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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    Misty, congrats on that upcoming retirement. And don't worry about not always posting.

    Jazzy, love the morning rum!

    Oh dear Beaver, that is not much propane but glad you have water at least.

    Sandy, I hope you can get the snow off your roof.

    Reader, sorry about your gut being off, I hope it's better today. Should have added some pineapple to that pizza. Yummy with sausage. I can't do much junk food, haven't for quite some time.

    Cami, has not been around much, but I'm pretty sure they haven't moved yet.

    Nothing on my end to report, just working and cleaning.

    For Mardis Gras, DOTD Mississippi Mud

    Mississippi Mud Coffee

    This heavy, rich cocktail combines coffee, whiskey, creme de cacao, and cacao simple syrup.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited February 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! I got my second COVID shot yesterday afternoon, Mom is getting her first this afternoon. So far I'm a little sore at the shot site, it is a bit red and slightly swollen. I feel kind of tired, but I didn't sleep really well last night or the night before, so that may not be related. I've got to be careful not to monitor myself so closely that I talk myself into not feeling good. It's 9 degrees, feeling like 3 outside, or I'd take myself and Sadie for a walk. Just a little cold for that. Maybe a bit later when it warms up a bit.

    Goldie--It is funny how we posted the same drink. In the Health care biz we call people like your DH someone "who enjoys ill health"meaning he's not happy unless there is something wrong that can't be fixed, particularly by something he needs to do for himself. It's usually easier to just go along with them.I agree, this politically correct, non-racist thing has gone way too far. Pretty soon it won't be possible to communicate with anyone else without offending someone or without talking is such vague terms that no one can figure out what anyone else is trying to say! Boy, you had some really interesting weather!

    Misty--Mom does like having me come over. I try to get over once a week for several hours. She usually has a list of things she needs help with for me to do! At least, she has one in her head, but she rarely remembers all of the items while I am there. And we talk on the phone several times a week. I know she's lonely.

    Jazzy--GOOD Autocorrect!

    Beaver--HOORAY for running water! I hope your propane holds out until you can get a delivery.1 to 2 inches of ice on the roads would slow things down around here significantly, and we're used to this kind of weather!

    Chi--it's been a long time since I've had to deal with so much snow and such that the clean up took more than a day. You guys are really getting it! Ooh, crab bisque sounds really good. I'm going to have to see if I can find some fresh crab meat soon.

    Reader--It is funny how things that used to be nothing but fun to eat create issues after a few decades. Like you say, the price of admission to the aging club.

    Morning, Karen!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    ***** ALL POINTS BULLITIN *****


    It's been a week since you posted last. Are those men of your keeping you preoccupied? Packing? Passed out drunk?

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited February 2021

    Well, it’s raining again. Sigh... At least it is not snow, our roof is good and we have plenty of food. My DH is very sad due to a famous person having passed away. I am walking a narrow line as I am not too sad about the passing. DH will have to change his over 30 year schedule for his day.

    Got my hair cut yesterday. The stylist really does not want me to go totally pixie cut. I kinda agree, but once it starts growing, I long for a short style. She always has good reasoning for what she does. I told her I may have to kidnap her for some early mornings when I cannot make things work.

    Today I will clean out some drawers and cabinets in the den. Hope I will be able to free up a space and get rid of things I do not use.

    Right now my DH is yelling at me about some friend of his on Facebook. I cannot concentrate on writingand may return later. I might loose my mind over his constant noise!!!!

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited February 2021

    Oh, well, water is off again and we have boil orders for when it comes back on. Haven't heard re propane but the power stayed on overnight. I am certain we will look back on all of this as an "interesting "experience!

    ETA: Minus is OK just hasn't had internet. She said the house has been cold and no water but otherwise OK .

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    Cam and I have been busy lately....

    May be an image of 3 people and food

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2021

    Image result for funny cat gifs good morning

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2021

    good Afternoon ladies,

    wow again missing way to much and I miss u gals.

    chevy u promised u wouldn't show that pic. ur legs do look goodd tho, even tho ur all wrapped up

    glad everyone is surviving all this crazy weather, it's horrible and sandy u guys have gotten the worst of it, of course getting a lost dog out of the snow is a lost art. Bob has to be exhausted u've never said he was really crabby tho, which I would be. Oh I had my kids buy extra paczkis to freeze, well, they never made it out of my bedroom. In all fairness I did want to gain about 10 lbs. but I lost 8lbs???

    JC I know ur son is 36 but it can be done if u get the right person for mental help in ur state. Please don't stop. I'll try not to nag.

    Karen glad all went good for ur SIL and leave it to u to make sure they had dinner/. How sweet.

    Lori u still have loads going on, please relaxx some time. and I read too about the families wanting to sue for loss of income. IMHP it's going to far, what about white bread, or white walls the color called white will no longer exist I know I always go extreme.

    Kim I'm sure u mom still has a lot to get use to but ur the one who can really help and of course u r.

    and I really do all an apology, These days are crazy I ha 8 leaf bags filled for Good /will, 3 for my new bedroom and so far 2 for garbage. I'm almost done...thank God for Joey. Now tomorrow I move to Jodie's an about 2 weeks I move to the new home. and the very worse thing is My bil is in hospice and my sister and I are glued to the phone. He did have last rights, and people r calling me to see what's happening and saying it over and over just sounds worse and worse and sadder and sadder bringing up so many memories, I already feel lost, I've already told u he's like the best brother anyone could have, never called him my BIL I would always say my brother, he means so much to me.

    I;m sorry for not addressing everyone but my confusement is very high right now, Xanax in use. But I think u all know how I feel about all of u an always interested how everyone is doing all the time,


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2021

    Cami, too bad Bennison's in Evanston doesn't deliver to your neck of the woods: they're selling paczki through tomorrow. (Delectable Pastries out in Harwood Heights/Norwood Park has them year-round--I am SOOO tempted to pop by on the way home from my second Moderna shot in Norridge on Wed.).

    Official snow total here in Edgewater was >18" as of yesterday, and we got another couple inches of the fluffy stuff overnight and through the morning today. I called our roofer and am on his wait-list. All hardware stores are sold out of extension rakes. I did a little light shoveling this morning to clear a path on the deck, down the back stairs, along the garage "apron" and to our trash can. Our HK was late because she had to dig out her car and shovel at her house, and parking near the nail salon is difficult-to-impossible so I canceled my mani-pedi. Will likely have the "pedi" part next Wed. or Thurs., and already have a mani scheduled for the week after, but too late to practice for an upcoming online gig I have 3/5. (On the fence about that--besides having to cut my L hand nails to practice, I might not have good enough tech to perform from home; much of my original material is no longer funny or even relevant, and the only covers I'm allowed to do online, due to royalty issues, are in the public domain--and not being a trad folksinger, I know very few if any of those).

    Bob is coming home early-ish and bringing home Italian seafood, so DOTD will be Oak Farm 2019 Albarino (CA Central Valley)--very much like a good Pinot Grigio.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,311
    edited February 2021

    Thanks Beav for updating for me. Two days w/no power. Then a day w/nointernet line Then more than 24 hours w/no water. Weird times. Luckily I've lived in colder climates and have plenty of sweaters & quilts & mittens.

    Cami - so glad you posted. We've all been worried about you.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2021


  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 945
    edited February 2021

    Cami so glad you posted. I love the gray kitty hugging his baby. I was tossing around a bird on a string tied to a stick and our Sammy lunged! Success! But with birdie in mouth he couldn't drag it away because I was holding the stick. Poor house-bound boy just looked confused 🙀 we also toss him sruff to chase.

    Love reading your posts gals. Also love that Covid rates are finally starting to inch down and weather is bound to improve!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited February 2021

    Lol Jazzy, Bernie pics are still hilarious!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    JCS, sometimes your stories RE your DH just crack me up, "his constant noise"!

    Beaver, you are sure having a time of it with this storm. I sure hope everything will be ok and thanks for letting us know that Minus is ok too.

    Oh my ED, that picture does not do well with Bernie!

    Now Jazzy, that one's funny, Bernie on Mars.

    Cami, how can you eat all the paczkis and still lose weight. You need to stop that. Today you go to Jodie's, and the move is on. I'll bet your excited to stay with FF for that long. Oh no, I am so sorry to hear about your BIL, what happened? Is he in hospice care at home or a facility?

    Sandy, that's alot of snow.

    Minus2, there you are. Praying everything will be ok with you too.

    Reader, I'm with you in liking that Covid numbers are going down. I hope it stays that way, so I can go see my family in the late summer.

    NM, what are you and Sadie up to today?

    I have to run to town, our little town. Hit the post office and then have to get product from our warehouse there and bring it back here.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    Hot Butter Rum

    winter cocktail recipe


    • 1/2 cup butter (softened)
    • 1/4 cup brown sugar
    • 1/4 cup powdered sugar
    • 1/2 cup vanilla ice cream
    • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
    • 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
    • 1 pinch ground clove
    • Boiling water
    • Spiced Rum (optional)
    • Whipped cream, optional for topping


    1. Start the kettle and while you are waiting for the water to boil, blend all the ingredients except the ice cream in a bowl, then add the ice cream and continue mixing until it is smooth.
    2. Take 3 tablespoons of your mixture and place in a mug. Pour a shot of rum over the mixture. Spiced rum is nice to add, the flavor feels a little more "festive". Then, fill the cup up the rest of the way with boiling water.
    3. Top with whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon and nutmeg.


    Home Chef Tip: Swap the boiling water for hot apple cider for even more flavor.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2021

    Hi ladies- just a quick update on my sister's family. Her MIL passed yesterday, probably a heart attack. Found in her room in assisted living. My sister has things started for her to go back to TX to be buried with her husband. Between the pandemic and what is going on in TX, it's going to be another difficult ride. The MIL lived to be 90 and my sister made sure she had good care at the end.

    My sister is also in the process of closing on her second home and getting stuff moved. Now she has to also get things moved from the assisted living too. Who said when it rains it pourt? Touche.

    TGIF and got to get on line to work. Will be back later this weekend. Stay safe everyone, especially those in TX.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    I'm so sorry you guys, for all the bad things happening to you.... GEEZ! And Cammilla D. Pinkerton, WTH? I'm so sorry about your BIL! When we love someone, and they are very sick, and sometimes you just pray for God to take care of them and help them anyway he can, to stop the pain and agony.... Just GETTING to be with him is sometimes so hard...

    We try to help in anyway we can, and it never seems enough... I remember when Dad was in the Hospital, and I was trying to talk to him, and I was at the top of that bed, with my arms around his head, trying to whisper things to him, and he was having such a hard time breathing! And all the nurses just left us alone.....

    I drove on back to his house that night, and we got the call at midnight that Dad was gone.... So heartbreaking, but you feel sort of relieved that he wasn't suffering anymore... that he was "home" with Mom....

    Sometimes you wonder how your heart can make it... with all the heart-breaks! Stay with it Cammi.... You have a lot going on, okay?

    We get our vaccines this coming Tuesday! I was finally given a good phone number, and good lead on where and how to get one! I couldn't beLIEVE it! So even our neighbor, is going to drive us down-town! He had texted us before, saying he heard they were giving them in Colorado Springs, and that he would take us!! I kindly said, no, that we will get one sooner or later... But then I called him back, and told him about Monday, and he said "Of course I will drive you".... And he knew right where it was, sort of close, in down-town Denver! Janie is making him a fruit-basket, and I gave him a bunch of new books, that I will never read!

    Now I'm just worried about DH getting the shot... He is so worried, and fretting about this, and can't remember anything I am explaining to him, and I hope he doesn't have many SE's because that will just throw him into a spin! I'm going to have our oldest Daughter, either call him, or have our Grand-son call him, and explain how he had a few SE's, but nothing to worry about. But DH is just so worried about THAT, and having our taxes done Monday. He thinks they will then know how much money we have in the banks, and he gets frantic! I just try and calmly explain that it's only the interest they need... that no-one knows about anything else...

    But I think you all understand.......So anyway.... I'm still so lucky that we have each other.... and talking to you guys really helps.... Thanks!

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited February 2021

    Good morning! I think maybe I am the one with a problem. DH and I are screaming at each other over nothing. Yesterday I cleaned out two drawers in the den. There were two piles for DH to look through and decide if things could be discarded, etc. DH had gone to the doctor, then he had a nap, then the man was coming to look at the sump pump that had stopped working. Somewhere in there I mentioned him looking at the stuff. He did not. Then he made a comment about how the repair man charged us only for the service call and not the $1000 pump he installed. I mentioned that the company we paid thousands of dollars to install the system in the basement said they covered equipment with a warranty. And we were off! My new plan is to not have any more opinions. He is interested only in having me agree with him on everything. I hit the vodka kinda hard after all that.

    Supposed to stop raining for a bit. The weekend might be pretty nice for winter. Take care and stay warm

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909
    edited February 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! While I have gotten quite a bit done here at home I am rather ready to go back to school next week! I really do like having the routine that working provides.

    Looks like I'm going to get away with just a local reaction to the second COVID shot. The shot site on my leg is very sore, quite swollen, quite red, and feels pretty hard and hot to the touch. I was pretty tired yesterday, but that could have been from a couple of nights of not sleeping well. I slept pretty well last night and am nowhere near as tired today, don't have a headache or any other aches like some people have had.

    Sadie is outside barking at the world. I can't see a thing to be barking at, but she can see, hear or smell something in several directions. It's warmer today, 23 degrees, feeling like 16 degrees, so maybe a walk in a little bit will clear some cobwebs out of my head and help me find some ambition to tackle the laundry monster currently taking over my bed.

    Goldie--I'm getting a little worried about Cammy Cat, too!

    Librarian--ah, your DH must have been a Ditto Head. I used to listen to Rush quite a bit when I was on the road a lot, and for the longest time I thought he was a comedian, not a political commentator! I thing I agreed with him about half the time, but his presentation was so entertaining!

    Beaver--Uggh. Boiling water is annoying enough, but to not have water is a royal pain in the anatomy.

    Glad to hear Minus is OK, if cold and dry.


    Cammy Cat!!--oh my goodness, you are in the middle of a craziness, for sure! Packing, moving, and BIL in the hospital. Sounds like things aren't looking hopeful for him. Don't blameyou for being on the phone with your sister during all this. She needs you more than we do. Hugs and prayers.

    Chi--You really have gotten a lot of snow! Keeping up with it is the real trick, but I'm too lazy to go out and shovel every half hour like I used to when I was a much younger person.

    Minus--glad you've got power and internet back!


    Reader--it is good to hear that COVID rates are dropping, but I worry about the effect of all the traveling that is happening this week during school break here in Maine. So many families going out of state to visit family, even a couple of families going on trips to Disney.

    Morning, Illi!

    Goldie--Sadie and I are going to putter around the house today, maybe, just maybe go out for a walk later. No big plans here.

    I've always wanted to try Hot Buttered Rum! Hmmm, the only thing I don't have on hand is the ice cream, maybe I can substitute with cream instead. . . .

    Jazzy--so sorry to hear about your sister's MIL's death. It will be a comfort to your sister that she could arrange such good care for her MIL at the end of her life. With the pandemic and the crazy weather in Texas there are going to be some challenges to getting the final arrangements made. And now 2 households to clean out. That is a lot to deal with.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited February 2021

    DOTD is Llano sweet red from Texas. Dinner will be DH’s stuffed pork loin chops with creamy kale and a roasted broccoli/cauliflower mix. Dessert is a birthday cupcake sampler, which I’m super excited about.


  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited February 2021

    Mae, that looks like a good reason to start with dessert!?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2021

    Happy Birthday weekend, Kim! The injection-site reaction on your leg sounds just like mine on my arm after the first shot. Give it another day or so before you take anything for it. (But as a nurse you knew that).

    Happy Birthday to you too, Illimae! Those cupcakes look too beautiful to eat.

    DOTD: With the other half of the Italian seafood tonight, Williams Selyem 2018 Gruner Veltliner.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    Happy Birthday Kim!!! And Illimae! And we are getting our shots on Tuesday morning FINALLY!!! Going down to Denver Health. Our neighbor is even taking us!

    Tell me what side effects should we expect... I won't tell my Husband, just so I will know!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2021

    For your first shot, probably just an "injection site reaction:" sore, stiff arm for a day or two, maybe a red patch and a hard knot of muscle for a few days after that. Some report headache, but I didn't have one with my first Moderna. And Bob had no side effects at all with his first Pfizer. (Second one, about 16-24 hrs. later, a low-grade (under 101) fever, muscle & joint aches set in. At 34 hrs. he gave in to my nagging and popped a couple of Tylenol. All side effects were gone within a couple of hours). I expect much the same symptoms & timeline after my second shot.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2021

    Happy birthday NM


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,311
    edited February 2021

    Mae - thanks for calling to check up on me. But I forgot to say happy birthday - both the Korean and the American. Hope you'll have a great celebration weekend.

    And Happiest of B-days to NM also. I love the wine glass Jazzy.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2021

    Change of DOTD: Bob brought home a chilled bottle of 2018 Coppola "Bianco e Rosso" Pinot Grigio, so the Gruner went back in the wine rack. He also bought some "whiskey stones" for the freezer so as not to dilute his booze. Speaking of freezers, I've been using a "Corkcicle" rather than an ice bucket to maintain the chill on an opened, already-cold bottle of white wine at the table. It's a cork attached to a clear plastic "icicle" filled with a freezable fluid. When we've poured however much we want, we put the regular cork (or a rubber stopper) back in the bottle, which goes back to the fridge, and the Corkcicle back into the freezer.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2021

    Thanks Sandy! That's what I have heard from my Grand-son that works in the Hospital in Orlando... and yes, second shot was worse.... It's easier to know what to expect.

    Shots Monday, then taxes done Tuesday, DH is not used to all this planning and hub-bub.... At least we are getting out, right?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    Jazzy, sorry to hear about your sister's MIL, but to have lived to 90 is a blessing in itself. Still rough on the family.

    ED, it's VERY true that sometimes we just want God to take them. I felt that way for years about my mom, but she just wouldn't die. She hung on and in terrible health, but never really complained, but it was hard on the rest of us. Vaccines finally, yay for you and DH. I hope he goes along with it all ok. And so sweet of your beautiful DD to make a fruit basket.

    JCS, hitting the vodka hard is always a help. And I'm with you, just agree with everything. Smile and nod!

    NM, it's your birthday too? Happy Birthday! I think Illimae should share those cupcakes with you! No ice cream, I say try it with cream then, the Hot Buttered Rum.

    BabyGirl, Happy Birthday to you as well and I think you should share those cupcakes with all of us! They sure look yummy and oh so pretty.

    Sandy, good ideas as to not water down your libations, never heard of a whiskey stone tho. Seen similar things like the corkcicle.

    Going to be windy here today, will need to go out later and tie off the solar panels. Still nothing going on here, next week a different story. I think we have to go out 3 days for DH, whether it's dr.s or PT.

    See the source image

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2021

    And with 2 birthdays, we have lots of candles!

    See the source image

    One for each of you!

    See the source image

    And a show!

    See the source image