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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited January 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! As I was saying good morning to the arriving students yesterday one of my regular visitors gave me an apple she brought in just for me! Sadie wanted to know why I ate it instead of bringing it home to her! Silly dog.

    Karen--I've not run into a lot of paperwork, yet, but the meetings are starting to get added to the calendar. I like the way things are coming along gradually and not all at once. I've got a space heater in my office that is making that area much more comfortable! You stay warm, safe and healthy, too!

    Goldie--Brrrrr!You win!I don't make pasta by hand very often, but like to play with it by adding herbs or spices to the dough for different flavors. It is way more economical to just buy it, though. I think I remember the hepatitis vaxx being on the employment list, but I got that when it first came out. I got really sore and felt so awful after the second shot that my PCP had me tested, and since I showed adequate antibodies, I didn't have to take the third shot. Your DH's PT should send home some printed info, maybe you could get a peak at that to see what he's supposed to be doing?

    LOL at the note in the bottle!!!Are any of them still alive? Bob Denver's son was in High School with me for a couple of years, I think his name is Patrick.I remember his father coming to some of the school plays I was in.

    Beaver--glad to hear the lip has healed up and all the fall injuries have healed up as well. Those coffee based drinks are a problem for me, I so want to try them but I really do not like cold coffee in any form, so I content myself with just looking at them!

    Chi--I can't imagine still having herbs in the ground and viable this time of year! Do you have a protected area they grow in?

    Illi--WHOOP!WHOOP!!! Great results!

    Morning, Minus!

    Sip Sip Hooray: Berry Beer Punch Recipe | Pizzazzerie

    Sip Sip Hooray Berry Berry Punch


    • 3 bottles beer (I used Corona Light)
    • 1 can limeade concentrate (thawed)
    • 1 can raspberry lemonade concentrate (thawed)
    • ½ cup vodka
    • 4 cups water

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Download Happy Tuesday Cat Meme | PNG & GIF BASE

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2021

    Beaver, our snow here when we get it, doesn't usually stick around long. A week maybe at most if we get a lot and it stays cold.

    Sandy, amazing you still have herbs. I didn't know rosemary and thyme were so hardy. I wonder if they would winter over here.

    BG, was the echo because of herceptin/perjetta? Regardless, congrats on the good jump.

    Beaver, same here. Glad all is good with the lip.

    NM, how sweet of that little one to bring you an apple. On Giligan's Island, MaryAnn (Dawn Wells) just passed a week or so ago. We had seen her when we went to the Western Legends thing in Kanab. Ginger is the only one left. Denvers son is Patrick, I looked it up. I don't remember DH getting a print out of excercises before when he went, but I'll watch for one.

    Here is us with Dawn in 2017, she's 78 here.

    Image may contain: 4 people, including Lori Kiser, people smiling, people standing

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2021

    Currently a roasty toasty 2 degrees here this morning!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Mornin ladies,

    All tests results came back good ths week for u gals, I'm so happy, it's about time we have some good news on here. Congrats to all.

    Kim these DOTD look better everyday to me. My kids won't buy me anything cuz I'm on drugs, plus I haven't liked to drink in years so they think I'm crazy. <I''ll get a note from my dr.> I really enjoy reading all the stuff about vaccines I have a very general knowledge of how they work but I feel like u really nail it, so I can understand it all. What a teacher u are. Extra belly rubs for Sadie from me please.

    Karen u must have loads of paperwork to do, ur always so busy.

    Lori it sounds funny to hear about using ur lettuce this time of year. OK do u really expect ur DH to tell u what he really has to do. They always gave some pages of instructions to everyone to bring home to help, so now u have to find out. I know men don't like to be told anything but sometimes the woman has to take charge...ask them to mail it to you. Well u can try.

    sandy sorry I keep on bugging u about Bob, but he's the only one I know who has had the vaccine and my curiosity goes overboard, but I'm glad u keep us informed. when this started I knew 1 person who got it, this time so many, even in my own family. So far nothing drastic but still a lot.

    Oh Lori I use whatever they put in line for my shower. They line what I use in order cuz I can't read it in the shower, but this week I used some kind of dove, which was good. My main focus is getting in and out of the tub now LOL My daredevil days are way over.

    Oh I bought an "egg cushion" to sit on finally. what a difference. I got it on sale with no S/H what a buy for what it does. I have comfort in sitting now and my soars have cleared up, well with medicine too, but this does make a difference.

    Joey started another new schedule for school this week. Starts at 7 am and ends 2;30pm now. They're aiming for something I'm sure but I don't think they know yet. He just goes along with whatever they want, no choices on this. but he never misses and still tutors so I guess it's going along OK When we have our conversations about school wow I don't get any of it anymore, physics, calculus etc. He tries but we have to change the subject and lower his expectations, that is really the answer. always lower, then ur not disappointed. see I figured it out, we're almost back to singing the alphabet now.

    Hope everyone has a great day.

    Where's Jazzy???


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Bravo Says The Cat photo BravoVat.gif | Cats, Funny emoji faces, Congratulations imagesFOR ALL THE GOOD TESTS

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited January 2021

    Goldie- I like the Gilligan 's Island post - and how cool that you met Maryann.

    NM - How sweet that you got an apple. I think you have a new friend.

    Illimae and Goldie - I am glad that both of you had good tests results.

    My DIL had the vaccine and did not have any side effects from it. She is ER manager at a hospital. She said that a few of the ER staff felt bad the day after, but was ok after that. I am always a little bit afraid to get a vaccine when it first comes out even though I know it is thoroughly tested.

    We are still keeping busy here at work. It does not ever slow down anymore. We used to have some slow periods, like at the holidays and summer used to be slow because snowbirds would go back up north. Now it is busy all year long. I guess that is normal when areas grow and populate, people have to have places to live and businesses so building keeps happening. What I do hate is the more rules that come when an area grows. There is always somebody who does something totally ridiculous that a new ordinance is made and adds more restrictions in an area. I guess I shouldn't complain, it keeps me working.

    Have a nice evening.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 945
    edited January 2021

    Great news on all the good results!

    Cami, Jazzy took a break from social media i think for a month. Is Joey your son/grandson? Love the stories.

    NativeMainer blueberry tea sounds interesting. I'm not sure I've had it before. Kitty is Sammy and he's the best. A real loverboy.

    DOTD was orange juice! I stopped drinking the kind with calcium once I stopped Arimidex to cut some calories. Had a yen for it recently so I bought a good quality 1/2 gallon and have been enjoying that. 🍊🍹

    Have a good Wednesday!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited January 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! Hard to believe the week is half over already. Looking forward to a Wednesday, Women and Wine get together this evening, it's going to be a Zoom meeting, and the first time I'm hosting a Zoom meeting, so it will be interesting to see how this goes. I thought I was pretty good with technology until I started seeing all the tech the teachers are using in school these days! Teachers are tech wizards!

    Cammy Cat--While the best practice is to not drink while taking pain meds, when someone is taking them regularly for an ongoing issue it does no harm to have a single drink once in a while. Just be aware the alcohol may hit your harder than you are used to. Sadie says Thanks for the extra belly rubs! Joey's new school schedule sounds like a long day, that's almost an 8 hour shift! I hope he gets some breaks in there. He sounds so easy going about it all, though.

    Goldie--Wow, Dawn looks really good! I remember seeing a notice about her passing last week. 2 whole degrees? You've got the cold spot!

    Misty--yup, I have a new friend, indeed. She's a sweetie. I can see where it would be annoying to have more rules and regulations put into place as an area grows.

    Reader--give Sammy the LoverBoy a cuddle from me! Satisfying a craving with a good quality version is always a treat!Good for you!

    French Kiss


    • 5/6 Grapes
    • 5/6 Mint Leaves
    • Table Spoon of Unflavoured Syrup
    • Single Shot of Vodka
    • Small Wedge of Lemon
    • 1/2 Glass Wine
    • Ice
    • Dash of Prosecco


    Muddle the mint with the grapes and plain sugary syrup in a shaker. Add the shot of vodka, squeeze a little lemon juice, add half a glass of rose or white wine and ice. Shake and strain into a glass. Top with prosecco. MWAH!

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2021

    Good morning - My school district is still phasing in in-person learning. The middle I'm covering 2 days/week brings back 6th on January 25 and the whole school the next week. Hybrid model - group 1 M,T; group 2 W,Th and everyone remote on Friday. When not in the classroom students will be learning remotely. Elementary schools are phasing in this week. Kids eat in their classroom, masks etc. I went for Covid test on Friday and of course negative and will test every 2 weeks.

    Supposed to 60 and windy today then drop 20 degrees tomorrow.

    Have a great day!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2021

    Misty, we have met several old western stars at Western Legends in Kanab. Israel, the little boy on Daniel Boone, Mark, the little boy on Rifleman, and a few others.

    Reader, Joey is her grandson and he's an amazing young man. I'll let Cami tell you more.

    Cami, I'm glad the cusion and the medicing are helping with the pressure sores. I looked them up, honeycomb type silicone pad? Does Joey get like extra credit or anything for the tutoring he does? Did you guys get your room cleaned up?

    NM, enjoy your zoom time with your friends. Our weather is crazy here, you never know what you are going to get. The ones I hate, that affect the garden are late freezes in the spring or early ones in the fall. We had an early one this last fall and it got my second planting of beans and lima beans.

    Karen, that's a lot of Covid testing, every 2 weeks.

    Pt today for DH, if they do give him a paper, I will see him carrying it. Unless he says he doesn't want it! I suggest he ask for one, to know what he should be doing at home. He had something like an US sound done on his leg, we are trying to find out why it stays swollen. And his foot, which looks like it's going to pop. Anyways the tech told him he could be due to his sleep apnea, which affects the heart or it could be the kidney, and for him to mention those things to the doctor when he goes.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    ▷ Cats: Animated Images, Gifs, Pictures & Animations - 100% FREE!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Mornin ladies,

    Karen u sound like ur in a crazy maze of work load, u really keep it straight, it's so unusual.

    Kim ur in the perfect place apple and all. I didn't know kids stil did that. sadie got use to these hrs. fast, but I knew she would, she sees a lot more of u now, which she loves, she's so funny.

    Lori ur DH still has all that swelling??? Of course he should tell the dr. seems like a long time. His accident was horrible and it's taking so much time for his healing. It has to be so hard on u, taking care of a man is bad enough with a cold let alone what he's going thru. I just hop u really are taking care of urself.

    Misty so ur DIL had the shot and not much happened, I like hearing that. and u really r keeping busy at work.

    reader, Jazzy usually takes time off but I didn't think it was a whole month, wow. And yes Joey is my gs, I never talked so much about my kids LOL. I live with them plus I've been very close to him since he was born and I so enjoy that. Oh I don't think he gets credit for tutoring it just looks good on college apps.<Lori>

    Hoping everyone has a good day.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited January 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! Had a nice visit with some friends on Zoom. There is some advantage to visiting on Zoom, like getting to go right to bed after, with no driving time! And Sadie got to show off to a couple of people, but she didn't understand why there weren't more ear scritches and tummy rubs!

    The Maine Gov and CDC have tweaked the COVID vaccine priority list a bit, by adding people over 70 to the 1A category. More info coming out next week about how those folks will get their shots. Apparently this stuff has a shelf life of about a day once it's thawed and reconstituted. Some random people have gotten doses by being in the right place at the end of the day and getting offered shots rather than letting them go to waste. Which I think is a good thing!

    Karen--How big is your school? If I recall it's quite a sizable one. There isn't any covid testing going on with teachers/school nurses that I'm aware of in Maine. I got a call yesterday and have an appointment for my shot on Friday afternoon.

    Goldie--out weather is being kind of atypical, too. Another storm being predicted for mostly rain coming through this weekend. I'd really rather see the snow on the ground through the winter and steady temps. Much less fuss and bother and road damage and difficulty traveling that way. I hope DH accepts and brings home the paperwork from PT, if only for you to look at, even if he doesn't want to have it for reference.

    Cammy Cat--I didn't think kids still brought stuff to their teachers, either! My little friend stopped to chat with me for a moment on the way to the classroom yesterday ayem, she had a banana for her homeroom teacher! She's a sweet little thing.


    Wait For It


    Serving: 1

    • 1 1/2 ounce manzanilla sherry, preferably Lustau Manzanilla Papirusa
    • 3/4 ounce St-Germain
    • 3/4 ounce Salers Gentiane Liqueur
    • 2 dashes Regans' Orange Bitters

    Garnish: lemon swath


    1. Combine all ingredients in a mixing glass over ice and stir until chilled.
    2. Strain into a chilled coupe glass.
    3. Garnish with a lemon swath.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2021

    Kim - the middle school that I will be covering for maternity leave is 400. I'm not sure how big the elementary school is, but I'm guessing about the same size. We do have some large schools as we are the largest school district in the state. I have an all day training today and then my work week is over. Have a great Thursday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2021

    Cami, the leg swelling on DH has been an ongoing thing, prolly over a year, not anything from the accident. Doctor is always just telling him to elevate it and wear comp. socks. So we may finally be getting somewhere with that issue. 1 out of about 6! LOL at your comment " taking care of a man is bad enough with a cold let alone what he's going thru." True dat! And yes, I take care of me. I wondered about the college credits from the tutoring, I hope so.

    NM, WWW on Zoom, no one drives home drunk! Kudos to those vaccines being given instead of wasted, that's how it SHOULD be. And you get yours tomorrow, woot woot. Maybe you should give that little one that gave you an apple, something. Or could that possibly create a problem? Esp. with other students. Maybe not a good idea on second thought. Extra ear scritches and tummy rubs for Sadie since she missed out on some from WWW ladies!

    Yesterday's PT was just a check in, questions, paperwork, etc. Actual therapy will be next week, 2x a week. The only thing they said was to keep doing whatever he was doing and stand up/sit down 10x from a chair. Next week dr appts. for issues with the leg and muscle atrophy on the L hand.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Good Morning Cats GIFs | Tenor

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Early mornin ladies,

    My first wale up call for the day. TGIF I guess is in order.

    OK Kim I've figured it out, that kid wants a fruit salad made, she's just doing it in bits and pieces.Beware.. U know Lori has a good point having a zoom thing. U really don'thave to worry about drinking and driving, especially during the winter, so that part is a great idea and then Sadie gets to join in the fun too.

    all right stupid question time, and u can't say there are no stupid questions with me cuz that ship has sailed. How are all of u finding out when ur supposed to get the shot??? I haven't gotten anything in the mail or heard from a dr. Do I call the health department or something. Everyone seems to know what's going on with this shot. Now when u get the shot it means u can't catch it <or mildly> but can u pass it on, but u still need to wear a mask and stuff right. I'm sure everyone knows, I'm still wondering about the polio shot, u understand.

    Lori I didn't know ur dh had swelling before this, which can mean a few things. does he actually wear the compression socks or wrap with something or is he all manly about this. I'm surprised they don't have that figured out by now. Lori I do know u take good care of him, ur so so good at those things.

    and Karen u are an extremely capable woman no matter what size ur district.

    what is it with all of u, everyone has special attributes to do whatever u need to do and u all make it sound like it's easy. I'm being honest now, I never did anything well just did enough to . get by.

    My BFF called last nite and the first thing we said is we're not talking politics, within 2 mins in there we were talking politics. It's funny we've lived miles apart since our 20's and yet out lives have almost mirrod one another. We married best friends, had 2 girls, got divorced, married 3x both dated a Greek man aroun the same time, worked for the government for over 20 years. both our youngest DD's were bi-polar, our fathers even worked at the same place years ago. I told her why bother talking to each other, just think about what we did that day and know we've had about the same day.

    all right I did it again, I'm typing my post an blinked and woke up 2 hrs later right now. WTF I was putting down a job in puter this morning and did same thing, but I woke up 1/2 hr. later not finished. OOOOO

    Have a great day ladies,


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited January 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF Day! I did some research on the Moderna vaccine (the one that needs to be stored at very low temperature) yesterday and found out some interesting things. Each vial has 10 doses. It has to be thawed for an hour at room temperature or 2.5 hours in the fridge. Once thawed, it can be kept in the fridge for 30 days as long as the vial is not punctured. Once the vial is punctured, the vial is only good for SIX HOURS! The logistics of setting up vaccination clinics in such a way that there is an ensured, predictable flow of people in multiples of 10, all of whom will have to be observed for at least 15 minutes without violating indoor crowd numbers and maintaining social distancing throughout the process, in a location with adequate parking, accessibility, space, electricity and refrigeration, running water and bathroom facilities is huge, and the staffing is going to be an even bigger challenge in many places. But I also saw where there are half a dozen more vaccines in the approval process. If even half of them get emergency use authorization, the supply will jump considerably. Johnson & Johnson's vaccine is a one shot vaccine, I hope that one makes it through soon, that would be a big step forward.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Karen--WOW!My school has 56 students across 3 grades! Students are in school for a half day today, then it's professional development time. My professional development will be getting my COVID shot.

    Goldie--no driving home drunk is a benefit of ZOOM meetings! Not that I've ever seen anyone in our group get drunk, but I do drink more during these meetings, now that I think about it! I thought about having a candy jar in the office, but decided that isn't consistent with the nutrition program of the school. Instead I'm going to make a Dollar Store run and find a bunch of little baubles, toys, and shiny things to give away. Sadie says THANK YOU for the ear scritches and belly rubs! Getting up and down from a chair 10 is a start, maybe while he's up he'll start walking around and moving more and then doing more!

    Cammy Cat--like I told Goldie, I've noticed I am drinking more during the Zoom get togethers than the live ones! Gotta watch that! But it is nice to not have to drive home after. The best way for you to find out about when/how you will get the shot would be to have Joey help you go on your State website, or your state's CDC website and look for the plan. Also keep an eye on the news, there will be info coming out that way, too. Most of the people over 70 (or 65, depending on what your state's plan is) will likely hear from their doctor's office when plans are set up. You will most likely hear about it from your oncology office even before that, since immunocompromised people (and that is everyone in cancer treatment or with a history of cancer treatment) will be among the first to get the shot. Funny how you and your BFF have lived similar lives.Are you sure you're not twins separated at birth?

    Raspberry Gin COVID -19 Vaccination Cocktail

    Raspberry Gin COVID -19 Vaccination Cocktail



    1. Place raspberries and basil in cocktail shaker and lightly muddle together.

    2. Add gin, fresh lime juice, simple syrup, and ice to shaker and shake for 10-15 seconds.

    3. Strain mixed drink into a glass

    Simply syrup note: regular simple syrup is a 1:1 sugar to water ratio, and "heavy syrup" which is often used in cocktails for the more syrup'y feel to it is a 2:1 sugar to water ratio. We used a ratio in between those two - a 1.5:1 sugar to water.

    Optional: garnish with additional raspberries, limes slices, or fresh basil leaves.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2021

    Happy Friday - its a long week-end!!!

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited January 2021

    Good morning all! Scans were all great. No signs of cancer anywhere. Fingers crossed it stays that way and I get to live until I am hit by the proverbial bus. I did celebrate last night with several glasses of a nice red wine. Still waiting for the surgeon to call about removing the port. Be nice to not have that reminder.

    I have been working on getting my DH registered for the vaccine. He spent two days on the phone getting nowhere. I went online and sent a request to a local hospital that showed it had available appointments. DH says he has not received an email response. This morning a friend called with another number and we have now left a message there. I am not yet 70, so unable to join the fray. Most of those getting appointments are scheduled for March. Nothing is happening quickly. One friend was able to use her military dependent connection and got the vaccination through the military hospital. Then that location ran out of the vaccine! It is a major cluster f__k!

    Still working on the cleaning/purging. Once the upstairs is finished I will take a short break. Might work in the yard and prep some for Spring. I really want to find some volunteer activities. I do feel it is important to give back when you can. Everyone stay safe and have fun when you can

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2021

    Cami, a fruit salad, lol! Crazy how you and your BFF's lives have mirrored one another. Sorry, but your question is NOT stupid. I had a teacher tell me one time that the only stupid question is the one you do not ask. Hopefully, like NM said, they will contact you. DH does wear the comp. socks, just not consistently.

    NM, I have to say, I'm still on the fence about the vaccine. I'm scared to get it and I'm scared not to. DH says he will get it. Great idea about getting stuff from the dollar store. The raspberry Covid drink sounds yummy, I love raspberries. DH does do some exercising at home. He has an under desk bicycle thing he does 20 min. 3x a day and tightens the tension on it. Lately he's been trying to walk and stand in place for an hour and occasionally uses the elastic straps for his legs and arms, stands at the entertainment center and squats and attempts to stand on his toes and a few other things, I just don't think he does them right, so he is doing some things, and that's good.

    Good morning Karen, enjoy your long weekend.

    JCS, that is AWESOME. I couldn't wait to get that stupid port out and was so glad I didn't have to have it put back in for the Herceptin and Perjeta. Nice that you want to do some volunteer work. Hard to have fun when you can't go anywhere, at least we don't.

    Nothing exciting to report here, I have 1 tomato sprouting and I think 4 beets. I sure hope more start, or I will have to replant.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Here I am,

    watched the news for about 10 mins, Oy vey now what...they found even more strains for this virus. How will this vacc. hold up to it now. this is crazy, this is one reason I can't watch the news.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2021

    Nothing special about the corner of the garden where my herbs live, except that it has southern exposure and gets good sun (when there is sun).

    Cami, nobody who doesn't either work in a health care facility or reside in a senior-congregate (or semi-congregate, like independent living condos) can find out squat about when & where to get vaccinated. The City of Chicago has a "Covid Coach" website where you fill out a questionnaire (name, address, cell phone, age, occupation or lack thereof, whether you live in a "dwelling with more people than rooms," and a very limited list of risk factor conditions including asthma or other lung disease, obesity, diabetes, heart disease or cancer. I submitted it and they texted me back: "are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms...." and I clicked "no." Got an immediate text "no further response required at this time." Evanston's, Skokie's and suburban Cook County's health dept. all have questionnaires and wait lists--but only for their inhabitants. When Phase 1B officially rolls out in 10 days, there will be Nat'l Guard vax stations all over Cook County...except Chicago. Chicago is setting up vax sites at City colleges...but right now only for those in Phase 1A (health workers and congregate-care-dwellers). And now the Feds admit that there IS NO "reserve" of vaccines--what they had has already been distributed. Meanwhile, in NYC if you're lucky enough to be a paper-pusher or grad student (not necessarily seeing patients) at a major research hospital, you've likely already been vaccinated...ahead of many residents, fellows, attendings, nurses...

    The city's & state's health commissioners are urging doctors to be "ambassadors" for the vaccine, and if the doses are about to spoil, hospitals should start with Phase 1B. Thus far, 90% of Bob's patients are saying "sign me up." The other 10% already had COVID. Meanwhile Sinai Health Systems is still trying to get its staff vaccinated, but there are too many skeptics (mostly nurses & techs who read cockamamie internet rumors or are convinced that they're gonna be "used" just like the Tuskeegee experiments). Bob asked Holy Cross & Mt. Sinai if I could get vaccinated should there be surplus--their response was "we're not vaccinating spouses, regardless of Group 1B eligibility." They didn't say whether they'll vaccinate anyone else who walks in off the street, however. But they now have my name, and it's possible I *might* get a phone call down the line.

    Not sure what I'll drink tonight, but I will drink something--had a Cosmo from the machine (big enough for Bob & me to share), then a red with ordered-out dinner.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,716
    edited January 2021

    DOTD is a Margarita, leftover from last nights Fajitas and Rita’s. 1st Rita in about a year, it’s yummy and boozy in the best way.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited January 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Got my COVID shot #1 yesterday, and, like the flu shot, much less bothersome in my leg than in my arm. I suppose that counts as one good thing that came out treating the beast. They suggested taking a pic of the immunization card, if the card gets lost between shot one and two they can recreate the card from the pic. Another friend mentioned that passports are going digital and a pic of the covid vax card will need to be attached for travel in the not so distant future. I've also taken pics of my driver's license and health insurance card. It is a great way to keep the info handy even if the card is lost. Sadie islooking forward to the long weekend, I think. She has been after me for attention really intensely last night and this morning.

    Morning, Karen!

    Librarian--HIP HIP HOORAY!!!! Great scan results!As for the COVID vax, now is the time to play the bc card--having cancer or a history of cancer makes you immunocompromised and bumps you up the priority chain. Not to mention that you are a close contact of a vulnerable person. I do really hope Biden will be able to increase the rate of production for both the current vaccines and the ones in the pipe line. Good luck finding a good fitting volunteer opportunity. I'm sure there are a million out there!

    Goldie--I can get being uncertain about the vaccine. I'm not so crazy about being among the first to get it, knowing how much more we learn about a vaccine in the first few years it's in use, but our choice is vaccinate a large enoughpercentage of the global population to knock it down so we can return to "normal", or wait out the next couple of years it will take for the same percentage of the population catches it and becomes immune that way and knocks it down. Thefirst choice will get us out of this mess in a year or so with some deaths, the second choice will take much longer with many more deaths. I see the covid shot as being much more helpful than a flu shot with about the same level of risk, and I've been getting flu shots without any real harm. At least the covid shot comes with a significant benefit. It is good that DH is up and moving and doing SOMETHING. Even if he isn't doing it right, there will be some benefit.

    Cammy Cat--not sure how many strains the virus is up to now, but that is what viruses do, mutate into different strains. It's how they keep ahead of our immune systems.Frankly, I'm surprised it's taken this long to start hearing about mutations and new strains. But there's not much good to watching the news anyway, so I don't very much anymore, either.

    Chi--I'm surprised anyone thought there could be a Federal reserve of covid vaccine!When, in the few weeks since they've been authorized for use, have the pharmaceutical companies made enough doses to send ANY to a Federal Reserve?And why would be holding back vaccine to build up a reserve anyway? Far more important, epidemiologically, to get as much vaccine out and into people as fast as possible, knock this thing down and under control if not out, and THEN build up a reserve against future emergency like COVID shots being needed every year or two and a major pharma company that makes it gets flooded out or earthquaked down and can't make any. The way employers have chosen to distribute vaccine is an example of why we need to bring back Public Health as a strong and fully staffed branch of health care. When the Public Health Service was in charge of and responsible for monitoring, tracing, medication distribution and follow up of contagious diseases we were able to eradicate smallpox, polio and measles in the US and UK.Those already proven successful plans for immunizing mass numbers of people are still in place, but there aren't staff to pull them off. So COVID vax is going to large employers who happen to have access to deep freeze storage and they are being tasked with distribution arrangements, and so, everyone in an employer's building that may contact the upper management people get vaccinated while front-line health care workers, who are rarely valued very highly, get it last. We need to put these public health decisions back in the hands of Public Health Workers, who will use the sciences of epidemiology,supply and demand, and breaking chains of infection rather than personal self-interest. Oh, dear, didn't mean to get up on my soap box.

    Ili--that margarita sounds very enjoyable! I've discovered Moscow Mule in cans at my local grocery store, and would describe them the same way: yummy and boozy!

    Not really a DOTD, but I found and ordered this:

    orange, white, and pink box called "fuck dry january" that has 31 cans of cocktails in it

    Now I will get to try some new and different drinks! Apologies for the crude language.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited January 2021

    NM - Where did you order that pack of 31 drinks from? I want one! No such thing as a dry January here!

    Illi, Goldie & JCS - Yippee for the good results!

    Watched a PBS travel show today and host, Samantha Brown, was sailing in the British Virgin Islands. She jumped off the boat and swam to the shore of White Bay to get a drink called "Painkiller" at the famous Soggy Dollar Bar. Beam me there, please!!!! Here is info on the drink: concoction of premium dark rum, cream of coconut, pineapple and orange juice (proportions are secret), topped with fresh grated Grenadian nutmeg - makes the swim to the Soggy Dollar worth the effo

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2021

    Kim - my oncologist said I'm not immunocompromised.

    Socialized medicine is good but not perfect. My SIL is very high risk and ON has not started offering the vaccine to high risk individuals. Both my girls live in countries with socialized medicine - younger daughter got hers because if you go to a clinic late and they have doses left, they will vaccinate rather than throw out. Now why can't the US do that!!!!

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited January 2021

    Karen, I am told they do offer any unused vaccine to those who show up at the end of the day! Have no personal experience with this but a friend of DH was successful doing this.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,312
    edited January 2021

    Karen - yes they are doing that. My brother tried it. Turned out they had 2 doses left and he was #3 in line.