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how about drinking?



  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited March 2021

    Good morning! Another nice day here. My lunch yesterday was great and the food was tasty, too! Went by my son’s house to deliver the sheets. I could hear his roommate coughing from outside. That is worrisome. I will walk this morning, hit the grocery store and SHOULD clean the windows in the den. It won’t take that long and I will love it when finished. Sigh...

    My Baylor Bears B-ball team won last night! Hopefully the playoffs will happen this year. The weekends are a discussion between NASCAR and basketball. Have a new book to read and started another Netflix series. I am still annoyed with my husband, but life is pretty good.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2021

    Hi ladies- got some new music to share. Not sure if any of you are Bruno Mars fans, but he just released this yesterday and sort of LOVE IT. They have created a really cool old school 70s vibe with the vintage motown sound and all the video touches (disco ball, aviator glasses, etc.) I think he is super talented and been out of sight for awhile. Seems like he has been working on some cool things during this time of pandemic.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,310
    edited March 2021

    JAZZY !!!! Thanks. A great early start for the weekend. Hope it's OK to re-post.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2021

    Go for it Minus Two 😎

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2021

    LOVE it Jazzy! We went for our annual physical, and the 3 million page questionnaire I had to fill out!! I had to fill out for both of us... but our PC is so fun to go see! She is a PA, but someone you can really talk to... She listened, and examined, and advised, and we all laughed also! No, he won't go in for a brain-scan, but it wouldn't do any good anyway... We know what is happening, and not much would it help. I can handle things the way they are now... mostly.

    She said again VitB 12, plus the D & C.... and to try and eat for the nutritional value, not just because you crave something. I also have Zinc, and multi-vitamin gummies and Pepcid.

    So on THAT note, I ordered lunch from one of my favorite diners, and we stopped on the way home and picked up 2 chicken-fried steak, with mashed potatoes, with white gravy & green beans! Got him a piece of Apple pie, & I got the side-salad with Ranch! Sooooooo good! We both ate half, so the rest for dinner! We haven't ordered out since the lock-down, so this was a treat! Janie always brings food over either a pizza, or hamburgers from this great place!

    Yeah, you guys are right! NO-ONE should be around you without a mask! Even when they open up everything, I'll still be afraid! It's just that they are the ones that think the rules are not for them, and they can do anything they please.... Get that cast-iron skillet out! Show them who's boss, damnit!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2021

    Ooooh, how I miss chicken-fried steak (or wienerschnitzel, for that matter)!

    Chicago, Cook County, & IL all have slightly different vaccine priorities. They all put health workers in group 1a, and us 65+ers in 1b (I presume that they took the 75+ ers and those of us with underlying risks first). IL classifies 16-64 with underlying risks as 1b+, but Chicago & Cook County have them in 1c, eligible to make appointments at the United Center starting Sun. 3/7 at 4pm, otherwise wait till 3/29 with the healthy ones in their age group. 1b+ is already eligible downstate, now that the J&J vaccine is here. United Center is doing Pfizer, and the Cook County site in Des Plaines is giving J&J. And the United Center's allocation comes straight from the Feds.

    Cellars last night felt like nothing had changed since mid-Nov., except that it was 50% full and everyone was being conscientious about keeping their masks on except when lifting fork or glass to moutn. Oh, and with the sea-green shiplap replacing the exposed brick behind the bar, it seemed brighter & cheerier. (Killed two birds with one stone: the city had ordered them to seal the brick because the crumbling mortar was a health hazard and necessitated frequent dusting of the bottles; and it would have cost nearly as much to get the brick sealed as it did to put up and paint the shiplap).

    DOTD was Vega Medien cava.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2021

    Sandy, looks like we bumped into one another last night. Nothing wrong with being occupied. Can't blame you one bit for being fuming at Gordy's friend. Did anyone ever say anything to him?

    Reader, I too am hoping we stay healthy. May I ask how old you are? Are you one of our "youngins"? If I drink anything with caffiene in the afternoon or later, it keeps me up.

    NM, amaizing the things the kids can come up with, frost bite eh? What is chillblains? Birthday wishes to your mom, enjoy your OG eats. Love their chicken alfredo. Oh, and Chevy said chocolate COKE not cake. Never heard of it! DH doesn't know when Carol had Covid, how long ago. And I don't recall him telling me that. I can't believe how stupid he was about it and not asking them to wear a mask.

    JCS, your son does not have Covid, right? Just his roomy. How is he NOT going to get it? They live together.

    ED, what is chocolate coke? My DH likes to put peanuts in grape soda, yep grape, not coke. Glad you and DH had a nice visit with the PA and treat out, albeit carry out. Do you think it would be frowned upon if I were to carry one of my cast iron skillets into Wal Mart? Just my small one!

    Well, I can't beileve all this stupid stuff going on with Dr. Suess and Mr. Potato Head. What is wrong with people???? Chevy had posted this and I thought it was funny, so thought I would share here. I called and talked to our friend whose house DH wanted to spend 2 nights at, and we talked for over an hour. She totally understands and I told her it was all me.

    May be an image of one or more people and text that says 'I suppose those crazy ass sumbitches are gonna want me to change my name'

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,310
    edited March 2021

    Goldie - Back in the 20's (the 1920s) my mother's favorite soda fountain drink was a "cherry coke". Her sister's favorite drink was "chocolate coke". The soda fountain jerk (yup they were called that) put the chocolate or cherry syrup in the glass & then pulled the lever to add the fizzy coke. So if Chevy did mean coke instead of cake, it's a real thing.

    Chevy - does that mean I can march up the state capital and hit the governor with a skillet? Oh please let me.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited March 2021

    Minus, want company at the state capital?

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,310
    edited March 2021

    You bet Beav - Double masked? But we probably better get Chevy's approval first.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited March 2021

    Yeh, Minus, somebody who is not family might not be an appropriate target for the skillet. Best check with Chevy.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited March 2021

    Minus - When I was a youngster, there was a drug store with a soda fountain (and the requisite soda jerk) next to the local movie theater. We used to get vanilla cokes, chocolate cokes, cherry cokes and vanilla phosphates in the 60s.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2021

    When I was growing up in Brooklyn, drug stores were drug stores (and except for Rexall, all independent) and soda fountains were soda fountains. The latter were found inside luncheonettes, ice cream parlors and candy stores (basically, luncheonette/soda fountains that also sold candy bars and assorted "penny candies"). Cherry Cokes & vanilla Cokes were quite popular (though they didn't appeal to me). Chocolate Cokes? Not in my neck of the woods. Coke "floats" (topped with vanilla ice cream) were a "thing," as were root beer floats. Root beer was always poured into a glass mug stored in the freezer. A float made with chocolate ice cream was called a "black cow."

    Chocolate sodas (Fox's U-Bet & seltzer) were somewhat popular, but "chocolate egg creams" (which had neither eggs nor cream) were much more popular. They were made by pouring a 3-4 oz. of milk, and pumping an ounce of U-Bet into it without mixing. Then the seltzer spigot was turned on "reverse" (much more powerful stream) over the back of a spoon held over the glass. When a foamy white head (resembling cappuccino foam) began to form, then stirring began--but only at the bottom. There's a knack to it that took me years to get just right. It's trickier now that thick glass sealed-siphon seltzer bottles are no longer sold (we used to get a case of 12 delivered every two weeks--they took back the empties for refilling). I have to use a bottle of seltzer freshly carbonated from my Sodastream.

    When I go back to NYC and find a place that sells egg creams, they invariably make it wrong--too flat, not chocolatey enough, not enough milk...and stirred together from the get-go. I haven't encountered a proper egg cream (except in my own kitchen) in almost 50 years. Fountain fizzy drinks were sold in two sizes: small (a dime) and large (12 cents). For egg creams, it was 12 and 15 cents, respectively. The old expression "for 2 cents plain" referred to an unadorned glass of seltzer. But by 1960, seltzer was usually "on the house," accompanying a sundae or ice cream soda.

    DOTD: tonight at Cellars, Vega Medien brut cava with my app., and a glass of Poppy Pinot Noir with my entree.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2021

    Good morning friends- just a quick hi before my day gets started. A week out from the dental surgery and things seem to be healing okay. Not completely healed, yet but well on it's way. Worked through the week okay, just tired in the evenings.

    Today I am going for a facial for the first time in over a year now that I am fully vaxed. I found out my favorite esthetician I have been going to for a long time now is leaving, but got an apt with her for today and it gives me the chance to say goodbye too. I remember her saying in the past few years when her husband retires, they were going to move closer to their son. My guess is the time has come. My fav massage therapist from there left in the past year too. Lots of folks making the changes they need to after all we have been going through. I will keep going to this spa, been going for decades and will find new people.

    For the TX folks, hugs to you on the changes with your Gov telling people that they should unmask. And after everything you have all just gone through through too with the deep freeze and have no doubt there are still not some displaced people living in different situations with their homes and apartments damaged. I hear a number of states are unmasking, not true here, our Gov is strict and glad she is.

    Hope everyone has a good first weekend in March. We have a time change coming up soon (word on the street is we will not be doing DLS anymore per our recent state legislation) and spring is on the horizon. Have a good day everyone!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2021

    Just in case you gals have never had one! I just pour coke over ice, add a little chocolate syrup, and the health benefits are.......... none. But it is so good! I remember stopping at the soda-fountain on my way to the bus after dance-class... Only they served it from a fountain, in little white cone shaped plastic cup in a black plastic holder. It was a nickel, and the larger ones were a dime! I must have been 14 or 15 at the time... riding the bus down-town? Alone?

    And yes, always a good idea to carry around a cast-iron skillet in your purse... Never know when they might come in handy. I remember my Grandma only cooked with a heavy skillet like that... and lots of bacon grease! She made the best fried chicken & gravy ever! And she kept her eggs and butter in the dresser drawer in the kitchen! Didn't poison them ever!

    Sandy, don't think I know what an egg'cream is! But sounds good to me. I think I must go have another cup of coffee... this time with Bailey's!

    Vintage Chocolate Coke

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited March 2021

    Thanks for the well wishes for us TX folks, jazzy.

    I won’t get political, I hate politics but to be fair, Abbott is recommending masks and the usual precautions with the complete opening. Personally, I think it’s too soon for the larger cities but I also understand the struggle of businesses. I have mixed emotions as I believe strongly in people using personal responsibility rather than strict rules but sadly, many just aren’t capable of behaving themselves reasonably and DH is in the tour industry, which died with last year’s lockdown. That being said, we will still be masking at the grocery and avoiding crowds. I trust no one, lol.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited March 2021

    Ok! Chocolate coke it is!!! I will work on that later today when I get my ass up off the couch. Plan is to make my smoothie, do some tidying and go outdoors to pick up sticks and pine cones. The new book I am reading is really good! I did get to the windows yesterday. They were not that bad on the inside. We have windows that crank out so the screens are on the inside. I asked DH to rinse the screens free of cat hair outside. I then noticed how water on the outside of the windows had spotted the glass. I asked DH to go to a local hardware store to see if they had the sprayer thingy with windex in it. He was gone a really long time. He went to several places and came home with a garden sprayer. Sigh... The windows did not get washed on the outside. A project for another day.

    We are now in the thick of college basketball playoffs. So far, my teams are winning. We will see how long that lasts.

    Jazzy - I love Bruno Marrs! That song and video is great. Sorry about your esthetician. I have had a couple of facials recently and love the experience.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited March 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Sunny here, Sadie and I are going to putter around the house today before I spend the day with Mom tomorrow. There is hope for spring, there have been chickadees, blue jays, and a woodpecker at the suet block, and I can hear some more different birds outside. Now if we could just get the last few inches of snow and ice off the ground!

    Morning, Karen!

    Librarian--I'm praying for your son and his roommate, as well as the rest of your family. Hopefully no one will get seriously sick.

    Jazzy--nice clip, thanks for sharing!

    Morning, Minus!

    Chevy--woohoo, nice take out dinner you had!

    Chi--every state seems to be doing something a bit different. No wonder everyone is confused!

    Goldie--chillblains are the stage of skin freezing just before frostbite. Usually seen on the fingers or toes, makes them very red, painful/itchy, and swollen. Despite the blood vessels being very dilated (causing the redness) the area feels very cold. If someone doesn't come in out of the cold at this point, then blisters start to form and the skin starts to turn white and then black as it freezes and the blood supply gets cut off--frostbite. I hear you with the Mr. Potato Head and Dr. Suess books, too. Hiding away things isn't the answer, that just sets up the next generation to repeat history. Leaving things in place with explanatory information and balanced teaching about these things would be better than pretending it never happened. And, frankly, I am wondering when people who are named "White", "Brown", "Black" etc will be required to change their names if their culture/history/background/genetics don't line up with the name. White people with dreadlocks are being attacked for "culture appropriation" and being offensive. Who is going to write the rules about who can wear what kind of hair style, or color or style of clothing, or eat specific, ethnic foods? There have been white people criticized and even attacked for running restaurants serving Asian or Thai foods (cultural appropriation, again), but Asians can serve American foods without comment.

    Minus--I've had Cherry Coke, but not Chocolate. Sounds good, though!

    Morning, Beaver!

    Celia--I've had Vanilla Coke, too, and really like that one!

    Chi--I remember the Black Cow version of Root Beer Floats! Loved those, too!

    Jazzy--I've noticed I'm feeling more like doing more things now that I am fully vaccinated, too. Now if we could just get all our teachers and school staff vaccinated there would be a lot less anxious, especially as schools get pushed into moving to full in person learning despite not having enough physical space to do that safely.

    Chevy--did your Grandma have her own chickens? It would make sense to keep the eggs in the drawer then. The US is the only country in the world that requires cleaning of eggs to the point that the natural protection is removed and the eggs have to be refrigerated for safety. Everywhere else eggs are kept on the counter. That's why only US recipes have to specify warming eggs to room temperature for certain uses to work out right.

    image alt="Post Image">

    image alt="Post Image">

    Double Chocolate Bourbon Egg Cream


    • 3 tablespoons chocolate syrup
    • 1/2 cup chocolate milk, extremely well-chilled
    • 1/2 ounce (about 1 tablespoon) bourbon
    • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
    • 1 cup seltzer water, well-chilled


    1. Pour the chocolate syrup into a tall glass. Mix in the chocolate milk, bourbon, and vanilla extract. Slowly pour in the seltzer water, using one hand to pour and the other hand to mix the seltzer and milk with a small whisk. Whisk the top of the drink vigorously for a few moments; you should end up with a foamy top layer, and a thicker chocolate milk layer below. Drink immediately!

    From <>

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited March 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Sunny here, Sadie and I are going to putter around the house today before I spend the day with Mom tomorrow. There is hope for spring, there have been chickadees, blue jays, and a woodpecker at the suet block, and I can hear some more different birds outside. Now if we could just get the last few inches of snow and ice off the ground!

    Morning, Karen!

    Librarian--I'm praying for your son and his roommate, as well as the rest of your family. Hopefully no one will get seriously sick.

    Jazzy--nice clip, thanks for sharing!

    Morning, Minus!

    Chevy--woohoo, nice take out dinner you had!

    Chi--every state seems to be doing something a bit different. No wonder everyone is confused!

    Goldie--chillblains are the stage of skin freezing just before frostbite. Usually seen on the fingers or toes, makes them very red, painful/itchy, and swollen. Despite the blood vessels being very dilated (causing the redness) the area feels very cold. If someone doesn't come in out of the cold at this point, then blisters start to form and the skin starts to turn white and then black as it freezes and the blood supply gets cut off--frostbite. I hear you with the Mr. Potato Head and Dr. Suess books, too. Hiding away things isn't the answer, that just sets up the next generation to repeat history. Leaving things in place with explanatory information and balanced teaching about these things would be better than pretending it never happened. And, frankly, I am wondering when people who are named "White", "Brown", "Black" etc will be required to change their names if their culture/history/background/genetics don't line up with the name. White people with dreadlocks are being attacked for "culture appropriation" and being offensive. Who is going to write the rules about who can wear what kind of hair style, or color or style of clothing, or eat specific, ethnic foods? There have been white people criticized and even attacked for running restaurants serving Asian or Thai foods (cultural appropriation, again), but Asians can serve American foods without comment.

    Minus--I've had Cherry Coke, but not Chocolate. Sounds good, though!

    Morning, Beaver!

    Celia--I've had Vanilla Coke, too, and really like that one!

    Chi--I remember the Black Cow version of Root Beer Floats! Loved those, too!

    Jazzy--I've noticed I'm feeling more like doing more things now that I am fully vaccinated, too. Now if we could just get all our teachers and school staff vaccinated there would be a lot less anxious, especially as schools get pushed into moving to full in person learning despite not having enough physical space to do that safely.

    Chevy--did your Grandma have her own chickens? It would make sense to keep the eggs in the drawer then. The US is the only country in the world that requires cleaning of eggs to the point that the natural protection is removed and the eggs have to be refrigerated for safety. Everywhere else eggs are kept on the counter. That's why only US recipes have to specify warming eggs to room temperature for certain uses to work out right.

    image alt="Post Image">

    image alt="Post Image">

    Double Chocolate Bourbon Egg Cream


    • 3 tablespoons chocolate syrup
    • 1/2 cup chocolate milk, extremely well-chilled
    • 1/2 ounce (about 1 tablespoon) bourbon
    • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
    • 1 cup seltzer water, well-chilled


    1. Pour the chocolate syrup into a tall glass. Mix in the chocolate milk, bourbon, and vanilla extract. Slowly pour in the seltzer water, using one hand to pour and the other hand to mix the seltzer and milk with a small whisk. Whisk the top of the drink vigorously for a few moments; you should end up with a foamy top layer, and a thicker chocolate milk layer below. Drink immediately!

    From <>

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,310
    edited March 2021

    Librarian - have you tried Renz-E-Z? I learned about it for the outside of my parent's two story house. Spray it on with a hose end bottle, rinse it off. And through the screens too! What are you reading?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2021

    Yes, Grandma had chickens! And I hated when Grandpa would get a chicken and .... oh never mind... makes me mad every time I think about it. I think sometimes people in those days were pretty heartless, and maybe it was because he loved making me and my brother cry!

    Been cleaning, sweeping, and straightening up our yard! It's beautiful out.... time for a chocolate coke... Hah!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2021

    image alt="">

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2021

    new puter lots to learn and catch up on/ It's a woindow 10 I had I had a 7 Dan bought it for me and set up all the work, but I have to do the rest. Jod is super busy with work qnd Joey isn't here so . I'm having a hell of a timeND i'VE MSSED ALL OF U SO MUCH. Our closing was delayed so we should. hear this week.

    jODIE IS TREATING ME like a child, her kitchen is upstairs so she's always afraid of me falling, she's not used to me and always gets nervous. she's trying to make me eat oh whagt a PITA but FF is being good to me but I miss Joey to much. he came over today but the kids needed the car so he didn't stay to long. So far he's had a few interviews with West Point, Dartmouth, Columbia and a couple of others but WEST POINT WTF I LOL. can;t figure ut why that one. But they r offering good deals but I want him to stay here but I'm not saying much he has to do whahe feels right doing.I' really upset about this I'll never see him. sorry I got into this I justg think of it a lot.

    UGH so many mistakes here and I can't figure out my gifs yet.I'm getting to old to learn this new chit.

    I"ll be back


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited March 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! I just noticed my post went up twice yesterday, not sure how that happened. Hope I didn't bore anybody to death the second time around! Just put in the Olive Garden order to pick up later for Mom's birthday dinner. Now to see if I can get it from the restaurant to Mom's table without spilling it everywhere!

    Sadie say Hi to everyone!

    Morning, Minus!

    Chevy--did you end up eating those chickens?

    Cammy Cat!! Hugs and hugs. You are having such a time right now. It's got to be so hard to be at Jodie's and to not have Joey around all the time. Hard to believe that Joey is looking at Colleges including West Point and Dartmouth, wow. And you are not too old to learn new chit.

    Warm Hug mauigirl

    Warm Hug
    • 1 cup prepared hot chocolate
    • 1 fluid ounce Irish cream liqueur
    • 1 fluid ounce creme de cacao


    Combine hot chocolate Irish cream liqueur, and creme de cacao in a coffee glass or mug.

    From <>

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2021

    Aw Geez Cammi! Are you okay? I mean WTH? Okay, I know exactly what is going on... especially with Joey.... When Sheri picked up and moved from here to Colorado Springs I was devastated! I mean they took my boys away from me! I cried all the time... I was used to having them a few days a week! And they were MY BOYS!

    I was there when they were born, and that's all I knew! When I got a part-time job, I STILL got them on my days off! And Brandon would cry when she came to get him...! So she would drive around the block, and come by for me to give him another kiss!

    Brandon is now 35... Hah! Chase is 33... and they are STILL my boys, even from Orlando! Little Cammi, honey, life changes, and we do make it... It will be so lonely sometimes without him, but you will be okay... You guys can talk with your cell-phones, and TEXT! Damn, do I have to come show you how to text? You can even "talk" into your phone, and not have to use your finger!

    Man, we didn't even have PHONES when I was a girl.... We had macaroni & cheese, and chocolate cokes.. Hah!

    So don't make Jodie worry....! Just stay in bed, or your room, or out on the curb like you used to do, and don't make her fret none about you! Just be a good girl... oh wait! Go get yourself a little fridge, and a micro-wave, and you can have your OWN kitchen in your room... And a coffee pot!

    Okay, I got you fixed, now behave. Lubs you....xoxo

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2021

    Ok y'all, I'm passing on this chocolate coke. I'm not a huge fan of sweets, which you know, and not a big pop drinker either. It may be good, but sounds gross to me. AZ has lifted the mask mandate also, altho no one ever enforced it. I will continue to wear one, perhaps for years!

    Sandy, I think I remember you talking about those egg creams before. Another one that sounds gross to me!

    Jazzy, I'm sure you enjoyed that facial. I must say, you treat yourself very well!

    Chevy, I love cooking in my cast iron, especially steaks and burgers, but hate cleaning and seasoning. Fresh eggs if not washed are fine on the counter, my neighbor does it all the time. But when I get eggs from her they go straight to the fridge, but only because it just doesn't seem right to leave on the counter, even that I know it's ok. Do you eat chicken today?

    BabyGirl, I'm with you. I will still wear a mask, avoid crowds and trust no one!

    JCS, I did windows too yesterday, but only on the outside. Now to get to the inside. I have lots of windows and they're huge!

    NM, thanks for the 'splanation on the the chillblains. I kind of thought that was what it was and of course I could have looked it up as well. Spring will be here soon and then summer. Enjoy your day at mom's. I bet you guys are missing your bean suppahs.

    Cami, good to see you back. Eventually you will get used to the new computer. I hate change too. Jodie is cautious cuz she loves you. Oh my, Joey in college! Driving is bad enough. I know that will kill you if he leaves to go to college. I know how much you love that kid. And I'm glad Jodie is trying to make you eat. And FF is being nice????? Wow! So with the closing being delayed, will you be there longer now?

    Tomorrow is my treatment, need to be outta here by 6 am. Tuesday is dentist and Wednesday is back to Phoenix for appt. for DH. This one in the neurologist. Supposed to be in the mid 70's today, gonna love it. Was like that yesterday too.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited March 2021

    Cami!!! So happy you are back. I would come here daily to see your cat memes. The dust will settle soon and you will learn what you need to work the ‘puter’.

    Worked in the yard a bit yesterday. The woman that has been trimming my shrubbery is retiring. Now I have to find someone else or do it myself. Not sure I have it in me! I really want to watch someone else do it while I give encouragement. DH has been diagnosed with an arthritic neck, so no yard work for him. I will see about doing some things in my courtyard today. It is a small confined space that I can handle somewhat. We were both much more energetic and enthused twenty years ago!

    Well, gotta walk this AM, clean up and hit the grocery store. My cooking has really gone downhill. I need to do some freezer meals and come up with something tasty for dinner. So many challenges! TheGamecocks lost their basketball game. Baylor plays this afternoon. One more reason I do not get things done.

    Take care!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2021

    Hi friends- happy Funday Sunday. Hope everyone is feeling some spring in the air. The weather is beautiful this weekend, warmer and no wind. It is going up to 70 today and I have started working to clean up my yard and gardens some. Got my back porch cleaned out, some windows washed, throwing out some broken pottery too. It's for sure a process, and we will get more cold before winter is gone. I am ready for spring! Our fruit trees are not out yet but close. Meeting a friend for an overdue walk in a few hours.

    The facial yesterday was bittersweet, wonderful treatment and glad to see my esthetician one last time. I found out they are moving to NC with their retirement, and leave tomorrow so I was really glad they fit me in this weekend. I have not seen her since before the pandemic, at least a year and a bit more I think. I remember going for a facial in Jan or Feb last year right. Felt a bit sad to say goodbye, but I live in a place where a lot of people come and go. I remember in 2015 my massage therapist I used to see every other week for about eight years decided to change careers and my personal trainer moved to CA. Part of my "wellness team" and felt really sad to loose them both and sort of in that place again. But life and the pandemic brings plenty of changes, don't they?

    Cami- good to see you back and it sounds like you are at your other DDs house right now? I went through challenges with one of my computers when I upgraded to Win 10 too. Sounds like you are almost into the new house, just a bit longer to go. I hope everything goes smoothly.

    Gotta get back to my sunday chores. Everyone have a good week!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2021

    Gorgeous weather here but I haven't spent enough time outside - its been an aggrevating day - DD flight got canceled so we spent time on the computer trying to book a new flight. Successful but way more money but we want her to be able to visit. heck its only money!!

    Lori - god luck with treatment tomorrow and then the dentist.

    Need to go for a walk.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited March 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey day! Still chilly out there this ayem, the warm up from the weekend wasn't as warm as I was hoping, but enough to get some laundry hung out to dry. Mom and I had a nice visit yesterday, and ate ourselves silly. I've got left over chicken alfredo for lunch at work, will probably have the soup for dinner tonight. Dick's birthday is coming up, his daughter is taking him out of the Assisted Living facility for a family party and wanted Mom to come as her present to him! Well, the family doesn't mask or distance, and actually had Dick come and visit when one of the boyfriends was sick with COVID at Christmas time. So Mon said, no, she wouldn't go to the party. Instead, his daughter will pick Dick up, drive to the next door parking lot, transfer Dick to Mom's car, Mom and Dick will visit while she drives him to the party, and then deliver Dick to his daughter's house but not go in. Mom's half vaccinated, Dick is fully vaccinated, there aren't any cases at the Assisted Living facility right now, so it should be safe enough for Mom.

    Sadie says Woof to everyone!

    Chevy--good advice for Cammy Cat! It must have been hard when your daughter moved away with your grandsons. The driving around the block for another kiss is so cute!

    Goldie--Mom and I had a good visit. Oddly, I do kind of miss the bean suppahs. Things are starting to open up here now, so maybe there will be some this summer, but I'm going to wait and see, the percentage occupancy thing may be hard to pull off in a church basement. Glad you are getting such nice weather to enjoy!

    Librarian--I've got to find someone new to do my yard work, too. The guy who was doing it moved away last summer. Never said a word, mowed one week, gone the next. Such is life, I suppose.

    Jazzy--I am jealous of you ladies who are able to get out and do yard work already! I've still got ice and snow to deal with. Upgrading to Windows 10 was a challenge, I still much prefer the older versions, but adapted eventually.

    Karen--Yikes about the flight being cancelled. Glad you could get it rebooked, even if it did cost more. So important for the both of you to get her home for a visit!

    The Spring Forward Rosemary Grapefruit House Cocktail / Photo by Chelsea Kyle

    The Spring Forward Rosemary Grapefruit House Cocktail / Photo by Chelsea Kyle

    The Spring Forward


    1. For the rosemary-infused vodka:
      • 1 (750ml) bottle vodka
      • 2 large rosemary sprigs
    2. For the cocktail:
      • 1 1/2 ounces rosemary-infused vodka
      • 1/2 ounce simple syrup
      • 1/2 ounce fresh ruby red grapefruit juice
      • 1/2 ounce fresh lemon juice
      • Rosemary sprig, for serving


    1. For the rosemary-infused vodka:
      1. Place rosemary sprigs in a 1-qt. resealable glass jar and pour in vodka (reserving bottle). Let sit at room temperature for 24 hours. Taste, and if desired rosemary flavor is present, remove the rosemary sprigs and pour back into vodka bottle, or infuse for an additional 24 hours if more flavor is desired.
    2. For the cocktail:
      1. In a cocktail shaker, combine rosemary-infused vodka, simple syrup, grapefruit juice, and lemon juice. Add ice and shake. Strain into an ice-filled rocks glass and garnish with rosemary sprig.

    Cooks' Note

    The rosemary-infused vodka keeps indefinitely, stored in a glass bottle or jar. If you can't find ruby red grapefruit, feel free to use the white or pink variety.

    From <>