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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2020

    DsOTD were black coffee (Metropolis Costa Rica Perla Negra, Keurig Wild Blueberry) with brunch; almondmilk breve latte as a late afternoon pick-me-up; and with dinner (to celebrate Bob's vaccination), Cote Mas brut cremant de Limoux (southwestern France bubbly).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited December 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Sadie and I slept like rocks last night. I'm planning to do a couple of chores around the house and then spend some time on the work computer on the work site getting ready for tomorrow. The nurse that is orienting me will meet me at the school tomorrow morning, make sure I've got my feet under me, and then spend the afternoon at her school. Tuesday will be all by myself (for the whole half day)!

    Goldie--working with those kids must have been challenging, probably not much support from the parents.

    Jazzy--I think Mom is realizing the need to purge, too. She did comment that having 6 sets of dinnerware for 8 was a bit much for one person with a table that seats 4 at most. And she is beginning to talk about how long it's been since she's used some items that she's held on to "because I will want them someday" and at least letting go of the duplicates. I don't think she realized how much stuff she had in storage or how many duplicates of things she has because she forgot they were in storage or couldn't find them. Problem is, she keeps trying to give things to me! I can't tell her how many things she's given to me have gone straight into the dumpster and never made it into my house.

    Illi--my mouth is watering!

    Chi--so glad Bob got his shot! First step toward being safer these days.

    Reader--glad to hear the sinus thing is improving. A little treat or cup of coffee or tea in the afternoon can make quite a difference in the feel of the day.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    Cat GIF, Cute and Funny Animated GIFs with Cats

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited December 2020

    Good morning all! I have been busy doing some Christmas baking and packaging of goodies for gifts to neighbors. Finally the kitchen is clean again! Today is my 45th wedding anniversary. I will get some lobster tails and attempt to make a romantic celebratory dinner. There is a bottle of chilled champagne waiting! It has not been all romance and bubbles, but things are not going to change now. The kids will come for Christmas Eve dinner and back the next morning for brunch. Then the first weekend in January I will head to the mountains for R&R.

    Sandy - Glad your DH got the vaccine. We still need people to do the easy mask wearing and social distancing for many more months.

    NM - Best of luck with the new job. I feel you will enjoy working with children and do really well there.

    Illimae - That dessert looks wonderful! Unfortunately, I had to taste many of the goodies I baked. I am gaining back all the weight I lost over chemo year.

    Jazzy - Enough your long weekends! Love the sound of all the food items.

    I do want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I will make this statement many times over the next few days, but I really mean it. I am so very thankful for this group of people. The support from you has helped me tremendously over the last two years.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    Mornin ladies,Lori

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    That is what was left of my almost completed post, I'm so friggin mad now trying to figure out what happened. Oy vey, I'm pissed.

    I've got to get ready for my shower now, be back latah.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2020

    Happy Sunday friends- looks like folks are busy doing holiday-ish things, enjoying DOTDs, and staying safe. I had a good day yesterday that was both productive and relaxing too. Along with some errands, I had a long overdue massage and reflexology treatment which left me feeling really good. I tried a new gal at my spa and really liked her so I will try to use her again. My local spa does a thing where you can buy a package of 5-10 massages and done this before with facials and going to do this in 2021 to be able to have this build in my wellness routine. I won't be able to go to my fav hot springs for awhile until they rebuild from the fire this past August and I have the vax, this is the next best thing. Plus, it's not a big time or money commitment like going to the springs and also feels very safe (not too busy). Came home to relax the rest of the day. I want to do a facial in 2021 but not until I have a vaccine. No one needs to be that close to my face.....

    Back to my to do list today an will swim in a few hours for some exercise. I have a busy three day work week with some things due tomorrow into Wed but look forward to a long holiday weekend with nothing planned outside a swim next Sat and walk with a friend on Sunday. Wishing you a good winter solstice (a fav holiday of mine) and look up to see the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter. I saw it so close and clear in the sky at the pool the other night, tomorrow should be really great unless cloudy.

    Be back to check in on everyone Xmas Eve day. Stay well friends!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2020

    More 8 Maids a Milking

    The 'Eight Maids a-Milking' Cocktail -

    • 2 parts gin (we used Wallflower gin)
    • 1 part creme de cacao
    • 1 part green chartreuse
    • 1/2 part orange juice
    • 1/2 part lime juice
    • 1/4 part simple syrup
    • 1 egg
    • Fee Brother's Black Walnut bitters
    • martini glass

    Combine all the ingredients into a cocktail shaker and dry shake it for at least 20 seconds. Add ice and shake until cold. Double strain into a martini glass and top with grated zest and chocolate shavings.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2020

    Fernet Branca is gross. On its own, it's a "digestif," which is French for "bitter, disgusting semi-booze that, when you open the bottle, will scare your stomach into calming down so you don't have to drink it." Makes Jägermeister taste like maple syrup.

    Bob's bringing home Boston Market tonight--not sure what, but in light of what he's buying me for Christmas, I will gladly eat anything he brings; and will no longer nag him about coming downstairs in the middle of the night to snack like a bear at a campsite and leaving crumbs all over the counter & floor. In the DOTD dep't., I just ordered him a Keurig cocktail machine (he mentioned it wistfully) from Best Buy--supposed to arrive tonight but not gonna hold my breath.

    Had a cappuccino just now. With dinner, the rest of the Cote Mas cremant, and then Momessin Beauj. Nouveau.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited December 2020

    DOTD, another red blend, not sweet enough.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020


    Happy Anniversary! - Lolcats - lol | cat memes | funny cats | funny cat pictures with words on them | funny pictures | lol cat memes | lol cats

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2020

    I think we have some Kenny Loggins fans here. One of my favorite comtemporary holiday songs and came across this tonight on YouTube and just wow. I have seen him in concert several times and seen him do these blow away performances, but this one with the sax (especially the call and answer) is just wow. Enjoy!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2020

    I am a Kenny Loggins fan, Jazzy--thanks for that!

    JCS, Happy Anniversary. Don't know if you are a folk fan, but in you honor may I suggest the late Stan Rogers' "Forty-Five Years."

    After-dinner DOTD: a manual pourover of Metropolis' Xeno's Decaf beans. Can't believe it's unleaded.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited December 2020

    OMG Jazzy - absolutely just wow. Thanks

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited December 2020

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day! Not much to say this ayem. I spent quite a while exploring the work computer and sites, discovered I can't get into the most important one, will have to get that looked at first thing when I get in. I really love the way they use the technology to the fullest. I'm going to be a Google meet expert before very long!

    There is a pretty notable covid outbreak at the big local medical center. The press is having a field day with "how can there be a virus outbreak in a hospital where everyone is wearing a mask?"Do people really not understand that health care workers do not work 24/7, that they go home, they have families, they go grocery shopping, put gas in their cars, and, very occasionally, socialize? That the health care workers' covid tests don't test just the part of them that works in the hospital but the whole person? How many of the press are getting tested every month or every week just because of where they work? If they test positive is it assumed that they did something wrong, didn't follow the masking and handwashing rules and distancing rules? Arrgghhh.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Librarian--HappyAnniversary! Enjoy the dinner and champagne! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours, too!

    Cammy Cat--looks like you got bit by the post eating Gremlin!That is so annoying!

    Jazzy--so happy you found a good stand in for the hot springs until they rebuild. I'm hoping the clouds clear out so I can get a look at the conjunction.

    Goldie--I like your 8 Maids a-Milking! Had to look up chartreuse, though. Sounds very interesting, made with 140 herbs and plants.

    Chi--that's a downright frightening description of Frenet!

    Illi--seems like the red blends aren'tyour fav in this mix. Interesting label, though!



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2020

    Nothing to report on my end, quiet here, been doing a little in the garden, I'm able to grow a few things during the winter. I have some lettuce and kale growing.

    BG, Better Than Sex, always a hit. My neighbor who just passed says to me when I brought it over and told him the name, I dunno about that! Well after he had some, he agreed! Mind you he's in his 90's! I put raspberries on the last one I did, that was good.

    NM, my students were SMI (severely mentally impaired), we had just the one classroom in that school, they called it an out center. Our school had it's own school, but they took a few classrooms and put them in other schools so our kids could interact. The "at risk" kids actually came in our room to help. We would get a different group of kids each time classes changed. It made those at risk kids feel very worthy and proud of themselves, and our kids loved it of course. Good deal on your mom purging things, I could never get my mom that point. I would just throw stuff out without her knowing it!

    JCS, Happy Anniversary to you and DH. As for the support here, I couldn't agree more. As you can see, I have been here since 2008. I just can't bring myself to leave my friends here. Altho friends on FB with several gals I met here, the ones that don't post anymore (here) I hardly ever talk to.

    Cami, I think the Post Gremlin gets you the most! OMG, I saw Joey's picture. Where does he get his size from? That kid is a Gentle Giant for sure.

    Jazzy, I must treat yourself well! I looked last night for planets as it was clear, saw nothing. I'll try again tonight.

    NM, another thing with this virus is the fact that you can have it and still test negative. Then in a week or so, test positive. Had that happen to family friend who is in a long term care facility, only in his 50's but had a stroke. He was saying how horrible he was feeling and his lungs felt like they were on fire. Said he had been tested and was negative, well that didn't last long. He ended up in the hospital and had to be intubated. I hadn't noticed the "Green Chartreuse", quite interesting actually.

    9 Ladies Dancing

    The 'Nine Ladies Dancing' Cocktail -

    • 2 parts pomegranate tequila
    • 1 part amaretto
    • 1/2 part lime
    • bar spoon of Campari

    Combine ingredients in cocktail shaker over ice. Shake well. Strain into cocktail glass. Serve with a cute lime twist.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2020

    Goldie- I have seen the tests be negative, then positive thing with some folks I know too. A friend of mine from long ago who moved here with her partner ended up with serious clotting in her lungs in early fall. She has been in and out of the hospital several times, seems stable now but on oxygen. I am pretty sure she must have had Covid knowing the clots in the lungs are a long term after effect of this virus. Her partner got really sick about a month ago, lost her sense of taste and smell but tested negative. I have not heard if they have gotten the antibody testing but think it would be good for them. They go nowhere, outside of the times they have gone to the ER for medical care. Covid is sneaky and tricky.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2020

    Green Chartreuse is the only liqueur in the world with a completely natural green colour

    It is powerful and unique.

    Only two Chartreuse monks know the identity of the 130 plants, how to blend them and how to distill them into this world famous liqueur. They are also the only ones who know which plants they have to macerate to produce the natural green and yellow colours. And they alone supervise the slow ageing in oak casks.

    • Ingredients : alcohol, sugar, 130 plants and flowers.
    • Alcohol content : 55% (110° proof US)
    • Presentation : Packaged in a traditional Chartreuse liqueur bottle. Very elegant with the embossed seal of La Grande Chartreuse.
    • How to drink it : To bring out all its flavour, it should be consumed very cold, even on the rocks. Traditionally considered an after dinner drink, Chartreuse is more and more being enjoyed as a long drink.

    Discover here how Chartreuse is made to-day !


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    Cat GIF, Cute and Funny Animated GIFs with Cats

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    I just have to poop in here it's gotten all confusing to me.

    I know I saw the recipe for it's better than sex but can u print it again. I do think I know what it is, but not quite sure. And if it's the one I think it is I want to make it.

    Kim I'm confused here about ur hrs for this week and next week. Karen I think I have urs down pretty well

    Lori I hope u just have 1 trip this week for Drs. BTW were u supposed to have company this week??? I've been getting confused now.

    My kids aren't going to Marty's family Christmas Eve at all, not only cuz of Covid but gthey still treat Joey like chit and now he really sees it. When Marty told his mom what colleges are offering him scholarships, she couldn't believe it, literally an said when did he get so smart??? Marty told her he tutors and a couple of other things and she said Oh yea right. Well Leslie blew her top of course. Didn't tell Joey but Joe still doesn't want to go there, imagine if he knew. And I thought no one has taken any time to have a conversation with him. But her other GC can do no wrong, <they don;t like Leslie> So finally they all see it.

    I hope FF doesn't ruin our Christmas now, cuz he tends to do that. But my GD is the designated driver so he can't use that but he;ll think of something believe me.He had a tooth pulled Sat. an I have a feeling it's going to be infected <like his brain> With his drinking, I know it has shrunk an all the right parts are not working right.

    Everyone sounds pretty OK with this week, I know some will not see their kids an that's crappy for sure. All of this is I think we're all trying to make the best of it.

    Jazzy I've always said u work hard and u play hard. U always find the best things to do under any circumstances.

    Sandy how is ur DH doing I think we're all nosy on this one. OK curious will be a better word.Either way let us know. Please remind me what Gordy and Leslie are doing for Christmas.

    Well that's about it, hoping this one goes thru at least.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2020

    Look what got delivered today from edible arrangements


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2020

    Bob's doing fine, knock wood. Gordy & Leslie left for Houston in the wee hours, and I am so on edge about that. Terrified, in fact, Still can't believe her parents didn't follow common sense and decide it was best for nobody to endanger one another. He's awaiting their Sat. test results (saliva), which should arrive tomorrow. I am so afraid they will get infected on the road--pumping gas, using public restrooms.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited December 2020

    Chisandy, yay for bob and sorry you’re worried. Hopefully it helps to know that they will be careful and that masks are required statewide in public places indoors. Also, I’ve only seen compliance while out shopping, not anyone without a mask as some kind of personal protest or forgetfulness.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2020

    OK, everyone, here's the reason for the champagne: en route to Houston today Gordy popped the question and Leslie said yes! (Keeping it off social media for now until he figures out how to tell the ex-friend who exposed us all to COVID back in Oct.). I couldn't tell you until now why I had to keep from pleading with him to stay in Chicago for the holidays, lest Leslie see that as a rejection of her family. They did agree not to set a date until everyone's been vaccinated.

    So DOTD is Mumm Napa Grande Annee Brut 2007.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited December 2020

    Chisandy, Yay! Congrats 🍾🎉 I’ll drink to that :)

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited December 2020

    Happy news, Sandy, especially during a stressful time.

    DOTD here was Navarro 2015 Muscat Blanc. Opened it last evening and I thought it smelled yeasty, tonight it was great! Just received their 2019 Muscat which was a gold medal winner, looking forward to trying it.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2020

    Chi- that is really great news! Congrats to Gordy and Leslie, you and Bob too. Some happiness for your family at the end of this year!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited December 2020

    DOTD with a cheers to Gordy and Leslie.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited December 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Only a half day at school today, and I'm kind of sad about that. I'm starting to get to know the teachers and staff and some of the kiddos. I had forgotten how funny kids could be! I had a pretty steady day but only had to send one child home. Everyone is so happy to have a full time nurse in the building and is being so helpful. It felt so good to come to the end of the work day and still have energy left. I was amazed at how quiet it was at lunch time, but then realized that with the kids all spaced out, max 2 to a table and at the ends of the tables, of course there isn't as much chatter. But boy can they chatter while heading out to the busses!

    Sadie says Woof to everyone!

    Goldie--There aren't any severely mentally impaired students in my school right now. In fact, there are very few with any medical issues even, Most of the kids with asthma were kept home by their parents and are remote learning. There is a Resource Room where I saw some students going at specific times. I'm looking forward to visiting with those ladies and finding out more about what they do and how they do it. The school world is so fascinating to me! It is true that it takes a while for an infected person to have enough virus or viral antigen in their system to register positive on a test. And we are so keyed into looking for the symptoms that we are testing at the drop of a hat, and will get lots of situations where someone initially tests negative and then goes on to get sicker and test positive.

    Morning, Jazzy!

    Goldie--Wow!What is going to happen when those two special monks pass on? This has got me intrigued, now I have to see if I can find some!

    Cammy Cat--OMG, those kittehs with shades! Too cute! My hours this week: I worked a full day yesterday (Monday) and will work a half day today (Tuesday) then I'm on break until January 4th.I'm sorry Marty's family can't treat Leslie and Joey with common consideration and good manners. And I'm sure Joey has noticed for some time. I think it's probably wise that your kids aren't going this Christmas Eve. The virus makes for agreat excuse, and it will be easier not to go next year after not going this year. I hope FF doesn't ruin your Christmas. It seems like there is always one person in every family that does stuff like that.Hmm, maybe hide all the alcohol? Say that money is tight due to covid, so we decided not to buy likker this year? But I imagine that could create more trouble.

    Jazzy--How special! Those berries look lovely!

    Chi--glad to hear Bob's doing well.Praying for a safe trip for Gordy & Leslie.

    Illi--why so many people are taking the mask thing as a personal affront baffles me.

    Chi--CONGRATULATIONS to Gordy and Leslie! Wise of them to wait on setting a date until immunizations are done.

    Good Morning, Beaver!

    I'm torn between the two 9 Ladies Dancing DOTDs. Interesting aspects to both recipes! I can tell you right now that Goldie's 10 Lords a Leaping will win cuz I don't like jalepeno anything at all!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    20 Awesome Cat Gifs