contributing to the ulcer.

    Chicago's COVID numbers have spiked so much (approaching 7% positivity) that the Mayor just imposed a new business curfew starting tomorrow (actually, midnight tonight): all nonessential businesses (i.e., anything except groceries, pharmacies, takeout-only) must close between 10pm-7am; and all liquor sales--whether in stores, restaurants, brewpubs, bars or takeaway cocktails--must end by 9pm. No bars can serve indoors unless they have a food license. But indoor dining is still allowed up to the lesser of 40% capacity or 50 people. I don't run or work at any of these establishments, but IMHO we should be going back into Phase 3 (no indoor dining or bar service, period). I like an adult beverage as much as the next person, but bars are Petri dishes: alcohol lowers inhibitions (so people get sloppy with their masks & social distancing), and patrons tend to talk & laugh loudly and cluster together to hear each other due to the noise level. And bars--because they don't want to anger customers & drive them to the competition, as many young drinkers bar-hop--tend to ignore the rules and get overcrowded. Also, even small gatherings are dangerous: contact-tracers found that 2/3 of those tested positive know who infected them, and 3/4 of those exposures occurred w/in their own homes. Seriously considering not having Gordy & Leslie over for Thanksgiving (and the feeling may be mutual, since they want to go to Houston for Christmas as Leslie hasn't seen her family since last Christmas). Our BFFs want to do Christmas dinner as an excuse to buy a tree, but I don't think it'll be safe.

    I have a feeling tonight's wine dinner (weather warm enough to be outdoor) may be our last dinner out till springtime. We want to go to Everest (socially distanced) for its New Year's Eve swan song, but even if it's still allowed to be open till 10pm, no wine or champagne will be poured after 9pm. Cellars, our traditional friends & family dinner NYE spot, will be in hibernation; and of course we can't have guests over to our home afterwards to ring in the new year.

    What's maddening is that we were doing so well by September: beaches closed, bars & restaurants limited in capacity, people following the rules--and then "pandemic fatigue" set in and people began having folks over, ditching their masks indoors and even hugging. I read a medical-blog piece predicting half a million deaths before things turn around because of the US' culture of rugged individualism and everyone-for-themself, compared to other nations which instead have a culture of accepting personal freedom restrictions (following mask mandates) and gov't privacy incursions (mandatory testing & contact tracing) for the collective greater good. As the author said, "Culture beats morality." We Americans have a knee-jerk reaction to the word "collective," interpreting it as "socialist" or even "communist." We have 4% of the world's population but >25% of its COVID deaths. "Give me liberty or give me death" doesn't limit the consequences to just those exercising that liberty.

    Sorry for getting ideological on a non-political thread, but public safety is more important.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020

    Hi ladies- busy week and down to the last few days now. Been working with my business attorney and estate atty this week to update some documents, and finish wrapping up the business stuff I need to. Nothing is ever simple, but getting through some of the harder stuff and all the important meetings are done I think? I got the last of my paperwork they asked for to be ready for monday and supposed to get a call from someone in HR a few days before to go over everything for next week, but nothing yet. If I don't hear today, I will call her in the morning to be sure we are set to go. The onboarding process is a lot!

    Lori- thinking of you driving to PHX and back today and hope everything goes okay.

    Cami- that cat is hangry. My sister has always had cats who want her food. The dog wants everyone's food (hers, the cats, yours, etc.)

    Chi- we are like you, we had really great numbers in Sept, the lowest yet and now in October, they go up daily. Yesterday was the highest ever and they are making people sign up for contact tracing as well as the city is going around looking for parties they can bust. The hospitals here are getting overwhelmed. I sat out yesterday on a patio for some late lunch and think it will be my last time until next spring. I had breakfast plans with friends this weekend but we all decided to call it off for the foreseeable future.

    NM- I am glad you are going to look for something new and with the understanding that this place is probably always going to be this way. Healthcare orgs are short staffed in general and that was before the pandemic. But you should have a job with benefts, and a reasonable schedule to plan for. Sadie votes yes for that too!

    I hope your mom will understand you cannot be the "ask me anything" person as she settles is. I coined that phrase long ago as that happens to me a lot. I know I have friends and family who have been used to be being more available to call during the weekdays and expect I am going to have to have some of the same adjustments. I will call people back when I can is my new normal.

    Driving around today, the cottonwoods are in their full golden color. I plan to take a walk tomorrow after my activities are done and take some photos.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2020

    Ok, I'm home! First stop was at my MO's cuz they shipped my Faslodex there instead of to my primary here where I live. I asked if they could just give it to me, the injection. They did. Then I get a call from billing on the way home in regards to that. I couldn't talk as I was driving, and asked that they call me tomorrow. I just know they are going to charge me for that, WTF! My primary up here has NEVER charged me anything when I went there for those injections, no office visit, nothing. It took the nurse all of 5 minutes to administer, if that! I just know they are going to tie it to using the "chemo" services or room.

    Got DH home. He hated that hospital, was just a community hospital. All they did was endoscopy and xrays. DH thinks the helicopter ride is going to cost us around 70K. They also said they heard nothing of sepsis! He ate on the way home, first in a long time....TACO BELL, yuck! He got in the shower and then to bed. I don't think he was in there an hour and I have been summoned 5 times already! I see no rest for me in the future!

    Lord help me and give me strength and patience! LOL!

    Sandy, things are getting worse everywhere. I think AZ is at 6%, 8th in the country. My neighbor posted on FB a meme that said " I'll pretend your mask is protecting you, and you pretend I'm wearing one! Glad everyone has tested negative in your family.

    NM, I think you need some of that strength and patience too!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2020

    Yeesh, Lori--$70K for a medevac ride! (Remember, you can always negotiate down when the bill arrives. You'd be amazed how much providers try to get away with when it comes to billing, knowing that insurance reimbursement--especially Medicare--is so low that anything they can squeeze out on top of that is gravy, and people are cowed by anything that seems "official." When I was doing probate cases, by the time I got through negotiating with the hospitals & other providers claiming "expenses of final illness," I usually got it down to 50%). I don't envy you your next few days at home with your DH. Take as much "me time" as you can.

    Tonight was the "Night at the Bistro" French wine dinner at Cellars (last big event before Nov.'s hibernation begins). The food* was terrific (and classic), and a great match for the wines. Meet & greet wine was a Provençal Mas de la Dame Grenache rosé; with the oyster course, Domaines Paul Mas Crémant de Limoux brut (very dry sparkler) from the SW/Central area; then with soup, Trimbach Réserve 2013 Pinot Gris (the priciest of the bunch but absolutely delightful) from Alsace; with the duck salad, Mas de la Dame Les Baux de Provence Rouge "La Gourmande" (Bob's favorite, 50-50 blend of Grenache & Syrah); with steak frites, Ch. Greysac Médoc Cru Bourgeois (Bordeaux, 65% Merlot, 29% Cab. Sauv., 3% ea. Cab. Franc & Petit Verdot); and with (almost "as") dessert, Maison Nicolas Sauternes Réserve (botrytised--but not cloyingly sweet).

    Cellars will be open Wed. nights for live jazz guitar, then Thurs-Sat. nights and weekend brunch, but not serving on Sun. nights. It plans to close from 11/22 till spring 2021--but may have an event or two in Dec., furloughing most of the staff. The landlord would have no takers for that corner property in this crisis, so it's in their mutual interests to work something out during "suspended animation."

    *see "What's for dinner?" thread

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited October 2020

    Goldie, I guess I am glad you are home. Now you have all the responsibilities again. Hopefully enough time has passed and he is better able to manage his care. You will have your hands full for a while.

    Gotta go walk my three miles. Then I will meet with a painter about some problems with my house. Met with the man restoring my Mustang. Might be a little more money than we figured! Oh well, it’s just money. LOL! Planted my pansies yesterday. They make our winter a little brighter. Need to start working on cleaning the porch. And I have a new book to read! The fun never ends.

    Take care everyone. Wear your mask and wash your hands often!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited October 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! Today can only get better than yesterday, work wise. Got an email from the Assistant DON that the weekend staffing was a total FUBAR, and asking me to work. While I was sitting there looking at it and thinking things through I got a text asking me to answer ASAP. So I said no. Not working this weekend, got things to do around the house. Later on I got an email from the DON "We may need you please be prepared for a phone call if the need is a dire one Thanks" Totally set me off. I took this to HR and sat and ranted and raved about the staffing situation and how I've been used recently, and now I'm being told I can't say "no" when asked to work extra. She confirmed that I have the right to say no to extra time, and pointed out that I've been working as much if not more extra time than the ADON and DON, and they take days off to compensate for the overnight work they are doing. So, decision made, I am leaving when I find something to move to or find out that I can retire on what I have in retirement accounts now. Friday at 4 pm the DON, ADON and facility phone numbers will be blocked until 8 am Monday. Should be interesting since I'm going in to do a CPR recert this afternoon and the DON and ADON invited themselves into the class. It will be interesting to see if either or both actually show up. The DON wants to take today offsince she'll be working this weekend.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone.

    Goldie--oh, dear, you are in for a time, aren't you? I'm glad he ate something, that is a good sign. I'm praying he takes the pain medication as prescribed and starts moving around and getting better very soon. Wow, I knew medivac helicopter transfers were expensive, but 7

    $70K? How do they think anyone can pay for that kind of service? And were you told the cost up front and given a choice of helicopter or ambulance?Of course the MO's office is going to charge for the injection, that's how the hospital affiliated with the office makes money. Primary care offices are not usually tied into a hospital so tightly and have more decision making capability at the office level.The neighbor's mask meme is such a demonstration of selfishness. What do you say you and I rent a deserted island and go live there for a month or two?Maybe when we come back the world will be a different place.

    Chi--that is an impressive selection of wines and pairings!

    Bacon Me Angry


    Steps to Make It

    1. Pour the ingredients into a cocktail shaker filled with ice.
    2. Stir well.
    3. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
    4. Garnish with a brandied cherry and a small strip of bacon.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited October 2020

    NM - good for you for standing your ground and going to HR. The DON is down right bullying you.

    Lori - hope Darrell is doing slightly better today.

    Cold and gloomy today. Bring the snow and rain on! Today is my typical cleaning, grocery store and cooking day - plus I have an IEP meeting that I will get comp time for. Sunday, I have lots of paperwork to catch up on. So if the weather if lousy, I have lots to do indoors. No early morning run this morning. Will wait a till lunch time to see if it warms up a bit. Wimped out! Love my new Cubii - trying to figure out how to get my fit bit to count the steps. So easy to use when sitting in a zoom meeting. Got a good price on Amazon Prime Day.

    Have a good week-end.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited October 2020

    I have not been on for awhile and I feel guilty, like I neglected my "online family". I somehow got stuck picking up grandchildren and delivering them at various places after work. By the time I get home I am exhausted and would just get through what I needed to do and did not go on the computer.

    Illimae- I was so glad to see you posting food pictures again. lol Hope this covid thing goes away, I miss your pictures of your travels.

    Goldie, I am so sorry for what you and your husband are going through right now. It is so hard taking care of someone and when they need so much help and are in so much pain, I don't think they realize they are running you ragged. Was there an option of him going to rehab for a few days? No one wants to do that and sometimes with insurance stuff you can't, but sometimes they can get the help they need there that is too hard for one person. I am thinking this, because my dad is in a rehab right now and he is getting better getting care that my mom wasn't able to do. He should be coming home soon.

    Sandy - so glad you and your family tested negative. Waiting for results can be so scary. I meant to go look for your performance on the computer, but forgot. Did it run already?

    NM - My mom drives me crazy. I live closer to her than my 2 sisters. One day we were in the car going somewhere and I said to her 'Why do I have to do everything with you, you like Karen better" and she said she didn't want to ruin her relationship with her. lol We all do really love each other. I think your mom will be fine as soon as she starts feeling like this is her neighborhood and making friends. And it might be nice not having to cook a couple times a week. Feeling for you with all of your work soap opera episodes.

    Jazz - Its getting close to you starting your new job. It is always so exciting doing something new. You come across here as being so knowledgeable and confident that I am sure in person it is more so.

    JC - sorry about your friend. Have a glorious time with friends.

    Cami - It made me smile about your lunch out. I bet you and your sister are a hoot when you are together.

    I am at work, so I better get back to it.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2020

    The Bar Show scene I'm in (with a solo) went live today!, or the Chicago Bar Assn. FB page. The key was all wrong for me (too high or, in the octave I had to do it, too low), so don't judge my voice--instead, concentrate on the acting. (I'm the one in the tinfoil hat).

    Back on the roller coaster again. This morning, Bob got a call from Union Health that his sec'y was exposed earlier this week, tested Wed., and her results came back positive today. He last saw her Tues., both of them masked (and him with an eye shield too) the whole time. So the entire clinic is closed till Mon., when there will be a PCR testing tent set up in the parking lot. Nobody but that sec'y has been advised to quarantine yet (and she has to flat-out isolate), but it's recommended that if possible everyone awaiting results quarantine from Mon. till their results come back negative. However, his other hospitals still refuse to do testing on doctors & nurses unless they're symptomatic, and expect them to show up to work unless they test positive or have symptoms. Otherwise, the hospitals would have no staff. He will be staying down in Oak Lawn tomorrow night, as his days are significantly lengthened by having to use the Epic computer system for just about every report or order and he wouldn't be getting home until after 1am.

    Bob says he's had far longer and far more direct exposure to COVID patients since this began in March, and that this exposure was more distant and shorter than the exposure three weeks to Gordy's friend,

    Nonetheless, I'm going nowhere for the time being, except to the early-voting drop box tomorrow to submit our ballots and maybe to pick up brunch for myself on Sunday morning. The reason Cellars had to start using a delivery service again? The waiter who does their deliveries has been out 3 weeks with a broken leg (hairline tibia fx), non-weightbearing till last night--when he came in on crutches to do the paperwork for dinner checks & wine orders. I'll be damned if I let GrubHub take one red cent from them, whether glomming onto the tips or charging them a fee.

    If Bob's test comes back negative by Wed. we will see if Gordy & Leslie want to come with us to dine at Cellars while listening to the jazz guitarist. (Not sure if any of them will be home in time, though--dinner hours W & Th. end at 8 pm). Wed. is Gordy's birthday.

    With assorted leftovers tonight, DODT will be some of The Prisoner red meritage we opened earlier this week for Bob's birthday.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020

    Lemon mango thyme shrub with rye whiskey


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited October 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! I just called my Mom and begged off helping her with moving stuff today, I'm just too tired. She's got help, a friend with a pickup truck is helping today, and they are moving things from the bunkhouse and storage shed straight to her storage unit, so there shouldn't be as much "do I want to keep this or not" type dithering. I'm thinking about putting a block on the work phone numbers for the weekend since I figure they're going to come after me to work even though I've already said no. I may wait and see and put the blocks on after the first call, at that point, once I've said "no" again, it could be considered harassment. Any calls will go straight to voice mail, so there will be a record. On the up side, I got a job offer yesterday, or more accurately, a re-offer.I was doing a private CPR recert class at a local Hospice agency, got the same standing offer I've gotten several times already. Good people to work with, and work I know how to do well, now I'm seriously considering making the move. Today's MUST DO on the TO DO list is research retirement advisers and get an appointment in motion.

    Sadie says Woof to everyone!

    Karen--thank you for saying the DON is bullying me. I felt bullied but didn't want to believe it. Don't blame you for waiting until things get warmer to run. I have a hard time getting moving in the cold. I had to look up Cubii, but it looks marvelous! Maybe putting your FitBit on your ankle will help it count steps?I used a FitBit for a while and found I had to do that to get a decent step count.

    Misty--don't feel guilty about life catching up with you!I've been in the rut of getting home, fixing something to eat, plunking in the recliner and even sleeping there cuz I'm too tired to make the bed! Yes, I have been sleeping in the recliner for a couple of weeks at least in part cuz I've not had the energy to make up the bed after washing the sheets the last time. Sadie has gotten disgusted with me and goes in and gets on the bed and makes a nest of the pillows, comforter, sheets and pillow cases and sleeps there most of the night now. She comes back out to the ottoman early in the ayem so she's there when I wake up. Gotta love the dog takes care of herself as well as me! Mom is settling down with the phone calls and such now. I think she's getting tired from all the moving stuff back and forth. I hope she'll take a day or two off from that this coming week. Things seem to be settling out on that front.

    Chi--Good heavens, will the Covid Coaster every leave you guys alone for even one week? Good for you for supporting the restaurant.

    Jazzy--Oooh, that looks GOOD!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020

    Good morning ladies- lovely crisp morning and fall colors here are peaking. After I finished my Friday to-dos, I went down by the river area where there is a cottonwood forest called "a bosque" and took some photos. Will share a few from my phone later today. Really lovely late afternoon, that is when the late afternoon makes the trees shimmer with their gold. We don't get the big variety of fall color the way other areas of the country do, but our aspens and cottonwood golds are not to be beaten. I hope to get down there for another walk this weekend, probably tomorrow.

    I was near my fav restaurant and was going to stop to get some take out, but it was early and no one there and snagged a nice patio spot and decided to relax and stay there for dinner. This restaurant is known for their shrubs and tried the lemon mango thyme shrub with rye whiskey. I am not a fan of whiskey, but if it's mixed well, I can enjoy it and did. Got some delicious smoked chicken pasta (along with a beet salad for a starter) and some nice chardonney from Williamette Valley. Lemon ricotta cookies to go. Nice wrap up to this transition time and before

    I got most things done I needed to, and focusing this weekend on some remaining house stuff plus change of season things. Most of my wintering plants are inside (few more to go) and with a storm coming and hard freeze likely by Sunday night, time to close up some things on the patio and finish some of my things to be ready for the colder weather.

    NM- your organization does not connect the dots around the way they treat staff and why they are short staffed. As I have learned working in several careers and industries, organizations have a "culture" to them which also includes the way they treat people. I have been in all those cultures too, the mysogynistic ones, the sweat shop ones, the badly managed and blame the employees types too. But for them to offer you a FT job, make you go PT and without benefits, then continuous call you to fill the gaps is unacceptable. And yes, they are harassing you after you have said no. You can just tell them goodbye when you are ready and that their changes to your work arrangement are not working for you (I can hear them guilt trip you on the way out too....) I have had my job changed on me in places too, and it has usually been a driver for me to choose something else if it was not sustainable, which this isn't.

    The new opportunity sounds like it could be good fit and something you have already been involved with. Is is FT or PT, with benefits or w/o? Might be good to do even as a transition until you get the chance to figure out if you are ready to retire. Ask your community if they know someone they can refer to. I have worked with some through the years and there are good and bad, just like in any profession. And your mom will find others to help her if you tell her you can't come be there all the time.

    Goldie- I am thinking of you and hope your DH is feeling better every day and that you are able to take care of yourself. I am glad you got the shot, and definately do an appeal if there is an issue with getting the treatment. You have a very complicated situation in your life right now and doing the best you can to help your DH and take care of yourself too.

    Another suggestion for you if this is something you can do. There is a national organization called Visiting Angels that can be hired to help with things. My sister used them when her partner's health was changing and she needed help with bathing, someone to make her lunch, etc. They are not nurses or healthcare professionals, but paid aides that can come in for a few hours to do what you want. They will come meet with you to assess your needs and what you want them to do. It is out of pocket vs. through insurance, which is the downside, but might be worth having them come in for a few hours every week so you can get a break. Including if you have to go anywhere for your infusions. Here is the web site and hope this is helpful to you.

    Chi- sounds like your outings are going to be slowing down too. I heard about something on the news about the rising cases in the Chicago area, but they seem to be on the rise nationally. I am sorry to hear Bob may have a second exposure. Hoping nothing comes of this.

    Karen- I have been hearing about the terrible fire up in the Estes Park area. Are you guys okay, any impacts to you and your family? I know there is a cold front moving in, another friend in the mountains showed some snow yesterday and heard more may be coming with the same storm we will get later this weekend into early next week. Stay safe sister.

    Ill- how is the packing coming along? Anything good to eat this week?

    Misty- good to hear from you. Sounds like a lot to do with the grandkids on top of the job I think you are still in until next spring when you retire? Are you done with the shuttling for a time? My mom used to drive me crazy too, we never got along, and when I lived around her, she would snap her fingers and expect me to jump. Parents like to sometime keep their adult children in roles they have long let go of growing up. Moved away once for grad school, second time to have the life I wanted. We came to a better place at the end with her when my sister and I helping to ensure she was cared for, but we were never close. There is a really complex relationship sometimes with mothers and daughters, right? Thanks for the good wishes about the new job!

    JCS- can the car be restored in phases? I bought an older Jaguar that needed work and did it in phases to be able to manage the outlay of cash. What year is the mustang? I come from a family that always loved cars. Are you having it repainted and if yes, what colore? I would love to hear more. Hope you got your walk in. I am going to be walking more in the cooler weather now and before work to keep up with my exercise when I go back to work.

    Cami- what are you up to this weekend girlfriend?

    Okay folks, that is all for now. I wanted to say with going back to work FT and learning a new delivery system, I expect to be "drinking from the firehose" for awhile, so I won't be on line too much during the week, but will check in weekly with you on the weekend here on BCO and probably FB too for those of you I am there with.

    Enjoy this fall weekend friends!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited October 2020

    Hi everyone

    Packing is on hold for now as I’ve been having a hard time with nausea, D and vomiting on Xeloda. DH and friends are driving a Uhaul and truckload out to the cabin today, I’m staying here due to appointments. We’ll head out next week and return after thanksgiving to complete and clean.

    No food to report, as Xeloda has robbed me of that enjoyment too, talking to MO about a dose reduction on Tuesday.

    Hope all is well with you all :)