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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2021

    I sent that before I lost it. Well I'm still at Jodie's the damn closing was postponed AGAIN. This is crazy Altho Jodie and FF are very nice to me I still want to go home with Joey. This closing is a nitemare and pushing Leslie to her limits and if u know bi-polar u know that's not good so I hope it gets cleared up this week.

    I was out of morphine for 2 days the pharmacy got it all screwed up I felt like I was starting withdrawal Leslie rushed them here as soon as possible and I feel much better. All I could think about was last time and ending up in the hospital and I was freaking out but I got them in time.

    Snow is all gone and it's going to be around 60 today and tomorrow and Spring has started I think. Is it in like a lamb and out like a lion.

    Did anyone notice my kitty??? I think I've got it now. It is different than I'm used to tho so I can't promise it will happen again.

    And besides trying to learn the puter Jodie has a whole different TV system and this is tougher. I can get 3 programs easily Modern family, Golden girls. and my 600 lb. life yeah I know but I think I can operate on stomachs now. Easier than the puter and TV for sure.

    OK I've bored u gals long enough, hopfully I see Joey today and I hope u all have a good day and relax.

    Again LUBS UI ALL

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2021

    Welcome back, Cami! Bummer about the closing. The worst one I've ever experienced just took a single day...all day...well into the evening, (Other atty. was preparing the papers by hand as he went along, title co. was having trouble getting the money and issuing the checks. And it was merely a re-fi!). Yes, we saw the kitty--who is typically averse to being "costumed" to any degree. Dogs will put up with a lot more indignity. Here by the lake it'll stay in the 40s--so no patio dining for us.

    In Chicago, March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb...a rabid lamb...on steroids. Egg creams taste just like chocolate ice cream sodas, minus the ice cream. Old-fashioned soda jerks would be very generous with the seltzer, letting the froth overflow into the fountain's drain tray and then leveling it off with the edge of a spoon and adding just one more squirt to bring the "head" to just above the brim. I like mine to look like meringue.

    Lori (or whoever asked, I forget), they were called soda "jerks" not as a pejorative, but as a descriptor of what they did--they would have to pull, aka "jerk," on the soda spigot handle to make most fountain drinks. Pushing it away made the flow stronger and helped make that froth for the egg cream (and when making an ice cream soda, they'd add a little vanilla ice cream to the milk at the bottom, push the spigot to make the mixture froth, then pump the syrup and pull the handle to add the soda while stirring--for an egg cream, they wouldn't stir till the glass was full). Back then, there were separate pumps for different syrups: chocolate, vanilla, cherry (always red, not black), & Coke (the only brand they used). These days, they just push a button & out comes the drink. (Smaller buttons for plain seltzer & water).

    Kim, I get so infuriated about unvaxed people who refuse to mask--and even more about the idiots who are "COVID-hoaxers." Good grief--their cult idol admitted he got COVID, was later vaccinated, then went on Bartiromo's show to praise the vaccine and tell people they should get it...but then, to avoid losing the support of idiots, backtracked and said they should be able to make up their own minds.

    Here, there's a scandal about a tiny W. Side hospital (Loretto, in the desperately poor and almost exclusively black Austin neighborhood) whose COO & CEO blithely held "private events" where they vaccinated people living outside the area--even in you-know-who's tower in the posh downtown and the CEO's far-south-suburban church, at a time when eligible people, especially surrounding the hospital, were desperately seeking shots. Tower staffers, judges & their spouses, suburban church members: they claimed the church members said they were >65, had hi-risk conditions, or were essential workers, but they didn't even bother to verify that and didn't even ask the other recipients. The city is withholding the rest of the hospital's first-dose allocation while it and the Bd. of Directors investigate--which in effect punishes Austin residents who have nowhere else to get vaccinated because they can't get to the United Center vax site and don't have the tech equipment or skills to find appointments. Those illegitimately vaxed by Loretto will get their second shots (the suburban church already held its second-shot event). The church alone used up 200 pairs of shots.

    40% of Chicago's shots went to suburbanites (some living in wealthy collar-county 'burbs like Oakbrook, Winnetka, Glencoe & Burr Ridge), while 21% of Chicago recipients (raising my & Bob's hands) had to go to suburbs (Norridge for me, Evergreen Park for Bob at one of his hospitals; my HK--who lives in Austin near Loretto--to far SW suburban Tinley Park) to find appointments. FUBAR to the max.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,310
    edited March 2021

    Cami - so glad to hear from you & know you are OK. Even though there are conflicting issues.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2021

    BabyGirl, so glad you were able to find out that the vaccine would be a bad choice for you. Sorry you had such horrible reactions, and three times!

    Karen, how is your son in law doing? Are you enjoying your DD just a little maybe *big smiles*

    Jazzy, last day of winter indeed. I hope we don't go right into the 90's. Been windy here, and my allergies the last couple days have been through the roof. The Juniper trees are loaded with pollen.

    Sandy, no appologies needed. I was pretty sure that wasn't beer you were drinking! Your egg cream looks nice too. And yes, I knew what "schlep" meant. I find it funny. Kind of like Cami's "recockulous". Thanks for the "jerk" explanation, makes sense now.

    NM, 47 degrees in the house? BRRRRRRRR! I wouldn't even want to get out of bed. I hope Sadie was keeping you warm. Interesting on the Zoom murder mystery, glad you enjoyed it and all the little extras they added. I would have been quite upset at that staffer that wasn't masking and shaking hands, and then the other one that came in. I don't understand how people can think this is political and a hoax! Ok, the dress up day, this was at the HS? LOL at the Tux and stilletto's. Ya know what, kudo's to him or her for even having the guts to do it. Thank you for sharing. I think we live vicariously through one another.

    JCS, glad you escaped the bad weather.

    Cami, I knew you would get things figured out. Patience my love, patience. What's up with the closing, why does it keep being pushed backed? Ohhhhhh, I know it's killing you, only seeing Joey once a week. I'm sure DH is depressed. But like everyone here says, don't use it, you lose it. He does NOTHING. Thank you for the prayers re my son. I'm sorry you started withdrawls from your meds, but glad you got them. I too watch my 600 lb life. It's amazing. I also like wathcing when they get the skin removed.

    Cute pussy willows Teka.

    Hopefully getting my micro wave replaced tomorrow, not sure if y'all remember when I blew it up! Had to go to our other warehouse today to get some merchandise and then to the dump. I'll be pretty busy with orders tomorrow, and Monday too. So not sure when I'll have time to come back. BUT....."I'll be BOCK!"

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited March 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Going over to Mom's in a bit, she's got some things she needs help with, then we are going to the somewhere to check on something, she hasn't said a complete sentence yet about whatever it is we will be doing so I can figure it out. Honestly, that woman can change subjects 4 times in a single sentence and expects everyone around her to be able to keep up! Yesterday wasa total couch potato day after messing around on the computer getting stuff ready for the class that starts in a couple of weeks. Binged watched American Ripper. But I feel much livelier this ayem and may actually get something done around the house before I leave. Maybe.

    Sadie says Woof to everyone!

    Librarian--the whole boys/girls, men/women team equality thing is getting more and more complicated all the time with more and more transgender people coming out.Sometimes I wonder if it's time to eliminate gender based sports entirely and just have one team per sport per school.

    Cammy Cat--I'm sorry you haven't been able to move and get settled yet. It must be so hard to be in limbo like that, even when you are treated very well. There's nothing quite like being home.Sadie says "Thanks" for the belly rubs. Oh my goodness, how could the pharmacy mess up your prescription like that? So glad you and Leslie could get it sorted out quickly. I noticed the kitty, cute kitty with an hilarious expression!

    Chi--I have found myself to be less bothered by the anti-vaxxers and people who won't wear masks since I got vaccinated myself, and I do realize that is a false sense of security. Still, it bothers me to run across those people. And I wonder what they go through if a family member gets severe COVID or, God-forbid, dies. I've heard of situations where vaccine doses were given to people they were not intended for, but none so egregious as what you describe. FUBAR indeed.

    Teka--Yes, I need to go find some!

    Morning, Minus!

    Goldie--Yes, the Fancy Dress day was at the High School. That's where the interesting staffers were, too. Sadie was keeping me quite warm yesterday ayem, but then we both needed to pee, so getting out of bed was inevitable. I keep the bedroom quite cool, I sleep better that way, so I didn't realize the heat had gone off until we got up and came out into the hallway. While I don't keep the house super warm, there is usually a noticeable difference between the bedroom and hallway, and yesterday there wasn't!

    Just stumbled across this cocktail:

    New Englatini


    • 6 tablespoons apple juice
    • ¼ cup gin
    • 1½ tablespoons lemon juice
    • 1 tablespoon St. Germain
    • 3 dashes bitters


    1. Place all ingredients in an ice-filled cocktail shaker. Shake thoroughly and strain into a martini-style glass. Serve.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2021

    See the source image

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2021

    Sandy - DD may Aliyah in 2017 so she's been an Israeli citizen for 4 years in May. She did a gap year program and made Aliyah before the end of the program.

    Lori - total trip is 2 1/2 weeks. She leaves on 04/05. Originally is was to be 3 weeks, but when her original flight was canceled this was the best she could get. No one is complaining as she is here. At one point we didn't think it would work out. So far, we still can't travel to Israel.

    We drove up to the mountains Thursday after work. Great hiking Friday and Saturday. Beautiful blue sky and sunny. Trails were packed down but off the trail the snow was at least 3 feet deep (we stepped off a couple times to let people go by. It snowed a few inches last night and will start snowing again mid afternoon. Originally we were going to stay till after dinner to miss the crazy Sunday rush hour down the mountain. But now thinking about leaving by noon so may hike a little bit this morning. Have to pack up and clean the place before we leave. DD said Friday she got exactly what she wanted for her birthday :). Hiking and being in the mountains. Also cooked some of her favorite foods including veggies she doesn't get at home or are too expensive.

    Will post photos from my phone.

    Have a great Sunday

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2021

    Mornin ladies,

    Oh Kim ur jobs sounds more and more fun all the time, especially after all those other years. Kids can be so much fun, they look at the world with such optimism even when things go awry and now ur in the middle of it. I think it's a good thing. And ur drinks are getting better but I have to look up stuff.

    Lori with work I got to use the word Ballcock twice this week, of course I enjoyed it. Well now ur more busy with work besides everything else u do. On top of it u have such long drives everytime u have to go to some Dr. U have to be exhausted just thinking about everything I wish u had more help for ur DH. Men can be strange, well I think so maybe that's why I couldn't be with one more than 6 years. I give u so much credit and always love. Lori isn't it amazing how they take the excess skin off like 40 lbs now that looks like after it would really hurt.

    Sandy u crack me up I never knew why they were called "jerks" well I just thought it was cuz most of them were but quite interesting actually. My favs. were chocolate coke and green river. Which I don't drink now green river was like green sugar yech but chocolate coke probably would still be OK.

    Teka so cute are u doing OK???

    Joey called me yesterday he didn't feel well, just his us usual bad headache day which he gets every so often so he just stayed home but wetalked for a while. He told me life throws us crap all at once sometimes and we need patience and things will be as they should. His brain is to old for me now. And how he missed me just being there. Made me feel good.

    Bob stopped over yesterday for a while now Jodie sees why I'm crazy about him I came out of my room to talk to him and my pants fell down and they were new> I always have to make an entrance somehow. There a size M but the elastic waste musthave stretched outcuz I know I'm not smaller than that. Of course Jod LOLed hysterically and I'm getting to old to be embarrassed so I pulled them up and sat down like no big deal.

    I'm saying HI to everyone u r all such special people and I'm so happy to know and have you to talk to and really complain to

    Thank you all/LUBS U ALL

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2021


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2021

    an elk crossing the street by where we stay. image

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2021

    Happy Funday Sunday and happy Spring all!

    Hope everyone is doing well on this first weekend of the new season. We had the most spectacular day yesterday with the first day of spring, went to 78 degrees for a high! I ran a couple errands around noon including into a couple stores and could not help but chuckle at all the women in their sandals with fresh pedicures. I made more progress on my back yard getting more yard clean up in the dumpster, plus I pruned my pampas grass which is a big chore. My dumpster is full, and today I am going to focus on other things (like the garage and inside). Love having the change of light, new season, and see green things popping out of the ground. Spring is slowly unfolding.

    I went to the supplier this week to take a look at granite slabs to try to figure out what I want to do for my countertop upgrade project. Boy is that a fun place and picked out about five types of granite and took home some small samples to see how they look with my interior. My favorite is still my favorite but made a second choice and will use the top of two ranges to get the estimate finalized. I still need to talk to my plumber about some things and by early April, I should be ready to figure out how I will finance this with the help of my credit union. Then I will schedule this for sometime late summer early fall, when I know my schedule will allow me to be home for a few days without having to run out to clinics, etc. Really excited about getting this done, been thinking about it since I paid off the house in 2019 and this will be a good year to get er done.

    This week marks a milestone with coming off of probation with my new job. Sounds like nothing to worry about, and know they also need this long lead time to finish doing the very detailed background search. That will allow me to take my first vacation day off on Friday and have things lining up for my trip to go down south to the hot springs. Made a reservation for a spa treatment at the Ted Turner resort too. Work has been a bit challenging lately due to politics and management demands, but just pushing through; some of it is them and some of it is me getting used to working in a FT job vs. for myself. I do remind myself after self employment for 14 years, this is all a journey and to be patient with myself.

    Cami- I am sorry your family is still trying to get through this closing. It makes it so hard on everybody, and a lot of rescheduling of things. I am glad Joey comes to see you on Saturdays but not seeing him every day must be hard for you too. And your meds, whew, glad Les got those to you and no doubt you were coming into withdrawl. Hope you are feeling better. I do understand the bipolar world with my family history and know this kind of stress is not good for one with that condition. Sending you all much love. And yes, seeing your kitty pics!

    Goldie- my allergies are in full bloom here right now. I have a lot of problems with juniper, worse right now. April is my worst allergies month here. And with the wind, ah choo!

    Will be back later to write a bit more. My outdoor yoga class is back this weekend and heading out to that. More later!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited March 2021

    DH suggested a beach day, so off we went!

    DOTD for him was a Bloody Mary with fried oysters, a bacon wrapped shrimp and boudin balls. Mine was the Pelican punch, two kinds of rum, orange and pineapple juice, some kind of syrup and grenadine. The punch was delicious and dangerous, one too many and I might wake up on a sidewalk somewhere, lol


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2021

    Ill- I love nothing better than a good bloody mary with snacks stacked in. That looks fabulous. Glad you enjoyed your outing!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2021

    See the source image

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited March 2021

    Good morning! Beautiful day here. Sun is shining and in the low 50’s. I slept through the dog arriving this morning. He has been full of energy with some puppy nips and lots of barking. We will do a quick walk a bit later. I did work in the side yard on Saturday and it looks a lot better. All three of my basketball teams won on Sunday and we watched most of the NASCAR race. Lots of sitting! Today will have more activity. Laundry, bill pay and some general house cleaning.

    Good to hear from you, Cami. I have been missing the cat memes and your interesting life. Careful with those pants!

    I am always amazed, Jazzy, with how quickly people break out the shorts and flip flops. They must have strong internal heaters!

    My goodness, Illimae, those are drinks???? Do you take the food out so you can drink it?

    Karen, those pictures of your family in the mountains are beautiful. And the scenery is nice, too!

    Take care everyone.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited March 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day! Been a crazy one for me so far. I did something to my bad knee over the weekend, been gimping around big time. So I spent less time on the computer this ayem so I'd have more time for getting dressed while not falling over or swearing at the knee and still get to work on time. Managed that, just to find out that there is no school today due to boiler problems, no heat, no water. So, chatted with the receptionist for a few minutes, checked on my plants, and came back home. Its shaping up to be a beautiful day today, I've got the furnace turned off, going to open up the doors and windows in a bit, and work on getting the garbage off the kitchen floor and getting that floor washed. Maybe even do some laundry, too.Sadie was a tad confused when I got home so early, but decided it was ok since I came in and gave her belly rubs while telling her the story!

    Cammy Cat--cut kitteh! The job is a lot of fun, and I do so hope my contract will be renewed. The kids are so adaptable, and so imaginative, and so funny! Good talk with Joey, sorry he couldn't visit in person. He gave good advice, though. LOL at the pants falling down, and you nonchalantly pulling them up and then pulling up a seat!

    Karen--does that meanyour DD has dual citizenship, Israeli and US? Sounds like she is having a great visit so far. WOW, great pics!

    Jazzy--so exciting to be planning renovations/upgrades to the house for this year! Congrats on getting through probation! Work situation changes do take getting used to, don't they?

    Illi--A beach day!I am seriously jealous! Those drinks look amazing, although I wouldn't touch the one with shrimp. Don't like shrimp. The punch one sounds like fun!

    Librarian--Don't you wish you had the energy of the puppy?

    5 COVID-19 Inspired Drink Recipes for Coping with the Coronavirus

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2021

    NM, that is pretty funny about your mom " that woman can change subjects 4 times in a single sentence". Regardless, I hope you had a nice time with her. I know you like the house cool, but in the 40's is a little too cool! I think we can all relate to the inevitable, getting up to pee!

    Karen, 4/5 will be here before ya know it, but let's not think about that! Love the pictures, everyone looks so happy. And that looks more like a moose to me, not an elk?

    Cami, did you laugh out loud (literally) when you said "ballcock"? Taking that excess skin off, hell ya that's got to hurt. I'm always amazed at how different they look in the face tho. Sorry about Joey's headaches, but that young man is wise beyond his years, just so damned sweet. I can totally see you with your pants falling down and you just acting as if it's a normal occurance.

    Jazzy, new kitchen counters, how exciting. I'm sure your background check will come out just fine! As for the allergies, snowing here this morning, so that should help. And that darned wind sure doesn't help!

    BabyGirl, the drinks look AHHHHH Mazing! I'll take the top off the bloody mary and have it with yours please!

    JCS, was it the puppy that woke you up?

    NM, why weren't you notified of school being closed? I'm so sorry about your knee and hope it doesn't give you too much trouble. You have some plants in your office, I assume? You don't like shrimp? But eat lobstah? What did you and mom do?

    Had neighbors over yesterday, got the new micro wave put up and the yard hydrant fixed. Glad to have those done. Good people, and wouldn't take any money. He likes his beer, they got here at 8 am, him toting a beer! I said "that's coffee in there, right?"

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2021

    Mornin ladies.Jod worked on her garden yesterday and she said she had a great day. My GD came over yesterday with her boyfriend so that was nice. She's a manager at a chicken place and I wonder who would take her seriously. She's about 5 ft maybe 100 lbs and has a face like a 14 yr old she's so cute but I doubt if anyone could take her seriously plus she's shy as can be... What a combination. Since Joey and her spent every weekend together for yrs they are still really close and I like that.

    Karen I love u pics. Everyone knows how much I enjoy everyones pics and urs are great and all smiles. This is such a happy time for you so enjoy every minute of them I know u will.

    I'm praying for closing this week like crazy. Oh Oh guess what the name of the street if all things go well. Here it comes ....ALBERT EINSTEIN DR. LOL... should be Murphy's Law Court. Then there is Madam Curry's Lane...well I think u get the picture names u either won't forget or never heard of. Just depends.

    I talked to Joey last night and he as usual comforted me and I told him it should be the other way around and he told me well that changed a few yrs. ago. Yeah he's right too. I think sometimes I put to much on him but honestly talking to him he just knows what to say and sounds so old that for that time I forget.

    I can't believe it's Monday these days are still all screwed up for me by now I should be used to especially sinmce there are only 7 and I've been around a long time to know that.

    OK for now.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2021

    OMG see how long it takes me I miss 3 posts and all I did was jabber on and on saying nearly nothing. So I'm more caught up and Kim I hope ur leg feels good quickly that's a pain in the ok well leg.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2021

    I just love you gals! Sorry I read through your posts, and then promptly forget what is going on... Hah! So much going on here, just trying to keep up with it all.

    Miss Cammi... You know, I love reading about little Joey... Our oldest Grandson still calls us every week from Orlando, just to talk! I just love that... And he cracks me up, just like he always did when we were together! He is with Amanda, and we have someone else to love... They both call me Grandma, and our other Grandson calls me Grams! But it's like just being happy & carefree when they call! I can say something, and he comes back with the funniest damn response!

    We are so lucky to have those boys! I got to be with them on all my days off when I worked PT for Coors... And we did something special on those days... even if it was just making a lunch, and crawling down in the ditch by the water to talk and just enjoy each other! Man, it broke my heart when they moved to Orlando... But life changes... we sure know THAT, right?

    And what's this miss Cam about your pants falling off? Is that a normal occurrence? Does that happen when you go to the store? Or when salesmen come to your door? You need suspenders. Unless of course you are doing this on purpose... like we used to....

    Kim!!! WTH??? Do you use Icy-Hot or something like that? Or even those pain patches? And maybe you need a temporary cane to use? And I made a bunch of those little rice-bags, that I heat in the microwave, and put them on everything that hurts! What did I miss? Did you fall? Or is it Arthritis? Also, I would get so mad if someone came up to me without a mask! My neighbors for the most part, always wear one, or stay about 10 feet away, but our OTHER neighbors with the 3 little ones, run around like everything is normal! They must not care, about us OR themselves. Yes, we've had both our shots, but we still don't take chances.

    Okay Karen, I love your pictures... You guys look like you are having so much fun! And I loved the snow this morning! At least it melted fast, for the most part, and I'm so glad for our gardens!

    Okay gals.... love you all! xoxo

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited March 2021

    Good Morning, Loungetttes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Back to school today, the boiler has been fixed. The emailcame out yesterday afternoon. It got beautifully warm here yesterday, hit 70 degrees outside and inside the house even with the furnace turned off! Lots of melt off, lots of mud, looks like mud season is waking up. Sadie enjoyed basking in the sun. So did I. I got nothing much else done, though. Oh well, the housework won't run away, so I'm not worried about it.

    Goldie--Mom has a lot of stuff stored in a garage that belongs to one of my cousins. We went there so she could sort through what she wants to keep and what she wants to get rid of. That mostly involves Mom opening up bags and boxes and taking everything out, looking at it and talking about it, and then putting things in different piles, and then putting them all back in the box or bag again and then moving them around so she can't remember which she's looked at and which she hasn't. She actually throws away next to nothing, not even water damaged papers that are unreadable. She did take back to her apartment a trash bag full of stuff. Some of it she will actually use, most of it was "I might want that someday" stuff. Gotta love the woman, but there are definite hoarding tendencies going on here! I wasn't notified about school being closed because my phone number hasn't been added to the RoboCall list. E-mails were sent out, and I have got my work e-mail showing on my home desktop now so I can check that before I leave the house. I do have a couple of small plants in the office, a miniature rose and a shamrock. Some of the students have some fun looking for the 4 Leaf Clover in there. No one's found one yet, so I don't think there is one, but hey, it's fun to look! Glad the neighbors are so helpful, and funny about him toting a beer at 8 ayem!

    Cammy Cat--I learned a long time ago that the little, petite bosses were the ones with the biggest effect on staff! I bet your GD does just fine at work. Albert Einstein Drive? Sounds very brainy. Joey sounds like an old soul. He's growing into quite the special young man. The knee/leg is much better this ayem than yesterday, which was much better than Sunday. So whatever it is, it's healing/repairing/going away.

    Chevy--I have been using a heating pad. I had a rice pad that I loved but has disappeared. I have some rubs I use at times too. I do have arthritis in both knees, worse in the bothersome right one, which started out as traumatic arthritis after I slipped on the stairs running to a Code Blue at work one evening. I do not know what happened to set it off this weekend, though. On Sunday I actually considered a cane, and if I had come across one I probably would have used it! I'll wear the brace again today, but should be able to leave that off later this week judging by how it feels this ayem.

    Knee Deep Drink Recipe

    Knee Deep Cocktail Recipe

    • 2oz dark rum
    • 3/4oz amaretto
    • 3/4oz cream of coconut
    • 4oz pineapple juice
    • 1 1/2oz oj

    Mixing Instructions: Shake or blend all with ice, float dark or ovenproof rum. Raise glass and toast.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2021

    Lori - I don't want to think how fast 04/05 will come - all too fast

    Yes, its a Moose

    Kim - yes, she has dual citizenship - two passports - and bilingual - but says her expressive Hebrew isn't as good since the lockdown. May will be 4 years since she made Aliyah and her 5th year in Israel. The lockdown has been hard on her. Us too.

    The King Soopers mass shooting in Boulder really has shaken me up - It's about 45 minutes from me so not near me - but I shop at King Soopers by me since I moved to CO 35+ years ago - the one by me is less than 1 mile away and another 1 1/2 miles. I'm there at least once week since the lockdown but before several times/week.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited March 2021

    Good morning! Was able to complete most of my chores yesterday. Today I want to attempt making sheet pan shrimp boil for dinner. I have boiled it before and it takes forever. Will probably end up with two sheet pans as the kids are coming for dinner.

    Tomorrow I get my second vaccine. We will head to the drive through site and hope it happens as quickly as the first one. Fingers crossed there are no side effects. Thursday I have an appointment with a yard service. We have never used one, but think it may be time. Much will depend on the charges and what they will do. The yard is too big for us to handle regularly.

    Better get going! Gotta walk the dog, get a shower and find something to do today.

    Take care

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2021

    See the source image

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2021

    Mornin ladies

    JC do u ever stop??? Ur dinner sounds yummy and I'm glad u have ur kids coming over, always fun.

    Kim I'm glad ur knee is finally starting to feel better and hope it continues to heal. Did u check Sadie's cave for ur rice pad??? I really can imagine ur mom wanting to hold on to things, all it is is moving one spot to another and there's not much u can do. But it probably feels good to have u around.

    Chevy I guess it's an old habit we did, cuz it never embarrasses me when it happens anymore.. Since I lost so much weight nothing fits me right and they are new. A nightgown works best for me. Oh missing our "little" boys is awful. One thing I enjoy is since I lost weight and Joey is almost 6ft 4inc. and big when he puts his arms around me now I feel like so cuddled it's a great feeling. He's starting to text me and call me more, I think he's starting to really miss me now so I can't wait til this move is going to happen hoping it's this week It's all crazy here...this is a horrible closing for a house.

    I do have to say FF has been nice but still I just can't feel like I always have about Marty. FF starts drinking as soon as he gets home and doesn't stop and he never stops talking ever and it's so boring and he repeats himself, but he does make me feel smart for sure. He always thinks he knows everything, he forgets I know everything LOL

    Cheers to a good day for all of us.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2021

    Karen I'm just reading about Denver CO grocery store 10 MURDERS OMG this is horrible they caught the guy but still how can people do this. It was horrific to read about so sad for all the families. WOW

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2021

    Cami - it is horrific

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2021

    Two gun massacres in less than one week?! One of the Boulder victims grew up in the far NW Chi. suburb of Barrington.

    Cami, Albert Einstein Drive? Oh, well, everything's relative.

    Karen, your daughter is gorgeous. And here in my Chicago we don't have moose, but we do have squirrels. (Sounds like a load of bull(winkle), but I'm feeling a bit rocky tonight--had a dental appointment, and am hoping the amoxicillin I had to take beforehand doesn't do to me tonight what it did last Thurs. (2000 mg. today, vs. 500 for the allergy challenge--but today they were capsules, not liquid). I have to drive up to Madison on Thurs., in a cold rain, to record a couple of concert sets (an hour solo for streaming on 4/23, and 20 min. with my singing partner for the dulcimer festival in June). Been practicing guitar & dulcimer the past couple of days, and my fingertips are very tender. Hoping the calluses set in by Thurs. I blew it as far as getting a trim and root touch-up (nothing available tomorrow)--but everyone's hair is too long by now, and dark roots are actually fashionable these days. (Gray, not so much).

    I'm still fuming over what happened Saturday night. There was a memorial/benefit jam for my working-musician friend (co-founder of our songwriters' collective) who died suddenly (no cause disclosed) 2/28, and I was waffling over whether it was safe to attend. Bob gave me the "we all take risks every day, especially when it's important" speech, adding "you'll never forgive yourself if you don't get to pay your respects, you're fully-vaccinated and you wear a mask." (Same speech as when I expressed doubts a year ago about attending a friend's going-away party/gig). So I grabbed my guitar (intending to play one song in my friend's memory) and headed out to Forest Park, a near-west suburb. Parked, paid the meter app, and walked into the venue--chosen because my friend had played there several times a week pre-pandemic.

    Well, it was a small dive bar, and packed to the gills, with half the people not wearing masks! To put things into perspective, it was in a blue-collar suburb--with almost none of Chicago's mitigation restrictions, with a somewhat less than liberal clientele. And people were not just handshaking but hugging too. In retrospect, I should have turned on my heel and walked right back out--especially when I saw the "masks required" sign was posted inside the exit (not outside on the front door), no doubt intended to thumb their noses at "snowflakes." But one of my friends was there with his wife, and both were masked. We talked for a while (as best we could over the din).

    There was an open-mic sign-up sheet, and to my dismay I'd have been way down on the list (and the event was scheduled to go till at least midnight). The jam's hosts were playing song after song after song (loud, uptempo covers)--with a thick binder of lyrics on the stand in front of them. My original song would not only have gone over like a lead balloon, it would likely have been inaudible. My friend was next on the list--and so I stayed to hear him do two numbers on bagpipes, as he had actually been en route home from a St. Pat's week piping gig (he removed the mask to play, of course). But it was getting harder & harder to talk over the noise (especially as the three of us were wearing masks), and I realized that trying to talk in a noisy room is exactly how almost every case of laryngitis in my life seemed to have started. I had no desire to drink cheap beer or dig into the communal pot of sloppy Joes either, and the last thing I needed was to lose my voice before Thurs. None of our other friends showed up, so I ended up staying less than an hour in what was likely a Petri dish. Hardly worth the 45-min. commute each way, except for seeing my one friend who did attend (and whom I hadn't seen since our other friend's moving-away party just before the lockdown began).

    Next night, Bob & I did go out to a nice steakhouse, so my DsOTD were a Dopff & Irion Alsace Brut Cremant Rosé and a 2017 Bethel Heights (OR) Pinot Noir. With leftovers tonight, the last of the Williams-Selyem Pinot Noir I'd Coravined.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited March 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Yesterday was a beautiful day temperature and sunshine wise. Absolutely beautiful. And, of course, there is a snowstorm predicted for Sunday into Monday. Sigh. Big news at the staff meeting yesterday, the School Board is moving ahead with a plan to regionalize the K-2 and 3-5 schools. That will mean combining 5 schools into 2 and closing 4. A local commercial building will be renovated to take the K-2 students on the first floor, and the district offices and other offices on the second floor. That announcement created a lot of reaction as you can imagine. Knowing local politics (each town will need to vote to close the involved schools) and all the stuff it will take to move a plan like this forward, nothing is expected to change for the 21-22 school year. It makes me sad to think these little neighborhood schools will be closed down and all these little kiddos bussed to a big facility, but money talks, and the current school buildings are old, falling apart, and cost a lot to keep running. My school is one of the newer buildings, and one teacher was teaching in the gym all week due to the boiler flooding the classroom, and then Monday we had no school do to the boiler not working and not getting water, so no heat, no running water. The cost to fix or replace is astronomical for a district where half the students' families are living on the poverty line. No easy answers to this situation, I'm afraid.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Karen--DD is bilingual, that is so cool. I'm sure the lockdown has been hard on her, too. I can see how the latest shooting would be scary, that's awfully close to you.

    Librarian--You will love having a yard service. My neighbor who was doing my yard moved last summer, so I need to either find someone else or start doing it all myself again. I hope to find someone else with reasonable rates, it's much nicer to just do the fun gardening stuff and leave the maintenance stuff to someone else! Hope your second shot is easy and not bothersome.

    Cammy Cat--Silly kitteh!The knee is much improved, no pain at all this ayem, and none most ofyesterday. I wish I knew what it was doing when it flares up like that, but that would be getting tests and such and I'm just not going to go there right now. I was watching Mom looking over things Sunday and thinking that someday I'm going to have to go through all that stuff again myself! Cringe-worthy thought. At least when I am there I can get her to throw away some stuff that is totally garbage. Part of the problem is that she makes piles, things to keep, things to "go through", things to see if someone else wants, then starts mixing up the piles and has to start over again.

    Chi--so sorry to hear about your friend's passing. Sounds like the memorial was a pretty crazy event. I don't blame you for not staying long.

    image alt="Lawnmower Cocktail - Tipsy Bartender">

    Lawnmower Cocktail

    1 oz. Vanilla Vodka

    3/4 oz. Lime Juice

    1/2 oz. (15ml) Cointreau

    Mint Leaves

    1 cup Diced Honeydew


    Garnish: Mint Sprig, Melon Balls


    1. Place diced honeydew in a blender and blend thoroughly.
    2. Strain blended melon into a shaking glass and add ice, vodka, cointreau, lime juice, and a few mint leaves. Shake well.
    3. Strain mix into a champagne glass, filling it halfway, and top with champagne.
    4. Garnish with a melon skewer and a mint sprig.

    From <>

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2021

    Morning girls! Trying to get out of this slump, ever since the the massage parlor shootings, and then the one near us... Boulder is about 20 minutes from here, and we love to go there to Pearl Street Mall when our family is together! So many fun little shops, kind of like in Berkley Ca. by the university.

    And our Daughter Janie lives about 15 minutes away from Boulder, and she works at the King's by her house... Man, I was so scared when this happened! I turned on Judge Judy, but she wasn't on, and they were all talking about the shooting, with one down, and it just got worse from there! Man, I was just numb. Janie talks about crazies coming in her store, refusing to wear a mask, and throwing things around, but THIS was unbelievable! I was ready to just drive to her store & hold her.... It's all so heart-breaking. I watched as they marched the shooter out to an ambulance, no clothes, barefooted, and does anyone think I felt sorry for him?

    I know all about the excuses, but I also know about the families of the loved ones gunned down... This all just makes your heart hurt. I just can't watch much more of this now.....

    I just need to read more from you guys now...... Heart