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how about drinking?



  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited March 2021

    Hey! I feel as though I have wasted my weekend. I have watched a lot of March Madness and been happy about all the games. The Baylor women and men both won. The women’s game went into overtime, but they pulled it out. The Lady Gamecocks also won today pretty much going away. More games next week! Also waited and waited for the Bristol NASCAR race. It was cancelled do to LOTS of rain and will happen tomorrow afternoon. DH is kinda upset, but he will be fine.

    Cami - Cat food????

    Goldie - Your fun never ends.

    Jazzy - Love the pictures!

    NM - Sadie is one lucky pup.

    Next week I will have lunch with a friend, play cards and have my grand-dog. So very excited to have some social activities with friends!

    Everyone take care and enjoy what is left of the weekend.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited March 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! My nice relaxing Sunday took a turn in the early evening. Mom called to tell me she was going to the hospital. Her neighbor was with her, and had called an ambulance. Mom had an episode of wavy vision and her blood pressure shot way up. So I met her at the ER, EKG was good, blood pressure was coming down nicely, but the head CT shows some changes that they can't tell if they are new or have been there a while, so she needs an MRI, but can't get one until sometime today, so they kept her overnight. So I spent the evening sitting with her and texting the neighbor and my brother and his wife what was going on. I did not sleep worth crap, of course. Got lots of Sadie cuddles and that helped.

    It's been raining like a sun of a gun off and all overnight, now the wind is picking up. No snow, so school will be in person unless the power goes out, so I'm keeping an eye on that.

    Cammy Cat--How exciting that the move is getting closer! Getting the painting done before there is much stuff in helps make that a lot easier. If Joey says you will love your room, it's a sure thing! LOL at putting cat food on your grocery list! That rude lady, she got what she deserved. When will people learn that a tiny bit of good manners goes a very, very long way?

    Librarian--lunch with friends, playing cards, taking care of the grand-dog, it sounds like a normal life!Good for you!

    Vodka Gimlet Recipe



    • 1 ½ ounces vodka
    • 1 ounce freshly squeezed lime juice
    • Lime slice for garnish


    1. Combine vodka and lime juice in a mixing glass filled with ice.
    2. Strain into a martini glass.
    3. Garnish with lime.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2021

    Mornin ladies

    Oh Kim I/'m so sorry about ur mom. That was nice of her neighbor And having u as a DD is a big plus. I pray all goes well and the news is good. So good to have Sadie comfort u. Will u go to work today I'm also sure ur very tired.

    JC WASTED??? u do more in one day than I do all week. Ur as normal as can be in this covid time. Good for u and ur DH

    Hey Teka.

    Bob was here yesterday and did Jodie's fence. He did a great job and Jod was so happy with it and so cheap. He had one of the guys help him so it was better for him. Now he has to do our floors in the house. This poor guy I always feel bad cuz our problems keep on happenng and I always go to him first. and he always comes thru for me.

    Hope everyone has a great day.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2021

    Tired Cat GIF

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2021

    Hi ladies- back from a fab weekend at the hot springs and straight on in to the work week. Out one day and digging out all day today but finding my way through. I officially came off probation last week and took Friday (my b-day) off and went down for my three day get away. Really enjoyed the hot springs and they have done some major improvements since I was there 10 years ago. It was really nice being there in early spring too, in the past I was there more in winter time.

    Did a private soak to start, then checked in to my room, which was small and perfect for my time away. Did sunrise and sunset soaks, found eats in town and also did a fantastic spa treatment at a Ted Turner resort there. I came away feeling very rested and restored. Weather was perfect, in the upper 60s during the day, cool at night and in the mornings. I will go back!

    NM- I am sorry to hear about your mom's trip to the ER. Like Teka said, hoping that the MRI does not show anything of concern and good outcomes. I know you will be worried until you hear the results and glad she has a fab daughter nurse to help her through with questions, etc.

    Goldie- that first photo I sent was of a private soak I did when I got there. They have these neat private tubs and I enjoyed that to begin with and the tub was painted blue and really contrasted against the Rio Grande (muddy) and the desert colors. I hope you are getting the same nice weather out there as we are here. I heard we may get up to 80 this weekend?

    Cami- I hope the closing gets done and that you are all in the house soon. I kept seeing maybe on a Friday and wondering if it is this Friday? I know you have all been in so much flux now for awhile and you and Joey need to be back together.

    Misty- the move from my own business back to FT employment has not been an easy transition, but I do like having the financial security a bit more now. In a gov type job, I feel a bit more security than if I took a job in private industry where people get laid off so quickly when there is any change (been there, done that). I reach Medicare in another 4 years and at that time, I will decide if I want to go back to consulting work (but likely won't relaunch my business again. Its not worth the time, effort and expense unless you are in it for the longer haul. You must be so close to retiring now, think it's in the next few weeks?

    JCS- lots of folks into the March madness. Sounds like you are looking forward to more outings soon!

    Karen- sounds like your visit with your daughter has been great. I cannot imagine how good it was to see her after this past year of no travel.

    Chi- are the kids starting to plan the wedding now as things are opening up more and with the possiblity of doing what they really want.

    Blessings to everyone here who honors Passover and also to those with plans for this coming Easter Weekend.

    Got to get back to work but here are a few more pics before I go. One of them is for Cami, can you guess which one?






  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2021

    Cami, that one cat picture looks like Alf! And you wanted to order cat food for yourself? Oh my, that is hilarious! Didn't know they put rice in cats food. I'm so excited for you all to get in your new home and "Bob is da man!"

    NM, I saw the newest change, Land o Lakes butter removed the Indian. I just don't understand this. An occasional day off is defenately a welcomed pleasure. Oh dear, I'm so sorry about your mom, I do hope she will be ok and that is worth a day off in itself.

    JCS, fun never ends. Sounds like you have a nice busy week coming up.

    Oh Jazzy, you sure do treat yourself well. Of course you deserve every bit of it. And Happy Happy Birthday my friend! MEEEE OHHHHH MYYYYYY OHHHHHH, how could anything get more relaxing. Our temps have been pretty good, but a bit on the windy side.

    Did not sleep well last night (Sun night) only got about 5 hours of sleep, up at 4 to pack and head out the door by 6. Pharmacy calls to say they sent my meds and they will be delivered tomorrow....IN PHOENIX! I'm so pissed! But DH has appt down here next Wed, so all in all, not too bad. Then my MO will change it to be shipped up closer to me and I can get the injections every 4 weeks instead of every 6, which is good cuz my markers have been going up again. Went to Red Lobster for dinner, been over a year since we have been out to eat. Leaving here at 8:30 am to head to the Arboretum. Home after that, and Wed. I have to take DH to PT/OT and he has to see a wound care specialist. He has a spot on his ankle from the accident back in October that just won't heal. It was real deep and not attended to when he was in the hospital. It's not infected or anything, just won't heal and is starting to hurt. I'm going to have a ton of orders to tend to on top of all this, so not sure when I will have some free time. Other than my mornings. Well, I'm not jumping out of bed and hitting it.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2021

    Kim - any news on your mom?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited March 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Mom's tests all showed nothing, so she got to go home yesterday afternoon. They put her through the gamut, too. Head MRI, carotid artery ultrasound, a doppler scan of something somewhere, she doesn't remember. No findings. The hospitalist doc reviewed both head CT scans, no abnormal findings on either one. So she is happily home again. Which is a relief.

    Managed to get through the day yesterday without losing power, although it was close a couple of times.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Teka-thank you, and it worked!

    Cammy-Cat--I did go to work, but left a little early-right after the kiddos left--to pick her up and take her home. I was tired yesterday and I'm tired today, too, but nothing an extra cup of coffee won't fix! God Bless men like Bob who take care of their families!

    Jazzy--The weekend get away trip sounds like it was heavenly! Mom is fine. She had been pushing heavy boxes of records and stuff around, so she probably had a transient elevation of the pressure in her eyeballs, made things look wavy for a minute, then got scared and that drove her blood pressure up. What a beautiful spot!

    Goldie--I hadn't noticed the Land o Lakes change! I wonder how long it will be before we have to rename everything named with Native American names? Maine will be in real trouble. Lots of things here have such names. I wonder where it will all stop. Mom is fine, thanks. It was easier to be at work dealing with the waiting to hear about the tests results than sitting at home. My goodness, why can't that medication get where it is supposed to be, when it is supposed to be there for you? Not happy to hear the counts are going up, praying the 4 week schedule knocks it back into the corner. Praying for DH, too. Hugs.

    Karen--Yup, all is good with Mom. No abnormal findings on anything. Thanks for asking!

    The Remedy Cocktail

    The Remedy

    2 oz bourbon (we used Wild Turkey 101)

    1 oz grapefruit juice

    3/4 oz honey cardamom syrup*

    1 dash aromatic bitters (we used Angostura)

    grapefruit twist garnish

    Combine all ingredients in a shaker with ice. Shake well and strain into a chilled glass. Garnish with a grapefruit twist.

    Honey Cardamom Syrup

    2 dozen cardamom pods

    1/2 c honey

    1/2 c water

    Combine ingredients in a small saucepan. Crush cardamom pods a bit with a muddler or the back of a spoon. Simmer for 10 minutes. Let sit overnight and strain. Store in the refrigerator.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2021

    70s yesterday snow today 2-3" and 30s. Tomorrow back to the 50s and near 80 by Sunday. Spring time in the Rockies!!!

    Kim - how scary but glad all is good with your mother.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2021

    imagemy backyard garden fountain this m

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2021

    For those who have Medicare - who has Advantage and who has regular Medicare? Pros/Cons? Please tell me about any issues you have with routine labs etc through oncologist or other specialists? I just applied for Part A - very weird feeling (not turning 65 but applying for Medicare). I don't need Part B or Advantage yet as we have health insurance through DH work (I work too) and as long as he is working, no need. When he retires, I have to figure out what to get. My PCP only takes AARP Medicare Advantage (United Health Care) and Anthem Advantage - both are PPOs - the Athem is through the state teachers retirement association. I think all my "ologists" take any Medicare, but I need to ask as appointments come up. TIA

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited March 2021

    Hi, karen. I currently have regular Medicare with a supplemental BC/BS plan through my retirement. At one point I did have an advantage plan that was no advantage but the problems we had may have been locale related as it was relatively new there. With our current insurance package my very expensive 2018 (bc diagnosis and treatment, total hysterectomy, hemorrhoid banding as an outpatient) I had next to nothing in out of pocket costs.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2021

    Karen, I think it is because we are much older, than most people... SillyHeart But we have United Health Care, and we don't pay any premium! It is through AARP Medicare Advantage. That includes an annual well-being physical....!

    Call them and see if you are qualified, because we also live in Denver. $0 co-pay, and $35 for a specialist! ER is $90...

    We have our Primary Care Doc through Rocky Mountain Primary Care, but we like the PA better! She is like a good friend to us... Hah! When George has to have his pacemakers replaced.... 3 so far, we have to pay a little for that, but since it is same day-surgery, it isn't that much!

    I think we are very lucky! Lucky to be as healthy as we are, even if our parts hurt sometimes!

    When my Husband retired, we had HIS health insurance, but when we had to get our own, I called everybody... so just check them all out before you decide.

    Edited to add..... I meant me and my Husband are much older than the average person, Hah! Not "we" meaning us gals on here....

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,310
    edited March 2021

    Karen - I answered on the exercise thread. I didn't mention that my supplement to traditional/regular medicare is United Health Care through AARP. They pay the 20% that regular medicare doesn't pay. I have no co-pays, but some plans do. For the last 10 years, literally not one thing has been denied or short paid.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2021

    See the source image

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2021

    Gee Karen I know I have Medicare A,B and Ins. from my work. But I don't understand anything about it. I still get bills AND CAN'T FIGURE IT OUT. But these gals can help for sure.

    Kim good news for ur mom and you. I'm sure u asked all the right questions but u still really don;t know what happened. Could anxiety have anything to do with it??? i BET U AND sADIE ARE SLEEPIN better.

    Oh Lori u have more than just u hands full everything going crazy. I'm sorry about ur numbers pray they get under control. That's number one, I wish ur DH would be further along for ur sake especially. U need what Jazzy did, for sure.

    Jazzy what a weekend u know how to relax I'm jelly of course. Pics are great and can see why U like to go there Anyone would.

    JC ur already into ur week and seems like u'll have some enjoyment and fun this week.

    OMG it's Wed. I thought it was Tues. andagain I'm all screwed up. I talked to Leslie last nite and what a day she had. The movers changed the day and now it's today but I still won't go til this weekend and Bob is now doing her living room and dining room floors not the kitchen yet??? He got a reg. floor guy and him and he's charging less than 1/2 the amount and she's thrilled.. It's a good size.And what she got from Jennifer is amazing. Well I'll finally see it this weekend. It's scary tome.

    Have a great day


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2021

    Cami, congrats on taking possession of the house! Kim, glad your mom's okay. Karen, that CO spring weather can be unpredictable--but yesterday it was 65 in Chicago, while we barely made it out of the 30s today. Tomorrow is opening day at Wrigley Field--and just like every year, they're predicting possible light snow.

    A place where we were going to eat with the kids this weekend had to close till the 9th because a waiter got COVID. So back to the drawing board. Meanwhile, got me a whole lotta faxing to do, after being gently nagged by our CPA.

    Found out how my musician friend died: he was in his driveway, walking to his car, when he slipped & fell on a patch of ice & his head hit the pavement. Whether that caused a fatal brain bleed (by the time he was found, it was too late) or a brain bleed (aneurysm or stroke) caused the fall, we'll never know because there was no autopsy. (Those are done nowadays only when there's a suspicion of foul play, question about liability, or the family requests one). So far, no reports of COVID infections from the crowded dive bar hosting his tribute jam, but it's been only 10 days.

    I can understand how someone might need a rifle to hunt, protect their cattle/sheep from predatory animals. or a pistol for protection (even my very liberal recording engineer carries one on his predawn walks because there are bobcats & coyotes in his neck of the woods). But an assault weapon? For hunting, they either intend to mow down an entire herd of deer or are the world's worst shot. A certain SC Sen. (LG) said he's thinking of getting an AR-15 in case "gangs" try to invade his home. (Somehow, I doubt that Bloods or Crips are about to descend on Seneca, pop. 8000 or so and just barely in the Greenville exurbs). IMHO, there's a lot of toxic masculinity going around: refusal to wear masks (or wearing them below the nose, the new "manspreading"), gun obsession, etc. I can't ignore that the vast majority of assaults against Asian-Americans are committed against women by men. What cowards these racists are!

    Had some nice drinks this week. Had been drinking Clif Family Grenache Rosé 2020 at home. Last night at a restaurant in Evanston, Pierre Delize NV blanc de blancs and Duckhorn Decoy red blend (mostly merlot and CS) 2016. Tonight with the leftovers we might Coravin a bottle of The Prisoner red.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited March 2021

    ChiSandy, obviously military style weapons aren’t really for hunting but I will say that they can be fun to shoot. Many (mostly men) enjoy them at shooting ranges, just as one enjoys a fast car or other things considered unnecessary to the average person. The issue to gun owners has a lot to do with why we would have to justify what we choose to buy, considering we’ve always been free to do so. I fully understand both arguments and the dangers of rapid fire weapons in the wrong hands, unfortunately some people will always find ways to hurt others, whether it’s by gun or plowing through a crowd in a car.

    Karen, after 2 years on SSDI I was moved to Medicare for part A. My retirement system pays for United Medicare advantage plan for part B. So far I’ve had a bone scan, CT, brain radiation, maintenance chemo (Herceptin) and several appointments. I haven’t pain anything out of pocket so far and my plan has a $1,000 out of pocket max annually, in network or out. It’s worked out great.

    Hi to everyone :)

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited March 2021

    Hello, all! Popping in for a quick visit. Temporarily suspending my spiked coffee due to not feeling well after 2nd Moderna vaccine yesterday AM. Flopping around today, eating chicken noodle soup & mashed potatoes due to somewhat queasy. Ginger ale is my DOTD today! Hope to feel better tomorrow. Glad to have been able to have both vaccines already. DH all done & "immune" as of April 14th.

    Cami - Loving your cat memes, as always. Great news about your closing! Good luck with your move.

    Everyone else - stay well, stay safe, healing thoughts for all in need!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2021

    Tonight, 2019 The Prisoner (mostly Zin, with Cab. Sauv, Petit Sirah, Syrah (aka Shiraz) and Charbono. Haven't encountered Charbono since our earliest camping trips to Bothe-Napa State Park in '72-74 (IIRC, we bought some at the tasting rooms of Inglenook & Charles Krug). It was more popular back then. Originally called Charbonneau from the Savoie region of France & Switzerland bordering Savoia (Aosta), very little is currently grown in CA now, mostly near Calistoga--it's now a popular blending grape in Argentina, where it's called Bonarda and is second only to Malbec in acreage.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited April 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! Waking up to darkness and cold rain this ayem. But at least it's rain and not snow! Yesterday was beautifully warm, hit 60 degrees, even if the sun wasn't out. The Maine CDC has placed the district High School in Outbreak status, due to 3 positive tests in 14 days, all related, but none with transmission at the school itself. Very confusing to me, just now, why the High School is placed in outbreak status when the cases are all related to a work site where several of the students work. And, on top of that, the Maine CDC is now recommending schools use assigned seating in classes, and keep records of attendance, so that only the students next to a student who tests positive can be quarantined. Guess who is going to be expected to keep track of this? School nurses. Not such a problem in the elementary schools, but a real problem in the middle and high school levels, where students are still moving from room to room for different classes. At the high school level, attendance is not taken for each class, just once in the morning. The meeting where this was announced was quite the emotional scene. The big question that kept coming up was "When is the CDC going to take back it's work and start doing all the contact tracing again?" It's exhausting to think about. There was a lot of sentiment expressed that the Maine CDC is caving in to public pressure to reopen schools fully. This whole COVID thing is getting so tiresome.

    Then there is the student I had a conversation with about chewing holes in the middle of masks. "But I can breathe better through the hole!" Yup, you can, but what is the purpose of wearing a mask? "So grown-ups don't make kids sick." Pause. Why do kids wear masks, too?"To be fair to the grown-ups." I gave the child a face shield sent him on his way.What do you say to that kind of logic?

    Sadie says Woof to everyone, and reminds people not to go out in the cold rain bare foot cuz it's COLD on the tootsies and makes Mom have to wipe off the pawses to keep the mud off the kitchen floor.

    Hmm, I could have sworn I posted yesterday, but I don't see one here. Must've gotten eaten by the post eating gremlin.

    Karen--love the pic of your garden fountain! The rollercoaster temps are lots of fun, aren't they?

    Beaver, Chevy, Minus--Medicare is so much fun to figure out!

    Cammy Cat--Anxiety or stress, or moving around heavy boxes may have all been part of Mom's episode. But Sadie and I are sleeping much better since she got home! Oh boy, more closing and moving changes! How exciting! How confusing! Hang in there, it will all work out.

    Chi--Sad news about how the musician friend died. In either scenario he would not have suffered, both processes bring on unconsciousness quickly.

    Illi--good comparison between gun buying and car buying. What normal person has any need to go from 0 to 60 mph in seconds when most roads have a speed limit of less than 60 mph?

    Celia--congrats on getting the second shot, and I'm sure you are feeling better by now. Small price to pay for immunity!

    Are You Afraid of the Dark Rum?: and Other Cocktails for '90s Kids by Sam Slaughter, Paperback | Barnes & Noble®

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited April 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! Got my first couple of postings made in my class, read a few of the others. I'm still not sure I've answered the question properly, so I'm waiting for the instructor grade/feedback, and telling myself it's the very first work on this journey, I'm not expected to know everything, or even anything yet, right?

    Woops, Sadie is throwing up, gotta go!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2021

    Well, let me see if I can ketchup here!

    NM, I'm glad to hear they weren't able to find anything on your mom and all seems well. Sounds like you got your work cut out for you. And your little mask chewer, how sweet. Uh oh, hope Sadie is ok.

    Karen, pretty cool pic of your fountain with the snow. I like the light.

    ED, you are only as old as you feel, and I'm pretty sure you don't feel your age, albeit the aches and pains, those came from your pole days!

    Cami, what kind of floors is Bob putting in? I'm excited for your move and wish you were too. Especially seeing your tiny room you had before.

    Sandy, the crimes being commited on the Asians is horrible. Especially the men beating the women.

    Had a nice time at the arboretum, it was short. Did an hour tour on a golf cart type thing, then I was hoping we could walk around awhile, the trails were very nice. But DH wasn't able to. Felt pretty odd going "in" to eat, been over a year. My doctors office called me on our way home to tell me they got my medicine, after I told them to have it come up here! Grrrrrrr! Well, DH has appt. with medical neuro on Wednesday next week, so I will get it then. With me have SOOOOO much to do and take care of, I said to him yesterday "I hate to ask, but who is going to do the montly paper work?" (usually my job) He says "I don't know how." I say "I'll show you", he says "oh, I don't know about that". I say "so I have to do that too?" It's a sit down job! He just doesn't WANT to.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited April 2021

    Good morning! This dog is gonna drive me crazy. He can be a lot of fun, but can also be a butt. He is running aground my courtyard and digging up some ground cover. I do wish I had a larger space for him to run around in. Might help some with getting out his energy. I do wonder if he is younger than the vet thinks he is.

    Thoroughly enjoyed playing cards the other night. We hugged and caught up on what people had been doing. Then I spent an hour in the car in my driveway talking with a friend I had not seen in a while. My DH thought we had both passed out!

    Gotta clean up the courtyard this weekend. It is supposed to be cooler and dry, so the weather is in my favor. I will host my family for Easter brunch on Sunday. The Baylor men and USC women both continue in Basketball for at least one more game. Then back to the MO for the tri-monthly scans the following week. The fun never ends!

    Take care!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2021

    Hey ED

    May be an image of 1 person and body of water

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2021

    This is DH's stance these days. Hunched over, head down, even when walking, knees bent.

    May be an image of indoor

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2021

    Peeps Sweet Bottom here

    See the source image

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2021

    Little Lorrie! THAT is too funny, Hah! I mean about Bernie....Loopy I posted that on my FB page....

    Sorry about your Husband! I mean GEEZ! Can they help him at all? I was so damn lucky after my back surgery! The sciatic pain got to be unbearable, so I finally had to do something.... A double Laminectomy... they removed the blood-clots, cleared out the connections between the discs, or is it disks? And the pain was gone when I woke up! This was about 1982...

    And my broken femur/hip wasn't that bad either! Some hardware, and I'm still mostly on my feet... Hah! When I told my brother, he said... "I thought a femur was a small furry animal".... Just HAD to laugh, right?

    I'm like the Energizer Bunny....Smile

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2021


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2021
