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how about drinking?



  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited December 2020

    Congratulations Sandy! It will be so wonderful to have a wedding to look forward to.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2020

    Cami, I sent you the recipe on FB messanger. I am totally shocked that a mother would say that to her own son about her grandson. I wouldn't even speak to my family if they treated one of my children like that and I don't blame Leslie one bit for blowing her top. You are so funny when you talk about FF, I love it! Company for us was up in the air, but not happening, which I'm glad.

    Jazzy, nice looking treat. I hope the strawberries were as sweet as you!

    Sandy, congrats to the kids. As for Covid testing, if it's too early you can test negative, but still have it and infect others.

    NM, sounds like a great day at work, I just love kids and so enjoyed my day I went with my friend in Moab. LOL, I thought the same thing about the monks. That jalapeno is for garnish only, just leave it off!

    Leaving at 6:30 in the morning tomorrow, so I probably won't be posting.

    Some interesting ingredients in this one as well.

    Ten Lords a-Leaping Cocktail

    • 2 parts bourbon (we used Buffalo Trace)
    • 1 part Lillet
    • 1 part Cherry Heering
    • 1 tsp leftover cranberry sauce
    • Apothecary Cherry Cedar Bitters

    Combine all ingredients with ice in a cocktail shaker. Shake very well. Double strain over ice into a rocks glass. Garnish with a light twist of orange.

    The 'Ten Lords a-Leaping' Cocktail -

    The 'Ten Lords a-Leaping' Cocktail Ingredients -

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2020
  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2020

    Not my picture


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    Mornin ladies,

    Well Sandy it looks like everyone is coming out to wish ur family Congratulations. this is great news, try to stop worrying and think about all the good things that are going to happen an even GC on the horizon. Let's face it they're more gun then ur own kids.And u'll have the time now to enjoy all of this going on. So Bob is doing OK with no crazy SE. Now keep us posted on everything!!!

    Kim u've barely started and ur already having a great start. This has to be the best way to enjoy every day. OK u have some extra time so extra belly rubs for Sadie. BTW FF brings hos own beer every where he goes 6 pk ikn the rest in the car. UGH

    Jazzy how did u have those strawberries long enough to take a picture and WHO were they from.Our inquiring minds want to know.

    I was teasing dan last nite about a Chritmas bonus, about 11:00pm he walked in my room, and sure enough I did say r u firing me tonight??? He gave me 700.00 and said not tonight. Believe me I'm not worth anything near that. He gave me a 200.00 gift car and stupid me I had to start spending it during the night, so I was up till5am shopping. I'm insane I know it, now I'm so tired and will be all day and nite

    I wrote this hrs. ago and fell asleep, now I'll send it.



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2020

    Wedding will be in 2022--so as not to step on the toes of anyone who's having a major event (other wedding, new baby, etc.) in 2021. It will be in Chicago, not Houston (or Montana, where they like to vacation). Kids saliva-tested negative--they will re-test (saliva) upon their return and again (PCR swab) after a week. (Those tests are expensive--BCBS isn't paying unless one has symptoms or has been exposed. We'll top up his bank acct., of course). They both work from home, so quarantining isn't an issue. I'm pretty much hibernating too--it's become routine for me, to the extent that I get nervous about going outside beyond my deck or porch.

    DOTD with Atlantic salmon tonight will be an Oak Hill 2018 Albariño, from the San Joaquin valley. Sipping on some of last night's bubbly as I type this. (Needn't remove my retainer, hehehe).

    Made some hot chocolate earlier with steamed Blue Diamond Unsweetened Chocolate Almondmilk--a couple of drops of monkfruit made it just sweet enough. Tried making it a mocha with a shot of Nespresso, but too bitter. I will let cocoa be cocoa and coffee be coffee.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2020

    Cami - strawberries from my delightful nephew. Half are gone.

    You shop until you drop gurl 😊

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2020


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2020

    My brothers partner tested positive and my brother is waiting on his results, but pretty sure it will positive as well. Only feeling achy for now, but they live with his partners mom, who is probably close to 80.

    The 'Eleven Pipers Piping' Cocktail -

    The 'Eleven Pipers Piping' Cocktail Ingredients -

    • 2 parts cherry and fig infused brandy (see cocktail notes below)
    • 1/2 part lemon juice
    • 3/4 part simple syrup
    • 1 tsp good quality olive oil
    • 1 tsp egg white
    • spritz of Pernod

    Combine the brandy, lemon juice, simple syrup, olive oil and egg white in a cocktail shaker. Dry shake for at least 20 seconds. Add ice and shake until the cocktail is chilled. Pour into a coupe glass and mist with Pernod.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited December 2020

    Lori - sorry to hear that your brother's partner tested positive. Hoping your brother stays healthy and that the mother stays healthy as well. Is your brother in MI? You're up even earlier than I am. I'm up by 5:15. Makes for a long day when not working, but I just can't sleep any longer. If I stay in bed then my back is sore. Hope achy is the worst side effect this time round for you. Hugs, Karen

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited December 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Christmas Eve Eve! First day of break for me. I'm already looking forward to going back to work next year. I couldn't sleep last night for some reason, so got up and spent some time reading and playing on the computer. Yeah, not the best thing to do when trying to go to sleep, I know. Finally did manage to drop off around 2 ayem. I even woke Sadie up for belly rubs and cuddles. She didn't seem to mind once she figured out she didn't need to get out of bed! I'm looking forward to spending Christmas Day with Mom. It's going to be hard to not see my brother and SIL, but we'll talk on the phone. I've got to remember to turn on the scanner tomorrow evening and catch the BOGOs for "an elderly male, white beard,wearing a red coat and pants, driving a sleigh, last seen . . . .. If sighted, do not stop, report location"I love the way the dispatchers use their own addresses or areas and then add a message to their kiddos to "get to bed so Santa will stop!" It's a silly thing but I look forward to it every year.

    Another bit of good news, I found out that if the school goes to remote learning, the nurses are expected to be available by phone and computer for meetings and to help with tracking information, and so are paid as if we are in the school. Erika (the nurse who oriented me) said she was really busy between helping her 3 kids who were remote learning plus staying on top of the information coming out and keeping up with the reports and meetings that were going on. Pretty much work as usual, she said, just at home and not in the school. So going remote will mean no loss of pay, and might mean a small increase, as my hours are the same as the teachers (8:15 ayem to 3:30 peeyem) and the online meetings may be scheduled based on the staff hours of 8 ayem to 4 peeyem. I greatly hope we don't end up going down that road.

    Goldie--I never thought about just leaving the jelepeno off, duh! The kids were funny at school yesterday, pretty wound up but trying so hard to follow all the rules. Ah, to have that kind of energy again! Your Lords-a-Leaping has some stuff I need to look up, but cherry Heering sounds promising since I love cherry anything! Don't know Lillet, yet.

    Jazzy--I've been seeing that pic on Fb, it's got to be a photoshop job, right? We can't possibly actually see the rings with naked eyes, could we?Doesn't seem possible! Great pic, though.

    Cammy Cat--I do think I'm having a pretty good start with the new job. I really hope to get another contract for the next school year, but that is a later on next year thing to worry about. FF bringing his own beer (and more) is a real red flag that someone has a drinking problem! I can see where he can cause trouble. It's too bad he spoils things for everyone else. WOW! What a bonus you got! You must be worth something to him or he wouldn't do these things for you. Don't blame you for staying up spending the gift card! Did you get yourself something reallynice?

    Chi--good idea for them to plan a 2022 wedding. By then covid will either be under control and mostly like the flu or we'll have all adapted to "a new normal". Ugh, how I hate that phrase, "new normal". If it's new, it's not normal. Anyway. Working from home does make quarantining easier and less of a hassle.

    Goldie--ooh, cherry (and fig) infused brandy, and olive oil! What an imaginative combo!

    Karen--Good for you for not staying in bed! Better for the body to be up and moving. Can make for a long day, though. I find I need structure in my day, so I'm going to have to make some up for this break week.


    I made some hot mulled wine when I got home from work yesterday. In my little crock pot, I used a bottle of chardonnay and half a packet of mulling spices I had picked up. Tasted really good but rather strong. I'm going to try to find some fruit juice or something to add in to the next batch.

    This round goes to Goldie. Hers is way more interesting!

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited December 2020

    My father passes away last Saturday, it was actually blessing because he really did not wake up for about 4 days and he did not eat or drink. He seemed to know when we were talking to him. His facial expressions would change and he would try to speak and his hands would move or tighten a grip when you were holding his hand. We sang old hymns to him and that seemed to bring him peace. ( I am not sure why- we don't sing very good). My sister said that they don't do the old hymns in Church anymore, when we are dying the kids will be singing praise and worship songs. Weird thing to visualize.

    Christmas is coming together and I get so excited about it, I can't wait to see the kids open the presents. This will be my 3rd Christmas since my husband died, and the 1st year that I feel ok and excited looking forward to Christmas.

    Hmmm....Cami, I don't know who FF is -- maybe he needs to be Scrooged and have some Christmas Spirits visit him.

    Chi- so happy to hear about the wedding plans.

    My daughter just called and said she has a cancellation today around the same time as my lunch break here at work, so I can get a free facial today. - looking forward to it.

    Hope all have a safe and happy holiday.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    Best Funny Cat GIFs | Gfycat

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2020

    Mistyeyes- I am so sorry about the passing of your father. I am glad you could be with him during his transition. This will be a very hard holiday for you this year beyond what we are all already enduring love.

    May you father soar with the angels. My sympathy to you and all your family during this time Heart

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    HI Ladies,

    Misty I'm so sorry about ur father, he found his peace.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited December 2020

    DOTD is a Cabernet Sauvignon, not too bad this time.


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited December 2020

    Mistyeyes - I'm so sorry about your father - I hope your memories bring you comfort

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited December 2020

    Mistyeyes, thinking of you in the loss of your father. No matter how much we know the loss is coming, it still leaves a hole in our lives. Take care of yourself.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 945
    edited December 2020

    mistyeyes so sorry for your loss.

    Cami we call our kitty " box boy" because he does what the kitty in your picture is doing. He even looks like him. 🙂


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2020

    mistyeyes, so sorry for your dad's passing. May his memory be for a blessing. When a friend passed a few years ago, her funeral was in a suburban megachurch and I didn't recognize any of the praise & worship songs. (Though I'm Jewish, I've learned quite a few Christian hymns from my professional chorale days). But then again, she was a leader in the church's praise team.

    Lori, prayers and healing thoughts for your brother, his partner, and partner's mom.

    Bob admitted another heart patient today for a colleague to do a cardiac cath--no fever, no cough, smell & taste unimpaired, no aches or GI distress, good O2 sats. After dinner, the hospital called--the guy had "infiltrates" in his lungs but still no symptoms other than the angina that brought him in. Both he & Bob were masked (and Bob gloved & gowned). Awaiting test results. Sigh. This isn't the first time a patient seemed fine but later tested positive. We've learned to live with it--thank goodness for disposable plates & utensils (as well as very hot dishwashers). And when we ride together in the car, we both mask, one rides "rear shotgun." Tomorrow, though, when we pick up my present from the jewelers, will be a bit problematic when it comes to cracking a window, as it'll be colder than a dead fish's eye.

    Kids made it down to Houston just fine, and the dog finally settled down after the rebound from the tranquilizer the vet prescribed for the trip. We're doing the inter-family Zoom tomorrow night after dinner--both they & we will be toasting with some of that Andersonville glogg. (DOTD tonight was 2018 Duckhorn "Decoy" red blend--varietals not listed on the label).

    Here's my shot of the Great Conjunction from last night:


    Taken from my deck. Saturn is the blob to the lower right of Jupiter. (6X zoom on my iPhone 8+).

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2020

    Well, my brother tested positive. Just glad neither one of them feels too bad. The mom and sister are waiting for results. The boys live with mom and sister was there visiting. Also got a text yesterday from the wife of our primary, she said they wanted to come and visit, but Scott (Dr. Hamblin) had tested positive. My DH had an appt about a week ago but canceled, wasn't feeling up to going. Thank goodness! Doctor appt for DH was uneventful yesterday, they want to do nerve conduction on his leg now to see if the muscle atrophy is associated with back, from a nerve running up the leg.

    Cami, I've said it before and I'll say it again....YOU ARE SOOOO LOVED by your family! How sweet of Dan to give you that bonus. Your men are good to you!

    Karen, my brother is in MI. I'm usually up early, but I go to be early as well. Lots of time, even before dark! If it's too early, I will not get up and just listen to tv. Our tv plays all night.

    Wow NM, up until 2am! When was the last time you did that? You are so cute, anxious to get back to work. We can tell how much you like your new position, it shows in your typed words. There are lots of ingredients, in lots of our DOTD's that I have never heard of, but that one really interested me after you mentioned all the herbs in it. The Green Chartreuse.

    Misty, I'm sorry to hear about your dad, I can relate. My mom was in bad shape when she passed, but passed peacefully with my brothers with her. She always talked about having her ticket to get in to Heaven and if God had the elevator in working condition! Glad he was able to let you know that he knew you were there. I can't believe it's been 3 years since your DH passed, seems like just last year. Glad you are "looking forward" to Christmas this year. Ha ha.....FF is Cami's other DD's husband. FF stands for f*ck face, her pet name for him!

    Sandy, I guess you and Bob will always be worried about this stupid virus, just because of his profession. Praying for NO COVID for both of you. Glad the kids made it safely. So, do we get to see this wonderful gift you are picking up? One of you riding shot gun in the back reminds me of the movie Driving Miss Daisy.

    My UPS IT guy is a photo geek, here is one of his shots, you can actually see the moons around Jupiter. I thought that was pretty cool. Other than that, I was not impressed the whole thing. I'd rather see a meteor shower!

    Image may contain: night

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2020

    And the last one....

    The 'Twelve Drummers Drumming' Cocktail -

    • 4 parts Bourbon (we used Maker's Mark)
    • 2 parts St. Germaine
    • 2 parts grenadine
    • 12 parts brewed tea (we used English Breakfast)
    • 6 parts Limonata

    Combine liquor, grenadine and tea. If you're serving by the glass, pour into individual glasses over ice and then top up with appropriate amount of Limonata. Garnish with an orange wheel and some loose pomegranate seeds.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2020

    Here ya go NM, unless you already looked.

    Lillet, classed as an aromatised wine within EU law, is a French wine-based aperitif from Podensac. It is a blend of 85% Bordeaux region wines and 15% macerated liqueurs, mostly citrus liqueurs. The mix is then stirred in oak vats until blended. During the aging process, Lillet is handled as a Bordeaux wine.

    See the source image

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2020

    Also wanted to add that we have gained another angel in our sisters here on BCO. I'm almost certain, most of you knew or knew of Chrissy. Her family posted on FB, and also mentioned that she passed peacefully with her family by her side.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited December 2020

    Lori, my heart is breaking. When I logged onto fb, the first post I saw was that our beloved Chrissy passed away. She is at least the 5th bco friend that I had the good fortune to meet in person and spend real time with. Her husband Ari, children and grandchildren were the love of her live. I'm glad that she was surrounded by them when she passed. I hope their memories will bring them comfort. Those of us who knew her from bco, she will live on in our hearts.

    Lori - your UPS got a great photo. I tried a few times, but really only could see one planet. Sorry to hear that your brother tested positive. Hope its a mild case and he recovers fully and quickly, same for his partner and your pcp.

    Sandy - looking forward to hearing what special present Bob got for you. Is it a combined Christmas/Chanukah/birthday present? Congratulations on Gordy's engagement. 2022 sounds so far off, but it will go quickly. Glad for you that the wedding will be in Chicago.

    Cami - what did you buy with your gift card?

    Kim - the job sounds perfect. Enjoy your winter break.

    To those who celebrate, happy Christmas Eve. Have a great day!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited December 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Christmas Eve! Just got off the phone with my mother, she's worried about the big wind and rain storm that is coming in tomorrow. Supposed to be lots of wind and rain, but relatively warm, so the expected power outages will not be huge problems heating-wise. Some Christmas dinners may be negatively impacted, however!

    Sadie says Hi to everyone.

    Misty--I am so sorry to hear about your father's passing. It sounds like his passing was peaceful and comfortable. I hope the old hymns make a comeback, they have so much meaning. I'm glad you are able to feel excited about Christmas this year. Time does make bad things more bearable.

    Good Morning to Cammy Cat, Jazzy, Illi, Karen, Beaver, Reader,

    Chi--glad to hear the kids made it to Houston ok! Great pic of the conjunction. Hasn't been clear enough here to see it yet.

    Goldie--praying for mild illness in everyone, or none at all if possible! It's getting closer and closer all the time. The last time I was up until 2 am was Dec 8th into the 9th, the last shift I worked at the Nursing Home! That is an impressive pic your UPS IT guy took! I haven't looked up Lillet yet, thanks for the info! Wow, that stuff sounds powerful AND tasty! Yet another item for me to go out and find to add to my likker collection!

    God speed, Chrissy. Till we meet again, this time in person.


    Again, I like Goldie's better than mine! I usually have Limonata in the house. Never thought of putting it in tea!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    Santa Cat GIFs | Tenor HE'S COMING

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    Merry Christmas Eve.

    I happened again yesterday my whole post went poof. Oh well.

    Karen Do u mean Chrissy from Australia??? I haven't looked at FB for a while, I didn't know things were that bad. she was so sweet all the time.

    U ladies are really revving up the drinks, I think we all need them.

    Wow Lori I hope this spread of Covid is very bearable for all concerned, it's just so scary. It's hard to be with anyone now cuz u don't know where anyone has been. What a worry.

    Karen I gave my first 50.00 of my gift card to Joey, of course, hahaha the rest is mine, I know I'm selfish, but I can't help myself.

    Last nite Joey and I wrapped presents and fried our peppers so we did our part. Well my part, Joey is cleaning today and Marty and Leslie are fixing the Lasagna and meatballs an all the apps. they can. Jodie came by annd brought her food and helpedd me with my shower and whatever she bought that I asked her too. So they're all busy today and I'm worn out already. They also got ready some of the games we're going to play and as usually I bought way to many desserts. Well we'll see how this all works out.

    I called Bob last night to pick up his gift. All I got him was a GC for Starbucks, but I know he goes there so that's all I could think of. But I hung it on the door, where he leaves my stuff so I won't see him...he's exposed to a lot of people so he watches himself around me.I miss him.

    Have a great day an stay safe.


  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited December 2020

    Things change on a dime! My youngest DS felt bad on Monday. He got a PCR test on Tuesday. No results yet. Today he is attempting to get a rapid test. We are cancelling Christmas Eve dinner and keeping our fingers crossed for Friday morning brunch and presents. It could be tomorrow before he gets results from either test. I am sad, but we are all trying to be ‘adult’ about it.

    Waiting for the weather to get bad as a cold front is supposed to move thru. I am staying in my pajamas, drinking hot tea and reading my book. This morning has been enough stress for me.

    Oh! And the cat decided to have some kind of bloody discharge this morning resulting in antibiotics from the vet. When it rains it pours!!!

    Merry Christmas to all

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited December 2020

    Cami - yes, Chrissy from Australia. She hadn't been doing well for I think the past year. Here is the link for her travels thread: Breast Cancer Topic: The 'Journey' has begun!!!! aka Chrissyb's USA Adventure!!!

    Cami - you are not selfish. You deserve to treat yourself.

    To all who celebrate, wishing you a joyful Christmas Smile