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how about drinking?



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited December 2020

    Lori - good luck tomorrow. Great news about your son. Your son and his girlfriend make a cute couple. Year for Darrell cleaning up!

    NM - good luck to you too tomorrow on the new position. You will be great as a School Nurse and you'll love the regular schedule and vacations/breaks. Speaking of vacations - this is my last week before winter break, but not traveling like I normally do. I think DD#2 is feeling homesick. She hasn't been here since 09/11/2019 (easy to remember the date being 09/11) and I've missed 2 trips to see her - this past summer and if not for Covid, I'd be leaving by Sunday to see her. She's hoping to come for Passover the end of March, but that all depends on Covid and what is going on regarding quarantine, university (online or in person) etc. I do miss seeing my kids.

    Tonight is the 5th night of Chanukah - I made my once/year latkes - cut the recipe by 2/3 so just the right amount for the two of us - 8 total. We ate 4 tonight and over the rest of the week, I'll finish the other 4.

    More snow and cold in the forecast for tomorrow. But by next week it's predicted to be in the 50's.

    Everyone stay safe and stay healthy.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited December 2020

    Mat - I didn't know they had "fizzy" moscato Weird. Good luck tomorrow with your scan.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    Cat GIF site (3,250) + Kitten GIF center (1,250)

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited December 2020

    Looks like yesterday's post didn't post, trying again:

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey day! The furnace tech is coming to do the furnace cleaning, should be here anytime now, already got the call from the company office to do the COVID screening thing. Then to town to get the TB test read and get that sent in, then, I hope everything will get processed and I'll be able to start the new job tomorrow. Feeling a little anxious about getting started. As in I want to get started so I know it's real.

    Sadie's hearing is definitely not as good as it once was. I can hear the furnace guy downstairs,not making a lot of noise, but I can hear him putting things down and the occasional bang or thump, and Sadie is still sound asleep on the ottoman. In the early years she would be up and barking and carrying on until I convinced her it was OK. Then again, I don't hear as well as I did 10 years ago, either.


    Jazzy--it's always great to find good food, although how you can eat all that hot chili stuff baffles me! But you got one great meal from the sounds of things. Sadie is pretty adept at making herself comfortable. She's made a bed out of clean clothes, dirty clothes, all the pillows on the bed, a pillow and a couple of blankets she's taken into her crate, and thesweater I leave on the recliner for chilly evenings. Mom is doing pretty well in the new place. She's starting to get it organized, and has actually thrown some things away! The bedroom is still full of boxes, but the craft room is getting organized. She's still looking for an area rug and couch for the living room. Glad to hear the new job is still going well!

    Morning, Minus!

    Illie--white zins are generally pretty good wines, IMHO! It is hard to open a bottle and not drink all the wine, even if I don't like it!

    Reader--Iced tea is a good drink. By itself and it mixes well with other things!

    Chi--the faux-jito sounds really good! Nothing like fresh mint from the garden.

    Goldie--I have not heard a word from anyone at the "other place"? And I don't really expect to, at least not for a while. When they get desperate for getting some staff CPR certified I'll probably hear from them then. Great news about DS! Sounds like he's getting life in order and staying in control. That's a big accomplishment!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    Mornin ladies

    I always seem to miss Mondays for some reason, so here I am.

    Lori ur trip is over today, I'm glad that's done for you. Ur son looks great, it's funny if a woman doesn't like a beard off it goes.

    Illi u hand still look small to me, ur really getting around with all that wine. They all sound good to me.

    Wow minus that's a lot of walking...Good for you.

    Jazzy love those pictures, u find such great ones, plus take them too. Things sound good for ur job.

    JC we've got our Christmas plans worked out, just praying nothin stupid comes up. Day by day u never know.

    Sandy I saw on the news last nite the first load of vaccine was rougt in and they'll start giving them out this morning to health care workers.

    Well Kim is starting today, a big day for you Kim, Good Luck and Sadie will be waiting for you.

    Hey Teka LOL

    We didn't get the house and time it wasn't the money. They wanted a 20 day closing and the bank would only do30 day. Chit that was crumby. Oh well.

    I'm sending good wishes to all and stay well.LUBS U ALL

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited December 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! Yesterday I got the furnace cleaned and the TB test read and results sent in. Didn't hear anything so I reached out to my "handler" and found out that the start day will probably be Thursday or Friday, as the nurse that was orienting me isn't working today and tomorrow. Or is working at another school, I'm not clear which, not that it matters. So I'm waiting for the official start info to come through.

    Maine's getting its first deliveries of COVID vaccine, plans are in place to start vaccinating health care workers in hospitals as soon as tomorrow. I'm not sure where schools and school nurses come on the priority list, but I'm thinking it will be a bit down the road before they get to me. Which is ok.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Librarian--nothing like tea and a nibble on a cold or rainy afternoon! Good for you for walking every other day. I need to be so disciplined!

    Minus--I was reading about the phenomenon of hurting less as you walk more. It does have to do with lubrication and also with muscle tone. Apparently, the lubrication in our joints depends on us moving our joints to spread around the joint!

    Illi--I find Moscatos to be a bit "wineyer" than Prosecco, too, but I like that. And I like the fizzies. I've actually found that I prefer the moscatos and proseccos to the champagnes, which tend to be very fizzy and rather sharp tasting. Fun exploring, isn't it?

    Karen--I bet you miss seeing your kids, and they miss seeing you, too. It's getting hard on everyone not to be able to move around as freely as we are used to.

    Cammy Cat--LOL at the cats with the masks on! I cannot imagine how they got those cats to wear those! So sad to hear the bank didn't want to play nice with the house. So not right.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2020

    Thx Jazzy, trip to Phx was uneventful!

    Minus, 2 hours of walking every day? That is some commitment girl!

    JCS, your DH is a whiner, you don't say!!!! 3 months of treatment and nothing to show for it, I say it's not working.

    Karen, I so know how much you miss your kids. The latke's you make, is that all you have for your dinner?

    NM, I hope you start the new job today. If they want you to do CPR certs, are you going to say yes or no? Sorry Sadie is not hearing well, but like you said, we all change as we get older. Glad the furnace is fixed, is the garage door done? Yes, this is huge for my son. I just pray he can stay focused. My gosh, he's 42 and has not a darn thing. He was hoping to move out in the spring to his own apt. I told him with the money he is making, and his rent only $400 a month, if he really tried, there would be no reason why he couldn't have 10K saved up in a year and he could buy a house. If he goes to renting, he will never be able to save. I want 2 Turtle Doves, that looks super yummy.

    Cami, I'm sorry things didn't work out with the house. My thought is always "it just wasn't meant to be".

    Treatment went just fine yesterday, no issue what so ever and goes by pretty quick, each one takes 1/2 hour. Next time I see MO. Today DH gets the stents out and tomorrow is another nerve conduction test.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2020

    From a friend's meteor shower shoot Sunday night


  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 945
    edited December 2020

    Hi all, that three French hens drink looks yummy!

    Goldie, I loved that picture of you and DH. Beautiful!

    Enjoyed another Bailey's coffee last evening. Always a winner for me. Today the tummy was a bit off so iced tea was on point. 🥃

    NativeMainer best wishes as you start a new chapter in the schools!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2020

    Not a word today at Union Health about vaccine allocation. But Bob did get a questionnaire from OSF Little Co. of Mary to fill out, asking if in the event there was sufficient allocation he would be willing to get the vax (well, DUH), and if he had any elevated COVID risk due to age or comorbidity (double DUH). There was a disclaimer that an invitation to respond was not a guarantee. This is telling, because there are hospitals in & around Chicago that weren't allocated even enough to inoculate their entire COVID-ward medical & nursing staff. Chicago itself was allocated 23,000 doses of Pfizer's--of which Rush alone got 12,000 and Stroger (Cook County) 6000. Where does that leave the dozens of other hospitals in the city, much less all the skilled nursing facilities? And Rush is bragging that it'll vaccinate its entire ICU & ER staff, including clerical workers. The first hospital in the city to inoculate staff was Loretto, in the Austin neighborhood (a ghetto, but the western edge of it is not as poor as Marquette Park, where Holy Cross is)--and it inoculated only 5 staffers: a "critical care" doc who works mostly at UIC (which is Loretto's affiliation), 2 nurses and a respiratory therapist. BTW, Bob used to be the chief of Critical Care at Holy Cross before the nuns sold the place to Mt. Sinai.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2020

    Wow Jazzy, that is an amazing shot!

    Reader, what have you been drinking??? Better yet, how That is my son and his new friend. He has been struggling with alcoholism, been sober for 6 months and just recently met her.

    Sandy, that's a lot of vaccines! But clerical workers too? As for me, I'm up the air about having one, never had a flu vaccine and when this pandemic is over, I just may continue to wear a mask out!

    Had a busy week (not good) week here in the neighborhood. Las Thursday my neighbor passed away, it's ok tho, he was in his 90's, his wife passed about 6 months ago. Then on Monday, my other neighbor had a stroke. Thankfully she was able to call my friend and they were able to get a helecopter in here to life flight her to Phoenix. DH got the stents out, today he sees a vascular doctor.

    4 Calling Birds

    12 Cocktails of Christmas: 4 Calling Birds

    1 shot 360 vodka

    1 shot peach schnapps

    2 shots cranberry juice

    Combine all of the ingredients in a shaker full of ice. Strain liquor into the martini glass or serve on the rocks.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2020

    Deleted above post, everything was running together and wouldn't fix when I tried.

    Wow Jazzy, that is an amazing shot!

    Reader, what have you been drinking??? Better yet, how That is my son and his new friend. He has been struggling with alcoholism, been sober for 6 months and just recently met her.

    Sandy, that's a lot of vaccines! But clerical workers too? As for me, I'm up the air about having one, never had a flu vaccine and when this pandemic is over, I just may continue to wear a mask out!

    Had a busy week (not good) week here in the neighborhood. Las Thursday my neighbor passed away, it's ok tho, he was in his 90's, his wife passed about 6 months ago. Then on Monday, my other neighbor had a stroke. Thankfully she was able to call my friend and they were able to get a helicopter in here to life flight her to Phoenix. DH got the stents out, today he sees a vascular doctor.

    DOTD: 4 Calling Birds

    12 Cocktails of Christmas: 4 Calling Birds

    1 shot 360 vodka

    1 shot peach schnapps

    2 shots cranberry juice

    Combine all of the ingredients in a shaker full of ice. Strain liquor into the martini glass or serve on the rocks.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited December 2020


    Good Morning, Loungettes!This week keeps rolling on. Got a call yesterday midday, the garage door company is iced out of their current job, wanted to know if they could get in to start my work. Of course I said yes, and as of yesterday afternoon 2 new garage doors are on, one attached to the opener, the second opener will be put in this morning. They're even going to haul away the old doors. I had forgotten how spoiled I am to have heated garage parking until this last few weeks when it's been cold or snowy or icy and I've had to clean off the car and warm it up!

    Still waiting to get a confirmed start date on the new job. I'm getting nervous that something is going wrong, and working hard to keep myself distracted. Had a great chat with Karen about working in a school system, and life with covid. Thanks Karen!

    Sadie says WOOF to everyone!

    Goldie--haven't started the new job yet, holding out hope for tomorrow but waiting to hear. Yes, I will do CPR certs for them if they ask. I am thinking about purchasing my own equipment and maybe working that up as a side business. Garage doors are changed, looks like the new opener just needs to be installed for the second one. I expect it will be done today. When he gave me the quote he said it was a one day job, the guy was hear from around 11 ayem to about 2 peeyem and then had to go pick up his daughter from school. Glad the treatment went uneventfully. DH will be glad to get the stents out.

    Jazzy--WOW, what a shot!

    Reader--thanks for the good wishes!

    Chi--Vaccine distribution is going to be quite the topic of discussion and, probably, arguments and hard feelings I think.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited December 2020

    Lori - your plates continues to over flow! You asked about potato latkes - it is only part of the meal. This week we ate mushroom barley soup with the latkes. Other times it might be chicken and assorted veggies.

    Cold, cold here early this morning. Looking forward to it warming up so the snow will melt off the streets. It is dicey walking.

    Today and tomorrow and then it's my winter vacation. I'm ready for the 2 weeks off :). Lots to do in the house. We may go hiking for a couple days, but it depends on the snow and the cold.

    Have a great Wednesday!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    funny cat GIFs - Primo GIF - Latest Animated GIFs

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2020

    NM- I understand your angst about the new job and not being able to start yet. I had a long lead time (month) into my new position and it made me nervous. I was told I had to do two days of orientation and the first date they could get me in was a month after the offer. I had such a lot of onboarding stuff to do in the end, and thought "what if I go through all this and then they say sorry, not hiring you?" So I understand the feeling. Especially because if something did fall through, I was turning away new opportunities.

    A way to approach this- your start date was supposed to be Monday, then Tuesday now it's day to day. I would see if things get firmed up this week and if they don't, ask them by Friday when you can realistically plan to start based on what they have to have for you to begin? Because in the meantime, you could be getting more home things done (congrats on the new doors getting in this week). And in fairness to you need to be able to plan some things (including floating financially) until you have a paycheck coming.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Kim I was thinking,, it might be harder to get people placed cuz of the circumstances of these times. next week. No one is really use to all of this, so just get a few hings done cuz before u know it u'll be working. And Karen it's so good Kim has you to go to for any help she needs.

    Lori to much to do for you 2. I hope next week is all clear for the both of you at least. U'll have enough to do. I'm so glad about ur son. How did he meet his new friend???

    All u parents who r separated from ur kids this season is chitty. It's bad enough to not be with all the rest of ur family and friends. I think I'm getting overly floopy this year, but I can't help it.

    Ladies I really like these drinks, they look so good and pretty on top of that. Damn I wish I liked to drink, then I'd really drive my kids crazy. Just another plus.

    All of u seem like u have some good plans for next week tho. Ur all on board and all so sweet.

    Sandy I watched <on TV> the first vacinne given out yesterday and thought I wouldn't want to be the first ones on the list. It's still scary to me.

    I have a feeling FF is going to somehow ruin our plans for next week, cuzz he does things like that at the last minute. Believe me we r nice to him, it's just behind his back, like good people do.

    Everyone have a good safe day.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited December 2020

    Good afternoon, Loungettes! The saga continues! A couple of forms got lost in the e-mail, I resubmitted them this ayem, those are OK now. Apparently the background check won't be completed until the 18th, but school is willing to "take a chance" and let me start tomorrow IF my handler can get ahold of at least one of my references this afternoon.She couldn't open my file in their system for some reason, so I just e-mailed that info to her directly. And then there is aSnow storm coming in overnight, so there's a chance that school will be called off tomorrow. I do know what school I will be working in, an Elementary School, grades 3 - 5. Still looking for the first day info e-mail. School hours there are 8:45 ayem to 3 peeyem. I won't have to make any changes to my morning routine or get up time, although I probably could push everything back half an hour.Going to wait and see how the commute really plays out. Google Maps isn't always right with its timing!

    The garage doors are replaced, these doors have insulation AND he put on rubber flaps (I know there is probably a correct name for them, but that's what they look like) on the bottoms and sides to block drafts (and small critters) from getting in. So Pearl is happily back inside for the night, no scraping snow and ice off in the ayem!

    Karen--I found out that school lets out early on the 22nd, first full day of winter break is the 23rd. So I will not quite get a full week of work in before my first break!

    Cammy Cat--The final hold up now is waiting for the background check from the State Police, and no one has any control over that but them. It would have been nice to have a few days off that weren't spent wondering what would be happening tomorrow, but such is life, right? It sounds like they really want me up and running when school starts after Christmas break. Excuse me, Winter break. Not supposed to call it Christmas break anymore. But it's all going to be just fine. Hmmm. Maybe I need some Rum Horcha in my tea this afternoon!

    Jazzy--it looks like things are getting firmed up, worst case scenario is I will start on Monday the 21st as long as the background check comes in on the 18th, which is when it is scheduled to process by the State Police. But I will pin them down on Friday if I don't start tomorrow.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited December 2020

    It's official! I start tomorrow at 8:15 ayem unless there is enough snow to call off school!


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited December 2020

    Yesterday’s DOTD was a dark red blend, not bad.

    Tonight’s DOTD was okay too but not one I’d spend money on.

    Just got scan results. Heart is having a bit of trouble due to Herceptin but I think it’s an anomaly and will bounce back. No treatment until cardio clears me though. The bone met radiated as part of a trial is healing wonderfully and for the first time ever, my CT currently shows NEAD below the head. Brain mets are stable. So for now, I’m celebrating :)


  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited December 2020

    NM, hoping the snow storm doesn't create another hang up for you ! Glad you got your garage doors in before the storm, now to remember they are there...😉

    Illi, sounds like you are on top of things. Here's to cardio clearance.

    DOTD, with birthday dinner, a 2012 Cass Cabernet Sauvignon, which was wonderful. Would have a second glass but since I am on Tamoxifen wine goes to my head very quickly so I limit to one glass.

    To all, stay safe!!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited December 2020

    Mae - HOORAY. I agree, Herceptin heart problems usually resolve, but sorry for the delay. Or glad if you wanted a treatment break. Great news about NED below the Head - and stable brain mets. All really good news.
    NM - also good news about the new job - AND you start tomorrow. LOL Beaver - remember NM that the garage doors are there.

    Cami - sorry the house didn't work out. Next time will be the charm.

    Goldie - I like your "four calling birds" better. Glad DH has the stents out & hope the vascular doc has good things to say.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2020

    Ha ha NM, we both posted same name DOTD, but both way different! Yay for the new garage doors and having your heated garage back to park in. If you're going to be working FT, are you sure you want to add CPR training to the mix? Sorry about the lost emails, but hey it all worked out and you have a start date. Can you take time for a test drive to the school to see how long it takes? Oops, I guess not since you may be making that run this morning. I'll have to read on to see!

    Karen, looking at the latkes, I was just wondering since they are basically a potato pancake. I guess I need to get a bigger plate, eh?

    Cami, next week is NOT clear. DH has appts in Flagstaff on Wed. 2 1/2 hour drive! DS has been working his butt off, he has a friend that does those sign holding things on corners. Well he has been doing that on the weekends and that friend said she was hooking him up on a blind date. How is FF going to ruin things? One of my son inlaws has a tendency to things like that last minute, like he purposly tries to sabotage our visit. This is the one in CA with the grandkids. For instance, will be late when we are supposed to meet up to do something, but doing it on purpose, I just know it.

    BG, great scan results! Of course the only thing better would be "cancer free"! Celebrate indeed! Sorry about the heart issues, how often do you get that checked? They told me every 3 months. Scary to think that a drug can damage our hearts.

    NM or Sandy (since Bob is cardio), can our hearts recover from damage?

    Beaver, looks like birthday wishes are in order? Happy Birthday!

    Misty, I think you recently had one too? Happy belated Birthday to you as well.

    Minus2, I too chuckled over Beaver's comment to NM. DH has to wait for radiology to call to get some tests done, but of course he doesn't remember what.

    DOTD: 5 Golden Rings, isn't that pretty!

    Golden RIngs Cocktail7

    The fun thing about the holidays is that you can experiment with colors, flavors, and textures. This cocktail is a perfect example of that. If you are having a holiday party, you want a few dishes and cocktails that are going to wow your guests and nothing will wow them more than this Five Golden Rings cocktail. You can purchase the edible gold flakes from Amazon (I've included a link below) and the spun sugar rings are surprisingly easy to make…so easy that you will incorporate them into all your holiday dishes!

    • 4 oz. Jack Daniel's Winter Jack Cider (I received a sample)
    • 8 oz. Fresh Pressed Apple Cider
    • 2 oz. Orange Bitters*
    • Edible Gold Flakes with 1 oz. Winter Jack added
    Add the Winter Jack, apple cider, and orange bitters to a cocktail shaker filled with crushed ice. Shake lightly then strain into martini glasses. Open the bottle of edible gold flakes and pour the 1 oz. of Winter Jack in.
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited December 2020

    Lori - potato latkes are potato pancakes.

    Kim - glad you have a start date for today - hope the snow doesn't mess it up. Stay safe and stay warm.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited December 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!School is closed due to the storm coming through today, so my first day will be tomorrow. I barely slept last night, kept checking the school and news sites for closings. I'll probably do a major crash and burn this afternoon. But that's ok. My earned time payout landed in my bank account overnight, so I'm good for at least a month while everything else gets worked out.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Goldie--I like your 4 Calling Birds DOTD! Your week has been very hard and very busy. Praying the neighbor who had a stroke either recovers quickly and completely or passes quickly and peacefully, which ever scenario is better for her. DH must be happy to get the stents out!

    Illi--CONGRATULATIONS on the good CT scan results! Praying cardio clears you ASAP.

    Beaver--LOL at remembering the garage door is there! I backed in so I will see the door and hopefully that won't happen again. Lived here 27 years and this is the first time I've backed into the garage door, so I guess I'm doing ok. It's amazing how much the white doors lighten up the inside of the garage compared to the gray ones.

    Minus--I'm still blaming my Mom for my hitting the garage doors. I did it that morning she called and had to get to the doctor's office "just as fast as possible"and then we had to wait for hours. . . .


  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited December 2020

    Good morning! NM, I hope the job start works out for Friday. Goldie it is a good thing you like to drive. It does make for very long days. Illimae, great news on the scan results! Happy Birthday to those celebrating. I have been busy doing nothing. It has been cold and rainy so I sit in my nest and read. Today, I need to make phone calls, walk and do a little running around. I need to get ingredients for some cookies, etc. Christmas is next week! How did that slip up on me???

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    Download Funny Cat Animated Gif | PNG & GIF BASE

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Yay Illi sounding good. For some reason the hercepton does stupid things with ur heart but it undoes itself too, so it's kind of common, so please don't worry.

    LOL garage doors.

    Jeez Kim u got alot of stuff done in a short time and u'r all set, so ur all set for tomorrow. I'm sure the backgroun check took about 1 minute so that was helpful. Now relax today with sadie for sure.

    JC yea about 1 week til the first crazy Christmas ever, so we'll see

    Lori I really thought next week u were off of Dr. time. I'm sorry, more driving and waiting. Prayers for ur son Lori.

    How did we miss birthdays???

    Everyone have a great safe day.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    Best Cat Birthday GIFs | Gfycat


  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited December 2020

    As one of those with a birthday (now officially an octogenarian), thank you Cami.

    NM, no surprise your school has a snow day considering what I have seen on the weather news. Bad timing for you but suspect the kids are happy! How fast do you think the snow will be cleared?

    Lori, you must be beginning to feel like you live on wheels! Safe travels and successful treatments.

    Currently on the fence about allowing one of our sons and his family to come at Christmas. They will probably be going back overseas in late January, they have some things stored here that they need to take with them and DH really wants to see them before they leave again. I am considering saying OK if they quarantine for 7 days before coming (it's about a 3.5 hour drive from where they are to our house) and we get some of the new air exchange gadgets to have in the house.