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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2020

    Yes, Chicago's positive caseload has been rising (nearly doubled in two weeks) but still among the lowest of the state's 11 regions. Outdoor dining season is definitely over, at least until people get used to chilly weather and can eat near the heaters at places that have them. (Right now the temperature plunge has been so sudden that the heaters are barely making a dent in the discomfort). Delivery & carry-out for me for the foreseeable future.

    In the higher-positivity-rate "regions" restaurants are bemoaning the indoor-dining bans because they claim their customers are clamoring to eat inside; but in the city, more restaurants are endangered because people are so scared of indoor-dining that they have trouble attracting enough customers to fill 25%, much less the still-current 40% of capacity. The "hibernation" model, rather than permanent closure, is starting to catch on--as landlords are slowly realizing that potential new tenants are becoming scarce as hens' teeth.

    Bob's being matter-of-fact about this new exposure--he claims that with currently-available treatments COVID would likely be survivable for us. Thanks but no thanks: I prefer to avoid "the active shooter" outright if at all possible.

    I dropped my ballot off today at our early-voting place's secure (and guarded 24/7) indoor dropbox. Nobody was waiting in line to early-vote. Could be that as more people receive & fill out their ballots at home (and at leisure), they'd rather not stand in line either in the cold or indoors (despite everyone being masked). It's a very long ballot, with many judges running either unopposed (so why even put them on the ballot except for some contrarians to write people in?) or for retention. For the latter, 60% of voters have to vote "yes" for them to keep their judicial jobs. So why include a "no" oval to fill in? Simply not filling in the "yes" oval does the same thing a lot faster.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020

    Ill - wishing you some adjustments with the meds to feel better ♥️🙏

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2020

    Ilona, hope they find the "sweet spot" for your meds dosage!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2020

    I'm just going to jump in ladies with just a few comments to a few. Yesterday was a bit better day! Hoping for the same today. I had to go to town on Wed. to get DH's meds. Billing called me to tell me I was responsible for 20% of having my injections there which came down to $300. I said "Are you kidding me? It took the nurse maybe 5 minutes and all that was used from your facility was an alcohol swab, and you want to charge me 300 for that?" She says you brought your medicine in, right? I said no, it was sent there. She says Oh, I'll make a note of that in your file, in that case it should only be $5! I'm not really interested in the in house rehab, due to Covid and our state being 8th in the country. He's still eating, but been weepy and thinks he got some brain damage from the accident. He has appt with our primary on Tuesday. I think it's just the meds.

    NM, so glad you have something on the forefront that may be promising. I remember when you first got this job and you were so happy, we all were. So sorry it's not working out. But you don't deserve the bullying and being taken advantage of. I'm all in for the deserted island! Sadie will like it too!

    Sandy, so sorry for all the scary covid scares for your family.

    SusieQ, always good to see you. You still need to send me that pic of Sophia.

    Jazzy, I think I looked into visiting angels before and they aren't available in our area. But I think I will be ok.

    BabyGirl, what dose of Xeloda are you on? I've been taking Metamucil for "D" being on Verzenio. Wasn't too bad of an issue while on X.

    We have that cold front hitting us too this week. Super windy today, gusting to 50 mph. This weeks low's are in the 20's. Yuck!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited October 2020

    Jazzy - thankfully we are out of harms way but air quality is awful. Praying that the snow helps - it is 14F and snowing. Same for tomorrow.

    Kim - Iove the CUbii - I'm putting my Fitbt on my shoe. Used it for an hour this morning as its way too cold to run at 14 F and feels like -2F. We will walk later, I'll bundle up in snow pants and my. long down coat. I have lots of reports to write for work and get ready for a training I"m doing Tuesday.

    Positivity rates are. up to 7+ in Denver for the 7 day average.

    Have a great day. Stay safe

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited October 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! I had a bit of an epiphany yesterday. While I we reviewing my post I stopped and read the quote I have in my signature, about "Caring for myself is an act of survival" and realized that I have not been taking care of myself recently. That is now changed, and I will be taking care of myself first, whichmeans saying "no" to extra shifts and overnight work, and not letting myself be loaded with guilt about what that means for others. Other staff's well-being is not under my control, and working myself too much will not fix their problems. I suspect things will get pretty nasty at work, but that's ok, been there, done that, survived it. I'm going to start quietly moving my personal items out of my office so I can just walk if the need arises. It's a little scary how far back in to old patterns I've fallen without realizing. Having had a day to get some stuff done around the house I feel quite a bit better, and having gotten some really good sleep helps too.

    Sadie say's Hi to everyone!

    Jazzy--Thank you for putting into words what I have been feeling but not able to clearly identify--the workchanges aren't sustainable, and aren't working for me. The new opportunity is in-home Hospice, for a newish agency that is run by and staffed with people I used to work with, many of us left my last work place about the same time for the same reasons. The current open position is per diem (part time), I need to check on the benes (probably none) and some details. Biggest Con is that I don't want to be driving all over the place between visits again. The other offer, same place, is full time, overnight call from Monday through Thursday nights. I really just do not want to do anything overnight anymore, even if the calls that come in are few and far between. I've done my fair share of attending deaths in the middle of the night! I'm going to start looking for something office-based, with set hours, or at least hours I can control. As far as the current folks guilt-tripping me on my way out, been there, done that, too, and I won't be shy about pointing out what they are doing.

    Good luck with the new job, and be careful not to swallow too much air while drinking from the firehose!

    Illi--I hope the Xeloda effect wanes or you get a dose reduction soon!

    Chi--Good points about the ballot stuff and number of uncontested races.

    5 COVID-19 Inspired Drink Recipes for Coping with the Coronavirus

    I would add some Rum or Berry Flavored Vodka for extra kick!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited October 2020

    Goldie, I started at 4,000 mg with 2 weeks on/1 off. After the first cycle, it’s now 3,000/day but that’s still hard on me. My week off, I feel pretty decent but I dread going back on. I think we’ve found a nausea med that helps finally but now I’m not eating much on it and my feet, while not dry or blistered, are becoming more sensitive. So, I think another dose reduction is necessary.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited October 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day!I think I'll be repeated to myself, not my circus, not my monkeys a lot today. I have to remember not to take on problems that aren't mine. And remember to put in for a vacation in late Jan/early Feb, just need to pick the dates. Going to Las Vegas to visit my cousin out there. Wish I could take Sadie to visit her cousins, but that just won't work. Going to be cold and rainy here today. Yuck. But better than snow!

    Goldie--Did DH have a concussion? That can make people feel pretty off for quite some times after the event. There's also a cognitive effect of being in ICU, even without a head injury. Not to mention the emotional/psychological trauma effect of being in an accident like that. It's actually pretty normal for him to feel like his mind isn't working right, and it does not mean brain damage. Glad he has an appointment with the primary, make sure he talks about that.

    Karen-- I hope the fitbit on the shoe trick works for you! Good luck with the training.

    Ili--I hope a dose reduction fixes all the problems!

    Feel good ink cocktail.

    Feel Good Ink

    1 egg white

    10ml lemon juice

    20ml tequila (we use Arette Blanco)

    20ml Campari

    15ml dry white vermouth (Noilly Prat or similar)

    10ml sugar syrup

    In a cocktail shaker, dry shake (ie, not over ice) the egg white and lemon juice to set the egg, then add everything else and a handful of ice, and shake again. Strain into a chilled coupette and serve.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    Funny Cat Gif to Make You Happy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    Mornin' ladies,

    Whew I slept for most of the weekend. Missed so much with u gals.

    Lori what a job u have ahead of you. But I'm surprised derrell has even eaten or moved around at all. I know everyone has told u but rest whenever you can. I'm sorry u can't get some help in there tho, cuz u really need it. Always prayers and hugs for u and ur DH. Sometimeswhen healing starts it goes rapidly, I hope this is what happens for you. There is just way to much happening all at once for you.

    Illi hoping ur meds get figurd out very soon, u need to have this done for u sanity too.

    Well Jazzy u start today this has to be exciting and in my thoughts a little scary, Sounds like r all ready for it tho. I can't wait to hear how it all goes.

    Minus just take care of urself.

    JC u take care too. U've been really going good for a while, keep it up.

    Oh Kim yea u've been bullied, but this time u see it completely. U know what u want and how u shine <well everything> but how u feel please wait til u find that and I know u will. U r way to valuable not to do what u need to do One good thing u know what u want this time an can watch the loop holes. An I do understand what it;'s like to have a parent depend on u, it's not easy.

    Karen I hope weather treats u good now.

    Sandy I'm right near you so I see what's happening.Chances are everything will be all right with Bob, but here u go again. The spike is taking people by surprise and yet I don't know why. A lot of the same people are on FB as is Leslie's and we talk about how lately tey've been going to bars with no masks. When it was getting better for some reason they took it as we're done with this. Les and Marty dropped out of their bar scene and they kind of took them as scared and Les admitted it. She told them straight out no one got the all clear so why take any chance, if we keep the vigilance maybe this thing will kill itself out. But everyone is in a hurry. So what's the use. Now she doesn't even want anyone to come over, they're out every single weekend unmasked and meeting new people. Mostly Marty's family an friends and he doesn't want anyone here either. They've been takng it very carefully and Joey even gave up going to school at all <well puter> to help keep things under control. So why would anyone be around all these people who r being exposed no likely.I honestly feel if they had a little more patience it would have helped, its like these middle aged group and young group, that just couldn't wait.

    I talked to my dr.for my visit and she said people are starting all over to do the visits like this again. Scary!!! it's so different on the phone bujt it's all right. She does want me to take a blood test within the month tho <sooner than I expected> but where I feel comforable so I'll think on that one. But she is insisting, so I'm going to do it.

    Lori more <<<HUGS>>> please take care of urself. We''re all concerned and u know that.

    here's the start of another week hopefully it'll be a good one.


  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited October 2020

    Good morning! Just about to get the porch clean. Lots of up and down a ladder, but the area looks better. Still trying to find a rug. The floor is concrete and needs some kind of covering. Lots of spider webs, but it is a semi-outdoor space. I will post a picture once I get things done.

    NM - yes, get away from the bullying at work. You are your best boss and should follow your rules. I think it is a good idea to meet with a retirement advisor to find out the most about that option. It sounds like you have other employment options also.

    Goldie - hope your weekend went well as could be expected. DH is in this for the long haul. Used to be people could actually recover from injuries in a hospital. Now due to germs, bacteria, etc. people are kicked out as soon as they are no longer in danger. This puts all the pressure on caretakers to help with recovery. Living out in the country limits your choices to home health care. Do what you can and do not worry about the rest. This recovery period could last months. I am sending strength and hugs!

    Sandy - Here our percent positive is 11%. It has never dropped below 9%. Not sure about hospital use as it is not talked about much. Most people wear masks, but the university students are partying like crazy. And our governor is a Trump lover so there is that.

    Oh well...gotta get going. Many chores to finish. And it is likely to rain on Wednesday. That means after all this cleaning we may end up indoors! Now I have to clean that, too. LOL!

    Take care.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    Just poopin''s SNOWING like crazy I just saw it, coming down hrd. Well we'll se 10/26/20 first time I saw any of this. Here comes winter, I guess.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2020

    Yup, snowed here by the lake too, even up in Evanston where I had an onc appt. this morning. Not getting out of the 30s any time soon. And I'm sorry to say, Cami (and anyone lurking here living in suburban Cook County) that there will be no indoor dining or bar service come 12:01 am Wed. (tomorrow night). That means no taking Gordy out to birthday dinner at the Barn in Evanston Wed. night if he gets the night off--unless we score a table in the tent under the electric heaters. He wouldn't get off-shift in time to do Cellars--which has no heaters in its tent, but Chicago is still allowing indoor service (drinks till 9, food till 10pm). Hopefully, Bob will have his test results back by then and if (knock wood) negative, we can decide if we want to dine inside and hear the live jazz guitarist (for what may be the last time if the city's numbers keep rising). Because of the suburban Cook County indoor-dining ban, Bob will have to bring his dinner into the hotel and get drive-through breakfast when he stays in Oak Lawn Thurs. night (due to an inhumanely early morning echo-reading session Fri.).

    I know this isn't the place for political content, but it seems mask-shunning is now a political statement. IMHO, those who refuse to (or for some rare non-bull$*t supposedly "medical" reason can't) wear a mask and refuse to physically-distance should be the ones required to step aside and even stay home in order to keep from spreading this virus. My neighborhood (as is most of the N.Side) has among the lower positivity rates in the state--but the young "maskholes" are going around untested and asymptomatically infecting essential workers (most of color) who then bring it home to their poorer neighborhoods and crowded abodes on the SW Side (two of the three highest-positivity ZIP codes in the state). People in those poorer neighborhoods have a much higher incidence of comorbidities that make them vulnerable to severe COVID disease and even death.

    I will likely have to postpone my allergy-challenge yet again because I can't answer "no" to the question "Is anyone in your household awaiting COVID test results." The questionnaire has to be answered tomorrow, so even if he gets a negative result call first thing Wed. morning--before my appt.--I would be turned away. Sigh.

    I was able to answer "no" truthfully yesterday to the question because his test was performed after my melanoma-onc appt. this a.m. Onc. (my MO's partner) talked me down off the ledge by saying my choroidal melanoma was asymptomatic and very small--ocular melanomas are almost never found until they cause symptoms, which is usually too late. He also explained the biopsy (for which we still don't have results) is not for diagnosis but rather genomic analysis, to predict the likelihood of spread--which will in turn influence the frequency and types of imaging & other tests, as well as treatment (the latter of which is still unnecessary). If we find out from the ocular-onc on 11/18 that they couldn't get a large enough needle-biopsy sample to assay, I will get a blood draw for a genetic-mutation panel (for mutations that were not a "thing" five years ago when I was tested for the big four bc mutations).

    CT scan showed the lung nodule is stable--almost certainly scar tissue. Unfortunately, it showed age-appropriate calcified coronary artery plaques. Uh-oh. Will ask Bob what I need to do about that (other than cut back on saturated fat). Certainly not going to drop my low-carb diet and get fat again. (Never been able to do vegan without gaining weight and spiking blood sugar). A lot of the calcifications could have been caused by all the calcium supplements I used to take, that raised my blood levels of it so much I was ordered to stop taking them.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020

    Hi ladies- just a quick pop in to say Day 1 went really well, it was an all day Zoom. Got lots of good info about the organization, benefits, etc. Tomorrow I go on site for part 2.

    We have a crazy snow storm going on here right now, and after I was done with my on line program, I had to leave to rush down to the hospital and get a photo done for my badge. Something I did not get info about until a bit late and was told to go today when we were done (one short hour to get there and get done). And so then in a white out snow storm. But my trusty Subaru got me there and got her done, no one there. I looked a bit wild and windblown in my photo and the gal said "do you like it" and I said good enough. Took me an hour to get home hitting rush hour. No, we don't usually get this kind of snow in the valley and never this early. Last year we had a surprise snow storm on Thanksgiving with 8 inches of snow. We are expected to get 5-10 inches here tonight, mountains may get feet? We need the moisture, but literally, many of the trees still have leaves and some are still green with it being a warmer than usual fall. Crazy 2020 keeps on bringing it's surprises......

    I have my documents together to bring tomorrow and plans for what to bring for lunch. I will be up early to get down to the new location on time and will be there all day.

    So Cami, things feel positive on this so far. Love their perspective and diversity. Will let you know how the rest of the week goes!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2020

    Someone said (I forgot where, but I ended up stealing it) that 2020 is like standing at a crosswalk for hours, endlessly looking left-right-left until traffic finally lets up and it's safe to cross; but the moment you step off the curb and on to the street, a plane plunges out of the sky and falls on you.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2020

    Karen, I'm glad you are out of harms way. All of these fires here in the west are just horrible.

    NM, I sure hope that where ever you end up, it's a good fit for you. Heaven knows you are a good fit no matter where you go! And good to hear that you won't be quiet about the comments guilt tripping you on the way out. Darn this virus, if it weren't so, I would try to make it to Vegas to meet up with you. How long are you there for?

    BabyGirl, I don't know why they start us out on such high doses and reduce. Why not start low and increase as tolerated! I couldn't tolerate anymore than 2500 a day. I did 2 pills in the am and 3 in the pm. There are several girls that 2000 a day and do 7 on, 7 off. There are lots of variations for this drug. I always felt best on my first week back on, and SE's eased up as time when on, except for the H/F situation. I was on it for 5 years. Also if I felt I needed to change, I did, or if I thought I needed an extra week off, I did. I didn't "ask permission" to do this, I just did it. I would let my MO know about it tho.

    Cami, I'm like Les, I just don't want to be around others or want them at my house, just a few that I feel comfortable with. We are out only for doctors and groceries, that's it!

    JCS, always nice to get a spot cleaned out that has needed it awhile. I have an enclosed porch that is unfinished, needs the walls, but we don't know what we want!

    Sandy, it's the non mask wearers that are saying "WE" are the ones that should stay home if we are that paranoid.

    Jazzy, good luck on the job front today. Sorry you had to make that trip just for a photo. We got snow too, it was wet and lots of melting as it came down with the ground warm, but I bet we got 8". And it's cold, low 20's for our nights....brrrrr. Temps going back to 70's in a week or so. Crazy!

    I don't think DH had a concussion. I questioned the hospital when the accident first happened, as he had so much head trauma. They said they did scans and there was no indication of a concussion. I think it's the Oxy messing with him. We have stopped taking that and replaced it with Tylenol 3. Him and Oxy just don't do well together. We are seeing small improvements in his moving, however for whatever reason, he is not sleeping, appetite is back. We thought it was the muscle relaxers keeping him up, so we stopped those. None at all yesterday, last night is the 2 night he stayed in the recliner all night hardly sleeping at all. Going to be a rough, muddy, slippery ride outta here this morning!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    Top 30 Kitten, Cute, Funny GIFs | Find the best GIF on Gfycat

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    ,Mornin ladies,

    We pretty much soun like the sme thoughts of a few months ago, with the differnce of people complaining about wearing masks which grinds on me anyway. I don't think people want to wear them, but it's practical and a lot of them don't think so. What was the worse movie ever madePlan 9 from outer space, well this is worse.

    Lori u are really hanging in there, I don't have a clue how but ur . U never complain about ur self and just keep going with it. U've been hande a lot, and for some reason I know ur going to o everything u need to. Just rest when u can. <<<PRAYERS>>>

    Jazzy I'm sure by the end of the week u'll have a better handle on ur new job so then it's time to ;s[;aom it to us hoping it's all well. This is a big leap for you.

    Have to get my meds organized and taken so I'll be bock.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited October 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! I'm going in later this ayem, got a CPR recert class at 10 peeyem. I figure I can get a lot done this evening with fewer people around. I've got one more education packet to get together to finish this year's mandatory education topic list, hoping to get that done tonight. I'm trying to get things set up so that if I walk before the end of the year there won't be any deficiencies related to my job when the state and federal surveyors come in. Yesterday was pretty calm at work, most of the attention was focused on waiting for the last 3 staff covid test results coming in (mine is one of the 3, of course). A person who visited 3 weeks ago developed symptoms a week later, and then tested covid positive, and then called to let us know. The state CDC says the visitor would not have been contagious at the time of the visit but we have to be closed to all visitors/non-staff members, use full PPE gear (gown, goggles, as well as the usual mask and gloves) until all the staff are tested and thetest results come back negative. Fortunately, out monthly staff testing was done just last week and the state CDC is accepting that run of tests and not makingus do another one. So you see what kind of craziness we have been up against since March. What we are told and what we are instructed to do are not lining up. At all. It's just so exhausting. I did pick out vacation time yesterday, filled out the form, checked with the cousins this evening and will be putting in the request this afternoon. The Director of Nurses has a "family emergency situation" and won't be working on Wednesdays for a while despite filling 3 jobs (her job, the staff scheduler's and a data collection job), but both of the others have been filled and the people have started orientation. Funny, I didn't hear any snide comments about that situation yesterday!

    Sadie says Hi to everyone.

    Cammy Cat--You probably needed the sleep, glad you got it. Not a word was said about my not working last weekend. At least this time around with the bullying I have identified it earlier and have an emergency exit plan (the job I keep getting offered) and know I can put an end to it at any point. Now I just need to pick the end point. I don't see where this covid spike should be surprising anybody, it's been predicted for months that there would be a spike when schools opened and as states opened, especially places like bars and restaurants where people take masks off to eat or drink. I doubt we'll be set all the way back into lockdown, too many people would just ignore it anyway after so long. The best we can probably do now is keep on trying to protect the most vulnerable among us and pray. A vaccine is not going to be the magic bullet people think it is, look at the flu vaccine and ongoing flu seasons. What I forsee is that Covid will become much like the flu, always on the radar, never truly gone, maybe seasonal, maybe year-round, but a permanent part of the medical landscape.

    Librarian--Maine's positivity rate has jumped from 0.49% to 0.67% and is not attributable to the current outbreaks being investigated. That the uptick isn't due to outbreaks scares the you-know-what out of me, that means community spread, and that can take off like wildfire. With more and more people ignoring or defying mask wearing, and fewer businesses enforcing mask wearing, Maine is set for a massive explosion of cases. And, of course, the Pres made a surprise visit to the state, not far from where I live, and attracted masses of non-mask wearing people standing shoulder to shoulder from all over the state. My prediction--positive cases all over the state, almost all schools back to totally remote learning, closing down some businesses and massive craziness by the end of November.

    Cammy Cat--SNOW!? Well, it is that time of year!

    Chi--genetic mutation testing is getting more and more detailed and complex. I find it hard to think about the fact that when I was diagnosed Oncotype testing wasn't routine, nor was BRCA testing, I had to go out of state for that.So much has changed over the last decade. And to say it's been more than a decade since I went through all that. It sounds like the ocular melanoma info is as favorable as can be, with the early catch. I hope the calcifications aren't anything to be too concerned about.

    Jazzy--Glad you got through the snow to get the badge pic done safely! Isn't it amazing how much stuff can be done virtually that we thought had to be done in person not so long ago? Getting good info is a good thing. Praying the positive vibes stay!

    Chi--great 2020 description!

    Goldie--I'll be in Vegas for about a week. I wish we could meet up, too, but it probably is not a wise idea. But maybe we'll get a miracle and covid will be gone by then? We can hope, right? Having trouble sleeping after being in an accident like that is not unusual, and probably has more to do with DH processing the emotional/psychological effects of the incident than injury or meds. Not to mention that it's common for people to go through similar things after being in ICU, even briefly. Small improvements in moving are good! Any improvement is good, and recovery from broken ribs is a slow process. Hugs and prayers to you both.

    Best Driven Snow Cocktail Recipe

    Driven Snow Cocktail


    Finely-crushed candy canes

    1 1/2 oz. white chocolate liqueur

    1 oz. blackstrap rum

    1/2 oz. ginger liqueur




    1. Dip the rim of a glass in water, then in finely crushed candy canes.
    2. Combine white chocolate liqueur, blackstrap rum, ginger liqueur, and ice in a cocktail shaker. Shake vigorously, then strain into prepared glass.
    3. Serve garnished with a bite-size gingerbread cookie, if desired.

    From <>

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2020

    Lori, I thought muscle relaxers are "downers" (i.e., sedating)--benzos such as diazepam, alprazolam, cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril). I was told not to take them during the daytime if I have to remain awake and alert. Even the non-benzo antispasmodics like Baclofen or Robaxin can cause drowsiness. Is Darrell one of those rare people who has "paradoxical reactions" (i.e., the opposite of the most common side effects) to certain meds?

    Well, today our Gov. imposed Tier 1 mitigations (the first step in Phase 4 reopening) on Chicago as of this coming Friday morning. We're still below 8% positivity, and have >20% of beds still available; but the positivity rate and hospital admissions have both increased seven days in a row. So no indoor service at bars & restaurants, outdoor tables have to be >6' apart with a maximum of 6 people per (and all of those at a table must be part of the same party), and service has to stop at 11 pm. (The city's own regs are stricter: no alcohol served after 9 pm, and bars & restaurants must close by 10pm). Gatherings (e.g., weddings, funerals, church services) are limited to the lesser of 25% capacity or 25 people. We had been planning to go to Cellars tomorrow night to dine indoors and listen to the jazz guitarist. But we got an e-mail that a staffer (who only came in last Thurs.) got a positive test result early this afternoon and has "mild symptoms." So the place is closed for a week while everyone gets tested and all tests come back negative. I'm a bit nervous, because though we dined fully outdoors (not in the tent) I did go inside to hand in our wine order and I think the employee in question was the one who was doing the paperwork. (He & I were masked the whole time). When it reopens, it'll be outdoor, takeout & delivery only. The no-indoor-service rule may (knock wood) be lifted after 2 weeks if metrics improve.

    Gordy's birthday is tomorrow. He & Leslie managed to reserve one of those plastic-bubble "igloos" outside a restaurant (which counts as outdoor dining) for Fri. night. I have my drug-allergy challenge test tomorrow morning in Glenview; will combine it with a visit to Costco's gas station and then head south to Gordy & Leslie's to drop off his requested present: four asthma inhalers (much cheaper on Medicare Part D than his insurance) from my stash. Will probably order takeout from a French restaurant in Ravenswood--though they're still serving indoors tomorrow & Thurs., we don't quite feel safe dining indoors anywhere but home or Cellars. I'll pick it up, since they're operating on a shoestring (who isn't?) and I don't want to stick them with a GrubHub fee.

    Bob is supposed to get his COVID test results tomorrow. Fingers crossed. I asked the allergy clinic and they said so long as he isn't having symptoms, the fact that he's awaiting results doesn't disqualify me. (Of course, should he test positive before I get there he will call me and I'll have to turn around and get dinged aa another "no-show").

    With the last of the BBQ leftovers I had some more of that Aussie dolcetto.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020

    Day 3 & all is going well. This is what yesterday morning looked like at my house. It was snowing this morning but think the storm is finally to the east


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2020

    Yikes, Jazzy--Northern NM seems to go from summer to winter with no autumn in between!

    Bob's test came back negative (whew). But 2 hrs. too late for me to be able to take my allergy test--the clinic called me at 8 am to postpone to next Wed. So whatever we eat tonight, it'll be with the rest of the bottle of that Tuscan "Contratto" super-dry bubbly (which is one of Food & Wine's picks this month). Gordy says no hurry to drop off his present, and no need to top up my gas tank (still 1/3 full) till at least the weekend.

    Cellars has decided to take down the tents and end patio dining for the season. It'll be open for takeout/delivery 6 nights a week for as long as they can stay afloat, starting next week. But they will be doing curbside wine pickup starting 2:30 pm tomorrow, so I'll swing by and pop the trunk for the 6 bottles we ordered last week. We will order from them every night they're open from next week on, even if it means we have to cram the fridge & freezer with leftovers (or eat dinner for breakfast). Bob & I were considering staking them to the cost of those semi-outdoor "igloos," which are still allowed under the city's new restrictions (which start Fri.), but they have too little available sidewalk space for enough of them (no more than 6 people per, and they must all be in the same party) to be able to pay for the necessary servers.

    The city and state went directly from Tier 3 of Phase 4 reopening (which had allowed 40% capacity indoor dining & drinking) to Tier 1 (no indoor service, period), w/o Tier 2 (25% capacity indoor service). Only 3 regions of the state are still in Tier 3, and two of them will probably join the other 8 this weekend if metrics don't improve. I have a mani-pedi scheduled tomorrow--and I have the sinking feeling it'll be the last one permitted after next week, because we're likely headed back to Phase 3 (no outdoor dining nor personal-care services). So much for finding a more "compliant" salon to get my ends trimmed and roots done too.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited October 2020

    Jazz - that's what it looked like by me Sunday afternoon and Monday morning. Weather was in the teens Sunday and Monday and is slowly warming up to 60s by week-end. The snow did help with the fires.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    Wow Jazzy if that pic. was shown with the caption where was this, no one would guess it's NM, Never, What a surprise.

    Kim I'm sorry everything sounds so confusing where u work, I do know u keep it good for ur part tho. Jeez Kim u really cant keep this crazy crap going on, ur just way to good and organized to try an keep this from going way out of hand. I hope ur plans for changing things up will be starting soon, for ur sake,

    Sandy lot goi ng on around u. I'd be a wreck. I don't know how Bob does all this and then u have to wait on top of it. Now everything is starting to close again. It's a circle of confusing everyone's life. I think we all knew it would spoke again but still it just gets tiresome reliving it day after day. Not knowing when it will stop.

    Karen snow is more likely by you but it is a little early with no fall.

    My niece was over today and as usual we always hit the subject of Covid. It's her grandaughter's first holiday <not that she'll remember> but the family will and it's all up for grabs and no one really cares about presents, just trying to figure out how to do all this. But we're all in this same boat <similiar to the name of the Titanic> that's how it seems sometimes. As they say this to shall pass, like a kidney stone so we wait.

    Lori I pray for u and Darrell everyday.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    Goodnight Cat GIF - Goodnight Cat Sleepy - Discover & Share GIFs | Good night, Good night quotes, Cute good night

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2020

    Sandy, I was just going by what the pamphlet said on all of his drugs. Pretty sure he's not a person that has paradoxical reations. Happy Birthday to Gordy.

    Jazzy, same here the other day. I think you, Karen and I all have that crazy western weather! How's your DS and SIL?

    NM, I'll hold out for that miracle! I hope things are still going reletively smoothly at work and what's going on with mom?

    I have to head to Phoenix tomorrow to get an EKG before I start my infusions. Can't wait to drive 8 hours every 3 weeks! Anyone having done this, is it just for a certain amount of time, or you do so many and done?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited October 2020

    Cami - Snow is not unusual in Colorado in October or even September. But the frigid temps Sunday and Monday are. It is heating up to the 60s and 70s for the first week in November.

    I dread the time change. It will be nice to be lighter in the morning but I'd wish they would just pick either standard time or daylight savings time and stick with it. Enough of fall back and spring forward!!!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2020

    Karen, I hear you on the time change--the cats don't know it's only 10 am, not 11 (their usual breakfast time), so no sleeping in on Sunday (unless Bob is off in order to watch the Bears, in which case I may put him on kitty-feeding duty).

    With ordered-out French food, some more of that Cherry Fields Aussie dolcetto. (Time to change the gas cartridge in the Coravin, though).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    I'm Not Awake Yet....Good Morning cute cat gif sleepy good morning awake good morning greeting | Good morning cat, Cute cat gif, Good morning funny