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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2020

    Oh Jazzy, Jake in the Lake....uh huh, oh ya, OK!

    BG, love the resignation.

    Karen, I guess not the right way to resign if you like your job.

    NM, you busted butt to get everything done for the new job, but you really didn't have a choice! Pat yourself on the back girl. Sorry about your knee, but hoping with less stress now, it won't be so bad.

    Misty, I forgot what your job is. Hopefully you are glad to be back?

    Sandy, mese tinks maybe you gonna be a grandma????

    Sandy/Karen Happy Chanukah

    Still struggling with DH, but not doing much for him anymore. He leaves a terrible mess in the toilet bowl and I have asked him time and time again to use the toilet brush right away, then I'm not scrubbing and scrubbing. Well he hasn't and I quit cleaning it. Was a daily thing, if not 2 or 3 times a day. I don't even use that bathroom because it's so disgusting, looks like a J john. This evening he asked me to set stuff out to clean the toilet, well by golly I will! He also invited our friend, that used to be our hygenist over for a weekend. SOB! So I have to do all the cleaning for her coming, the cooking and the entertaining, as he is in bed by 4 these days. I'm so pissed, like I don't have enough to do! I love her, and really wouldn't mind her coming, it's just that there's been so much going on over the last 6 months. I shall survive.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited December 2020

    Well ChiSandy didn't ask us to guess, but I'd think a wedding.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited December 2020

    Tonight’s DOTD is a hit. It’s a Reisling and while it’s not fruit juice sweet, it is fairly sweet. It also seems different in feel, almost a thicker, kind of butter or soft fluid. I have no idea what that means to wine aficionado’s but it’s the best way I can describe it. I’ll be finishing this little bottle for sure.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2020


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2020

    Sssshhhh....I'll tell ya soon enough. I already have a "grand-dog," though.

    Ilona, when you're ready to try a full-size bottle of Riesling, look for the word "spatlese" on the bottle. A bit sweeter than the "off-dry" kabinett, but not as sweet as an auslese (which verges on being a dessert wine). The quality designation "Riesling QbA" should be enough, though--the kabinetts, spatleses and ausleses are "QmP" (qualitatswein mit pradikat) and a bit pricier--as are the American versions from CA & northern MI, and the (relatively) insanely pricy bone-dry Alsatian ones. Zeller Schwartze Katz--a style of riesling from the Mosel valley--is a good one that won't break the bank; the famous (and relatively cheap) Liebfraumilch ("milk of the Madonna," as Joni Mitchell put it in "Don't Interrupt the Sorrow" and was probably the "bottle of German wine to drink" mentioned in her classic "Just Like This Train"), from the Rhine area (a staple of my college days) by law must be at least 70% riesling (the rest is usually Muller-Thurgau, a tad sweeter). These German rieslings are rarely more than 9% ABV, so they're unlikely to throw you for a loop.

    If you're looking for a domestic Riesling, turn the bottle around and look at the back label. There's a little graphic that will show you on a scale of very dry on the left to very sweet on the right just how sweet that bottle is (indicated by a little triangle).

    The bubbly was Mumm Napa NV Santana brut. (Yes, that Santana, who co-developed it).

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 945
    edited December 2020

    Hi all I've been lurking and enjoying or commiserating with your adventures and DsOTD. Mine was a decaf Bailey's irish cream coffee after dinner with a big dollop of whipped cream on top. DH had his over the rocks. Ouch. I'm a lightweight 🙂☕

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited December 2020

    Mae - I like the Schmitt Sohne Riesling - and it comes in a pretty blue bottle. Usually available at both Specs and Total Wine.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2020

    Schlink Haus Riesling also comes in a blue bottle. (Rheingau, Rheinhessen, & Mittlerhein wine bottles are brown; Mosel bottles are green; and Nahe--sort of a flat-plain area of the Rhine region--bottles are blue). On my first trip to Europe in 1990 (with a wine merchant and his sales trainee), we stayed in Bad Kreuznach at a hotel owned by the Schlink family, who put us up, fed us, and even had us participate in a tasting for "Essen und Tranken" magazine. Even though they're "vins ordinaires" (or the equivalent German term), I'll always have a soft spot for Schlink Haus wines.

    Try an off-dry or slightly sweeter riesling with strawberries. Yum! Also pairs very nicely with spicy foods: Cajun, Thai, Hunan, Szechwan, Indian, etc. Not Mexican, though--you need either beer or sparkling water with lots of lime. (Although a couple of years ago we went to a Baja-grown wine-pairing dinner at a neighborhood Mexican restaurant--terrific, but the wines were insanely expensive because produced on such a small scale. Sorry, but no still rosé is worth $40).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    Funny Animated Kitty Cat Gifs At Best Animations Kitty Cute Cartoon Gifs - LowGif

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    Mornin' ladies.

    This week flew by.

    Happy Chanukah Karen and Sandy.Sandy I know we're not guessing, but I'm leaning with Lori. U ruled out the vaccine so....

    Oh Lori the last thing that's needed now is for company with all the running around u do, plus taking care of everything. I'm sure u make it look easy that's why darrell thought it was OK. And u don't complain.

    Welcome Reader u'll really enjoy it here so I hope u come back.Very nice women.

    Kim u sound so excited and I don't blame you. U've paid ur dues many times, it's about time u look forward to ur job and it sounds GREAT!!!

    Illi u must have tiny hands those bottles look pretty normal size/

    Hi Teka.

    Jazzy like the fun pics. always do. In fact I always like all ur pictures.

    I can't believe Christmas is so close. I've been scurring around the on-line for ASAP delivery and I still have more to do.,

    And this week the kids found a house, of course someone will outbid them, but this time I hope not Les and Marty like it so much as does Joey. The pics look great, Sandy it's in Batavia, so a little further out but prices are better. And that's taking a lot of time this week. Just talking and figuring. It's really crazy trying to figure everything out. I really pray its in our future this time.

    Beaver, JC, Minus, Celia <oh I hate it when I forget someone.> A good weekend for all stay safe, hopefully this will be over soon.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited December 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! The sun is shining so far this ayem, but rain and sleet coming in later and into tomorrow. Yuck. Got a lot of running around done yesterday, got my TB test planted, got the drug screen done, got the last form signature obtained and the form scanned and emailed, picked up prescription refills, dropped off gifts for the family the Wednesday Women and Wine group adopted for Christmas, had a nice visit and glass of wine with one of the WWW women, picked up the Farm Drop order, did a very quick grocery run, and confirmed Monday's furnace cleaning appointment. Treated myself to a Five Guys cheeseburger for lunch, too! I did go in and pick it up but ate in the car on the riverfront. Slept like a rock until the alarm went off at 6. I did shut it off and go back to sleep for bit, but mostly just cuddled with Sadie. Got to get used to getting up with the alarm again now! I don't need to leave home today or tomorrow, so am going to try to concentrate on getting some around the house stuff done. I didn't realize until I got home last night how much I have been letting things slide here. Or how much the depression has been deeper than usual. I'm making this a reboot weekend, letting go of the old work stuff, concentrating on the new.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Misty--thanks, I am so looking forward to a predictable work schedule!

    Chi--I've heard of the God Shot, glad you got to experience it! That apple watch "breathe" reminder is a godsend, isn't it? It's gotten me through more hard shifts than just about anything else, and through some very long and tedious meetings. Pets (and family members) video bombing Zoom meetings is getting to be quite the things nowadays. Sometimes it's really funny.Congrats on whatever you are celebrating, and can't wait to hear what it is!

    Goldie--The knee is so much better already that I am absolutely surprised. I'll go in Monday morning as soon as the furnace guy is done and get the TB test read, and then I think I'll be able to start work on Tuesday. That wouldbe exactly 7 days from getting the job offer. Not bad in my book! Glad to hear that you are drawing the line with DH's bathroom. Sorry you are stuck with the cleaning for friend's visit. You have had so much to deal with these last few months. Hugs.

    Minus--hmm, I wondered about a wedding, too! Or maybe a retirement announcement?

    Illi--Rieslings are generally pretty good! When you talk about a buttery feel, I think I know exactly what you mean. Some Rieslings have it, some don't. Some white wines have it. I associate "buttery" with chardonay.While I was in the store yesterday I saw a box of bubbly samplers advertised for the run up to the New Year! I almost bought one, but I've got plenty in the "wine cellar" so decided to pass this time. I did treat myself to a bottle of violet cordial, though!

    Jazzy--no such thing as too much wine!

    Chi--great info!

    Reader425--Welcome! Nothing wrong with being a lightweight, as long as you get to drink what you like, right?

    Cammy Cat--I am excited and feel so much better with the anxiety the old job was causing now gone. I hope and pray the house works out for you, it sounds perfect!

    White Christmas Martini


    • 2 ounces vanilla vodka
    • 2 ounce white chocolate liqueur
    • 1 ounce white creme de cacao
    • 1 ounce half-and-half
    • Honey and coarse sanding sugar for rim garnish


    • Pour the honey into a shallow dish and put the sanding sugar in another shallow dish. Coat the rim of the glass in the honey; then dip the rim in the sugar to coat evenly. Set the glass aside.
    • In a cocktail shaker filled with ice, add the vodka, white chocolate liqueur, creme de cacao, and half-and-half. Shake vigorously and strain into the prepared martini glass.

    From <>

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited December 2020

    Happy Saturday everyone! The road people finished up yesterday early afternoon. It was so quiet I could hear the clock ticking! Weather has been delightful, but rain is coming. I was able to walk yesterday and get the front yard raked. Plus wrapped several Christmas presents. I hope to take a drive today and porch deliver a few things. Nothing edible so it should be safe to leave out doors.

    I was thinking about this time two years ago. It was when I was diagnosed and going through all the preliminary testing. What a whirlwind! Much calmer now. I have some scans scheduled for early January. I feel great and believe we ‘caught’ the cancer early. I know it is MBC, but still think my chances are good for living another 10 - 15 years.

    NM - You deserve to rest this weekend. Or at least do things that are meaningful to you.

    Goldie - Your DH is learning the hard way. Funny that he invites people to the house and isn’t available to entertain them. I send you strength to get through all this day by day.

    Cami - Good luck on the house. It is definitely a sellers market these days.

    The wine discussion is very interesting. I drink it (ALOT!), but do not have much of a palate for the different tastes. I do love a cold Riesling.

    Take care all and Happy Chanukah

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited December 2020

    Cami, lol, no tiny hands here but here’s a comparison bottle pic.


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited December 2020

    DOTD was a red blend. Didn’t care for it, too harsh.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2020

    Old Town Albuquerque





  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited December 2020

    Well the 21st is 9 days away, so a bit of a time to wait.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2020

    Cami, Batavia is lovely--right next door to Geneva, where the Fox Valley Folk Festival takes place (or will take place again, once the pandemic ends).

    Ilona, so those bottles in the "wine Advent calendar" are just slightly bigger than the ones served on airplanes, and hold about as much as a "split?"

    DOTD was Santana bubbly with our appetizer, and the rest of the Jadot Beauj. Villages with our entree. (Had to cook indoors, as it's too wet out to grill).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited December 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Getting up to some pretty thick fog this ayem. Looking like the sleet and freezing rain didn't really materialize, which is a good thing, although all the current snow and ice melting is making for messy underfoot. At least I don't have to go anywhere today. I made a big dent in all the clothes lying around in piles in the bedroom yesterday, started moving the summer stuff into storage and bringing out the winter stuff. It is amazing how much work it creates when stuff is allowed to pile up and not taken care of properly. Sadie likes to supervise, but since I use the bed as a staging area she usually sits in the doorway and watches. Yesterday she climbed up on the bed and made a nest out of a pile of clean clothes while I was going potty. So now I have a whole new load of clothes to either re-wash or de-fur! After all these years you would think I would know to leave the pillow area open for her, right?

    Librarian--glad to hear the road work is done and the quiet has returned. Porch delivering gifts is going to be the thing this year, I'm thinking, that and mailing packages. I bet you have a good 10-15 years to go, too and I hope you enjoy every one of them.

    Illi--oh my gosh, that little bottle is ADORABLE!

    Jazzy--great pics, love the purple and white decorated tree!

    Chi--I wish I traveled as much as you!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2020

    Hi ladies- happy Funday Sunday. It's cold here and it felt like another storm that passed through yesterday might bring more moisture, but think it went north or around us. But it's pretty cold for her (mid 20s) this morning and it definately feels like winter is here. Well, winter begins next weekend, so close enough right?

    As you saw, I got down to our Old Town area yesterday to get a couple things done on my list (including a gift certificate for my biz atty as we wrap up our work together this year. It was more crowded than expected, but went and took some photos, popped in a couple places quickly and then got my visit to the resturant done and some take out too. I have not been to this particular place in a long time (it's a steak house, but I don't eat red meat) but they had some fabulous seafood last night so they squeezed in a take out order of scallops in a jalapeno creme sauce, served on herbed risotto and julienne veggetables. Green chili clam chowder (saved that for today) and the manager gave me a free chocolate mouse. Wow just wow, one of the most delicious meals I have had in a LONG time. Well, they are now back on my radar as finding good seafood is really hard here. Restaurants are not allowed to do any in restaurant dining again, and this place has no patio option (never mind it's too freaking cold now to sit on a patio). By the time I left, there were far too many people around and was ready to go.

    NM- I hope everything comes together for you to start on Tuesday. The story about Sadie finding a bed in those clothes is so cute. I know animals love a spot with fresh warmed clothing to snuggle in. Wishing you a couple good days to enjoy life before you start this new chapter. Your mom doing okay in her new place still?

    Cami- I remember you said Les and Marty were looking for a new home and hope the right one comes that they can win the bid on so you have a fresh new space. JCS is right that its for sure a sellers market. I have had some friends here selling this year, mostly because they are moving into some sort of retirement setting and they offers the minute the house is on the market and lots of overbidding too. Been like this for a few years, few others I know here who have moved to different states had the same thing happen. Is Joey looking forward to Xmas? I hope at least the four of you can enjoy some good holiday meals together. Hopefully things will be different next year. Glad you like the pics!

    Teka- that is JUST hilarious, stealing that one to share with some of my plant loving friends. Hope you are staying warm in North Country.

    JCS- it is good to look back a few years and see where you were as things were getting diagnosed and where you have come to. I remember things feeling like the end of the world 8 years ago when I was going through treatment (a lot of other changes that year too) but things slowly improved as time went by. You are doing really well sister. Cancer treatment reminded me that no matter the circumstances, I have the staying power to get through hard times. You stay well sister and glad the roadwork is done too.

    Chi and Karen- I wanted to wish you both a good hanukkah this year and know it's underway as of Thursday. I grew up in an area with a large Jewish population and learned all about the delicious foods. One of the things I am working on in this time in the world is to understand more about different cultures and religions. The more I think I know, the less I find I really understand. Would you be willing to share something with me about this particular holiday that you feel is important or special to you? Question open to other sisters here of the same faith?

    Ill- I love a good dry reisling but really hard to find. Pacific Rim has my most accessible fav but I might need to visit my fav local wine shop to see what they have one of these days. I know you said you like the sweeter wines. Do you like dessert wines (moscato, late harvest wines, etc.?)

    Mistyeyes- your break over the holiday sounded really good. Your work sounds busy and can relate. I hope you have some time off coming up again for the holidays, at least some days here and there. When is your retirement date, is that coming up this spring?

    Goldie- did you get the storms we had pass through here? I think you mentioned some snow earlier this week when I was lurking. Sending wishes for a good week for you and DH.

    Mema- how are you doing? Celia C- how are things your way? Who am I missing?

    Work is getting busier and got a bunch assigned for us to deliver between tomorrow into next week so I will be heads down working on my deliverables and working to finish up some Xmas things. Hope to get the last of the cards in the mail today, and enjoying having some packages coming in (I open some up as they arrive, others I wait on). I have a full week this week, then three days the following week until I have another long weekend. Getting a lot of the last of my business closure wrapped up here at the end of the year. These two months of transition have been a grind, but I am wading through a lot of my to do list. Trying to clear the decks a bit more as we move in to a new phase of work in January. We are still working from home for the time being.

    Have a good week and stay safe everyone!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited December 2020

    Jazzy - I too love the Old Town pictures. Do you feel comfortable sharing the name of the restaurant? I've actually had two friends move back to New Mexico now, so a trip is definitely on line when we can again. Interesting that you mentioned Moscato for Illimae. I was going to let her know that Specs (one of our local liquor behemoths) has a red moscato on sale this week.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited December 2020

    Jazzy, I don’t really know what wines I like yet but I’m having fun finding out. I like sweet red and white Zinfandel and now the reisling I tried. We have lots of wine from DH’s tours. The musician usually had wine or alcohol on the rider for his dressing room at the venue but since shows go on nearly every night, some bottles never get opened, so we keep them. We’ve probably got 40 bottles but I hate to open one and find out I hate it. I don’t like wasting, even if it’s just a $13 bottle. This gives me a guilt free way to sample some.

    Thanks for the tip minus, sounds good!

    DOTD is a safe one, good anytime.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2020

    MinusTwo- sure thing, the restaurant is called Antinquity and it's been around a long time. Here is the lnk.

    I think I missed you with my hellos this morning. Hope everything is good your way?

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited December 2020

    Jazzy - The restaurant sounds delicious. Thanks for the recommend. I'm going to pass it along to my friends who landed in Bernallillo for now. I'm doing well thanks. Walking 6 miles every day now - woo hoo - but only made 3 miles today due to a thunderstorm. Rain I can handle. Lightening, not so much.

    Normally I'm a lurker on this thread but I do read regularly and wish you all well. So excited waiting to see how NM's new job goes.

    Edited to say - and I do drink every day. Sometimes a gin & tonic before dinner. Sometimes wine with dinner - I'm on a cab kick right now. Sometimes a Tuaca or Amarula in the late evening.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 945
    edited December 2020

    Appreciate the warm welcome! No DOTD today other than iced tea. I intended to once again enjoy a Baileys irish cream coffee but got sidetracked. I dove into a bag of Italian cocoa wafers. At some point I decided not to add any more calories to my total for the day!

    I make a small pitcher of iced tea daily or nearly so. I use Southern breeze and do enjoy it.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2020

    Hi Reader! My DsOTD were coffee, espresso, and a can of strawberry Bubly. Dinner turned out to be somewhat spicy and Asian-esque, so I didn't have a riesling chilled. (Bob had a Heineken).

    Got a bottle of NuStevia simple syrup (the DaVinci brand of which I'm running low has Splenda--which is not necessarily healthful). Will probably use it in a faux-jito tomorrow (mint has taken over my garden). Plenty of seltzer & limes, so I'm set. (No rum necessary--I don't really like the taste of spirits other than cognac).

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2020

    Cami, you are right, I don't really ever complain. So awesome the kids found a house. Praying no one outbids them. Do you know what street it's on, I want to look for it.

    NM, you sure did get a lot done. Tomorrow is the day! Have you heard anything from anyone at the "other place"? You not only started working within 7 days of the offer, but you also got the job quickly after the interview. The whole process was quick.

    JCS, finally it's quiet! Hopefully the porch pirates won't get your goodies you leave.

    Jazzy, great pictures. Love the sun shining on the church, beautiful! Yes, we got a little bit of snow and had lots of wind.

    Teka, glad I didn't get any poinsettia's this year!

    Minus2, 6 miles a day? Wowsa, good for you! How long does it take you?

    Hi and welcome Reader, my DH loves his ice tea as well, all year long, no sugar.

    Off in a bit for my 4 hour drive to get my infusion. Praying this one doesn't make me sick! OH, and DH DID clean the toilet! My son made his 6 month mark on the 5th, found a cute girl to date, and was just asked yesterday to be the house monitor at the sober living place he is in. And the other thing I love, she did not like his beard, so he shaved it all off!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2020

    Welcome Reader!

    Be safe on your trip to PHX today Goldie Heart

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited December 2020

    Raining here this morning. I will do my house chores and hopefully have time for some tea and reading later this afternoon. DH will be off to the chiropractor for his neck. She said he had a frozen C2, but things are not that much better after three months of treatments. He is a whiner when it comes to pain so I am not sure what he expected.

    Gosh, Minus, I walk three miles every other day and that seems to take forever. And while walking, DH complains about his knees, feet, etc. He is pretty sure he is wearing himself out!

    Hope everyone has a good start to the week. I do not have much planned. Safe travels, Goldie! Everyone else have a great week

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited December 2020

    Goldie - I'm walking a brisk 18 minutes per mile. Not quite 3 miles an hour so almost 2 hours. Great news about your son. Somehow I thought your infusions were in Flag so you really do have a haul.

    JSC- it probably won't do any good to pass this along to your DH, but I've found the more I walk - the less my knees hurt. Lubrication I guess. And yup - committing to do this walking is a good chunk out of every day.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited December 2020

    DOTD is Moscato, which I was excited to finally try based on the comments from you all. It’s ok but a bit more fizzy than I like and the taste was mellow, perhaps a little too mellow, like a hint of wine. Good enough to explore other moscato though.
