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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    Top 30 Good Night Gif GIFs | Find the best GIF on Gfycat

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2020

    Jazzy, I guess I didn't think your SIL could talk. Understand your wanting the vacation for social media, we will miss you.

    Cami yes, we ate the ribs, the inside was ok. That is what was left, plus 2 more like that from a whole slab. You've never had ribs? Oh dear, now your niece has Covid. Has she been around her mom?

    Off to town this morning, have to pick up a few groceries and that meat package. My neighbor that had the stroke, now has Covid. My other friend, who was there when they air lifted her, which was 2 weeks ago is afraid she may have had it at that time, meaning she also was exposed. She is hoping to get tested today, but called to tell me since I was with her 2 days after. I'm really concerned about my DH going for PT and almost want him to cancel. But it's tough on me to do 100% of everything.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2020

    DOTD, I need to find the recipe. So far just a pic!

    Can't find a recipe, so you have to use your imagination. It's a BBQ Cocktail....that's all I got!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2020

    Goldie- oh yum, I love cocktails with yummy snacks like that.

    Cami- thinking of you today and your sister and hoping everything gets better this week friend

    Happy Monday folks!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited December 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! Another low-key day in store for me and Sadie again today. I did get a lot of stuff done in the kitchen yesterday as far as decluttering and cleaning, going to try to do the same in the living room today. I should try to get a walk outside today, I need to move more. Maybe a grocery shopping run this afternoon. We'll see how it goes!

    Goldie--I hadn't thought about the electricity as being the waste of money, but that makes sense as Mom monitors her electric bill like a hawk. She has no idea what the password to her email account is, but she knows her electric bill for every month back to forever. That would apply to the dishwasher, too, I suppose. Dick calls Mom several times a day most days. When he doesn't call by his usual times Mom calls him. Dick reaches out to Mom for everything he needs/wants instead of his daughter, who is now his POA and Responsible Party. I think he just doesn't remember, it's been years of Mom taking care of things for him, or reminding him to take care of things, and having her right there to talk to. At the risk of sounding cruel, I almost hope Dick does get sick and is taken off peacefully and quickly. He is so unhappy in Assisted Living with no one to talk to much of the time and not being able to get out and about like he is used to. His memory and cognitive function is declining dramatically since he moved. I suppose we all get bullheaded about some things as we get older. Live long enough and you're entitled to get bullheaded at times!

    Cammy Cat-no plans for New Year's Eve, never have been much of one for partying that night. It was always a really good babysitting time when I was old enough to do that. Sometimes I stay up and watch a ball drop somewhere on TV, many times I go to bed as usual and catch that on the morning news the next day.

    Goldie--YUMMMMM!!!! I love the crunchy char coating!

    Jazzy--it must have been good to get out for errands and a bit of birding! I'm currently being paid weekly on Friday, was being paid weekly on Thursday. Before that it was every other week. I did get paid monthly when I was teaching; that was a new level of budgeting for me at the time. Mom is a depression ere baby and that does color her approach to money management among many other things. I'm using this week off work to focus on getting stuff done around the house that I've been putting off or ignoring. It's going better now that I'm not exhausted all the time. Enjoy your social media break, and look forward to seeing you again, refreshed, next year!

    Chi--sounds like you are a work widow for the week.

    Morning, Karen!

    Cammy Cat--I wish they could find out what is going on with your sister. Everyone would feel better if they could. Does she live with her DD that has Covid? She shouldn't go home if she does. At least she's feeling better.

    Goldie--the chances of DH catching covid at PT are pretty small with the precautions that all medical treatment areas are taking. You are probably at more risk going into the grocery store.If your neighbor caught covid from the neighbor who had a stroke, she was not likely contagious 2 days later when you were together. A negative test would be very reassuring, though.

    New Year's Sparkler cocktail

    New Year's Sparkler


    • 1 ounce berry-flavored vodka
    • 1 1/2 ounces pomegranate juice
    • 3 1/2 ounces Champagne
    • Garnish: skewered raspberries


    1. Add the vodka and cranberry juice to a chilled Champagne flute.
    2. Top with Champagne and garnish with raspberries on a long skewer.

    From <>

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,312
    edited December 2020

    Jazzy - wishing you a happy hiatus, although we'll miss you. Goldie - I like your new picture. Cami - no parties for me, although I have had a couple of "sit & sips" in the driveway with a one or two people. Appetizers are no longer featured - just wine. NM - I agree, your new job sounds perfect. And built in time to "wind down" during the holidays. Glad to hear your Mom is settling in. I don't save & wind string like my Grandma did but I do smooth out tin foil for re-use and wash zip loc bags if they only held things like bread or crackers.

    Happy New Year to all of you and thanks for letting me 'lurk'.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    Goodmorning everyone! Serve some #kittylove to your loved ones as they still lie in bed with this cute #cat… | Cute good morning gif, Good morning cat, Morning cat

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    mornin ladies,

    Kim it's amazing to start a new job and quickly have time off. Karen is use to all of this but u aren;t. the first week is usually all over the place. this time u can actually sit back and just enjoy the time off. finally.

    Lori those drinks are so good looking, drinking and eating at the same time is a great idea. and then usung one of my favorite words doesn;t hurt.

    LOL Minus ur past the lurking stage ur in this thread now, so get use to it.anyway ur a good read.Talkedto my gf in FL a couple of times this weekend. Her dh kids have never been nice to her, now since their father has had a stroke an his memory is starting to fail they have been much nicer. I'm guessing now no one wan ts to take care of him and she's still around so now the harm has been turned on. she was actually ready to leave him a few years ago, just didn't now she feels stuck. an wants to live back here like we always promised but it's just not the right timing getting old takes so many decisions from you U don't think about that when ur younger. Oh well.I miss our times we promise each other.

    Joey spent all last week here but this week he's with his friends, who so far have been very careful not going anywhere but each other's homes,Now I really misshim. It's silly I know I see him more than most gm see their GC, so I should just shut up;

    Oh my puter is really screwing up, hard times with d, s z,x, 4,7 and now my right cap isn't working and a couple of more letters. One reason it takes so long for me to write a post. the other is I really can't type.Have a great day everyone.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited December 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! I'm up "early" this ayem, going to start getting up at regular work time to try to get myself out of the staying up late and sleeping in habit. Also I want to see a DHHS Zoom meeting on the COVID Vaccine. It's part of an ongoing series that will be given on Tuesday ayems and Friday peeyems. Except last week and this week there was no Friday broadcast. And I missed the early ayem one. But that's ok, I'll be able to keep up with it now. Sadie was a hoot this ayem, I turned on the light after the first alarm, and she started nudging me with her cold, wet nose until the second alarm when off, and when I started getting out of bed she rolled over on her back and started whapping me with her tail to get belly rubs. It counts as being "up" if I'm sitting on the bed giving belly rubs, right?

    I was chatting with Mom yesterday. She and Dick used to use lap desks quite frequently, and Dick's broke up during the move (it was plastic and quite old). He's been missing it, so Mom found him a new one, a wooden one that is sturdier, and sent it to him for Christmas. Now he won't open his gifts until Mom can visit and they can open the gifts "together"! Heaven only knows when that will be able to happen.

    Minus--I smooth out and reuse aluminum foil, and also wash out zip lock bags like you do. I've also found some silicone zip lock bags that I'm finding very useful, particularly since they can be washed in the dishwasher and stand up on their own!

    Morning, Cammy Cat!

    Peppermint Bark Mimosas vertical —

    Peppermint Bark Mimosas


    1/4 c. semisweet chocolate chips, melted

    3 candy canes, crushed

    6 oz. peppermint schnapps, divided

    1 bottle champagne or prosecco

    6 candy canes, whole


    1. Pour melted chocolate onto a small plate. Pour crushed candy canes onto a separate plate. Dip rims of champagne flutes first in chocolate, then in crushed candy canes to coat.
    2. Add an ounce of peppermint schnapps to each glass, then top with champagne or prosecco. Garnish with full candy canes before serving.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2020

    NM, I like a nice "bark" on the sauce, but not THAT MUCH! Being the POA for someone can turn around and bite you in the but if a person is in debt. My brother was for my mom, but only for medical decisions. The nursing home is still sending him bills for thousands of dollars and now taking him to collections. I'm sorry that Dick has declined so bad, I understand about wishing someone to pass on, I felt that way about my mom for years, but she just kept hanging on. I wasn't considering PT a high risk for Covid, just another risk. As for the Xmas gifts, Dick doesn't understand that your mom can't see him due to Covid? Maybe someone could help them both with a zoom meeting to open? Or perhaps he will just forget he said that? I don't like to speak for Cami, but she didn't answer They only have Lucky as a pet.

    Minus, I've been known to reuse a zip lock bag, but like you, only if it had bread or something like that. Or putting the same thing back in it. I freeze milk and broth in a silicone muffin thingy, then put them in a zip lock and use when I need for cooking. Foil? Ya sometimes. I don't smooth it out, I use right then usually. To cover something that goes in the fridge, line the little pan in my toaster oven.

    Cami, what was the favorite word of yours that I used? Immagination?

    Ok, so DH went with me yesterday shopping. OMG! Really slowed me down and all he gets is crap, all different chips, frozen processed crap. I run and get a few things, then have to find him so I can put in the cart, it was just hectic. So he asks me if it was harder and if I liked him going. I said, you want me to be honest? I rather you don't go. Then he tells me how to drive, that drives me nuts. I mean which way to go to get out of the stupid parking lot, which isle to go up to park. I don't know how I managed to drive all those years before him or when he's not with me!

    OY VEY

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited December 2020

    Gosh, during holidays the drink pictures are so pretty. I want to try them all, but I want someone else to make them for me. I thought we would slow down at work during the holidays, but we are staying pretty busy. It is so close to me retiring from here, I have to keep myself working diligently and stay focused. I work for the county planning and zoning, there has not been any slack of permits for houses, it has been staying really busy. Commercial has slowed only a little, there is still new construction going on, even though we have empty buildings in strip centers not being utilized.

    My sister has a horrible rash all over her body, she didn't know what it was and decided (I don't know how she decided) that is was from the sulfates in wine. She is a wine drinker or now I guess - was a wine drinker. They probably do have wine without the sulfates. I don't really know that much about it.

    I didn't know you could freeze milk. I also think its horrible that I am this old and don't know that. I thought that by the time you get to a certain age you would know everything, I think I know less than I did before. Maybe those horrible teen years that kids think they know everything is it, after that you just know less and less.

    I think its great Jazzy that you get away from social media, it's always good to take a break from all of it. I get a break when I am too busy or too tired, but that kind of a break is not always wanted and it's never planned.

    Happy Anniversary to you Illimae and your husband.

    Even though I know one day to the next is not a magical miracle, I always look forward to a new year as a new beginning and everything will be great, or at least a new page to write our next chapter on. So I am looking forward to a new year and what great happenings it will bring.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 945
    edited December 2020

    i just lost a long post about having hamburger helper with persimmon wine tonight. Grrr. Do not hit back button! Will report back. 🍷

    I enjoy your great stories and day to day activites. ♥️♥️🎄

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2020

    Misty, milk always goes bad before we drink it, which is rarely, and even just a 1/2 gallon, so I freeze it. Use it in mac n cheese, mashed potatoes, that kind of stuff. My husband is allergic to sulfa, started out as an itchy rash, then turned into Stephen Johnson's disease, which is where it starts burning you from the inside out. The sulfa was in blood pressure meds, not wine! I hope your sister heals completely. I'm like you and would like for the drinks to be made for me. We have that here in The Hot Tatties Lounge, made and delivered by our Tattie Tenders, unfortunately ...... it's virtual.

    Reader, sorry about the lost post. I read one persons post and reply in Word or Notepad. Go to the next post and do the same. Refresh the page so I don't bump someone in the pewl, which is fun if it does happen, then copy and past my post when done.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited December 2020

    This morning was fun. A woman I had hired at the library is finally retiring. The staff planned a surprise parade through the back parking lot. A friend (and former co-worker) picked me up to participate. I stood up through her sun roof to present the retiree with a bouquet. Lots of cheering and pictures. People had not seen me with my new short hair so there was lots of chatter. This woman lives up the street from me and we had been lunch buddies before Covid. Hope to get back to that soon. It was delightful to see many of the folks I used to work with.

    Got my Christmas tree down and put away. The furniture is all back where it should be except for a few things in the Den. I hope to complete the rest of the ‘de-decking’ in the next two days. The kids are coming to dinner tonight to have the meal we had planned for Christmas Eve. Having some quiet time now before getting things ready for them.

    I do love the drinks on here. Rarely have all the ingredients and need someone to mix them for me. I do try to reuse things so I am not too wasteful. The kids tease me about reusing bows on presents and the same boxes from year to year. I draw the line at reusing tinfoil! I have gotten better at not wasting food. Instead of making a casserole in a 9x13 pan and eating it forever, I put the casserole into smaller containers and freeze some. Covid has forced me to be better at being prepared.

    We are supposed to have some cold and rain in the next few days. Our winters are usually wet and rainy, but pretty short. Summers are the awful time. I am looking forward to 2021 and life getting better. Best of luck to everyone in the new year

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2020

    Hi ladies- quick poop in. My hospital is already moving to Phase 3 of the vaccines which means hospitals employees who may have risk can get the vax soon (like as soon as this week). I do work at the clinics some with this new position so there is exposure risk in patient treatment areas. But wow, did not think it was coming that fast but going to be sure I am really better from the ear stuff before I get it. Probably next week I think?

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited December 2020

    Wine has sulfites, not sulfates or sulfa drugs. And, yes, some people are allergic to sulfites.

    More later....

  • Lizard123
    Lizard123 Member Posts: 17
    edited December 2020

    I am just like you. I had colon cancer in 2009. Stage 3B. Diagnosed with breast cancer last year. I just had another biopsy and have a recurrence in lymph nodes. I am having a drink right now!

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited December 2020

    Just a quick pop in here.

    Belated Happy Anniversary to illimae!

    Goldie - Like your new profile picture!

    Drinks Recipes - I too, find them intriguing, but so many different ingredients. I always have Chambord (one of my CM presents) so it is my "go to" for wine spritzers and in prosecco or champagne (or coffee). Have my CM present, a bottle of Veuve Cliquot, ready to chill for New Year's Eve!

    Healing thoughts coming to all those dealing with one illness or another, either their own or a friend or relative!

    Sandy - Your pendant sounds lovely!

    NM - Sounds like your new job will be great.

    Jazzy - Have a good "techno" break and hope you are settling into your job well.

    Cami - Keep those cat postings coming - Where do you find them all?

    Hope everyone can enjoy ringing out 2020!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2020

    The Drinkworks pods came today. Now I have to figure out how to set up the thing--read the manual and it sounds like a PITA. It comes with a carbonator, but I didn't buy any fizzy-drink pods (we have a Sodastream anyway). The initial rinse & prep cycle will take awhile, and you have to keep it on with icewater in the tank all day. Anyway, it's freezing out there (we got 2" of snow that has turned to sleet) and having just gotten home, the last thing Bob wants is a cold drink. Me neither.

    So DOTD (after 2 coffees and a cappuccino over the course of the day) is Bigelow's "Herbal Unwind" orange-mandarin-honeybush tea. Hot of course.

    The kids made it home about an hour ago--my heart was in my mouth, what with them driving right up through the heart of the snowstorm. Now, seeing as how TX is one of the states on Chicago's "s#*t list," they will have to quarantine for 10 days (but the dog will need to be walked, at least around their backyard). The "orange" states (now including WI) have been downgraded to requiring only a negative COVID test upon returning to Chicago, but TX is "red." The city's positivity rate is dropping--IL's rose only a bit.

    I look like crap sitting here in my PJs and sweatshirt, but here's the pendant (hard to take a selfie of it and I don't want to take it off--so it's cropped & askew):


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited December 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! And Happy New Year's Eve Eve! Hard to believe 2020 is almost over. On the other hand, some really cold temps have rolled in overnight, and it certainly feels like winter outside. It was chilly yesterday when I went grocery shopping, but not bitingly cold like it is now. One of the benefits of wearing a mask, the dry, cold air doesn't trigger asthma coughing spells! And my nose stayed warm! It was so nice to have Sadie to cuddled up to last night, she is such a great bed warmer.

    Goldie--Being POA really can be a problem and I don't think people understand that. I've heard family members tell a loved one "I have Power of Attorney over you, I can sign and make you (fill in the blank)" which it totally untrue. I don't know how many times I've helped the social worker explain to families that, as long as the individual can understand what is being asked of them, we MUST get their permission to do thing, even if there is a POA. And that, if they sign something as POA, they can be held accountable for the payment. People don't read the consent forms they are given, and most consents include responsibility for payment. And then the facility may be required to show proof they have attempted to get payment in order to write off the loss for tax purposes (even if they are tax exempt). It's a crazy, complicated system. As to the Christmas gifts, Dick does understand about Mom not being able to visit, most of the time, but I think some of it is him trying to make sure Mom does come to visit. I think he's feeling kind of abandoned and he surely is feeling lonely. Ok, Cammy's house has one doggo, Lucky. I misunderstood. I can imagine how crazy it must have been shopping with DH! I've heard Dick tell Mom how to drive like that for almost all the time they've known each other, it must be a guy thing!

    Misty--I'm with you, I'd love to try a lot of the DOTDs, but don't want to buy whole bottles of unfamiliar ingredients until I know I will like them and use them again. Having someone else make them is a treat, too. I guess construction is a fairly safe line of work during the pandemic, or the buildings going up are important enough that people are willing to keep going with the plans. That's probably a good thing. Malls do seem to be going out of fashion. I've not set foot inside the big Mall near me for, literally, years. I used to like going there, especially at Christmas time, to see the decorations and be able to shop at a bunch of different types of stores without driving around. Last time I was in the Mall most of the storefronts were closed, only the big anchor stores will still open. None of the fun kiosks were open. It seems the biggest use the mall gets now is people going there to walk in the halls when it's too cold or nasty to walk outdoors. There is something that feels a bit magical about certain days, and the New Year is one of them for me, too. A good turning point, or a good change point, maybe. I do hope 2021 is a better, easier year for everyone.

    Reader--Ouch, that hurts when you lose a post, or anything on the computer. Hamburger Helper with persimmon wine sounds very interesting. What kind of Hamburger Helper? My fav is the stroganoff.

    Goldie--I remember my mother freezing milk on occasion, mostly because I remember she would pour out a glass or two before putting the carton in the freezer and then opening a second carton and putting that on in the fridge. It was years before I understood why she did that! Sulfa is in some pretty odd things, as you've found out. It pays to read ingredient lists.

    Speaking of having DOTDs made for us, check out your local tasting rooms' and restaurants' websites--many are now also selling pre-mixed drinks for curbside pickup! There is a distillery near me that is now selling premixed cocktails (you have to buy some food, too, but they have some inexpensive but very good snacks) made with the cordials, gin, and vodka they make. I've got to try that right off, it sounds like a fun way to try different drinks.

    Librarian--oh my, that retirement parade must have been such fun for you! Getting to see people is such a treat these days. It's funny, I've lived alone almost all my adult life, and still use my mother's recipes for casseroles and such and eat off them for a week! I know about using smaller dishes and freezing, and have a nice big freezer, well stocked, in the basement. Having meals I could take out of the freezer and thaw and warm up would be very convenient, but I never seem to get around to doing that. On the other hand, I don't mind eating the same thing for a week, so I guess it works out in the end. Saving the boxes and bows was part of my Christmas tradition all the time I can remember, and, oddly enough, is one of the things I miss the most now.

    Jazzy--Wow, the vaccine is moving fast where you are! Maine is still working on getting enough vaccine for Phase 1A folks!

    Beaver--good point.

    Lizard123--Welcome to the HTL, and welcome to the club no woman wants to join! Pull up a stool and tells us about yourself. What do you like to drink? What part of the world are you from?

    Celia--I love Chambord, too! For some reason I don't buy it often, even though it's readily available. I'm looking forward to getting back to work in the New Year.

    Chi--That Herbal Unwind tea sounds really tasty. Bigelow makes some pretty good tasting teas! Glad the kids made it home safely. Here's hoping they didn't catch anything. That pendant is BEAUTIFUL!

    Food, Whipped cream, Non-alcoholic beverage, Drink, Milkshake, Floats, Cream, Dish, Hot chocolate, Ingredient,

    Rumchata Hot Cocoa


    2 1/2 c. whole milk

    1/4 c. granulated sugar

    2 tbsp. cocoa powder

    1 tsp. pure vanilla extract

    6 oz. chocolate chips (or chopped bittersweet chocolate)

    1/2 c. Rumchata

    1/3 c. warm caramel

    Whipped cream, for serving

    Cinnamon sugar, for garnish

    Cinnamon stick, for garnish


    1. Bring milk to a simmer in small saucepan over medium heat. Whisk in sugar and cocoa powder and stir until no lumps remain. Stir in chocolate chips and vanilla and cook, stirring occasionally, until the chocolate is completely melted. Stir in Rumchata, then turn off heat.
    2. Pour caramel into a small dish. Dip cups in the caramel to coat the rim. Pour hot chocolate into each glass, then top with whipped cream, a sprinkle of cinnamon sugar, more caramel, and a cinnamon stick.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    good morning gif funny | HappyShappy - India's Best Ideas, Products & Horoscopes

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    Mornin' ladies..

    welcome Lizard, we're always ready to learn more about u, so when u feel comfortable please share.

    Lori I never nimd when u speak for me, u explain things much better than I do anyway. shopping with ur dh sounds like real fun to me LOL

    Sandy ur necklace is beautiful and I'm sure ur glad ur kids are back, it's aways a relief. How is bob feeling.

    LC U sound so excited sbout the retirement arty I'm glad u had so much fun.

    Jazzy I can't get over how fast ur getting the vaccine, u should be ready by next week

    OH i just look up in google cats with funny gifs, there's bunches,

    Kim u and Karen only have a few more days off, it goes so fast. so u'd better enjoy.

    My sister is still in the hosital, don't really know what's going on. I do know she feels better so that's good.

    Have a good eve's eve.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2020

    JCS, nice that you guys had the retirement parade for that lady, since we can't have parties. My Christmas stuff is all down and put away too. Oh wait....I didn't put any up! Hope you had a nice dinner with the kids. What was on the menu?

    Hi Lizard, welcome. Like others have said, tell us about yourself. Not sure who you are referring to in your comment, maybe all of us? What was that drink you had?

    Hi Celia, good to see you poop in! Thank you for the comment on my profile pic.

    Minus2, you also commented, thank you.

    Sandy, beautiful pendant and glad the kids are home safe, now to STAY healthy.

    NM, I'm not sure what my brother signed for my mom, I should ask him if he has a copy of it. I hope it wasn't in there, and he didn't see it, that he is responsible for her finances. Like I said, it's probably over and above $10K. Glad that Dick understands somewhat about not being able to see your mom. Has to be so hard on him. Does it bother your mom? Another yummy looking cocktail!

    LOL at shopping in a mall. I don't know the last time I was in a mall, to just shop around. Partly because we don't even have one where I live.

    Jazzy, good luck if you get that vax. I see the reservations are now on lockdown for even longer, an additional 3 weeks added on to the 6 weeks they have already been in lockdown.

    Cami, I'm LMAO trying to visualize you shopping with my DH. I'm going to hide and just watch the two of you! I sure hope Lu can go home soon. Glad she is at least feeling better. How is your BIL doing since the stents?

    Nothing to report here. Other than I can't keep track of what day of the week it is. Yesterday seemed like Sunday, today seems like Friday! Guess it doesn't matter tho, does it? It's aday. Maybe we should make the week 8 days and the new day being Aday!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,312
    edited December 2020

    Goldie - I keep track of what day it is ONLY because I take the daily paper.

    NM & Celia - I also love Chambord. I have a bottle in the cupboard but because of the price I keep it pushed to the back so I don't grab it too often. Well hmmm - I just looked and it's in the same range as the Amarula that I love - $18/25. I'm going to move it forward right now and that will be my bedtime sip tonight.

    I do occasionally freeze milk, but then I forget about it.

    Wine of the day - San Gregorio Garnacha. Delicious product of Spain for $10.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited December 2020

    The first case of the variant was diagnosed yesterday in Colorado - its a 20something whole has not travelled, so of course there are more cases. I think I'm in group two as I'm an educator (School Psychologist). If I'm in the schools, then I want the vaccine sooner than later. If I'm remote, I'll wait for the 65+ group. DH and I are no higher risk to get it but higher risk if we get it to have it bad and complications.

    I'm annoyed that the politicians that don't meet any criteria other than privilege of being a politician before people who should be getting it.

    Hard to believe we are at the end of December. This has been one LONG year!!! Our plans for New Years Eve are the same for any other Thursday night. The only exception is that my traditional New Years Eve dinner is home made potato knishes and grilled chicken wings. But I haven't been home for New Years in at least 5 years!!! We won't even stay up till midnight!!! Seeing the ball drop was fun in our youth!!

    I had medical POA, durable POA and whatever else for my late mother - I only needed to use it when she was no longer alert in the end days. Knowing my mother as well as I did, I knew what she wanted as she was answering the attorney's questions when re-doing her POA's after Dad passed away. I would have supported any decision that my mother wanted but we both had similar wants. Once she moved to Denver with my Dad (he passed away 5 weeks later) I went with Mom to all her medical appointments. About 1 1/2 years ago, DH and I re-wrote out wills and we did all our estate planning. When DH had open heart surgery in March, it was nice to be able to bring the necessary documents for the doctors to have.

    Librarian - the retirement party sounds like fun.

    Sandy - your necklace is pretty - ask DH to take a picture for you :)

    Cami - how is your sister? Jazz - your SIL?

    Regarding the drinks - I usually skip the recipes as I've never been a mixed drink person. Some do look quite pretty in the glass.

    Hoping that 2021 will bring better news than 2020.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    Adorable Good Morning Gif Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Twitter

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    early mornin' ladies,

    Karen the last few years I didn't go anywhere for this holiday and never stayed up past 11pm, Now I'm up at 2am, but tomorrow <or tonite> we'll see.

    Lori the one word I always LOLed at was wacko which u always called dara, I still LOL just when I think of it. Like now U freeze MILK, it's like freezing the cow <well which we do>, but milk, I've never heard anyone doing that, doesn't it separate when thawed, U come up with the strangest things I've never hear of. an put me on the list for really liking ur new avatar, Why the hell do u look younger every time I see a picture of you??? It sounds like ur dh and I would shop like 2 teenagers shopping when our parents would be out of town, getting all the goodies.

    Lizard it looks like u've only done a hanful of posts, so start catching up.

    this is unbelievable, the last day of the year, it really went by so fast and yet was so long of not seeing anyone for the most part. Such a strange year and completely a year for history that was the first for this thing. I hope the New Year turns for a gentle and kind year for all of us.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2020

    Good Night Cat GIFs | Tenor

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited December 2020

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday and Happy New Year's Eve! Snowing here this morning, not much but enough to make things pretty. And to make things slippery for the idiots who won't slow down on the roadways. Fortunately, Sadie and I are not going out anywhere today or tonight. Going to celebrate right here, and probably with our eyes closed! Although I am tempted to stay up just to make sure 2020 really does leave and 2021 really does come in! Got a nice Spumanti in the fridge chilling for tonite. I'm going to soak a couple of doggy treats in some for Sadie to try. Yes, I know alcohol is not good for doggos, but she does stick her snout in my glass when I'm not looking and sniff at it, so I figure she's curious enough to try a taste. Or maybe I'll just put a sip down in her bowl and let her drink it if she wants. Yeah, that would be better.

    Cammy Cat--I am enjoying the time off, but also getting eager to get back to work. 4 days and counting! Karen may have a bit longer off that I do, I don't remember for sure. Glad you sister is feeling better. Will be happier when she gets out of the hospital.

    Goldie--Dick's situation does bother Mom quite a bit. She says it's her fault, because she couldn't deal with taking care of him 24/7 without a break. She did speak to his kids a couple of times about them taking care of him for a day or two each weeks so she could have some time to herself, but with their work schedules and family lives it didn't work out, so she told them she was moving out. She's mentioned feeling sorry for him being stuck in the facility and not being able to have visitors whenever he wants. I'm kind of glad that she can't take him out or go visit all the time, he'd have her running him all over the place all the time and she still wouldn't have much time to do stuff she wants to do. It's hard all the way around. No one really like the situation, but it is better for everyone.I'm having trouble keeping track of the days, too, thinking about going back tocrossing off days on the calendar again! I'm thinking that will settle itself once school is back in session.

    Minus--It's funny how we think about the cost of things, I rarely buy Chambord, but keep a bottle of Kahluha on the side board to put in coffee, yet they both cost about the same. I'm not familiar with Amarula, is that a liqueur? Is the Garnacha a red or white wine?

    Karen--I was wondering how long it would be before the new variant was confirmed in the U.S.If you go on your state's website you should be able to find a copy of your state's COVID vaccine priority list and see where school staff falls compared to individuals with risk factors. That will give you an idea of how long it will be before you can get it. I am my mother's Medical POA, and I know her wishes, and we still talk about them every so often.

    I'm upset with all the famous people getting vaccinated just because they are famous. I know it's supposed to be setting an example and help people be more trusting of the vaccine, but still. I'll tell you a bit of a secret about the DOTDs, sometimes I choose them based on the picture!

    Cammy Cat--this has been the fastest longest year going, hasn't it? So many things changed, and probably permanently. Life is change, they say.

    Floats, Milkshake, Straw, Food, Drinking straw, Sprinkles, Drink, Frozen dessert, Sundae, Cream,

    Confetti Champagne


    1 lime wedge

    1/3 c. assorted Pop Rocks

    6 oz. vanilla vodka

    1 bottle Champagne (or Prosecco)

    1 (20 oz.) bottle Sprite


    1. Place all pop rocks on a small shallow plate and mix together with a fork. Wet the rim of each glass with lime wedge, then dip in pop rocks. Repeat until all rims are coated.
    2. Add an ounce of vanilla vodka to each glass. Divide champagne evenly between glasses, then top with Sprite. Serve chilled.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited December 2020

    NM - I also go back on the 4th. All kids are virtual the first week, then on the 11th elementary start returning and on the 19th through end of the month 6-12 return. I'm starting a new coverage on the 18th (or earlier as its a pregnancy leave) at a middle school. I have a zoom meeting with them on Monday to meet and learn about the school and my responsibilities. They will be in person and remote for those who don't want in person (saw on the schools website), but don't know much else.

    The governor announced a new roll out for vaccines yesterday - I'm now in 1B - but I'm guessing it will still be a few months till I still she a vaccine. Everyone, including public health, hospitals etc were surprised by his announcement. He is also moving red counties to orange on Monday (easing restrictions). I'm pretty sure most of the spread is from parties, get togethers and travel are the reason for the increase. Colorado's positivity rate had been declining but is now edging back up.

    Happy to say goo-bye to 2020 - it's been the longest 366 days!!! Will take 2021 day by day to see how it unfolds. If I ever get my passport renewed, hopefully at some point I'll get to travel to see my kids, or they'll get to travel here. Canada's borders are still closed and they are requiring a new PCR negative test 3 days prior to travel and are asking airlines to ensure passengers require the tests prior to boarding flights to Canada.

    Nothing on the calendar today except to pick up a chicken order at the kosher market, fill up DH's tank to use points for 50 cents off a gallon that expire today and make the potato knishes and grill the chicken wings. And of course a few walks outside.

    We spent a coupe days in the mountains earlier this week winter hiking. Can't post them from the computer, but will from my phone.

    Have a good last day of 2020!!