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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020

    Good morning friends- welcome to the weekend. Busy week and got a lot done, despite not feeling too great from the two shots I hd (pneumonia on Monday, Prolia on Tuesday). Sore arm for a couple days with the Prevnar shot, a bit of achiness from Prolia. Finally came through all that yesterday. One more medical apt early Monday (4th reschedule) with the BS for my annual check in with her, then I should be done for a bit. Blood work from the physical looks mostly good, just have a question about one thing from one of my tests and if she does not contact me, I shall portal her. I am ready to be done with doctors (and shots) for a bit......

    After focusing on health apts and business closure things, shifting gears this weekend to focus on the house and some change of season things. I felt a bit overwhelmed at the start of this transition time with all I had to get done, but now almost a week out from starting the new job, feeling in a good place.

    Oh and the neighbors saw a bobcat in my driveway the other night. Surprise! They have been spotted in this area for a few years now and knew eventually I might see one around here. We have a lot of rabbits, quail and other wildlife around here so I figure Bobcat Bob has figured out there is a food source here. They are not a risk to humans usually, unless you run across a mom with kittens. Here is a super cute video of a family on someone's back porch:

    But beyond that, there was also something on the news about a cougar down by the river this week in our wooded wetland (bosque) and that is a different story. I like to walk down there this time of the year with the yellow cottonwoods but now not sure that is going happen. Unlike bobcats, mountain lions will take down humans. With the drought here, I think some of the bigger wildlife is coming down from the mountains looking for water. I still say wildlife is a bigger winner in the pandemic.

    NM- I was glad to see you have a new trainride coming up. I know the best of the foliage will be gone, but hopefully it will still be a fun time. I love that you are creating boundaries both with this job and your mom too. You are a good soul who helps many, but know we have to take care of ourselves too. One of my fav expressions is "your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part." The farmers pick up sounded good, and I love goat cheese on pizza.

    Karen- I did my first haircut in June and was so nervous when I first went, but my stylist has her own little freelancer space so it feels safe. I have had three hair cuts now (cut all my hair off to go grey and keeping it short) and felt safe every time. I understand the angst, but hope you feel great having your hair in a better place.

    Probably some other people here have some better suggestions than me on this, but if you belong to AARP, I know they usually have periodic classes around Medicare enrollment. My guess is they may all be on line now. I get info sent to me on it, even though I am still four plus years out. Just one suggestion to help you. My sister got a head start on her's too before she retired and was glad she did.

    JCS- I am sorry about the loss of your friend. It is hard to see our sisters who have fought this illness not make it. She sounded like she was very helpful to you during your initial treatment process. May she rest in peace and soar with the angels

    Chi- are you doing okay? Any issues or symptoms?

    Ill- thinking of you packing away. Can't remember when the final move is but think it's coming up soon?

    Cami- I hope your weekend is off to a good start. What is Joey doing for Halloween if anything? I know he is old enough to not do trick or treat, but know kids love their parties. And with that, my guess is he won't be able to do that. Hope the family is all doing okay, and you too.

    NM said we may on our second spike, but the news said we are on a third now (spring, then summer, now fall) and yesterday we had 800 plus cases. Sigh. Well I am glad I cancelled Taos as the numbers have been jumping 100 cases per day and we now have one of the highest infection rates in the country (8%). I am still going to take a ride up to the Jemez tomorrow to see the foliage. I opted out of the pool this week and reduced my time out so far as best I can. I am heading to vote in a few hours at an early voting center. After doing well for so long, we are now not doing well at all. Wish us luck.

    Have a good weekend ladies. Stay safe.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2020

    Just got the call: NEGATIVE!!! So I can go out and get my glasses adjusted, socially-distanced dinner (outdoors if we bundle up enough), etc.

    About Lori's DH's accident--those ATVs are illegal in some states because they're very tippy, even the 4-wheelers. 35 yrs. ago, my HK's son was on his bicycle when someone else's ATV swerved, flipped, and landed on him. Broken pelvis, femur & ribs, and years of P.T. And even one broken rib is agonizing--but 12??? Not enough THC & CBD on the face of the earth to blunt that pain.

    DsOTD: To celebrate my results, Contratto 2012 Brut Zero (from Tuscany) tonight. Last night, with leftovers, couple oz. of Cherry Fields 2017 Dolcetto (Australia).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020

    Chi- great news ❤️

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020

    I voted today. Wait in line not too bad. It made me thirsty.


  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited October 2020

    Congrats, Sandy! Great news about the test results. Has Gordy heard anything yet?

    Been nice weather here, but there maybe a return to slightly warmer temps before fall actually gets here. Today I hope to do a little shopping. Need to get groceries. Then to the hardware store. Need lightbulbs and want to see if they have any outdoor pots left. Next is the nursery to get some pansies and see how expensive their pots are. Finally may stop by TJMaxx to do some Christmas shopping. I will have sanitizer, my mask and stay away from other people.

    My painting project is coming along. Still have several weeks before my DIL’s birthday. I have finished most of my freezer cooking for now. Oh! Results from the CT scan were great. There is no there there. I am thrilled and will not be concerned until the next scans in January 2021. My DH received his absentee ballot. Once he figures out how to complete it, he will be responsible for returning it. I plan on voting next week at an early voting site not far from my house. So sad people are recommending not getting together for Thanksgiving. Who would have thought this pandemic would have lasted this long.

    Take care!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited October 2020

    Sandy - great news. Hope your son and hubby get the same good news.

    JCS - I no longer look forward to thanksgiving. After I moved my late parents to Denver, (Dad died 5 weeks later), Mom came to us for Thanksgiving. When she became home bound we took Thanksgiving to her for 2 years. The last Thanksgiving with Mom was 2017. She passed in January 2018. So Thanksgiving 2018, I told DH to go to his mother for Thanksgiving and I sent him with the dinner. DH, DS and I ate the Thanksgiving dinner the night before. Last year, 2019, we went to clean out my MIL's house to get ready to have an estate sale and put her house on the market after she passed in September 2019. This year its just DH and I - If the borders open to Canada, and don't need to be quarantined and I get my passport, I'd like to go visit DD#1 and SIL - but there are lots of ifs. But Canada Thanksgiving was last Monday. If we stay here, we'll work in the house and maybe i'll cook a turkey thigh - a whole turkey is way too much food for 2 people.

    Jazz - best of luck starting your new job. I had my Prolia shot last Friday. Thankfully, I have no side effects. Flu shot was the week before. Prevnar last spring. No scheduled medical appointments except the dentist in a few weeks till 1st oncologist appointment in March, then starts the run - April BC oncologist and May my physical.

    NM - good luck with your mom.

    Have a great Sunday.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited October 2020

    Good Morning, almost Afternoon, Loungettes! Finally got Mother's phone working so she can make and get calls and texts. Can't get it completely set up with security and such as she doesn't know the passwords to any of her email accounts. Her laptop automatically logs her in, so she is clueless. And all of her accounts have set the recovery email to an email service that has been discontinued and is no longer accessible. Do you know how hard it is to get into an email account without another email account or a working phone number?I gave up after a while, will work on it again next Saturday. She is STILL moving stuff by the carful, but now she is taking stuff to the storage unit. She can't use the built in microwave, it's too high up over the oven and she doesn't have the owner's manual and "can't make the damn thing do anything!" She's bought herself a toaster oven/rotisserie cooker that's she putting together so she can take it apart and wash it before using it. Why not wash the parts and then put it together? "I wanted to see it put together first to make sure it was what the box said it was." oooohhhhh kkkkkaaayyyyyy.Oh, she asked what I like to eat for meals. I asked why she was asking that, she said "If I know what you like I can make it and get you to come over for supper 2 or 3 times a week." Ah, the life of an adult child of an aging parent!I figure she's getting lonely already. Hopefully that will be better when she gets her cable hooked up, which should be soon now that she has a phone to make an appointment with. And, miracle of miracles, while Dick's son and I are helping her load hers and my car in the pouring rain, Mom decided to leave behind an almost complete set of dishes. She actually admitted that she has more dishes than she needs or even wants! She's already planning a trip to Florida to visit a friend this winter, and a trip to Texas to visit her brother in the spring. I just hope she stays with the plan to fly and not drive. . . .

    Sadie says Hi! And tells me to mention that her belly rub bank is getting low.Cheeky doggo!

    Jazzy--transition times often feel overwhelming until you get into them and start making progress, at least they do for me. I've got to start in on some of that right off, too. It was just this year that I realized that what we call Lynx here in Maine are called Bobcats everywhere else!Like you say, generally not a problem for humans, but any animal that can take down a deer can do some pretty significant damage to a human if it wanted to.Around here cougars are called Mountain Lions, and the government powers that be insist they are extinct in Maine despite the increasing number of sitings over the years. Apparently, if Mountain Lions make a comeback in Maine it is going to cost a very large amount of money to set in place all the protections that the Fed. Government would require.The animals are doing better than anyone else with the pandemic and decreased human presence in a lot of areas. Yes, the majority of the foliage will be gone when the next train ride comes around, but that's ok, it's more focused on the history of the railroad and the local towns/businesses. It's a 2 car train, one is a renovated enclosed coach with heat, the other an open air one. If it's very cold I can step inside the coach and warm up, but it's not so cold as all that in early November. Covid fatigue is a very real problem that is really creating issues now. Even careful people are slipping up sometimes. It's this subconscious "enough is enough, already" feeling that's creeping in. I'm noticing it a lot around here where the counts have always been low, but are starting to trend upward and it's not just schools re-opening. There is more and more news about events with too many people and/or not enough (or any) masking and distancing.The human organism is not just biologically designed to maintain a high rate of vigilance over a long time, nor is it designed to handle limited social contact for so long. We're starting to see deaths in the nursing homes from "failure to thrive" which is being directly related to lack of social contacts and activities and visits from family members.

    Chi--Hooray for the negative test results!My nursing home is doing the second round of staff testing this coming week, we're hoping for another 100% negative run.

    Librarian--Great news from the CT scan!!! YEAH!Nobody thought this covid thing would still be an issue come Thanksgiving and Christmas. Just crazy.

    Karen--I can see where Thanksgiving would not be high on your list of pleasant memories just now. This will be my Mom's first Thanksgiving not cooking for a whole family, just for her and me, not sure how it's going to go over. I've trying to think of something other than turkey that would be a little special but not so much work and leftovers.

    Insane Asylum

    Mixed Drink Recipe from Cocktail Builder

    1 oz of 151 proof rum

    1 tsp of Sambuca (or elderberry liqueur)

    1 oz of strega herbal liqueur

    1 tbsp of Bailey's Irish Cream

    2 dash of Angostura bitters

    1 tbsp of Strawberry liqueur

    Build over ice in a highball glass. Stir.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2020

    Hi ladies, and thank you for the support with DH. I didn't usually have internet, so I couldn't post. We are home, made it yesterday. DH is in excruciating pain. Here is the post I put on FB, for those not on it. I'll post some pictures later.

    Thursday, Darrell and I headed out for some camping and quad riding in Moab with some friends. Saturday, late morning Darrell and his friend were going to head up the road about a mile on the quads to Dinosaur Tracks for a little walking. Darrell was traveling about 20 mph, the pavement was not level with the shoulder and in the shoulder was a washed out spot about a foot or so deep. His tire got caught between the pavement and the shoulder, and he didn't want to go in that washed out spot so turned the tires left to get back on the road and somehow over compensated. He ended up on the other side of the road, rolled the quad which then landed on top of him. His friend didn't see him coming, so turned around to see what was going on. Which is when he found Darrell laying on the side of the road, with the quad on top of him. He tried to lift it off of him, mind you this thing probably weighs 600-800 lbs. and of course he couldn't, and then had to set it back down on top of Darrell. Within minutes there were other people there to help. Took 4 people to lift it up off of him. Thankfully, amongst those that stopped to help, one was a nurse and one was an EMT. This boy had angels watching after him. It probably took an hour before the ambulance finally arrived, but there were others sent to help. One of our local friends here is also an EMT and she happened to make it to the scene as well and advised the local EMT's ambulance to go straight to the hospital in Grand Junction CO, and not even bother with the local hospital in Moab. All in all, he ended up with 11 fractured ribs, a minor fracture on his left hip, no surgery necessary and 3 tranverse fractures in the middle of his back. Lots and lots of road rash, especially on his face and head. 2 areas on his head that needed sutures. ICU for 2 days, Monday evening they moved him to a regular room. He's been working with OT, PT and RT. He is doing really well for what he's been through. I would share some pictures, but of course he doesn't want to be seen like that. I have been traveling back and forth to the hospital every day, 2 hours one way.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited October 2020

    Lori, I can't imagine how scary it must of been for both Darrell and you. Darrell looks pretty banged up. You have great neighbors and friends. I'm glad that you are home. Nothing like being in your own place and bed. Good luck with the doctor appointments. Sending you hugs from Denver. Karen

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020

    Goldie- I cannot even imagine what you have been through with your DH. He looks so badly injured and cannot imagine the pain he is in. I am glad you are home now, and I pray things get better every day for you.

    Big hugs sister from your friend next door in the Land of Enchantment Heart

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2020

    Jazzy and Karen, thank you. I'm just glad he is alive. Amazing all of this happened when he was only going 20 mph!

    Here is his ear, day 2. I went to look at the back of it, and saw this!

    His right hip and right arm. Cropped so it doesn't show so much. He would kill me!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited October 2020

    Non cuss words aren’t fitting for my reaction to his injuries but I’m thrilled he’s recovering. How horrifying for you both. So glad you all are home.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited October 2020

    So glad you are both home and on the road to healing, knowing that the healing can take what seems like forever!!! Sending hugs (gentle) and patience.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited October 2020

    Oh GOldie - what an ordeal. I second the 'glad you're home" thoughts. Hope he will continue to do what he is supposed to. Like Beaver - along with hugs, sending patience!!!

    Edited to add: NM - regarding Thanksgiving - the last few years I've purchased just a turkey breast (Butter Ball or Honeysuckle). You don't get the moist dark meat, but it's not a big mess either. Or how about a small ham? I bought a Cure 81 - quarter ham. It's not even 2 lbs so just enough for two and some sandwiches.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2020

    Oh, Lori, it hurts just to look at Darrell. Wonder if maybe some of your MMJ stash might help him? Good that he's on the mend.

    Gordy & Leslie feel fine, got swabbed yesterday and should hear by as soon as tomorrow, Wed. at the latest. Bob doesn't get tested (though his partner Nenita--girlfriend of the retinologist and dad of the "plague vector"--as well as said retinologist did because they're celebrating the latter's dad's 96th birthday with him), because his hospitals' policy is not to test their health professionals unless they have symptoms. If they did, they'd be even shorter-staffed than they're about to become. We're about to learn if we qualify for Northwestern's finger-stick antibody-testing study. I think that he may have had indirect exposure so often that a second blood-draw antibody test might come up positive. It's not, as he jokingly refers to it, a "get out of jail free card," as the test doesn't measure T-cells, and reinfection with a different strain is possible (though unlikely). And he of course still has to take state-mandated mitigation measures, as must we all. But, combined with his Type O blood, it could make him a bit safer.

    IL is now up to 5.3% positivity--much of it due not just to intimate indoor gatherings where people get lax about prevention, but also as the delayed, sequential spread from returnees from the idiotic Sturgis,SD motorcycle rally in Aug. Some attendees were from IL and brought the virus home, but others took it to MN, WI, IA, and MO--from whence it eventually spread here. People are too stubborn to learn. "You were warned" or "Told you so" are cold comfort after the fact. Dunno about you, but it's starting to feel like we're being stalked but don't know which roof the sniper is standing on.

    Anyway, we didn't crack the bubbly till this noon, with our takeout brunch. Cellars hadn't anticipated the increase in indoor diners--nearly the permitted 40%--caused by raw wet weather and the Bears game on their TVs--so they had to use GrubHub because they couldn't spare any servers or cooks to make deliveries. So I picked up our food, in order to spare the place GH's fee and make sure the staff--and not GH--gets 100% of the tip. Last night, dining out in their tent (not bad with a leather jacket over a sweatshirt), I tried a 2016 Fenn Valley (MI) red blend (MI doesn't have a "Meritage" designation): Cab. Sauv., Merlot, Cab. Franc. Yup--even S.W. MI now grows vinifera (Old World varietal) grapes.

    Fingers crossed for our winemaker dinner: Thurs. is predicted to have a high in the low 70s, with showers earlier in the day. Chef/owner said last night they were able to do outdoor dining at both this past Wed. & Thurs.' dinners--and even with us postponing, they were still wait-listed. Gordy & Leslie can't go: they both work the next day and that much drinking the night before would make it hard to get up early enough.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2020

    BabyGirl, Beaver and -2, thank you very much. BabyGirl, it was horrifying to say the least. I was shocked that they let him go after just 4 days. They said there wasn't anything they could do for him but give him pain meds. He's not eating, has horribly "D", and of course the pain. Which also makes it hard for him to breathe. He pretty much just stays in bed. I did manage to get him into the shower today.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited October 2020

    OMG! Those pictures are painful to look at. My DH broke one rib and was such a pain to live with due to all the whining. His recovery will take time. Stay strong! Do you have any help at home? He needs to take some deep breaths every so often. You certainly do not want pneumonia on top of everything else. Do take care and keep us posted.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2020

    Thank you Sandy, looks like I missed your post. Glad you tested - and hope everyone else does as well. I still refuse to eat out, but we don't have any good places anyways, so it's ok!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2020

    Thanks JCS. He is not doing anything he is supposed to. He's not eating, not walking, has "D", nauseous, no deep breaths. Just lays in bed all day. I don't know how many "accidents" I've cleaned up, from both ends. I know he is in pain, but he does nothing to help himself. No, I don't have any help. I have neighbors that would come and help if I need it.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020

    Good afternoon friends- welcome to Monday, this will be my last free one for awhile. I got up to the mountains yesterday for my day trip outing to the Jemez and it was really lovely. Lots of golden cottonwoods, along with the beautiful back drop of the landscape in that area. The springs were at capacity when I arrived, but signed in and paid and then went to find something to eat. Lots of tourists with RVs and out of state plates up there. Got a couple hours of soaking in and lovely drive back. That will be my last trip out of town for a bit (although am going to plan to go up to Santa Fe for an afternoon during Thanksgiving weekend).

    Did my last medical apt for awhile with my BS. My fourth reschedule since August, but she told me what was happening with the surgery blocks and covid test timing and if a surgery got scheduled and the results were not back, she would loose the block and have to grab the next one. She said it has been really difficult with her regular patients she sees for annual check ups because they have been bumped so many times. Life in the pandemic, as we say. My last reschedule was from tomorrow literally to the crack of dawn today. Everything is good!

    Goldie- I am sorry to hear your DH is in so much pain and cannot take care of himself. I was really thinking they were going to discharge him to rehab for a longer recovery time. Has your husband had a case worker assigned to him through insurance for his other problems? If yes, you might want to contact them and let them know about the accident and maybe they can advise on how to ensure he gets the care he needs. Having a team in rehab may help, it may be more than one person can take on. Another idea would be home health, but he probably needs more care than that. Not sure if he is to Medicare yet (I think you both use the ACA marketplace like I have) but just thinking about ways to ask for more assistance. Take or leave, I come from a place of love and support. Hugs sister, this is hard.

    Sandy- fingers crossed for Gordie and his girlfriend to be okay. I know you will be relieved when you get past waiting on these results.

    Karen and MinusTwo- been lots of talk about Thanksgiving plans this year. I know people trying to decide about travel for that, Xmas, New Years, etc. Do I stay or do I go, as the Clash would say. I either do my own thing, or on occaison will go see family for the holidays but this year, think I will do a small turkey and few items I like sometimes too. Last year, I had one of my cataract surgeries before Thanksgiving so I did nothing for the holiday (nevermind it snowed 8 inches). No moisture here and more fires have cropped up, sigh. I think the holidays are going to be tough for people this year.

    NM-did you get the phone thing figured out with your mom? Were you able to help her move some stuff yesterday. Dinner with her 2-3 times a week? Oh boy. Maybe you can suggest she invites the older couple over she met and likes so she can build her community there.

    Gotta get back to my to do list and wishing you all a good week. Will pop in again when I can.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited October 2020

    Oh Goldie - WAY too much for you alone. And of course we're talking about the male species, most of who are bears even if they get a cold. I know you're in the "back of beyond" so that doesn't help getting rehab or home health. Would you like me to check with my cousin in Taylor/Snowflake so see if she knows any home assistants or light duty nursing care? They've been there for ever and her DH is from the area so they might have some contacts.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited October 2020

    Lori - you need to be sure to take care of yourself. Hoping your husband will at least sit up in bed - i'm sure he's in a great deal of pain. Sending you hugs.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2020

    I'll be back tomorrow or the next day. I'm whoopded! Have to take DH to our dr tomorrow.

    -2 I have it under control. I used to do home health care.

    Jazzy, thanks friend for the tips, I'll keep them in mind.

    As Mema says "Lubs you all".

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2020

    Gordy texted me today that he, too, tested negative, but Leslie hadn't heard back (she was on a Zoom call for work when he got his call--which, like mine, was a recording). I'd be shocked if she tested positive, as Gordy had closer and longer direct exposure to the "culprit."

  • molliefish
    molliefish Member Posts: 650
    edited October 2020

    this sounds to me, combined with the head injury photos the he had a concussion. The vomiting and diarrhea will be symptoms of that. Keep a really close eye and let him rest. This is going to take a long time to recover from. You are right ATV crashes are the worst. He’s got crush injuries, and shock from internal and external bruising. Concentrate on breathing exercises, sponge baths, hydration and rest. I’m no expert but I’ve seen plenty of these crashes. Do not be afraid to call for help (911) if he gets sluggish or non responsive. Feel for both of you.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2020

    What molliefish said. Prayers for both of you.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    Pin on Funny

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Lori OMG those pics are horrendous. U can't possibly do this alone, please ask for some help from ur neighbors or can ur son come out for a while, SOMEONE. The pain must be horrible but Lori this is more than 1 person can do. I'm surprised he's home now. But Lori u do need to rest too. This is like 24 hr job, puleeeze try to get some kind of help for you. And all the driving u have to do, that takes a lot of stress on u too. >PRAYERS>

    Happy everyone's tests came out good, nice to hear always.

    Mollie do I know u??? Welcome for sure.

    Kim extra belly rubs for Sadie, she needs them, Wow ur all over the place, ur mom is lucky to have you.

    Jeez I haven't even thought about Thanksgiving, but like u all said who thought this thing would be so long. I remember when it first started I think we all thought a few weeks. But now it's unending, no one sees the end. It's a new way of life.

    I ha such a wonderful nite with Joey, We talked about what his dreams are but he told me how I kind of molded him and how he thinks about what I would do under his circumstances and on and on about how much he loves me. Wow he knows how to charm me and he knows I don't have any money. LOL

    Lori I just can't get those pics. out of my mind so many <<<HUGS>>> for you.

    Check in later.


  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited October 2020

    Lori, I think about you often during the day. You are under such mental pressure and physical stress. Good to know you are familiar with home health care. It will be one day at a time for a while.

    NM, glad you got the phone problem sorted out. You will work out the job/retirement/Mom things over time. I have found from reading your postings that you are smart and very logical.

    Sandy, Thank goodness Gordie tested negative. This virus is so very fickle. Sorry about the restaurants closing. Several of our local restaurants have closed. Pretty soon it will be only chains with drive thru windows.

    Jazzy, fingers crossed your work life is fun and fulfilling. Keep us posted!

    I will be hosting a small group of friends for cards next week. We will play outdoors on my covered porch. I need to clean it, but it should be fine for us. Only thing missing is a bathroom! You will have to walk through the garage and up some stairs, but we can handle it. It will be fun to see friends again.

    Take care everyone

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited October 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! I got called late Sunday evening to come in early Monday morning and pass meds for the morning. Today I'm going in a 7 pm and working as charge nurse until 3 am. God only knows what's going to happen when I'm on call Halloween weekend. I have decided to stop working 12 hour shift when asked in between call weekends. I'm not sure I can get away with that on the weekends, I doubt I can find anyone to cover part of shift. So, time to actively find out about retiring/changing jobs. This staff crisis has been going on for over a year now. I don't see any real fix coming. And yesterday, while I was trying to pass meds, the nurse who is coming in at 3 am to relieve me sought me out and started giving me a list of things she wants me to be sure I get done before she comes in:all of the overnight paperwork, all the chart checks, and a bunch of other paperwork. She's going to be too tired to manage it. SHE is going to be too tired to manage it all? I'LL be the one working as the only licensed nurse for 8 hours. She'll be the only licensed nurse for 4 hours before the day shift comes in, then there will be THREE. E-fricking-NOUGH already. Spend more time doing the work than complaining about or trying to get out of the work and you won't have as many effin' problems getting the work done!

    Getting my mother's phone working may have been a mistake. I'm getting calls all day long now. "Do you have so-and-so's-phone-number?" " Do you remember where I said I was going to put thus-and-such-item?" "I've got a new one cup coffee maker, how much coffee do I need to use?" "I just ran across this and it made me think of (insert long, rambling story)"I love my mother but I think I've created a monster!

    It's gotten cold enough in the evenings and overnight that I have to turn the heat on, which means keeping the kitchen door closed. So Silly Sadie has re-learned the effect of her cold, wet nose on the underside of my arm or on my neck when she wants to go out or otherwise get my attention. BRRRRR!!!!

    Goldie--oh my goodness, OUCH!!!!!! I am so glad there were so many trained people nearby who would help. I'm sure he feels totally miserable right now, and will for a while. Such a scary thing. Prayers for pain relief and quick recovery.

    Look at those bruises! I'm sure he can barely move!

    Minus--Mom tried to cook a turkey breast, just the breast, once, and it didn't come out well. I think she overcooked it, but, anyway, she refuses to consider cooking just a breast again. The ham, on the other hand, is a great idea, particularly since she and I both love pea soup made with a ham bone stock and left over ham! Thanks for the idea!

    Chi--funny the testing differences in different health care settings. Bob can't get tested unless he is symptomatic. I have to be tested at least once a month--this week is our test week for October. I only get out of being tested if I test positive. Then, after quarantine and all that stuff, I don't get tested for 90 days, even if symptomatic. Hope your winemaker's dinner goes well!

    Goldie--the big concern with broken ribs is the pain making people not want to breathe deeply and getting pneumonia. Encourage him to take 3 or 4 deep breaths every couple of hours, no matter how much it hurts, every hour while he is in bed. Even getting up into a recliner is better than lying flat in bed. Try to get him to drink lots of fluids, that will help with the "D", and with keeping phlegm thin and moving, and help him keep moving by making him get up to pee. Woops, now I see that he is being a typical male and not doing anything he should. Tell him for me that I have seen this before, making home care visits to guys after accidents with broken ribs. I usually end up sending them back to the hospital with pneumonia, and the pain with coughing is so bad some men pass out. And he won't get more pain medication at that point, because the coughing is what is moving the phlegm and keeping the guy alive. Unless they have to put a tube down his throat and put him on a breathing machine, then he gets sedated right out of the picture until things get better and then he's in for months of rehab in a rehab facility. All because he didn't want to take 2 deep breaths every hour, or get out of bed, or drink enough fluids. That would make all the help the neighbors and other's gave him pretty wasted if he's going to let himself get sick and possibly die just because it hurts. When I was working in home health and had a guy who was behaving the way he is I would make a bet with him that he would be in the hospital in intensive care within 14 days unless he started moving. I'd bet a bottle of Jack Daniels or a steak dinner from a local restaurant if the guy would move enough to prove me wrong. I lost a lot of those bets and loved paying up for every one of them. Call his doc's office and ask for a home health nurse referral. He needs to hear what's up and he needs professional monitoring to catch the pneumonia quickly.

    Jazzy--got mom's phone working, getting all the data transferred is another issue. Working on that, but Mom literally does not know if her email accounts have passwords or not, she's never needed a password to get into them (that's how old her laptop is). Did move a bunch more stuff, in the pouring rain, no less. I'll probably see her once a week or so, and probably have dinner with her that day, probably after work. But not 2 or 3 times a week! She has friends and is making friends in the neighborhood, so I think she'll be ok eventually. But I can't be her entire support system.

    Chi--good news for the negative tests!

    Welcome, Molliefish!

    Cammy Cat--Sadie says Thanks for the belly rubs. And you are right, this covid thing is turning into a total way of life change, even more profound than the post 9/11 changes. There are going to be ripples of this for generations to come.

    Librarian--I'm sure I'll get things worked out over time, too. I just wish that time didn't take as long! But that's ok. A trip to the bathroom is probably the least hazardous part of any get get together, we don't usually do that in groups, so no close contact there! The covered porch sounds perfect.

    Singed's Insanity Potion (League of Legends cocktail) Ingredients: 15 ml Spiced rum 30 ml White rum 60 ml Coconut rum 30 ml Midori 1 dash lime juice 30 ml Apple juice Directions: Add the three rums and the Midori into a hurricane glass with ice. Add...