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how about drinking?



  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited December 2020

    Tonight’s DOTD was not for me. Too boozy or strong somehow, not sure but I smelled it and it hit me hard. Pass for me.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2020

    NM, I had no doubt you would do well on the interview, now to land the job! Has anything been said about your vacation time? Switching up hours would have me so messed up, I don't know how you do it!

    BG, so what do you do with the wine you don't like? Do you ever cook with wine? I would get an ice cube tray and freeze it and use in recipes.

    Not much going on here. Was really exhausted yesterday and hit the hay around 4. Slept most of the night. I did do alot around here, but I'm also wondering if it isn't fatigue from the new treatment. I did get DH to start doing things. Told him the more he just sits and lays around, the more muscle he loses. I mean come on, it's been 2 months since the accident. I know he's had those bowel issues, but that has nothing to do with walking, and the surgery again the other day, but again, nothing to do with walking.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2020

    DOTD: Winter Sea Breeze


    Ingredients (Yields 1 serving) :


    Step 1: Fill your glass about 3/4 full with ice. A lowball glass is a perfect size.

    Step 2: Add the vodka, grapefruit juice, tonic syrup* and stir.

    Step 3: Pour in the soda water and garnish with the pomegranate seeds and mint leaves.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited December 2020

    NM - hope you get the school nurse position. From someone who has worked in the schools for years and years, I can tell you the job is never boring, but the rewards are great. I'm not sure how they are utilized in Maine, but I can share input from my neck of the woods.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited December 2020

    Good Morning! Not a good sports day yesterday. Both my college teams lost and the Baylor v. Gonzaga basketball game was postponed due to Covid. At least my DH’s high school won the state football championship!

    Today we drive out to my friend’s country house for a gathering and dinner. We will wear masks even when outdoors. It is a small group (7-8) and will be mostly outdoors. We will wear gloves when serving dinner and eat at socially distanced tables. I think it will be fun in spite of all the precautions. I haven’t seen some of these folks in months.

    NM - You would be great as a school nurse! Keep us posted on the results of the interview.

    Goldie - Glad you are being steady for your DH. I would LOVE that chauffeur! It would be so fun to meet some of you wonderful women face to face. Maybe some day in the future.

    Illie - Wine taste can be very unique and particular to the taster. I am a fan of Pinot Grigio. It is not sweet, but not so dry that your tongue curls!

    Jazzy - Keep those pics coming. Sounds like your new job is working out.

    Weather here is beautiful. I did start “Decking the Halls”, but did not get the tree up. Maybe Monday on that. In January it will be one year since I had chemo. I have learned how to slow down some and be more methodical about getting things done. That way I do not end up totally exhausted. Hope everyone has a great DOTD!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2020

    Good morning friends- hope everyone is having a good weekend. It seems odd we cannot go do some of the holiday things we usually do, and missing some of those community activities I love this time of the year. There is a lovely area in our Old Town area that has a fun shop and stroll event the first Friday in December, and they did the lighting and put it on TV but no crowds allowed. I love the beauty of that part of town this time of the year and need to get a gift cert from a restaurant down that way, so I plan to go next Sat afternoon to do that and then be there for a bit as the lights come on at dusk. I notice my neighborhood has done things up with light and decorations and think everyone is just looking to have a bit of something they enjoy this time of the year.

    Thanks for the comments about my friend with the bc. She had her lumpectomy surgery on Friday and texted me after she was out (that surprised me she messaged but good to hear). I had offered to take them some takeout lunch yesterday and we agreed to touch base yesterday morning. As I got up yesterday, she was texting me "I am feeling good and I am HUNGRY", lol. We had agreed on a place for the take out I would bring them, and they texted me the order and I got it over to them a bit before noon time. Talked to her husband a bit with the hand off of he food, and he said she was doing okay but clearly still had a lot of anesthesia in her. Now as she rests and recovers, they will wait for the path report which will help to determine if chemo is needed. She had already had her rads consult and know they will want the breast good and healed up before they move to that part. I had six weeks between rads and my lump surgeries. She is going through all this during the holidays as I was 8 years ago, which is not fun, but think there at least are not as many social pressures during this time with the pandemic.

    The good- stores opened up a bit midweek, which the small businesses really need. New Mexico and even the larger cities here really are fueled by small businesses. Being shut down over Thanksgiving week was tough on them, especially as not everyone is able to pivot to on line shopping. The pool also reopened this week and went back yesterday after not swimming for three weeks. Felt good to get back in the water although my arms were clearly "talking to me" during the first 10 or so laps. Since we will be working from home for the foreseeable future (yay), it makes it easier to do the pool right after work.

    The bad and the ugly- although our numbers came way down from the high of 3800 cases over three weeks ago, we are still not in a good place with our hospitalizations. The number of deaths started doubling this week, and NM is going to have to start rationing care. Our state has been one of the strictest since the pandemic started, but since late Sept, we have just been getting worse and worse. We have been hearing for weeks that rationining is coming and I can't imagine the enormous stress this puts on the medical community to make these decisions. Sigh.....

    Got some house things to get to but will be back with part 2 in a bit to do some individual notes to some of you fine people.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2020

    Quiet day here today, and back to share a bit more before I disappear for the week:

    NM- I am glad the interview went well and hope that maybe you have a good chance for this job. I wonder if a younger nursing grad would want a school job, or something to get more experience, but then again, if he/she has a family, they could be off with them in the summer. Sounds like you might be able to get some benefit through the contracting firm and I like that. I hope you hear more this week and that it works out. Did they say when the desired start date is? I think Sadie would like you more available in the warmer weather months to take her swimming too. Sadie says I vote for the school nursing job. Good luck and hope to hear some good news for you soon!

    Goldie- I am sorry you are so tired, but love that you went to bed super early and slept through the night too. Rest is really important with everything you have going on. Hoping this week is better for both you and DH. Sending love from your neighbor over to the east here in New Mexico.

    And yes, that is the drink I had the other night (NM) and it tastes a lot like Baileys but with a mint taste. I have had a hard time finding Baileys this winter, every time I have checked at the store recently, it is sold out. Maybe a fav pandemic drink? Or just nice for the holiday time.....

    Ill- I think you probably made a good decision. The aroma of any wine will speak volumes as to whether you should taste it or not. Are you still in Houston finishing up with apts and more house wrap up?

    JCS- I hope your socially distanced dinner was good! I like to hear about your outdoor adventures too. I am hoping to do a trip to our open space center soon and will try to get some photos of the sandhill cranes that winter here.

    MinusTwo- that is cool you and Ill met up once in the past. Everything good your way?

    Mistyeyes- sounds like you have had some good time off so far. You go back this Wed? That probably means you had a good two weeks off with the holiday. I always found with any type of stressful job, two weeks off really helped the most- one week to decompress and another to really enjoy things. I hope these last few days are good and that you get more time off during the upcoming holidays. You are in the home stretch to retirement next year, yes?

    Chi- I saw about Covid now being the leading cause of death in the US. I am worried for all the other people who need acute care for heart attacks, strokes, accidents and won't be able to get it. Anyone can need a hospital at any time, right? I hope Bob is doing okay through all this. A bit of eggnog is always helpful too.

    Cami- what is happening girlfriend? I thought I saw you under the mistletoe with Santa, that was you wasn't it?

    Teka- hi up in North Country. Hope things are good your way and you are staying warm.

    Celia C, Karen, MemaSue, who else am I missing? Sunday hello to you here in chilly December.

    Okay, back to the grind over here. Will be back again next weekend and stay well everyone!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited December 2020

    DOTD, not great but drinkable. Probably no second glass but I am enjoying the variety and expanding on what I like.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2020

    Ilona, I'm fascinated that you keep finding so many unusual small producers of various wines. I'm not a huge Chardonnay fan either (most CA versions tend to run "hot," some nearly up to 15% ABV). I tend to like them only when they are a perfect match to a specific dish, which IME doesn't often happen; when they are, they're usually buttery (having gone through "malolactic fermentation"--"M.L." in geekspeak--when the malic acid, which gives green-apple overtones, fades and is replaced by the butter and vanilla notes from the oak barrels). I've found that the French versions--white Burgundies, especially the southern ones from the Côte de Beaune, have the most interesting nuances and don't run you over like a Mack truck. I once tried one by Bouchard that actually had some maple in the nose. TMI, but one thing about Chards (from wherever they were grown & made) is that after a few hours, you can sense their odor in your pee (as you can after eating asparagus).

    I tried some of that Kirkland egg nog. Eeeuww...way too boozy for me. Had to add cream to make it palatable.

    Teetotaling tonight.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited December 2020

    Sandy, the variety isn’t my doing, it’s the Aldi wine advent collection but I do enjoy the surprise. When Dec ends, I’ll check all the bottles and note the empty ones for future purchase. DH was made wine before from fruit juices and we may try a little wine making on the mountain, those cute little bottles will come in handy.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited December 2020

    Quick poop in. Internet connection is through the phone only just now, will get better when some of the ice melts off.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited December 2020

    NM - when will you hear about the School Nurse position? You will love it and be great at it. Never boring. And not really dramatic kids. Yes, some sick kids, but you will be a part of the special education team, working with special needs kids, connecting with outside medical specialist etc. I have a girlfriend who is a health para and work with some great district (vs building) nurses. All the district wide nurses are masters level and specialist with lots of experience. No newbies!!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you. Needless to say, I love the schools.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    Steam Community :: :: Mexican Cat

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited December 2020

    The gathering yesterday was really fun. Nice drive out to the country and a beautiful house/land. We sat around a huge fire pit for a few hours to enjoy the weather and sunset. Then we ate (safely distanced) in a heated garage. All ended up staying until 7:30pm just talking and telling stories. So we were out there close to six hours! It was wonderful to be around other people and have the social experience. I was unaware how much I really missed that.

    Plan today is to walk three miles, hit the grocery store and get my Christmas tree up. Also need to do laundry and bay bills. Hope to get most of that done! LOL! It is spitting rain, but should clear up. I need to get the stocking stuffers sorted out. Kids are all getting some Covid related stuff; sanitizer, masks, etc. Also will get some office supplies. DH found a bunch of staplers and tape dispensers in a desk in the basement. Doubt they “need” them, but it will be funny to gift them. More Pandemic shopping in the basement! The fun never ends!

    Stay safe!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Wow lots going on.

    Oh Kim like everyone has said we''re all crossing our fingers for u. This job sounds so great for what u are looking for.Not only for the hours but for going to a job that wouldn't take so much stress on you. Kids have a way to just make it better. And u need this now, u have crazy scary hours. Sadie will love it too.

    Illi I like that the wine is all yours now I also thnk u and ur DH would really enjoy making it too. So ut that on ur list. LOL drinkable

    Lori 2 MONTHS holy chit, u've been doing all this for so long. No wonder why ur so tired, plus ur treatment can't be heling for sure. I know u like to drive but not for these reasons, so often. Oh what a great idea to freeze ice cubes for recipes, I've never heard of that. Ur always so clever.

    JC not only do u and ur DG enjoy hiking and enoying ur friends so much but sports too. Awesome.

    Misty I don't understand why r u going back to work so soon. There is still so much going on, it seems worse this time.

    Karen u always are so happy about ur work, it's great to hear that.

    Jazzy things are going well for you and it's always great to hear that. And yes that's why I wasn't here for 2 days between Santa's girth and my age it took that long to complete everything that the mistle toe represents.

    Sandy I still think Drs. should be first on the list no matter where they work in th hospital, all nurses an everyone working in them. There's such high rate it's hard to keep up with this crap., An singing in the closet??? Lots of people have been known to be in the closet for very long, we'll see what happens. But good luck for that experience. Sounds strange.

    Celia where r u???

    Hello to anyone I missed, I never mean to.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited December 2020

    Good afternoon, Loungettes! Finally have internet connection again in the house and not just on the phone. The contract company called just before noon, they haven't heard from the school yet. She'll let me know as soon as they hear something.My stomach is tie dp in knots waiting.

    Also waiting for my neighbor to get his skidder out and break down the snow/ice pile at the end of the driveway. And get the jeep unstuck. I texted and told work I wasn't coming in today, needed to get my driveway cleared, haven't heard a word from the Director of Nursing, just got an "OK" from the scheduled. Guess they didn't need me to cover for anyone today. I had entertained a little fantasy of getting the call and getting the job and turning in my notice today. Tomorrow I'm working from 7 peeyem to 3 ayem, maybe I'll get to put my resignation in the DON's mailbox when I get to work.

    Sadie likes having mehome, she's been keeping my feet warm all morning!

    Now to play ketchup!

    Goldie/Jazzy--that peppermint bark liquor looks very yummy! I'll have to see if I can find some!

    Illi--where are you getting these little bottles of wine? Fun to try new tastes, even if you wouldn't go back for more!

    Goldie--no, nothing has been said about vacation time. The hours switching up all the time is starting to really wear me out. Hope DH starts moving more soon, before complications have a chance to catch up with him!

    Very Pretty Winter Sea Breeze!

    Karen--thanks for the good wishes. I'd love to hear your input!

    Librarian--I hope your country house gathering was fun.

    Jazzy--Glad to hear your friend's surgery went well. Praying for a good path report. Covid cases are skyrocketing here in Maine, and in my county. A specific start date wasn't discussed, but the school calendar shows Holiday Break starting Dec 23rd, classes resuming Jan 4th. I'm guessing Jan 4th would be the start date.

    Chi--every year I try a new brand of alcoholic eggnog, and every year I have to cut it with cream or half and half. You'd think I'd learn to just make my own!

    Karen--I hope to hear today about the school nurse job. I'm getting more and more nervous as the day goes by!

    Cammy Cat--keep your fingers crossed, I'm still waiting to hear. I'm hoping it's just hard to get 6 different people in 6 different places together at the same time to make the decision.

    Librarian--sounds like the get together was just what you needed! Love the idea of pandemic shopping in the basement!

    image alt="">

    Pins & Needles



    Shake everything (except the sparkling water) with ice. Strain into an ice-filled wine glass or short glass. Top with sparking water and garnish with a lime wheel and a pineapple wedge.

    From <>

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited December 2020

    NM, it’s the wine advent calendar from Aldi. I hear it’s 1/2 price now that Dec has already started.


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited December 2020

    Tonight’s DOTD is the 2nd Rose in the batch, so far it’s meh...


  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited December 2020

    Quick pop in to say hello to all.

    illi - That Aldi advent calendar looks like fun. My Aldi in KY sells beer but not wine. Next time I am across the river for a Trader Joe's run, will have to check out a nearby Aldi that does sell wine. Chardonnay is one white wine that I have never been able to tolerate. Looks like you have had some good ones of other types, though.

    NM - Hope you get some good news about the school nurse position! You surely deserve a break on the career front!

    Goldie - Hope things will begin to settle down with all the doctoring and caring for your husband.

    Everyone else - if you somewhere cold, stay warm and if you are somewhere warm, count your blessings!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2020

    Bob brought home some fried chicken from the office (now open only for tele-"visits" and closed to patients because the nurse & echo tech are both quarantining. The tech, after 10 days from suspected exposure, just tested negative today; the nurse is awaiting test results--she let her college-student kids come home for Thanksgiving and her DD tested positive). We've been taking our temps and pulse-ox several times a day now. Anyway, Cami, he promises to try Fry The Coop next time because it's en route from Christ Hospital to his office in Hickory Hills.

    I've decided better safe than sorry, and will follow CDC advice not even to go shopping except for meds I can't get delivered. So much for Thursday's mani. It's only fingernails, and who's gonna see 'em anyway? The monthly mani-pedi is still on (assuming the salon doesn't get shuttered) because of my chronically ingrown toenails, which I must take care to keep them from getting infected. The salon is safer than the hospital where my podiatrist's office is located; though his topical anesthesia is stronger, my pedicurist/salon owner does a better job (the lidocaine spray I bring along does help a bit).

    Cami, LOL about the "closet." But the reason we have to record our vocals inside one is to avoid hard surfaces that create echo & reverb--the music director wants our vocal tracks absolutely "dry," so he can be the one to add any effects. You can always add reverb to a "dry" track by duplicating it and applying reveb, but you can't remove it from a track recorded with it. I briefely contemplated recording my vocals in GarageBand--putting the instrumental backing on one track, my plain dry vocal on a second, then "monitor mix" with reverb in the headphones on a third, so I could hear myself the way I want...and then send him only the dry vocal. But then I'd have to spend all day doing that, and trying to convert the result to a file format his software can read. The stressful part about singing into a phone is that it has to be perfect: tone, volume and especially pitch. For a 30-second vocal, it takes me 3 or even 4 "passes" till I find one with which I'm satisfied. (That's because the music director doesn't have the time to edit from alternate takes, so we can send him only one track per vocal part--one for melody, one for harmony). On a phone, you can't seamlessly edit together the best takes (much less surgically pitch-correct individual notes) the way you can on a computer using a multitrack program like GarageBand, Logic or ProTools. (Oh how I miss the studio and my engineer)!

    So DOTD was Georges Duboeuf Beauj. Nouveau. Bob & I agreed that while the Momessin is a far superior wine, the Duboeuf is more like the archetypal B.N. (No surprise there--the late Monsieur Duboeuf cooked up the whole concept of marketing B.N. outside the region, complete with hoopla starting with reporters meeting the flight from France every Nov.). And at Binny's, it's the cheapest--about nine bucks.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    Goodnight Sweet Dreams GIF - Goodnight SweetDreams Cat - Discover & Share GIFs | Good night gif, Good night, Good night sweet dreams

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2020

    A couple days behind. Thought we were headed back to the ER on Sunday, DH's BP was 170/116 and then just like that, it went to 98/60! Been nice here, nice enough to get some gardening stuff done. More doctors tomorrow in Flagstaff, 2 and a half hour drive!

    JCS, you and DH sure like your sports! We watch NONE, Nadda, Nil! I find it quite special when meeting a breastie. LOL at pandemic shopping in the basement.

    Jazzy, glad you are there and able to help your friend out. I'm hoping the Native Americans can get those numbers down with the lock down of the Navajo Nation.

    Sandy, I was going to ref. the asparagus in your comment about the wine, but you beat me to it! Fresh asparagus will do it too.

    BG, how's all those bottles of wine fit in that little box???

    Cami, it's been more than 2 months. DH was supposed to have back surgery mid July, so I have been doing quite a bit since even before then do to his inablility to walk well. Where is this Santa/Mistle Toe picture of you? Did I miss something? I will freeze wine like that for cooking, as you usually only need a half a cup or so.

    NM, love your little fantasy of getting the job, now to make it a reality.

    Sandy, hoping you and Bob stay Covid free.


    Christmas Coffee Cocktail

    recipe photo

    4 oz strong coffee
    1 1/2 oz amaretto liqueur
    1 1/2 oz coffee liqueur
    1 oz butterscotch schnapps
    1 oz creme de cocoa
    fresh whipped cream
    grated chocolate, for garnish

    Combine strong coffee and liqueurs in a glass. Stir to combine and top with fresh whipped cream. Garnish with grated chocolate.

    Serve warm or over ice.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited December 2020

    I got the job!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2020

    Shut the front door!

    How exciting NM, so very happy for you. But did you say it was for the next school year?

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited December 2020

    Yea, NM!! Details to follow???

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited December 2020

    NM, congrats 🎉🍾

    Goldie, the wine bottles are stacked in the box and small, only 10 oz maybe. Here’s how they fit.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2020

    BG, that picture is helpful. Seeing it in your hand, they looked much larger.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited December 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Happy Whatever day it is! Just before 9 ayem I got the call from the contract company (the school staff call them the nurses' "Handlers" with the offer for the school nurse position! At the pay rate aimed for, which will mean, for me, making as much money as I was at 40 hours while working 35 hours. I've finished the forms and called HR at the nursing home. I'm working tonight 7 peeyem to 3 ayem, going to drop off my resignation letter in the DON's mailbox, collect up the few items I want to take home with me from the office, and drop off the office key and my badge in the HR director's office. Oh, yes, got a text telling me that I would need to be working overnight both nights this weekend. So my last day is tomorrow. The school wants me to start on Monday. Now I'm just waiting for the on boarding packet to come through and get all those bits and pieces put together. I am so excited! Sadie is excited, too, and I'm not sure she even knows why, she's excited just because I am!

    The neighbor who normally plows my drive has just has hernia surgery, so his son is doing the plowing. He finally got my drive broken out today, and got me unstuck. Bonus, he does driveway work, and mine needs work BADLY, so we did an informal estimate and I'm on his schedule for spring. I thought it would cost all outdoors and then some, but it will probably be less than $3K depending on the cost of gravel in the spring. I keep being amazed by how much less it costs to get something done using a local person than one of the big companies.

    Illi--I was just looking at the Aldi site, the wine advent calendar is sold out! There are a couple of others that I am going to look at though, one looks like chocolate, one mentions dogs. . . .

    Celia--thanks for the good wishes and it worked! Things will be moving fast now.

    Chi--fascinating info about the vocals and effects and such. I never knew it was so complex.

    Goldie--boy DH's blood pressure really bounced around! What was that all about? The fantasy of a new job is now a REALITY and starts NEXT WEEK! Love the Christmas Coffee Cocktail! The job is for the rest of the current school year, so through June. With a very good chance of renewing for the 2021-2022 school year.

    Beaver--I think it's an elementary school about 30 miles from where I live, so about a 40 minute drive. A bit longer than the current commute, but with the benefit of snowstorm/icy roads = no school = no work. The flip side is that it's hourly pay, so no work, no pay. The hourly pay is better than I'm making now, so even with a shorter work week I'll probably clear more than I have been at the nursing home. The school I think I will be in is an elementary school, school hours 8:45 ayem to 3:00 peeyem, grades 3 to 5.

    Illi--I just checked back on the Aldi site, almost all the Advent Calendars are sold out. I've got to try to remember them for next year, though!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313
    edited December 2020

    CONGRATS NM. Looking forward to your story about resigning the current job and the details about your new start date.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited December 2020

    NM, yes, they sell out fast. The friend who gave it to me works at Aldi, so he snatched it up before that could happen.