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how about drinking?



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2021

    Chevy - I'm so sorry to hear how close this horrid shooting was for you and your daughter. I'm so glad that she was not near there. And I can only imagine how scared and worried you were. Feel sorry for the murderer with just a leg wound and purposely murdering 10 people - never. He murdered everyone he shot. Of course he is mentally ill - no one in their right mind would do such a horrid thing. Sorry for the harsh language, but to call him a shooter is not the same - my heart goes out to all the families - those murdered, those working and shopping at the store and all of the King Soopers employees. When are people going to learn that if you see something, say something! He had a fb page with horrible stuff on it - the news said that law enforcement took his page down. Sending you hugs.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2021

    Cami, with Joey being so big and your GD so tiny, they must look cute together! I hope the closing happens this week. What's been the hold up? Glad things are going pretty good with FF! FF, that cracks me up. Does Leslie and Marty know you call him that?

    ED, very sweet that your grand calls you every week. It's horrible having family so far away. You would crawl into a ditch to talk?? LOL, you asking Cami if her pants falling was a normal occurance, or if she did it on purpose!

    NM, your mom going through things and then not getting rid of anything reminds me of my mom. But with mine, it was clothes, purses, shoes and sunglasses. But same thing, I "MIGHT" wear it someday! Def. hoarding. I have a shamrock plant too, mine gets white flowers, I would like the one that gets pink too. What's yours? Never paid much attention to how many leaves it has, 3 or 4? I wonder if your rice pad is in Sadie's crate...ha ha!

    Karen, the shooting there is horrible, can't blame you for being shaken about it. I haven't heard yet of the motive. Horrible to say, but too bad the cops only wounded him!

    JCS, what is pan shrimp boil?

    HA HA, Cami you thought the same thing I did about NM's rice pad. Great minds!

    Oh Sandy, aren't you the funny one "And here in my Chicago we don't have moose, but we do have squirrels. (Sounds like a load of bull(winkle), but I'm feeling a bit rocky tonight". Sorry about the memorial/benefit for your friend.

    NM, 5 schools into 1, wow. I hope that doesn't affect you and your position. Yes, you will be the one to have to go through moms stuff. Most of my moms stuff, we just left in the house, wasn't worth messing with and I just didn't have the time. I had a garage sale, didn't sell much and she was still alive at the time, so I had to make time to visit with her as well.

    I was super busy yesterday with orders. Was supposed to go to town today, DH had PT/OT scheduled, but it's snowing, about 3" so far and still coming down, so we will just stay home.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2021

    See the source image Thought I'd bring a smile.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2021

    Mornin ladies,

    Chevy I didn';t realize u were so close, it blows my mind what good shots these people are. Someone somewhere must hear them shooting to have such good aim. It's like when one calms down another pops up somewhere. When I look back when I was in school I don 't remember one person that acted that angry or strange there was nothing to fear about going to school or shopping and people had guns in their houses then, no one really talked about it or touched them. Those poor families.

    Well we're in the middle of another week and still no closing date, this is insane. Joey called me last nite just to talk cuz he knows how hard this is for all of us. He tries and I realized I alone can bring his IQ down cuz of my made up words that he now uses like I do. I can't use real words anymore cuz I don't remember them.

    Jodie had to go out this morning and brought me back the rest of the jelly bismarks and a big coffee from dunkin donuts. She acts like a little kids surprising me. My girls are both loopy I thought I did a better job raising them. Les wants to see me today so she might take a ride we'll see.

    Well they r still emptying out my sisters house. My BIL SAVED BILLS <ELECTRIC water etc. from 1960> and so much more. Lots of dumpsters from that house..Talk about hoarding.

    OK I wish a happy day for everyone.


  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited March 2021

    Karen – Enjoy every moment with your daughter. Loved your photos – Your smiles say it all! Beautiful scenery.

    Illimae – You had major side effects from Taxotere and Taxol. I am glad there was another medicine for you to take. Beach day sounds fun! WOW! I have never seen a drink like your husbands before. I wouldn't even know how to drink it. Your Pelican punch looked good.

    Jazzy – Love the Snowman ancestry! I bet we all have that bit of "toilet water" in our family. Lol It is so exciting planning and picking out materials and colors to remodel an area. I hope redoing your kitchen will run smoothly. You will need to do some before/after pictures. I bet it feels good getting off probation and I think I would almost feel like a prisoner going from self-employment to working for someone else.

    Sandy – I am getting Yiddish language lessons from you. Great way to learn new things.

    NM – The Murder Mystery sounds really fun. It is amazing that they were able to do it through Zoom. Your mom sounds like mine. My sister goes to doctors office visits with her because she goes off on a long ramble when they ask her a question.

    Goldie – I was born in NY then moved to NJ, but I lived in FL since 1975. The summers are hot and humid, you just go all summer wet with sweat and frizzy hair.

    Cami – Hmmm…. Albert Einstein Dr. …You are going to be in the Smart House. I hope it won't be too much longer before you can get moved and settled. I am very happy about retiring, I will miss some of the people, but I will be able to still see the ones that I am really close to.

    Chevy and Cami – I love reading your posts when ya'all get going on something.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2021

    Right Cammi? I mean grade-school for us was for learning! And for having Benny Kaiser try & kiss me running into the girls bathroom!

    We didn't fear anything... except talking in class... and you of course, practicing your routine pole dancing in the gym when the boys were in there.... And I just HATED to take showers after gym, and people actually looking at me... I tried hiding behind my towel, while you ran to the auditorium naked as a jay-bird. So tell me again how your pants just happen to fall off!

    Trying to sort of avoid much talk with my Daughter's about what happened. Sheri of course feels sorry, for the guys family, thinking he needed help, with mental issues. I on the other hand would like to slap the living hell out of him before they took him away.... and locked him up in isolation for the rest of his sorry life. So much tragedy now-a-days.... No-one wants to be accountable... A few good spankings during those growing years, or listening to your kids, and HELPING them when they have problems! Babies aren't born to be wild animals....

    Sorry.... I guess I can't forget it for awhile..... Snooze

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited March 2021

    Good afternoon! Got my second vaccine this morning. All went well. Not terribly crowded and the people were very sweet. My small nuclear family has all been ‘shot up’ and should be good to go. I still need to wait a couple of weeks for full immunity. Waiting for side effects. So far only the ubiquitous sore arm. Has anyone gotten their vaccine card laminated?

    Sheet pan shrimp boil is the same as a regular boil with shrimp, potatoes, corn and sausage just done in the oven. I had to double the recipe and jiggle a few things, but the food was good. Since I bought the countertop toaster oven, I had not been using the full sized oven. When I opened it there was animal hair around the lower part of the door. Hope that was cat hair...

    The pollen is falling here. My blue car has turned yellow! Hopefully it will be finished in a week. Tomorrow we talk with the yard service guy to find out what having someone else take care of the yard will look like money wise. I would love to have someone else do it, but am not crazy about the expense. We live pretty frugal (except for the liquor bill!) and hate to spend it all before we need to.

    Back to reading and being lazy. Take care!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2021

    We may never know my friend's cause of death, especially because he was single and his family was pretty tight-lipped about the circumstances ("found in his driveway" was as specific as it got). There are some obvious guesses: he worked singing (mostly in bars) 300 nights a year and spent his days substitute-teaching in middle school, two occupations that the pandemic abruptly short-circuited. He couldn't get enough online music students to pay expenses. He was a born-again Christian, though, so drugs or suicide (though a logical cause for anyone else in his situation) were highly unlikely--but these days when all bets are off, who knows? (Some tribute posts on his FB page obliquely mentioned drinking--and most of his venues were bars, especially the one where his memorial jam was held). I did notice that in the most recent photos of him he appeared much thinner. At 53, though, and sudden, it could've been anything--especially in his driveway, with enough snow still on the ground to have to shovel. I lost one friend at 31 to a brain aneurysm, another in her 50s to the same thing, and still another at 60 to a pulmonary embolism (she was a smoker with varicose veins who kept blowing off the venous ultrasound appointments Bob kept ordering for her). 53 is young, but old enough for men to have heart attacks. My dad's first two were at 50, and I lost an uncle to his first & only one at 49.

    The bar was packed not just because of the prevailing sociopolitical attitude in that blue-collar white suburb but because he was a very popular performer there--I'm sure the crowd wasn't just the pandemic-bored nor even the bar's neighborhood regulars but also his many fans. The money raised was not just to pay his final debts but also have a tribute plaque made to post on the bar's wall (maybe a few plaques for the other bars where he played).

    Still, with cases in the Chicago area back on the rise (especially in those under 40) in the past week or so, I can't help but wonder if the event may have been a mini super-spreader; our health commissioner warned that the rise is being fueled by "young people gathering in crowds again." (Most of the tribute crowd, though, were his age or even boomers). I fear that selfish "party-heartiers" will once again close down the very places where they gather, and take down many carefully-compliant restaurants with them. I had said of the vaccine and the (until this week) declining COVID numbers that even though I hadn't been able to have a 70th birthday party in January, we'l be able to throw a 50th anniversary party at the end of June. Now, I'm not so sure--and if we do, it'll have to be at our house with only vaccinated guests.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited March 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! Boy this week seems to be running long for some reason. Nothing particularly difficult going on, besides tomorrow being made a remote day, then going back to a regular day, with the possibility of going remote, depending on the people who are working on the boiler are doing. Gotta love being flexible, right? Getting up to another pea soup foggy ayem today, but at least it's warmer. It was beautiful yesterday. I managed to get outside a couple of times and enjoy the niceness.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Chevy--You must have been terrified forDD when you heard the news about the Boulder shooting. I'm so glad she is safe. It is just unreal. I didn't feel sorry for the guy when I saw him marched out bloody and naked. At least he could walk out. I don't understand what makes someone do something like that.

    Karen--I agree, anyone who can do something like that must be mentally ill at the very least.

    Goldie--I think my shamrock will have white flowers. I've heard of but never seen a pink one, that must be very pretty. Mom's got lots of craft stuff, so instead of "I might use it" or "I might wear it" it's "I got that for a project, I might still do that." In the short run I don't think the school regionalization will have much effect on me, there's no way all the approvals, town votes to close the neighborhood schools, and major renovation to 3 large buildings will not happen between now and next September.Hmm, I will have to check Sadie's crate and see what she has stashed away in there soon.

    Cammy-Cat--cute little kitteh has impressive fangs!Don't worry about bringing Joey's IQ down, you are actually raising it up, by helping him become biligual! He now speaks American English and Cammy English! Still no closing date? What the heck is going on? Is there someone we need to take out to the swamp? Oh my goodness, bills from 1960? That's almost historical data now!

    Misty--the Zoom theater was fun. I like the Murder Mystery shows. I never get the killer correct, but I have a really fun time trying to figure it out!

    Librarian--The current advice is to copy the vaccination card and laminate the copy, because we don't know if boosters will be needed, and they can't be recorded on a laminated card. Since the proof will mostly likely be needed for travel, keeping the card with your passport, if you have one, will mean it will be where you can find it before a trip. Isn't it amazing where fur baby hair can turn up?

    Chi--it does sound like your friend's cause of death will remain a bit of a mystery. So many possibilities, like you point out. It will be interesting to see what happens to the COVID numbers about 2 weeks from now that can be traced back to that get together.

    Kitten Fizz Recipe | Recipe | Vodka recipes, Vanilla vodka drinks, Vodka drinks

    Kitten Fizz



    • Muddle raspberries and simple syrup in a glass.
    • Add ice, Tito's Handmade Vodka, and elderflower liqueur.
    • Stir and top with sparkling water.
    • Garnish with a fresh raspberry.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2021

    Sandy - thanks. DD is beautiful inside and out.

    Busy work day and getting ready to turn the kitchen over for Passover and start cooking tonight. Just stressing a little Winking Need to go the the brisket out of the freezer so I can cook it tonight as it is easier to slice cold. An put my menus together for Friday night through Monday.

    Since I don't work Fridays, spring break starts for me after work. Off all next week.

    Have a great day

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2021

    See the source image

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2021

    Cami, those people don't have to be a good shot when their shoot with an automatic weapon, it's like a machine gun. And a rifle shoots out many "things" and makes a spray. Ha ha, bring Joey's IQ down, I don't think so. And you did do a good job raising your girls, silly woman!

    Ok Misty, you have been there for quite some time. What prompted that move? Chevy (aka ED) and Cami are for sure a hoot. Chevy bugged out on us for a little while, but "she's baaaaaack"! And I'm so glad. LOL @ Cami being in the Smart House.

    ED, I too hated taking showers after gym. I mean, why did we have to that? I wonder if they still do that these days? Cami's pants fall off cuz she don't eat and she's losing weight.

    Sandy, hopefully there won't be a spike from your friends memorial.

    JCS, good luck with that 2nd vax. I have a countertop toaster oven, and use it quite it a bit. Hoping for cat hair as opposed to....? Dog?

    NM, you say you got out a few times yesterday, at school or at home? And what about today? Well, whatever the district desides, I hope they keep you on until you are ready to retire. Ha ha, I had forgotten about the swamp.

    Karen, will DD help you with the cooking? Enjoy your spring break.

    We got snowed on yesterday, about 6" I guess. Nice, wet, heavy stuff, but all almosts all gone by the end of the day. Internet keeps going in and out, last night and still this morning.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2021

    Mornin ladies,

    Wow Sandy a lot of possibilities going on there. But if he was loosing weight and didn't mean to that's an important factor too. I did hear our numbers were getting better too but then with more opening up the younger people went goofy then they started to go up again. They're getting it now but of course it's not so hard on them but they're bringing it around to their families' Why r they being so stupid I don't get it, if they don't care for themselves fine but they must have people that are older that they care about. After all this time they have to know.

    Kim ur school timing sounds all crazy to me but I know u get it. And ur mom sounds like a lot of seniors, something about letting it go is loosing that time in ur life, I don't have that but many of my friends do. It just makes them feel sad inside another reminder what aging takes away. When it's super bad it is a sickness and they can't help it. <or it's called a disorder> The only thing my mom kept were ;pictures loads of them and we loved that. But as u know I was only in about 3 or 4 of them being the 4th child I guess. But pics are a treasure to me and most of us I'm sure.

    Misty u always write the nicest posts and sound so much better then even a yr. ago. But not often enough.

    Chevy how can u forget this, it's a horrible piece of our history that keeps on repeating itself. The closer u are to it the scarier it is. It's like this would never happen to you now it's happening to everyone. Karen u have to feel the same way.

    But Chevy let's get down to facts now over the years I did find out when u were in school and took a shower they played the stripper song for u, just you and u utilized every note to ur body language. I wasn't going to mention this but u brought it up. For many years it was called the Chevy move, then it went back to the stripper song once someone actually saw u perform So don't push me under the water for u to feel good.

    OK announcement <praying this is it.> closing is Friday <tomorrow> at 1 PM but we can't get movers til next Thursday they are all booked. Si in the meantime they;'ll paint the kitchen cabinets and walls and their bedroom wall everything else is fin. Those are both yellow not Leslie at all so she's going for a completely different look. She has to compromise some with Marty she wants black cabinets with gray walls he says no to the black and she's going liter with the walls. She's getting a new bed set and a new couch and a smaller dining room set <with leaves> So Marty is keeping out of the rest of the choices except the cabinets so she's glad about that. So when I get in there I'll have my own twin bed right away and a different chair that I picked out <turquoise> and I already bought my cover which is faux fur turquoise and for fun I bought some pictures that have loads of colors all over just need curtains. I pray this will all happen accordingly this is so important now and taking so long. OK.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2021

    Little Cammu.... Hah! You are sounding like your old self again.... I mean your cute little "self"! I just remember when you would sit out on your front porch, and holler at all the guys going by!

    You know, when I was little I had that brain-concussion, from when my acrobat teachers, were swinging me over their heads while I was in a back-bend, and they threw me up, and one was supposed to "catch" me on the way down, but somehow, they missed, and I fell on the back of my head on the gym floor. Had amnesia for a few hours.... A "severe brain concussion"...! Man, that was probably a factor in me forgetting most of my school years, before AND after!

    But that's okay... I must have recovered, right? And a damn good pole-dancer at that! Hah! Sometimes I DO wonder if that was one of the reasons I "forgot" most of my childhood... Or was it a few of the "other" bad things that happened when I was a little? Do you guys ever think of that?

    Janie brought lunch over... We talked a little about the Boulder tragedy... She is a floral manager at her store, and all the stores have taken or sent arrangements to Boulder, in remembrance of the victims... And some of their customers hug them, and give THEM a rose! So much heart-ache.... Just a senseless show of craziness & hatred.... I could never understand this.

    May be an image of text that says 'Boulder, co KV IG So 3-22-2021'

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited March 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! Another dark, foggy wake up this ayem. The weather guesser is talking about rain and maybe thunderstorms today, snow is some areas, with dense fog advisory in effect now. Gotta love mud season!

    I think Sadie is trying to tell me it's time to get out the warmer weather clothes. She got up with the first alarm this ayem, emptied a bag of summer clothes onto the closet floor, made a nest and snoozed until I got up after the snooze! Gotta love a doggo who loves her comfort.

    Karen--My spring break starts later, 3rd week of April. It's nice you are off for Passover!

    Cammy Cat--I didn't think about letting things go being the same as losing that time of life. I can see where that would make things harder to let go of. Praying that the closing goes through smoothly this time.

    Goldie--I got outside a few times at school mostly, but a few times at home, too. Not quite warm enough to sit on the deck in the evenings, yet. Soon, though! I hope to stay on at school until I retire, too. Time will tell, right?

    Chevy--OUCH! That must have HURT! And probably a huge factor in forgetting your school years! So kind of the floral stores to send arrangements to Boulder. It is all so crazy and baffling.

    Fog Cutter Recipe

    Fog Cutter


    • 2 ounces freshly squeezed orange juice
    • 1 ounce freshly squeezed lemon juice
    • 1/2 ounce orgeat
    • 1 1/2 ounces white rum
    • 1/2 ounce gin
    • 1/2 ounce brandy
    • 1/2 ounce Amontillado sherry


    Add everything except sherry to a cocktail shaker and fill with ice. Shake well and strain into an ice-filled highball glass. Carefully pour the sherry on top of the drink; garnish with a sprig of mint.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2021

    Lori - I have delegated the regular house cleaning to DD and DH - vacuuming the house, bathrooms and doing the floors. Last night I cooked the brisket - DH just needs to slice today - have my list of what needs to be done and I think it's really managing and easier than I thought. I was exhausted last night when I went to bed - couldn't even think when DH asked a simple question so I had both DD and DH look at my menus and list and everything was there. A lot of things that need to be cooked can be done at the same time. I plan to have it all done by 1:30 when I leave for hematologist at 2:00. I still don't know his labs to make of the. highs and lows but I think it will be status quo. I see medical oncologist in 2 weeks and get my Prolia shot.

    Officially on spring break. I have my Friday away message on and later today, I'll switch it to to spring break away message.

    Doing my Cubii and till 7:00, then will get busy cooking.

    Have a great day.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2021

    See the source image

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2021

    Mornin ladies,

    What's happened in CO is still so shocking it's good to have florists send their condolences, its still insane tho.

    Kim I love how Sadie gets herself comfortable she knows how every time. When u think about it school break will be starting soon too that's a couple of months spring has to be here soon.

    Karen u are so organized it's amazing being with ur DD tho must be the best.

    Chevy sorry about that horrible fall iu had. But the only reason u remember me sitting on the porch motioning guys around is cuz u were laying on the grass near my feet. Just waiting. So don't pull that innocent act with me. We might have split the money but u did all the work.

    Well I've been up for a while, nervous about today. Hope everything goes smoothly. Les bought a new dining room set <smaller> Now it's just a small dining room we had a kitchenette that was actually big in this house. A new sofa was ordered and her new bedroom set. The couch won't come for another 6 weeks but the dining set and bed will come this week. So all beds will be in order <my bedroom too> when I move in I'll just have to put away clothes which Joey will help me so that shouldn't be so bad. I really can't wait I miss them so much can u tell???


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2021

    Aw geez Cammi! You never let me down.... Haaaaaaah! Still can't shake this awful feeling about the Boulder shootings. So senseless! Janie didn't call when she got home...(Because her sister called her!) And I almost panicked! I called, then texted, and couldn't shake that feeling! She DID call me a little later, but didn't know I was worried.... I've got to calm down......

    Yes Cammi.... I understand... You just want to feel safe... And you need Joey around, to help you with that.... Can you text him? I do my Grand-sons.... and that helps between calls.

    Been fooling around in my back-yard.... (No, not that Cammi) Trying to get stuff where I want it to stay, and figure out where to plant my tomatoes and lettuce! Gotta be more organized this year!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2021

    See the source imageIT'S DONE!!! WE'VE GOT THE KEYS.

    tHANKS Chevy Joey and I text thruout the day and he always reassures me everything will work out, not to worry.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2021

    Greetings from Truth or Consequences


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2021

    So happy for you Cammi! You DID it! Yes, just keep that little Joey close to you in your heart and everywhere else... He is holding your heart in his hands. My friend took a picture one time years ago... I had taken my little Grand-son Chase over to our friends house for swimming...

    She got a picture of me in the pool, and him with his little rubber tube on, jumping into my open arms from the edge! I printed off that picture last year on transfer paper, to a piece of material, and sewed it on a piece of fabric, put it in a picture frame, so he would always know I would always be there, to catch him, if he ever needed me...

    It says "Honey, if you ever think you are falling, just hold out your arms and I will be there..... always. xoxoxo"


    I also made both boys a crochet blanket for Christmas... One for Chase, and one for Brandon & his gal Amanda!


    We were all having lunch at Casa Bonita a few years ago!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited March 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Mud season has arrived with a vengeance here, you should have seen the downpours yesterday! One good clap of thunder shook the entire school, too. I have an inside office without windows so I missed the lightening that was very bright and startled a whole lot of people!Thank goodness all that was after school let out, I can just imagine the chaos that would have ensued with a building full of kiddos! And we had to make sure the kiddos went home with their laptops and chargers, cuz Monday may be a remote day due to a snow storm that is supposed to come in Sunday evening/overnight. Gotta love mud season.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Hmm, I just noticed one HUGE bird circling around outside. I wish I could get a good look at it, it's not a Bald Eagle, and I don't think it's an owl, it's got the wings and tail more like some kind of hawk, but there aren't many really big birds around here. I'd love to know what it is!

    Karen--Sounds like you have thing well under control despite being tired!Good for you!

    Cammy Cat--Too true, spring break is only a few weeks away! I can hardly believe March is almost done already. Sadie does like her comfort, and I can't blame her. I like comfort, too! Oh, wow, sounds like you guys are closer to getting moved into the new place! I'm sure you do miss them very, very much. Praying all goes very smoothly from here on out.

    Chevy--My Mom has these episodes from time to time, out of the blue, of feeling convinced something has happened to me or my brother. If she can't get hold of us by phone or if we aren't home when she drives out she gets totally panicked. And that's when there is nothing funky going on! I think it's a mother thing, and I can see where it got set off by the Co incident. Hugs.


    53 Hip Hip Hooray ideas | hip hip, personalised gifts online, personalized glassware

    Jazzy--Beautiful place!

    Overhead view of Hawaiian Hammer drink with pineapple and cherry

    Hawaiian Hammer


    • 1 ounce banana schnapps
    • 1 ounce coconut rum
    • 1 ounce 151 proof rum
    • 1 dash grenadine syrup
    • 3 ounces orange juice
    • 3 ounces pineapple juice


    1. Fill a cocktail shaker with ice.
    2. Pour in all the ingredients, and shake them until cold.
    3. Pour or strain the mixture (depending whether or not you want ice in your drink) into a highball glass.
    4. Garnish with a pineapple wedge, orange slice, and/or cherry.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2021

    See the source image

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2021

    Cami, I sure hope that closing happened. LMAO, the stripper song called "The Chevy". I hope Les gets before and after pics. YAY, you got the keys! I'm sorry you miss everyone so much. The way you wrote it, at first, I thought you were saying you missed your clothes.

    ED, OMG did that really happen in acrobats? Sweet story of your grandson and the pool. I'm so sorry that CO incident has had such an impact on you, hopefully it won't be so bad as the days go by.

    NM, warmer weather is coming and Sadie knows! Funny how you and Karen have the different school breaks. We always had Easter Vacation and it was at Easter.

    Karen, I wish I could delgegate some jobs, but they all got delegated to ME. Good luck with your labs and doctor visit.

    Jazzy, beautiful shot. Is that an infinity pool?

    NM, the thunder surely would have caused a big upset with the kids. No more snow days, cuz they can be remote days! I guess that will become the new norm with all kids having their electronic devices.

    Went to town yesterday, but before we left I went out and packed a few more orders (in the cold) The warehouse isn't heated, other than a propane ceramic wall heater in the shipping area. But it takes awhile for it to warm up. My MO's office called to tell me that the pharmacy called and they didn't send my medicine and if I could come in Tuesday. They have my infusion, but not the injections I get. Well, we are going down there Monday, staying the night and then going to the Arboretum. So, no I can't come Tuesday. Told them I just wanted to go back to having that medicine sent up here to my primary. I'm really starting to feel totally overwhelmed with everything I have to do and things piling up on me. Being gone for 2 days, all I can think about is how much I'm going to have to do when we can back.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2021

    Mornin ladies

    boy Chevy u are so creative what a great idea and I'm sure it looks great. I still have those scarves u made and sent me back in the day <u know what day> Anyway u keep urself busy with some great things.

    Another shooting this is just terrible. I did read the one in CO was actually planned and well executed. Could be wrong of course but I don't know what's worse.

    Kim u should have taken a pic of the bird, someone here would figure it out this is a smart bunch u know that. Give Sadie some extra rubs.

    Did I tell u gals I get my shot Monday I'm kind of bunchy about it, hearing so many things---I'd like ur input please.

    My cousin call me from WI yesterday when we'd go by his house years ago he was one of the kids <with my cousins> now he's retired and we talked about an hr. I love that they call me just to talk and all the ones who did move are now sorry tho they don't get to see the family like they would like to. They al;l remember having such a good time as kids when we would be there. That's always nice to hear.

    Now I will begin to bore u about the house as opposed to getting it.. I';m debating with myself should I suggest having a priest bless it or should we sage it. Hey u never know. These are the type of things that everyone calls me crazy but as Joey says I'm colorful.

    Bob might come over today with one of the guys to fix Jodie's fence if it doesn't rain. Jod had a quote for 5,000.00 and I asked Bob to look at it and see < the quote included all the cement posts being new> He said they were in great conditions just needed new fencing about 600.00 he would charge as Bob put it they get u to believe whatever most business does this. OH well we'll see.

    Have a great day everyone.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2021


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2021


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited March 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! Cold, gloomy, drippy this ayem here. I would not be surprised to this turn to snow later. I do thing tomorrow is going to be a remote learning day. Sadie won't mind one bit, I'm sure. I won't either, actually. I still have a lot of stuff to ketchup on around the house here.

    Cammy Cat--I will give Sadie extra belly rubs. Inever thought about trying to get a pic, if I see that bird again I'll try to get one. I don't see anything wrong with having the new house blessed or smudged or whatever. I think we need more rituals to mark the changes in our lives, and not just birth, marriage and death! Sounds like Bob is saving Jodie from getting taken on the fence job.

    Goldie--I remember the school breaks being Thanksgiving Break, Christmas Break and Easter Break, but now they are Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break and Spring Break. I think it's a political correctness/culturally appropriate thing. It's getting scary to put a name on anything for fear of offending someone or some group. Both my school's principal and the districtsuperintendent believe in the occasional snow day as a break for EVERYONE, even the fully remote students. We've had 2 so far this school year. One was the day I was supposed to start work. They both hold the opinion that with everyone working so hard to make all the changes work and meet all the challenges that keep coming up an occasional day off is a deserved reward. I'm sorry you are feeling overwhelmed with all you have to do. That's not a fun feeling. Doesn't help when medication deliveries aren't made in time. I don't think the people responsible really understand how big an impact these delays have on our lives in so many ways.


    the welcome home cocktail


    • 1 oz. gin
    • ½ oz. lemon juice
    • 4 oz. champagne
    • 1 oz. simple syrup
    • Ice
    • 1 brandied cherry


    1. Combine the gin, lemon juice, simple syrup and ice into a shaker and shake well for ten seconds
    2. Pour champagne into old fashioned glass
    3. Add mixture to champagne
    4. Add cherry
    5. Drink!

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2021

    Mornin ladies

    Oh Jazzy how beautiful and peaceful that pic is.

    Well I see u gals have really been posting it up here. Whew I had a lot to read, yea right. Well u leave it to me and I am the most boring person who can't type, uj'll be sorry.

    Les and Marty <with a couple of friends and Joey> went to the house yesterday and took boxes and put some things away so that's a start. They're supposed to paint today and get that over with. I talked to Joey last night and he told me I'm going to love the house and especially my room. I still haven't seen it yet.

    I made my grocery list out yesterday and specifically put down the brand of this chicken bowl that was on sale looked really good and I like rice. It was cat food I didn't even know WTF am I thinking about. Cats really have some good food now a days.

    I had a few emergencies yesterday for work and usually I feel so sorry for these people and I get right on it sometimes talking Bob into it, cuz the guys are usually pretty busy. But yesterday one lady told me if I don't call back within 5 minutes forget about getting the job. Actually it was an easy one but when I told Bob what she said I knew I'd blow it for this lady, so I called her 10 mins. later and told her we couldn't do it. I said it very nicely but she didn't. When will people learn.

    Have a great easy Sunday.