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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2020

    Minus2, a paper? You actually get a printed paper? Ya, I guess I've seen them in those machines come to think about it now. Not obsolete just yet. And drink that Chambord girl.

    Karen, I totally agree with you on the politicians and the vax. I remember you moving your parents to CO, and you going to FL to visit and being afraid to drive with your mom. They were in FL right? But I didn't remember your dad passing so quickly after moving. I'm sure it was much easier to deal with having them there instead of FL.

    Cami, the milk does separate when it thaws, but for cooking it's ok. I never know what I'm making for dinner until the day of, and like I said, we don't drink it much and if I want to make mashed potatoes, or mac n cheese, or anything that needs a little milk and I don't have any, then I can't make it! So freezing it in the muffin tin gives me just what I need. Thank you for the compliment. DH is not allowed to go shopping with me again, not for quite some time.

    NM, I'm sorry your mom feels it's "her fault" and I hope that feeling doesn't last long when she is feeling it. Going back to work will def. help with the days of the week. LOL, most cound the days until a day off, you are counting when you can go back! I hope Sadie enjoys the Spumanti!

    OH MY, pop rocks and Champagne!

    Just a rant, feel free to move on...

    Had a melt down last night. I'm getting tired of doing 100% around here. DH had me go put some heat on out in the office so "we" could go do orders. There was only 4. I asked him he thought he could do them, he says no, not by myself. Ok! So I go out there to see if it's warm enough yet, grab stuff for 2 of the orders and go back in the house. We both go out there and he just stands there leaning on his cane. I'm like you're just in my way. So I get the orders done, he says lets go put pellets in the back of the truck. I go to the barn and load 6 bags on the tail gate before he even gets to the truck! They are 40# each. I tell him to just go in the house, I already have it done. Make him some dinner, do up some dishes, load the pellet stove with the pellets. Now it's too late for me to make my dinner. I can't stop clenching my teeth, my hair has been falling out for over 6 months. I'm just feeling overwhelmed.

    Image may contain: text that says 'I still don't know what I'm wearing to the living room New Year's Eve night... I might not even go'

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2020

    Good morning friends and Happy New Years Eve day!

    Sounds like everyone is doing okay here as this year heads out. I know we are ready for that too. Sounds like everyone will be laying low, celebrating 2020's exit

    I am off today and tomorrow and into my last of the holiday weekends and time off for the foreseeable future. I have been so grateful to have these long weekends as I started this job and with so many other things to do the end of the year with the business closure, home stuff, Xmas and more. Whew, these past two months have been busy. My ear thing seems to be healed more and will try to return to the pool this weekend to resume my swimming routines again. Got an apt with one of my attorneys this morning to go sign some final estate document updates (part of this relating to my LLC de-activation) and then going to do some errands, including getting something good to eat for tonight's NYE dinner and probably something good to eat for tomorrow's lunch too.

    Our numbers were below 1000 per day this week for a few days, bringing us below the numbers that soared over 1000/day starting in October. I think the post holiday spike is here and they said they tested 5000 in one day here this week who must have come back and got tested. I wanted to go to Santa Fe for an afternoon this weekend, but decided to skip that and avoid any holiday crowds (skiiers) that may be there and with the spike. I will take an afternoon in late Jan or sometime in Feb some weekend and go then when things are better and to maybe score on some end of the season sales.

    And regarding the vaccine, we are still in the Phase 1A here too. The reason I might get it sooner is because I work for a hospital. All the healthcare workers there have all been vaccinated and they have also vaccinated ancillary workers who touch the clinical areas (shuttle drivers, cafeteria workers, etc.) and now are opening it up to anyone who may do non-clinical work, but whom go into clinical areas and have more risk. We have been doing clinic visits off and on since Nov, and have more coming up. I decided to wait until Monday to sign up, as I really want to be sure this ear thing is resolved as they never like you taking a vax when you are not feeling well or have something else going on. Ready and willing to be an early adopter.

    Karen- your NYE meal sounds yummy. I hope too that you can get your vaccines and get to see your kids in other locations (countries too). I have been following the news on the new strain of the virus and think they believe it's in many places now. Sigh. Wishing you a good start to the new year and back to school.

    NM- it is never easy to have someone in long term care, certainly been there with my own family and the guilt and sadness can be enormous. But especially this year with so many being restricted from each other. I think your mom did the best she could, Dick needed more care than your mom could do. I hope you, your mom and Sadie all have a better 2021. Good luck with geting that job really going as you head in to 2021. You rock sister!

    Chi- good to hear the kids made it back safely. Your necklace is beautiful, wear it in good health!

    CeliaC- enjoy that champagne tonight, one of my favs too! I am also a fan of chambord.

    Cami- I hope you have a good evening tonight. I will be in bed by 9 p.m. probably. I know I have shared this before, but here in the wild west they shoot guns off in the air at midnight and you don't want to be outside. I always like New Years day better.

    MinusTwo, Mistyeyes, Reader, MemaSue, Teka and everyone else, wishing you a happy New Year and tomorrow I am off all social media for a bit and will be back in another month or so. Until then sisters, stay well and blessings to you all in the coming year. Let it be a better and kinder one for all.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2020

    Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, text that says 'Dad Jokes @Dadsaysjokes Remember to poop before midnight tonight. You don't want to be carrying the same shit into the new decade.'

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2021

    Well, feast or famine--this morning Holy Cross offered Bob the Moderna vaccine (he already had the Pfizer at Little Company 12 days ago). We both had to suppress the urge to send me instead. Not gonna jump the line. And it turns out those 57 vials (containing 500 Moderna doses) in Grafton, WI were administered--nobody knows if they'll be effective (outdoors there & here is fridge temp, maybe a bit colder). The recipients were notified and advised to ask their primaries whether to roll the dice and wait for the booster shot or try again ASAP. And the clinic pharmacy employee who left the vials outdoors has been fired, with local law enforcement authorities investigating.

    Last night that pulled pec muscle pain spread to my shoulder and even armpit. It hurt to breathe, bend and even burp! Bob told me to take 2 Aleve and 1mg Xanax (I usually take .5) along with my CBD/CBN gummy & arthritis Tylenol. I slept 10 hrs., and am not in pain at all. (We shall see if I am in a different kind of pain tomorrow morning...or whenever the cats wake me).

    Ordered in from a local Chinese BBQ: Peking duck for two (soup, stir-fry, buns & the sliced duck breast & leg with skin). Keeping it all warm, as Bob doesn't expect to be home before 10, possibly 11. On the DOTD front (besides the Perrier-Jouet Grand Brut at midnight), I set up his Drinkworks machine. Took a few calls to tech support to figure out how to get the initial rinse cycle done w/o the dreaded "Assistance needed--#4" error message. (Turns out I should have waited to place the tank until prompted). It's chilled and waiting for Bob to request his quaff of choice (two brands of Old Fashioned, Manhattan, Margarita, Cosmo, LI Iced Tea, and Whiskey Sour).

    I'm wearing my snowflake-print thermal PJs with a maroon scrub top over them for warmth. Tres chic. (No sense in putting on anything glitzy--hope it still fits next time I have occasion to dress up).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Graphics Animation: December 2011

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2021

    Amen! Happy 2021!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Happy New Year Ladies and I'm up <I slept earlier tho>

    Lori I'm sorry but I don't know how u don't have a meltdown everyday. U have been double dutying for months now. U have so much patience with all that has happened and still continues, and then on top of it all there's covid. U have so little time to take care of urself an that's so important if u could just get away for a few days sometime, but I know that's not possible. I know u go to bed early, can u possibly make it earlier and just relax before sleeping so u have time just for you, I don't know what else to tell you or how to help you.

    Kim ur right the pics. of the drinks really make them look so good and the champagne doesn't hurt the taste. and they r all happy drinks like u r these days. Looking back I really don't remember any job that I had that I truly liked. but I always had a good time and did LOL a lot at all of them. I don't get it.

    Quiet day today except at midnite, heard all kinds of firworks then, Now it's silent again. but my sister came home late this afternoon but they need loads of help. so for now they have to figure things out. My BIL is better but she can't possibly take care of them any more. she finally admits it.

    wishing everyone a beautiful day 1 for the New Year.


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2021

    Welcome 2021! Hoping that this year will be one of good health and getting to visit with family, friends and some sense of how life was prior to march 13, 2020!

    Have a great day!

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited January 2021

    Happy New Year! 2021 WILL be a better year!!!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited January 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy 2021! I was very happy to put up a new calendar this ayem. Had fun going through and marking the school breaks and holidays. Very cold outside but brightly sunny, which feels very nice. I need to go out today to pick up this week's Farm Drop order. I'm surprised they are open today, but I suppose most farms are kind of working anyway.

    Looking at the Maine COVID numbers this ayem. We are now a Red state, 32 cases per 100K, positive test rate 5.1%, hospitalizations at an all-time high. In the county where I live the positive test rate is 8.0%, 20.9 dailynew cases per 100K,in the county where I work it's 3.6% positive, 9 per 100K dailynew cases. What a crazy difference a few miles is making. In Maine, cases are listed by the infected person's home address, so someone who is diagnosed in one of the big hospitals in Penobscot or Cumberland county will show in the numbers of the county the person lives in. It's going to be interesting to see how this works out.

    Karen--I was wondering if I remembered your schedule correctly or not. My school will be going back to full time in person on Monday. There are a number of students that are 100% remote by parents' choice. The school county abuts the county I live in, which is now a red county, with most schools going fully remote. Not sure how that is going to impact the school over time, with some staff living in the red county and have kids going to school in the red county. I'm glad I don't have to figure that stuff out, I just have to look it up! Maine is still aiming to get all health care workers vaccinated for the first round by the end of February, but the pattern of receiving fewer doses than expected is continuing and is creating problems with distribution. I'm happy to see 2020 go out the back door, too. Sounds like Canada is being hard on cross border travel. I hope your passport comes through soon and you get to visit your kids in person before too very long.

    Goldie--Sadie was not impressed with the Spumanti. I don't think she likes bubbles very much. She doesn't tend to try to get sips of soda, but will go after coffee and fruit juices and the like. The guilt that family members feels when a person with dementia has to move into an assisted living or nursing home setting is one of the hardest things about dementia. When people promise a loved one "I'll never put you in a home" they do not know what they are getting into, do not know that's is often just not possible to safely take care of someone with dementia at home without significant amounts of money and assistance. I have seen what happens with a person caring for someone with dementia gets hurt or becomes ill and ends up in the hospital. The person with dementia ends up with an emergency admission to a care facility with no time to prepare, no one to be present to advocate, the caregiver stressed out trying to manage all that long distance while trying to recover themselves. Usually ends up with both parties in a facility, often not the same facility, and neither getting home again, and the one or the other or both dying within 3 months. I don't blame you for having a meltdown. I'm kind of surprised you haven't had one earlier! You need a day off so badly it isn't funny. Do you live close enough to a motel/hotel where you can stay overnight for one night? Tell DH you need the break, you are going to the hotel, you'll get take out or room service for meals, maybe go for a drive or something, and be back the next afternoon, in the meantime he'll be taking care of himself. If you don't get a break for yourself you are going to get sick, and then where will you two be? Tell DH to use the time you are gone to research assisted living and nursing homes and choose the one he'll go to when you can't take care of him for 6 weeks because you got hurt or sick and need to go to rehab for yourself. Or who he's going to hire to come take care of him and how he's going to pay that person. And maybe he should hire someone to come in and do stuff for home NOW, and not wait until it's a crisis situation.

    Jazzy--You are right, Dick needs more care than one person can do 24/7. Mom at least realized that, even if his kids really didn't. Or didn't want to. They've been through this whole dementia thing with their Mom who died of dementia a few years ago. I really think they didn't want to see the signs in their Dad for quite a while, and I don't blame them. I do wish there were classes and other things for Mom to do, but it is what it is right now. She's got quite a bit to keep her occupied unpacking and going through stuff and getting it all organized. I'm getting anxious to get back to work on Monday, I already miss the kids and I've barely met them!

    GOLDIE!!!!!!!LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💩

    Chi--I heard something about a batch of vaccine getting mishandled but didn't hear the details. I'm betting the whole thing was an accident, but not good timing for that kind of accident! Wow, I was just looking at the Drinkworks thing, what a machine that is! Looks complicated. Good for you for getting it sorted out and up and running!

    Teka--Good advice!

    Cammy Cat--I'm glad you were up to welcome in the New Year! Sadie and I slept through it. Glad your BIL is better and your sister is home. Also glad your sister realizes she can't take care of BIL by herself anymore. Now for them to find the help they need so they can both be safe at home.

    Librarian--Happy New Year!

    The Last Word, Your First Cocktail Choice | Wine Enthusiast

    2020's Last Word Cocktail


    • ¾ ounce gin
    • ¾ ounce maraschino liqueur, like Luxardo
    • ¾ ounce Green Chartreuse
    • ¾ ounce lime juice
    • Lime twist (for garnish)

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2021

    Kim - Staff go back the 4th. The 5th - 8th all kiddos are remote. The week of the 11th - ECE -5th and special education center programs return. Student have the choice to be in person or remote. The week of 01/19 middle and high school start returning through the rest of the month. Middle and high will either be hybrid or remote depending on what families choose. Of course charter schools can do what they want as well as smaller secondary schools can be fully in person. The school I'll be covering is a small middle school (by Colorado standards!) and they are planning fully in person or remote for those families who want remote. I have accommodations so I won't be in schools more than 2 of my 4 days/week. All meetings are zoom or google meets and all paperwork can be done at home. The governor has moved school personnel to group 1A - but there is no plan to do it and there are 1.3 million people in that group. The chart says it will happen winter, then phase 2 spring and summer everyone else. I'm guessing I won't get it till March at the earliest. I'll be pleasantly surprised if it happens sooner.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2021

    Lori, I don't know how you manage to do it all--no wonder you manage to stay trim. Just your activities of daily living are more exercise than most of us get on purpose!

    Last mishap of 2020: At 11:30pm, Bob announced that the remote on the den TV had stopped working, and wouldn't respond to either button-pushing or Alexa. I changed batteries twice--all the remote would do was turn the set on or off. Followed all instructions on YouTube, to no avail. Inspected the set for manual controls but couldn't find any, even with the floor lamp on its brightest setting. Cleaned the infrared panels on both the remote and the bottom of the screen housing. Nope. Finally tried the last-resort instruction: reboot the set by power-cycling it. But when I tilted it to plug the power cord back into its receptacle (the outlet on the power strip on the floor is unreachable, at least to me), the set slipped and tipped over, trashing the screen (multiple vertical rainbow stripes and a "spiderweb" in the upper R corner).

    Well, Bob had two replies, both--amazingly--delighted: first, gleeful that something in the house thst broke was MY fault, not HIS; and second, "Now we can get an OLED 4K Ultra-Hi-Def set!" This one is a 46" Toshiba cheapo LCD ($250 four years ago on Amazon Prime Day sale, so it's long since out of warranty). Went online and found two stores that sell an OLED small enough (48") to fit on the pedestal (don't want a wall-mount, because I'm not sure how strong the drywall is) at a much higher price but still a fraction of the old-tech 58" 3D plasma set we have in the master bedroom upstairs (which can't use streaming services, just satellite or antenna). Unfortunately, one store (BestBuy/Geek Squad) can't install/setup till 1/19; and I'm not sure the other (Abt) will do anything but deliver, albeit same-day: their website has two contradictory statements: installation available 1/6, but "white-glove" service unavailable due to the pandemic. Will call Abt tomorrow.

    Meanwhile, managed this morning to find a button on the side of the set (the one Bob and our HK use) today that changes the input. Wish I'd found it last night. Switched the input to "satellite" and am leaving it on: the picture is ugly (like watching through a sheer striped scarf while dropping acid) but still watchable. So Bob still gets his football and our HK still gets her small-claims-judge shows while near the kitchen.

    On to DsOTD. Of course, Perrier-Jouet Grand Brut at midnight. On any normal NYE, we'd go through at least 2, even 3 bottles of bubbly--even accounting for the teetotaling guests. Last night, just the two of us? We got through 1/3 of the bottle. I was able to get Bob's Drinkworks up & running in time to FaceTime with the kids, and inaugurated it with a whiskey sour (the family tradition: his late uncle's specialty). It was a large drink, so we split it between two rocks glasses--I had the overflow, about 2 oz. After half a Scotch, Bob had the "main" portion. Perhaps that had something to do with my inability to find the input-switch before it was too late.....

    More bubbly with dinner when Bob gets home from work (hopefully, the ice stays in just the far-south-exurban counties), plus maybe a Cosmo or Daiquiri. (The Martini pods were unavailable online, and we have no vermouth to make Bob one "old-school").

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2021

    Cami, I'm glad Lu was able to go home. I hope her and her DH are able to work things out.

    You guys are all the best. NM, hotel is out of the question, not with Covid. I did have a talk with him, let him know I was about to have a panic attack and I needed him to do more. I let it all out, including going outside and screaming as loud as I could, and then broke down. So for now, all is good. Oh I did pick up that meat package. The bacon burgers were yummy and I made the filets yesterday. OMG, were they good. My first attempt! I have always been afraid to buy filets, for fear that I would ruin such an expensive cut of meat.

    Funny about our elders. Many years ago my mom used to tell me, if I get bad just put me in a nursing home. I said nooooo, I will take care of you. She said, I will pee my self. I said I will clean you. She says I will poop myself. I said I will clean you. She says, I'll do it again. I said, I will clean you again. Little did I know all of that would happen. Of course she wasn't doing it on purpose!

    Oh dear Sandy, glad no one was hurt with tv incident.

    If I don't show up in the morning, or later tomorrow, then I'll be here Tuesday. I have my treatment on Monday, so will be gone all day.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2021

    My mom always pleaded with us not to put her in a nursing home. She lived out her last decade & a half in her own 2-BR apt. in a large seniors complex just n. of Boca. At one point she considered "independent living" to avoid having to do housework or pay for weekly maid service, monthly exterminators, or maintenance & appliance repair. (Cooking was not something she wanted to avoid, however--she enjoyed making dinner for herself & friends). We toured a couple of independent living facilities, but she found the apts. (especially the kitchens) too small and the atmosphere too depressing--the assisted living residents used the same common areas. So she went out on her own terms, outliving all but one of her friends.

    There's an old Borscht Belt joke about a family needing to put their mom into assisted living, but not knowing how to tell her. Her son took her to tour the facility, but told her it was a hotel. When she got home, her daughter asked her, "So Mama, what did you think of the place?" The mom answered in Yiddish, "Zehr modneh hotel--alle alte!" ("Such a strange hotel--all old people")!

    But kidding aside, it's a wrenching decision. My aunt (my mom's older sister) began exhibiting signs of dementia at age 79. Her husband took loving care of her, but a long succession of home health care aides kept quitting as she became more and more confused, combative and intractable. Finally, at 88, it became clear that there was no safe way for her to keep living at home. Her husband called us on Thanksgiving Day crying and pleading with us to forgive him for putting her in a nursing home--we kept consoling him and telling him he had no need to be forgiven, that he had gone above and beyond. He passed away two months later. She lived to be 90, at that nursing home (probably the nicest in the north Dade area that I could see). My mom and I visited her a month before she passed.

    Tonight's DOTD was more Perrier-Jouet. (Bob passed up a cocktail in favor of some Suntory Japanese whiskey our friends gave him).

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2021

    Well, as you can see, I still don't know what day it is. When I posted that last night I was thinking today was Sunday. Pretty sure I have told you the story of my DH calling me Scarecrow, as I don't have a brain and frequently asks me, or tells me, that I need more straw!

    Sandy, interesting story about your aunt. Your poor uncle feeling so bad about it, and then passing shortly after and living.


    1 1/2 oz Amaro Montenegro
    1 1/4 oz Four Roses Bourbon
    1/4 oz Fernet Branca
    1 dash Orange Bitters


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Cute Good Morning Happy Saturday Cat Gif Quote Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Twitter

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited January 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Gently snowing here, got a coating down overnight, winter storm warning calling for 6 to 10 inches with some sleet and freezing rain along the coast. Better to get this over with now than tomorrow or Monday, I don't want school to be called off! I'm sure the kids would not be happy to know that's my feeling! Sadie didn't mind the snow too much this ayem, she enjoys the toweling off when she comes in covered in snow.

    Karen--there are so many variations of remote and in person and when staff start and when kids start. I never realized how complicated it could all get! And I keep being reminded that my school is tiny compared to many just in this area, let alone the state or the country. I guess it's a good thing that there is so much local control. As near as I can tell nurses in schools are still in 1B, but still not sure when that will start and how that will work. I'm thinking it will be well into spring, but will take it when it comes.

    Chi--oh my goodness, what a time you had with that TV/Remote! At least it is an older TV and not a brand new one. You got some good use out of it! Glad you can have some use out of it whilst waiting for the replacement/upgrade. You guys are going to have such fun trying the different drinks from Bob's machine.

    Goldie--Good for you for letting it all out and for the screaming, I bet you feel much better after that. Did DH pay attention, do you think? Here's to the next treatment going smoothly and without significant side effects. Your Mom was kind of funny about the peeing and pooping herself.

    Chi--Nursing homes and assisted living facilities are such an emotional topic. I've seen a lot of people with dementia move into a facility with family thinking they would wither and die just to see them blossom and enjoy a comfortable quality of life for many years. I have seen people wither and die, too. Many times there just is no way to keep a person with dementia in the home safely for them or the caregiver. I'm gladyou got to see your Mom before she shortly before she died.

    Goldie--that scarecrow looks good!

    Morning, Cammy Cat!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Mornin ladies,

    I'm in the same boat I really don't have a clue about what day it is, I have to look it up.

    sandy OMG if my tv would break, I'd be the biggest bitch anyone could meet. really that's all I do, most of my world. good no one was hurt in anyway physically, but it a whole brain thing that goes on. funny how u know so much about how u feel around acid LOL.

    Lori I'm glad u got a lot out with ur dh, it needds to be said an u should. U do so much and have so much just to take care of urself,

    I think most of us have somewhere along the way dealt with nursing homes and what to do. It is easy to say u woul never do that when the person is good, but when thing start going south, it's not just hard, it's heartwrenching. My mom died before she was going in, but my dad did go for a while. but he made it so easy for us, he was always in a good mood and always treated everyone so nice, plus my brothers took care of the staff too. and my bil was there every single morning to help him with breakfast. My oldest brother golfed with the dr. that was on staff there, so every little bit helped. MY BFF is going thru this now and she's a wreck. after 20 yrs. of his kids treating her like chit, now theyre nice cuz no one wants this responsibility for anything except his money. and she has her own medical problems too, It;'s a very hard time for most people that u don't think about when ur younger.. but when I think of it for myself I don't want to have my kids take care of me like that, it's a mess anyway u look at it. OK soap box over.

    I'll be baaack.


  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 945
    edited January 2021

    Hello friends, happy to be here on the north side of 2020!!

    Goldie your situation is so tough. Good for you for continuing to try to set boundaries with him and also handle your own self, emotions so you don't break.

    Jazzy enjoy your social media break. I do the same now and again.

    DOTN was eggnog with 1/2 a shot of rum. With our chinese takeout last night. 😉 🥳

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2021

    Bob brought home sashimi & seaweed salad for dinner. (Already ate the miso soup). So bubbly goes with it, as well as with the squid salad & veggie tempura he got (he ate the hot & sour soup).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited January 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! I woke up before the sun got up this ayem, didn't even have the alarm set. Hopefully this means I'll get lots of stuff done around the house today. I didn't do diddly yesterday, got warm and relaxed in the recliner with a good book and then napped the afternoon away until Sadie got me up to let her out. We got about 8 inches of snow altogether. Fluffy stuff this time, so not so hard to clear away.

    Cammy Cat--It is heartbreaking sometimes when a loved one goes into a nursing home. Sounds like your Dad had it good, and that is a very good thing. Your BFF's story is so often the case. It's hard to think about having to take care of someone like that, or to have to think of being taken care of like that. Just such a hard thing.

    Reader--eggnog with rum is good! I bet the Chinese takeout was good, too!

    Chi--I still can't wrap my mind around this idea of eating seaweed as food. Seaweed is something you have to scrape off your boat hull and unwind from the propellers, or catches and drowns people, it's NOT food! Although I hear it can be pretty good. . . .

    Morgan's Breakfast


    • 2 ounces Maker's 46 Bourbon
    • ¾ ounces Freshly Pressed Lemon Juice
    • ½ ounces Simple Syrup
    • 1 bar spoon Marmalade
    • 1 Egg White
    • 5 to 8 Espresso Beans



    1. Add 5-8 toasted espresso beans into Maker's 46, stir and let it macerate for one minute. Strain the beans and add all of the ingredients into a shaker. Shake without ice to ensure the combination of all ingredients. Add ice and shake nice and hard. Strain into a frozen glass.
    2. Glass: Footed highball
    3. Garnish: Orange twist (discard) + three espresso beans

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2021

    Kim - I'm always up before the sun - haven't used an alarm clock in years except when I need to get up by 3 or 4 am for an early flight which of course hasn't happened in a year!!! Will check emails later today to be ready for tomorrow morning, but doubt there will be many. Have a great day tomorrow. Oh speaking of the vaccine, one local school district (not mine) is working with a local hospital system and gave all their nurses the vaccine on Friday - a head of when educators are to get shots!!! So much uncertainty with this whole deal!!

    Thankfully, we were able to keep my late mother in her apt as she deteriorated from PSP. We were blessed with 2 wonderful aids who covered for each other (after a run of awful ones). We didn't have anyone over night as Mom didn't get out of bed and in the last 6 to 9 months since could not move unaided. So tragic and a horrid disease. When I see pictures from the last few years of her life, I realize how much she deteriorated that I didn't see - she was a beautiful women. I miss her so much. It is almost 3 years since we had to say good-bye.

    Got a zoom meeting this morning, then zoom discussion that I want to hear this morning, then its putter in the house and of course a few walks with DH.

    Have a great day!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Good Morning Cat GIFs | Tenor

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2021

    NM, I do believe DH heard me! And the screaming and crying helped indeed! Nice to have a lazy day, and then getting up w/o the alarm. I think you are just excited to get to work! But I'm thinking Sadie will not. Glad the snow won't be too big an issue to clear out.

    Reader, I love Chinese. Unfortunately we don't have any, just one buffet and I believe they are closed due to Covid. They weren't the greatest, but it was all we have. Oh, and a Panda Express.

    Sandy, I'm with NM on the seaweed. But I would try it.

    Karen, you and I are on a similar sleeping schedule, but I'm willing to bet you stay up later than me, especially in the winter when it gets dark so early. Makes it so much easier to hit the hay early.

    Started some seeds yesterday, my tomatoes, green/orange/red peppers, and some paplanos. My lettuce is coming along nicely and I think I will start some beets today. Treatment tomorrow, have to be out of here by 6:30 am.

    Image may contain: text that says 'Farting under the covers is no longer called a dutch oven...It's now a covid test, if you can still smell or taste it your negative'

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Mornin ladies,

    first sunday in 2021, doesn't feel any differen ce yet.

    Reader let's face it egg nog is mey but put the rum in it and it's a great drink. so that saved that whole meal.

    I'm sorry sandy but what u had just doesn't sound that good to me, of course adding any kind of wine would do the trick. are the kids doing OK now.

    Karen I don't know if it's this time of yr or what. but I was looking at pics. of my family with my parents. It was 6 weeks before she passed but she knew it was about time. and she still looke beautiful, she was 88, a few wrinkles and as I saw it Loretta Young cheekboes/ I don't think it makes a difference how log ago it was the same feeling come rushing in and I was very lucky too having a great childhood with a great family. everyone lived close and we were always together, and that I loved. things have changed now peple are spread all over the place not seeing each other enough. Personally I've been blessed withmy kids living close..

    Kim ur just jumping into tomorrow like crazy. It's so good to hear that from you. btw the DOTD today is another pretty one

    Lori I hope ur having some quiet time somewhere along the way.

    the weather here is snowy and cold. It's funny sandy doesn't live far but her weather canbe so different cuzz of the lake. So right now it's gloomy and cold here but the snow has stopped. It's winter so we get what we get now. teka how is North country now.

    I hope everyone has a great sunday.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2021

    Japanese food is definitely an acquired taste, one I didn't acquire until well into adulthood. And there are all kinds of seaweed: nori (the dried sheets that either wrap sushi rolls or are toasted & seasoned as an alternative snack to chips), kelp (mostly in soup), and the transparent crunchy kind used to make seaweed salad (which, alas, has too much honey to be a regular "thing" on a low-carb diet).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited January 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Happy Monday Monkey day! Back to work for me, Yeah! Woke up at 4:14 ayem, tried to go back to sleep until the alarm at 5:15, ended up waking up Sadie and doing the belly rub and talking about the day thing. Poor baby, woke her up early and yet she's still up with me and asking for ear scratches and head pets while I check my email. I almost think she's ready for me to go to work for the day and let her catch up on her rest!

    Karen--I wish I could wake up dependably without an alarm clock! It's snowing a bit here, so I'm keeping an eye on the email to make sure school isn't canceled, I don't think it's enough to warrant that but the school is closer to the coast that where I live so the conditions can be quite different. I haven't learned the weather pattern there yet. Here in Maine we don't know yet if school nurses will be included in the health care worker category or the congregate setting category. If as HCWs, we may get the vaccination sooner than the teachers. I don't care so much either way, just would like to know when it's going to happen.I'm glad you Mom could stay home until her death.

    Goldie--I hope DH did hear you! I am excited to get back to work. I think Sadie will survive and adapt, if not, I'm sure I'll hear about it! Love the Dutch Oven now Covid Test!

    Cammy Cat--it is sad how family get togethers change over time. With the grandparents gone and the parents reaching older ages we cousins are having to work harder at keeping the connections alive. We are tentatively looking at a June get together, covid and God willing. Have to wait and see how it works out.

    Chi--I did not realize seaweed was so varied!

    Back to School-tini


    • 2 ounces Titos vodka
    • 1/2 oz Malibu Coconut Rum
    • 1/2 oz apple juice
    • Splash of Grenadine
    • apple slice for garnish


    1. Fill a cocktail shaker halfway with ice.
    2. Pour in the vodka, coconut rum, and apple juice. Add a splash of Grenadine.
    3. Shake well and strain into a martinis glass.
    4. Garnish with an apple slice.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    100+ Beautiful Good Morning Gifs

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2021

    good luck Kim on 1st day back. my morning is all paperwork, then 11 to end of day, back to back meetings!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Mornin ladies,

    LOL Kim perfect drink for the start of the week. and I'm sure sadie will get used to these hrs. quickly. they'll be regular an in no time she'll get it and be happy about it. and u will too.

    It's funny Sandy I don't think I've ever had actual Japanese food. I mean whenever we get food it's always Chinese and I do like Chinese, but I think that's different . I don't even know where any restaurants are out here.

    all the decorations are down, I really don't like that, it looked happy before now it just looks quiet. everything goes by so fast except this covid thing, it's the good stuff I want to keep longer.

    I feel floopy already with not much to say, so I'll be back later to check in.