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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2021


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited April 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! Waking up to some more drizzly rain, hopefully that will clear out like it did yesterday. The sun never actually came out, but it did hit 60 degrees with no wind. Lots of skinned knees and knocked heads at recess time. Another fire drill scheduled for this afternoon. Apparently those happen every month! Loud and noisy, but a bit of excitement.

    Got my grade on my first course work yesterday, I got all the points possible! Given I was really guessing what I was supposed to be doing I think that's a good sign for things to come. Can't wait to see the grade on the first paper. This week's project is a PowerPoint presentation, and I LOVE playing with PowerPoint!

    Sadie says Woof, and is remembering to limp once in a while, when she sees me watching. It was hilarious to watch her running (yes, running) her circuit, barking at the lady walking by on the street, noticing me standing on the deck, pulling up short, and slowly gimping back across the yard! I'm standing there telling her I just saw her running and know she is faking, she starts wagging her tail and gives up the limp and trots over, up the steps onto the deck, and starts nudging for ear scritches. Such a Silly dog!

    Cammy Cat--That cat is quite the fisher! Hooray for being in the new house! Now the adjustments can start! Oh, dear, sounds like FF has done quite the job on the girls. Too bad he doesn't have a dad to take him out behind the woodshed give him a good paddling. I'm glad Joey can help you with getting things arranged the way you want, and it must have been so nice to not walk into a big mess! Moving is hard enough without someone stirring the pot.

    Goldie--I suppose it does make sense to go home if sib goes home, when you put it that way. Particularly since the sibs are twins. But it was funny how hard he tried to find something wrong, even funnier since there was only an hour left of school--the sib waited until after lunch, recess and favorite classwork--to try to go home.

    Morning, Teka!

    Chi--Boy, it sounds like you guys have a lot of technology going on in the house! I'm surprised the laptop with Windows 7 even still works! I can relate to the fingers being too big for the buttons and screens of the phone, though.

    Karen--what a travel SNAFU that turned into! I'm glad she's finally on her way, well, probably has arrived by now, judging from when you posted. And I can see why you wouldn't be able to sleep. I hope you had a great visit.

    Chi--sounds like DH does need and IT guy! But better yet to do as you say and get himself set up with compatible equipment and learn how to use it!

    Goldie--don't overwork yourself and make yourself sick, that would be a disaster for everyone! Good luck with the appointments.

    Jazzy--don't I know it!I swear at least half the people I send to COVID testing have allergies and know it, but there's no way around the COVID symptom protocol. These test making companies are getting RICH.

    Hay Fever

    Hay Fever


    • Bison Grass Vodka
    • St. Germaine
    • Grenadine
    • Grapefruit
    • Lemon


    Garnished with a lemon.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2021

    Up early this morning - went to bed only about 20 minutes early last night as couldn't keep my eyes open but been up for over an hour though just got out of bed 15 minutes ago (4:45). Kim - yes we had a great visit.

    DD flight should be arriving any minute - flight status shows its still in flight - 5:46 - DD just texted - flight landed on time!!!

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited April 2021

    Good morning! Another lovely Spring day here. We will walk the dog and attempt to get some other little chores done. Kind of a nothing day. I might work on the outdoor furniture to see if I can get the pollen off. The chairs are so awful I cannot sit down on them.

    Cami - your family loves you so much and your room sounds lovely.

    ChiSandy - Bob sounds like most men. My DH went to his chiropractor yesterday about his neck. She said that she could not help him anymore and that physical therapy would be his best bet. He has no idea what PT involves and how large a commitment it is. The home exercises are things he is not going to be so willing to do.

    Karen - Glad your daughter made it back in one piece! I know you had a good visit.

    NM - between Sadie and the school kids, you should be laughing all day.

    Best get to work. Take care

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2021

    Cami- so glad to hear you are in your new home. Your room sounds amazing, love the color combo.

    Change is stressful, moving especially so. I know you are sad your DDs are at odd with each other and upsets you. My sister and I have been at odds with each other off and on our entire lives, but we have always found ways to find our way back to having some sort of connection. I hope the grudges won't last and sometimes people just need some time and space for things to cool off. That being said, a spouse in the middle can stir up trouble too, been there as well. Whew, sending much love and hope you all begin enjoying the new digs soon.

    NM- I am back in the pool swimming again after a break with my dental surgery in Feb that required some extra time to be sure things were well healed before I resumed (pools are germy places!) I was at the end of my lane last night and sneezed and everyone looked at me like 'what was that!" I remember going through this last spring and being more worried because Covid was really new and no one totally sure what all the symptoms were.

    Busy week, winds are back blowing around the dust and pollen over here.

    See you again soon!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2021

    Jazzy, you're on to something there about change. Both my guys (Bob & our DS Gordy) are extremely change-resistant (one of the reasons I remain long-haired and blonde, which I've been for >35 yrs.). Gordy, whose work life even pre-pandemic has been very tech-dependent, has learned to roll with the punches. OTOH, I think the reason for Bob's tech-phobia is that he is frightened of change. So much so that he is once again on the fence about whether to dissolve the practice and close the office July 1. (For the third time, as a matter of fact). And I'm sure it's also behind his refusal to trade in his (formerly my) 2011 Fusion Hybrid, which has been near-totaled twice--including when someone jumped the median on Lake Shore Drive, flipped over and went sailing across his hood! It has >150K miles on it. By comparison, I'm not yet at 38K on my 2014 Outback (the only reason I'd trade it in would be for another Outback, this time with blind-spot monitoring/cross-traffic alert, which his Fusion has but my car lacks).

    Went online and discovered that Chrome for Windows lacks a toolbar & File menu. But I was finally able to take a very convoluted (and figured-out-by-myself) route to printing out Bob's accident report. He always shuts down his computer completely, so I booted it back up & looked for where to find his "downloads" folder. Opened it and the report (which I'd downloaded & saved for him as a .pdf) and clicked "share," only to find I needed to create an Adobe account to do so. Once I did that, I clicked "share" again and e-mailed it as an attachment to myself. Logged off, shut down, went back to my MacBook Pro, opened my e-mail and opened the attachment, then printed it out on my own printer. (His WinBlows machine keeps insisting that both printers--mine and the upstairs print/fax machine--are "offline"). He has reluctantly admitted that it's time to get a new computer, even one running Windows 10 if he's not ready to "go Mac." And he also promises to go chair-shopping with me Fri.--we may get either two home-theater recliners (not a sofa, as he needs two armrests from which to push himself up) or one home-theater plus one lift-chair recliner. Only after we've sealed the deal and know the white-glove delivery is on its way will I call 1-800-JUNK to haul away the sofa.

    I never believed in astrology, but perhaps "Mercury is in retrograde" after all (to me, the phrase "Mercury retrograde" conjures up the image of a sedan rolling backwards down a hill). My DirecTV's DVR keeps needing constant rebooting because I keep discovering that shows I've recorded have increasingly been interrupted with errors 771 or 775 ("receiver having difficulty communicating with the satellite"). Fortunately, I still have cable (which comes with my internet & phone), with a TiVO, so I've taken to recording shows on that too. And for live broadcast-TV watching, weather permitting, there's also the rabbit-ears. I'm going to make a service appt. with DirecTV far enough in the future for Bob & me to watch the recordings we're unwilling to lose before getting a new whole-house DVR. (Thanks to copyright regs, you can no longer offload stuff from a DVR's hard drive to an external or DVD recorder the way I used to).

    Gonna also upgrade my iPhone 11 now that Sprint is part of T-Mobile--will get a 5G-capable 12 or 12 Pro. (It's an aux. line on the account I originally bought for Gordy back in 2002, and I keep it for travel because it has unltd. data for streaming music & using Siri to navigate when I have to rent a car while traveling). My main iPhone, an 8Plus, is AT&T--even though the screen protector has developed hairline cracks, I'm not gonna upgrade it till the 13 line comes out in Sept.--at which time I'll also upgrade my watch to the newest model which includes pulse ox and glucose monitors (I got AT&T back in 2009 because I wanted an iPhone, it was the only carrier that offered it, and the rural places where I traveled didn't have Sprint reception; and I now get a bundling discount with DirecTV, which unlike my cable includes the premium & season-pass sports channels). I don't generally do much video streaming--only Netflix, Amazon Prime and Disney+, and only on freestanding TVs at that. We haven't gone to the movies since Jan. 2020 (to watch Oscar-nominated films for Cellars' annual Oscar party & contest--which last year was 2 wks. before the shutdown), so TV is our major source of entertainment.

    Jazzy, speaking of allergies, tree pollen season here has started. It's always something...

    More "Prisoner" red tonight with leftover prime rib & ribs for dinner.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2021

    My plate just continues to grow! I have to just keep telling myself that God thinks I'm a badass. DH has ALS! I only wish that I was right, and that he needed to do more. Off again in the morning, have to take him to wound specialist. Got my injections, arse hurts, and my heart.

    Karen, glad your DD got home safe. I know you miss her already. Hugs!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2021

    Lori - I'm so sorry for you and Darrell. You are badass - but your plate runneth over. Sending you hugs.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714
    edited April 2021

    Damn Goldie, that’s a blow I did not expect. I’m hoping for the best always but just damn....


  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 945
    edited April 2021

    Goldie I am popping in to say I'm so very sorry. You do have so much on your plate. You and your husband will be in my prayers.

    We continue to drink that delicious (large) bottle of Wagners Alta B. 🍷🍷

    NM i love the kid stories you share. You can't make up the stuff they come up with. One time when teaching 2nd grade I must have droned on a bit. I look over to see my favorite distracted kid idly drawing shapes in the air while mouthing the word b-o-r-i-n-g. Well I caught his eye and I burst out laughing. He smiled, probably in relief.

    I enjoy reading everyone's doings. Thank you all for sharing.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2021

    Oh, Lori, I am SO sorry! This came out of left field and smacked you like a sock full of marbles. It's just not fair.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited April 2021

    Lori, this is the pits!!! Please figure out how to take care of yourself so you can continue to deal with what is on your plate. ((((((Sending hugs, grab one when you can, more available when needed))))).

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2021

    Thanks ladies, a shock for sure, and NOT what I was expecting AT ALL. I'm up cuz I can't sleep and not sure what to expect from DH come morning, he really does not know much about the disease. He will be up at his usual 2-3 am, looking online, and it will not be good! I already plan on hiding guns and being as supportive as I can. Dealing with my own health issues and having to do what I have been doing and now this....I'm just numb. But know I have to be the strong one. And I have all of you to give me strength, thank you!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2021

    I'm hoping there are therapies to greatly slow the progression of Darrell's ALS the way there have been for my two friends who got blindsided by Parkinson's. I hope you have a gun safe to which he lacks the combination--or you can have them stored at a rifle range.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited April 2021

    Quick poop in, running behind myself this ayem, hit the snooze button one too many times! Ketchup tomorrow!

  • JCSLibrarian
    JCSLibrarian Member Posts: 548
    edited April 2021

    Goldie, stay strong and take care of yourself. Know that we care about you.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2021

    Oh MAN Lori! I'm so sorry! I'm sorry for him, AND for you! It's like when we were younger, we never thought of all these things that can go wrong! We just go on living day to day, getting older, then once in awhile, we think things aren't right! And we find out they aren't! And little Lorrie, we have to go on! I wish I could give you a hug, and I need one too!

    Kim is always answering questions for me about my Husband.... How I can handle dementia.... without either crying or getting mad. And then there is my Brother! His wife is back in the Hospital this morning. She fell off of the couch... lost control of everything... Kenny got her back up, called an ambulance to come get her again. She was just there last Monday. because they couldn't stop the bleeding when they disconnected her from dialysis. NOW she has a bladder infection which is causing her to hallucinate, etc! She goes by ambulance 3 times a week to dialysis... But this has been going on for about 3 years! Maybe they can get the infection cleared up, and she can think straight again.

    They will move them up to the 3rd floor of Maybelle Carter's care center to Assisted Living now. Kenny sounded like he just wanted to cry. It's as hard on the care-takers sometimes as it is on the sick person!

    We just gotta try and accept these daily challenges, as something we can't control.... Make the best of every day, then go outdoors and have a good cry... alone.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited April 2021

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF Day! I am ready for a half day with the kiddos, that's for sure. They have somuch energy, it's hard to keep up sometimes. A few kids in the school are from really bad home situations, and one in particular is going through a really hard time and is in crisis often. In my office sometimes 3 times a day, and spending time with the School Counselor (a mental health counselor, not a guidance counselor) every day. Things are coming to a head and I'm worried about what that is going to look like when it blows. Still, most of the things going on are just funny. Like the little guy who told a staff member that his mom "yanked" a tooth out of his mouth, but neglected to say that the tooth was so loose that I had already given him a little tooth shaped container to put it in the day before cuz I didn't think it would stay in until the end of school. So staff member is freaking out about abuse and wanting to call the police. It took the Principal and Me almost half an hour to settle things down!

    Sadie say Hi to everyone!

    Karen--glad you had a good visit and DD is home safely.

    Librarian--we are finally getting the nice spring days here, too. Temps in the 60's, so nice! Going to get the deck cleaned off this weekend. The reward will be sitting on the deck with a glass of wine while doing school reading. And between the kiddos and Sadie, I am laughing a whole lot these days!

    Jazzy--glad you are able to be back in the pool. I've enjoyed the pics on FB. I heard from my Handler that the school district wants me back for the 21-22 school year, and has started negotiations. Which means I can have the summer off, YEAH! So looking forward to that, getting the kayak in the water more than once, and taking Sadie swimming regularly, and lots of other things I missed out on last summer.

    Chi--I hope your DH doesn't get a Windows 10 computer, that's not being supported by anyone anymore, not even Windows. If he's going to make a change he should make one that will hold him for a while, so he won't have to go through the agony of learning a new system too soon. I remember the change from Windows 10, which I LOVED, to whatever I finally went to when I had to upgrade, the learning curve was brutal, and I LIKE computer stuff! You sure did have to do some working around to get a copy of that report off DH's computer! Good for you!

    Goldie--I am so sorry to hear about DH's diagnosis. Badass or not, hugs and prayer from me to you. And from Sadie to you.

    Reader--oh my goodness, what a story! At least you got a laugh out of it.

    Teka--so very true. And something many people need to pay attention to.

    Chevy--good advice for Goldie.

    Chaos - CocktailBook>

    Chaos Cocktail

    1/2 oz of everclear alcohol

    1 oz of Bailey's Irish Cream

    1/2 oz of Cherry brandy

    1/2 oz of benedictine herbal liqueur

    1 oz of cream

    1 of maraschino cherry

    Shake, strain, add the cherry and serve.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2021
    TGIF! Have my 6 month oncology visit this morning. Not worried. Labs looking good - for the first time in a long time, I have lots of questions - nothing really important more curiosity.

    Working this afternoon (generally off Friday) - helping with 4 interviews for a new MH position - we had 4 yesterday - and more next week. So far at least 10 and hoping for 15 positions total. These Mental Health positions are more clinical in nature. Some strong candidates. I'lll get 3 or 4 hours comp time. I really enjoy doing interviews. Yesterday morning I only observed (these are tams of 3 plus our manager). Then in the afternoon, I did 3 SW,SP interviews - (teams of 2) one really gave off weird vibes - off answers on a few questions - hoping she was just nervous. A few weeks ago, interviewed a new SW, finishing up internship - her scores weren't strong, but my instinct told me she was quiet, nervous and give a year or two and she will be strong - thankfully she was hired as she will bring some great insight. After doing interviews for 5 years, it gets easier and you get a better feel for people.

    Up early again this morning - waited till 4:45 to get out of bed. Oncology appointment is at 8, should be home by 9 or 9:30 (also get Prolia shot), then get productive cleaning and cooking, get a walk long walk and interviews start at 1. I'll have time after we're done at 4 to finish up. Just need to remember to call DD#1 before interviews start due to the 2 hour time difference.

    Have a great Friday/

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2021

    ED, you are so right about when we are younger and think nothing bad will ever happen. I do cry, we both cry. I would love to have a hug from you and give one back in return. I'm def. a hugger. It would be a long, strong one! I'm very sorry what your brother and SIL. It sucks getting old when you have issues to deal with.

    NM, I can related to the young one dealing with issues at home. Unfortunatley, they don't always work out. Cute tooth story, but I'm sure that teacher didn't find it so cute in the beginning. Congrats on being asked to stay for the next school year. Give Sadie a hug back from me and one for you as well.

    Karen, good luck with your onc appt. Glad you are feeling good about it.

    DH made a comment this morning about a person we know, early 70's, he goes out walking every morning. DH says "it must be nice". I'm thinking, you never did anything like that. You sit more than anyone I know, even before his health got bad. Got home yesterday and went out after putting groceries away and packed orders. Another busy day with Lori doesn't even have time to eat. Then it gets too late, and I don't want anything. I'll be sure and eat today. Have a neighbor coming to help me with orders. DH is wanting to have our friend that used to be our hygeniest come stay for a few days. I'm tired of arguing with him about it. I try to tell him that just puts more stress on me on top the already stress I have. But, guess I just have to buck it up! He already has himself on his death bed in aboout 6 months. The man's glass is ALWAYS half empty, always thinking the worse. I try to say things to put him a more positive space, but it doesn't seem to do any good.

    Gosh, I feel like such a Debbie Downer. I don't mean to be, it's not my demeanor at all! Maybe I should just not post!!! But I love you all so much. I wish I could change DH's demeanor. I told him he could have a week of feeling sorry for himself, and after that he has to try and focus on more positive things.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2021

    On a lighter note.....

    It snowed last night...

    8:00 am: I made a snowman.

    8:10 - A feminist passed by and asked me why I didn't make a snow woman.

    8:15 - So, I made a snow woman.

    8:17 - My feminist neighbor complained about the snow woman's voluptuous chest saying it objectified snow women everywhere.

    8:20 - The gay couple living nearby threw a hissy fit and moaned it could have been two snow men instead.

    8:22 - The transgender man..women...person asked why I didn't just make one snow person with detachable parts.

    8:25 - The vegans at the end of the lane complained about the carrot nose, as veggies are food and not to decorate snow figures with.

    8:28 - I was being called a racist because the snow couple is white.

    8:31 - The middle eastern gent across the road demanded the snow woman be covered up .

    8:40 - The Police arrived saying someone had been offended.

    8:42 - The feminist neighbor complained again that the broomstick of the snow woman needed to be removed because it depicted women in a domestic role.

    8:43 - The council equality officer arrived and threatened me with eviction.

    8:45 - TV news crew from CBC showed up. I was asked if I know the difference between snowmen and snow-women? I replied "Snowballs" and am now called a sexist.

    9:00 - I was on the News as a suspected terrorist, racist, homophobe sensibility offender, bent on stirring up trouble during difficult weather.

    9:10 - I was asked if I have any accomplices. My children were taken by social services.

    9:29 - Far left protesters offended by everything marched down the street demanding for me to be arrested.

    By noon it all melted


    There is no moral to this story. It is what we have become, all because of snowflakes.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2021

    Kim, just a thought on that little kid with problems.... Maybe his folks are the cause of all that this kid is feeling. I remember back, when my folks were always fighting, even hitting each other, and me & my brother hiding in the closet! Him being drunk all the time, Mom mad, Dad leaving, Mom crying, and me and my brother just trying to stay away from them.

    Then the abuse by one of Mom's friends... I was only about 6... And him standing over me at night, when I was in bed on the bottom bunk... and .... you can just imagine.... And how afraid I was to tell ANYbody! Not Mom, not even the teachers... Nobody.

    If this little boy trusts you, that can really help him, thinking that he DOES have a friend! Or else he just might try and hide in himself. I remember feeling like no-body cared... of running across the street to get away from them fighting each other.

    How me and my Brother ever got through those days is a miracle. But we had each other at least.

    Mom & Dad finally moved to California about the time I got engaged. And being away from them, helped me make decisions in my life that helped me stay married almost 64 years! Like NEVER fight in front of the kids.... Don't scream at each other. And always tell your kids you love them, especially before they go to bed. Growing up "alone" hurts little kids.

    I became sort of close to them, after they moved away! I could understand each of them... but I still thought they were nuts for staying together. They DID.... come hell or high water! And Dad was lost after Mom passed away.... Their love withstood all the years & trauma I saw & lived through.... And life goes on.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2021

    Lori - love the snowman story!!! Please, please keep posting - it is good for you to do and we are here for you. Let Darrell have have his pity party - ALS is a hard diagnosis for the two of you. And nothing you say or do will change him. As an earlier post (prior page and don't want to loose this) with pretty design said - you need to take care of yourself, or something similar. You need to come first sometimes (I know you can't always and you like to do things your way - which I get). But we want you here!!!! Hugs my friend.

    All went well with oncologist - had appointment before vitals. I had labs 3 weeks ago for other oncologist but phlebotomist insisted on drawing again saying they are different - I didn't argue as I knew medical oncologist labs were drawn as well - CBC, CMP and tumor markers. DEXA scan in August, return in 6 months and Prolia for 3 years so one more year.

    Need to get busy cleaning and cooking - have 3 1/2 hours or so.

    Have a great Friday.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2021

    Goldie- you make a really good point about DH never doing much exercise and perhaps now it is not an opttion. Everything I have ever learned from health classes, yoga workshops, etc. about aging is that you have to create a habit of exercise and keep moving to keep your mobility. Because we are at altitude here in NM, many atheletes come here to train for the Olympics, but I have also met a lot of older skiiers, mountain bikers, etc. along the way who are far more fit and strong than I am being decades younger. They always tell me to keep moving too to stay fit and strong. I think we have all found injuries, hospitalizations, cancer treatment that took us away from being able to move really impacts you so quickly. There have been times I have not been able to exercise at all, but try to find an alternative if I cannot do something.

    And yes, NM I am back in da pool and swam 3X in the past week/140 laps. Gotta keep moving!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited April 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! Waking up to a beautiful morning, the weekend is supposed to be really nice. Going to work on laundry and stuff around the house while I put together my weekly project for school today. It's a PowerPoint presentation this week, something I love to play with, and I got most of the prep work done yesterday so I'm hoping it won't take long and I can get some outside time in today, too. I did get to sit on the deck and drink a glass of wine after work yesterday.

    I needed that drink, too. I saw some of the darker side of being a school nurse yesterday. How parents can say and do some things to their own child is mind boggling and horrifying. And how these kiddos managed to come to school and be all smiles and look happy amazes me.

    Sadie says I should talk to the school about making her their therapy dog so she can go to work with me. I told Sadie she'd have to go through training and show that she can sit and stay and come when called, consistently, and not just when she wants to. She looked at me as if to say "Rules like that do not apply to me." and took of chasing the fat squirrel!

    Karen--glad to hear the onc appointment won't be any big deal for you. I admire people who can interview other people well, and are able to get a good read on people.

    Goldie--Please don't think you shouldn't come post here if you aren't feeling optimistic and on top of the world. All of us here know that life isn't like that. No you aren't a Debbie Downer, but even Pollyanna has down times, and it's a normal reaction to everything going on in your life right now. Let us hold you up when you are down, you've done that enough times for the rest of us to have earned some payback! I think giving DH a week to mope and get it out of his system is a good idea. Hopefully the hygienist will see what is going on and be able to talk to DH abouthis attitude and doing things around the house. And you had better eat today! Now more than ever you need to take care of yourself. And the snowflake story is too true!

    Chevy--You are right, the child's issues are from the home situation, which is being handled by the appropriate authorities. My office is a safe place for the child to go to when overwhelmed, upset, frightened, angry, whatever. I just wish there was something I could do to make the situation magically all better. I am so sorry you went through what you did as a child. Thanks for sharing, that does give me some insight. I will make sure this child, and the others with difficult home lives, know that I care about them and am their friend.

    Jazzy--good points about needing to keep moving, and how going through cancer treatment can really throw a wrench into that habit. Good for you for getting back in the pool! Now if I could just find some of the same self discipline and get walking again, I would be doing better.

    Liquid sunshine cocktail

    Liquid Sunshine Cocktail


    • 3 oz. Malibu rum
    • 1.5 oz. peach schnapps
    • 1/3 c. orange juice
    • 1/3 c. pineapple juice
    • Splash of grenadine


    1. Fill a glass with ice. Pour the Malibu rum and peach schnapps over the ice, followed by the orange juice and pineapple. Gently stir. Drizzle in the grenadine and let it sink to the bottom. Do not stir. Optional: Garnish with an orange slice, pineapple, and cherry.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2021

    Oh ED, I'm so sorry for the things that happened to you as a child. That's something no one ever once to hear. Did you ever end up telling? Hugs

    Karen, glad things went well for your appt., but you were pretty sure it would.

    Jazzy, that is just what I was thinking. You never did much of it before, why now when it's not an option. Glad you are able to get back in da pool.

    NM, yay for being able to enjoy a glass of wine out on the deck. I'm sorry about the dark situations at school. Surely there is more good than bad. Oh my, Sadie and the kids would both be happy if she could go to school. But we know you just can't do that, due to liabilities.

    Have heard anything from the friend. I had texted her back, but no reply. Which is fine with me, I really don't want company right now. The business is getting crazy busy, I hardly have time for house work, and it's garden season. I did eat. You guys are the best, thank you for being there for me.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2021

    You know Kim, I think when you are a kid, and these things happen, you just don't have a choice. You know you can't say anything, to anybody... I couldn't say anything to the teachers at school, about the beatings my brother and I got... I would just stand there and cry when Kenny got paddled... then it was my turn.... THEN our dog was barking so loud, and he got smacked!

    And yes, I finally did tell Mom about her friend... years later! And she just said "why didn't you tell me?" And I said because you wouldn't believe me..... And that was it. I forgot about this happening... until I was married and had my own girls, and one day, about the time Marilyn VanDerbur talked about her Dad and incest...And all of a sudden I walked out of the bedroom, and I just started sobbing! I REMEMBERED !!!! It was like a light came on, and the dam broke! It was after that, that I told my Mom when I went to CA to visit them. Maybe she knew? Maybe since I was just a kid, it didn't matter?

    It's no wonder I can't remember much of my school years.

    A little kid suffers when they have no-one to talk to.... because they think they are just kids.... and adults only listen to each other. Kim.... maybe just kind of hug that kid.... tell him "sometimes we have secrets, and sometimes we don't like to tell people, and that's okay.... but always know that I care about you, and I'll just be your special friend and listen if you ever want to talk."

    A kid usually has to stay in their bad place.... What else can they do? Where would they go? So they don't want to leave their only place they know! And we close our eyes so tight at night, and it's like we can black-out everything that happened. And then it goes away.... until the next time. And then we grow up, and hoping for our own life, and promising ourselves to make it better than what we had.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2021

    I'm so ticked off - I'm on a few bc fb groups and lady questioned my use of survivor since I'm not stage 4!!! Who is she to judge me or anyone else. To her no one other than stage 4 dies of bc so they are the only survivors. Yes, I understand that, but those of us who are lucky enough to remain NED also have dealt with our own journey. I am grateful everyday that I continue to be NED after 15 years and take nothing for granted. The original poster stated that she was just diagnosed and scared and asked if she was going to die - I responded that BC is not an automatic death sentence and I was still here 15 years later and this person responded (not original poster) that she has a problem with people who are not stage 4 calling themselves a survivor. I don't mean to insult/hurt anyone's feelings here.

    Have a great Sunday

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited April 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! I'm a little disappointed this morning to be waking up to gray, gloomy, drizzly, chilly and yesterday was sunny and warm. Today Mom and I are going to a local nursery's Spring Fling, and yesterday I was at the computer all day putting together my weekly class assignment. I did get a few minutes out on the deck before the rain started. Both days were supposed to be reallynice according to the weather guesses. Oh, well, it will still be a good time, I'll just have to wear a jacket rather than a tank top, right?

    Sadie is being quite the entertainer. I took advantage of an offer to get a free dog bed and got Sadie avery nice round, furry bed. It came the other day. Got it out and set up, and put it down in the living room to see what Sadie thinks of it. So far, I don't think she's even seen it! She goes right past it to get up on the ottoman where I can poke her with my feet. I'm going to put it in the bedroom. Once it gets warmer she often gets off the bed to sleep on the floor. Of course, she may still ignore it, but we will see.

    Goldie--there is much more good than bad going on at school, you are right. There are only 2 really bad situations, both are being handled by people with way more expertise than I have. I spend way more time smiling and laughing than being upset, that's for sure. It would be fun to take Sadie to school, but, like you point out, way too problematic for liability reasons, possible allergies and fears, and the inevitable "why can't I bring my pet?" hassles. It sounds like you are crazy busy just now. Can you hire someone to do general housework for a few weeks? Make sure you keep eating!

    Chevy--Oh my goodness, what an eloquent description of what childhood abuse is like for the child. I had never really thought about the lack of choice a child has, the fear of not being believed, of having no escape. No wonder children block things out. No wonder you don't remember so much of your childhood. I will make it clear to all the students that I am there for them and will always listen to them and believe them. Hugs.

    Warm Hug

    Warm Hug

    • 1 cup prepared hot chocolate
    • 1 fluid ounce Irish cream liqueur
    • 1 fluid ounce creme de cacao


    Combine hot chocolate Irish cream liqueur, and creme de cacao in a coffee glass or mug.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2021

    Good morning friends and happy Funday Sunday. Hoping you are enjoying a nice spring day depending on where you may live.

    Been nice weather for the most part, except the wind which dries out everything and spreads the pollen around and still no precipation. Read recently our precipe is the lowest since they started measuring it (like 100 years ago?) and watching something on our local PBS station right now about the low surface water here (saw that where I was visiting in southern New Mexico a few weeks ago). Spring is not a time we normally get moisture, it's winter snow pack (winding down now) and summer monsoons that help some. I know for most of you in the west, you know the drought conditions we all have been facing for awhile.

    I had the most long overdue and fun time last night with a good friend to do some belated birthday celebrations for both of us. Exchanged gifts but also had some great drink, food, and conversation. But what was more fun was running in to two sets of other friends, including one set of friends that were mutual to both my friend and I that met up. Most everyone vaxed and actually got some hugs and photo opps together. We were all giddy with happiness to see one another after so long, some since before the pandemic. We noticed everyone was dolled up too, everyone wanting to wear clothing that has not seen the light of day since 2019. We made some more plans and got invited to a lovely spot up north for a weekend outing in June. I am determined to have a good summer!

    Got yard work, winter to spring clothing work to doin the closets, but before then, a yoga class to get to shortly outdoors. Wishing everyone a good week ahead!

    P.S. My DOTD yesterday was something called a Miss Sweet Pea that was a sparkling drink with citrus vodka. Photo below. It was darned tasty.
