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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited January 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! Half day with the kiddos, lots of meetings. So lots of time on the computer. At least I get to see people's entire faces! And having the names showing is helping learn who is who a bit quicker. Then the internet and phones went out toward the end of the day yesterday. Never a dull moment!

    Sadie says Hi to everyone.

    Goldie--it didn't look like any of the ankle injuries were serious, but one student was out yesterday due to that, so we'll see. I can understand being scared about the vaccine, it is a new thing that doesn't have all the info about it we're used to getting. All the media focus on every reaction is creating a pretty frightening picture. I hope they get the snow cleared in time for you to get your treatment. And I hope delays don't create any issues, if that happens. DH being an enigma and having muscle atrophy does not sound happy. Hope the tests show something treatable.

    Chevy--wow, the hoops people are having to jump through to get signed up for a shot is crazy! Nobody seems to know anything!

    Tattie Tenders--see that pole over there? Can you guys put down some padding or something so when Cammie and Chevy start practicing/competing and fall down they won't get hurt?Or maybe keep them likkered up enough that they can't get started in the first place? THANKS!!

    Goldie--I see you got your treatment changed. Don't blame you for not wanting to drive through 2 feet of snow, I wouldn't either!

    Celia--I hope Ky has a good plan up and running when it comes time for vaccinating 1b and 1c folks. I got the whole relief check a few weeks ago. It sounds like your DH has some form of dementia. That is such a hard thing to deal with on a day to day basis. Lots and lots of patience and help needed to get through that in the long haul.

    Morning, Illi!

    Jazzy--Glad to hear you got shot #1! O get my second shot Feb 12th.I got the Moderna.

    Morning, Minus!

    Jhl--Good Morning!

    Cammy Cat--I can see that we are going to have to wrap you and Chevy up in bubble wrap or something!

    Third Pole


    • 1.50 oz Bulleit Bourbon
    • 0.75 oz Cynar Amaro
    • 0.75 oz Lemon Juice
    • 1.00 oz Chaga Chai Tea Syrup*
    • 2 dashes Bittered Sling Kensington Aromatic Bitters

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Mornin ladies,

    when u opened up ur BCO did u get theinvitation to tell ur stories about getting cancer and how u dealt with it. U all have such interesting stories and maybe u can help a newbie <most have so much fear> u all could make a difference in how they handle all of this. All of u are going or have gone thru very difficult times and ur attitudes are in a good place. I was just thinking how strong u all are and might connect to someone, that's all.

    Lori I hope the rides thru the tns, is smoot for you. I are one brave woman. I wonder if u realie this, I could never do what u do ever. My Monday app't is just my regul;ar 3 month ones to see if any numbers or things chsnge, so far it's about the same most of the time or she tweeks some meds or whatever. But her office called and I think we'll do it over the phone, so I do my own pressures and weights, the during the month I get bloodwork done. It's all worked out u just walk in go to the back and get blood drawn and I'm out. I always get it taken from my hand an that's fine with me.

    Oh chevy look at my pic. on top that is my little Joey, of course I used to be 5ft6in, not anymore, but that's us last yr.

    Marty said it's cold out today much more than yesterday, but jeez it's in the middle of January so we have to have some real winter yet. This month is flying by too. Joey goes to school from home 4 days a week and has every wed. off, wtf is that all about. They change things every couple of weeks, I still think they are all confused.

    OK here's a confused state and chevy u stay out of it. I've lost so much hair this last year I was thinking about getting a wig, but a natural looking one not one that looks like I'm trying to look 20 yrs younger cuz that's a no show for me now., like just below the ears, I don't know, no matter what I do when I do if ever go out my hair looks like crap it just won't do anything but string looking. I had such thick and curly hair now it's straight and thin and there's nothing I can do with it. so what do u think about that.

    I'll catch u guys later.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2021

    Morning gals! She wants a wig! Yeah, I've thought about it too! I mean some of these gals have the cutest style, and would LOVE a wig that I could just throw on, fluff up, and hit the road! I used to have a couple, and I don't know why I ever got rid of them......!

    I still use hot-rollers every morning, even if we don't go anywhere... just because I scare myself when I look in the mirror if I don't do my face and hair! I still color it every few months, and I think it's because my Mom always did, and I started coloring it when I was about 25... a couple years ago.... NO Cammi, don't say a word! But I don't wear high-heels anymore, Hah!

    Let's research this Cammi... We can google & Amazon, and go to the dollar store... maybe THEY sell wigs? We could get one like Jennifer Lopez did... at the Inauguration ? Only hers was probably... hers?....I never DID have thick hair... least only on my arms... Hah!

    Okay wait! Have you guys ever had that Matcha Green Tea Latte' from Starbucks? It doesn't have alcohol, but we could fix THAT problem up real quick! I get mine "sweetened"... I even bought my own little "whisker".. battery operated! Cammi, don't say a word! Lorrie, make her mind!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2021

    I think this one looks appropriate for women of "our" age.... right Cam? Hah!

    AISI BEAUTY Colorful Wig Cosplay Costume Wig Long Natural Loose Wavy Red Mixed Purple Wigs for Women and Girls

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2021

    Lori, my spoiled city-girl cluelessness is showing: 9 miles in a foot of snow (predicted) is nothing like your odysseys in two feet of it.

    Kim, could very well be the "administration fee" for the shots as the reason that nursing home declined to have Walgreens come out--it's part of a corner-cutting notoriously tightfisted chain all over the Midwest. It wouldn't be each patient's Medicare (in most cases for the longer-term ones, Medicaid) that would have to pay it, but the home itself, perhaps on a per-patient basis.

    We don't qualify for the stimulus, but Gordy & Leslie do. They file their taxes separately but use the same preparer/software. Both got the first round of $600 direct-deposited. This time Leslie got hers but Gordy still hasn't.

    Jazzy, the second-shot side effects are (in)famous by now: fever, aches, chills, etc. But that's because during the interim between shots, the mRNA is teaching the body to make the spike protein so that it can recognize it as an "invader" and start producing antibodies. By the time shot #2 rolls around, you're chock full of antibodies (about 50-60% protected at that point); when the mRNA is injected, the immune system recognizes it as the, uh, "messenger" that delivered that spike protein and proceeds to unleash the new antibodies on it. That 24 hrs. of faux-flu (not unlike what I got after a Zometa infusion, only the latter produced a higher fever, made my hair & bones hurt, and lasted 3 days) means the shots are working exactly as designed. If you don't want to tough out that reaction for 24 hrs, then wait till the side effects hit and only then take acetaminophen--you don't want to take it beforehand because if the painkiller works you won't know if the vaccine is working; and you don't want to take aspirin or an NSAID because they're anti-inflammatory but you don't want to inhibit the "inflammation" that produces the immune response side effects. Bob began getting a 100.4F fever, muscle aches and a slight headache the morning after the second shot; by dinnertime I finally got him to take two Tylenol and 2-3 hrs. later the fever and aches were gone. If you get anything more than an injection-site reaction/sore arm after the first shot, you likely have some antibodies from a prior exposure (maybe even asymptomatic).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Hi ladies,

    Wow Sandy that was interesting, I did have to read it twice.OK Question, I take tylenol 3 an morphine everyday do I nottake that for 1 or 2 days, that's what confused me.

    Chevy that wig is perfect to wear for a Dr.s app't all u have to do is walk in and they won't even have to test u for dementia, they'll just know.

    OK my phone is going for furnaces not working I'll be back.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Top 30 Goodnight Cat GIFs | Find the best GIF on Gfycat

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2021

    Celia, we got our full pay, 1200.

    Ed, such a sweet thing to say about your DH, that you want a million more tomorrows with him. I am taking care of my DH, but it's not due to age related issues. Even if we don't have answers, you can still talk about it here with us. That's awesome that you still do your face and hair every day. I only do mine when we are going to town, and then just once in awhile at home. I would not have guessed that your hair was thin.

    Jazzy, congrats on your vax. We'll see you in a week or so.

    Minus, I don't hit any rush hour. If I did, it would be once I got to Phoenix. But the times I get there and leave, I miss it all.

    NM, great idea to have the Tenders put some padding down so no one gets hurt, we won't mention names. Well, you got a full week in, are they going by fast?

    Cami, the "announcent" I see is asking for stories from women that were in a particular trial. My ride was a smooth one. I say get yourself a wig. Do have somewhere close that sells them? Certainly Leslie could help with that.

    I came on last night just to read and catch up and just sat here cracking up at you two, Cami/ED. I did hit some heavy fog going across the rim, but that was all. I was up by 4 am, left a little before 6 and got home around 3:30.

    DOTD, to go with the purple wig, the Purple People Eater

    Image of Purple People Eater Drink


    45ml Vodka

    30ml Blue Curacao

    30ml Sweet and Sour Mix

    15ml Grenadine

    30ml Cran-Grape Juice

    Lemon-Lime soda

    Slice of lemon to garnish


    Fill a cocktail shaker with ice.

    Add all of the ingredients except the lemon-lime soda.

    Shake vigorously.

    Fill a rocks glass with crushed ice.

    Pour in the contents of the cocktail shaker.

    Top up with lemon-lime soda.

    Garnish with a slice of lemon.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2021

    Oh, forgot this. This is not my DH hand, but this is what it's doing. See the hollow look in the web part?

    See the source image

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2021

    Oh little Cammi! WTH??? Maybe you should call your Doc, or even a pharmacist, because I don't quite understand what you are taking.... Just to make sure !! Do I have to come monitor you, or take care of you? Hah! The authorities would be out for sure! Hug

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited January 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Lovely sunny ayem here, hoping the sun stays out today. Well, it finally happened. 3 positive COViD cases in the school district, one in the middle school and 2 in the High School. None caught at school, all caught in the community. Now a couple of the school nurses have first hand knowledge of the whole reporting, contact tracing and notification, and form filling and submitting process for the Maine CDC, Maine Dept of Education, Federal CDC, and Maine DHHS/Public Health Departments. Everyone is stepping up attention to the masking/distancing/hand sanitizing/etc in hopes that the county won't go Yellow, let alone Red, but the community prevalence is climbing and the chances are getting more real every day. Time will tell, I guess. I'm sure Sadie wouldn't mind my working from home at all.

    Cammy Cat--I haven't seen the invite. I'm not sure I'd want a newbie to hear my story, so much went wrong from the very beginning and there were so many "We've never seen that kind of reaction before" instances, and lost records and such that it would be terrifying. To this day I say I survived bc TREATMENT, not the disease. As to you getting a wig, if that's what you want, go for it. No reason that I can think of why you shouldn't. Nothing wrong with wanting to look good when you go out.

    Chevy--The Matcha Green Tea Latte sounds pretty good, especially with some "sweetener"!

    Chi--The Federal Program where the nursing homes are partnering with a pharmacy like Walgreens specifies that the Fed provide the vaccine, the pharmacy gives it at no cost to the nursing home residents or staff. In states that agreed to participate in the program each nursing home was required to sign up with either CVS or Walgreens back in November. The pharmacies are the ones setting the calendar, nursing homes can only call and ask when their time is scheduled.Fed saves Medicare money by not having to pay admin fees and I think the Pharmacies get a tax break and immunity from liability for any vaccine injuries.

    Cammy Cat--keep taking the tylenol #3 and morphine. The inflammatory response is a different branch of the immune system, you will still make antibodies, but you might not feel the effects due to the tylenol. There is a small chance you won't have quite as strong a response to the shot, but you should still have a response, and that can be the difference between getting sick and not getting sick, or getting severely sick and just getting sick.

    The Tipsy Gypsy is a big-batch cocktail made with blood orange juice, rose wine and Tuaca (a brandy), perfect for a tailgate party.

    The Tipsy Gypsy cocktail

    4 (750-ml) bottles dry rosé wine

    3 cups blood-orange juice

    ½ cup Tuaca (brandy liqueur)

    ¼ cup fresh lime juice

    1 pint fresh raspberries or sliced strawberries

    Blood-orange-flavored sparkling water

    Orange slices, cut into fourths, for garnish

    Lime slices, cut into fourths, for garnish

    Extra raspberries or strawberries, for garnish

    Instructions: Evenly divide the rosé, juices, Tuaca and raspberries or strawberries between 2 large pitchers or jars. Stir to combine. Cover and refrigerate overnight, stirring occasionally, allowing flavors to develop. Before transferring to drink dispenser, strain out the fruit (it will have broken down in the alcohol overnight). At serving time, pour over ice in glasses, top with a splash of sparkling water and garnish with citrus and a raspberry or strawberry.

    From <>

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited January 2021

    Good morning! Last couple of days have been pretty busy. DH was able to get his Vaccine shot on Thursday. He had a long conversation with the nurse about the death of her son. How he gets involved in these conversations is a mystery to me. Then he does not listen to any instructions or further news. Also, while he was waiting the 15 minutes, the fire alarm went off in the hospital! He did ask the nurse if he could just leave and she said she could not force him to stay. His second vaccine shot will be at our college football stadium parking lot. We rode by and there was a huge crowd. A friend told me it all goes very smoothly once you are in line. DH and I had an argument about scheduling his shot. He felt (remember he did not listen to the nurse!) that the card she gave him confirmed the shot date and time. It did NOT! Had to go through the VAMS system again to get this set up. He has had no side effects at this time.

    Yesterday morning, I went to my PCP to give blood prior to my physical appointment next week. His office help is very bossy and rude. I try to minimize my contact with them, but at times you have to interact. There were the usual forms to fill out. I mentioned I had not gotten them in the mail as I had previously. She said they had not mailed anything since the pandemic. I had to bite my tongue. Why not mail things? Whatever.

    Gonna start cleaning the kitchen appliances and cabinets this morning. Basketball ALL afternoon. I am now addicted to ginger-turmeric hot tea in the afternoon. Not to mention a snack! I did find a form to volunteer with the drive thru vaccination place. I can help with people staying in line, getting signed up just not shots or anything medical. DH says no, but I do not see why not. I can wear a mask, shield, gloves, etc. It is outdoors!

    Goldie - That hand does look odd. Glad the snow did not slow you down too much.

    Sandy - We want to hear about the birthday!

    Cami - you are just too funny!

    Take care and stay safe!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2021

    "How terribly strange to be 70"--Simon & Garfunkel, "Old Friends/Bookends." When the song came out, they were still in their late 20s/early 30s (I was 19). 70 sounded so old back then!

    The card you get after your first shot (issued by the CDC) only gives the date, brand, and place your shot was administered. Some sites will make the second appt. while you're there being observed after the first shot. But Bob was simply given a date to call his hospital to get the second-shot appt. I did notice that when I applied for an appt. at Walgreen's, there were boxes to check for "first shot" or "second shot." Don't recall whether it was before or after making the appt. itself. You might want to ask while there--wouldn't hurt to contact other potential sources of vaccines just in case. My providers' systems are still not vaccinating 1b (NorthShore issued a press release that it is as of Mon. 1/25, and that patients would get an e-mail or portal message about it. No such communication yet in my inbox--mail or portal).

    Last night with Thai/Japanese takeout, I had the remainder of the GH Mumm "RSRV" Champagne, and Bob had a 1998 (!) Joseph Prum (Rheinpfalz) riesling spatlese trocken. Looked darker golden when I Coravined it to see if it was still drinkable--and it was. Off-dry (so too sweet for me to take a chance on it) with a typical "petrol" riesling aroma, not at all the telltale oxidized "nose."

    Dinner tonight at Mon Ami Gabi--we reserved in the tent, though as of today limited indoor dining is now permitted in Chicago. Whatever I order as my entree I will definitely start with a flute of the best Champagne they're pouring by the glass. Will also indulge in any free dessert they give me (share it with Bob, of course). Made a SpotHero parking res. for a lot/garage up the street--hope there's still room there when we arrive. (My one "reservation" about SpotHero reservations, though it's never happened to me before because I've always used it for large "system" self-park garages). Bob considers valet parking safe again so long as we drive home masked, catty-corner, with windows cracked, wipe down any surfaces the attendant has touched, and then handwash like crazy when we get home. But it's moot: the restaurant's valet is temporarily unavailable due to construction at the motor/main entrance.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,716
    edited January 2021



  • jhl
    jhl Member Posts: 175
    edited January 2021


    Many Happy Returns of the Day. I. will raise my glass to you this evening and will send all my good wishes for the future.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited January 2021


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2021

    Thanks for the birthday wishes!

    DsOTD: with appetizer & soup, Canard-Duchène Champagne; with cassoulet, Guigal Côtes du Rhone 2018. Water & coffee for the rest of the week.

  • jreymamaof3
    jreymamaof3 Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2021

    im newly diagnosed. he said i can have wine.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Happy Birthday Japan Gif Find Share On Giphy Happy Birthday GIF Cute Kitty - LowGifWELCOME TO THE 70'S

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2021

    NM, sorry about the Covid cases within the schools, was it staff or students? I like that Typsy Gypsy.

    JCS, glad DH finally got his shot and that you were there to keep things straight!

    Hi jrey and welcome to our Lounge, The Hot Tatties Lounge. What kind of wine would you like?

    Quiet up in here! We got a little dusting of snow and I picked some of my lettuce yesterday, will have salad with dinner tonight. I'll post pics later. Isn't that exciting, pictures of lettuce!

    Happy Birthday Sandy

    See the source image

    See the source image

    See the source image

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited January 2021

    Good Morning, loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! Going to Mom's in a bit, she wants me to help with moving some furniture and measuring for an area rug. She's bribing me with a home cooked dinner, not that I really need any bribing. This should be an interesting experience. Any bets how many times the couch gets moved today? I'm thinking 4.

    The F*k Dry January box was a bit of disappointment. I was thinking there would be 30 different drinks, but there are only 6: mojito, watermelon vodka soda, margarita, moscow mule, Paloma, gin & Tonic. So far I've tried the Watermelon Vodka Soda, mojito and margarita.So all are pretty good. I've got one box in the fridge, and the other two put away for later.

    Wind chill warning up for today, temps in single numbers, pretty stiff breeze blowing. Welcome to winter!

    Librarian--Sounds like it's a good thing DH has you to keep him on track. Volunteering at a vaccination clinic is probably one of the safest things to do these days, everyone will be paying attention to all the protocols and PPE use. I can't believe the Dr';s office isn't mailing out forms, or having them done online as much as possible! So crazy.

    Chi-Happy Birthday!Many Happy Returns!

    Morning, Illi!

    Morning, jhl!

    Welcome jreymamaof3--welcome to the club no one wants to join. Pull up a bar stool and tell us about yourself if you'd like.

    Morning, Cammy Cat!



    How to mix

    Fill a shaker with ice cubes. Add all ingredients. Shake and strain into a cocktail glass.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited January 2021

    Hi friends- just another quick hi as I ease back into social media some this week. I hope everyone is doing well.

    Happy birthday ChiSandy. Here is some music from a newer jazz artist, Jazzmeia, you may not know about but think will enjoy.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    33 Good Morning Gifs For You

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Mornin ladies,Lots going on here between drs., birthday, vaccines, work, sarcasm <never from me>and welcoming some one new, so yes welcome jrey please enjoy our virtual bar and tenders <men>

    Kim only 2 weeks in and corona got into the school, doesn't bode well with statistics on having schools open up yet. seems like waiting a little long til the vaccine get around more would be the smartest thing to do, but who am I. we had low count in the Chgo area and within a few days they started opening up restaurants. Oh I realize the economy needs pushing, just hoping it's not to soon. I'm glad u got ur shot.

    Lori the snow ur getting is horrible to drive in, I know u keep safe just keep safer. I just hope ur visits start getting fewer and fewer.

    Jazzy as usual ur pic. is great.

    sandy ur BD sounded mahveluus, good food, good wine and ur dh and did we remind u enough of the magical number of 70, oh the magic it brings. How are Gordy and Leslie doing???

    Oh of course I didn't read that whole thing bout sharing ur cancer experiences with others, I just know u gals have interesting stories and great attitudes. Of course my BIL thinks I should write my time down cuz he had over 2 yrs oflaughter and fun going thru this <he took me to every visit, test, chemos, and operations> with me and the Drs. were always LOLing and he's still telling these stories to people. I told u we are very close and he has a good memory how WE went thru cancer.and the times I was in ICU, boy did I give him some fun times, I get no respect. Oh well. Sorry for that piece of boredom.

    My GD's BD is today and her boyfriend took her to FL for a few days. so she's enjoying herself for a few days. I told her to be extra careful, like anyone listens to me, but so far she has, we'll see. Well at least we all like her BF plus he works for his dad doing heating and cooling so I have something I can talk about to him. Yea right

    I'm a little busy with work today, so I'd better get organized more.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2021

    Gordy & Leslie are doing as well as can be expected. As a teacher, Leslie will be vaccinated starting 2/22 (she teaches HS--online for now--but grades 9-12 don't have a start date yet). 2 miles south, a couple of days after special needs & pre-K opened up to in-person lesrning a COVID cluster broke out. I know how hard it is for parents to have their kids learn from home; but even if I weren't a second-generation union member (AFofM), I'm on the side of the teachers' union: it's just not safe. 60% of parents here agree. CPS keeps showing the same few photos of a social-distanced classroom (by now, stock footage), but teachers are reporting windows that don't open, empty hand-sanitizer dispensers, desks still close together, etc.

    They're staying put for now--the waterbug situation improved dramatically after they tossed out their large Keuring (eggs in the reservoir) with a fill-it-up-by-the-cup dorm-room model they can wash out and cover. (And it's becoming safe again to have masked exterminators visit). The tenants upstairs are still noisy (music all night, ADHD/autism spectrum kid riding his trike & scooter in the house) but the rent is ok, the location wonderful, and the one-car garage a precious resource with a major snowstorm about to hit tomorrow into Tues. morning. They're saving up and looking around for something they can buy w/o too much physical maintenance and allows pets--perhaps a townhouse--in a decent neighborhood with covered parking.

    Not gonna drink tonight, with whatever leftovers: the 1/2 glass ea. of Champagne & Côtes du Rhone last night (plus all that food--even if I ate less than half my entree & dessert) brought me to the brink of acid reflux; had to get back up, take the other half of a Xanax tab and some more CBD/CBN tincture, and watch a couple of shows I'd DVRed before I got sleepy enough to go back to sleep at 6:30am--slept till the kitties woke me to be fed at 11:45, then took a nap till my cousin in NY woke me up to wish me happy birthday and touch base on stuff, when I hung up it was 3:15 and I had to feed His & Her Majesties again. Bob had gone out at 1:30 (just after I headed upstairs to nap) to bring back brunch from a neighborhood tavern & bakery, which I nuked (well, not the salad) and ate. I'm stuffed, and will be till at least 8pm. Here we are at almost 5pm, and I'm on only my second cuppa Joe. So that (or seltzer) is my DOTD.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited January 2021

    DOTD Cass 2009 Syrah with our winter meal of chili and cornbread. Not cold here but gloomy--foggy and grey all day long. Hard to rev the energy to accomplish much, so I didn't!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,311
    edited January 2021

    Beaver - I like Syrah or Shiraz but most of them are out of my price range - which is $10-20. So I'm drinking some good Cabs, a Tempranillo I quite like, some old vine ZIn, and a Garnacha or two. But I'll check Total Wine for the Cass since Paso Robles produces good wines.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited January 2021

    Minus, not certain Cass is in Total Wines and suspect most of theirs are out of your preferred price range. We were fortunate to live near them and able to volunteer at the winery for payment in wine for several years. We moved several cases of Cass wine when we came to Texas in 2011 with many bottles of reds to age. When we can get together again we need to plan a wine tasting or some such.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,311
    edited January 2021

    Beaver - Oh what fun. I'd love that volunteer job. Yeah, I looked at their web site, but I do make exceptions for special occasions so I'll keep my eyes out. My recent 'everyday' cab is "Carson Ridge" from Paso Robles. I also had a Paso Ranches zin that was quite good.

    I know you're a little far out, but I wanted to share that FINALLY we might be getting a Houston BCO group together (not that we can actually get together yet). I've been fortunate to meet a number of members around the country and it was always such fun. I've been following the Hill Country group for a long time & considered driving to Austin or New Braunfels - but am excited that we might do something here finally. Of course saying "here" encompasses from Woodville & Dayton to Chappell Hill and clear down to Bay City. The link is below if it appeals.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited January 2021

    Minus, thanks for the invite and if a gathering happens when we are in the Houston area visiting our kids (whenever that may be possible) I'd love to join you. It's about a 3.5 hour drive from our house to theirs and they are on the western side of Houston so coming into town from here would require a very early start, and I don't do early very well any more!