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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2020

    Mornin' ladies,

    Karen i hate this time changes for as long as I can remember. Then it seems like real winter to me.

    Sandy were u able to get some BD time in at all, or are u just skipping it for the most part. Everyone is doing something different this year and nothing really seems like fun to me.

    Lori I can't get over that there is nothing closer for u to get ur meds. I'm sure u really looked into it but that's absurd, by the time u get there and wait for ur infusions it's a long day. I cn't see how they can't figure something else to do that much closer. There must be other people in ur predicament and have had to come up with something. Glad it's every 3 weeks at least but still a long haul. I know u live far away from things but this is way to much for any one to have to drive for one day. I'm sorry it just doesn't make sense to me. All that ur going thru and now this. I just feel bad for you.

    Most people are getting all freaked out about this new surge aroun here. And on their own wearing masks all the time and scraping their hands clean. Here we go again. Is this our way of life now back an forth neverending. Jeezz I hope not. I told u we were talking about the Holidays. I never really looke forward to presents just the precense of family and the spread of food and win.e for hours and hours and talking and laughing. But this year I don't see anything like that will happen I should be happy that things are good and I am but for some reason I feel sad inside. Who'd of thought.

    I hope today brings a brightess to everyone.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2020

    Cami, my MO works under Banner Health, and we don't have those up where I live. I will have to discuss with him about that. I just don't know how that would work, going to a different cancer center, not affiliated with the hospital my doctor works out of. Because he is not affiliated with the hospitals up here, I don't think he can write an order for me to get treatment here.

    Make sense?

    It's just going to put a lot of miles on my vehicle!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited October 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Yesterday turned into an interesting day. I was just getting up and getting going when Mom called. She needed a ride to her doc's office to get some blood work done and her car is in the car hospital. The clinic nurse wanted her to come in ASAP and call and let her know when Mom will get there. OK, I tell her that I'll be there in about 45minutes, and we'll go straight there. Mom can call the nurse while I pour my coffee into a travel mug and change out of my jammies. I'm kind of hurrying, and didn't pay attention and ran into the garage door before it was all the way open and broke the bottom panel rather thoroughly. Now the door won't close, and the garage is also my basement and the temps are not much above freezing. Sigh. I drive over to her place, pick her up, and head to the doc's office, which is an hour away from Mom's place. We get to the town the doc's office is in about 11:00. THEN she tells me the nurse made an appointment for 2 PM when mom called! Mom had forgotten her cell phone, so she used mine to call and see if the appointment could be moved up. She had to leave a message, we left my phone number forcallback, but never heard back.So here we are, sitting in a shopping mall parking lot for an hour, then we ordered some take out for lunch and ate that, then sat in the doc's office parking lot for a while, until almost 1 pm, when Mom went in cuz she needed to pee.Luckily, the could take her then and recheck the blood work, which was perfectly fine. I take her back to her place, and manage to get to the place that has worked on my garage doors in the past before they closed, and get on the list to have someone come take a look yesterday evening. The very nice guy came out, took measurements, and will be calling with a quote sometime today. And he was able to get the door to close. He pointed out that the garage doors I have now, which were original with the house, meaning they date from 1988, are basically cardboard! I never realized the doors were so thin and had NO insulation! I have a two door garage, I'm hoping the cost will be low enough to replace both doors now with insulated ones. Now I'm wondering how much difference having insulated doors on will have to the overall heating costs of the house in the winter.

    Things at work seem to have calmed down a bit. We have 2 nurses in orientation now, one who will be working the units and one who will be doing one of the 3 jobs the Director of Nurses is doing now. The new Scheduler has started and is getting up to speed pretty quickly, so the DON will be back down to just one job in a couple of weeks. The assistant DON told me that this weekend's staffing is looking good, so she doesn't expect I will have to work this weekend. I've finally had a full week of doing my own work and have really managed to get mostly caught up and feel a lot better about that stuff. The last of the staff covid tests came back, all negative. Apparently my test was the very last one to come back!

    Silly Sadie thinks all of these goings on are just hilarious. Every time I start talking to her about them she rolls over on her back and insists on belly rubs while I'm talking. I swear she fell asleep during belly rubs at one point yesterday evening! Or she gives me these really oddlooks while I'm talking to her. Sometimes I think she's saying she's listening, sometimes I think she's saying I worry too much about stuff, and sometimes I KNOW she's saying "give me a belly rub and it'll all be better"!

    Chi--ye old covid seems to be ramping up everywhere. The Maine CDC is saying Maine has widespread community spread now, statewide, and we're seeing the beginning of a surge or wave or whatever they are calling it this week. This one is not being fueled by nursing home and workplace outbreaks and is affecting younger people. No big surprises there. Happy Birthday to Gordy, hopehe and Leslie have a fun evening out. Hoping Bob stays negative, too.Ah, I see Bob did test negative, that's good! But the roll back on restrictions, not so good.

    Jazzy--YUCK!Snow due here anytime now. Originally predicted for today or tomorrow, but now they are saying no precip. Still, it will come.

    Cammy Cat--it is confusing at work, and it's confusing like that all through health care right now and has been since March. My next step is to get all my retirement info together, then make an appointment with a retirement counselor. In the meantime, no more 12 hour shifts outside of weekends on call (can't control weekend call outs), and keeping as close to 24 hours per week as possible with coverage shifts and my work combined. If things fall apart or get too nasty, I'll go back to working Hospice and making home visits while I look for a no traveling position. With covid spiking again, everything is closing up again. I think most of us saw this coming, once things started easing up some people decided they didn't need to take any precautions anymore and now we are seeing the results. Your neice's granddaughter won't remember much of this, but the family will, like you said. I think family gatherings like we used to have are probably pretty much over. I think the holiday season is going to be very different for years to come.

    Goldie--We can hold out for that miracle, as long as we aren't holding our breath! Things seem to have calmed down at work a bit. Driving 8 hours every 3 weeks will not be fun, but what must be, must be. Still praying for you and Darrell.

    Jazzy--saw those on FB, LOL!

    Karen--oh my gosh I hadn't thought about the time change, that's this weekend, too! I really think the world has advanced technologically enough to do away with the time change. My sister-in-law grew up on a dairy farm and she says when the clocks changed (they never said the time changed, only the clocks changed) they just changed what time they got up, cuz the cows had to be milked when they had to be milked, no matter what the clock said.

    Cammy Cat--I'm with you, the holidays have been more about getting together with family than about presents or such. This year is going to be very different for lots of reasons. Not sure I'm going to like it, but what choice do we have?


    Ghost Cocktail




    • Mix all ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice.
    • Strain into a chilled martini glass rimmed with white chocolate shavings.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited October 2020

    Positivity rates are now close to keeps rising....not good. I'm continuing to work remotely. Other than the grocery store, I don't go anywhere but we do take our walks in the neighborhood. Weather warming up to 70s for early next week!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2020

    No trick or treaters for us tomorrow--we will have the porch light turned off, per the city's suggestions. We didn't buy any candy and to tell the truth, I'm sort of relieved. Next to Yom Kippur, Halloween is my least favorite holiday: I have to spend hours on candy duty, keeping the cats locked away. No time to go to the bathroom, watch TV, etc. (You don't know how much Halloween sucks till you hear kids banging on the front door yelling "Trick or Treat!" while you're on the toilet trying to "do your business"). The neighbors have decorated up & down the block, and I imagine though there will be fewer kids and slimmer pickings, the volume of both will be normal for an "average" block. Last year, during a snowstorm, we still got >1000 kids on our double block. We usually get almost double that.

    I'm of two minds about indoor-service bans at restaurants: on the one hand, we are in the midst of a horrible surge (IL had almost 7000 new cases today) and IDPH's bar-graph chart shows "restaurants & bars" as the largest source of spread. On the other, the state went from allowing 40% indoor capacity to zero, without the 25% in between that was allowed in Aug.-mid-Sept. So many restaurants spent thousands on ventilation systems, partitions, table storage, winterizing their tents & patios by partly enclosing them and buying heaters. But without at least a 25% indoor "cushion" of customers, even the busiest outdoor patios are a losing proposition. The problem now in many suburbs is that the restaurants are going to keep breaking the rules and local police depts. are refusing to enforce them. All of this could have been avoided if everyone "masked up, washed up, and backed up." But nooooo....those stupid selfish bar-hopping maskless 20-30-somethings (by far the largest cohort of new cases) are killing people and killing businesses too.

    I am all for banning indoor service at bars & taverns. The whole point of going to one is to drink & socialize--which necessarily involves close contact and often shouting. Then when patrons get tipsy (which is why they go to bars and not restaurants), they throw whatever caution they may have had to the wind, removing their masks (or never wearing them) and crowding together, sometimes hooking up with strangers and taking them home. Now, I'm not a prude nor a teetotaler but....

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020

    Good morning friends and Happy Halloween!

    I made it through the first week on the job! First couple of days were spent going through their HR new employee orientation program, the last few days finishing a bunch of on line org training, getting up to speed with the new manager, etc. I have some things to figure out to get my benefits registration completed, but also letting my ACA plan run through 2020 so I have time on the health insurance front. There is a possibility we may move to home for several reasons, including the rise in cases here (now over 1000 per day as of this week, sigh). Oh and I get my first paycheck next friday (whoot).

    Teka- welcome back!

    NM- sorry about all the hassles at work, your mom's stuff, etc. Hopefully things will settle down with her move and you can find ways to help her with some of the things she needs assistance with. Are there senior ride services in the area that can help with some things? I went through this with my mom when I lived back east when I was the only one there and worked a state away and she wanted me to take her to doctor apts. I made other arrangements for people to help (and often paid them to do so). I hope you can find a good job too that fits with your needs and good to ask questions about the work place expectations, culture, etc. Sometimes we really cannot know how something will be until we are in the job though, right? Hi to Sadie and hope she continues ot keep you entertained!

    Goldie- I am glad to hear your DH is doing a bit better, but also sad to hear that your cancer genetics changed, wow. Driving back and forth to PHX will be a challenge, but it sounds like you are ready to do it. Praying every day is a bit better for you guys. And it sounds like you got a bunch of snow too (pretty crazy to have so much and so early too).

    My sister and her partner are still the same. My sister goes to visit her every other week through the window and don't hear any of it is too productive. The partner won't even make eye contact anymore so I suspect she is slowly fading away. The mother in law is really changing with her dementia and was fighting with the caregivers at assisted living around bathing etc. Nothing good to share about the situation out in CA.

    Karen- my friends in the Denver area talked about the snow storm up there too. We are back to fall here again, you?

    Chi- I am wondering about our restaurants here too. I am back to planning for take out through the winter, not the one who has wanted to dine inside during any of this but want to keep my fav spots going. The restaurants here had to put their teams through Covid certified safe training in the past 10 days to continue with indoor dining. Today is the last day to complete that. There are restaurants here that have never opened yet, and the bars have not been able to open at all during any of this. I am going to get some take out later today on my way back from swimming and thinking about which spot.

    Cami- what is shaking girlfriend?

    Ill- how are things going with the move?

    Mistyeyes, Celia C, Minus Two and everyone else, I hope you are doing okay.

    Okay, so tonight is Halloween, the full (blue) moon and the time change. Not doing any candy hand out here and hope there are some scary movies on to watch.

    Don't forget to set your clocks back tonight. And to vote on Tuesday if you have not yet.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited October 2020

    Jazzy, the move is on and we're leaving tomorrow but the house is nowhere near ready to sell. I slowed down due to SE's from a new treatment combo and DH is overwhelmed. One Uhaul trailer and truckload were taken out last week but we're in no hurry, so planning to finish over the next couple months as we come back for scans.

    Waiting for spine MRI results for another spot in the brain that is suspicious for lepto mets. Of course I'd love it to be negative but I feel like I'm outrunning the inevitable, so I'm mentally prepared either way mostly. A prognosis of 3-6 months would be a huge blow though, fingers crossed.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020

    Ill- wishing you the best with the move and sorry the treatments are kicking your butt. Praying on all the rest friend.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited October 2020

    Good Afternoon, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! Got a call from work, one of the CNAs was sent out to the ER by ambulance. Everyone was all on screech, so I went in to help out and get things settled down. Spent the morning with people either crying on my shoulder or venting anger and frustration at me. At least it wasn't the middle of the night. I am hoping the night shift will not suffer from Weekend Full Moon psychosis!

    Sadie was not impressed. Actually, neither am I. If they spent a little less energy on whining and moaning and a little more on getting the work done they wouldn't be in bad shape.

    Welcome back, Teka!

    LOL, Jazzy!

    Karen—I hear you. It's getting scary again.

    Chi—that's a lot of Trick-or-treaters your block gets! All the back-and-forthing with the COVID restrictions is bound to kill off a lot of businesses. I agree bars are always going to be problematic and for the very reasons you state.

    Jazzy—sounds like you are starting to get settled in to the new job. Mom doesn't often ask me to take her places, she'd rather drive herself. Her car was in the garage this time around. And she has bailed me out when I had car problems in the past. So I don't mind that call, I was just amused by all the drama—need to get in ASAP, setting the appointment for 2 pm, her forgetting her phone, etc.

    Ili—Moving is such a huge undertaking, better when things can be done over time. Praying for good scan results. That prognosis would be a blow.

    DOTD today is chocolate milk. One of my comfort foods, stopped at the store on the way home and bought a half gallon. It’ll last me this afternoon!

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited October 2020

    Said I would post pics of the car when I took some.



    Still a few things to finish up, but it looks much better.

    Happy Halloween all

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2020

    Jcs - wow that's great. Love the red interior. Leather ?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited November 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Here's to hoping the time change works in my favor this direction, at least for a while. No calls from work overnight, that's a good sign. Had some weird dreams again last night, I can't remember the details but there was lots of searching for something and racing to meet deadlines and people disappearing. Hmm, sounds like it might make a good SciFi movie!

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Librarian--nice ride!

    Pink Cadillac Convertible Recipe



    • Rub a lime wedge over the rim of an old-fashioned glass, dip into sea salt to coat the rim, then fill with ice.
    • Muddle all lime wedges, except 1, in the bottom of a cocktail shaker.
    • Add ice, tequila, Grand Marnier and cranberry juice and shake well.
    • Strain into the glass and garnish with a lime wedge.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited November 2020

    I do NOT like the time change - I went to bed at my normal time, woke up at 2:30 couldn't fall back to sleep so at 3:30 got up and then went back to bed at 4:45 (yes, these times were post time change). I was text my younger daughter who asked me why I was up!!! Got out of bed at 6:15. Hopefully, I'll get back on my schedule before young. During the week I"m up at 5ish. Often wake up at 3 to go to the bathroom, but go back to sleep till 4 or 5

    Nice weather today

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited November 2020

    I'd prefer to not have the time change. Unfortunately, my preference would be for what we just left--don't like when it gets dark so early! Oh, well, time to readjust!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2020

    Cats woke me up at 9:30 my time--which was 10:30 their time, for their morning meal. I gave them each a little nosh, and again at 12:30. By 3:30 they should be back on their 4-hr schedules.

    Spent Halloween gassing up the car and trolling for paper products & disinfectants. Target was completely out of Bounty (for which which Amazon is price-gouging: $37 for a 6-roll pack), but I was able to get some of their house brand and the thicker Viva. Amazon is even more outrageous for Kleenex--$18 for a pack of 3 reg. size boxes. But Target was selling 4-packs for $5 ea, so I bought two (the limit). No Lysol or Clorox wipes or spray--but I did get a couple small canisters of alcohol-based wipes, and an off-brand bottle of disinfectant spray with exactly the same ingredients as Lysol. There was a 1-per-customer limit on wipes, disinfectant and paper towels, but the cashier didn't enforce it on anything but the spray.

    Bob brought home dinner from the Palm late yesterday afternoon, but we weren't hungry enough to eat anything that early (I'd had a fried egg on avocado toast about noon-ish). By our usual dinnertime, he had already made himself a tuna sandwich, chips & salsa--and I had most of my leftover duck and veg remaining; so I nuked that and had the dregs of the Cherry Fields dolcetto.

    Just now (before the Bears game), I reheated 1/3 of the Palm porterhouse, and Coravin-ed a bottle of 2008 Maryhill (Columbia Valley, WA) Serendipity meritage. Still insanely wonderful after all these years.

    May have a cappuccino a bit later--after I finish my 2 oz. of wine I must put my retainer back in lest my teeth regress too much.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited November 2020

    Happy Daylight Savings Time and all Saints Day- I hope everyone had a good and safe weekend with various holidays, the time change, etc.

    I don't know who these people are but they are for sure invited to my next Halloween party. Enjoy!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Best Good Morning Coffee Hea GIFs | Gfycat

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2020

    Been tough trying to keep up here! Hail, I can't keep up at home and always on the road. Had to go to town yesterday just for distilled water for our batteries. No time change here, which for me the confusion becomes, ok how many hours different am I now from CA, MI and UT. Is it 2 or is it 3. Is it 1 or are we on the same time.

    NM, sorry about your garage door and hoping things remain somewhat calm at work for you. All the driving won't be fun is right, at least it's a pretty drive. But I don't like the 450+ miles it's going to put on my vehicle each time. Yay for negative covid test. LOL on the chocolate milk. I like to keep some of the powdered stuff around, but lately all they have in the store is the huge can. That would last me 5 years or more!

    Jazzy, a good first week at work, good for you. Will it be easy work if you have to move home for it? Sorry about your SIL and the "no good news in CA". Cute Halloween dance.

    BabyGirl, praying for continued good results in your scans. Did you dose reduce on the Xeloda?

    JCS, that car is beautiful. I too like the red interior. I would love to drive around in that!

    Sandy, I remember last year when you mentioned how many trick or treaters you get and how much candy you had to buy!

    Cami, were things quiet there for Halloween?

    Is Bitters an alcohol?


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2020

    Mornin ladies, <my keys are sticking so just put up with it please>

    Lori I know ur r. has to have rivi to any other hospital, but u' think for that kind of ride omething could be done. On paper I get it, but in person seems harsh.

    Illi sending u prayers for ur tests and much luck with ur move. Glad u can take ur time tho with it.

    Welcome back Teka u know how I always like ur poop ins.

    Hey Miss cool chick, nice wheels, love the red interior.

    Oh Kim breaking ur garage door, what a way to start and then all the time u took. U always seem to find people right away to fix things, which is great.Altho it seems better there is always so much confusion with ur job, but at this time I think it's always like that for most places. This is just non stop confusion but u always seem to keep up an take care of sadie with great love. She needs extra rubs again so I'm sending some.

    Karen this time change is useless to me, but all the clocks now change themselves so it's more confusing to me. I would expect u and Kim to get this crazy weather not Lori and Jazzy.

    Jazzy the first week sounds OK to me and it's going to get better and better.Goo thing ur so smart and just catch on to things the way u do. An u have a great personality to just ease into anything. I woul think think u'd be exhausted tho with all this change but u really don't seem like it. Ah youth what it's worth.

    Oh Halloween was sad really we got about 5 kids that we knew. Joey was by his friends an he said no one went there. So these kids got cheated this yr.

    I talked to 3 of my friends and of course my sister this weekend, we're all in the same boat an it's tough not seeing one another for this length of time. My sister's SIL and some GC got covi in the last couple of weeks, but they're doing OK but no one is going to her house now. So I know she really feels it. Everyone lives so close but no one can really go there. Thank God none of them needed the hospital but most are the young ones and Sandy ur right they all go downtown on the weekends and they are stupid thinking oh it won't get us. They honestly don't realize the damage they can do by doing this and they r all in their 20's so again stupid. Sandy it seems like the teens are using more common sense then they are right now. U have ur schedule pretty well worked out and that's great.

    I was talking to Bob the other night and strange story <I'll make it short> One of the men that work for Dan is the grandson of the man who introduced me to my ex, what a small world. So I knew him years ago <kind of a love/hate thing now> but he's a good guy. Just funny to me :As the world turns, I guess.

    Hey to anyone I missed hope ur week starts out well and just gets better.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2020

    Good Mornin DahhhLinks,

    NM, no I didnt know they switched up the CBD. I'll have to check it out, thanks!

    I've been feeling OK, but my left shoulder is really killing me. Thank goodness I have heating pads in several places in my house. Helps ALOT!

    Lowwee, I'm hoping all ok with you and Dennis. I pray for you two everyday

    Mese hubs is sick this morning, very nausia (I kno I spelled it wrong, wtf!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2020

    Moved up my DDS appt tomorrow from 3:15pm to 1pm. That way I'll make it home before dark (and--I hope--any demonstrations in the Loop).

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited November 2020

    My PT appointment tomorrow is at 3 pm but it is only 20 minutes from home. Hoping for peace, not violence.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited November 2020

    Downtown business owners are boarding up their windows in preparation for any riots post election. There has never been an election like this before - no matter what side of the coin you're on!

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited November 2020

    karen, I gather from the evening news that the boarding up is going on around the country. Breaks my heart, elections used to be an exciting event, not a cause for violence.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited November 2020

    Cami - appreciated your comment about the clocks. Unfortunately only one out of my NINE clocks &/or watches changes itself. I have to do all the others.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited November 2020

    For some weird reason my car, with GPS which changes the time automatically when we travel across time zones, requires a manual change to turn daylight savings time on or off!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2020

    All our clocks per se--except Bob's wristwatch & old-school bedside LED alarm--reset automatically. But the "clocks" on our stove, microwave and Keurig need to be reset manually. And our cordless house phones took an extra hour to kick over. The digital clock on my car's dash reset itself.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited November 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Election Day! I'm going to vote on my way home from work, my usual thing. Last election I was the only voter in the room! Probably more people voting today, but maybe not, either way, there is rarely a line so I'm not worried. What is worrying is getting up to see almost an inch of snow on the ground! I knew it was going to snow overnight, but I thought it would melt off like it did yesterday. Oh well, it is November after all. The weather guesser just said the temps are getting up in to the 60's this weekend. Welcome to winter in Maine!

    Got called into work early yesterday to cover for a call out. Worked until noon as charge nurse. Got bossed around by an obnoxious Agency nurse. Found out one of the really good nurses gave notice and was done with us as of last weekend. Stayed on past the 8 hour mark as I had an appointment with a staff member for CPR recertification, staff member didn't show up. Sigh.

    Sadie is not impressed with the snow this morning. She stepped out into it, turned and looked at me as if to say "WTF?" She sure was nice to cuddle up to last night, though, while listening to the wind howling around!

    Maine's covid positivity rate has doubled in the last week or so. 24 hours before bars and tasting rooms could re-open the restrictions are rolled back and they can't open. Back down to 50 people at indoor gatherings, 100 outdoors with distancing. A favorite local bakery is closed due to a covid positive employee. Schools going all remote all over the state. Looks like Maine will be going into the Holiday season on nearly full shut down.

    Karen-- I don't like it either. And I really don't see any reason for it anymore.

    Beaver--Same here, it gets dark early enough without the time change help in the winter!

    Chi--I didn't think stores were putting limits on items like that anymore! Maybe it's a regional thing? Who knows.

    Jazzy--they are funny, aren't they?

    Goldie--I'm not crazy about the garage door thing, either. I'm even less impressed with not yet hearing from the guy with the quote. He said he'd call the next day, which would have been last Friday, haven't heard yet. Time to look for another company, I guess. Bitters are alcohol flavored with bitter tasting ingredients. Adds bite and offsets the sweetness of other mixed drink ingredients.

    Cammy Cat--Non-stop confusion is a good description of working in health care these days. I'm just shaking my head and carefully tracking my hours. It's the younger people who are catching covid most often this wave, maybe as more of them see their friends and family members get sick they'll smarted up. We can hope, at least. Sadie says "thank you" for the belly rubs!

    Teka--LOL!!!! At least she waited until the day after Halloween!

    Mema--Good Morning, to you, too!Sympathy to the hubby. Heating pads are wonderful things, aren't they?

    Chi--good luck avoiding any demonstrations!

    Beaver--peace would be better. But probably too much to hope for.

    Karen--that is one very sad sign of the times.

    Minus--how long does it take you to change all those clocks and watches?

    Chi-- with the frequent power outages we've been having, I've given up on keeping the microwave clock set to the correct time.

    Swing State Spritz


    • 1.5 oz Dry Vermouth
    • 5 oz Q Mixers Tonic
    • 3 oz Sparkling Wine
    • Garnish – mint sprig & lemon wheel


    • Build drink in a large wine glass over ice.

    Running Mate Mule – Red


    • 1.5 oz Vodka
    • 0.5 oz Cointreau
    • 0.5 oz Lemon Juice
    • 5 oz Q Mixers Hibiscus Ginger Beer
    • Garnish – 1 half lemon wheel


    • Build drink in mule mug – stir gently, garnish & serve.

    Running Mate Mule – Blue


    • 1.5 oz Vodka
    • 0.5 oz Blue Curacao
    • 0.5 oz Lemon juice
    • 5 oz Q Mixers Ginger Beer
    • Garnish – 1 half lemon wheel


    Build drink in mule mug – stir gently, garnish & serve.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2020

    Cami, so sorry to hear about the Covid cases in your family, but glad they seem to be doing well. Do they know how they got it?

    LDB, do tell. Who might this Dennis be that I am with....LOL. I know, you meant Darrell! Do you know why your shoulder is hurting so bad? Sorry about Randall being sick. Is he dieing? (like most men, when they're sick).

    Beaver, safe travels for you today, and yes, NO VIOLENCE!

    Karen, I just can't believe what is going on over this election. Even a fence around the white house. I'm embarrases to be an American!

    NM ha ha, I beat you with the snow. Like I posted before, about 10" here last week. It's all gone now and temps during the day are in the mid 70's. Your Covid cases are rising, just like everywhere else, but from what I can see online, you are second from the bottom with cases. You seem to have the same problem as we do, finding reliable help. I guess that's the price to pay when living rural. Thanks for explaining the bitters!

    My post on FB, which most of you saw already: Well, I won't be starting my new treatment Thursday, insurance denied me. Time to jump through hoops. It will happen, through the drug manufacture, I just have to fill out the paperwork and send it in and wait! Oh and the sweetest part of "adopted" grand daughter wanted to start a go fund me page to help so I could get my treatments and she was going to ask at her school! Nana Lori loves you Gracie

    Second, my DH is about to drive me nuts! I know he's been through alot. The current situation is him running to the bathroom several times an hour (#2), but not really anything there. Doctor said he could be impacted. Also he is so cold, but yet sweating porfusely, soaking sheets and pillows twice last night. No fever, I'm keeping an eye on that. Then there's all the moaning and groaning, and heavy breathing and crying constantly and about everything, and the moping around, and he can't sleep. He has stopped most of his meds except the regular ones for high bp and RA.

    On with my day!