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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited February 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! No big plans for today, going to Mom's for dinner tomorrow. It's getting warmer, here, and I have to say I like that. Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Thank You, Teka!

    Illi--those cupcakes look super yummy!But will you have any room left for the pork and kale and veggies? HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    Beaver--I vote for starting with dessert!!

    Chi--Thanks! It's now day 3 after COVID shot #2 and the soreness, redness and swelling is significantly subsided this morning. So I haven't needed to take anything.

    Chevy--The over 65 crowd is not having much in the way of side effects for the most part. The most common so far are some soreness, redness, and swelling at the injection site after the first shot, which tends to be a bit more pronounced after the second shot.My mother (84 years old) got her shot yesterday and has no reaction as yet this morning.Younger people are getting the local reactions plus headaches, muscle aches, tiredness, low grade temperature, and occasionally nausea after the second shot. All these last 2 to 3 days and then go away. I could easily have worked full days after my first and second shots. One of my younger colleagues worked from home for a half day after the second shot due toheadache and fatigue. We all got the Modernavaccine.Thank you for the Birthday Wishes!

    Thank you, Jazzy!

    Thanks, Minus!That is one wonderful wine glass, isn't it?

    Chi--I had some of those Whiskey Stones, once. I hope they work better for Bob than they did for me. I didn't think they cooled liquids down very much at all, nor did they keep them cool. I've also got a "Corkcickle" type thing, except that it's a steel rod that lives in the freezer and gets popped into a cold bottle and doubles as a pouring spout. It works really well.

    Goldie--apparently Illiemae and I are sisters and didn't know it! Thanks for the good wishes. And the great DOTD!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2021

    Illimae- I missed wishing you a happy birthday. Those cupcakes look divine. Happy birthday sister and wishing you a wonderful year ahead!


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited February 2021

    NM, a very Happy Birthday to you today🎉


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021


    And GEEZ! Those firemen are the FINEST! I'll tell y'all something.... You just NEVER get tired of seeing something like that, Haaaaaah!

    I remember one time, years ago, ........ oh never mind.Loopy

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2021

    So we went out for dinner tonight to Ethiopian Diamond, around the corner. The owners are great neighbors (they've helped us dig our way out of the alley) who bring food to and do the coffee-roasting ceremony at our block parties. Tonight is their first night open to dining indoors again; it's a big cavernous high-ceilinged room with good ventilation. The city is allowing the lesser of 40% capacity or 50 people--the place looked about 1/3 full but it seemed half our block was there. Bob is a month past his second shot; I get mine this Wed. And I kept my mask on except when actively eating & drinking,

    DOTD: So with Ethiopian food, Ethiopian drink: mead (honey wine) made in-house. Sweet but not cloying--the slight fizz & light body went well with the spicier dishes. Truthfully, I was less worried about the safety of dining indoors--our first time since Oct. (heated tent last month at Mon Ami Gabi didn't count)--than about slipping in the slush or having to go through puddles. And, of course, the very high carb count.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    Passing on some news re Cami's family. Her BIL has passed, so she may not be around for a bit, knowing how close she was to him and how close she is to her sister.

    ED, your going out sounds about as exciting as our, ours is doctors and groceries. Your is doctors and taxes! All the help we have here is good lookin.

    NM, enjoy your time at mom's. Who's cooking? And what are ya having?

    Sandy, glad you got to enjoy some eating out.

    Warming back up here with some sunshine. My exciting day yesterdays was cleaning the bathrooms. Today I think I will start to tackle floors. Why can't things stay clean after you clean them?

    I have him coming to help......HA, don't I wish!

    See the source image

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021


    Here is the recipe for a Happy Birthday Tini:

    • 1 1/2 oz cake vodka
    • 1 1/2 oz white creme de cacao
    • 1 oz amaretto
    • 1 oz whipping cream
    • 1/2 oz Godiva White Chocolate Liqueur
    • sprinkles

    Wet the rim of your martini glass with either water or whipping cream, I used the whipping cream. On a plate with a good pile of sprinkles, turn the rim of your martini glass through the pile of sprinkles pressing them onto the wet part of the rim of your glass. Set aside.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited February 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Going to Mom's for dinner and to work on her To Do list in a while. I picked up a bottle of Mead at the coop last week to have for my birthday DOTD, opened it yesterday and it was WAY TOO SWEET for me! I couldn't even drink a half a glass! Now I need to think of something to do with it so I'm not tossing the entire bottle! Any suggestions?

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!And she is very willing to drink the Mead; I caught her sticking her snout in the glass when I came back from the bathroom last evening!

    Thanks, Illi!I hope you had a great B-day day!

    Goldie--how did I miss those Firemen yesterday?Did we bump?I'm just going to float here and gaze at the eye candy for a while. . . . . Always did like the look of a man in uniform, especially when he was getting OUT of the uniform. . . . .

    Chi--it is so nice to hear about neighborhood restaurants opening up again, even if not fully. I think people will be paying much more attention to air circulation and density of the crowd going forward than we ever used to.

    Goldie--thanks for the update on Cammy. I was wondering how long it would be before we heard this sad news. Even harder to have it happen while moving. Send her our love when you can, please. Mom is cooking today, and all she'll tell me is she is making something I will like. We've been talking a lot about recipes lately, and Mom has been starting to make things she likes but Dick didn't, so she didn't make them while living with him. I think she's making stroganoff, given how much she's talked about that recipe, but I can't be sure. That could be a red herring.

    image alt="">

    Happy Happy

    Mixed Drink Recipe from Cocktail Builder

    2 oz of Vodka

    1 oz of Triple Sec

    5 oz of Orange Juice

    4 oz of ice

    Add ingredients to an old fashioned glass, stir and serve.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2021

    Goldie, thanks for the update on Cami. If you talk to her again before she's back her, please send her my condolences.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited February 2021

    So very sorry to hear about Cami’s brother. It is never easy to loose a dear family member. I had a wonderful day yesterday. Went to play cards with only three other people. While I was there for hours, it was a small bunch of women that had all had both shots. It was great to catch up. I look forward to doing it again soon. Being out definitely helped with my anger issues with my DH. Still trying to smile and nod instead of offering an opinion. He asks, but I say nothing. Or close to nothing.

    Happy Birthday to those celebrating. Everyone, please enjoy what is left of the weekend. Sun is out here and supposed to be a lovely winter day. More rain tomorrow, then a lovely week. I will be heading to the mountains for the weekend. More time away!

    Take care.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2021

    Good morning friends- hope everyone is doing okay this weekend. We had a blast of the snow and cold with the polar vortex (snowed five days in row, couple inches at a time accumulated but then gone quickly). The moisture was good, the cold was not as bad as other places (think the lowest was 12 degrees F). We had something very similar to what has happened this week in 2011 that brought us to -8 here and some of the state lost natural gas and heat, which turned out to be huge thing like what is happening in TX. This is the second polar vortex we have had here in NM in six months, the one in October brought a foot of snow overnight the day my job started. I hope things continue to get better for TX, my friends there say they are getting electricity and heat back but water is still a problem.

    Had a great moment at work on Friday. I have been working with the team on how to bring some things forward to our leadership around things we need in place to make our project be scaleable and work long term. Instead of saying we need this or that, not enough of this or that, I said let's put together the case around what we know, gaps that exist, things we need help with. We delivered that to our manager and director on a call on friday and they were blown away, but it really will help for this conversation to go better and higher up with some good presentation materials. Made me feel a bit better about the pathway forward almost 4 months in to this.

    My sister has her hands full with cleaning out her second home which she is sellling and now having to clean out the MIL assisted living apt too. Fortunately, her helper friend and BF are gettting her through all the move stuff. I have some connections to some others in her family and been busy getting cards and some flowers sent too. The MIL will go back to TX to be buried with her husband, no services. Offered to let some of our family know but she says no, so will let that be. I hope things get a bit easier for her after she gets the home sold and MIL's arrangements done.

    Goldie- thank you for letting us know about Cami's BIL passing. I will PM her. Hope you got some good moisture your way this past week. Yesterday was really nice, spring like again but then the winds came in while I was out and are here today (and it's cold). I think the spring winds are starting as they do today.

    JCS- are you familiar with the decluttering thread here? Many women there speak of some of the challenges with trying to get rid of things and husbands being unwilling to work on it with you. I can't grab that here but will find and send another post on this. Hugs to you too sister, we have all had a lot of together time quaruntining for close to a year.

    NM- happy birthday weekend friend. I would take that wine and make some sangria! Someone gave me some sweet wine last year for a birthday gift and I don't drink sweet wine, but it's perfect for something like that. There are some good recipes out there on line and many where you don't need to add sugar but can use a sweeter wine for effect. I love red or white Sangria in the warmer months, but it might be nice to have now too?

    About all I can share at this moment. Having oral surgery this Friday to have problem tooth extracted and will in time have an implant. I have been fortunate with my teeth, but this tooth has been problematic and expensive to keep going for awhile. We made it last close to 20 years with help, but now it needs to get replaced. Will be in touch on the other side of this!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2021

    Lori, please give Cami my condolences on the loss of her BIL--may his memory be for a blessing--and for comfort & consolation for her & her sister.

    Kim, mead can be all over the place when it comes to sweetness--the longer it's fermented, the less sweet but the stronger it is. I'd suggest it might be a nice base for a hot toddy (with spices & booze), or you could reduce it to make a syrup that pours more freely than plain honey (and won't crystallize)--it'd be great over vanilla ice cream, yogurt, or oatmeal.

    Our polar vortex is retreating: between yesterday's & this morning's sun, temps above freezing for the first time in nearly a month, and even a little rain has shrunken our snow pack by at least 6". Hope the melting is slow!

    Dinner was pantry-potluck (had the Ethiopian leftovers for brunch), so I didn't have any wine (though I did put some sherry in Bob's bisque). I'll see if there's any fizz remaining in the Mumm Napa still in the fridge--if so, may have a small flute of it as dessert. Or, open the bottle of Few Bourbon our neighbor (who made it!) brought over today as a thank-you gift for lending them my traction mats in the alley earlier last week.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited February 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey day! Well, yesterday's birthday dinner was a bit of an experience. Mom made Noodles Stroganoff. I haven't had the particular recipe she was using, but it looked and smelled WONDERFUL! Mom got the pan with the goodness within 3 feet of the dining table when the pan slipped out of the potholder and went crashing to the floor, splattering stroganoff goodness and shattering the baking pan. I think we both just stood there and looked at the mess for a couple of minutes before either of us could say anything. At least Mom didn't cry about it. So we cleaned up the mess and glass, washed the floor and table legs, and chair legs and raided her fridge. Mom had some of a boiled dinner that the neighbors had brought over for her, and I had left over spaghetti (which I am very fond of and almost never make at home), and then had the planned brownie sundae for dessert. Overall, it was a very nice visit, if one ignores the disappointment of the flying Stroganoff!

    Goldie--we must have bumped each other into the pool again! Love the Happy Birthday Tini!It's beautiful! But I'm afraid to pick it up!

    Morning, Karen.

    Librarian--It must have been great getting together with your card playing ladies. We all need those social interactions regularly, and I am so glad to hear about enough people being vaccinated to be able to do that, carefully! Sounds like you've found a way to deal with DH's questions. Thanks for the birthday wishes!

    Jazzy--wow, sounds like a real step up for the work project! Good for you for finding a successful approach! It's good your sister has help with the moves and cleaning out. Ooh, I hadn't thought about making Sangria with the left over mead, that is a GREAT idea! Thanks! Good luck with the oral surgery. Prayers for a speedy recovery!

    Chi--both the hot toddy and syrup ideas are great! I see I'm going to have to split that bottle into multiple uses!

    Polar Vortex


    1 1/2 oz. Tequila

    1/2 oz. Dark rum

    1 oz. Blue Curacao

    1/2 oz. Lime juice

    2 oz. Orange juice

    Club Soda


    Combine all ingredients in ice-filled cocktail shaker except club soda. Shake and pour into ice-filled collins glass and top with club soda.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    NM, we bump each other into the pewl quite often! I'm so sorry about the stroganoff.

    I have not actually talked to Cami. I'm friends with her DD on FF and she had posted the obituary. She doesn't usually check messages on FB either, so it won't do any good to send her a message there either. She will be by eventually, I'm sure. But for now, I'm sure she is just sad.

    PT this morning for DH, PCP tomorrow and then another appt on Wed. I'll ketchup with you lovely loungettes later or will just jump in.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    Oh Man! Flying Stroganoff has to be a heart-breaker! If there hadn't been glass in the mix, I probably might have tried to rescue some of it! Remember when we would see a candy or something on the ground when we were little? And if we hurried to pick it up, it would be okay!!!

    We GOT OUR VACCINES!!! I am so relieved! Our neighbor had said he would drive us to Colo.Springs because he heard they were giving the shots, but I said "No, that's okay, we will get one sooner or later..." But then an hour later, my friend gave us the number to Denver Health, and I talked to the guy, he set it up, and I called the neighbor back and asked him if he could take us there, which was a LOT closer, Hah!

    He said of course, and we went this morning, and BACK within 1 hour! Everything worked out for us just perfect!!! AND he will take us on the 12th for our 2nd Phizer shots! Going to have Janie make him and Sarah a fruit basket or something! It meant so much to me! His phone was telling him how to get there! Now we get our taxes done in the morning!

    Kim, we got our gummy vitamins! They taste just like candy... That should help with DH's craving for sweets, Hah! His favorite foods are chips, cookies, cakes, candy, crackers, hot-dogs, potato salad, bananas & sliced pears.... So any vitamins to make up for veggies is a big deal!

    Wish we could all just do a group-hug for Cammi... Hug

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    For you little Cammi! xoxo

    Cards » LL125 - Group Hug » LL125 - Group Hug - Berni Parker Designs

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited February 2021

    Joining in the group hug for Cami who is dealing with one thing just piled on top of another, as if moving doesn't create enough stress, adding in winter piles on more and then to lose a dearly loved one at the same time... Thinking of you Cami, hang in there and partake of all the hugs you can.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,311
    edited February 2021

    And me too Cami. Hope to see you before too long.

    Oh NM - what a tragedy about the Stroganoff. That's one of my favorite dishes and I haven't made it in a long time. Glad your Mom wasn't too upset.

    Chevy - glad you got your first shots.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2021

    Kim, OUCH! These things happen, but it stinks when it happens to something your mom worked so hard on and you were anticipating so much! IMHO, the fates should give you an IOU.

    Chevy, thank goodness you were able to get your shots, and closer to home to boot!

    Probably not gonna drink with dinner (probably make a cheeseburger sans bun, plus leftover cauliflower rice from last night). But I am going to open that bottle of FEW "Eataly Ltd. Edition" bourbon my neighbors brought over yesterday as a thank-you for lending them my traction mats when they got stuck in the alley. It's aged in Italian wine casks. FEW is a boutique distillery in Evanston, and my neighbor is its head distiller. Will savor just a splash, in a snifter. So that's my DOTD.

  • jhl
    jhl Member Posts: 175
    edited February 2021

    Today was National Margarita Day so I celebrated with ..... a Margarita!

    Cami - condolences on your loss.


  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 945
    edited February 2021

    Cami joining in on the group hug. So very sorry for your loss.

    Native so glad you and Mom weren't hurt. If I'd been there crying would've happened. 😉 I did the same once carrying from-dried-beans scratch baked beans my dear mom had made. Ugh.

    Sandy your drink sounds like just the thing. Good luck on your upcoming appt.

    My DOTD was a pinot grigio from the CASE of wine my sister gifted us at Christmas. It was really delicious with our Jack Daniels glazed salmon.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited February 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! We got some snow overnight, waiting to see if it's enough to make today a remote day at school of if it will be a regular day. Either way is good.

    Got up this ayem and the house was chilly, as in 54 degrees! Just had heating oil delivered, so I knew that wasn't the problem. Went down to look at the furnace and, low and behold, there is this new thing attached to it, with wires and LED lights and teeny tiny print next to the traffic lights on the box, with the red light lit up. Probably not good, I'm thinking at the time. Did my usual turning off the furnace at the emergency power switch, wait a couple minutes, turn it back on. Nothing happens for a couple minutes, then the lights on the little box come on and go back and forth among the green, yellow and red, and finally settle on red again. Hmmmm. I look over the box a little more and find a red button on the top. Aha! I said to myself, said I. Press thered button and let it go. Lights go off then the red light comes back on. I press the red button and hold it down a bit. Lights go off then go back and forth among the colors, the furnace kicks in, then the furnace stops and the lights settle on red. OK, so I press the button and hold it down for a bit, then let go. Wahlah! The green light comes on, and the furnace kicks in! Yeah! Even before my first cup of coffee I can settle a domestic crisis!

    Sadie watched me do the whole thing, then turned around, went upstairs and met me at the top of the stairs with her din-din dish, reminding me that it was her breakfast time. She is so hard to impress!

    Goldie--I didn't think Cammy checked Fb very often. I know she'll be back when she can. I just wish I could go and give her a hug. Mom and I are sorry about the stroganoff, too!

    Chevy--yup, the flying stroganoff was a heart-breaker. At least neither of us cried! CONGRATS on getting your shot!It's a nice feeling, isn't it? And you found a place closer, that's even better! Good for you for finding the gummy vitamins! Anything you can sneak in without a fight is a bonus, right? And calories is calories, it's not like his diet is going to extend his life by a couple of decades, right?

    Joining the group hug for Cammy.

    Morning, Beaver!

    Minus-Mom and I are sorry about the stroganoff, too, but her record of not getting a meal on the table less than an hour later than planned is still unbroken!

    Chi--I hope the fates give us an IOU, and I hope it's a good one! Sounds like a wonderful thank you gift you got!

    Jhi--how appropriate! I did not realize it was Margarita day.I'll have to celebrate late and have on tonight.

    Reader--yes, it is good that no one got hurt, and for that I am grateful. You got a CASE of wine from your sister? What a good sister!




    Apricot Brandy









    Ginger Ale





    Pour ingredients over ice in order given and don't stir. Enjoy!

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    Chevy, glad you and hubby were able to finally get your Covid vax.

    Sandy, enjoy that bourbon.

    Reader, that JD glazed salmon sounds yum.

    NM, 54 degrees? Brrrrrrr! Glad you got it figured out, and it didn't need replacing. Sorry Sadie wasn't impressed!

    Yesterday at PT they had DH try to walk a big rubber ball up the wall, he couldn't do it. Today is our reg doctor, I told him I was going because I wanted to put my 2 cents worth in and like I said before, DH wants him to check him for muscular distrophy and MS. I think he wants something to be wrong. The only thing they can find wrong, which is the sleep apnea, he won't do anything about. And I believe that is what is causing the swelling in his feet/legs and maybe the neuropathy.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited February 2021

    Oh my, NM! That must have been a mess to clean up. Poor Cami to have so much to deal with. Hope she feels the hugs. Sandy, good luck on your appointment!

    Going to the mountains this weekend. So excited about getting away for a few days. Having interesting conversations without someone calling you a liar will be a godsend. I am scheduled for my first vaccine shot on Tuesday, 3/02. Funny that the family was so worried about me. I will be the last one to finish both shots! Got a call this morning from a girlfriend about a possible trip to Greece in spring of 2022. I will have to check and see if my passport is still good. It has been so very long since I have gone anywhere internationally.

    Take care

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited February 2021

    Joining the group hug for cami.

    NM, good job figuring out the furnace, I’d have been too nervous myself. I tend to assume something like that not working might cause a fire and I have a pretty good fire fear.

    JCS, Greece sounds like a wonderful trip. DH and I want to travel with our German friends when we can safely. They travel often, do I wouldn’t feel totally lost in a foreign place with them with us. Can’t wait to get back out there.

    Hello to everyone, I hope the week is going well so far.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited February 2021

    Jumping in to join the group hug for Cami.

    Goldie - We never really knew what was wrong with my dad with weakness and trouble walking until it was towards the end of the disease and he was admitted to the hospital and a doctor finally told us it was Spinal Stenosis. His doctor was not very good and didn't check for things and just kept telling him it was arthritis. I hope that the doctor finds out what is wrong with your husband soon.

    Will try to jump in later.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2021


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2021

    So my ocular onc appt. went well--no change in the size of the tumor since Nov., but the ultrasonographer said they're using a new, more sensitive probe this time and that extrapolating from the last scan, there's about a .1mm reduction and it looks more "condensed" with some loss of vascularity. Onc. explained that a tumor that small will shrink more slowly than the more common larger ones. He says there's not a zero chance of mets but close to it--thinks (knock wood) that it'll end up being no more aggressive than my breast tumor was. Had we not discovered it and radiated it when we did., it might have grown to 4mm by now, rather than shrinking. For the next 3-5 years, I'll be following up every 3 months.

    Bob & I were going to have lunch at Santorini, our favorite restaurant in nearby Greektown--but it went out of business right after the start of the pandemic. It was never very busy to begin with, because it was more expensive with no touristy-stereotypical Greek graphics on the exterior. Being across the street from the long-established and wildly popular Greek Islands didn't help. So we ended up at Greek Islands. DOTD was a white wine called Laconicos (from Monemvassia). It was very nicely balanced, sort of like a Viognier; then after lunch a Greek coffee without sugar.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited February 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! Temps are warming up here, should be in the 40's today. All the fresh snow is melting off. The drive to work yesterday was beautiful with all the trees and bushes edged with snow.

    It amazes me the lengths some kiddos will go through to get out of the classroom. One came into the office 15 minutes before the end of the day, asking for "lighter shoes." Been wearing snowboots all day and feet were too hot. I don't have shoes, but I do have a supply of various clothing items, and gave a new pair of socks. How long does it take an 8 year old to take off boots, take off sweaty socks, put on dry socks and putboots back on? 15 minutes. Yup. Almost missed the bus home!

    Sadie says Hi!

    Goldie--yeah, Brrrr is what I said, too. I keep the bedroom quite a bit cooler than the rest of the house, so it was a bit of a surprise to come out into an even colder house! I hope DH's doc talks to him about how the sleep apnea is probably the cause of all the other issues. It's amazing how many problems sleep apnea creates or makes worse.

    Librarian--yup, it was quite the mess to clean up, but clean it up we did. I was sitting on the floor scooping up what I could with paper towels, asked Mom to get me a bucket of soapy water and a rag and I'd wash the spot while I was down there since getting up is pretty entertaining. So Mom hands me an empty bucket and asks if that's what I wanted. I tell her that I was expecting some soapy water and a rag in the bucket. She comes over, looks in the bucket, and starts laughing. Hope your passport is still good!

    Illi--I never thought about poking at buttons starting a fire! Hmmm, I have a fire extinguisher in the kitchen, I probably ought to have one near the furnace, too!

    Morning, Misty!

    Jazzy--pretty drink!

    Chi--good news about the tumor reducing!

    Fire Drill Cocktail Recipe with Picture

    Fire Drill

    1 1⁄4





    Amaro, Lo-Fi Gentian



    Passion fruit syrup



    Lime juice


    Dry shake all ingredients (except mint garnish), pour into an old fashioned glass two-thirds filled with crushed ice. Top with additional crushed ice and garnish with mint sprig.

    From <>

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    Yes girls! I mean you don't want to get down on the floor unless you just have to, Hah! Better to have a chair, or bed-frame close by to drag yourself up, Hah!

    I was up in the closet, on a 2 step-stool, and on my way down from the top shelf, I just stepped back, but I missed the bottom step, and fell onto the wooden bed frame side, on my ribs, THEN down to the floor! And it's probably a good thing that I did, because that was my left leg that would have gone down on the floor... the hip that I broke,... Except I don't think it would have broken again? With that rod in it?....

    And my ribs have almost healed now! See you CAN heal, even if you ARE older! Hah! Don't you admire people you see in the stores, sitting on the floor stocking shelves? Oh well.... we gotta cherish and appreciate every living moment we have, right? Heart