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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2021

    Jazzy, love the Godzilla-destroying-the-Peeps memes. Not nuts about Peeps (though one Easter weekend at a science fiction convention, after several unidentifiable cocktails, we had a grand time nuking different colors & shapes of them). I prefer my marshmallows toasting over a campfire, floating in cocoa, or as Joyva dark-chocolate-covered twists or "domes" for Passover (plain, cherry, or maple).

    Lori, so wrenching to see your DH doubled over like that. Is he a candidate for a brace?

    DOTD with a tapas dinner was Segura Viudas Brut Rose Cava. (The kids had a pitcher of margaritas, Bob his usual vodka martini).

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2021

    ED, my husband is not in pain and he had back surgery back in August. He's losing muscle, weak and numbness. I thought you would get a kick out of Bernie. Your brother must have been thinking of a Lemur?

    Cute cartoons Jazzy, I like the first one best. But those "Peeps"!

    Sandy, no doctor has mentioned a brace. I don't know why he bends over like that. I think he said it hurts if he stands straight. I'll ask the specialist Wednesday when we go.

    Well, I did manage to get the two toilets cleaned, now to try and find time to clean the rest of the bathrooms!

    DOTD: Strawberry Mudslide

    Easter Peeps cocktail


    1 oz vodka

    1 oz Kahlua

    1 oz Baileys Strawberries and Cream

    1 oz heavy cream

    Pink bunny Peeps

    Simple Syrup

    Fine pink sugar

    DOTD: Strawberry Mudslide


    Rim a cocktail glass with pink sugar by first dipping the rim into simple syrup then into pink sugar.

    In an ice filled shaker combine vodka, Kahlua, Baileys and heavy cream. Shake vigorously then strain into the cocktail glass.

    Cut a slit into the bottom of a Peep and add to the rim of the glass.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2021

    Lori, the reason your DH's back & neck hurt when he tries to stand up straight is that his muscles have contracted with disuse--and the disuse is a result of a desire to avoid pain (a vicious self-perpetuating cycle). He needs PT--and at first, bracing--to stretch them to where he can begin to use them again. Long, slow, PT, alas. Acupuncture, heat, meditation, whatever else works (but not benzodiazepine muscle relaxers or opioid drugs that would make him dizzy and likelier to fall). Strengthening & stretching his "core" (front muscles) will help support those in back.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited April 2021

    Lori, My DH was bent much like that when his hip was bone on bone and his back surgeon had not yet released him for additional surgery. Once he could get it, a hip replacement, followed by PT, did the trick and he was no longer bent over. I know from your comments that the PT could be a problem and it was absolutely a vital part of his recovery. Keeping you both in my thoughts.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2021

    Hi ladies- greetings from Pinky McFuzzy and blessings to everyone on this Easter to all who are celebrating. It is a lovely warm weekend here in New Mexico with temps pushing 80. Feels like spring and hope this lasts! We had such a cold winter, and spring too, and now into planning my garden activities. Too soon to plant some things but did get some pansies that will go in to pots and a loving hanging plant that can stay out during the day but will be sheltered ont the patio at night. When I was at Lowes this week, the garden center was empty in the evening and I had the place to myself to move around freely and look at all the pretties. So $155 later, I left with some good supplies to get things started but have a lot more clean out to do. Tomorrow will have some time spent on that for sure.

    Goldie- your husband does not sound like he has recovered well from the accident and all the rest. I know you are struggling and trying to handle so much. Sending much love and wishing for better days.

    JCS- looks like you will be hosting a brunch tomorrow. Enjoy!

    NM -what is going on with Sadie, is she okay? How are you this weekend friend? Hope you will get to see your mom this weekend.

    Ill- how are things your way. Eating and drinking anything interesting. Are you in Houston or out in West Texas?

    Cami- thinking of you this weekend and hope the family got moved this week and you got moved over to your new home/room and that you are hanging out and enjoying catc up time with Joey.

    Minus Two- any interesting on line concerts this weekend?

    My sister was able to visit her partner this week in her long term care facility IN PERSON for the first time in over a year. She was sleeping so they were not able to talk, but my sister sat with her, read her Easter cards and talked to her. She is still not aware of her mother's passing, but gld that did not come up this first visit. That would be a lot to take in all things considered for a first visit during all this time.

    Hope to be back tomorrow and wishing everyone a peaceful holiday today with family, friends or what ever else you may be doing!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2021

    Sandy, YEP! I have told him this. He doesn't want to listen to me. He's convinced he has some kind of muscle disease and that is the cause. He do go to PT but only once a week, and then doesn't do much at home. He doesn't take any muscle relaxers or opioids. He doesn't like opioids anyways.

    Thank you Beaver.

    Jazzy, I personally don't think any of DH's issues are from the accident. Gorgeous weather here too. I don't do pansies, it gets hot to quick here, so they don't last long. Always fun to garden shop. And that is so awesome that your sister was FINALLY able to get an in person visit.

    Nothing going on on my end of things, just working my tail end off. On the bright side, my hummers have arrived!

    DOTD: Jelly Bean Martini (not sure I could stomach this one!)

    Jelly Bean Martini

    • 3oz (6 tablespoons) cotton candy-flavored vodka
    • 1/4cup red and pink jelly beans
    • Ice
    • 2oz (1/4 cup) orange-flavored liqueur (or your favorite flavor)


    • 6 red or pink jelly beans
    • 2 lemon slices
  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2021

    Happy Easter girls

    See the source image

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited April 2021

    Jazzy, we’re all good here. Still in Houston, I’ve got scans coming up in a couple weeks and there’s still lots of house clearing to but done. DH is overwhelmed with the amount of his things and struggling. I’m trying politely to be supportive without pushing too hard. Dinners have been the usual balanced home cooked meals but I’m on a brunch kick right now, all the delicious and pretty foods, just a pleasure to see and eat. Other than the occasional cocktail, not much drinking and most of the booze is packed up.

    So far things in Houston haven’t changed much, at least not that I’ve seen. Most places require masks and I’ve yet to see anyone without one. Traffic is back but I’m surprised to say that most people seem to be responsible. Can’t wait to get back to the cabin though, I’m ready to get a greenhouse and beach bar she shed up and running.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2021

    I reiterated to DH today, that being bent over his muscles are contracting and he needs to stand up straight. He just starts to cry and says that's not it. He's determined he has a disease. MMN to be exact, Multifocal Motor Neuropathy.

  • castigame
    castigame Member Posts: 336
    edited April 2021

    Please excuse if I ramble too much.

    My 93 ye old pop who is still alive and kicking used to be heavy drinker till he was about mid 60s. He had COPD which doctors told the family nursing home. He didnot have it. He had two strokes within 30 day period when he was two months shy of 90. Had pneumonia at 91.

    I used to think cheap wine was the reason I got this extended diarrhea aka bilateral cancer a few yrs ago. But looking back there were multiple signs extended diarrhea was planted by genetics long long time ago.

    So here I am finally decided I will drink a bottle of good wine every week. Because your time is up no matter what. My choice of wine is Coppola btw.

    Cheers to good wine!

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 945
    edited April 2021

    Hi all. Had a lovely day here. Along with ham and delicious sides I had two glasses of the finest sweet red wine - Alta B (?) Did not check spelling. I almost never have a second glass of anything. We had 2 vaccinated friends over for the first time in forever. 🍷🍷

    Goldie the fact that DH has already named his disease is a bit concerning mental health wise. As if you don't have worries enough.

    Hope NM's doggo is feeling better!

    Have a good start to your week gals!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited April 2021

    Huh, looks like Saturday's post didn't post. Let's try again:

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Ongoing crisis day for me. Started yesterday ayem. Crisis Part 1: Sadie got stuck getting off the ottoman, I think she hurt one or both back legs as she wouldn't stand on them after I got her off the ottoman onto the floor. I let her sit and rest for a few minutes and she threw up, twice. By the time I got that cleaned up she was moving her back legs and trying to get up on them. After a few more minutes of pets and cuddles and me trying to figure out how I would get her into car if I needed to take her to the emergency vet she managed to get up and take a few steps, then sat down. She did the few steps, sit and rest thing all the way to the kitchen and her bowl of food, where she stood and ate some more. Then she would walk, limping, all the way back to the living room AND climb back up on the ottoman. So I figured she was going to be ok at that point. When I got home she was moving around just fine, with an occasional limp (which is not new for her with her arthritis) and acting normally. Even running after the nasty fat squirrel that teases her when she is in the yard.

    Crisis Part 2: Got to school, got through the morning with only the usual stuff, until right before lunchtime. One of the teachers came into my office in tears, had just gotten a text from her husband, who had just been re-tested for COVID and was positive. Which makes her a close contact. And she needs to go get tested and go into quarantine. So far, routine. The COVID test now is to be sure the person going into quarantine isn't already sick, and almost always is going to be negative. But here's the kicker--her husband has been home sick for over a week, being treated for pneumonia,COVID tested negative when he first got sick, and re-tested earlier this week after a week of treatment without improvement. The teacher asked to be tested at the same time, the office wouldn't do it. Now we're scrambling to find her a rapid test, the one the office did do yesterday but results are expected until Tuesday, and the Principal wants to know before Monday if the school needs to go remote. The 1-2 hour result test appointments fill up so fast, the 24 hour result tests have been taking closer to 48, and PCR test is still taking days. So far the only option I can find for a test for her today is for her to drive 3 hours to the southern part of the state, and she really can't do that while in quarantine. ARGHHHHH!

    So, today's agenda will be to write a paper for my class, monitor the work e-mail, do test appointment searches, interpreting information to a frantic teacher and principal, answering questions from frightened and anxious staff and pay extra attention to Sadie just cuz she deserves it.

    OK, back to the HTL, I think the work crisis is cooled down to a smolder for the moment. Got the teacher an appointment for a 2 hour test tomorrow afternoon locally, so she doesn't have to the driving thing. The Principal will be a close contact if this teacher tests positive, so she anxious to hear if she needs to quarantine or not. Understandably, she wants to know NOW. Unfortunately, we won't know until tomorrow at earliest. So now we move into waiting mode. Which is sooooo hard.

    Goldie--My Mom called her eye doctor and the eye doctor thinks she had an Occular Migraine from her description. Mom doesn't believe that could be the case because she didn't have a headache. She just can't wrap her head around the fact that migraines are not a class of headache but a class of circulatory conditions, and one can have a migraine without having head pain. Anyway, All seems back to normal now. Sadie is her usual, cold wet nose on the back of the arm nudging, barking at the squirrel self this ayem. I can see where DH's attitude is annoying and upsetting. Is he trying to hide some sort of cognitive problem? I gotta wonder.

    Librarian--Sounds like lots and lots of doggy fun. How old does the Vet think he is? And do they have any idea what kind of breeds are in his makeup? Hard to believe it's already Easter Weekend. I really need to try harder to find a church to go to. I miss the holiday services and the chance to socialize. Maybe this summer. . .

    Goldie--made me giggle!

    Goldie--that posture screams Parkinson's Disease to me! But I think I remember you saying he's been tested for that?

    Goldie--Coco Happy Feet here!Not a bad Easter Bunny Name! Mom would be Lucky McFuzzy!

    Chevy--LOL at femur/small furry animal!

    Jazzy--Another LOL!

    Chi--I bet nuking the peeps was fun! Hmm, wonder if I should pick some up to take to school to do that with? . ..

    Pretty Strawberry Mudslide!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited April 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Well, it looks like I didn't post yesterday, either, even though I could swear I wrote a post. Recap of Sunday: Teacher got a negative COVID test report late Saturday afternoon. She will be teaching from home, with a sub in the classroom. Nothing else needs doing for now. If she becomes symptomatic or tests positive in a few days then we have a whole new problem to deal with. But we're ready for that if it needs to happen. I was able to find a rapid test appointment for her for Sunday that was close to where she lives, but she didn't need it after all, which is a good thing.

    Sadie is totally back to normal. She was running around like a foolish pup in the yard yesterday. Although she did stop running and starting limping as soon as she saw me standing on the deck watching her! The little minx has been playing me for extra belly rubs and treats!

    Spend the bulk of Sunday writing the first paper for my class. I had forgotten what writing a paper could be like, and how much time it takes. It's almost done, only have the conclusion left to put together and that's pretty easy, so it won't take long after work today to finish and submit. Can't wait to get the instructor's feedback so I can tell how far off or on track I am.

    Chi--good point about the vicious cycle of disuse causing pain causing disuse.

    Jazzy--I am so jealous of you and my cousin who lives in Las Vegas. Comparable temps while I'm looking at snow! Sadie is back to normal, thank goodness.Did not see Mom this weekend, but talked on the phone and next Sunday we are going to a local Nursery's Spring Fling with new plants, a Maple Syrup display and a succulent planting workshop. I'm so glad your sister could visit her partner in person, finally, and that the visit went well.

    Goldie--the Jelly Bean Martini looks like it could pack a bit of a punch! The red jelly beans are the only ones I really don't care for, so I think I would look for another flavor liqueur and different colors of jellys! LOL at Auntie Acid!

    Illi--The only big difference here in Maine is the number of restaurants opening for indoor dining. Still need the masks and such. But people are getting so tired of all this stuff and are starting to be less careful. With the variants beginning to really ramp up, it worries me. I bet you are ready for the greenhouse and she shed to be up and running!

    Welcome, Castigame! You will find lots of support here for drinking a good bottle of wine a week here in the Lounge! Life is too short, and when your time is up, it's up, no matter how good you've been. Might as well enjoy what can be enjoyed!

    Reader--I didn't make an Easter dinner this year, never even thought about it. Hmm, I usually look forward to holiday meals. Glad you enjoyed yours. It is a treat when you find a really good wine, isn't it? And having friends over must have been a real treat.

    Cook In / Dine Out: Dallas Drinks: The John Ross

    DOTD chosen based on the cowboy that caught my eye. Not even sure what's in the drink!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2021

    Castigame, hi and welcome to our lounge.

    NM, I'm so sorry to hear about Sadie. Sounds like she might be ok tho, I sure hope so. And oh boy, possible Covid at your school, I sure hope not! I have had those migrains without the headache, which is usually a fluttering like vision out of the side of the eye. I don't know what DH's issue is, seems to me he likes to make things sound bad cuz he likes the attention. Usually attention is on me because of the stage IV cancer. I don't think he's trying to hide anything, I think he's trying to create something that is worse than it is. I personally think he is causing most of his problems, as he doesn't nothing to help himself. I could be all wrong, but all the doctors and tests he has had thus far, no one can find anything wrong with him. So Wednesday will be our last hope!

    Reader, I have to remind myself that God doesn't give us more than we can handle!

    NM, glad the teacher tested negative, but we know that can change. OMG, that little stinker, limping when she saw you. That's funny! And the cowboy catching your eye. Maybe we can have him as another Tender?

    No special Easter Dinner for us, mainly because my DH doesn't eat those traditional meals, ham or turkey. So Steak, shrimp cocktail, baked tater and garlic bread it was. Today is my son's 10 months of sobriety. He drove to NC Saturday to pick this guy up, he wanted to come and live with my son at the sober living house. Well, they made it back to MI and my son had to take him straight to the hospital so he could detox. They won't let you in the house if you test dirty. Told my son that he is going to rely on him for everything, if something goes wrong. He has no job, no car, no family/friends in MI. My son said he already told him, he can't help him. So, time will tell.

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited April 2021

    Good morning! Easter yesterday was lovely. The five of us got together to have brunch and had a great time. The TV was off and we had lively conversations about all kinds of things. The kids even found out they kind of share a common bond over a house that had been decorated by an artist. This woman had glued broken ceramics over the floors and walls of a house making it her palate. Kinda crazy!

    Goldie - if your DH has ‘named’ his problem, he is committed to making it his problem. So many of our elderly problems have no real solution. It would be nice if he had a doctor he trusted and then could work with the diagnosis.

    NM - Sorry about loosing your posts. Been there done that!

    No dog today. DIL has some chores so took a day off work. Hope to get the laundry caught up and groceries bought. The week is busy with doctor’s appointments, lunches, and cards. Maybe life is getting back to normal!

    Take care.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2021

    JCS, oh DH HAS made it his problem! Our PCP is a personal friend, doesn't get much more trustworthy than that. He has had all kinds of tests, blood work, scans, seen specialists, no one can find anything wrong. He's convinced this next specialist will be able to help him. Sounds like you had a wonderful time with the kids.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2021

    Kim, good news about Sadie feeling better. (After three solid no-puking days, Happy had an exhausting scarf-and-barf-fest all yesterday evening, punctuated by stints on my lap--being extremely clingy).

    Lori, sounds like it's time to call DH's bluff: explain that he will need an electromyelogram (EMG) to diagnose "MMN," so he should "put up or shut up." (You & I know that an EMG would require a trip to Phoenix, which I doubt he'd be willing to put you through). Hypochondria often impacts one's nearest & dearest, alas. So in the meantime, either setting up a strict home-exercise sched. between PT visits, or exploring having a visiting therapist come in, might be in order. For the former, he needs to be monitored in real time to make sure he doesn't slack off, and that might mean you also have to do the stretches along with him.

    I'm dealing with DH's denial on a smaller scale. He's a workaholic (if there's no sports on TV for him to watch, he wouldn't know what to do with himself if he didn't work), and the only things he does for his health are walking, eating a lot of citrus, taking an ACE inhibitor/statin/baby-aspirin, and getting annual bloodwork & LifeLine Screenings. But his knees are toast. He insists that wearing a neoprene sleeve on one of them helps--but it leaves pitting edema that lasts for hours after he takes it off. And we are going to have to replace our den sofabed (which cushions we've padded with a board & thick memory foam) because not only is the bed part nonfunctional (and unnecessary), the leather now has more patches than original surface due to kitty-scratching over the past 15 yrs.

    The main reason, though, is that despite raising the height of the cushions, he still has difficulty getting himself up off the sofa. We went to a "supper club" (socially-distanced & masked of course, with plexiglass barriers between booths that are >6' from the nearest floor tables) last night, and he had a devil of a time getting up off the banquette to go to the men's room and when we were leaving. He takes forever to climb stairs (which used to be his favorite form of exercise) and even longer to descend them--one at a time, gripping the banister(s), feet splayed out (opposite of pigeon-toed). And when we walk together, I used to have to practically run to keep up with him--with his long legs, it took 2-3 of my steps to match his one. Now, it's I who have to stop every 1/4 block for him to catch up. When we do go out, he now prefers sitting at the bar, a high-top, or hard straight-back chair to a booth (which latter one used to be his preference). I know he doesn't want TKR surgery--not just because of the long painful rehab (which he's seen me go through twice, including stints at an inpatient rehab center because we have outdoor stairs that make twice-daily PT and daily OT trips impossible), but because it would mean not working except for telemedicine visits from home.

    Our HK gets Synvisc shots every 6 months, which she swears by. (He still remembers my Suppartz shots 25 yrs ago, which didn't work and our then-stingy insurance wouldn't cover as "experimental"). I've been nagging him to--all it would take is taking 15 min. out of his day to walk down the corridor to a colleague who's an orthopedist, and only twice a year at that. If I knew his Advocate MyChart password, I'd just make the appt. for him.

    DOTD (with prime rib) last night--a 2017 Wilammette Valley (OR) pinot noir that was OK but nothing to write home about (yet here I am "writing home"). Not gonna drink anything but seltzer with lime tonight, as dinner'll be leftover takeout wings.

    (It's taking me forever to post these days, as Happy has been purringly holding me hostage on my lap, insisting on putting a paw on my laptop's trackpad and intermittently causing me to lose entire blocks of text).

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2021

    Hi gals! I read where you were talking about ocular migraine... I had this years ago, and sometimes I still get it... But not as often. I never had a head-ache with it either. Just the bright wavy lights for about 15 to 20 minutes, and then it is gone. Several optometrists said it is nothing serious, but you can't even read a clock, much less writing when it happens! So you should pull over & wait, if you are driving!

    My husband has his own troubles... mostly with dementia, only we don't talk about it like that. I just know that is happening, and I have to take care of him, no matter what... It won't get better.... and thanks to Kim, you have helped me cope more than you can imagine.

    I still work on not losing my temper... or just going somewhere and crying, but it's just one of those things, for better or worse, right? I know he can't help it.... And he just thinks he is dying... and gets depressed. I can help him from feeling alone, or depressed, and help him getting dressed, and I try and understand how he thinks things.... Tain't easy folks.

    You never think your life will change like this.... and you go on, just thanking God for another day.... praying for a million more tomorrows.

    You would THINK that if ANYone had memory issues it would be ME, Hah! Because of that brain-concussion with amnesia, and all the years I could not recall much of my childhood.... But you just never know.

    My Grandma had a heart-attack at her home one day, called me, and I ran over, and the ambulance took her to the hospital... No lasting effects, other than dementia set in, from that trauma! She couldn't ever go back home after the re-hab... And then she just forgot all of her life..... I made her photo books, to try & help her, brought her little dog up to see her, but you can't get back what you have lost. And it breaks your heart, watching you lose someone to something you can't "fix".....

    I tried calling places to ask what is going ON! And they, like Kim, helped me understand what I didn't want to face....

    So here we are ..... Some of us facing life changing problems that we learn to live with.

    And Kim.... I just love you and Sadie.... You girls take care of each other... okay?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2021

    NM- how old is Sadie? My sister is having issues with her 12 year old golden who is not able to get up sometimes, the back legs just don't work. She has since learned it's an older larger gog thing, although she has a mixed shepard/husky once who had problems getting up as she aged and then one day, just couldn't not and she would have to take her outside to go potty. Keep an eye on this as my sister's one time thing with her Bella has turned into it getting worse each time this happens. I hope Sadie is doing better every day and you have had your hands full.....

    As does Goldie, Chi and Chevy with their DH's. It's not much fun getting older and trying to adapt to our bodies changes.

    Easter Sunday ended up being an at home today ot focus on the house and yard. I got doing things yesterday morning and didn't feel like stopping to go do yoga and all the rest I had planned. But since my plans did not include any meet ups with people, I could do that and spent a great day at home working with some potting of pansies, doing more work on the gardens, did some clean out and reorg of the closets too. After being away last weekend, I think I just needed to be home for a day to focus on house things without having to work, run errands, etc. I had pizza for my Easter meal and it was yummy! i did make plans for some outings with friends for some belated birthday get togethers (both theirs and mine....)

    Ill- glad you are doing okay and keeping up with the tests.

    cami, Cami, CAMI, where art thou?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2021

    DOTD and Tree of the Day:


    That's my cappuccino (half unsweetened vanilla almond milk, half whole FairLife) in the foreground; background is my magnolia, beginning to bloom nearly 3 wks early! Tomorrow it may hit 80F, so the tree may burst into full bloom. (Singer-songwriter Annie Gallup used to sing about her grandma's magnolia "bursting into teacups" each spring, because to her the fully-opened magnolia blossoms resembled fine china teacups).

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2021

    IIRC, the song is called "Grandma's Good China." (But I prefer the live version--the recording covers up Gallup's wonderful--was gonna say "infectious," which is a term that has an unfortunate connotation--guitar parts).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited April 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Boy, yesterday was a busy day at school, 19 office visits. 3 kiddos sent home sick. One visit from a student who thought he should be sent home since his sibling was sent home sick. Gotta love the logic, right? Came home and got the paper finished and turned in. Today a new class module starts, so the cycle starts over again. It should get easier as I get used to the routine.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone.

    Goldie--Oh, yes, Sadie is fine. She is back into the trash and knocking things off the side table and all the other things she does to keep me on my toes.Even if there is something wrong with DH, he is not helping himself by doing nothing, but I'm sure he doesn't understand that. We are all praying the teacher stays negative. Since she has managed to so far, I think she will continue to. At this point, even if she tests positive down the road it won't affect the school as she is already in quarantine and won't have exposed anyone in the school. Hmm, Cowboy would make a good Tender to look at, wouldn't he? Congrats to you son on his sobriety. I hope he will be able to keep good lines drawn with the new friend and not get dragged down.

    Librarian--wow, that decorated house sounds like something wild! Do you have a pic?

    Chi--Sorry to hear Happy had a bad evening. 15 years is a good long time to get out of a piece of furniture! Also sorry to hear about DH's knee issues. My right knee is really acting up a lot lately, and I am having trouble with stairs. Between the pain and the feeling the knee is going to give out and make me fall, I have a death grip on the stair rail going up and down. Maybe I should look into Synvisc. I've heard it's pretty successful for a lot of people. Love the way Happy is helping you type and post!

    Chevy--Mom has had this wavy vision thing a couple of times before this last one, always the same thing, went to the ER after the first one and they found nothing. It's really sounding like it may well be an ocular migraine, which is better than a number of other potential problems! No, dealing with dementia is not easy. It is a very cruel disease. I'm glad I can help even a little bit. And Sadie and I are taking good care of each other, just like you are taking great care of DH.

    Jazzy--Sadie is 13 this year. She's gotten pretty white in the muzzle, and has been on medication for arthritis for a year or so now. Most of the time she still gets around well. The episode the other morning I think she got a bac leg caught in the blanket up on the ottoman, and then couldn't get enough traction with the front legs on the floor to get her front end back up. She has definitely recovered, though. I know it may get worse, ok probably will get worse, over time. But for now the Vet and I are sure she's still happy and comfortable.

    Chi--beautiful tree! Please post a pic when it's in full bloom, it must be gorgeous to see!

    Morning, Teka!

    Magnolia Blossom, southern cocktail | My Daily Cocktails>

    Magnolia Blossom Cocktail



    Shake well with cracked ice and strain into 3 oz. cocktail glass. Serve in a Cocktail Glass.

    From <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2021

    See the source image

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2021

    Sandy, I don't believe DH is bluffing, but I do think he exagerates the symptoms and makes it known. I also don't think he does enough to help himself. When you just sit and do nothing you lose muscle mass, (I believe this is happening) not to be confused with muscle atrophy (this also is happening). Ha, do stretches with him? I don't have time to wipe my you know what, with everything that is on my plate! I'm going to ask about that EMG when we go to Phoenix tomorrow. I don't mind going, especially if this doctor can tell us something. If he can't, I don't know what we're going to do. I'm sorry hear about Bob's declining issues, do you think part of that could just be age? Sounds like Happy is a little jelly. Pretty tree.

    ED, does your DH realize what is happening with him? I think when these things do happen, it's def. harder on the caretaker, that being YOU! NM is a huge help, glad she could shed some light for you. Hang in there girl.

    Jazzy, sounds like a relaxing day to me, albeit doing some house things. I'm hoping we will get to meet up soon, now that things are looking better. Nothing wrong with pizza on Easter. Hip displasia is common in the larger dogs. My mom's German Shepard had it.

    NM, only makes sense to go home if your sibling goes, right?

    Cami, oh my! That kitty, straight into the fish tank! Are you in your new home and new room?

    Karen? I think your DD may be heading back by now? I know you are sad, but elated to have had the time with her.

    Got someone coming today to replace the windshield in my FJ. Been having beautiful weather, but a bit windy.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2021

    Mornin ladies I just skimmed

    Just poopin in I'm in my new house.

    Kim oh give Sadie anything she wants she's a winner.

    Lori was iur DH standing on a ladder??? HOLY CHIT, that;s how I walk now it's rough.

    JC glad u had ur card party.

    Oh what a time we're having still so much to do but when I walked into my bedroom it was all set up in black turquoise and a little orange but my main stuff was hiding so I wouldn;t wALK IN A MESS. sO LITTLE BY LITTLE THINGS R GETTING DONE. Joey helps me but he's got loads to do now too. The floor that Bob put down looks amazing. Dan is coming over to do electrical stuff. My Boys. This move I made wan not a good one family wise and I blame it all on FF he's such an ass He egged Jodie on and on then she blew up at Leslie and Marty was going to go there but we talked him out of i. But Mart was going there cuz of the things he said o me and did. My girls r in a bad place now and believe me i's FF's fault he loves to strart trouble and I couldn;t wait to leave. I'm miserable about this so I hope this settles down. They're not even speaking to each other now.

    I hope everyone is well


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2021

    Cami, hope you can get settled in. Nice color scheme!

    Bob's knee issues are definitely age-related, combined with years of being on his feet for hours in the cath lab before he stopped doing invasivr procedures. For all I know, they've been going on much longer than he let on because he is notoriously stoic. When he says something hurts, I know he must be in near-agony. He's agreed to go furniture-shopping with me on Friday--no point in ordering easy chairs or recliners online and then finding out he can't get up out of them. He said at first to "just order something high." (Bar stool? Giant high chair?). Nope--not gonna happen. He has to try chairs out in the showroom first. Once he is absolutely certain (and NOT letting price guide his decision), and white-glove delivery has been booked, we'll call 1-800-GOT-JUNK to take away the sofa. (I find I can get up from & out of it easily, and I bet so could he--were he to watch the eldercare videos demonstrating how, by scooting to the edge of the cushion, putting his feet directly beneath, and pushing down on one armrest. But he slouches in it, sending the cushions forward to the point where when he tries to scoot to the edge, he falls to his knees and knocks stuff off the coffee table). I offered to get him one of those standing-aids (looks like a vertical loop with several strategically-placed hand grips), but knowing him, I'd bet he'd refuse to learn to use it.

    Spending all day in hospitals & medical offices--with staff doing the "little things"--when he gets home he expects everything to be simple: e.g., push one button or say one command, and not have to adapt to anything (much less have to use an app). It drove him nuts when his favorite 6-CD Bose Wave system gave up the ghost and he learned the prospective replacements all require apps, play mp3s, and have but one CD slot. So he bought a tacky cheap boombox instead. Our new Sony TV in the den doesn't have Amazon built in, so he has to enter passwords to get into Google (which is built in) or use the external Amazon Echo to summon Alexa to "communicate" with the set--and he hasn't "taught her" his voice yet. (He also misses his Amazon Music, which the old Amazon-Fire-equipped Toshiba would play but this Sony can't). I'm probably gonna have to install Fire Sticks on the den and bedroom TVs. Just the other day he announced I'd have to show him how to send fender-bender pix to our insurance company! (I tried to tell him how, but he wants me to demonstrate and then give up and do it myself). He's still rebelling over his hospitals insisting he use a Verizon-equipped smartphone instead of a flip-phone & pager! (He won't send texts except by dictating them, saying the phones are too small for his fingers. He still is dawdling about joining Doximity--so his telehealth visits have to be done the old-fashioned way, by voice on a phone without video). He refuses to learn how to use his car's navigation system--he insists on asking Siri. Lest you think this is simply an age or generational thing, he is only a year older than I am.

    He still has trouble printing from his computer using wi-fi. He is going to insist I plug my printer into his 8-yr-old laptop (still running Windows 7) instead.

    DOTD, with ribs from Costco: The Prisoner red blend (mostly Zin).

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2021

    Sandy - what about those recliners that stand you up. My late mother was given one but it was too big for her and she really couldn't figure out how to use them. We got one for my late MIL, but she didn't get much time to use it.

    DD's flight last night from JFK ended up getting cancelled. Something wrong with plane so they had to change planes. Everyone deplanes and waits by gate while the airlines transfers everything off the original plane to the new plane. It's now about 1:45 am (2 hours late) and they find out pilot can't fly the plane. Hotel vouchers and cab vouchers. It was almost 3 by the time she got to the hotel, showered and went to sleep. Thankfully she slept till close to noon. Of course this mom can't go to bed till she knows what is happening - I did fall asleep on the sofa in between texts. I think it was 2am my time till I got in bed - and woke up as usual at 5:15. So they booked everyone on a new flight for this evening - created a new flight at 8:45 - slightly smaller plane so her seat isn't as nice but no one next to her. Thankfully flight took off on time! What an ordeal. Glad she is finally in the air and headed home. She is due to land about 2:30 in the afternoon which will be 5:30 am my time - so I'll be up when she texts that she landed. Her girl friend is picking her up at the airport.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2021

    We'll probably have to get a lift-recliner--my mom had one provided to her by home hospice, but they took it back after she died (I offered to buy it, but it would have cost an arm & a leg to box it up & ship it up here, and I'd have had to stay in FL till that could be accomplished).

    Meanwhile, Bob just downloaded an accident report for his fender-bender (he had to pay $15 to download it from a "crash" site that probably gives the Bridgeview Police Dpt. a kickback). It's in Chrome and it won't print to any computers in the house. I tried to get him to e-mail it to me so I could print it from my MacBook, but his Windows version of Chrome has no menu bar and no "e-mail" or even "export" icon or option. (My Mac version of Chrome DOES). Have I mentioned how much I detest Windows? (There's a reason my friends call it "WinBlows"). He complains his computer (circa 2013) won't print to any printer in our house. He says he needs an I.T. guy, I say he needs to get his butt to Best Buy and get a new laptop. Better yet, a MacBook Pro.

    He says he needs to print it out to bring to court on the 20th. I said he should just bring the d**n laptop with him to show the judge. (And why would he need to bring the report if it's already in the system)?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2021

    Cami, I'm sorry FF F'd things up, but I'm sure the girls will be talking in no time. And yes, Joey will help you get settled in.

    Off to Phoenix tomorrow to see the specialist, fingers crossed. I've been working myself to death, actually got sick today! Feeling much better now.

    Wish me luck for tomorrow that we learn something!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2021

    Good luck, Lori--maybe the doctor in Phoenix can read DH the riot act about self-diagnosis, and talk some sense into him about physical therapy/exercises.

    I tried going to the BuyCrash site to download the (already-paid-$15-for) report--no luck. Says the PD is still working on it which is b.s. because Bob downloaded it to his own computer.