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how about drinking?



  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,310
    edited March 2021

    Jazzy - I posted about my implant on the Prolia site. My tooth broke off eating a piece of butter lettuce two months after I finished my last Herceptin. I am very happy I went that route. Done "forever" 7 years ago.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2021

    You guys talking about your dental work..... A few years ago, I took my Husband to the Dentist, because of a tooth-ache.... Dentist took the x-ray, and saw another broken tooth under the gum line. He pulled the infected tooth, AND took out the broken root from the other tooth. Don't know HOW that happened.

    Anyway, a few days later, had to take him to ER....because he couldn't take the pain!!! Another x-ray showed a bad infection in his lower jaw bone, and they gave him 3 IV's of antibiotics.... wanted to keep him, but he wanted to go home... That infection FINALLY healed, but it took a long time... more antibiotics, and pain pills! THAT caused panic-attacks, until he could get off of everything.

    I remember Dentists used to treat an infection BEFORE they pulled a tooth!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2021

    MinusTwo- I did see your post. I appreciate your info!

    Chevy- ouch and more ouch. I forgot how much I don't like dental work, but fortunately, it's been rare I need it. Your DH went through a lot with all that.

    Work is almost done for today.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,310
    edited March 2021

    I can never forget how much I hate dental work either. Actually I love my dentist and my periodontist as people, and I'm confident they are experts at their jobs - but at the same time I don't like dentists.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited March 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! The wind is howling outside this ayem.Temp is 3 degrees with a windchill of minus 20. Brrr.Just Brrrr. Sadie pestered me to let her out a second time this ayem, right up until I opened the door. She stuck her nose out, looked at me as if to say "You can NOT be serious?" turned around and is now curled up in a blanket on the ottoman and snoring. Ah, the life of a dog!

    Morning, Jazzy, Minus, Chevy!

    All this dental talk is making me cringe!


    Kat's Mom's Novocain Cocktail


    • 1 ounce fat-free half-and-half or 1 ounce cream
    • 1 ounce Kahlua or 1 ounce coffee liqueur
    • 1 ounce brandy


    • Hide car keys someplace you will find them when you are yourself again.
    • Stir together (no ice - you have a toothache after all!).
    • Sip and feel better!

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2021

    Kim - stay warm and stay safe.

    50s here today and sunny - too bad my office is a room with no windows - its inside the library!

    Have a great Tuesday

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited March 2021

    Good morning! Life is starting to normalize. My DS#2 is more accepting of his quarantine. I took some food and cleaning things by his house. He was very appreciative. This is all working on his depression and I cannot do anything.

    I am going for my first vaccine shot this morning. Things should be fine.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2021

    Beaver, thanks for researching the "duck n cover". Looks like it was used for different reasons, depending on the era.

    NM, that IS interesting on the quarantine time, but makes sense if you think about it. Ahhhh yes, that time of year when you lose an hour of sleep. But it does stay light out later, thats the good part. March 14 is the day, so less than 2 weeks. Sorry to hear about fire deaths, sad. As for translating, you just highlight the type, right click, and translate to English. You don't have to be smart! -20 is brrrrrr indeed. Sadie acts like you tried to trick her into going out. Love the "directions" on the novacain cocktail.

    Jazzy, glad the oral surgery went well and nice that they called. When I had mine this past summer, they called me as well. I hope you are able to make it to the hot springs.

    Karen, things sound good for your family members that just had surgery, however, it sounds like your SIL has a long road to recovery ahead of him.

    Celia, good news on your first vax. Where have ya been?

    Minus2, you broke your tooth on butter lettuce? Whaaaaaaat! I like our dentist and hygenist too, but not a fan either. Not sure anyone is actually!

    ED, see what I mean, never a loss for something to talk about, re all the dental talk.

    JCS, nice of you to take things over to your son. I'm confused, as you say things are normalizing, but then say it's all working on his (DS) depression. How old is he?

    Not much going on here. Hoping to take a little weedend trip to the arboretum. I'm ok with that as it's outside and they have "cart" tours so DH doesn't have to walk much. The part I don't like is DH wants to go stay with our friend that used to be our hygeinist. She is a clean freak and germ freak, but I'm still not comfortable being around people. DH just keeps pressing as does she, so I just said fine, lets go. He knows I'm not ok with this, so why does he keep asking? Cuz he wants to go! If I get Covid and die, you are on your own, and you can't do it! I did suggest staying in a hotel, he just said "ya, we could". And that was the end of that.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,310
    edited March 2021

    Goldie - Yup, seriously. I was eating a butter lettuce salad with nothing else except grated cheese prior to Thanksgiving dinner at Ruth's Chris that year my chemo was over (courtesy of my ex). Kind of killed the rest of the meal. The periodontist thought it might have been abetted by "radiation decay". Hope your trip goes well but sorry you have to stay at someone else's house. My BFF thinks I'm nuts because I still won't eat in a restaurant.

    NM - LOVE the drink. My teeth are fine but I'm going to make that tonight anyway!!!

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 945
    edited March 2021

    Hi everyone just wanted to pop in and say hi. I had a very busy day running errands that needed done, and finished up with me cooking a double-batch dinner. One for us and one for an eldery couple who just need some socially distanced help/contact. Even my feet hurt tonight so needless to say there was a DOTD. A sweet red from a local winery. Feet up, Ahh. ๐Ÿท๐Ÿท

    JCS I'm sorry about your son. My mother was depression prone. It makes you feel helpless to watch.

    Goldie I'm glad you're getting out to a nice place like a botanical garden but sorry about the unwelcome accommodations. Grrr.

    Native your doggie has lots of personality haha! Likes what she likes ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿถ

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited March 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! Dragging my butt this ayem, was up in the night with gastrointestinal distress in both directions. I had a tomato bisque for lunch yesterday, and I think that much tomato did not sit well with my system. Mom has the same problem, I was hoping to not inherit it! So I slept till the second alarm this morning. Sadie managed to sleep through the whole episode, bless her soul.

    Karen--things have warmed up here, some and should be warming up some more as the week goes on. Having an inside office can be a bit of a downer when the weather is nice. I use that as an excuse to get up and walk around! Gotta check the weather!

    Librarian--Glad to hear life is starting to normalize and DS#2 is accepting the quarantine more. Isolation does work on depression, that's for sure. I wish there were things we could do in that situation to help. I hope the vaccine appointment went well.

    Goldie--yeah, I'm not looking forward to losing the hour of sleep, but I will adjust, I always have, it just takes longer every year! I can understand your DH wanting to stay with friends, but now really isn't the time, and you are right to feel uncomfortable about it. If we can all keep this together for a while longer, until the vaccination program has a chance to get to everyone, we'll be able to put most of this behind us.

    Minus--how was the drink, did it work as advertised?

    Reader--Yup. Sadie likes what she likes, and doesn't like what she doesn't, and isn't shy about stating her opinion!

    salty dog drink in a glass in front of a cocktail shaker

    Epic Salty Dog


    • 6 oz. fresh grapefruit juice
    • 6 oz. grapefruit la croix
    • 3 oz. vodka
    • 2/3 oz. lime juice
    • salt for rim of glass


    1. Salt the rim of two glasses.
    2. To a cocktail shaker add fresh grapefruit juice, vodka, lime juice and grapefruit la croix. Put the top on and shake.
    3. Fill cups with ice and evenly pour cocktail over ice.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2021

    I do not like the time change. Pick one and stick with it year round!!!

    Kim - I do walk the halls to get my kiddos but still not any windows cuz of classrooms - so only if I pass a door. But I get out and walk for 20 minutes and that helps.

    I excited beyond excited. DD#2 is coming in 2 weeks for a 3 week visit. She will be here for her birthday and for Passover. She hasn't been here in 18 months and we haven't seen her in over 14 months!!! Unfortunately, my other kids won't be here.

    Nice weather again today then cooling off.

    Have a great day!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2021

    I just love how you all talk to each other, and keep up with what's going on! And Karen, I read your post, and thought wth?? Did the time change, so I googled it, and it is next Sunday... Or I forget when... The good thing is, my car clock will be right again ... Loopy

    When you guys got your 2nd vaccine, did you have may side-effects? I would just like to know what to maybe expect... So I can re-assure my Husband, if he happens to get any. I can handle it, but I just don't want him to worry... and I won't bring it up unless it happens.

    Kim, that's so awful about stomach trouble... GOD I hate when that happens! I used to get that every once in-awhile.... but not the last 10 years or so! I remember just kneeling in front of the toilet, being sooo sick! And yes, I've heard that sometimes tomatoes can be blamed for some peoples problems! Or a combination of stuff. For lack of a more technical term!

    With me, it seems like the older I get, the less problems I have! I mean except for falling occasionally, and having to be more careful about getting down on the floor and thinking I can hop right up!

    I think out of necessity, our mind kind of gets on high-alert, and you can think clearly about problems better than you used to...! Maybe staying active outdoors, and re-organizing stuff in the house helps keep us on our toes... And maybe because our diet changes, we eat better? Okay, guess I'll go fix me up a chocolate coke!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2021

    I'll ketchup tomorrow, DH has appt. with derm. Has a spot on his head that hurts, it's scar from the accident, but he thinks it could be more cancer, so best to check it out.

    Another thing, selling the business to the neighbor is not happening. Another acquaintance is interested. Not going to work either, they are our age and don't even have their own place, live with her daughter! But they wanted to come and talk and DH said they could stay here!!!! WTF????

    Since when has it become ok to throw all caution to the wind? Well I cracked. Not staying at anyone's house and no one is staying at mine. We will still go to the arboretum, but staying in a hotel. I don't like that either, but I have control, and can take my own sheets and such

    Minus2, I won't eat in a restaurant either.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited March 2021

    Good morning! My arm is a little sore this morning, but I pretty much feel ok. I should walk, but it is rainy so will need to think about it. Just found out a man I used to work with passed away from Covid. This disease is relentless. I was joking with the nurse yesterday that I will be the last in my family to complete the vaccine shots. They did seem a bit disturbed about the chemo causing immune problems. I did schedule my next shot for 3/24!

    Still worried about my son. I will chat with him later today and see how things are going. He is such a good human and has so much to offer the world. We will get through this.

    Take care all

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2021

    Minus2, I'm still amazed that you broke a tooth on lettuce. I know, it really wasn't the lettuce, but you have to realize how funny it sounds. LOL at "NM - LOVE the drink. My teeth are fine but I'm going to make that tonight anyway!"

    Reader, very kind of you to do the double batch dinner. And OMG, Sadie is like one of us, I swear. We love hearing stories of our Miss Sadie. Ya know she steals things out of kitchen and hides, or thinks she's hiding, them in her crate. She is a hoot for sure.

    NM, I hope your tummy is better today. And BTW, what has Miss Sadie snuck into her crate lately?

    Karen, I'm excited for you. I know the feeling not seeing your kids for so long. I only wish you could see all 3. Where is your son living?

    ED, less problems the older you get? I don't believe you! And no more falling, you have a DH to take care of! Chocolate coke? Nooooooooo! What is that anyways?

    JCS, my heart goes out to you, I hope your son will be ok.

    Ya, I blew a gasket! At first I was just going along with DH, even told him he should think twice about staying at someone's house, that if I get Covid it would most likely kill me and he can't handle things around here by his self. But the more I got to thinking about it, I thought, I have a say in this. And the more I thought about it, the more upset I got and I blew! Anywho, nothing found on his head but Derm thought they could become cancerous, so he froze a bunch of spots on top of his head. I don't know what I'm going to do with him, he just seems to get worse every day, and doesn't do much to try and improve. He had one of those stand up walkers delivered today.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2021

    For you gals are on the declutter thread (I think that's what it's called).

    May be a cartoon of text

    My son posted this one for Michigan, but I'm sure a few of you can relate, especially NM.

    No photo description available.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,310
    edited March 2021

    Goldie - glad you appreciated the lettuce irony. It was like the "final blow" after chemo. Sorry your DH is such a "man". Love the Maxine cartoon.

    NM - Hope you're feeling better. Sorry - I didn't try the drink. I knew I had to be at the Med Center early this morning for my Prolia Shot # 10 and decided I should be virtuous.

    Tonight I am so ANGRY at the Gov of Texas that I'm drinking shots of Tuaca. I thought with the increased vaccines that I might be able to actually eat in a restaurant by May. But masks, no social distancing... So much for my ever going out again.

    Chevy -it is always so good to read your posts. You're one of the first people I followed when I started w/BCO.

    Librarian - glad you got your shot. Sending virtual support for your son. Is it this the weekend you're going to the mountains?

    Karen - have a GREAT time with your daughter. I haven't seen my son in 18 months and it's obviously getting longer.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited March 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! Still chilly, but at least in the double digits again, and with the sun shining it looks very pretty. Yesterday was a pretty odd day at school. I never realized how many kids get numb fingers, hands, toes, feet, noses or ears in one day! I am so thankful that those are all curable with a warm pack or a choice of scents of hand cream.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Karen--Getting out and walking is a great thing, good for you. I'm lucky, the halls don't have windows but do have skylights, so between those and walking up to the entrance doors I do get a good bit of sunlight. So fun to be having your DD #2 coming to visit!

    Chevy-- I was the one who started the complaining about the time change when I flipped the calendar page and saw that. The stomach trouble was not fun, but it happens from time to time, and this time I know what I ate that triggered it. I took a chance and lost the bet. I love the way you rationalized the chocolate cake!

    Goldie--good for you for putting your foot down on the houseguests and being houseguests.

    Librarian--I am so sorry to hear about your co-workers passing. Praying for you and your son. The tummy is fine now, I was able to work comfortably yesterday.

    Goldie--Hmm, I haven't checked the crate recently, I'll have to do that right off. So, now that DH has the walker, will he use it? Love the seasons of Michigan!

    Minus--I'm shaking my head at the situation in Texas, too. So scary. How many other states will follow suit, and what will that do to the COVID situation? How far are we going to get set back? We are in for a roller coaster, I think.

    Sky Light


    Mixing Instructions

    Pour vodka into glass over ice. Slowly add grenadine. Fill 2/3 of the glass with orange juice. In a separate glass mix tequila and curacao, then pour the mixture carefully on top. Garnish with an orange slice.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2021

    Minus - DH and I have had both vaccines and still don't go anywhere and like you we would not go anywhere without masks, social distancing etc. It's been 17 months since we say DD#1 and SIL and I'm hoping that maybe we'll be able to see them this summer - but depends on Canada opening its border and not requiring quarantining in a hotel for 14 days!!!! They are so behind on vaccines, who knows when my kids will be able to get one. My son is considering moving back to Colorado but who knows when that will be and he hasn't gotten the vaccine either. The 30 somethings will be lucky to get it by late summer.

    Lori - always love Maxine and the weather map of MI is great. Good for you for holding your ground with DH.

    JC - hope your son is dong better.

    60s yesterday with beautiful sun and today low 40s and rain - hope I can get a mid day walk before the rain. The mountains should be getting snow.

    Have a great Thursday. My last day of the work week. SillyHeart

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2021

    Hey gals! Yes Minus! We go back a long ways, Hah! WTH? Can't you just ignore your ding-bat governor, or what-ever he is, and just stay the hell away from everyone? It just makes me mad to see these brainless people out without masks, not caring, and raising all kinds of hell! Florida is just as bad.... Our Daughter thinks they are all nuts! Opening up everything, not caring about ANYthing or anybody!

    I just hope it won't be as bad as others with brains have predicted.

    And Lori! Is your husband driving you nuts? Sometimes wouldn't you just like to go out-doors and scream, or cry, or whatever helps? We can't change them.... And like Kim says, you just have to take care of yourself... Do what is best for YOU! And maybe your Husband will follow your lead?

    It's different with your husband.... I met my guy in 1955... started going steady a couple months later, then engaged for another year, and married in 1957! I think because of how my folks were always fighting and yelling, and raising hell, my brother and I just hung-on, and grew up in spite of it all. My folks finally gave it up, and moved to California when I was engaged.... and that was probably the best thing that happened to me. I-we made it on our own... figured out different ways to do things, and what NOT to do.... We made it this far... Than things change, and you don't even realize it... but with all those years together, you take it, and help make life easier... Getting older is easier on some folks... I mean turning 80 seemed like a piece of cake... but whether physical changes, or mental changes happen, you have to be in it together...

    And if that don't work... just hit him over the head with a cast-iron skillet. And then go fix yourself a chocolate coke.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited March 2021

    Good morning! Beautiful day here. I will be meeting a friend for lunch at an outdoor patio. Looking forward to meeting up. Then will shop quickly for a mattress pad for my son before I return his sheets. DS and I did spend some time chatting yesterday. He has had good interactions with his friends and is planning some trips. Maybe this COVID quarantine was a good idea for him. Time to miss his dog and get his head around his life. I still wish he would get rid of the roommate. He is a nice young man, but can be a downer about so many things.

    Goldie - I hear you about your DH. I had a huge argument with mine earlier this week. Everything he is diagnosed with is a HUGE problem. His brain is stuck in high school. He got my return from the mountains screwed up even though I left him a voicemail. It is my fault he has a cellphone he cannot use. The list goes on.

    Gotta get moving. Today will be kinda fun and tomorrow I will finish cleaning the den. Take care all

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2021

    Chevy - 63 years or 64 depending on when your anniversary is, is something to be proud of. It's an accomplishment that not many can meet. I'm younger than you and we are going on 44 years (I think) - we got married 20 years after you. We've both been through a lot medically and hoping we can both grow old together healthy and with a good sharp mind.

    JCS - how was your lunch?

    It's raining, cold and damp out - messed with our after work walk....we'll see what it's late after dinner.

    My work week is over, but I still have things - mostly paperwork and reports to do before Monday morning. Only 3 more weeks till spring break!!!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2021

    Popping in after realizing that I've been otherwise occupied (nothing urgent or bad) for a week!

    8 days post-second-Moderna shot. Chicago has opened restaurants to the lesser of 50% capacity or 50 people. Some are staying at 25%, or even still doing takeout only, until food service workers are given vaccination priority. It doesn't make sense that servers and personal-service workers (nail techs, barbers, stylists, facialists, masseurs) are not considered "essential workers" and will have to wait till March 29, when it's Group 1c's turn. Gordy is "1B+" because despite his youth, he has asthma--starting at 4pm Sunday he will be able, quirks of the internet & phone lines willing, to apply to make an appt. for the United Center's vax. clinic. A 74-yr-old friend of ours (NSCLC survivor and still-smoker) was able to call in and get an appt. for March 12!

    I'm not concerned that Chicago is moving too quickly--in fact, the city's restaurant assn. is angry that the burbs and downstate have no capacity limits. Our Health Commissioner has been watching the metrics and still taking baby-steps as far as relaxing restrictions. We're okay with occasionally dining in a restaurant--as masking is still being enforced between bites & sips (i.e., except when actually eating & drinking). It's a PITA to keep our masks on our wrists, folded at the ready for when servers come to the table (experts say not to keep the mask on the table, dangling off an ear, or on the chin). But it does confer a semblance of normalcy. Our favorite eatery, Cellars, reopened tonight--I'm gonna pop in for a drink and perhaps a light app to bring home (they're open till only 9pm, though the city says 1am is the new max. closing time). Bob, the kids & I have a table there tomorrow night at 7 pm. The menu--especially the Lent-friendly choices--is smaller than it used to be (Bob will be ticked off that the root veggie pot pie is no more), but it is a nice change from my usual home-cooking.

    So DOTD tonight will be a flute of cava, and conversation.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2021

    Minus2, Texas really? Lifting everything? This can't be good! I think MN too. We are going to be imprisoned in our homes forever! I'm not too upset about eating in a restaurant as we don't have any good ones where I live. And if we do go somewhere that does have them, it's usually a chain. Olive Garden, Red Lobster, Texas Roadhouse are 3 of our favorites.

    NM, I can't tell you how much I love hearing about the kids. I so wish I had some little ones in my life. Oh well, did you check Sadie's crate?

    ED, nice to know that you and Minus go way back. There are several of us that do. As for going outside and screaming/crying....I HAVE! And I remember your words and the help from NM and try to stay calm, nothing else I can do, right? And I do take care of myself, and everything else!!!! LOL!

    JCS, you ready for another mountain retreat with your girlfriends? Wish I could join y'all!

    Karen, 44 years is something to be proud of too!

    Ok, another piece of BS in my life.

    1. Carol, our accountant

    2. Scott, her boyfriend

    3. One of her employees

    4. Boyfriend of #3

    2, 3 and 4 were helping us bring product from our warehouse in town to the one here on our property. Rented a Uhaul, took 2 trips.

    This morning my DH says something about Carol having had Covid. I said "when? I don't remember you telling me that, or I forgot."

    He says, I think about 2 weeks ago.

    Sooooo, all 3 of these people were at our place most of day, NO ONE wearing a mask. And Scott used to be on the fire dept. and should know better. I'm really quite pissed about this!

    Posting in the evening, odd for me. Maybe another in the morn with coffee.


  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 945
    edited March 2021

    Goldie here's hoping/๐Ÿ™ that you stay healthy after that possible exposure. It really seems like they should have known.

    We feel a bit of loosening up here but in my particular county the county exec errs on the side of extreme caution, to the point thst restaurants and businesses have been begging for more flexibility. I guess it's hard to walk the line. And due to my age and time out of treatment it's anyone's guess when I'll actually get a shot. I'm pre-registered two places.

    DOTD should have been more of that lovely red wine I had the other night but I was tired early so stuck to iced tea, so as to not snooze the evening away ๐Ÿ™€

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited March 2021

    DOTD is a glass of Cass Viognier as a post dinner sipper.

    Just waiting to see what the effect of lifting the mask mandate will be.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2021

    Lori, you need a drink...or two...or three...

    How clueless and inconsiderate can people be? We're still fuming over Gordy's friend hosting a movie premiere back in Oct., walking & sitting around maskless--undistanced--without bothering to tell anyone he was awaiting test results. (His retinologist dad's office had a staffer's family member test positive, hence the tests. Everyone in the office came up negative--but the very next day this kid got his positive result. Only then did he admit that earlier in the week he had gone to the gym, where he & everyone were maskless). Then followed one of the scariest weeks of our lives before we all tested negative.

    Forgot to mention last night's DOTD (with the pork chops I grilled) was Ammunition Winery's "Equalizer" 2016 red blend (65/15 Merlot/Cabernet, with the rest Cab. Franc, Malbec & Petit Verdot). I'm a bit uncomfortable with the connotation of the name of the winery (their site is extremely coy about ideology, except to say that great grapes are the "ammunition" for great wines, the principals come from families of "outdoorsmen" and that the winemaker is an avid recreational shooter who "loves patriotism"). I think Bob's echo tech, who gave him the bottle for Christmas, was yanking his chain; but the wine itself is delicious and nicely balanced. (At least it's not a pillow).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited March 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! Yesterday was frostbite day at school. Kiddos outside for gym and for recess, and so many don't wear gloves or mittens. Fortunately, I didn't see any real frostbite, but one little one was pretty close to chillblains! And the usual "broken" shoulders and elbows from falling on the ice. Ah, the drama of childhood!

    Mom's birthday is today, we're celebrating on Sunday. I'm picking up take out dinner from Olive Garden. It's both of our favorite restaurants, and I usually take her out to dinner there, but I'm not ready to eat in a restaurant yet and don't want Mom doing that either (not that I can stop her, but she's a lot less likely to eat out by herself). AND we can be reasonably sure the dinner won't end up on the floor amid a shattered baking dish!

    Sadie would say Hi to everyone, but she went back to bed and is curled up in a nest of pillows and I can hear her snoring from the living room!

    Karen--20's today with a stiff breeze again, but I'm hearing it may warm up to the 50's next week!Yeah!

    Chevy--love the cast-iron skillet and chocolate cake plan for dealing with spouses!

    Librarian--an outdoor patio restaurant meal I could do, but not here, not yet. Any "outside" eating is being done in "domes" that look like plastic igloos. Even with heaters they are COLD!

    Karen--I just realized that March is the longest stretch in school without a break! 5 whole weeks! Boy did I get spoiled quickly!

    Chi--the whole vaccination thing is such a collection of confusing things. Maine switched to an age-based system, 60+ as of Wednesday, 50+ in April, 40+ in May, 16 to 39 in April. Then Pres. Biden mandated education and child care workers, so those are being worked in, but through theagreement between the Feds and commercial pharmacies, but not the CDC allocations to the state, starting yesterday, and no one was ready for that. Total confusion going on and lots of angry and upset people.

    Goldie--Haven't checked Sadie's crate yet, Maybe this weekend! Oh, good grief about the friends with COVID. It seems if you were with them like that you should have been identified as a close contact and been put in quarantine by your state CDC. Oh well, if it's been two weeks, at least the quarantine time is already over with!

    Reader--restaurants and such are begging for some loosening up here in Maine, too. It's amazing to me how much pressure there is to open all the schools to full time, in person learning despite most schools not having the room to maintain the 3 foot spacing between kids, 6 foot between adults and kids, but not allowing adults to go to a restaurant and enjoy a meal together.

    Morning, Beaver!

    Blue Cloud Cocktail Recipe>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2021
