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how about drinking?



  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 945
    edited January 2021

    Hi gals, no exciting DOTD today as I had a bad headache/migraine last evening and had to medicate....don't like to mix them. So tomorrow i think a nice Baileys coffee might be just the thing since snow is in the forecasr. Here it's usually just hysteria and toilet paper hoarding, not real snow but we'll see.

    Minus, you said Hill Country and it reminded me of when I traveled there for work in the 90s. We ate at a barbecue place in some kind of barn. They just plopped the food on a big tray. It was great and a fun experience. Very Texan.

    All, I love reading your stories. They encourage me. My cat jumped on me the other day and scratched my radiated boob. I was almost sick with worry but it seem to be okay. It's nice to have like-minded ladies who get it. The smallest things can create concern that didn't before BC.

    Happy Monday all, including BDL (Bourbon drinking lurker ). 😉☕🍷 Stay well.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2021

    We're getting maybe a dusting in the morning...till about 3pm, when the snow will ramp up to at least an inch, maybe 1/5", per hour; it won't taper off till after 3am Tues. Should continue a bit more lightly all the way to evening rush. Forecasts are anywhere between 6" here at the lake to 8" at O'Hare (which is just past where I'm headed Tues. morning to get my vaccination). But given winds turning & blowing in from the lake, by the time late aft. rolls around, we might have a foot (including lake effect) snow to deal with. I knew we couldn't escape Snowmageddon forever. At least the temps won't be Chiberia-cold. Will go into the garage and load my back seat with everything that looks like a broom or a shovel.

    Mapquest has it as a half-hr. drive, which means that in the snow with not all streets plowed it might take 3x that long. Appt. is 10:20, they want me there 15 min. early to review the paperwork. So I'd better hit the road by 8:30. If I manage to be too early, there's a MickeyD's and a Drunken Donuts right near Walgreen's, so I can kill time drinking coffee in my car. What would totally fry me would be to get there and find out they ran out of doses.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited January 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day! Back to school today, then have my first CPR class as a new independent training center/instructor this evening. Got my big bag of equipment all packed and parked in the car. I'm kind of excited to start this little side line!

    Moving furniture at Mom's was easier than I thought, only moved the couch once, with one minor adjustment. Of course, this will likely change once she actually gets the rug she's looking at brought in. We spent some time with a couple of lengths of twine trying to visualize where the rug would lay. Then I moved her recliner for her so it wouldn't scratch up the floor any more. Then Mom got out a spray can of stainless steel cleaner, sprayed and rubbed the floor and the scratches disappeared! It was surprising to watch.

    Goldie--the covid cases at the High School are students, both tied to the same work place outbreak, and the middle school case is a teacher/staff member. And yes, pictures of fresh picked lettuce in January IS exciting!

    Jazzy--she has a great voice!

    Cammy Cat--as prevalent as covid is in the community, it's inevitable that it will get into the schools. Remote learning isn't working as well as in person, I'm hearing, even though everyone is doing the best they can. Remote learning doesn't allow for a lot of the social and behavioral learning that goes on in schools. Not to mention thata lot of parents don't like it. I hope your GD is having a great time!

    Chi--I hope Gordy and Leslie can find some place that allows pets. I can't imagine life without at least one dog. And covered parking is a lovely luxury. Sorry you had to deal with the reflux, that is such a pain to deal with at times.

    Beaver--great sounding winter meal! Sometimes I think gloomy is worse than cold!

    Minus--good luck finding a good Syrah or Shiraz in the price sweet spot!

    Reader--I hear you about the worry about what used to be little things. While that never completely goes away, it does become less intense over time.

    Chi--sounds like quite a storm coming your way.I sure hope that having a morning appointment will help make sure there is supply when you get there. Going through all that and not having a dose available would be really upsetting.

    image alt="">

    Snowflake Martini


    3 oz. white chocolate liqueur

    2 oz. Vanilla Vodka

    2 tbsp. heavy cream

    1/2 c. ice

    1 lemon wedge, for rim

    1/3 c. white sanding sugar, for rim


    1. Using a lemon wedge, wet the rim of your martini glass. Dip in sanding sugar until rim is coated.
    2. In a cocktail shaker, combine white chocolate liqueur with vanilla vodka and heavy cream.
    3. Fill shaker with ice and shake well.
    4. Strain mixture into prepared glass and serve.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2021

    Cami, I didn't drive in any snow. Happy Birthday to your GD. That's a good BIL.

    Sandy, noisy neighbors would drive me nuts. Hopefully driving will be ok tomorrow.

    Minus/Beaver, you two have met?

    Reader, glad the scratch wasn't an issue. Sorry about the migraine, do you get them often?

    NM, good that you didn't have to move the couch but once. I can't even imagine having children in a time like these.

    As promised, the exciting picture of my winter harvest. Had a nice salad with our steak and shrimp dinner. The beans are for size comparison.

    Image may contain: plant and food

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited January 2021

    Good morning! The start of another exciting week, not really! DH goes back to the chiropractor. I went with him the last time and got a few things straight. I am thinking he does something to his neck when he is drumming with the band. It is amazing to me how little he knows or understands about his body. He is to the point that he cannot get up off the floor. And he is only 70! I am going for my annual physical this week. I do want to know about my vitamin D levels. I have gained most of my weight back, so he may fuss about that.

    Haven’t heard from the hospital about the volunteering. I suspect it has something to do with the number of vaccines being limited now. Sandy - Good luck with driving in the snow for your shot. Fingers crossed you do get it! My Aunt in Florida was able to get one of her daughters (they live in different states) to help her fill out some forms online. She is now waiting on an appointment. Such a pain.

    I cleaned out the refrigerator over the weekend. Now I will start on the other appliances. I want to look at buying a small countertop oven. Aren’t there ones that also do air frying? I am open to suggestions. Need to buy a new vacuum cleaner as well. I try to think about it as stimulating the economy!

    Take care and stay warm!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Hi ladies,

    another couple who know their wines. I know red or white. Good thing I'm not colorblind.we should toast wiith something I think we got a home tonite. It's in warrenville about 10 mins. from here and it's a nice town. 3 bedrooms, finished basement with a full bathroom there and one of the bedrooms is on the 1st floor across from another full bath. <mine>. It does need some work so the bid was 13,000.00 lower and they took it. I really don't like change but they want this so I'm going too. Oh I hate moving.I started this post 3 hrs ago, yep then I fell , asleep Jeez. The good thing about this is I won't have to do much, just really declutter my room, so I thought I'll do that with Joey and then when it's crazzy time I'll go stay with Jodie for a couple of days <more proof of my laziness> I'd really just be in the way. I don't know why but I already feel nervous,,,,OK I just wanted to share this, I haven't told anyone else.

    OMG I forgot to send this


  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited January 2021

    In relation to in person schooling it is looking to me that the people needing vaccinations are the high schoolers, teachers and staff. My church has a preschool where they were going above and beyond CDC recommendations and still ended up starting Christmas break a week early due to a teacher and three of the kids testing positive. Not sure who tested positive first. The kids are fine, the teacher and her husband were both hospitalized.

    NM, good to hear there was only minimal couch moving! Stainless steel cleaner, hadn't heard of that one. Will have to keep it in mind.

    Goldie, Minus and I have only met here on BCO but we seem to bump into each other on several of the threads. We at least live in the same state and I have family who live in the Houston area where we used to visit. Am hoping for things to clear up as twin grandchildren are graduating high school this spring; they and a third grandchild are in the high school bands and we have had to miss all of those activities over the past year. Fresh lettuce, yum! And you are blowing my mind, picking lettuce in the snow!

    Librarian, seems like your DH could "do something" to his neck if he really gets into his drumming. I always wonder how many calories some drummers burn but hadn't thought about strain on the joints.

    Cami, fully understand any concerns about moving, it is a very large chore. Going to stay with Jodie for a few days sounds like a plan!

    After gloomy yesterday we have sunshine, and wind, today. Our exciting schedule is taking one of our dogs to his ophthalmologist this afternoon. He has been blind for 10 years due to a genetic condition and has post mature cataracts so he is on eye drops for dryness and pain. Our state requires a dog to be seen by the vet annually before meds can be provided and he was last seen in January 2020 so it is a must do trip.

    Take care all and be careful driving in snow or rain.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2021

    Cami, Warrenville is lovely. I've played at the Acorn Coffeehouse inside the Folk-Lore Center (dunno if it's still around, but the point is moot till the pandemic restrictions on in-person concerts have been lifted).

    Bob's office hours were canceled tonight due to the storm. Turns out the predictions have been reversed: we here at the lakefront will be getting the brunt of it (around 8") while the O'Hare area might get only half that much. Sigh--shoulda booked that hotel room. Oh, well.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2021

    Hey Cammi! I didn't know your living arrangements before... So I hope you will like this new place better! I would DREAD moving from our home! We have been here since 1961, in NW Denver... "West Highlands"... this Victorian was built in 1886,. I grew up a block from here, so this is all I know! Just don't like to go upstairs very often, Hah!

    My Brother in Nashville just moved to Maybelle Carter Assisted/Senior living.... His wife gets dialysis 3 times a week, and was living in a nursing home... But he moved so they could be together! His house with over 2 acres sole in 2 days, so that will help them with their new place!

    They have meals, and he has a 2 bedroom place, and they arrange her transportation for her treatments, and arrange her many pills she takes.

    He is just so happy that they are finally able to be together! He still drives, but they don't have to cook, just microwave if they want something fun.

    Our neighbors always offer to help, if we need it... If I didn't love gardening so much, and fooling around out in our yards, maybe we would think of something without so much up-keep... But I love to mow the lawn with our new electric mower & Edger!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2021


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2021



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2021

    Love that "gingerbread," Chevy!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2021

    Thanks Sandy! I'm going to re-do it a little this Spring.... A lot of work, but I can make it a little more manageable, and not so many tomato plants, etc!

    We've always painted the house ourselves, but I can't get up on the porch roof, to paint the upstairs. I DO paint the garages and shed though.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2021

    Chevy - the Highlands sure have changed a lot since you moved there in 1961. I have co-workers who live in the Highlands. I'm amazed in the 35 years I've been in Colorado how much has changed. The Sloans Lake area is looks nothing like it did in the mid 80s - heck nothing like 10 years ago. I'm in SE neighborhood is from the late 50s to early 60s, plus some infill lots.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,311
    edited January 2021

    No Goldie - as Beaver said we haven't met in person yet. But I've met BCO members in Boston & Phoenix and San Francisco and Washington and... I make it a priority when I travel.

    NM - so glad that you ALWAYS have the latest factual medical information for us. I am so sorry I didn't arrange to meet you when I was in Maine a couple of years ago.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited January 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! The first CPR class of the new little business went well, was a lot of fun. There was a math test in one classroom yesterday and a spate of tummy aches from that room around test time. Sadie was a little miffed at my coming home late and let me know. She did not allow me any time on the TV or iPad until she had gotten enough belly rubs and ear scritches to prove she was still the boss in the house. Next time I'll remember to ask her permission to work late!

    Ok, the TV news is showing high schoolers playing basketball with masks on, running up and down the court as usual. Somuch for everyone who says they can't breathe through a mask! If these kids can while running and jumping, any one can while walking around a store.

    Goldie--Nice lettuce harvest you have there! So pretty, too. Nice size for a winter harvest!

    Librarian--I love the way you say DH is "only" 70 and can't get up off the floor! I'm almost 10 years younger and have trouble getting up off the floor!

    Cammy Cat--oh my goodness, a new home is going to be a big change! It's natural to be nervous about a big change like that. I think it's a good idea for you to go to Jodie's during the actual move, less anxiety for everyone knowing you are safe until the new place is unpacked enough for people to get around without risk of falling over boxes and loose stuff.

    Beaver--I'm sorry to hear there was an outbreak at the preschool. I think people are forgetting that all the masking, distancing and cleaning is meant to slow down the spread, it won't stop it entirely. No matter how careful someone is, the virus can still get through.

    Chi--winter storms are so unpredictable. Makes it hard to plan.

    Chevy--So good your brother and his wife can be together! And the house selling so quickly, that's a blessing, too.

    Morning, Karen!

    Minus--a big part of my job right now is keeping up with the COVID news so I can teach the teachers (and everyone else around me) what is going on and why. I actually enjoy the process, even if I don't like the reason for needing to do it! We can work on getting together sometime when the pandemic is finally dead.

    image alt="Daniel Webster's Punch Recipe | Martha Stewart">

    Daniel Webster's Punch


    • 2 black tea bags, preferably PG Tips
    • 12 ounces Oleo Saccharum
    • 8 ounces fresh lemon juice (from 2 lemons), plus 2 more lemons, sliced into thin rounds, for serving
    • 1 bottle (750 milliliters) Jamaican black rum, such as Hamilton
    • 1 bottle (750 milliliters) oloroso sherry, such as Lustau
    • 1 bottle (750 milliliters) Bordeaux red wine
    • 1 pineapple, sliced into thin rounds, plus leaves for serving
    • 1 bottle (750 milliliters) Champagne brut or prosecco brut, chilled
    • 1 orange, sliced into thin rounds, for serving
    • 12 star-anise pods, for serving
    • Freshly grated nutmeg, for serving


    • Step 1
      Bring 4 cups water to a boil. Remove from heat and add tea bags; let steep 10 minutes. Remove tea bags. Add oleo saccharum, stirring until sugar dissolves and mixture is translucent. Remove lemon peels with a slotted spoon; discard. Stir in lemon juice, rum, sherry, and wine. Refrigerate until cold, at least 1 hour and up to 1 day.
    • Step 2
      When ready to serve, line the inside of a large punch bowl with pineapple slices (do not overlap). Fill one-third of the way with large ice cubes. Slowly pour tea mixture into punch bowl, making sure not to disrupt pineapple slices. Top with Champagne; gently stir to incorporate. Float lemon and orange slices on surface; sprinkle with star anise and nutmeg. Serve over ice.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2021

    Morning Kim. I hear back east is getting snow. How is it by you. We are predicted for a dusting but the SW mountains a lot of snow in the forecast. We really could use the snow.

    I'm hearing now that we should be wearing two masks and they think the vaccine might not be effective on the S. African strain. so much unknown. Hoping we'll be able to get our second vaccine on schedule.

    Sandy good luck today.

    No zoom meetings today! A first in a long time. Still computer time to finish a training and write reports but not a day of meetings. Oh yeah, I have to see kids. Yesterday 3 of 6 kids on my caseload didn't log onto the computer for school. They start back in person next Monday.

    Have a great Tuesday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2021

    JCS, my DH is 65, altho he can get up off the floor, it's a struggle. He does have to have something to hold on to to push up from. If nothing is around, I will bend my leg so he can use my knee.

    Cami, I think it's exciting that the kids got a house. And you'll actually have your own bedroom? Will you still sleep in a chair? Or can you do a bed? Oh, and you get to go stay with FF!

    Beaver, sorry you are missing out on so much with the grands. Ha ha, there was no snow on the ground when I picked the lettuce, but there is this morning!

    ED, that is so awesome that your brother and his wife are able to be together again. And your gardens always look so wonderfull and inviting. You do good!

    Minus, I too have met several gals from BCO, some more than once. I've been to visit Cami twice.

    NM, tummy aches during the math test, that is so cute. Glad the CPR class went well. And I agree about the masks, re basketball players. There is no excuse not to wear one. There's actually quite a bit of lettuce there, and some of the leaves quite large, which you can't really tell from the picture.

    Given the amount of snow that has fallen, there was no way I was going to Phoenix yesterday, and today you can't even get there, as the roads are closed. Can't tell how much we got cuz he blew so much, so some areas have hardly anything and others have like 8". We do have to go out tomorrow, dr appt. for DH....yes, another one! This is with the vascular dr.

    This is an area called Forest Lakes, when I say I have to drive across the rim, I go through this town. Notice the poor little tree!


    image alt="">

    image alt="">

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2021



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2021

    Lori, that's slightly more snow than we got--but the day is young(ish) and we're predicted to get at least another 1-3" of "lake effect" snow by evening. Lake effect is unpredictable--the forecasting computer "models" can't account for it. It happens when the wind, normally W-E, turns around and blows over the chilly water on to shore. (In IN & MI, as well as Buffalo, even the west-to-east wind blows across one or more Great Lakes, and insane amts. of snow can pile up; while Chicago stays clear & dry. Nearly a year ago, I had to drive to S. Bend, IN for a funeral, and they got 8" of snow, starting just across the IL/IN state line. Nary a flake back here when I got home. Another time I had to play a concert in Mishawaka, IN--and before we could load our gear in, we had to shovel a path to the door through 18" of snow).

    The drive out to Norridge wasn't too bad--our snow guy came just before I had to leave and cleared out the "apron" behind the garage. The alley & side streets were still a bit sloppy, but the major arterials & the freeway were plowed and salted.

    So I got my first shot today--Moderna. Wanted Pfizer, but most Walgreen's don't have the ultra-cold storage necessary for it (and the Moderna "keeps" in the fridge for a week or so, therefore doesn't have to be delivered daily). Can't get my second dose before 2/23; and the immunity won't kick in till a week or two after that. It's weaker against the S. African (and presumably, Brazilian) variant (as is probably the Pfizer as well), but Moderna is already testing a "tweaked" booster, while Pfizer has yet to do so. I figure as long as I double-mask and don't let up on my already-hyper-careful behaviors I'll be okay.

    My HK didn't come in today (Bob fed the kitties their "brunch"). The neighbor who usually shovels out her sidewalk & carport got chest pains, and she decided to do it herself before the snow got any heavier, since there will be more later on. I told her not even to attempt to come in, late or otherwise. 2 yrs. ago, our across-the-street neighbor tried to shovel wet snow off her front steps--and dropped dead of a heart attack at only 70. Her DH got his shot Saturday at the V.A., but they're not giving shots to family members (not even those who are live-in caregivers). So she's playing web-browser Walgreen's roulette till she can get an appt.

    Kim, I'm 70 and have asthma. If I can wear a 3-layer (2 cloth, 2 filter) mask for an hour at a time. inside an MRI's scanner, anyone can! When it was warm enough out to fitness-walk, I wore a mask for >2 mi. at a time. No excuses.

    With leftover cassoulet last night, DOTD was an ounce of 2009 Rioja. Not sure about tonight--Bob was supposed to have an early day at Union Health because of the snow, but he got a new admission at Holy Cross (twice as far a commute home, alas). I might make something vegetarian or fishy and chill a bubbly (Mumm Napa Blanc de Noirs 2016).

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 945
    edited January 2021

    Hello! The snow pictures are so pretty Goldie. We got some here too but more ice and then cold rain. You had asked about migraines I mentioned. I've gotten them since my teen years. Better after menopause but I still do get them. Thankful they're not worse or more frequent.

    I did have my yummy Baileys Irish Cream coffee last night. With whipped cream on top it went well with the snow. It should have been my desert but i also ate cookies.

    Cami your move sounds positive. Best wishes!

    Sandy your Chicago stories make me smile. I've only been to your town once in my travel years (of course a horrific O' Hare story) so I enjoy hearing your stories about restaurants and all the good.

    I enjoy everyone's other posts. Keep warm, safe and healthy all 🤗☕💕

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Hi ladies,

    well I read everything last nite now I forgot, couldn't find my glasses most of the day so I could barely work, but I'm back.

    I was lucky enough to meet Lori 2x, I think Joey was about 10 yrs old and I met dara maybe 2 yrs. later, that was great too. But when Joe found out Lori was blonde he fell in love before he met her and was so excited that she came here. It took him an extra day to fall for Dara cuz her hair was dark, fickell little brat. But I know a lot of these gals have met an traveled together,

    Lori I'll have the bedroom on the first floor, I still sleep in a chair but I'mgoing to get a twin bed when my body can stretch out sometimes, but it's big enough for both, there r 2 bedrooms upstairs an the basement has a place for a bedroom if Joey wants that. We;ll how it goes if all goes well.

    Karen I heard the same thing about 2 masks, my gosh they better get those vaccs. out fast.

    Kim u'd better not make Sadie upset anymore or u'll lose all ur cookware, she's very sensitive so lots of belly rubs.

    I hope u gals can set a time up to all meet, u'll love it.

    I need to get more tests for bloodwork next week, 2 different types, whatever that means. It's really sad when ur Dr. calls and says please twice, then I have to promise her.OK that's all I remember so I will say goodnite.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2021

    Good Night, Sweet Dreams Picture #35130608 |

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,311
    edited January 2021

    Goldie - my brother just forwarded an email from Mund's park that some areas around Flag are getting 25". That's twenty five!!! Hope not at your place.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2021

    Before anyone panics, remember that antibodies are only one part of the immune process. There are also two types of white blood cells: B-cells, which produce an immediate response but are shorter-lived until full immunity kicks in and they multiply like crazy in the bone marrow; and T-cells, which are exceptionally durable, perhaps lifelong. So even if the antibody response to the new variants is 6x weaker than the original Wuhan & Italian "wild-type" virus, the rest of the cavalry can ride to the rescue.

    Of course, we still need to mask up, back up & wash up to avoid catching the new, more contagious variants. That's as important--or even more so--than the vaccine. I just got 100 KN95s from Costco--less than a buck apiece. (Remember this spring when drugstores were charging $3 for a paper surgical mask)?

    The Pfizer vaccine produces 53% immunity a week after the first shot. Moderna, 80%....unless you're over 65, in which case it's 84%--long enough to tide you over till the second shot, which produces 94% immunity after a week. (See--there's an upside to getting older). Speaking of which, unlike the Pfizer's first shot, the first Moderna shot produces a doozy of an injection-site reaction: w/in a couple of hours my arm was hella sore & stiff. (Same thing happened with my cousin last week when she got her first Moderna shot--but she already had antibodies from a mild case during the summer. So maybe I already have antibodies too, and my month-long Dec. 2019 coughing jag wasn't pertussis after all. The Italian wild-type virus was already in the EU by then, and I fell ill a week after flying home from London on a packed plane).

    Already made my second-shot appt. Trying to do so felt like being on eBay 20 yrs. ago, watching something you bid on, refreshing every 30 sec. to make sure you don't get sniped.

    I got to meet Pontiac Peggy & the MI gals (plus one from OR) back in 2016 at a winery in Jackson, MI, where we all had lunch and a wine tasting. (IIRC, there was also a foot of snow). Peaches1 was in my Evanston Hosp. support group. And Sloan & her DH (from Bakersfield, CA) went out for dinner with me when they were in town visiting their kids. We really need to do a Zoom happy hour one of these days!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited January 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! Waking up to some snow this ayem, but not supposed to amount to anything. Covid is getting closer to my school, two students are out in quarantine as close contacts of cases.I'm really afraid it is just a matter of time before we have our first positive case, and then it will probably be a very short amount of time before we have an outbreak. Still, we all keep trying to do all the right things and keep it away.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Karen--we're getting a dusting of snow today, no real amounts of snow predicted over the next couple of weeks. Of course, that can change very quickly. I've heard some talk about double masking, but haven't seen anything about it from any of my trusted sources yet. I'm going to research that, it really doesn't make sense to me for anyone except health care providers who are wearing a surgical mask over their N95 to keep it cleaner. I'll let you know what I find out. It's looking more and more like COVID is going to be like the flu, mutating fast enough to need a new shot every year. Given the technology being used I'm pretty sure the vaccine will be at least partially effective against many mutations, and partial protection is better than none. No Zoom meetings? That must feel like a bit of a break. I've wondered about how well all the kids would do logging on for remote learning. That must be a nightmare to keep track of. I don't know how the teachers and everyone is managing it all!

    Goldie--I can relate to needing to get a hold of something to get up from the floor. When I get down, I tell people that my getting up is the entertainment of the day! I'm still jealous of you picking lettuce in January! That poor little tree looks like it needs a good shaking off! OK, nowI see it's a Pine tree, they are very flexible and that poor baby should bounce right back when the snow falls off.

    Chi--around here we call heavy, wet snow "heart attack" snow. So many people will try to move that stuff when they shouldn't and end up hospitalized or dead. It must have been scary when the neighbor died that way. And I still hold there is no physical reason a person cannot wear a mask, other than being in the hospital an on respiratory support like CPAP or a ventilator.

    Reader--Bailey's Irish Cream coffee is a wonderful dessert coffee. And dessert coffees NEED a cookie or two on the side!

    Cammy Cat--I will be very careful not to upset Sadie going forward. I need her too much for cold bed warming and foot warming during the cold weather. Youmake sure you keep your promise to your doc and get your blood tests done!

    Minus--25 inches? WOW!!!!

    Chi--sounds like a good deal on the KN95 masks! Isn't it amazing how complex the human immune system is? I'm continually fascinated by all the intricacy.

    image alt="">

    Snowstorm Café


    • 3 ounces hot strong-brewed coffee
    • 1 ounce Frangelico
    • 1/2 ounce Licor 43 (sweet citrus- and vanilla-flavored liqueur) or Navan
    • 1/2 ounce Cognac
    • 1 large dollop of unsweetened whipped cream
    • 3 coffee beans


    In a mug, mix the coffee with the Frangelico, Licor 43 and Cognac. Top with the whipped cream and garnish with the coffee beans.

    From <>

    I didn't know what Licor 43 is:

    Licor 43

    A citrus-and-vanilla-flavored Spanish liqueur made from a combination of 43 herbs and spices


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2021

    I too have met several bco gals over the years - from America, Canada, Israel, NZ and Australia. Unfortunately some are not longer with us and other we've gotten to watch each other's kids grow up. So far, though no marriages. Next Wednesday is 15 years since i've heard those dreaded words no on wants to here!!! But i'm here going strong.

    It's a whopping 9 degrees out at 5am - supposed to get into the 40s today.

    Have a great day!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2021

    Well Sandy, how much snow did you get?

    Reader, I've only ever had one migrain and I hope to never have one again, it was horrible. Have you ever tried CBD oil for relief? Nothing wrong with a Bailey's coffee and cookies. What kind of cookies?

    Cami, I think it will be so nice to have your own normal size room. I'm excited for you. Will be interesting to see where Joey chooses to go. So it's a 3 level home? Basement, main and an upstairs?

    Minus, like I said, I think we got 6-8". The picture I posted is between Heber and Payson, measuring 3', YES THAT'S FEET. I-40 was closed for like 12 hours from Ashfork to Kingman, leaving drivers stranded over night, due to accidents.

    Oh dear NM, praying the virus doesn't make it to your school. As for that tree, if it were my house, I would have to go out and shake it off. But yes, they are pretty resilant.

    Karen, congrats on 15 years, I have 2 more to go to get there. It's awesome meeting up with breasties.

    Here is a pic of the back up. Heading out in a couple of hours, I hope the roads are cleared up!

    See the source image

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2021

    play video

    Morning gals! Wow Karen! Yes, I couldn't believe the temp when I looked at our little outdoor thermometer that is connected through the window frame into the kitchen... 8 damn degrees, Hah!

    These are the frames I've been using inside my mask! Really makes it a lot easier to breathe.... I for some reason breathe through my mouth, when walking, and I wear one under the good disposable mask, covered with a cloth mask.

    I've been TRYing, and signing up all over the place, but Denver is just way behind in organizing anything lately! I've called, and signed up for Lutheran, St. Anthony's, Walgreens, Safeway, even Kaiser! Maybe we're not old enough? Don't say a word Cammi!.... They all say within 2 weeks, or Feb, or March! So maybe by the time we GET one, the system will be a little more organized, and a second shot will be available!

    I just didn't want to drive down to Coors field for the drive thru! But 1,000 people did! Nor do I want an appointment at night! So I'll just keep doing what I'm doing... We only go out about 2 or 3 times a week, and it's early, and only for groceries!

    And miss Goldie Lorrie Cake.... You live in Arizona???? And you got that much snow? Man, I am jealous! I would rather have the snow than this cold, Hah! We only got a couple inches, and still have some ice hills in our yard from the last snow! Just hard to do any pole dancin' in this weather!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2021

    Chevy, we got the snow AND it's cold, single digits this morning. The picture I posted is not my area, but an area I drive through to get to the doctors in Phoenix.