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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2021

    Hi friends- happy Saturday. Another difficult week at work, but think a few things that have been hard to deal with the past couple weeks around a work situation may be moving behind us. And we went back on site this week so there was that adjustment to the routine of getting up earlier to be dressed, lunch packed, etc. I am glad to be to the weekend!

    My countertop project is gearing up and they were here yesterday to do the templating to be ready to do the work in another 12 days. The install is on 8/19, and then they come back the following day to seal everything up. At the end of this, I will have new sinks, countertops, and faucets in the kitchen and two bathrooms. I can't wait and my house is already feeling a bit torn apart but will be back together in a few more weeks.

    But yikes, I noticed my Google Pixel 3 was coming apart and finally got to Verizon today and discovered that the battery is "bulging" which is NOT good. Means it's damage, leaking and found out there could be a risk of exploding and/or fire. So I ordered a new phone today (the one I wanted not in stock nor any in town). Should be here Tues-Wed. I let those that know (including work people) I am off line and have the phone on the cool tile floor and letting the charge run out. Not safe to use. Yes, I think being off the electronic tether for a few days all things considered. Oh and I read up and it sounds like this problem is a "thing" with Pixel 3 just in case any of you have one. Check yours closely......

    Cases are way up here, we were averaging about 100 per day and now at 1000 per day in less than a week. Hospitals are at capacity between all the delayed care the past year as well as the surge. I am rethinking how much I will be going out again and do have a music party tomorrow but the host is saying "vaccinated only" please and may go for a bit. Everything seems iffy again.

    That's all for now. Hoping everyone is having a good weekend.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306
    edited August 2021

    Goldie - glad you're staying for a couple of days. Do you go to Mayo? My brother has kept his docs there even though he's moved to Southern Utah.

    Jazzy - just found out a life-long friend is living in Bernallillo - and sadly his wife had recurrent BC. SOunds like METS too.

    JWoo - Are you all mostly south? I'd likely go out 290 so I'm good with Burnet or Marble Falls too. And I love Georgetown if anyone lives that far north. But I could do I-10 also. In any case, I'd probably make it a mini vaca & spend the night.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2021

    ED, I see you like to put a twist on names too. JWow is cute!

    Jazzy, it will be exciting to get the new construction done. With the way things are going, you may be back home working soon.

    Minus, I do not go to Mayo. My MO did have his own practice, but it now partnered with Honor Health.

    NM, I hope you're having a nice time.

    I woke up at 2 ayem, tried to go back to sleep and couldn't, was having horrible night sweats, so just got up at 3. Going to be a looooooong day!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2021

    God morning friends- back from an early trip to the store and the valley is socked in with smoke from the west coast wild fires. It is so thick you cannot even see the mountains from the west side of town where I live and have not seen it this bad in a long time. My eyes were burning and I was sneezing too, but have to watch out for the asthma. I am going for a mani/pedi in a couple hours, but think I am going to have to opt out of the music party later today and just lay low at home. No way can I be outdoors in this stuff, and the party is outside too. I am NOT enjoying the pandemic or the impacts from climate change; two things that in my view, have no end in sight.

    Goldie- I am sorry about the night sweats, must be from your treatment. Sending hugs and hoping by staying there for this go around, you can get some good rest.

    MinusTwo- I am sorry to hear about your friend's wife'd progression. I hope she will get some good care here, there are more cancer centers here in the greater ABQ area (including Bernalillo) than there were 9 years ago when I went through treatment. I ended up going out of state for some if it too.

    NM- thinking of you and hoping your visit with your brother and his wife is going great. Good to know Sadie settled in after you left with her caregivers.

    Got some things to do before I head out for my self care time. Wishing everyone a good week.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited August 2021

    Hello all! My AC broke last Friday and they can't get the part until Monday. This is one of those first world problems, but I feel like a sweaty wet ...? noodle? Whatever. It is so easy to get use to conveniences that you feel like you may not be able to make it without them. I was going to go and stay at my daughters house for the weekend because she took her kids to Orlando for the weekend at some water park, but figured I would survive (now I'm not too sure) lol

    chiSandy - sorry to hear about Cellars closing, I really liked reading about your meals and drinks there. How is your eye?

    NM - Hope you are having a really wonderful time with your brother and his wife.

    Illimae - the party looked like it had to be a success with all the junk food. A really fun idea.

    Goldie - did you get your infusion? Looks like you all had a blast on the 4 wheelers.

    Hope everyone is doing good. Just wanted to send out a hello and will catch up later.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2021

    mistyeyes, my eye is holding steady. Getting foreign-body sensations, but they're in both eyes due to the crappy air quality (we're getting some wildfire smoke even here) and ragweed season kicking into high gear.

    Jazzy, can you get a prepaid burner phone in the meantime? Around here, even CVS & Walgreen's sell them. If you have a cellular-equipped AppleWatch, you can actually bring up a keypad to make calls even when not within range of the phone to which it's paired. ("Settings" should have the watch's phone # listed).

    Got hot again here--we're getting a little rain here on the North Side this evening--too much to sit out on the deck but not too much to actually grill with the lid partly closed.

    With leftovers last night, I had a little of that Mumm Napa DVX brut rosé. This morning at brunch I opted for a Virgin Mary instead of bubbly. Tonight, with a fish dinner, Ste. Michelle Columbia Valley (WA) Chardonnay 2019. I'm not a fan of that varietal (at least not American versions) but Bob likes it and I thought I'd humor him. Went well with a very fatty rich fish (sable).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2021

    Chi- I thought about getting a burner phone, but honestly, I am going to go without it so my job gets me a phone at work because with working at home, they have expected us to use our personal cell phones for the job for months now. Now that we are are back in the office, we have no phones at our desk either. I should have my new one by Tuesday night, god willing but if it takes longer, yes, I will get a burner phone. Thanks for that suggestion.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2021

    Jazzy, amazing how far that smoke can travel and affect so many. I've been having hot flashes and night sweats since 2008, so nothing new. But I would totally take a hot flash over the sweats. A hot flash will go away, those darned sweats don't. Being cut from the phone might be a little blessing?

    Misty, I have my infusion today. The quad rid was NOT a blast, and my DH was scared to death cuz he couldn't get off to help in any way. We never go out "joy" riding. Always slow, just to enjoy the scenery. Hope you are managing to stay comfortable. Do you at least have a fan?

    Sandy, what's cookin on the barbie?

    Made it to Phoenix, an hour later than usual, due to all the traffic coming off the mountain. Youngest DD and her DH made it also, the other one and her family will be here later today. Heading out for infusion in a little bit. Our insurance (health) gal is coming by this afternoon. Seeing another friend tomorrow and her little one. Changed my avatar, actually got a good pic after only 4! Pretty good eh? LOL

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713
    edited August 2021

    Very nice Goldie :)

    No drinks planned this week, maybe just lunch with former coworkers.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited August 2021

    Lori - have a good time in Phoenix. Sorry to hear that no more joy rides on the quad. Beautiful picture.

    Sandy - we have a fantastic time. I will be posting pictures on fb. Actually, Israel is still letting in 1st degree relatives (parents, children siblings) but now mandatory quarantine for 7 days with a second PCR test on day 7 (mandatory PCR upon landing before leaving airport.. When we went quarantine till you got you serology results and ministry of health gave you the okay. It was generally 12 hours to 2 days. Hoping we can go back during my winter break. My daughter wanted to come "home" for the holidays, but with mandatory quarantine she's going to stay in Israel (unless rules change). She doesn't want to have to quarantine for a week.

    It's HOT in Denver with lousy air quality. On Saturday, we had the worse air quality in the world. Yesterday we were #5 and SLC #1.

    My last week of summer vacation. Only 1 meeting this week and then nothing till the official start day. I put in about 14 days over the summer - lots of comp time.

    Everyone, stay safe and healthy.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067
    edited August 2021

    goldie: My DH and I have been to Sedona, several times before it got too hot there and while it is still cold here. I loved the place and had a great snack of grilled rattlesnake on a stick and a martini made with prickly pear cactus syrup. While Sedona was still very warm, Phoenix was like a blast furnace for us West Coast Canucks. Had a lovely horseback ride in Flagstaff, just me, DH and the wrangler .

    Don't know if I'll ever be back to AZ.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067
    edited August 2021

    ilklimae: I am trying to remember what thread mentioned Tim Tams from Down Under. I am sure your name popped up but it might have been in Mel's living room. I wanted to say I found them at out local Safeway. It said "product of Australia" so is it legit or just under licensed and made somewhere else. I haven't opened the package yet. I will whether it is Aussie or a poser :-)

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2021

    Morning gals! Yes Lorie, you are so pretty! Just like me and the Camster..... Hah! Don't laugh either!

    Karen! YES, Man, when we left early to run to the store, the air just made your eyes burn! We are really lucky we live next to Rocky Mountain Ditch, here in NW Denver, because of all the beautiful trees lining both sides of the ditch, plus the over 150 year old Colorado Blue Spruce in our front yard, AND another tree out front! When we sit beside the North side of the house, you can barely see the sky, because of the overhang from all the branches. Also the Creeping Charlie vines that are growing all over our fences! I think that helps us keep the air quality clean by our house!.... At least our eyes don't burn fooling around in the yard! I don't mean "fooling around" literally Cammi, I mean working in my gardens.... Loopy Thought I had to clarify that....

    See, I've lived in this neighborhood all of my life... Since I was 6... This area by the old Elitch Gardens used to be just old North Denver.... But somehow, more people started moving "up", and now we are known as West Highlands! Sounds pretty fancy, right? And old Tennyson street, that used to have street-cars clanging along, on their way "down-town" is still "home" to us. We are so lucky to still be in our old little house, and living with our newer, younger neighbors and their "town-homes". These younger "kids" really watch out for us!

    We are doing "okay".... I just hope and pray I'll always be around for my Husband.... Going on our 64th anniversary next month! Yes...... we are blessed. Hug

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2021

    Karen, time in Phoenix is not for a good time, mainly because of how annoying both of the husbands can be and disrespectful the kids can be. It's more of a "tollerable" time! LOL! Grandson (16) rules the roost, if he doesn't want to do something, he doesn't have to. If he doesn't want X for dinner, they get something else. They wanted to leave him with us all day cuz he didn't want to go to the funeral. DH told his DD no. At one point the 16 yo told his father to shut up, and nothing was done about it, not even a scolding.

    Elderberry, Sedona IS very pretty. We go to Moab UT alot and always say it's Sedona on steroids! What is Tim Tam from down under?

    ED, 64 years is amazing, and you WILL be there for your DH as long as you are alive. I think you do amazingly well for the young age that you are. You are an amazing wife....and friend too!

    Teka, that corn looks perfect! I hope it's as good as it looks. Our local corn is ready too, I'll have to make sure and get some. I still have some that I froze last year, but want some fresh.

    Been kind of strange here, as all of my husbands ex sister-in-laws wanted us to come to the funeral so they could see him and meet me! One was even messaging me on FB! We are not going. But I don't understanding everyone asking me, since technically I was "the other woman". While here at the hotel, DH has had a couple of melt downs. One over trying to get up from the toilet, but in all fairness, it IS super low. The other was getting in the shower and me haveing to wash him as there was only one bar to hold on to and no where to sit. I had to help him lift his legs up over the tub to get in and out. Had my treatment and video visit with MO, all things looking pretty good, so no change in treatment at this time. Echo was ok too. Be heading home in the morning. Thank you for all the nice words.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2021


    Sweet Corn Cocktail


    • 1/4 cup fresh corn kernels
    • 1/2 ounce freshly squeezed lime juice
    • 1/2 ounce demerara syrup
    • 1 1/2 ounce dark rum
    • 3-4 drops mole bitters, like bitterman's xocolatl mole bitters
    • ice


    Serious EatsRead recipe ingredients and preparation on (if you're really interested!)
  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067
    edited August 2021

    Goldie: Tim Tam is a chocolate biscuit (aka bickie) from Australia. Several posts raved about the ones actually eaten while in OZ and saying the ones sold in North America didn't taste as good. I wondered if they were produced under license in the USA and the formula was changed. Maybe they just tasted BETTER sitting in Melbourne having a Fosters beer with them. I ate two from the package I bought. They were Meh. Okay but I have had other bickies from the UK that are way better.

    Wow. That 16 year old needs his butt kicked. Any bets on whether he launches or not at the appropriate age? I would never ever have dared to tell my father to shut up. He never struck me but he might have then and I would have deserved it. I guess he got away with it when he was four and he is still getting away with it.

    Chevyboy: 64 years. You go, Girl!! You were a Child Bride, of course. Weren't you? :-) My DH and I are becoming the "nice, elderly couple" on our street. Sort of the same thing. When we bought our tiny little house on a street of tiny little houses it was considered "so working class" . Now the little houses are going, townhouses and Big Houses are going up and the place is getting called "One of the trendiest neighbourhoods" I still love the 'hood, and the folks moving in are getting the "vibe" that it still has. Honestly, though. I think do I need to move or just buy a Lexus, Tesla, Mercedes, BMW to fit in? Ha ha

    We had a nice break in the hot weather but it is rolling back in again. I am trying to come up with a cocktail using vodka and Ribena blackberry syrup. The poorman's Cassis and a lot more sour. Any ideas?

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713
    edited August 2021

    Yikes Goldie, sounds like that boy is going to face some problems in the coming years. I’ve found that parents to cater to kids leave future employers with big problems and future spouses trying to undo the behavior or struggling to deal with it.

    My former SIL cooked different dinners for both boys (9 & 12 at the time), even when I had made kid friendly meals. I encouraged them to try different foods and be responsible but she felt I was overstepping and being mean, they did not live in MY house very long.

    Not much happening here, DH and I have been walking every weekday morning and we’re still packing up the house.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2021

    Karen, serology (i.e., blood) tests? Only antibodies, not viruses themselves, are detected in blood.

    Lori, haven't been able to grill since Sunday night--and it was sablefish (Alaska black cod) from my Hooked on Fish CSA subscription, pan-seared on the grill, and "between the raindrops" at that. Monday I picked up BBQ brisket at the grocery, and we ate half of it indoors. Then we sat around the TV screen (and when the signal went down, the computer) watching nonstop weather coverage and ominous radar maps in terrified fascination, prepared to go downstairs to cower in the basement at a moment's notice. Didn't get the all-clear till 2 am. Repeat performance (and more brisket) Tues. night--watching the howling winds whipping the trees around like they were artistic-gymnasts' ribbons. We didn't lose any trees on our block (nor even any tomatoes), but just to the north in Evanston & n.w. in West Rogers Park, trees were uprooted (taking slabs of sidewalk with them) and fell on houses & cars. That nobody was hurt was a miracle. Last night was supposed to be more of the same, but the line of storms petered out before they got to us. (Gordy & Leslie, 3 mi. south, went to their basement with their freaked-out pooch. The couple upstairs chose to get stoned instead). I pan-seared scallops (from the CSA).

    Tonight, with no rain in the evening forecast and the temps having cooled from the 90s down to the mid-70s, we walked to Cellars for salmon. My DOTD was cava, Bob's was a Verdicchio Castelli di Jesu (crisp dry white). Going to an orchestral concert (B'way hits) in Millennium Park tomorrow night, and to Remington's for dinner afterward.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2021

    Elderberry, both of the kids have done whatever they want since the day they were born. They have never been disaplined. As for me, I would have gotten my ass beat if my dad even knew I was THINKING of saying such a thing. The boy has Aspergars, but that is no excuse. As for your cocktail, just Google "vodka and blackberry syrup cocktails". If you find one, we can make it our DOTD.

    BabyGirl, indeed things are going to be a bit different for him when he gets out on his own. IF, he gets out on his own! We ate what was put on our plate, and you ate all of it. And you didn't dare complain. I had a friend come with us camping one time. Son was very picky eater, pretty much lived on chicken nuggets from Burker King. I made him, 2 different things and he wouldn't eat either and complained about both. First one was spaghetti, what kid doesn't like that? He wouldn't, so his mom ate it. We were having brats or dogs cooked over the fire. He started his, was putting it right in the fire, constantly tapping it on the ground, fussing about it, etc. Took one bite, I don't like it. I want to go back to town and walk around town. This is an obese child, he just wanted to go so his mom would take him to Burger King. I'd put money on it that she did!

    Sandy, thunderstorms can be down right scary. Glad no one was hurt.

    NM, are you home yet?

    We made it home. Soooooo glad! OMG, they were always congregating in our room, which is fine. But OMG, my one son in law does not shut up. You can turn away from him to listen to someone else and he just keeps talking. The other one is almost as bad and so is one of the daughters. Then everyone tries to talk over the other, and my DH just sits there and doesn't say a word. Off to see the accountant today and then do more for the sale.

    Elderberry, I looked. It's hard to find a cocktail with the syrup, most just call for blackberries. The only one I found was......



    2 Tbsp (1 oz.) Torani Blackberry Syrup

    1 1/2 Tbsp (3/4 oz) Vodka

    1 Tbsp (1/2 oz.) lime juice

    1 Tbsp (1/2 oz.) lemon juice


    Shake and strain ingredients into tall glass.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited August 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Home again, home again, and boy did I come home to some miserable weather! Heat advisories, high humidity, high dew points, wow! I thought it was hot and muggy in NC, here is worse! But I had a great time visiting with kid brother and his wife. They have a beautiful place with all kinds of roses, myrtles, angel trumpets, and a million other flowers that I can't remember now. And a lovely above ground pool where we spend a lot of time. I'll post pics when I get them off the phone later. Came home Wednesday, was going to stop at home and put a load of laundry in and take a nap before going on to pick up Sadie, but I was feeling pretty good so I drove straight through to pick up the pup. Sadie is still mad at me for leaving her even though she got all kinds of special attention. She now expects me to give her pill to her in hot dogs! She keeps lying or sitting with her back to me, but keeps making sure that I'm paying attention to her ignoring me. It's hilarious. She did well at Dawna's, took over her couch first, and then her bed.

    Despite sleeping in yesterday ayem, I was soo tired all day that about all I did was snooze and listen to TV. Starting to catch up with myself this ayem, but the heat and humidity is draining. Going to be a good afternoon to go to the lake for a swim.

    Cammy Cat--I had a piece of Key Lime pie one day on vacay, it tasted wonderful! Glad Leslie's operation is over and she can start healing. Shaking my head over the drama and trouble FF is still causing.

    Goldie--good luck with the business turnover, it sounds pretty complicated.

    Chi--My brother lives outside Charlotte. I don't remember seeing any mountains, but we didn't go very far due to the high COVID rate there and none of us feeling up to doing a lot of walking around in the 90+ degree heat and 80+% humidity. We did go out to eat several times, and it was amusing to see all the restaurant staff wearing masks over their mouths but under their noses. Masking hasn't been mandated there yet, but is expected any day now.

    Hey, Jwoo!

    Goldie--enjoy your trip, as much as possible for that kind of trip, anyway. The Lonely Bull sounds yummy!

    Morning, Chevy!

    Jazzy--Glad to hear the countertop project is moving forward! YIKES on the phone battery thing, that is frightening! Glad you caught it before it did any damage. Cases are heading up hill quickly in NC and here in Maine. I think it's going to be another difficult school year with all the changes going on. I've got to get to work sorting all that stuff out next week.

    Morning, Minus Two!

    Goldie--sorry about the bad night, hope the day wasn't tooo long for you. Be careful in the smoke and haze.

    Misty--yup, it is too easy to get used to, and take for granted, conveniences like ACI did have a really good time in NC. I think we're going to make this an annual thing.

    Jazzy--healthcare is notorious for shifting the cost of work onto the employees. Good for you for going off line for a bit, and I hope it works and you get a work phone!

    Goldie--GREAT pic!

    Hi there, Illi!

    Karen--don't blame the DD for not wanting to quarantine for week. No fun in that!

    Elder--grilled rattlesnake? I'd like to try that someday. Congrats in advance on the anniversary coming up!


    Goldie--sounds like the kind of trip you wish you could get out of taking.

    LOVE the Sweet Corn Cocktail!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306
    edited August 2021

    NM - welcome back. Sounds like a great trip. We all missed you. What an amazing job of answering everyone's posts. No matter how good the vacation, I'm always tired when I get home.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2021

    NM, welcome home. That Sadie is a funny one! I'm sure by today you are totally forgiven and she's forgotten all about it. I hope you make it to the lake. Going away is always so nice, but always nice to get home too. Your brother's garden sounds beautiful.

    Good morning Minus.

    I will be working at the other warehouse, trying to get ready for this stupid sale. I couldn't have it before because Covid hit, and now it's back and making me scared to do this. But I have so much up there! On the ad, I'm going to put that they must wear a mask and if not, they will be asked to leave. For some reason, my allergies are acting up like crazy today! Well, for the last week or so. I've never had an issue this time of year, always just in the spring.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2021

    DOTD: Mello Garden

    See the source image


    gin 50ml

    St Germain elderflower liqueur 25ml

    apple juice 75ml, not from concentrate

    lime juice 10ml

    cucumber ribbons to serve


    STEP 1

    Shake all the ingredients except the cucumber with ice and strain into a tall glass with filled with fresh ice.

    STEP 2

    Decorate with cucumber ribbons to serve.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2021

    Good morning ladies- we made it to the weekend once again. Another busy week at work, but perhaps not as much drama as the two weeks before. I do realize I am feeling very burned out because of the project I am on and the aggressive schedule, along with the endless politics we have been dealing with. My whole team feels the same way. I am glad I have my Labor Day get away to the hot springs planned in a few more weeks. It should help but I really need a week off. That won't happen until I am off this project in the fall. It won't come soon enough.

    The monsoons returned this week and it's been cooler and the mornings are crisp and a feeling of fall is creeping into the air. Fall is my favorite time of the year, and Sept my fav month here (although I love the whole time of late August through early November the best. Warm days, cool nights, foliage that will come in Sept into October. The state fair is returning and have plans to go to that one sunday morning (never crowded with the church goers). The balloon feista is back on but I never go town to the field unless people are visiting, which no one is this year. I will stay away, it will be crowded and too peoply for me.

    The delta variant is on the move here and the hospitals are packed again with Covid patients. I just can't believe we ended up here again, and so disheartened about the whole vax resistance thing. NM as a whole has been hanging around a 65% vax rate for a couple months now. I am not going to any events where there may be crowds, and opted out of a concert last night that would have been fun but knew it would be a packed house. It is okay, they are local and can see them in the future. I did buy a ticket to see Pat Metheny here in the fall and hope that doesn't get cancelled but will see. I love his music and always wanted to see him, whoot!

    NM- your trip sounded really fantastic. I love late summer blooms and the yard sounded great. Pool sounded wonderful too, I would have been in that all the time too. Sadie held a grudge from your time being away, she is funny girl. I like that she took over the space of the person she stayed with, does not sound like she suffered much. Hope you two are reconnected and maybe she can get a swim in this weekend and then she might forgive you? Hope you are getting settled in. When does school start, after Labor Day? Kids have been going back here since the week before last between the private and public schools.

    You are correct the cost of things gets pushed on to employees in healthcare. I have contracted for them in the past so any expenses factored into my business expenses, etc. The boss man said the work cell phones are coming and we had a meeting yesterday about how we have too much work stuff coming in to our personal time because of using personal devices. I got my new Google Pixel 5 on wed and am back in business again.

    Chisandy- I saw some of the video on the news of the tornadoes up your way. Scary.

    Goldie- I saw your new pic on FB too and you look amazing girl. I am sorry the family in PHX was not as fun to visit as you had hoped. My family back east is like that when I go, a lot of work and some are totally draining to be around. I think when people don't see each other much in person in general or for awhile, things should be kept light and easy, but people bring their stuff wherever they go, right? I hope you are back home and settled in.

    Teka- that corn looks DELISH! I got some corn last weekend and have some off the cob and going to make a roasted corn soup this weekend. If the recipe is good, happy to share it.

    The new countertops are comming on Thursday of next week and have some things to finish prepping for that work here. I am going to go see if my dishwasher I want is finally in tomorrow at Lowes and will purchase that if available and get it installed before we head in to go lives in late Sept. If they continue to be delayed, I will park it for now and continue on to replace that when have more time later this year. The joy of supply chain in a pandemic.....

    Time to get to yoga in the park this morning and a few errands. Hoping everyone is having a good start to the weekend.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 944
    edited August 2021

    As you can see in the hazy background decaf coffee was not my only beverage. TWO glasses of Riesling along with the salmon. And desert, for an early celebration. A nice night out with a few ( all vax'd) couple friends we had not seen in quite a while.

    I lurk but don't post a lot. But welcome back NM. Swimming is my thing too! Illi I always love your food pics. Goldie I love your hair ( and the cucumber drink - pretty!). Sandy your culinary adventures are fun to read as well as your KETO and weight loss efforts. You inspire me to do better (except birthday time). I've missed many who post, but hope you all have a quiet, peaceful, healthy Sunday!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited August 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Not so much of a fun day for me today, the weather has broken, current temp 56 degrees, 85% humidity, excellent air quality means I need to get off my bum and clean house, catch up on laundry, get a paper written, and generally be productive. One more week of being at home then back to work. I'm rather looking forward to getting back to work, truth to tell. It's been so hot and muggy since I got home that I haven't had the energy to do anything. But I feel much more energetic this ayem, slept really well without the AC last night, enjoyed some Sadie cuddles this ayem before getting out of bed, so time to get back to doing things.

    Minus--thanks! I split the computer screen, have the posts up on one side, type my posts on the other, then copy and paste. Makes it easier to be able to see what people have written and I don't lose stuff when I change pages! I usually arrange vacations so that I have a day or so before going back to work, I usually need it for recovery time!

    Goldie--Sadie has forgiven me and is back to her usual self. Not sure if she's forgotten, but I am forgiven. It was nice to get away and it is very nice to be home again. Sorry to hear the allergies are acting up. That can be miserable. I don't blame you for insisting on masking. Hoping the sale goes well for you.

    What a beautiful DOTD!

    Jazzy--sounds like the project is moving ahead despite the politics and assorted drama. It's good you have a getaway planned. I love fall, too, for the same reasons. Warm during the day, good for doing all kinds of things, cool at night for sleeping and cooking, leaves turning, lots of produce at the farmer's markets. On the COVID front, both the county I live in and the county I work in are now High Risk status for unvaccinated people. I'm not sure how much is the Delta variant, need to look that up soon. It was nice to have a real break from monitoring all the details every day, but it's getting to be time to get back into that. The trip was really, really nice. Not a whole lot of running around, lots of time in the pool. Lots of time visiting and catching up. School opens up for setting up and such on the 23rd, first day for students is the 30th. Sadie does like cousin Dawna, especially since Dawna went out and got hot dogs for Sadie to take her pills in! Dawna loves dogs, hasn't had one of her own for a while now. I think Dawna would be less lonely if she had a doggo for company. I'm glad they recognized at work that using personal devices isn't the way to go. The Google Pixel 5 sounds pretty snazzy! It's hard to believe that COVID is still screwing up supply chains.

    Reader--that's a pretty piece of pie!What kind of pie is it? Don't blame you on the 2 glasses of Riesling, that is good stuff for celebrating with.

    the welcome home cocktail


    • 1 oz. gin
    • ½ oz. lemon juice
    • 4 oz. champagne
    • 1 oz. simple syrup
    • Ice
    • 1 brandied cherry


    1. Combine the gin, lemon juice, simple syrup and ice into a shaker and shake well for ten seconds
    2. Pour champagne into old fashioned glass
    3. Add mixture to champagne
    4. Add cherry
    5. Drink!

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited August 2021

    Sandy - yes, the serology test was to test for antibodies - PCR to test for disease. Israel has now started vaccinating 3rd one to 50+. a couple weeks ago, they started with 60+ - eventually they will give everyone 3rd shot. Sure wish the US would get its act together and give a 3rd vaccine to more than just immunocompromized(sp).

    Lori - so sorry to hear how difficult Phoenix was - The 16 year old is in for a rude awaking when he has to be in the real world - Nothing worse than kids who have no rules or boundaries. Good luck with the accountant and selling the business.

    Kim - glad you had a fun time with your brother. Sadie is quite the character. DD is starting to make plans for the holidays - whose house she is going to. I'm hoping by December, things with Covid will be better (everywhere) and we can go to Israel again. Need to schedule a trip to Toronto to see DD and SIL. Borders just opened up to Canada but not yet to the US from Canada. Been thinking about getting my Canadian passport since I'm a citizen. Never bothered with it, but now with Covid, it might be helpful.

    Summer vacation has officially come to an end (what little bit I had). 2021-22 school years starts tomorrow for staff and next week for kids. Thankfully masks are required in all district buildings - you can take it off if you are in your office by yourself.

    Jazzy - sorry that the work project has been so stressful.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2021

    Jazzy, the kids are all rather immature, even tho they are all in their 40's. So it's never like an "adult" get together. I hope you are able to get to your Labor Day getaway. Getting the remodels done will be exciting.

    Reader, I too want to know the dish. It sure looks yummy!

    NM, 56 degrees? That's crazy! I knew Sadie would forgive you quickly. As good as she is treated at Auntie Dawna's, I think she was faking it! Back to school soon, where has the summer gone and why can't winter pass as quickly?

    Minus2, I do the same as NM when replying to posts, that way I don't lose them either. So I reply as I read. No way, would I be able to remember everything I would want to say.

    Karen, both kids are in for a rude awakening. I hope you able to see both girls during the holidays.

    Nothing going on in my world.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 944
    edited August 2021

    Gals, The pie picture is of what was a luscious peanut butter chiffon bar. (they called it something a little different). Light and fluffy, good PB taste, with a Graham cracker ( or something) crunch. Yum!

    Today is quiet - laundry and paperwork before we head to New England mid-week for some family time. We had hoped to squeeze in a jaunt to Maine also but just can't due to some other obligations. Hoping for minimal drama. With a number of quite small nieces to tend if things get crazy. One relative is quite negative and if things start down that path I intend to grab a kid and go swimming. 🤗

    Have s good week! Am glad the temps are starting to break.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2021

    Reader - I am originally from New England and when ever I go back east, I have to dodge more than a few negative ones. I love the "grab a kid and go swimming" solution