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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    JCS, sounds like you really need that mountain get away! Smile and nod!

    Misty, I hope they can figure my DH out too. And it's not just one doctor, so far about half a dozen and adding 3 more to the mix!

    Sandy, good news on the ocular check up.

    NM, nice to hear a new kiddo story. Melting snow means mud season is coming and then fiddlesticks.

    Chevy, makes sense that a hip couldn't break with a rod in it. I'm sure NM probably knows. And those broken ribs take their own sweet time to heal. My DH, if he were to fall, he could NOT get up without anything around, he would have to crawl to get to something to get himself up. How are you and DH feeling after your shots?

    For the sleep apnea because DH won't have anything to do with a CPAP, dr. recommended a mandibular advancement device to wear in his mouth at night. But he is a mouth breather, so not sure how that would work. He's had PT today and seeing a podiatrist, and going by himself.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2021

    Chevy - glad you weren't hurt with the fall off the step ladder

    Sandy - good news from the occular specialist.

    Snow is in the forecasts for tonight. Today is an in building today but tomorrow is a remote day, so glad that I won't have to drive in the snow.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2021

    Lori, in 2012 before my first knee replacement Northwestern assigned me a "peri-op" physician (presumably to examine me & confirm I was a good surgical risk). She declared I had a "crowded airway" and referred me for a sleep study. Northwestern's sleep lab was on one floor of a boutique hotel near the hospital, and it was probably one of the poshest rooms I ever had (Sleep Number bed, down pillows & duvet, 50" flat screen, earplugs, sleep mask, screaming-fast wi-fi, marble bathroom with digitally-adjustable steam shower & speakers). Alas, I couldn't check in till 8 pm and had to be out (showered & packed) by 7 am. They said I had "multiple small awakenings" but no apnea episodes. (Those "awakenings" were to turn over when each sinus would get congested & need to drain). They suggested that rather than a CPAP I get fitted by my dentist for a SomnoDent mandibular advancement device--more expensive than a CPAP but less intrusive...that is, until it gave me TMJ. And once I got Invisalign treatment for my upper teeth, the lower "tray" wouldn't have worked with the aligner & retainer anyway.

    Not surprisingly, a large weight loss also made my airway a lot less "crowded;" I don't snore when not sleeping on my back. (I hated sleeping on planes in coach or even premium economy, because you can't sleep on your side and so you snore--embarrassing! Worth it to me, on red-eye flights long enough to require sleeping, to pony up for business class so I could side-sleep in those lie-flat seats, as hard and narrow as they were).

    Had my second Moderna shot this morning. So far, just the familiar stiff & sore arm. But I did stop off for insanely wonderful paczki at a Polish bakery en route home. (Two boozy ones for Bob, who will share them with his Polish nurse & echo tech at Union Health tomorrow).

    DOTD, with fish tacos made from Greek leftovers, was the last bottle of 2012 La Spinetta "Contratto" brut zero Tuscan sparkler. (One small flute per night).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited February 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy thirsty Thursday! Not sure why the DOTD recipe turned out like it did yesterday, it must have been in a table format or something. Waking up tired this morning, for some reason. I slept pretty well, but the alarm did go of in the middle of a dream and that makes me feel kind of spacey for a while. It was a beautiful warm day yesterday, a good day for afire drill, except for the mud that got tracked in after. When I was in grade school we were never warned when there was a fire drill coming, now, they go from room to room to make sure everyone is ready just before sounding the alarm. So many things are different from what I remember!

    Sadie says Hi to everyone. From the bed, where she is curled up in a nest of pillows, giving me the "come back to bed and rub my belly" look.

    Chevy--it probably is good that you fell onto the bed and not the floor. Yes, that hip can break again, it would break in a different place and probably be harder to fix, though. Better to just avoid that! I can get down on the floor, but the getting up is entertaining to everyone around me! I can get up without something to hold on to but it requires getting on my hand and knees, and then feet with my butt up in the air, and then walk my hands up my legs until I can stand up. It really is funny, but it works!

    Goldie--yes, melting snow does mean summer is coming! I am looking forward to fiddlehead season. I wish Fiddlesticks restaurant was still open, it was a favorite springtime eating out place.

    Karen--not having to drive in the snow is a nice benefit, isn't it?

    Chi--did the SomnoDent give you the TMJ problem? That seems like it would be a drawback to using a device like that.

    This DOTD has the same ingredients as one of my fav cocktails, the Golden Cadillac, but with different proportions!

    Golden Dream Cocktail

    Golden Dream Cocktail


    • 3/4 ounce cream
    • 3/4 ounce orange juice
    • 3/4 ounce orange liqueur (Cointreau)
    • 3/4 ounce Galliano Liqueur

    Steps to Make It

    1. Gather the ingredients.
    2. In a cocktail shaker filled with ice, pour the cream, orange juice, Cointreau, and Galliano.
    3. Shake well.
    4. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
    5. Serve and enjoy!

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    Karen, did you get much snow? Does your schools do warnings ahead of time for the fire drills?

    Sandy, DH has gone for one sleep study, refused the second one due to the fact he was dead set against a CPAP. Not sure why they have to do 2 studies. The mouth piece was more than the CPAP? Wow!

    NM, kind of defeats the purpose of a fire drill if everyone is warned about it ahead of time. At least to me anyways. As in a real situation of a fire you are not warned. Can't blame Sadie for staying in bed for those rubs, I would too, but I get back rubs! If I were to ever see Fiddleheads around here I would def. buy them to give them a try. Oh my, and a hip can break again. DOTD sounds like it might taste something like a Creamsicle?

    Well Ms ED, glad that didn't happen to you!

    I got a message from Cami's DD. She is over at her other DD's house, but evidently her computer is broke, which is why she hasn't been on. Still nothing to report on my end! DH went solo yesterday, post office, PT and foot doctor. Did just fine! And I got a ton of stuff done while he was gone!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    Yes! It did snow here! When I opened the back screen, a few little ice sickles fell on my head, Hah! Probably about 10 inches or more! Can't tell yet, it's too dark & scary, Hah!

    Kim, that sounds funny, about getting back up.... only because I know! Do you have a grabber? I mean that helps for some things, but you DO have to get down there once in awhile! Most of the time, when I have to pick something up, I bend all the way over... but try and hang onto something and then bend over... so I don't fall on my head... Hah!

    You know, I am soooo lucky! I had back surgery years ago, because I ruptured 2 discs....(No, I wasn't pole-dancing!) So you wait and wait, thinking that pain will go away....I had PT.... but nothing helped. Nope! It gets worse! Going down your leg, into your foot, that sciatic nerve doesn't heal up by itself. You gotta get that pressure off of it! But as soon as I woke from the anesthetic, that pain was GONE! A double-laminectomy... took out the squashed discs and the build-up of whatever..... But no fusing, or rod!

    I thought with that rod down my femur, and screwed into the neck or joint, that would hold it all together! I am so lucky it usually doesn't hurt! I wouldn't try back-flips like I used to do, but walking is no problem... And I only need a cane if we go walk around a few blocks... I think it is mostly for "just in case"....

    Isn't that terrible about Tiger Woods? I just hope he comes out of this okay... He used to live near our Daughter in Orlando, and she would see him at the Starbucks sometimes... You just hate to see or hear bad things happening to people you sort of know, and like!

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited February 2021

    Good morning! Another nice day here. Three days in a row of sunny, warmish weather! Gotta get ready for my weekend in the mountains. Yesterday I bought wine, cheese and crackers. You can tell where this is going. Weather is supposed to be rainy up there so we need plenty of comfort food.

    I talked with several friends yesterday about a possible trip to Greece in 2022. The money is doable and thinking it is a year from now sounds safe. Definitely buying the trip insurance just in case. This would be a trip with girls/women with a tour company. So exciting to be planning something again.

    My local jeweler is closing his business. His female helper passed away and he has been struggling to keep the doors open. I went by and bought a couple pairs of earrings. It is a small business closing, but for reasons Covid had nothing to do with.

    Still worried about my DS#2. He took the names I found. He is not interested in talking with anyone until he gets the second Covid shot. Probably not until April. Still do not understand why he cannot see any happiness no matter what he does or what happens to him. I do struggle to be supportive and not blaming.

    Take care

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    Morning Librarian.... You know, I think this isolation stuff with the virus is hard on all of us, but some men, no matter how old they are, just take it harder! When they can't get out, and are maybe sort of cranky, they will think and do only what they want.... I know.

    Just be there... or when he wants to talk.... Kim has really helped me a lot, when it comes to try and understand things that go wrong with these guys....

    We care!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2021

    Kim, remember "shelter dispersal drills?" They were back at the height of the late '50s-early '60s Cold War. We were instructed to--at the sound of the siren--dive beneath our desks, tuck our heads between our knees (and presumably, kiss our arses goodbye); and when the "all-clear" bell sounded, were led into the hall, class by class, and sent home (always took place after 2pm).

    Bob wants to take a long weekend driving trip at the end of April. WI, MI and IN were just removed from Chicago's COVID "$#*t list," no longer requiring a test or quarantine upon our return. He wants to see the Upper Peninsula (a decade ago, it seemed I was up there performing every 6 weeks or so), but it's a very long drive and we'd have only a day or two at most before turning around & going home. He's also talking about another Viking River or Ocean cruise for late 2021-early 2022, while there are currently bargains to be had. But I don't see myself ever cruising again: what if there's another new bug causing a pandemic? Do I really want to be stuck inside a floating Petri dish? Much rather visit a variety of European cities, either by trains, island-hopping by short boat-trips, or renting a car. If Broadway reopens this summer, I can see taking a week (2 days driving at either end, 3 days there in a timeshare); or our timeshare in Vegas. I don't see the point of visiting NYC if we can't see shows, dine out elegantly, or visit museums. I have exactly one relative remaining there, and she lives way out near the CT border and keeps kosher to boot (so there go the dining options).

    Will likely have some more of that Contratto brut tonight, maybe a thimbleful of the Italian-wine-barrel bourbon. Haven't turned on the Drinkworks machine in weeks: the drinks are just too sweet &/or boozy for me and Bob likes his booze straight, with nothing but perhaps diet mixers. I opened a can of Spindrift raspberry-lime water yesterday--meh. Not worth the 9 calories and 1 gram of sugar (from the fruit puree). Rather drink Bubly, LaCroix, or seltzer with lime.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited February 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! Busy day at work yesterday, 13 office visits! It was eye day, too. Snow in the eye, dust in the eye, pencil lead that snapped while writing in the eye. Fortunately, none were serious. Got 3 in back to back from first period gym class! I'm not sure what he was doing with them outside, but they kept finding hard things to run into!

    Sadie wanted to know why I didn't take her to school yesterday so she could run around with the kiddos in gym. She probably would have protected them!

    Goldie--I kind of think being warned of a fire drill does defeat the purpose, too, but so many things have changed since I was in elementary school that I just look and keep my thoughts to myself! Yup, the DOTD does taste like a Creamsicle, but with licorice in there, too. Sorry to hear Cammy's computer is down, hope things get settled out soon.

    Chevy--I did have a grabber, but it got broken. I need to get myself another one. Hmm, maybe Mom will let me have one of hers, I think she said she has 3 or 4. One for each room of the apartment, almost! It is too bad what happened to Tiger Woods. I pray he recovers quickly.

    Librarian--A trip to Greece, how wonderful! I do hope it does work out for you. Hugs for you and your son.

    Chi--I do not remember "shelter dispersal drills."I've heard of but never experience the "duck and cover" drills. I think I may have just missed those when I was in school!

    Guana Grabber

    Guana Grabber

    2 oz rum

    1 oz coconut liqueur

    3 oz pineapple juice

    3 oz grapefruit juice

    0.25 oz grenadine

    Fill shaker 2/3 full of cracked ice. Add ingredients, shake for 10-15 seconds, strain into a hurricane glass. Garnish with pineapple wedge and cherry

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    ED, that's quite a bit of snow. My DH had back surgery just 2 months prior to that ATV accident. He has screws and rods in his back. I too hope Tiger W. will be ok. I was glad to hear that impairment was not a factor. NM is def. our advice giver and we ask her lots! Jazzy is another one that often has good advice.

    JCS, sounds like a wine and women's weekend. Enjoy! And how could you not enjoy a visit to Greece with some GF's? I'm sorry to hear about your son struggling. We have to remember, our children are adults and can and will make their own decisions. We can only hope they make the right ones.

    Sandy, I remember those drills. Seems like we all had to push our desk to a corner or something, away from any windows and then under them.

    NM, what has the licorice flavor? A busy day with the kids must make your day fly by. OMG, how awesome if you could take Sadie to school? But OMG, I'm sure that is def. not allowed? Maybe you didn't have the duck and cover drills because tornados are not common there?

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2021

    Stopped by to say Hi and update on my SIL - he is still in the hospital - on a medical ward finally. He has c-diff and I think he is responding to the antibiotics. I ask DD if they had a discharge date and she said not yet - they want to make sure he is getting enough calories and they are debating rehab or home. Sunday will be 5 weeks in the hospital. DD has a UTI. These two kids can't get a break.

    Yesterday, my BIL (DH's brother) had emergency gallbladder surgery - he had been having symptoms for years but waited till he was in agony - doctor said he was close to sepsis, but thank G-d not. They had to cut him open vs laprascopic (sp) due to too much infection. He will be discharged on Tuesday.

    I tell you, February has not been a good month!!!

    We got 12" of snow by my house yesterday. It's warm and sunny today so a lot has melted. We needed the snow. Attended NASP. convention. virtually and there were great sessions. It was supposed to be in Salt Lake City. Next year Boston and in 2 years Denver. So many people commented in the chat that they hoped some aspects could stay virtual. One of the presenters said he had 30 people last year in his session and this year 2K!!!

    Looking forward to relaxing this week-end. It feels like its been a long, long week. DH just said that worrying about family is draining.

    Have a good week-end.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,310
    edited February 2021

    Once again - I'm older than many of you. We had "duck & cover drills" when I was in elementary school. It was because of the "cold war" and possible nuclear missile strikes. Seems quaint now to imagine that would have helped, but it was a fact in the 50s. That and people building back yard bomb shelters.

    Edited to day - no doubt Chevy will remember.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited February 2021

    Minus, I remember the bomb shelters but only remember hearing about grade school duck and cover drills, they may have been after I was in grade school (late 40s& early 50s).

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    Morning gals! Yes, I remember being so afraid when I was a little girl! Dad was in the Navy, and WW2 was going on, and I remember the song "Have I Stayed Away Too Long?".... and I would cry every night missing him.

    Mom used to house some of the Soldiers while he was gone... don't know why... and that part is one of my worst memories.... We had an old dirt cellar under our home, so that is where we would go if something happened. And we all had black-out shades, for if there were an attack. Remember those air-raid sirens? Those scared me 1/2 to death! And VDAY? When the war ended and we jumped in the car & drove downtown and everyone was honking their horns! And Dad would be coming home!

    He never talked about being in Japan after the bomb was dropped... Until I was grown up, and then I asked him.... He & his buddies were to clean & sweep the streets after that Atomic bomb... Such a sad time in history....

    And you know, watching the attack on our Capitol brought those memories all back! I was born in 1937... My Mom had a job cleaning out railroad cars down-town... Soldiers were always leaving & coming home... And my Brother and I would stay at their friends house, where I slept on the couch, and my Brother slept on 2 wooden chairs pushed up against it, with pillows on top. And THEY had the outhouse, where the damn geese would attack us every time we had to run out there.... Haaaah! Wasn't funny at the time, but thinking about it now, DOES seem funny!

    So what were we talking about? Snooze

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    Karen, continued prayers for your family. 2 with gallbladder issues. 5 weeks in the hospital is a long time for sure.

    Texas gals, how are you all doing? No issues with water or power, I hope.

    Chevy "So what were we talking about? Snooze" Ha ha, we talk about anything and everything around here, ya just never know. However, we are never at a loss for conversation! Running from the geese, I'm sure was not funny at all.

    See the source image


    • 30 ml Cointreau
    • 30 ml Grey Goose L'Orange
    • 30 ml fresh green mango juice
    • 20 ml Giffard Watermelon Liqueur
    • 2 sprigs basil
    • 1 slice fresh watermelon
    1. Muddle 1 slice of fresh watermelon in a rock glass and set aside.
    2. Pour ingredients in a shaker.
    3. Shake until chilled.
    4. Strain liquid in the rock glass.
    5. Add some ice.
    6. Garnish with watermelon ball, peel of green mango, and basil.
  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited February 2021

    Sometimes things just get worse. My DS#2 has a roommate. The young man called DS while he was at the emergency vet to tell him he had tested positive for Covid. DS went and got tested on Friday and is negative. He was told that he would have to quarantine for 17 days. The roommate cannot leave the small house as his mother takes care of his elderly grandmother. The roommate has to quarantine for only 10 days. According to the person at CVS, DS has to quarantine for 17 days because he has to ‘outlast’ the disease and stay symptom-free for days. I am so very confused.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2021

    Karen - thinking of you & your family. Sending much ❤️

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,310
    edited February 2021

    Beaver - I was in grade school during the same time frame. Maybe different states had different procedures in their schools.

    Goldie - thanks for asking, yes I'm OK. I've been canvassing my neighborhood to see who still needs help or water or food. It seems that everyone who had damage has at least found a plumber for a temporary fix. So they can turn their water back on. Sheetrock repairs are another ball game. I feel very fortunate that I did not have any frozen pipes.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited February 2021

    Just finished grocery shopping and had to finish last week’s margarita bucket to make room. One of the most pleasant chores I’ve had lately :)

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited February 2021

    Awe geez illimae, I should have been there to help with that chore.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    You guys are so good! Our neighbor really helps us out, and looks out for us too! Also other neighbors up the block, come by to see if we need anything, and are okay! Bless both of you!

    Cold here.... not going anywhere! If we DO go out, it's early in the mornings!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited February 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Lovely sunny ayem today. Nice after the gloomy, snowy, rainy day yesterday. I was so tiredyesterday that I literally did not do a thing around the house. So, got to do some stuff today, and plan on going to bed at a decent time--I was binge watching a TV show and looked at the clock and realized it was after midnight before I went to bed! I don't normally get THAT caught up in TV shows! Sadie abandoned me earlier in the evening and was pre-warming the bed when I finally shuffled my way into the bedroom. She was not happy when I moved her off one of the pillows so I could use it. Can't see what she should have been unhappy about, I left her on the other 3 pillows!

    Goldie--Galliano, in the Golden Dream DOTD, has an anise/licorice flavor to it. A busy day with the kiddos does make the day fly by, alright! Pets are not allowed in the school for a number of reasons, from health and safety due to allergies and animal behaviors to distraction and disruption of the classroom flow, and the difficulties that come with someone needing to be sure the pets are fully vaccinated and things that can happen if more than one person brings a pet on a particular day. Letting pets in would open a can of worms that would be incredibly time consuming to manage. Maybe I didn't do duck and cover drills because tornadoes are rare here. I always associated Duck and Cover with cold war/atomic bomb attacks, but since I think I got that from TV, I could very well be wrong!

    Karen--wow, your February has not been kind at all! Glad to hear SIL is finally on the mend. c-diff can recur if not fully eliminated, better to stay a little longer than end up going through that again. It's frightening how many people are like your BIL who wait until they are almost dying before getting their gallbladder taken care of. Having that done the "old fashioned" way is a very big surgery and takes a whole lot longer to recover from. I can remember when getting your gall bladder out like that was an automatic 14 day hospitalization! Wow, the virtual convention seems to have been pretty successful! I suspect that there will be more virtual options for a lot of things as time moves on and we get past COVID. There are some advantages to virtual meetings and conferences. Hope you are getting rested up and relaxing!

    Minus--aha, so I was right about Duck and Cover being cold war related! That must have been a 50's thing, I was in elementary school in the 60's. I don't remember backyard bomb shelters.

    Chevy--I remember Mom talking about black out shades.

    Goldie--OOOH, yummy GOSSIP DOTD!

    Librarian--the whole COVID isolation/quarantine thing can be confusing.Your DS#2's roommate, who tested positive, must ISOLATE for 10 to 14 days depending on Federal (14 days) or State CDC guidelines ( either 10 or 14 days).Your DS#2 will need to QUARANTINE for 10 days starting the day after the roommate's 10th day of ISOLATION. Effectively, your DS#2 will be in QUARANTINE for 20 days. ISOLATION means the person has the disease, and needs to avoid all contact with everyone, including household members, as much as possible, ideally staying in one room away from the rest of the household. Everyone masking when in the same room as the person testing positive. Not leaving the home at all except for medical emergencies, no one coming into the home to visit. QUARANTINE is when someone has been exposed, is a close contact. Must stay at home, masking not needed unless the close contact is someone living in the home, and when in the same room as that person. No leaving home except for medical care and testing, no visitors coming in. And yes, this means the person with COVID-19 gets to go back to work on Day 11 or 15, while the household contact can't go back to work until day 21 or 29, counting from the day of the infected person's positive test.We've seen this at school a few times, where the parent tested positive from a work exposure, goes back to work Day 11, but the child is in quarantine until day 21 (Maine uses the 10 day isolation/quarantine). The person at CVS was correct, your DS#2 has to quarantine longer to be sure he doesn't catch it from his roommate and pass it on. That's why his quarantine time starts when the roommate's Isolation time finishes, the last day of roommate's isolation is DS#2's last day of contact with an infected person.

    Illi--pleasant chore, indeed! I bet you enjoyed it greatly!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    JCS, I hope your son continues to test negative. Have you been around him?

    Minus, glad all is ok. I'm going to assume that Illimae and Beaver are ok as well.

    Babygirl, you are posting, so all must be good on your end. What's a margarita bucket? A bucket full of margaritas?

    ED, glad you have nice neighbors to check on you and your DD is not too far away either, right?

    NM, I think if Sadie had 10 pillows and you took one, she would still not be real happy! Duck N Cover, like some of the gals said, was for war stuff. I guess it just depended on the era. No wars going on in Michigan when I was in elementary, hence it being for tornados. Ok, so no gum and no animals! I figured animals were a big a no no. I did not know Galliano had that sort of a flavor. Oh my, that is a long time to be in quarantine.

    DOTD: The Plumber.

    I found it online, but in another language! So I had to translate it and this is how it turns out.



    5cl Jack Daniel's Single barrel

    ‎2cl Syrup sugar, barley malt and walnut‎

    ‎3 drops plum bitera‎


    ‎Garniš dried plum and walnut‎


    ‎The cocktail is prepared in a mixing glass, using a mixing method. It then squeezes into an old fashioned glass over ice cubes. It's served on a small wooden palette with a garnish next to the glass.‎

    Minus 2, I've seen some of those Texas plumbers!

    See the source image

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited February 2021

    OK, I had to look it up! Duck and cover drills in schools began during the cold war in relation to protection after a nuclear exp!osion. By crouching under a desk with one's face near the floor the thought was that one would be protected from broken glass by the desk and from waves of heat by being on the floor. Later use was expanded to tornado and hurricane drills. These drills were altered a bit. Instead of under a desk, students were to go to an interior room or hall and sit on the floor facing an interior wall with heads bent and covered with their hands. My last year in grade school was 50-51 and I do not remember participating in such drills. That could be in part because I grew up in a small town in the mountains of West Virginia and the powers that were did not think our area was in much danger.

    NM, interesting that the quarantine time is additive when you reside with the infected person! Had not thought of that.

    Overcast here today with thunderstorms predicted for tonight and tomorrow. Looks like I will be slogging through the rain to get lab work done for my PCP visit next week. Messy but ever so much better than a week ago.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2021

    Good morning friends- Jazzy is on the other side of her dental surgery and coming through a couple days of downtime to recover from Friday's procedure. The extraction and bone graft actually went very quickly and painlessly, and I was on my way with a mouth packed with guaze to get my meds (painkillers and penicillin). Went to my Walgreens to get my scripts and found they have opened a Covid vax clinic so it was quite a mob scene. But I waited and got my scripts and went on my way. I had a lot of pain to deal with the first day, better yesterday, and easing off the painkillers today to be able to go back to work tomorrow. I will go back in July to get checked out to see if I am good candidate for an implant or bridge, based on my healing and also some risks with the use of Prolia for bone health. Oh and a nice suprise call Friday night from the oral surgeon to check in to see how I was doing.

    On a brighter note, I got my tax work finished with my accountant and am getting a refund (whoot!) I was hoping to break even, but always a plus when one gets money back. Usually extra money goes towards my estimated taxes for the following year, but since I am no longer self employed, we just go for the refund this time. Ironically enough, I think it will cover most of my out of pocket for this dental surgery and future tooth replacement, but okay with that too. And I found out I am off probation at my new job in a few weeks and before my birthday weekend so I can take my birthday off as planned and go on my hot springs get away. Things to look forward to!

    Will write more next time, lots to do today before the new work week begins. Wishing everyone a good start to March- we get a time change and evening light back in a few weeks and spring is on the way too!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2021

    Jazzy - glad your oral surgery went well

    Both SIL and BIL are on the mend. BIL called my DH today. SIL called earlier - he needs to meet with Ot, PT and dietician tomorrow - they are looking at rehab for him, but won't discharge him till he is accepted somewhere. DD is looking at places - they only have OHIP (provincial insurance - no extra supplements) so not sure if that limits their options or not. But at least he is going in the right direction.

    Cold but sunny today - snow is melting. I've been semi-productive but really need to get more done. Cubii this morning and 1 walk - want to go for another one in the next hour while the sun is still high enough to feel the warmth. Tomorrow is getting high 40s to 50 for the next few days so the rest of the snow should be gone by mid week.

    Have a great rest of Sunday.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited March 2021

    Just a quick pop in here. 1st Moderna vaccine done on Friday 2/26 and no arm soreness or other ill effects.

    Jazzy - I had a tooth extraction last July and was faced with the choice between a bridge or an implant. Because the tooth is towards the front of my mouth, did not want to go through the implant process & have the toothless look for longer than necessary. Cost was also a factor (bridge was $4,700 less). Happy with the bridge. Hope you are healing up and remaining pain free.

    Very belated condolences to Cami. Missing her cute cat postings.

    Did someone asked about licorice flavored spirits? Ouzo and anisette are the ones that came to mind.

    Hope everyone is well and remaining in good spirits (figuratively and literally).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited March 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day! Listening to the weather report this ayem, with rain coming through this morning, then an arctic front moving in this afternoon with subzero weather and gusty winds overnight. As in BRRRRR. Ah,well, only a few more months of this kind of weather and then it should start warming up and staying warmer.

    I also just realized that we Spring Forward, timewise, in a couple of weeks. Also yuck. I don't care for the time changes at all, and this one is the worst!

    Sadie says Hi to everyone! You should have seen the looks she was giving me yesterday while Mom and I chatted on the phone for an hour and 17 minutes! She finally got disgusted, snorted at us, turned her back and went to sleep and started snoring.

    Not so good news this morning, there has been another fatal fire over the weekend. That is the 3rd fatal fire in 3 weeks in Maine. First fire victim was a 7 year old little girl. Kerosene stored in a plastic container next to a kerosene heater leaked and then caught fire.Second was a 14 year old high school boy. Deemed accidental, the family had electrical work done just before that was probably not up to code (done by an family member who is not an electrician). This last is a husband and wife in their 70's, he died in the home, she died overnight. Cause pending.Check your fire alarms, people!

    Goldie--you are clever to be able to translate the DOTD recipe! It looks like something that would be served in a very upscale restaurant! And you are probably correct about Sadie not being happy with 9 out of 10 pillows. On the other hand, she doesn't seem to mind me using HER as a pillow on occasion. And I can see where Duck and Cover would be appropriate for a tornado, and probably more helpful than for an A-bomb!

    Beaver--I remember being amazed when I found out about places in Maine being major targets during the cold war. Turns out there were 3 major radar stations in the state that were part of the "Backscatter" or Over the Horizon radar monitoring system. Curious piece of trivia, the 3 stations are operated 40 hours per week to assist civilian police and ATF with drug smuggling detection and keep the equipment in working condition in case it's ever needed again.

    Jazzy--so glad the surgery went well and you are recovering and mostly comfortable! And to be able to look forward to a birthday trip, YEAH!

    Karen--glad to hear the family is getting better. And glad to hear the snow is melting there!

    Celia--I didn't know Ouzo was licorice flavored! LOL at the spirits pun!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2021

    CelciaC- thanks for your feedback on the bridge. The reason this may be a better option for me relates to the fact I am on Prolia for bone health as a result of bone health issues after five years on the AIs. There is a risk to jaw osteocrenosis and we discussed this on Friday and he said to reduce the risk with any more invasive dental procedures, this may be the better way to go. We will see how I am healing from everything this summer and what the best optons are at that time.