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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    teka, that's the right way LOL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Hi Ladies,

    How can this place be so quiet for so long.

    But Lori I did miss ur post earlier. Altho u've been in bed for a few hrs. now u have to get up early in a few hrs. actually <can't get the bold print off> a super long day for u and a well earned going to sleep early. U said before u don't mind driving, so that's good but it's still a long day. I hope u have a good day tomorrow an things go easy for you.

    Joey and I had a long talk tonite about basically nothing but we talked for a while, I find him so interesting, of course I would. He's still holding on being a good kid and talking about his future, there's always some new detail he adds and it's fun.

    two of my sisters girls have been by her house the las 2 days clearing out and cleaning the 3rd bedroom, they hired a caretaker for them. One of her girls is a nurse so she made c, balls and took care of everything. they bought a new bed and washed the walls and cleaned out the closet so it's all empty an ready for her, she'll start this week and they'll see how long they'll need her.

    OK closing up for now.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Pin on Good Night

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited January 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! First day back at work went well. It was a 1 bandaid, 5 ice pack day. After lunch headaches were the malady of the day. It is amazing how fast a headache can go away with an ice pack! Another pleasant surprise was to see I am getting almost as many steps in at this job as I did at the old one. I really thought I would be getting a lot fewer steps in during the work day, it being a smaller building and all. Sadie is still adjusting to my getting home from work earlier than before. The look she gave me when I got home yesterday was comical. She was only sleeping in the recliner, but gave me this look of total guilt like I'd caught her in the trash can!

    Karen--I'm lucky so far, not a lot of paperwork, and not a lot of meetings. I'm sure that will change as time goes on! Hope your first day back was uneventful.

    Cammy Cat--it is nice to walk out of the school at the end of the work day and still have energy left over to do stuff with once I get home. I'm like you, I like to see the Christmas lights and decorations, but now I'm driving home before dark so not getting to see them so much. But that's ok.

    Teka--Meowy New Year to you, too!

    Cammy Cat--good to hear your sister and BIL have a caretaker! That's a pretty remarkable achievement in such a short period of time. Hopefully they won't need someone full time for very long. I bet the conversations with Joey are very interesting.

    A hot or cold relaxing tea cocktail made with chamomile tea, Belvoir Elderflower Cordial, vodka, and lemon juice. #ad #worldmarkettribe //

    Elderflower Tea Cocktail


    • 6 oz Strong Brewed Chamomile Tea
    • 3 oz Vodka
    • 1.5 oz Lemon Juice
    • 1.5 oz Belvoir Elderflower Cordial


    Cold Version

    1. Take a shaker full of ice and add in your room temperature (or colder) strong brewed tea, vodka, lemon juice, and Belvoir Elderflower Cordial. Stir for 30 seconds. Strain into two tumblers or lowballs full of ice. Garnish with lemon and serve immediately.

    Hot Version

    1. Into a heat safe jar or large measuring cup. Add in your hot tea, vodka, lemon juice, and Belvoir Elderflower Cordial. Stir for 30 seconds and pour between two mugs. Serve immediately with a lemon slice.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2021

    NM, poyfect DOTD for your first day at school, and it looks yummy too. I hope the roads weren't too bad for you. Also pretty sure Sadie got to hear all about your day. Now to share with us! Oops nevermind. Like I said before, I read a post and reply, then on to the next and reply. So didn't not see your morning post. You have such great ages to work with, IMO. Old enough to be responsible, but not too old to be snotty yet (for the most part). I love the hours working at a school, summers off and vacations when my kids were off as well. Same with snow days.

    Sandy, I have not had Japanese food, but I have had traditional Chinese food, dealing with Asians in our business. It's nasty! Everything is mushy and slimy. It's nothing at all like American Chinese food, which most of us think of. Another thing I thought funny, they don't do fortune cookies, that is an American thing!

    Cami, I so lol at some of your words. My two favorite, 1. Recockulous 2. Floopy

    It's so special the talks you have with Joey and how much he shares with you. But you need to share with us. I hope that caretaker works out for your sister and BIL.

    Infustion and drive yesterday were uneventful. Got to see my MO, he is pleased. Here is what I put on FB, which some of you saw already, so feel free to scroll on by.....

    Went for my 3rd infusion today, all is going good. Got to see my oncologist, and just from the first infusion, my tumor markers came down. One came down 409 pts and the other 513. They are still high, but this is good news! My labs are drawn before the infusion, so they are 3 weeks behind. Hoping my draw today shows another big drop. 6+ years living with stage IV cancer, so very grateful that I feel as good as I do!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2021

    Lori, so great your numbers are moving in the right direction!

    Funny you should mention how different "traditional" Chinese food seems from the usual Chinese-American (mostly Cantonese-ish). Back in 1994, when we were getting our vaccinations, preparing to take the IL/WI/MI Medical Societies' trip to China, Gordy's pediatrician said she'd taken the same trip a couple of years earlier; and she warned us that the food was "awful, not like the Chinese food we're used to." Well, to us, it turned out that though it was quite different, when it came to "awful" nothing could have been further from the truth! Maybe it's because we had a huge Chinatown (mostly Cantonese, but authentic, as well as Szechuan, Hunan, Shanghai, etc.) when we were growing up in NYC, or because when we lived in Seattle we often ate in the "International District" south of downtown (various Asian cuisines) where there were primarily Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese & Thai immigrants & their immediate descendants; and because at many Chinese restaurants in our North Side's Chinese/Vietnamese "Asia on Argyle" neighborhood, we ignore the menu printed in English and ask the server what the Chinese people at the other tables are eating. But I thought the food in China was excellent--though a bit more dependent on rice and vegetables.

    I was blown away by all the different things that a chef in Shanghai was able to do with a single meal. The duck banquets in Beijing & Xi'an were great--even not counting the entertainment while we ate. I thought the dim sum in Guangzhou (f/k/a Canton) was nowhere as good as in Hong Kong and even San Francisco--but maybe it was the particular restaurant that had to handle the volume needed for three buses worth of Midwest tourists. And the breakfasts were fascinating too. And perhaps it's because I'm no stranger to escargots (or the snails in a Hunan restaurant on Capitol Hill in DC), I even liked the snails on our Li River cruise out of Guilin.

    The wines were hit or miss (from Hebei province, joint ventures with French vintners) but we drank mostly beer & hot tea. I did miss coffee in the mornings, until we hit Hong Kong (the trip's grand finale), where our British-run hotel had a cappuccino machine. The mao tai "friendship toast" at a visit to a med school professor's home in Beijing was pure firewater. (Perhaps because custom dictated that we knock back shots rather than sip).

    And though i caught a "throat cold" on a damp & windy day in Tienanmen Sq. and the Great Wall (which, BTW, has a KFC at the gate), never once did I get any digestive upset.

    Sorry if I took anyone's appetite away.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2021

    Just now (past midnight, so technically a DOTnewD) Mumm Napa 2014 Blanc de Blancs. (Not allowed to say why on this thread, but you can guess. Just keep that guess offline to avoid the Wrath of the Mods).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Hi ladies, still ave my days and nites, screwed up.

    Lori a BIG YAY for ur counts. such a good thing to hear and now that ride is over too. Lori ur relly doing well now it's so wonderful. <it makes me feel good>

    Kim I knew u would have a good day, but a lot of kids had headaches??? Is that usual, they seem so young and Lori's right , that's a good age. they're still funny not snarky yet. Sadie will be happier in no time, she'll love it.

    Karen u seem like u had a busy paper day.

    Well I guess I never had "real" Chinese food either. Didn't sound very appetizing, but maybe OK. I remember when I was a kid and on christmas eve eve, my dad would bring home snails <alive> they woul be soaked over nite, unless u forgot to put the top on, then they'd be ll over the walls, but anyway my sister and I would take a couple off them out and race them <no toys then> when we were done we would put them back in this huge pot <maybe that's how we forgot to put the top on.> But my sister would eat them then I never could eat anything we played with, she was a cannibal, still is. but everyone like them along with the oysters and clams, which I never ate any one of them. I was the only one too. Well maybe that's more like sushi IDK.

    dan dropped by today and dropped of 2 off my favorite ice cream and 2 of my fav. coffees., that was nice of him and later bob dropped off my cigarettes.Later bobcalled me and we talked about 45 mins. so that was my big day. It always seems tobe around men somehow.

    Joey got his new paperwork for his DL so next week he's planning on gettin it, and I can't wait, cuzz he can drive me around a little when I want something instead of me waiting for others, then feeling bad that they runn around for me, except I'll miss them, the guys will be happy and at first so will Joey being able to drive with out a permit but a real dL.

    everyone have a great day..


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Sleeping Kitty Good Night Gif good night good night quotes good night images good night gifs good night pics g… | Good night cat, Good night friends, Good night gif

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited January 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Got pretty busy at school yesterday. I ended up sending 2 youngsters home with GI symptoms, each family has had people with similar symptoms in the last few days, sounds like a tummy bug is circulating in the community. So far no COVID crap though. I managed to surprise Sadie when I got home again. She seemed pretty happy to hear about my day. Or maybe she was enjoying the belly rubs she was getting while I was gabbing away. Either way, I feel like she is paying attention to me and that's all that matters, right?

    Goldie--roads are too bad around here even when it is snowing as long as it isn't snowing really hard. The crews do a great job keeping the roads clear and open. The kids are fun to work with. I've gotten to know a few frequent flyers already, and am learning their family stories. Some are heartbreaking. Some are looking for extra attention. It makes for some fun chats. Funny about the fortune cookies being an American thing. I was really happy to see the news about the drop in the tumor markers! That's a pretty strong reaction to the new therapy.

    Morning, Teka!

    Chi--Wow, what a wealth of experiences you have had! The description of the Asian foods is fascinating. Thanks for sharing! KFC at the gate to the Great Wall, whodathunk?

    Cammy Cat--I'm pretty sure many of the headache visits I got Monday were "contagious", one child coming back to class with an ice pack gives the idea to a couple others, and on it goes. It was the first day back in school after a vacation, lots of kids were tired from vacation activities and staying up later than usual.Most of the headaches were "cured" in less than 5 minutes with an ice pack. Nothing like a little TLC and one-on-one attention to make a student's day better. Oh my goodness, you and your sister racing snails! What a mental picture! I can understand not wanting to eat something you played with. You really made out, 2 of your fav coffees, 2 fav ice creams, and 2 fav men, all in one day! Congrats to Joey on getting closer to having his Driver License!

    3 Ingredient shots! HUMP DAY... | Mixed drinks alcohol, Alcohol drink recipes, Liquor drinks

    Not what I packed for my lunch today, BTW

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited January 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Got pretty busy at school yesterday. I ended up sending 2 youngsters home with GI symptoms, each family has had people with similar symptoms in the last few days, sounds like a tummy bug is circulating in the community. So far no COVID crap though. I managed to surprise Sadie when I got home again. She seemed pretty happy to hear about my day. Or maybe she was enjoying the belly rubs she was getting while I was gabbing away. Either way, I feel like she is paying attention to me and that's all that matters, right?

    Goldie--roads are too bad around here even when it is snowing as long as it isn't snowing really hard. The crews do a great job keeping the roads clear and open. The kids are fun to work with. I've gotten to know a few frequent flyers already, and am learning their family stories. Some are heartbreaking. Some are looking for extra attention. It makes for some fun chats. Funny about the fortune cookies being an American thing. I was really happy to see the news about the drop in the tumor markers! That's a pretty strong reaction to the new therapy.

    Morning, Teka!

    Chi--Wow, what a wealth of experiences you have had! The description of the Asian foods is fascinating. Thanks for sharing! KFC at the gate to the Great Wall, whodathunk?

    Cammy Cat--I'm pretty sure many of the headache visits I got Monday were "contagious", one child coming back to class with an ice pack gives the idea to a couple others, and on it goes. It was the first day back in school after a vacation, lots of kids were tired from vacation activities and staying up later than usual.Most of the headaches were "cured" in less than 5 minutes with an ice pack. Nothing like a little TLC and one-on-one attention to make a student's day better. Oh my goodness, you and your sister racing snails! What a mental picture! I can understand not wanting to eat something you played with. You really made out, 2 of your fav coffees, 2 fav ice creams, and 2 fav men, all in one day! Congrats to Joey on getting closer to having his Driver License!

    3 Ingredient shots! HUMP DAY... | Mixed drinks alcohol, Alcohol drink recipes, Liquor drinks

    Not what I packed for my lunch today, BTW

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2021

    And yet again! My numbers dropped another 546 and 726. I'm practically in shock! I think my MO is as well, as he had his MA call to tell me. Physically I still feel the same, even when for years my numbers were ALWAYS going up, I feel no different. Thank you everyone.

    Sandy, I'm sticking with "our" Chinese food!

    Cami, you and your men, I love it. I think Joey will be bugging you, where do you wanna go today Memaw. You will have to lock your door. Oh how funny about the snails. So what were the ice cream flavors and the coffees?

    NM, glad all the issues were just tummy and no Covid, lets keep it that way. As far as Sadie goes, I love it. But....if you tell us she is answering you, then something needs to be done! Pretty sure you meant the roads AREN'T bad, and the crews are good at keeping them clear. That is good. Are those "chats" with the kids or staff? Learning about the families.

    I should be able to pick some lettuce soon, maybe another week. Went to my neighbors yesterday to help make some Olive Garden Zuppa soup. OMG, it's sooooo good.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2021

    Not very exciting, but here's my lettuce so

    Image may contain: plant and outdoor

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited January 2021

    Good morning! I went to the mountains over last weekend so wasn’t posting. Also had a bone scan Tuesday. Then much catching up to do! Today will be more calm, hopefully! I do hope to be more proactive on getting my house clean this year. I want to start in the upstairs and work my way down. Will go through drawers, etc. to get rid of things I do not need. Fingers crossed I can keep this up until I get downstairs!

    Goldie - congrats on the numbers! It is wonderful when things work and life goes on.

    NM - Love hearing about the kids. I can hear the joy in your voice!

    Cami - Your family loves you!

    Sandy - You explain food things very well. I prefer Chinese food over Japanese, but really get more Americanized ethnic food than anything else.

    I know I am leaving people out! Hope all are having a great start to the new year.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited January 2021

    Goldie, great news on your labs 🎉

    NM, congrats on the new job.

    Nothing really new here. I feel really good right now, so trying to make the most of it and get back to packing up the house and looking forward to an outdoor lunch with a few former coworkers on Friday. One has been vaccinated and the rest of us have stayed safely at home.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Anime Cute Kawaii Cuddling Gif Cat - Anime Wallpapers

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,312
    edited January 2021

    Goldie - adding my congratulations on your numbers. FANTASTIC news.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Hi ladies,

    Lori ur lettuce looks really good. and ucanmake the soup from Olive Garden??? Is it hard or can u tell us how.

    JC nice weekend u planned, sounds good.. Oh cleaning sounds like a good idea but it still seema icky to me.

    Illi glad ur having a good day.

    Oh Lori it starbucks doubleshot <any flavor> cold coffee. and ben and Jerry's chocolate fudge brownie and sometimes breyers chocolate and peanut butter then I'll go to edwards creamy cheesecake or banana or coconut cream pie. <I have to change it around LOL>

    OMG I started writing this way earlier.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited January 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! Pretty uneventful day at work yesterday, tended to more teachers and staff than students. It's fire drill day today, I got an e-mail telling me what time it will be, even! 12:25 peeyem. I'll have to make a point of looking at the evacuation route signs when I get in this ayem. Sadie is adapting to the new work schedule, or the new get home from work schedule. I heard her woof at me while I was emptying out the car yesterday afternoon.

    Goldie--WOW!!!!!! Those are great number drops! Glad you are feeling good, too.Definitely a tummy bug and not covid circulating right now. Had a couple staff drop in yesterday ayem for a temp and symptom check. Fortunately, it's not lasting very long. Yup, you are right, I meant the roads are NOT bad. The chats have been mostly with kids. Yesterday one young man was sent to me to get his boot laces unknotted (he had tied the laces of one boot to the other) and he was telling me about all the things he's invented and in particular his time machine, that actually worked but he got stuck in another time and had to fix his machine with metal and wires and wood that he found. It was a fascinating conversation. I do hear about family life, too.The Olive Garden soup sounds delish. My fav is their chicken gnocci.

    Morning, Teka!

    Goldie--that's pretty exciting to me who is looking at 8 inches of snow on the ground right now!

    Librarian--keeping up the motivation to declutter and deep clean the house is an ongoing challenge.

    Illi--thanks! The lunch should be really nice for you. We all really need some connection.

    Cammy Cat--ugghh on the cold coffee. I just cannot drink cold coffee. The chocolate fudge brownie ice cream sounds really good!

    Good Morning, Minus!

    Fire Drill Cocktail Recipe with Picture

    Fire Drill Recipe


    • Fill a highball glass with ice.
    • Add bourbon, apple cider and cinnamon, and stir gently.
    • Garnish with green apple slices.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2021

    JCS, don't ever worry about not posting girl! Glad you got to go to the mountains and your're here now! And good luck to you on those scans. Hopefully you get those results soon.

    BG, packing? You are moving to the cabin right? As for your friend getting the vax, that doesn't protect you or the others, at least that's what I thought. I thought it just meant if you get the virus, symptoms just won't be as bad.

    Cami, your coffee and ice cream sound good for you. I have a feeling those kind of things is most of your eating! As for ice cream, I like vanilla bean and I like to put peanuts in it. I'm not a chocolate fan.....I know, what's wrong with me! Not a Starbucks fan either, at least for the coffee.

    The soup was easy and there are lots of them you can find online. We chopped up half a package of bacon and fried it. Took that out, leaving the grease and fried up a 1 lb of Italian sausage with onion in that and drained it. Potatoes are cooked, I think she did them in the chicken stock, and then half and half and kale added in. I didn't see her put in any spices, so I would do that if I made my own. She's going to give me a copy of the recipe, when she does I'll give it to you.

    NM, adorable story from that young man. I wonder if he really built something, as that would be amazing. Amazing that he is putting his imagination to work and not on some sort of electronics. I have made the Olive Garden Gnocci, it was pretty easy too. I bought the gnocci tho, did not make that! Uh oh, 8" of snow? Is school closed?

    Once again, thank you all for the congrats on my numbers. Lettuce will grow in colder weather, along with many other greens. That bed is up against The Shady Lady, and is also a raised bed made with concrete blocks, all of which help keep the soil warmer. The cones you see are filled with water and go over the top of the plants to help protect as well. Our nights have been in the teens and it's not unusualy to have below 0 temps either. I planted some beets yesterday, the seeds are old, so we'll see.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Good Morning Grumpy Cat Gif - Grumpy Cat

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717
    edited January 2021

    Goldie, your right about the vax as I understand it too. He’s staying safe as well but I mentioned it as he’s the first I know to get it. The lunch group is my 2 former supervisors, a coworker and my “work husband/bestie”, they’re the ones I miss most after retirement.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Mornin ladies,

    Oh Kim that little boy sounds so cute and funny. It makes u wonder if it's true. finally sounds like ur having fun with ur job. It's great for you. and I know Sadie will be enjoying the hrs and more times for belly rubs.

    JC when do u get ur results back, it should be soon.

    Oh Lori every time I ask u how to make anything u always say it's easy, only to you I think. Anything more than 3 ingredients is way to much for me. U make every thing do sound easy and I don't think so. U work hard. let's face it even a garden is work, but u always do things.

    Joey's going to cut his day short so we can clean my room tonite, it's a mess. I just don't have any room for things so I really need help plus he can help keep me awake. I'm falling asleep way to early then I'm up way to early. My gift card has run out so I can't shop but things are being delivered and I have to make room, plus my addiction to on line shopping is really bad. I feel lost not shopping. Now I start looking up grocery stores and make my list according to each store. So when they decide I'm ready, of course it's the same every week and I end up not eating most of it, it just goes bad but I freeze a lot and now 2 freezers filling up. Oh well.

    I hope everyone has a good day.


  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited January 2021

    Catching up,

    Goldie, great falling numbers and good looking lettuce. Hard to wrap my head around growing lettuce outside in January. Spent my early gardening years in Ohio and the planting cycles from that climate seen to be stuck in my mind!! You are right, the vaccine protects you, not others

    Librarian, I admire your cleaning ambition. Please do not use it all up so you can come to my house after you finish yours. Others here may also be interested... Hoping your scans go well.?

    NM, so glad you are enjoying your new job, sounds like it is a good fit for you and that the kids are comfortable coming to see you. Regular schedule, no more being yanked around and screamed at--sounds like a good fit.I

    Illi, happy lunch!!

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 945
    edited January 2021

    Hi everyone I enjoyed "catching up" and am glad to hear some of the "positives" since it makes the gray or hard times even more meaningful.

    I am exceptionally tired tonight or I'd personalize this more. I am also endlessly it seems decluttering and paring down. Progress is slow but worth the effort.

    DOTD was my favorite iced tea; I asked DH if he wanted wine. We both decided against it or I think I'd have ( or we) been snoozing even sooner.

    G' night all. 🥃🍷🙂

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited January 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF Day! Students will be in class half the day today, then the teachers have professional development time. I'm going touse the time to find some continuing education for myself. Sadie was awake and waiting for me when I got home, so I thinks she's pretty much adapted to the new schedule. She started reminding me to go to be at 8:30 peeyem like she used to. Didn't take her long to adjust! The Fire Drill went well, emptied the building in 41 seconds.

    Goldie--the 8 inches of snow is the current ground cover, not new snow. This probably won't melt off until spring now. And it looks like it will be at least a week before we get any more snow. Which is ok with me, there's enough to be pretty and look like winter without making for bad driving or walking around. That soup recipe sounds very, very yummy. I'd add some spices, too, garlic comes to mind and maybe even some oregano. Some day I want to try to make gnocci and a bunch of other pastas, I used to make macaroni, spaghetti, fetuccin and lasagna noodles. I haven't done that in a long time.I'm pretty sure the young man did build something, I'm not thinking it really worked and he really got stuck in time anywhere, but he was very animated and excited while talking about it. I wonder if he will be an inventor one day.

    Cammy Cat--that little guy was adorable and so entertaining! It's a good feeling to have a freezer full of food, isn't it? I have to work on myself to take things OUT of the freezer on a regular basis.

    Illi--Sounds like a good group of people to visit with.

    Beaver--the new job is feeling like a very good fit! Some of the kids are a little shy about coming in, but seem to get over it pretty quickly. I try to get out and around during lunch and recess so they get used to seeing me around the building, too. I am just amazed that today is Friday and I am not totally worn out and absolutely desperate for a day off.

    Reader--Sometimes a good cup of tea or coffee is as good as a good glass of wine! What kind of tea is your fav?

    Royal-Tea With Beefeater Gin

    Royal-Tea Cocktail


    • 1 1/2 ounces London dry gin
    • 2 ounces Earl Grey tea (freshly brewed; chilled)
    • 1 splash lemon juice (to taste)
    • 1 teaspoon sugar (to taste)
    • Garnish: lemon wheel

    Steps to Make It

    1. Gather the ingredients.
    2. In an old-fashioned glass filled with ice, pour the gin and chilled tea. Add the lemon juice and sugar to taste.
    3. Stir well.
    4. Garnish with a lemon wheel. Serve and enjoy.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2021

    BG, I'm sure everyone will be as cautious as possible and I'm sure y'all will have a wonderful time. We don't have to stop living, we just have to be careful and mindful and not do it so big.

    Cami, some of the recipes I looked at for the Zuppa did look a little more involved. But the way we did it, it really was easy. Cleaning your room shouldn't take too long as tiny as it is! But how sweet of him to help you. He just always amazes me.

    Beaver, I am from MI, and would never be able to do this there. It's sunny here, almost always and daytime temps can be anywhere from 40's - 60's, not always, but generally. So with the sun and warmer temps, it warms that water up, which also helps to warm the soil. Most morning those bags are froze, but the plants still live. It really amazes me!

    Reader, you don't have to worry about personalizing to everyone, we're just glad to see you and drink with you!

    NM, 41 seconds...amazing. I bet it takes longer with the older kids, middle/high school! Well doggone it, I was hoping the time machine really worked. I'm hoping to hear of more adventures with the kids, its' fun. And glad to know you didn't have to try and get through 8" of snow to get to work. I will def. add some garlic to the Zuppa and some others. Do you have a pasta machine? I looked up a gnocci recipe, looks too easy, for the mess and dishes, I think I'll just buy it! Are you able to eat a school lunch, same as provided for the kids, whether free or you have to pay? I was always able to get lunch at school for no charge.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2021

    From a former Loungette who doesn't post here anymore, but I thought it was rather funny!

    Image may contain: text that says 'After the recent events, Mexico has decided they will pay for the wall. Canada wants one too!'

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited January 2021

    Good morning! Very wet and rainy here. It is supposed to get really cold over the weekend. I have so far gone through two closets and three dressers. I have three bags to donate and much went directly in the trash. I did have to buy new mattress pads for the twin beds. They look and feel so much better. Even found some unopened scented drawer lining paper I could use in the dresser drawers. The rooms now have a pleasant, but not over powering scent. Today I have to clean the bathroom and the main sitting area. This is all upstairs and not used much. The cat box is up there and I let/allow/force my DH to take care of it. About twice a year I clean it correctly!

    We are about to finish watching Sneaky Pete on Amazon Prime. Pretty interesting series about a con man and a family he tricks into thinking he is their grandson. Thought the Lady Bears and the Lady Gamecocks would play basketball last night, but the games were cancelled due to Covid. My DSIL called and wanted us to celebrate her birthday with a dinner at Red Lobster. I am not fond of that restaurant nor my DSIL’s family. Throw Covid in the mix and I was not going. DH was determined, but backed out at the last minute. It would have been 11 people around a table that I have not seen in over a year. Plus, no masks! Icannot believe how stupid some people are about this pandemic. The percent positive here is over 30%! We can celebrate when this s—t is over.

    Everyone sounds like life is treating them well so far. My bone scan results won’t be in the portal until next week. I see the oncologist and get a CT on Thursday. Both DH and I have appointments this month for various medical things. The fun never ends!

    Take care!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2021

    A cat post for you Cami! LOL

    Image may contain: text that says 'Whooo!! What A WEEK! I m so GLAD It's TGIF!!!!'