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how about drinking?



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2021

    Beaver and Kim - I use the Doctor title when it serves a purpose at work, especially in an IEP meeting with outside agencies/advoacates and need to make sure they know who they are speaking to!!! Power!! When I first started in the schools, I was at an elementary full ime and I went by Dr. Karen. Now with the kiddos, it depends. Some co-workers always use the title others Ms and I never correct people. But after 30+ years it doesn't bother me and I'm no longer impressed with titles.

    Lori - my daughter leaves in 9 hours - not that I'm counting and gets here in about 30 hours - not that I'm counting - she gets in around 10:30 tomorrow morning. She'll be here for 2 1/2 weeks.

    Up way too early, but I can't stay to lay in bed staring at the ceiling - got up at 4:45 - I have the quiet for another hour or so till DH gets up.

    Going to look on fb, then do paperwork for work.

    Happy St. Patricks Day to those who celebrate and happy Wednesday to all.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2021

    Thank you everyone for the comments re my son.

    BabyGirl, glad you got both your shots....ha ha! The other blessing my son got from his sobriety is an awesome job. He works with a company that puts out contruction signs and such for hwy repairs. He makes good money, has benefits and the owner is the one that owns several of the sober living homes and is also a recovering addict. Prior to this he just worked in restaraunts prep cooking or doing dishes.

    Beaver, glad you are alive! Use it or lose it, nope, he's not a member! Coming from Michigan, I can relate to your "moving to warmer temps". I have an abundance of lettuce and probaby going to have to throw some away. And you are a nurse too? Well, Dr. Nurse.

    Karen, you too?

    NM, I knew Sadie would agree! With the nurses retiring, were there 2? Or were some on maternity leave? Anyways, pretty sure with that, that you will be asked to stay on. Do have an "freqent fliers" that find themselves in your office quite often?

    Today we start OT, so he will do both OT and PT. Waste of time and money, especially with gas prices going up. And only doing it once a week. He was only given 10 sessions, so I think about done. And I'm so over the "poor me" syndrome. Something that irks me to no end. Snow and wind here yesterday, white out conditions at times, but mostly gone already. Was interesting to watch the pollen blow off the trees during the gusts, looks like smoke.

    Those within this nasty weather going across the country, be safe.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2021

    Lori - yup! got my Ph.D in 1990

    Congrats on your son - great news about his job and his supportive boss

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited March 2021

    Good morning! Rained all day yesterday. Should be kinda clear today. More rain and storms on Thursday. I do want to walk this morning, then get my hair cut. The dog is slowly coming around. He is really sweet and loves his treats. My kids came over last night and we ate our corned beef and cabbage. Much laughter and conversation.

    Goldie, I agree that often PT/OT are a waste if the exercises are not practiced at home. My DH is looking at PT for his neck problems. I am 90% sure he will be very compliant while doing PT, but not so much at home. It becomes my “job” to be encouraging (bitchy) to get him to do what needs to be done. This getting old business can be too much at times!

    Staysafe in the stormy weather!

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited March 2021

    My mother said that she believed the golden years were made of brass so I had some preparation for getting old!

    Librarian, glad the dog is settling in.

    Lori, good news for your son, things are truly looking up for him.

    From personal experience, I agree that the home part of PT is as important as the clinic part. Fortunately, my DH was determined to have a full recovery after a hip replacement (he had seen what happened with two relatives who did not do the prescribed exercises) and a determined engineer is very detail oriented. I've had PT for both trocanteric bursitis and last fall's arm injury.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2021


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2021


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited March 2021

    I didn’t really get the shots, I just thought the pic was funny.

    CDC and my MO do not recommend the vaccine for me due to my severe reaction to my first two chemo drugs, which have the same common ingredients as the current vaccine options. So, I’ll keep myself safe and wait for something less likely to land me in the ER again.

    DOTD will be a beer but not Guinness, I only married Irish and am not hardy enough to drink that motor oil, lol

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2021

    It's me. I'm having a hell of a time with this puter but I'm reading. U gals are busy. and Lori I'm the one that is screwing up the gremlins r just LOLing at me. Let me say this again I'm so very happy for ur son prayers are power

    Between weather what's open and closed lots happening for all of u.. And Kim I think the place u found for Sadie sounds very familiar.

    Asu can see I still haven't learn my kitty gifs. I'm keeping this short so I don't loose it Stay safe everyone.


  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited March 2021

    Illi - love your two shots! Always need a laugh!

    NM - you can learn all the new dance moves from the middle and high school kids, but I don't think they will be as much fun as the little ones. My teen grand daughters are always teaching me dance moves and then laugh when I am doing them.

    Karen - I bet you are over the moon with excitement with your daughter coming. I am glad that she was able to come and visit you.

    Goldie - Glad to hear about your son and the support he has.

    We have been having really great weather here. I wish it would stay like this - nice sun shiny warm days, cool at night and low humidity - it won't be long before the heat and humidity will be here and we stay inside a lot like you people up north do in the winter. I am getting excited about retiring, April 30th is my official last day, but I took that last week as vacation so my last work day is April 23rd.

    Hi JCS, Beaver, Minus and I miss reading your posts Cami!!!

  • jhl
    jhl Member Posts: 175
    edited March 2021

    Here in Northern California, it's cold and dreary with rain on the way. I may need to have an early Irish coffee to stay warm!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2021

    May be an image of text that says 'When killing them with kindness doesn't work, try a baseball bat. results may vary!'

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited March 2021

    chevyboy, lol, that’s funny

    Cami, nice to see you, waving hello back Happy

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2021

    Cami, great to see you, however short the posts. Illimae, after the first shot of Jameson's you don't have to wait 3 weeks for the second.

    We're going to Cellars tonight for corned beef & cabbage (actually, Brussels sprouts) and smoked salmon salad. Not sure what I'll drink--we'll have to walk there, likely in the rain.

    "Three-fer" contrast CT down this a.m., penicillin allergy challenge tomorrow to go!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2021

    Misty - yes - I'm now counting hours. Her flight left about 3 or so hours ago - its a 10 hour flight to JFK. She texted me several times this morning my time about packing and what to take/not take - for once she didn't over pack!!!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2021

    Karen, mazel tov on your daughter visiting! (IIRC, I had to change planes at JFK too last time I flew here from Tel Aviv).

    DsOTD: with dinner out, 2019 La Galope Rosé (SW France). For dessert (at home), Irish coffee of course. Real thing for Bob (twice as much Jameson's, dark roast coffee, brown sugar); for me, 1 oz. Jameson's, decaf, brown "Swerve" sugar replacement. For both of us, I whipped heavy cream. I figured frothed almond milk just wasn't gonna cut it. Slainte!


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2021

    Sandy - She is flying Delta- she doesn't really like JFK, but after her United flight through EWR was cancelled, she could get a flight on Delta. She generally transfers in EWR, Munich/Frankfurt(Lufthansa) and has gone through IAD once. She tries to book Air Alliance for the points and avoids El Al. Right now, it seems Delta is the best airline to fly as through April they are keeping the middle seat open. She is quite the seasoned traveler at 23 (tomorrow).. She boards in about1/2 hour. 12+ hours from TLV and 4+ hours from JFK.

    Busier work day than I planned. Was hoping to be done early, but won't be till 3:45. At least I'm working remotely today. I signed up to help with interviews today - should have backed out when I knew her arrival date - she'll be busy unpacking, running to the store to get hair product that she didn't want to shlep and then pack for the mountain week-end. But the HUG, that I can't wait for.

    Woke up way to early and too restless to stay in bed - got up at 4:15. I have labs at 8:00 for both my oncologists. One I see in a week the other 2 weeks later when I get my Prolia shot.

    Still lots of snow on the curbs from plow trucks and grass etc but should all melt this week-end. At least the side streets are pretty clear - well fairly clear.

    Have a great Thursday.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited March 2021

    Good morning! The dog has totally settled in. He is currently stretched out sound asleep on the couch. I used to have a rule about no animals on the couch. I guess after 20 years it is time to stop protecting the furniture. We were able to walk Ziggy yesterday our full 2.5 miles. He likes to stop and start some, but kept up very well.

    Still waiting for the rain to start. Most schools have gone to virtual today as the storms are supposed to be bad around the time the busses would be out. I am supposed to be washing the four windows (inside and out) plus the blinds in the master bedroom. Would be the last of the windows if I can get my act together. I need to think up something for dinner. Not much to choose from...maybe order out!

    We are planning a card game for the end of the month it has been an entire year since I have seen some of these folks. I am sure the first hour will be catching up and sharing Covid stories all of us would have had our shots

    Life is pretty boring here. I am more than ok with that. Take care!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2021

    What ELSE can go wrong? Our plumbing backed up last week! Major mess out back, in one of our drive-ways! 10 foot long trench, 5 feet deep, was covered during our blizzard! New PVC pipes, now the crews are out here digging up UNDER the alley to reach the main sewer line! And remove the rest of the broken clay pipe that was here!

    Should be done by today... But you know, it could be worse, right? Money... Yes, it costs a lot, but it's something you have to do.... homeowners won't pay unless it is IN the house, or damage in the house. Then dealing with DH's ideas of "Oh we can just wait until Spring!".... Not going to happen. SOMEtimes you just have to pretend YOU are the boss, right?

    I just hope we will be back to normal soon...... My arm was really swollen and hot after the 2nd vaccine, but better now! At least we both got them!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2021

    Oh, Chevy, bummer about the plumbing! My policy covers flooding caused by "sewer back-up," and has replaced basement carpeting twice till we gave up, had the concrete floor painted, and got a sump-pump with check-valve. But exterior damage? I doubt it--especially since it won't even cover interior flooding from water coming in from outside. We don't have flood insurance per se, because it's Federal and unavailable unless you live in a designated "flood plain," which we don't (even though lakeshore flooding happens when winter winds kick up). In the city, only neighborhoods along the river are eligible. Bass-ackwards illogical--analogous to being unable to buy health insurance unless you are in a recognized "high-risk-for-disease" group.

    Karen, I've never flown El Al. My first Israel trip in 1992 was on Air France (changing planes at CDG); in 2019 I, too, took Delta. Since I'd splurged on Premium Economy/Economy Comfort and cashed in flyer miles for a year's Sky Club membership, I was able to use the lounges in both O'Hare and JFK (JFK's is awesome). But at Ben-Gurion, Delta wouldn't recognize Sky Club memberships for anyone not flying at least Business Class. I protested, and the imperious front desk manager pointed to a clause that allows individual lounges to set their own rules.

    My CT scans came back "stable!" So I've been able to stave off scanxiety for a few more months. And today's penicillin allergy challenge (first scratch test, then sub-cu, and finally a divided 500mg. oral dose of amoxicillin) proved I am no longer allergic to it. Feeling kind of queasy, as I'd taken the test on an empty stomach to avoid possible food-allergy (theoretical) interactions; they gave me water and a packet of graham crackers after the first oral dose. I was feeling ok until I got home and had black coffee, avocado toast, and an olive-oil-fried egg--a bit queasy now from the combo of the abx and a fatty & acidic lunch. No matter what we eat tonight, I'm gonna lay off the wine.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited March 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! I am very glad it's TGIF day. This old body is TIRED!Had a great day at the high school, even if it did start with standing outside the main entrance COVID screening everyone one as they came it. Even though it was warmer yesterday, it wasn't THAT warm, my feets were very cold by the time that hour and a half was done! Not to mention doing that at the time I'm usually just leaving home for work.Teenagers, as a breed, tend to mystify me, but I met a lot of very friendly, polite and fun people yesterday. Not to mention meeting a couple of seriously odd characters among the teachers and staff! Much bigger, 2 story school, had my usual number of daily steps in by lunch time. I am going to be glad to sleep in tomorrow, though.

    I've got a ticket to a virtual play being done by the local theatre company for this evening. This will be the first time I've seen a live plat this well, it should be interesting. Sadie will be able to see it along with me, and I can have 2 glasses of wine, not just the one I get when I go in person! I do miss going out to dinner and a play with friends.

    Karen--since I'm doing a little bit of ketchup, your DD must be home by now, and you must be quite happy!

    Goldie--2 nurses are retiring at the end of this school year, the one at the High School that I spend the day with yesterday, and one at one of the elementary schools. The district has 1 high school 1 middle school, and 5 elementary schools. I do have a few frequent flyers that I see daily or almost daily, and a couple I see more than once a day most days. DH's "poor me" thing has got to be tiring and annoying. I wish there was a way to make him change that.

    Librarian--how long have your kids had the dog? How much change has the poor doggo had to adapt to recently? It's got to be hard on the pets to have routines upset out of the blue like that.This getting old business is a lot, and as the saying goes, not for wimps!

    Beaver--too true about the home exercise part of the therapy plans!

    Jazzy--LOL!Especially the snakes one!

    Illi--sounds like good advice from your docs. You can go a long way toward protecting yourself with masking, distancing, and being careful about where and with whom you spend time.

    Cammy Cat----Great to see you, and we can wait for the kitty gifs. You'll get the hang of the new computer quick enough.

    Misty--I'm kind of afraid of what I might learn from the high schoolers, and know I would be absolutely horrified at what I'd learn from middle schoolers. I hope I get to stay with the little guys, they're lots of fun! Congrats on the approaching retirement!

    Jhl--I'll join you with that Irish Coffee!


    Chi--how'd the 3-fer CT go? Glad you are getting things done and over with!

    Karen--LOL at DD not overpacking!I can imagine you have had some trouble sleeping!

    Librarian--well, that didn't take the doggo very long at all! Wise of you to admit the card game is mainly an excuse to get together and ketchup!

    Chevy--Congrats on getting the second shots! You'll feel so much freer when you know you don't have to worry so much about getting sick. The second shot reaction is often more intense than the first, but it doesn't last long, and tylenol or ibuprofen does a good job of settling things down. The plumbing thing is just getting bigger and bigger. I can't believe that you have to pay to fix the piping under the street, I would think that would be the town/city's responsibility, but what do I know about city living?

    Chi--good to know you aren't allergic to penicillin!

    image alt="">

    Hello Friday

    Spicy ginger ale and the baking-spice notes from a big hit of Angostura bitters perk up the bourbon in this bubbly reviver from Chall Gray at Little Jumbo in Asheville, North Carolina. If you can't find Blenheim, look for ginger beer.


    Ingredient Checklist

    • Ice cubes
    • 1/4 cup plus 3 tablespoons spicy ginger ale (such as Blenheim)
    • 1 tablespoons (1/2 ounce) 100-proof bourbon (such as Old Grand-Dad Bonded)
    • 1 teaspoon Angostura bitters


    Instructions Checklist

    • Step 1
      Fill a rocks glass with ice cubes; add all ingredients. Stir gently, and serve.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2021

    Kim - DD arrived yesterday morning and it was so great to get a great big hug!!! In between work we got a couple of short walks and nice conversation and then after work the 3 of us walked. She is really wise beyond her years. Today she is 23. Yesterday, I wad doing interviews with a team mate for SW and SPs. On of the interviewees was so immature - she kept talking about her white privilege and how more or less she was going to change the world - definitely not someone I would want to hire - though I don't get the final say, just fill out the report card after the interview. But I was telling DD and it was interesting to hear her perspective which is so spot on and yes, she is my daughter!!! and her father's too. It's fun to look at our children and see ourselves in them and knowing they share the good and bad of us. She was telling us hard this past year has been not being able to hug (she's a hugger and touchy feely) and not being able to visit or us visit her. We missed 2 trips to Israel - hoping and praying we can travel to Israel this summer. I behind in trips. My first trip was in 2007 and then through 2019 I had been to Israel 13 more times (I think) starting in 2010 through 2019).

    Sandy - our first trip to Israel in 2007 was on Continental. I've also flew US Airways through Philly, United, Lufthansa and Brussels Airlines (all Alliance). DD was very pleased with her Delta flight. I told her to sign up for their awards program. She is upgraded on her flight back - just got luck so she gets 2 pieces of checked luggage. She told a friend and friend's parents that they could order stuff and she would bring it back.

    Kim - she really did pack light - she had her carry-on in her checked back and their was very little clothes. She brought stuff back to donate her so that is even more space to bring things back. She said she didn't sleep the night before her flight.

    Chevy - my neighborhood is not as old as yours - only from the 1950s but it seems almost weekly someone is having their clay pipes dug out - tree roots seem to be a big culprit. We have our drains scoped yearly and next time we are going to pay the extra to have a camera to see what is actually going on - we'd rather do the work before it is an emergency. And yes, it is pricey. Hope you get everything fixed before long and it is the end.

    I'm tired this morning. Slept till almost 6 which is late for me, but didn't get into bed till 11. I needed it - first time in weeks that I didn't wake up at 4.

    Have a great Friday.

    Lastly DD is 23 today!!! First time to be together on her birthday in 5 years :)

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2021

    Well, I'm impressed. We have Dr's here and another on the way!

    JCS, I tried the encouraging of exercising at home. He either gets upset with me, or goes into the "poor me" and that I don't understand how hard it is for him. And then I get the boo hoo. He knows what he should do, nothing wrong with his mind. Sounds like your DIL didn't stay mad for too long. Ziggy must be the grand dog. What kind of dog? Forgot if you did tell.

    Beaver, I think I would be like your husband in regards to therapy, doing everything I can to get better and then some. Thank you for the kind words regarding my son.

    Cute cartoons Jazzy.

    BabyGirl, glad you were warned about getting the vax with the previous problems you had. Which drug was it?

    Cami, you will learn to get your kitty GIF's. Be patient. Hopefully Joey can help you with things, or your DD.

    Misty, just a few more weeks to go, congrats! Are you originally from FL? I don't think I could deal with that heat and humidity. The heat here is bad enough! Pre BC it might have been ok, but my hot flashes are easily brought on.

    ED, love the baseball bat/minion meme, it will be easier to carry than the cast iron skillet! I'm so sorry for all the sewer problems, and especially when your weather is so bad.

    Sandy, I thought you were drinking a dark beer and was shocked! But reading, I think it's just coffee? LOL!

    Karen, I'm thinking your DD must be there by now. So happy for you, as I know the feeling. How long is she there for? "Schlep" must be a Jewish slang word. You use it, Sandy does and so did Fran Dresher on "The Nanny". Happy Birthday to your baby girl.

    NM, I want to hear about the strange staff and students! I wish DH could lose the "poor me" too. I try to ignore it, but it's hard. He just now asked what I was doing today. I name off several, half are things that he would ususally do, and I get the pouting face, almost crying and he says "I'm sorry". Again, more poor me! Then he asks me what I'm doing today, I name off a bunch of things, half were things he would have done. Then he tells me that he doesn't like it when I list off a big long list of things! I'm thinking "you asked!"

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited March 2021

    Goldie, my reaction to taxotere included flushing, a BP drop to 80/60, an oxygen drop to 88% and a tremor but seizure was ruled out. Taxotere used polyethylene glycol, like the Pfizer vaccine. We thought taxotere was the problem, so it was stopped and we tried taxol for the 2nd chemo bu taxol included flushing, a BP rise to 180/117, vomiting and back pain so severe that I was taken to the ER and given morphine. The ER doc said the last time she saw someone with my reaction, the patient coded. Taxol uses polysorbate 80. Both poly products are chemical cousins, and my 3rd try was abraxane, similar to both previous meds but uses albumin (human protein) instead of a poly chemical. Without the poly chemical, I completed all rounds of chemo without any abnormal issues.

    Long explanation but I’m in no hurry to experience any of that again. It didn’t take much either, both times shit hit the fan in less than 30 seconds!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2021

    Happy last day of winter


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2021

    Karen, mazel tov on having your daughter be able to celebrate her 23rd birthday with you! Has she formally "made aliya" or is she simply living in Israel for awhile?

    Lori, sorry for the poor quality of the photo (it's my built-in webcam). I'm drinking Irish coffee--that "head" is not Guinness froth, it's whipped cream (hand-whipped, with an eggbeater which my kitty Happy was all too delighted to lick afterward). And "schlep" is Yiddish for--literally--"carry," but figuratively "haul," "tow," or "drag along." (Yiddish expressions are often exaggerations, if you haven't figured that out by now).

    No wine for me tonight, either. Late last night, let's just say that I experienced the stereotypical side effect of an antibiotic I'd not taken in over 20 years. Both Bob & the allergy NP said "that's not a bug, it's a feature" of amoxicillin, but my pre-dental dose Tuesday shouldn't have the same effect, provided I remember to eat enough first. The NP also said that I still had quite a bit of the Omnipaque oral CT contrast in my system, a side effect of which can be nausea (especially when you have to drink 20 oz. of it on a time schedule).

    Oh, and here's the classic chocolate egg cream I made the other night. Just 3 ingredients: milk, seltzer & chocolate syrup. It's all in the technique:


    Speaking of CTs, Kim, mine were all "stable." The lung nodule is definitely a scar from Dec. 2019's month-long "cough-a-thon."

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited March 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! It's supposed to be warm today, but I'm getting up to a 47 degree house! That new little black box put on the furnace was showing it's red light again, had to punch the button and get it running again, temps up to 49 now. I do not know what that stupid box is about other than creating havoc. I'm thinking about calling the company and getting it taken off. It wasn't put on to fix anything, cuz nothing was broken! Even Sadie knows to go straight to the furnace and sniff around the little black box!

    The local Theatre Company sponsored an interactive Zoom play that I watched last night. It was kind of fun. It was a Murder Mystery, with an actor and an actress playing all the parts. During the breaks for costume changes there were scavenger hunts, one for animals (people who wanted to could turn on their cameras and show their pets, or stuffed animals, or pictures of animal, one for finding a sweet, savory or frozen snack, and the last one was to make a paper airplane. Lots of chatter in the chat box that they interacted with, too. At the end we voted on who the guilty party was and then got to see the confession. The actors were in Georgia, the tech person was in North Carolina. They did snow a little bit of how the whole thing worked, but I didn't stay on for much of that, I was bushed and it was past my bedtime. It is something I would do again, though, it was kind of fun!

    Karen--so glad DD arrived safely and you've gotten your first hug! And you've had some good time together already, so wonderful! I do hope you get to travel again soon. It seems like we should be gaining on some kind of return to normal movement soon. I bet she didn't sleep, she must be as excited as you are for this visit!Happy Birthday to her, too!

    Goldie--One of the staffers was not wearing a mask, walked right up to me and made a point of shaking my hand when we were introduced. He's an avid conspiracy theorist and something of an anti-vaxxer and thinks the whole COVID thing is a hoax.The nurse I was with and I are both fully vaccinated, so in the nursing office we did take off our masks and sit next to each other while working with some computer stuff, another staffer came in, we put on our masks, she asked why we had them off to begin with, we said "because we are fully vaccinated", she spun around on her heel and hmmpphhed and stomped out of the office (actually said HMMPPHH!), turns out she's militantly anti-vaxx, and assumed we were putting her down for not having been vaccinated yet! It was Dress Up Fancy day, so lots of students were wearing costumes or dressed up in evening party type clothes. Onestudent had a remarkably high-class looking Tuxedo on with shiny black 6 inch stilletto heels. I'm still not sure of that student's gender, the upper body was quite masculine looking, the lower body quite feminine looking.The principal was wearing a crown and a cape and calling himself "King". One group of girls was wearing what I can only describe as Rompers, one piece sleeveless top attached to very short shorts. If the outfits had been spandex I would have called them bathing suits, but they weren't that snug and were clearly not for swimming (the high school does have a pool, by the way). White with black polka dots. With sandals. Outside in the 25 degree temps with a wind chill advisory going. No coats, hats, gloves, mittens. LOTS of goosebumps, though!

    Illi--Wow, that really is suspicious for PEG and/or Polysorbate allergy! While that does create an issue for you now, after this first push of vaccinations the Pharma companies will start lookingto make versions without PEG or polysorbate 80 specifically for the allergic population. At least we do know that masking and distancing works, too, so you can protectyourself that way.

    Jazzy--LOL!!!Happy Spring, Everyone!

    Chi--that chocolate egg crème looks very tasty. So glad to hear the lung nodule is stable. It's almost frightening how much physical damage coughing can do to the body!

    Spring Fever cocktail

    Spring Fever


    • 3/4 ounce Nikolaihof elderflower syrup
    • 3/4 ounce lemon juice, freshly squeezed
    • 6 medium-size strawberries, quartered
    • 4 dashes rhubarb bitters
    • 3 ounces Sassetti sparkling rosé wine, to top
    • Garnish: lemon wheel


    1. Add all ingredients except sparkling wine into a shaker with ice and shake until well-chilled.
    2. Strain into a wine glass over fresh ice.
    3. Top with the sparkling wine.
    4. Garnish with a lemon wheel.

    From <>

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited March 2021

    Good morning! Quiet around here without the dog, but he will be back next week. I did get the windows done! We got none of the bad weather. It was around us, but not a drop here. March Madness has started. Baylor won yesterday and will play again on Sunday. Lots of hoopla around the women’s teams and how there is much inequality. Pretty sure it is not Covid related. More likely a money deal.

    I watched the movie, The Trial of the Chicago 7, last night. I had forgotten how bad the judge actually was. I also had no idea how bad the treatment of Bobby Seales was. He was not allowed a lawyer and was force ably detained to mainly shut him up. I highly recommend the movie.

    Not sure what I will do today. I need to do a mani/pedi, but also need to think about cleaning up the courtyard. Probably will sit for a large portion of the day! I get my second shot next week. Fingers crossed for no bad side effects.

    Take care!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2021

    See the source image

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2021

    Mornin ladies,

    I'm trying I read all the time here just have a hard time since I don't have A regular computer desk, packed and still no closing so I',m still here and altho I'm treated very well I miss being home, Joey usually comes on Sat. that helps.

    Karen I'm so happy for you. Holding ur now 23n yr old DD has to be wonderful just nseeing her is great. She's so far from u it's got to be rough.

    Lori do u think maybe ur DH thinks maybe this will be the best he's ever going to be. I know rehab is hard and after kepping it up is worse but it does help a lot. If he's depressed that would answer a lot, but that iu have to go thru this is no answer for him I feel so bad for u cuiz some of this is not necessary <I think> if he just did what he's supposed to. But I am super happy about ur son, still praying.

    Illi u got those SE's that bad and fast oh wow I'm so sorry ur going thru that chit.

    JHL itis colder up north usually isn't it.

    Misty u have to feel mixed emotions.I think after all these hyrs. of working it's great to stop. R u celebrating in some ways./ I know I still see and talk to my close working friends but I miss seeing them everyday and us having lunch. Other than that it's great, i"m sure iu will find the greatness in it. Even is u still get up the same time u don't have to do anything iunless u feel like it. Enjoy.

    JC a card game in over a year. I'd be so excited that sounds like so much fun anmd I know how u love to be around ur friends u always have such a good time. U enjoy so much in life it wonderful.

    Sandy ur drinks sound fab. food pretty good too. But they look so professional haven't had an egg cream in ages. I forgot what they taste like.

    Kim that virtual play sounds great can,t even imagine. Sounds so good about ur job but now ur getting a taste of everything. Give sadie belly rubs for me.

    Chevy if u lived by me u'd have everything done in not time for much cheaper. I get the family and I'll screw up ur calls discount. After a while homes cost a lot to keep up. But I'm sure u have a bundle saved for all the men who paid u NOT to dance on ur crazy pole.