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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2021

    BG (Baby Girl, cuz she's the youngest here) thanks for the 'splanation!

    Misty, nothing is close for me!

    Elizabeth Dahling, cuz she looks like Elizabeth Taylor! ED, I have stage IV cancer, mets to mese bones, so in treatment for the rest of my life. This is the 4 treatment I'm on, Perjetta, Herceptin, Faslodex and Xgeva.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2021

    Oh WTF??? Miss Goldie, I'm so sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are a brave girl kiddo! And so beautiful! I won't ever complain again... unless I do. I didn't know this..... I thank God every night, for "today" and pray for a million more tomorrows with my Husband. Okay... you are in my prayers...Heart

  • SuQu31
    SuQu31 Member Posts: 73
    edited January 2021

    Bourbon-drinking Lurker is so outstanding that I might just have to change my name on this site! I love it! I'm with all of you who are confused about vaccine priorities and when it will be your turn. Actually, the priorities make sense, but the reality seems very different. I mean, I'm not really surprised, but things seem so disorganized. Everywhere. I'm happy for everyone who has gotten a dose so far, but I keep hearing about people who weren't really eligible yet, but were able to get it anyway. Good for them, but it just seems so haphazard.

    So, I'll just sit over here and sip my drink and wait my turn.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2021

    Oh ED, I've had stage IV since 2014, but I'm doing good girl. And if you can't complain here, where else are you gonna go??? We all complain at some point or another, but not like men....LOL!

    Bourbon-drinking lurker, I love it! But we really don't want you sitting in a corner all by yourself drinking. Just pop in and say what's on your mind. Where do you live? Kids, grands, pets? Enquiring minds want to know.

    Ok, I'm done for the night, see y'all TH morn! Tenders, get that girl in the corner a bourbon....please!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,716
    edited January 2021

    Goldie, not like men but often about men, lol.

    Speaking of, last night DH placed a chain saw in front of the bottom step of the stairs, just him being distracted but WTF, you trying to kill me?!

    Tonight I'm having what's left of the sangria with a surf and turf dinner. Nothing else going on this week really, might test drive a new car though, fun but ugh, car salesmen.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited January 2021

    Nothing fancy like surf and turf, just pasta with a red sauce with meat. However, DOTD was an excellent 2009 Cass Syrah. DH said we have more as we helped bottle it and it was "bottling pay".

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2021

    After a frustrating day trying in vain to sign up at various pharmacies' and agencies' websites just to get notified of vaccine availability, I needed a drink. Bob didn't want to share a Drinkworks margarita with me (he'd already poured himself a Suntory); I had some flat bubbly taking up space in the fridge and it was time to get rid of it. So I took a couple capfuls of Aperol, a splash of the dead champagne, and topped it up with freshly made seltzer. First Aperol spritz I've had since the pandemic began.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    621520892_1402139.gif (400×400) | Cute good night, Good night greetings, Good night gif

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Hi ladies,

    I forgot most of what I read so here I am.

    still confused about the vacc. but I do member reading <yes Chevy, I know how> all u need is 1/2 the amount to work, but no one seems to know when, this has turned into a real crazy way to get this thing to get around.

    Karen I hope u find ur paperwork.

    thank you all for ur kind words about my friend, yes we knew for a few months but this last month was really hard.

    Lori I hate that u have to rive so much for so many drs, I know u said u don't mind driving but still a lot of driving. Stay safe.

    Kim it's so nice to see u happy with ur job, finally.

    and look who snuck in. Since ur brother thought it was an animal, u've kept ur past well hidden. I do know u don't pop out of cakes anymore, not cuz u can't but let's face it u can't get those jobs anymore. Leave it to you to fall AGAIN, member when u'r body did all those moves and u never fell, those were the days, my friend, u thought theyd never end, Welll they ended Missy, get over it and plant ur feet on the floor, not ur body anymore. glad to see u, it's about time.

    Oh I looked up those cans of drinks and I think I'm going to order some but I don't know which ones I like, they all sound good to me as long as they have vodka in them, I always liked vodka I think I still do. we'll see.

    Stay safe and well.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2021

    Cami, I think you live just e. or w. of the Cook/DuPage county line and would therefore come under the jurisdiction of those counties' health depts.--which are likelier to get to Group 1b ahead of Chicago (and likely have a larger supply of vaccine).

    Chicago DPH says the priorities for Group 1b will be: first, seniors >75 in assisted living/seniors-only independent living buildings and dwellings with more people than rooms; then all seniors >75; then seniors 65-74 with serious medical risk factors (which includes many of us on these discussion boards); then healthy seniors 65-74; then those 16-64 with serious medical risk factors; then prison & jail guards, then jail detainees, and finally prison inmates. (Guards go back out into the community daily. Jail detainees have not yet been tried, are therefore presumed innocent; and their stays are relatively short--so they are likely to go out into the community fairly soon and risk spreading the virus; prisoners are in longer-term, and if they do get COVID would presumably be treated in their prisons' infirmaries--but the only "prisons" in Chicago are those very few high-security units in the Cook County Jail complex which house those convicted of lesser felonies and who would not be sent down to, say, Stateville or downstate prisons). Group 1c will be all other essential workers and teachers, regardless of age and living arrangements. Group 2 would be everyone else >16, and by then it's anticipated there will be enough doses to allow for walk-ins. If you somehow miss out on your "group," you can still cut in line ahead of those in lower priority groups as soon as you can get the chance and there's enough supply.

    Chicago at first was considered lucky because it had its own allocation, proportionately greater than suburban Cook and collar counties--but it gave 42% of its doses to health care personnel living outside the city limits (in large part, doctors residing comfortably in upscale suburbs with much lower infection rates....oopsies...). The bulk of that 42% went to staffs of just Northwestern, Rush, UIC and Stroger hospitals surrounding the Loop--some of that staff being UIC Health and Rush grad students and administrators; and some went to the families of well-connected wealthy doctors. Double-oopsies... Smaller hospital systems got smaller allocations and still haven't been able to vaccinate their frontline staffs because those hospitals lack the ultra-cold storage facilities to preserve the vaccine for more than a day. And many of those small hospitals are in very poor minority neighborhoods--whose staffs are reluctant to be "experimented on," while vulnerable neighborhood individuals (many of them essential workers taking public transit and living in crowded households) haven't yet been offered shots--many of which are about to go to waste due to staff skepticism. You can lead a horse to water--but if it won't drink, then for pity's sake divert the water supply to those who are thirsty.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited January 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! It amuses me how injuries and illnesses run in bunches at school. Yesterday was ankle day. I had students coming in with reports of rolled ankle, broken ankle, sprained ankle, and one report of a broken toe for variety. Kids are tough critters, they can walk with full weight bearing without a limp all the way up the hall until they get through my office door with a broken ankle! I've never seen so many broken, sprained or rolled ankles without a single bruise or any swelling in all my years of experience. Yet another list of things that I can cure with an ice pack and some TLC. I wonder what the special of the day will be today?

    The big COVID news in Maine yesterday was the 35 shipments of vaccine that arrived with the temperature monitoring showing that temperatures had been outside of range somewhere along the line and so the doses are no good. Replacement doses coming in today and tomorrow. I forget exactly how many doses are involved but it was more than 1000.

    One local school system had to go to remote learning this week due to a shortage of bus drivers! So many drivers were isolated due to testing positive or quarantining due to being a close contact. There is real concern that schools may have to go remote due to teacher shortages for the same reason. It seems that kids rarely are quarantined, almost never isolated, it's the adult staff that is being exposed through community spread.

    Sadie says Woof to everyone.

    Karen--so frustrating to know you have something but can't find it. It must feel good to have gotten rid of the junk, though.

    Chevy!!!! Welcome back!OUCH, what a tumble you took! Hope you aren't hurting too badly. Canned mixed drinks seem to be the latest new discovery, I found canned Moscow Mules in my grocery store recently and now it's a regular item on my shopping list!

    Librarian--the vaccination roll out is full of problems. Each state is supposed to be getting vaccine doses based on population. The people setting up the clinics are worried because they can't predict how much vaccine they will get in any delivery due to being told they are getting a certain number the week before, then getting info the day before delivery that the amount is actually much smaller. There is growing concern about how the inconsistent supply will affect second dosing. I know several people (mostly nurses and other medical types) who have gotten both shots now. The second shots are going on with much less public hoopla.

    Goldie--I'm one of those people that has to keep poking at sore spots, for some reason. Be careful driving through the mountains!

    Morning, Misty!

    Illi--I'm curious why the El Paso folks changed your treatment in the first place?

    Chevy-- I didn't realize you had lost your hearing to the beast treatment. Glad it's correctable/manageable.

    SuQu--you are now officially Bourbon-Drinking Lurker here in the HTL!

    Beaver--Bottling Pay, what a great way to get extra wine!

    Chi--Fresh made seltzer makes lots of things better, doesn't it? I love my seltzer bottle.

    Cammy Cat--I'm with you, I don't know which of the millions of mixed drinks out there I like, so I was excited to find that F@k Dry January drink set. Can't wait for it to get here. Those were the days, alright, we'd sing and dance, forever and a day. Haven't heard that in ages.

    Chi--it's a crazy time, isn't it?

    Inauguration Cocktail

    46th President Inauguration Cocktail

    1 oz. Spiritless Kentucky 74 or Bourbon

    1/4 oz. Lyre's Orange Sec or Orange Curaçao

    Scoop vanilla ice cream

    1 oz. Thomson and Scott "Noughty" Alcohol-Free Sparkling Chardonnay or Blanc de Blanc Sparkling Wine


    Shake without ice and pour into a coupe. Top with bubbly. Sprinkle cinnamon on top.

    From <>

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,716
    edited January 2021

    Good morning!

    NM, I noticed the change and confirmed with my MDA MO that it would be safe prior to my infusion but I did ask and was told that Texas Oncology (the El Paso local cancer center) did not use Herceptin, only the biosimilars. I don’t know why that is but can only assume that it may be an insurance or cost savings thing as the local population is lower income or undocumented. Now, they are working on a special approval for real Herceptin, hopefully all goes well with that.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2021

    And so Cammi knows how to read.... now? Hah! Probably. Is it still the Sunday comics? Or those books by Jackie Collins? I LOVED her books....

    My ribs are getting better.... Over a week now, and only use those patches, heat & 2 Aleve in the mornings... And I try and not fall over anything, or from anything else. I TRY and be careful... I mean at my age, falling again off that pole would take a toll on me....

    I fell last Summer, whilst I finished painting our shed. I opened the latch on the gate of the chain-link fence, and tripped on the step and that damn latch went sort of into the side of my face, between my nose and eye. Now THAT hurt! So I laid there a few minutes, paint running out of the gallon can onto the rug on the sidewalk, so while I was down there, I used my hand to push the paint over, off the rug, onto the cement drain, so once I got up, I could wash it off better. I then got the hose, washed it off, then I went in to the house to see what I did.

    Just cut my face, and bruised the heck out of my face, and eventually down my cheek and neck... I was scared to look at myself even! But nothin' I could do about that. Bruises eventually go away, even after you scare people. I even put on make-up, but it clashed with my face. And I also got a deviated septum.... wait.... Cammi, that is what you get when you smack your nose area with something hard.... It just plugs your nose up slightly..

    Hey Native! Yep... but you get so used to not hearing, that it's just part of life... I've been so lucky with everything else...

    Sandy, did you say you got the vaccine? Did any of you gals? Maybe I'm TOO old, Hah! I mean I research it, call, and finally our PC sent her patients a letter saying DO NOT CALL US ABOUT THE DAMN VACCINE.... Or something close... I've called the hospital, sent messages, and all they say is WE DO NOT HAVE IT, YOU WILL BE NOTIFIED WHEN WE DO AND STOP BOTHERING US. PERIOD! Hah!

    And since we are so used to staying home, and our Daughter does come by a couple times a week, and calls twice a day, she brings us stuff we need.... and lunch!

    So Cams.... Are you still sitting on your front porch on the swing, and hollering expletives at your neighbors? Are the Police tired of coming to your house yet, Hah! And how is little Joey? Does he still take you to school for Show and Tell? Askin' for a friend...........

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2021

    Actually, Chevy, a deviated septum is congenital (if you have one, you were born with it). You don't get it from an injury...but many people don't even know they had one until a nasal injury or infection that affected one or both nostrils. An ENT (actually, any doctor) can see it with a handheld otoscope--and as the septum is made of cartilage, it'll also show up on an X-ray or CT scan.

    After hours & hours of clicking and refreshing on a bazillion pharmacy websites, I finally got an appointment for my first COVID shot--mid-morning of this coming Tues. 1/26 at a Walgreens out in Norridge (almost 9 miles west of me). It was the only one I could get, and the closest Walgreens with any availability at all. I almost didn't believe it till I got & printed out the confirmation e-mail. Now, I am emphatically not a morning person, and I wish it were in a closer location, but for this I'd drive to the wilderness at dawn if that's what it'd take. Not sure whether I'm getting Pfizer or Moderna, but I don't care.

    If I get any reaction other than a sore arm after this first shot, then it means I have some antibodies (and likely had COVID, not whooping cough, last winter).

    DOTD tonight will be of course--with whatever we'll be eating--champagne. (The real thing).

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2021

    Thanks Sandy! My PC had told me that yes I do have one, but shouldn't be enough to bother anything.... And yes, it probably became noticeable after I smacked the corner of my eye.... Thank God that latch didn't go into my eye! Could have been a lot worse.

    You know Colorado is in the twilight zone I think... No-one knows anything, so far! And when I DO hear anything online, they say probably February or March, maybe..... for the older people! I'm pretty sure we qualify! Loopy

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2021

    Bob just came home and is livid: the employees and the patients in one of the skilled-nursing facilities (aka nursing homes) he visits are NOT being vaccinated, despite being in Group 1a. The assisted-living and starting Mon., the independent-living staff & residents are being vaccinated. One of his cardiomyopathy patients at one of these nursing homes caught COVID, despite my husband having applied in DECEMBER for the guy to be vaccinated. The doc with whom he shares office space does wound care at nursing homes--but had to get his shots from one of the hospitals where he makes rounds. The doc's daughter is an LPN at a nursing home--but SHE can't get vaccinated there either.

    Acc. to Walgreens' site, LTCFs (aka nursing homes) are supposed to contact it to have someone come out to inoculate patients & staff--but apparently this LTCF either dropped the ball or thinks its patients are lost causes. But its staff?

    But meanwhile, ineligible (Group 1c and even 2) people have "gamed" a glitch in Walgreen's system and gotten appts. at two of their stores (one on the far west side--Belmont/Central, and S Side Gage Park--which already inoculated some Group 2 people)!

    My future DIL Leslie is in Group 1b, as she is a teacher (apparently, they're not distinguishing between remote and in-person); our son Gordy is in Group 1c--ages 16-64 with medical conditions that put them at risk. Like me, he has asthma, but his is much worse--in fact, I often have to give him some of my extra inhalers because (especially when he walks the dog in winter) his supply runs out before the refills are due. I use maybe 1 every couple of months or longer.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Funny Good Night GIFs | Tenor

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Hi ladies,WOW the talk is all about vaccines and Sandy u really got lucky, next week??? and u really explained so much. I actually live off of County Farm Rd. near the DuPage court house and all those buildings.And about a mille from the hospital and haven't hears a thing, but I do see my dr. on Monday so I'll ask about it. Has everyone decided to get the shot??? Kim u made it sound so easy, which most are probably ut then every so often I hear some crazy story,

    Oh bourbon lurker LOL that actually mixes really well with lots of tings so it can taste really good. I was thinking of ordering the Moscow Mule <like Kim said> it sounds good and u can get it in 4 cans if u'r not sure about it.

    Oh Chevy sorry about ur fall but I did see a pic. of u before and after u looked the same after u mangled ur face. but u knew that. Probably from the old pole accident u had, well the pole wasn't old but u were using the pole so that's where the old part came in. And yes I still talk about my little Joey, whe is now about 6'4" and built like a line backer and he plays the clarinet instead. Yes Chevy the clarinet oh and the flute too.He's had 5 yrs. of Spanish so he can play in a band in Mexico someday.

    OK that's all she wrote.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited January 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Getting up to a cold ayem, temp currently 9 whole degrees. Brrr. We've done really well so far this winter with temps being above average, I guess we can put up with some normal temps for a while. I just hope it's a very short while.

    I had a really fun visit from a kiddo right at the end of the school day yesterday. Came in with a headache, can't make it to the end of school. OK, so far so normal. Problem? It was 5 minutes before dismissal! Kiddo thought there was another hour of school. I wonder what today will bring?

    One of the local schools that had to go all remote due to lack of bus drivers is now saying that bus drivers are refusing to drive the school buses! This school contracts with a bus company for school transportation. It's a sideline for the bus company, who also runs regular bus services similar to Greyhound.

    Sadie say's Hi to everyone!

    Illi--I'll be the cost is the reason behind the change in meds, too. I don't like the way pharmacies and clinics have taken on the authority to change a physician's prescription without getting approval. Pretty soon docs won't be prescribing medications, insurance companies will be.

    Chevy--I think I remember you posting about your fall last summer. Glad to hear the ribs are getting better.

    Chi--Good for you for snagging an appointment! I pre-registered my Mom yesterday. I've got to admit that I'm not happy with the way the pre-registration is being done almost exclusively online in a state with a high number of older folks and one of the lowest rates of internet access, especially among that age group.A similar problem has arisen with Walgreeens and nursing homes in the program here in Maine. Walgreens has had vaccine delivered, but has no plans (and no staff) in place to get it into the nursing homes for administration. The nursing homes have been screaming for them to come out and vaccinate, Walgreens keeps saying they will schedule "when they are able."The Maine CDC Director has redeployed many of those doses to hospitals and other entities that are actively vaccinating people. Walgreens is getting the vaccine at no cost, and must give to the nursinghome residents and staff at no cost, but can charge an administration fee for others. Do you suppose that has any influence??

    Cammy Cat--My shot went very easily, and most of the people I know have had a similar easy experience. When a large number of people are getting a shot there are going to be a few people who have reactions of one kind or another. The same thing happens with the flu shot and all other vaccines. We just don't hear about it like we are hearing about it with COVID. It's sort of like airplane crashes, you don't hear about the hundreds and thousands of flights without a problem, but you hear about the 1 flight with a problem for weeks.

    School Bus


    1/2 oz pear schnapps

    1/2 oz Sunny Delight® orange juice


    Pour both ingredients into a shot glass, and serve.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2021

    BG, falling over a chainsaw, not fun! Glad you didn't.

    NM, sorry about all the ankle injuries, but sounds like none were serious. Hopefully there are more uneventful days to come. LOL, poking at sore spots! LOL at the little one trying to get out of an hour of school, too cute.

    ED, I'm so sorry about the ribs, I can relate has DH just healed from 11 broken ribs. Also, I did not know about the hearing loss, but at least you don't need to hear, here in the lounge! Perhaps we should remove the pole, unless someone else wants to master it. I'll have the Tenders put up a sign "ED and CAMI NOT ALLOWED, KEEP OFF". That fall with the paint sounds horrible. OMG, you asked Cami how little Joey is. That boy is anything but little!

    Sandy, you know I'm laughing at your complaint of driving 9 miles to get your vax, and wish you had one closer. I have to drive 6 miles just to get to some pavement. Hopefully your reactions will be minimal.

    Cami, I wasn't sure of Joey's height when I mentioned him to Chevy, so I just said anything but little. What is your dr. appt for on Monday? Surely the good dr will be able to tell you something about the vax. I'm not sure if I will get the vax or not. If I do, I won't do it until later. I feel like I should, but to tell you the truth, I'm scared.

    Yesterdays appts. were a bust. Doctors can't find a cause/reason for his issues, told him he was an enigma. Also told him that he is also getting muscle atrophy in his right hand. So now he is being sent to a neurologist. Next week is the vascular dr. As for me, I'm supposed to get my treatment Monday. Well between now and then, they are expecting a couple of feet of snow across the rim. So it looks like I won't be getting my treatment.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2021

    Hey Goldie.... How did that Husband of yours break all his ribs? Was he up on the roof again? I'm sorry.... I know we can joke about things, because you can't cry all the time, right? And what's this about your Husband's hand?

    Okay, look this up.....

    Dupuytren's contracture

    My Husband has fingers on his right hand with that problem. A few fingers "curl in".... But he was told not to have surgery, because the problem would just come back again, and as of now, they don't hurt! So besides, he has another hand...Loopy

    Speaking of the vaccine! A gal just called, after I left a million messages, and gave me a number to call to get on a list! YEAH, RIGHT! That did no good... They are NOT making appointments as of now, maybe in a month or two... or in a few years.

    Cams! You want a vaccine? Yeah, good luck with that! I can give you one! I used to give myself weekly allergy shots, and all I did was stand in a door-way, push my arm up against it, and stick the needle & serum in! But then I went to a real doctor, as in allergist, and had a different set-up, and was desensitized! After about a year, I was back to my old self again.... pole and all!

    Is Cam asleep? Probably.... Watching all those ... uh.... "movies" does wear one out. You rest little one.... We need all our strength for those lessons on the pole.

    Lubs you all!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2021

    ED, if you would have stayed in the lounge, you would know WTH is going on! And who's got time for crying, not this girl! Of course we can joke and play, what else is one to do in the lounge?

    What's wrong with my DH? What isn't wrong with him! He was having back problems, had surgery mid August. We went camping mid Oct and on day 2 he rolled our quad, which landed on top of him, 700 lbs. Fractured hip, 11 broken ribs, lots of face abrasions. On top of all that, RA, drop foot, left leg and foot swollen, muscle atrophy in his hands. He's seen a back surgeon, hand surgeon, vascular dr and next is neurologist!

    Thank you for the link, I'll look at it. DH doesn't have curled fingers tho. The web area between thumb and forefinger look hollow. BTW, men only need one hand right? LOL!

    Maybe I should get him a pole?

    Oh boy, I can just see you trying to give Cami a vax.

    Off in the morning, 8 hr drive. Got my infusion changed from Monday. 2' of snow predicted in the area I have to drive. Now mind you, I'm not afraid of driving in the snow, but that much, no thanks! They still don't have my Faslodex, going on almost 2 months now since I've had it, maybe even longer, I lost track.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited January 2021

    My husband had surgery on his left (dominant) hand for Dupytren's Contracture with good results. He now has it in his right hand but states he does not want any more surgeries.

    At age 73, he is 1b on the vaccine schedule here in KY, but no appointment available - advised to check back on 1/29/21. I am group 1c. Hoping that some improved plans for distributing/disbursing the vaccine can be put in place.

    Was anyone entitled to the $600 "relief" check, but did not receive the full amount entitled to (e.g., a married couple entitled to $1,200 but only $600 received)?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2021

    Celia! Sorry about your Husband! Damn! Was his hand giving him trouble before he had the surgery? Or just stiff, and fingers curled? Mine, at 83 won't have any more surgery either.... He has had 3 Pacemakers, and is doing pretty good, other than arthritis in his knees.... and memory issues.....

    And Geez Goldie! I remember reading about your Husband and his accident, WOW!!! Okay, I won't complain anymore... Hah! Yes, get him a pole! Haaaaaaaaaah! Don't tell Cammi... She would be out in the alley practicing like a little tramp!

    You know, with all my complaining, and then listening to you gals, and your Husband's probs, I feel really lucky to be in as good a shape as I am! I count my blessings every night... (When I'm done on the pole)... I just want a million more tomorrow's with my DH....

    Every day is a blessing lately.... Things are slowly going downhill, with him... I have to try and not lose my patience, and understand the things that are happening... the forgetfulness, losing things, not focusing, and just help as much as I can. I remember trying to help my Grandma..... getting dressed right... Are any of you gals going through this? It's hard to talk about it with my girls... But the one here understands, and sees what is going on...

    Ok gators.... later......

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,716
    edited January 2021

    Celia, I’m married and we file jointly. We’ve only received the individual amount last year and this year. I thought it might be because my husband is self employed but that doesn’t make sense if it’s for everyone. I haven’t fussed because we were prepared for an extended job loss but of course I’d still rather get what due.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited January 2021

    Hi ladies- not back in a bigger way yet but wanted to say hi. I got my first vax in early Jan (and only because I work for a hospital and have to go work in some locations sometimes where there is patient care). I got the Pfizer one and my only reaction was a sore arm and dull headache the next day. I have heard the second dose has a bigger punch and heard from a few healthcare colleagues and others at the hospital that have felt pretty crappy after the second one. I go for my second a week from today. After that I will be back as we head into February and let you know how the rest went.

    Everything else here is fine and you all sound okay too.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,311
    edited January 2021

    Glad for the shout out Jazzy. Good to hear you are safe. See you down the road when the time is right.

    Goldie - I love your comment about distances. Yes, I live in the suburbs of a big city but it's still over an hour (each way) to go for a doc appointment (assuming it's not rush hour). And I get frustrated having no decent grocery closer than 30 minutes. I hear ya about the distance to Flag - let alone Phoenix. Since we also have no mass transportation, I often wonder what I'll do when I finally have to surrender my driver's license. I think I'll stick my head back in the sand & ignore that future occasion.

    Chevy - fun to catch up on your doings.

  • jhl
    jhl Member Posts: 175
    edited January 2021


    When I go on the IRS website, it says our $600 checks (direct deposit) was sent out Jan 6. But, we have not gotten either the direct deposit nor a check. The IRS website indicates where to file on our 2020 taxes so we can receive what we were supposed to get. I think that is what we will do.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Cat On Pole GIFs | Tenor Chevy this is how we both got started remember??? Any pole would do.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Goodmorning Cat GIF - Goodmorning Cat - Discover & Share GIFs