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how about drinking?



  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited August 2021

    Goldie, thanks for the Cami up date. I think she needs to be wrapped in bubble wrap. Maybe just don't clean for guests and they can see you have too much on your plate- let them clean. You probably appear to be all together and handling everything just fine.

    Jazzy - I love your new counters. It is so exciting to do a remodeling project, and really great when all goes well.

    Illimae - Love the picture, I think just being Wednesday would be a good reason to celebrate.

    Karen and NM - it will be interesting to see how schools work this year. Such a confusing time for everyone. School started back here on Aug 10th. I am really not sure of the rules regarding masking. I think the school districts are making the decisions. I think they took a parent survey of what they want and most wanted the masking, but I really am not sure of what the decisions will be. I know I pick up one of my granddaughters from school every Wednesday and I do not see a lot of masks.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306
    edited August 2021

    Goldie - I agree about the cleaning. Just give the toilets one swipe & call it done. Oh, and tell them to PU some food on the way since you aren't going to the store.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited August 2021

    Chiming in to Goldie, you really do not have to clean. Agree that always having a spic and span house hides the effort that it takes to have it that way. These folks appear to want to help, let them know what would be most helpful for you! Says she who has been reluctant to do as I say but found out our family members were happy to make their own beds when I had clean sheets but had not gotten them on the beds...

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited August 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! The first day back at work was very, very nice. It was great to see the people I worked with and meet some new people. My office is in decent shape, I stopped and picked up the last few needed things after work yesterday. Full district staff meeting at the high school this ayem, website training the peeyem today. Sadie barely noticed that I was gone most of the day. She was sound asleep in the same spot, curled up in the recliner, as when I left. Of course, she still got extra loving before and after work!

    Henri has blown through and left not much but some rain behind. I guess there was quite a bit of wind right on the coast.

    Goldie--good point, Sadie doesn't have to change her routine at all! Good point about the jello shots, no reason not have adult slushies.Arrgghh, youmust be exhausted and frustrated with all there is to do and now company coming on top of it all. Wish I were close enough to help. Hugs. Thanks for the update on Cammy. I was beginning to worry.

    Misty--good point, and good advice to Goldie. There is a lot of variability in what schools are doing regarding masking this year. It's going to be interesting to see how things pan out. So many variables are in play this year.

    Minus and Beaver--I'm adding my voice to yours to Goldie!

    Irish maid cocktail with two cucumber slices for garnish

    Irish Maid Cocktail


    • 2 slices cucumber plus more for garnish
    • 2 ounces Irish Whiskey
    • 1/2 ounces St. Germain Elderflower Liquer
    • 3/ 4ounces Simple Syrup
    • 3/4 ounces lemon juice fresh squeezed


    • Muddle cucumber slices in a shaker.
    • Add ice and remaining ingredients to shaker, shake vigorously to combine well.
    • Strain into a cocktail glass over ice. Garnish with cucumber slices.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2021

    Misty, Tammy would clean, that is not the real issue. I just have so much on my plate, I don't WANT anyone over! "You say "You probably appear to be all together and handling everything just fine." You are exactly right, no one remembers Lori has stage IV cancer, she can do everything non stop because she appears perfectly fine!

    Indeed some bubble wrap for our Cami!

    Minus, my toilets need more than one swipe! LOL. I haven't done much cleaning cuz I've been putting my time in for the sale, driving to phoenix for my appts. and DH's. Visiting the kids for those 4 days, driving to town for groceries, that's always an entire day. So not much cleaning been done. And NO, I not going to the store, it's an hour and 15 minutes one way.

    NM, glad that all went well with work. Can't wait to hear some more stories about the kids. Oh my, what a life, curled up in the same spot as when you left! Good deal that Henri wasn't a problem.

    You guys, I'm just physically and emotionally exhausted! I can't wait to get to Michigan. And of course DH wants someone here with him while I'm gone, so I have to make sure things are in order. I have life size celebrity cut outs in the sale and my son in law says he wants Hans Solo and he'll get it at Thanksgiving. I don't quite know what to say about that. I did not say anything about TG at my house! My DH just says to tell him you will save it for him. Well today I will tackle the bathrooms, make sure the spare bedroom is ok. I didn't do my dishes last night, I think I went to bed at 5!

    Here is the video

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306
    edited August 2021

    The absolute hardest thing in my entire life has been to "just say no" - can't, not, won't, sorry, no!!! It still is the hardest thing, but I think I am getting better. I still have lots of time feeling selfish & guilty.

    Goldie - I get it. You need a get away, but preparing for that would probably as much work as staying. I'll keep you high in my thoughts this week.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2021

    Chiming in to wish Cami stays safe--how about a Nerf suit to go around the bubble wrap?

    DOTD tonight with a fish dinner (hastily thrown together to get it cooked lest the power run out) was 2019 Clif Family Route Blanc white blend.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited August 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! Team building this ayem, I think that means we are cleaning up the gym/cafeteria and getting the stuff stored there moved to more appropriate places. Then a staff meeting in the peeyem. I'm definitely moving more, I can feel the tired when I get home! But that is a very good thing. Sadie seems to be adjusting just fine, which is a good thing. Can't wait for the kiddoes to start next week!

    Goldie--I can imagine you are just plain worn out and exhausted. I can also understand you want the house to be nice when company comes. If I were you I would make it known now that due to health issues you and DH will not be hosting a Thanksgiving dinner this year. Then let the family figure out what they are going to do. With any luck, they'll bring TG dinner to you! Wow, that is quite the collection of sale items! I bet that took a lot of work to get organized and looking so good. Hugs.

    Morning, Minus!

    Morning, Chi!


    Yard Sale


    1 oz Blood Orange Juice

    2 oz Bourbon

    1 oz Simple Syrup

    1 oz Lemon Juice

    .5 oz Lime Juice


    Mix all ingredients in a shaker with ice. Optional: garnish with chopped peaches and blueberries. Enjoy!

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2021

    Oh Minus, preparing for my trip to MI is easy peasy, for my stuff, that is. Packing, prepping food for DH. The tough part is cleaning before I leave. Maybe that is what you mean? We are friends with a gal in Laughlin, she was a cocktail waitress at one of the casinos. She is from Poland, it's her mom who is coming to stay with my DH. Mom is in her 70's and speaks broken English. DH is hell spent on needing someone here to take care of him. We have cameras, I can watch him while I'm gone. I can call 911 just as easily as she can, since that's the only thing she would be able to do. I think DH just wants someone around to wait on him and keep him company! I hear ya on not being able to say no, can't etc. I don't like confrontation, I'm not good at fighting, arguing, raising my voice, complaining at restaraunt, etc.

    NM, I too am excited for the kids to get started. Like I said, waiting to hear the stories. Most of that stuff was taken there last year, and I did it all by myself. Glad Sadie isn't giving you the cold shoulder. But I'm sure you will get it when you go to DW! I'd pass on the kids bringing dinner to us as well. Neither of his girls cook.

    Well, my ad in one group on FB is getting slammed with political/mask stuff, as I put that in the ad, that mask are required. The ad has almost 150 comments on it. "I don't believe in masks, there are some things there that I would like, but not going". "Mask are ridiculous and don't do anything, I won't be attending" On and on with stuff like that. This was my reply, but they kept on!


    Well, they still kept on! So I put this...

    WOW, Just WOW. All I wanted to do was post a sale. Not start a debate! Please take your arguments elsewhere. This is an argument that will never be settled. So PLEASE not here.

    And they're still at it! So I wrote to one of the moderators!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2021

    An admin got right on my concerns about 10 minutes after I messaged. Here is what they put and they shut comments off.

    Candi Ann Campbell - RollModerator

    Admins will go through all comments and take necessary action. I'm disappointed to say the least. Next time if you are against wearing a mask then scroll on and don't go. no one really cares about your comments as it has no merit to this post. Respect the posters wishes as we will respect yours.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2021

    FB is showing its true colors: whatever attracts eyeballs, sells ads & generates click-thrus is fine by them.

    Our basement took on enough water last night to float the cat boxes. So I have auxiliary ones upstairs at the ready in case it happens again tonight…and tomorrow…and Friday. The city’s sewer system is useless. We have premium seats to Friday night’s Sox-Cubs game; hope it doesn’t get rained out and Bob gets over the side effects from the Pfizer booster he’s getting today.

    Bob has a doctors-only drug company dinner tonight, so I will be dining at home alone. Normally, I don’t drink alone, but if the storms come back there’s gonna be some form of alcohol in my glass tonight. (Better one dirn than carb-bingeing).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited August 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! Going to be a long, hot day at work today. Starting at the High School this ayem, then something called Restorative Justice Practices at the school in peeyem. Open house in the evening, with a twist. The county is COVID red, so no parents come inside the building, so we will hall have stations outside, where the temps are expected to be high 80's to 90's, with 80% humidity, dew point in the mid 70's. I just hope we will be able to find some shade.

    Yesterday at work started off with quite the excitement. As we are going through some stuff in storage on the stage, there's a big commotion in the kitchen behind us. The cook had plugged in the big fridge, and there were sparks and smoke and sizzling going on big time! So we called 911, cleared the building, got everyone accounted for, hung out for a bit while the guys cleared the smoke out of the kitchen. Then the fridge was dismantled and taken out. A new one will be delivered next week. At least no students were in the building!

    Goldie--I bet I will get the cold shoulder after the Disney trip. But I'll just have to deal with that as it happens. The nastiness on Fb over masking and vaxxing is getting totally out of hand. Maybe stuff like this will give FB the idea of giving us an option to turn off the comments. If it weren't so much work and so time consuming I'd go suggest going through and deleting all the comments and blocking the senders. It's getting so crazily political. I hope the moderators can help. Aha, I see they got right on it!Good for them!I bet some of them are going to Fb jail!

    Chi--yikes, you guys must be getting slammed with rain! I hope there's no damage.

    image alt="How to Drink Pastis Like the French">


    Pastis has a strong alcohol-forward personality that can be off-putting to the uninitiated. However, once you become familiar with the magic of pastis, you'll probably find it irresistible. The flavor is anise. It's slightly sweet, but not at all cloying. If you're a fan of black licorice, you'll probably fall in love with French pastis.

    Part of the magical appeal of pastis is the presentation. It's brought to you in three deconstructed elements: pastis, water, and ice. The bartender will pour about an ounce of the pastis brand of your choice into an 8 1/2 ounce heavy-bottomed, flared glass. A carafe or pitcher of water will be placed next to it, and you may also get a small bowl of ice cubes. I say you may get a bowl of ice cubes, it seems to me that the more "American" you appear the more likely you are to receive ice (Americans are known for their love of icy drinks). Many French people prefer ice-cold water and no actual ice.

    Water and Ice

    This is where you take over and the magic begins. First, pour the water into the pastis (roughly four parts of water for each part of pastis but you may use more or less if you prefer), then add the ice to the glass if you're using it (or alternatively add the ice to the pitcher of water before you pour). You'll immediately notice that the liquid changes from clear amber or transparent green to a milky soft yellow. This is known as the ouzo effect. The science of why the liquid changes appearance so drastically is hard to explain. But basically, the added water alters the percentage of alcohol in the drink. This causes some of the botanicals held in the solution to become insoluble. These particles turn the liqueur cloudy – or, as the French say, louche. GREG

    From <>

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2021

    Kim, any modifications to your mandate opposition now that the Pfizer shot is fully FDA-approved? Bob was unable to get his booster at Little Company of Mary yesterday because they did the math and realized that they needed their supply to give first shots to unvaccinated support staff now that the Order of St. Francis has instituted an all-staff vaccine mandate. (And now they only have Moderna, but his first two shots were Pfizer). The hospital administrator said he should go to Walgreen's or CVS. So he will.

    As to the Disney trip, just have fun, stay safe and avoid unmasked people to the extent you can. Also, when you get home, monitor yourself for symptoms and get tested if they arise. (If people are upset by my wearing a mask, that's THEIR problem--at the ballgame tomorrow night I'm keeping my mask on when not eating & drinking. If anyone asks why I wear one even though I'm vaccinated, I tell them that my car has a full suite of air bags but I still wear my seat belt). Masks are now mandatory in indoor public spaced in the city and Cook County, and as of Monday will be statewide. I noticed at the grocery store yesterday most people were still wearing their masks in the parking lot. Pollen & mold counts are off the chart. And it's so hot and sticky out that my face is cooler when I'm wearing my mask.

    Didn't rain enough yesterday to flood the basement again, but there was an "embarrassing incident" (not I) in the first floor bathroom that occupied most of my late evening cleaning it up. My newer iPad Pro (the only one with cellular) still smells a bit--despite a bazillion Lysol, alcohol, witch hazel, and tea tree wipes, the smell got into one set of speaker holes and persists (as it faintly does on one corner of the keyboard case). I'd get a new one but the next Apple product launch event is in only about 3 weeks--so in the bathroom it will stay for now (it is my de facto "library").

    Also exhausted cleaning both the basement cat boxes and wiping up the third bout of Happy's puking. Had to feed him 1/2 hr early just now, because while he was on my lap nuzzling & purring ("I love you--now feed me") he suddenly nipped my left wrist. Luckily, he didn't break the skin.

    Yesterday's DOTD, with branzino & veggies, was Clif Family Route Blanc. Not sure about tonight--we will likely go to Cellars to pick up our wine order from last week's dinner. If it doesn't storm, and the yellowjackets don't swarm, we will dine outdoors. DOTD will depend on what I eat.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited August 2021

    Sandy - we have a great tree guy and DH asked him if he knew any painters and he does - so when he came over and give us a quote we will pick out paint and new front and maybe back doors.

    A co-worker told me today that they changed it to 6 months not 8 months to get the booster. We are at the 7 month mark. Kim, because of international travel to see my girls, I want to be sure that I have enough antibodies. One month and counting till I can get it. Thinking of going to DD#1 over the long week-end and Rosh Hashanna. DH doesn't want to travel but said its okay for me to go. It's our 44 anniversary that week-end, but we can celebrate another time. My SIL has been in the hospital since last Friday. At first they thought it was c-diff, but culture came back negative. They've done a. CT scan, sigmoidoscopy, biopsy and other tests. The other day his colon was inflamed and he was retaining fluids. My poor kids just can't get a break. SIL was excited that we might come for RH, but talking to my daughter last night, both DH and I felt like maybe she doesn't want company. This mom is hurting for my daughter and feel like I need to give her mommy time. It's only a week away till I would leave so need to decide tonight as I'm not sure how much flights will be so close to leaving.

    Back to school since the 16th. The kids started this week. Indoors everyone has to wear masks. Outside the kids can take them off at lunch (eating lunch outside) and recess.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited August 2021

    Chi- Wow, it sounds like you have had some really bad storms. Between the rain mess and Happy being sick you had your hands full...literally!

    My daughter and her oldest daughter are going to Chicago next weekend. They will leave on Thursday and come home on Sunday. The younger daughter will stay with me. One of Amanda's clients live in Chicago part time and have scheduled their time to see everything. It is so great to have friends that are organized so you get to make the most of a little vacation. I have never been there, hopefully traveling will become a bit easier and safer.

    I don't get involved with all the mask conversations online. I always thought from the very beginning of this whole mess, that if it makes someone else feel better if I wore a mask, then I would just out of kindness and their wellbeing physical or mental.

    My air conditioner took quite awhile to get fixed. They had the wrong size motor at first, it took a few days for them to figure that out and ordered a new motor. It works great now. The company was very kind and easy to work with, especially when I was calling almost everyday. I am getting a front covered porch built. I have wanted it for quite some time and am so happy that it is being done because that side of the house faces west and the afternoon sun is horrendous.

    Goldie- I hope your sale goes great. You have a lot of really unique items.

    Hi Cami - hope your computer is working soon. I miss reading your posts.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited August 2021

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! Yesterday was a miserable day here weather-wise. Heat index was 99-101, with nearly 100% humidity, in a county with high COVID transmission, meaning we all had to be wearing masks all the time, and had to have our open house outdoors (no one other than students and staff inside the building when the county is orange or red, currently transmission level is red). Just wore me out. Weather is much better this ayem, thank God and all His Angels.

    Chi--no, I still do not agree that healthcare workers mustgive up their right to make their own healthcare choices in order to work in the healthcare industry.

    Karen--I've been concentrating on the COVID rules affecting elementary schools just now, so I'm not up to date on reviewing the booster research. Wanting to have a good antibody level while traveling seems pretty common sense to me. I hope you can find a booster easily. With my school's county in the Red for transmision, we are in masks inside and outside, no visitors in the school, and lots of hand sanitizing. Hopefully this will pass off and the transmission rate will drop and we can allow masks off outdoors. For now we are keeping masks on inside, until we can measure the effect of not distancing, especially in the cafeteria.

    Misty--glad the AC is working well again! I would be in very bad shape without mine this week.


    Back to School-tini


    • 2ouncesTitos vodka
    • 1/2ozMalibu Coconut Rum
    • 1/2ozapple juice
    • Splash of Grenadine
    • apple slice for garnish


    1. Fill a cocktail shaker halfway with ice.
    2. Pour in the vodka, coconut rum, and apple juice. Add a splash of Grenadine.
    3. Shake well and strain into a martinis glass.
    4. Garnish with an apple slice.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2021

    So sorry about all that water Sandy, I hope the damage is minimal.

    Misty, you had to be miserable with no AC!

    NM, on my own FB page I don't discuss anything political, including pretty much masks, or anything religeous. If I do say anything about a mask, it just that I'm wearing mine. I don't argue or tell someone they should be wearing one. Therefore I would not need to turn off comments on my own page. Anywho, glad things are going well at school. Hope you found some shade for that open house. That heat and humidity, oh my! Interesting drink that Pastis!

    Karen, I sorry to hear about your SIL. I hope they can get it figured out, that it's nothing serious and he can go home soon.

    I have been miserable, with these stupid allergies! OMG, the sneezing, my eyes itch like crazy and hurt. My hair even itches! Today will be interesting, re masks.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited August 2021

    Hello all! Have been off BCO for awhile due to visitors here, traveling to NE Ohio for visits w/friends and family. Polished off several bottles of prosecco and sauv blanc during the course of these visits. Just this week, getting back into my normal routines. Hot/humid here in the greater Cincinnati, OH area.

    Aperol spritz was my DOTD earlier today at lunch with a former co-worker. Maybe a Chambord spritzer (NM's recipe) with dinner?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2021

    Hi CeliaC - welcome back ❤️

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited August 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Boy was this Loungette pooped when she got home from work last night. I did not realize how much less moving around I had been doing here at home this summer! I did get a nice surprise, I've been assigned morning greeting duty, meaning that I will be at the front door as students come in every morning, getting to be the first one to say Hi to them, spraying their hands with sanitizer, and getting to see ALL the students at least once a day! I helped out with that assignment several time last year, and it's really fun.

    It was really nice to get the fun assignment info. That came right after I found out that a very dear friend of mine from high school days died earlier this week.

    Had a nice long chat with Mom last night. Mom's doing well, but Dick is declining pretty rapidly now. He's fallen several times, the last couple of times he's gotten an egg on his head and various bruises. Mom's miffed because the assisted living facility doesn't use the monitors that send out an automatic alarm when someone falls. Dick tends to fall while getting up at night and doesn't push the call button when it happens, so the staff doesn't find out until morning. When Mom takes him out, the staff put him in her car and then take him out again when she brings him back, he can't get out of the car in between unless one of his boys is there to help. It's kind of sad to watch happening.

    Goldie--my Fb page is all family and close friends, don't really get political except for once in a while when something gets me up on my soap box. I only had problems with snarky comments one time, I posted one request to stop the bickering, a few hours later after a few more nasty posts, I took down the entire post and blocked the very few people involved. I don't mind people expressing different opinions or even outright disagreeing with me and each other, but on my site it will be done with respect and good manners. Those allergies sound absolutely awful! And the masking sure doesn't always help with that situation.

    Celia--I'll happily join you for a Chambord spritzer! It sounds like you've had a lot of traveling and visiting and fun in your life this summer, good for you!I keep reminding myself to just cope with the hot/humid weather of now, it'll be cold and snowy soon enough.

    Morning, Jazzy!

    Saturday Candy cocktail

    Saturday Candy

    image alt="Saturday Candy cocktail">

    Glass type

    Cocktail glass

    3 ingredients


    Put together all ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice and shake. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass, add a cherry, and serve.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2021

    Hi ladies- happy last weekend of August. Where did the summer go? It's been raining here again, which is good but the t-storms this week have been really unbelievable. Nature has been really putting on a show this week and supposed to rain later today and tomorrow too. Probably the last gasp of the monsoons, although sometimes they can last into late Sept if we are lucky. Still warm during the day (low 90s) but mornings are delightfully cool.

    Taking some time to slow down this weekend after a very busy month with work deadlines and the reno. Still loving my new kitchen and bathrooms and have a bit more putting back together of things. Making some green chili stew today with some freshly roasted chili from the late summer harvest and also will make some roasted corn chowder as well. Bring on that crock pot.

    I will be back tomorrow. As mentioned last week, I am taking a break from all social media in Sept so tomorrow may be my last message to you for awhile.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2021

    Welcome back, Celia!

    Kim, so sorry to hear about Dick's declining health. May your mom be blessed with strength & equanimity, Glad you get to greet the kiddos. We could all use s little sunshine (but not 90+ degrees' worth)!

    Lori, have you spoken to any of your care team (even a telehealth visit) about your hayfever? Can't give you medical advice, but I can tell you what's helping me deal with the pollens & outdoor mold spores: keeping the windows closed and the A/C running, even just for ventilation & filtration; a nightly generic Zyrtec (OTC) and montelukast (Rx, which I take for asthma anyway); for itchy eyes, Pataday mast-cell-inhibitor eye drops (now OTC, one drop per eye per day) and artificial tears or sterile saline drops as often as I need them; twice a day, one per nostril, nasal sprays--first saline (Ayr) to clear the path, then Nasalcrom & generic Nasacort (both OTC). And if I'm gonna be outdoors for more than a few minutes at a time, wearing a mask even outdoors. The irony is so many Easterners & Midwesterners originally moved to the desert to get away from pollens & molds--but it turns out AZ is among the worst states for airborne allergies!

    Karen, you might want to go to your local pharmacy (one that has the brand of vaccine you originally got) and ask if you can get a booster due to being a cancer patient. Our temple is holding indoor services again (with full mitigations, and proof of vaccination required for admission), but for the High Holy Days they're also continuing with virtual livestreaming (with YouTube archiving) as well as a limited number of seats outdoors under an open-sided tent. Family services will be outdoors only, The professional choir pre-recorded their parts; and there will be no "speaking" aliyot on the bimah--all participants must mask.I didn't apply for an aliyah, in case I don't feel comfortable attending indoors. (And we have Jeff Tweedy of Wilco, plus his sons, singing the Debbie Friedman version of the Mi Sheberach on video--they've been members of our temple for years).

    Learned two more of my friends--who moved to a tiny rural central-SC town in Feb. 2020--caught COVID on their anniversary trip to Myrtle Beach a couple of weeks ago. (Knowing their political views may have influenced their decision to move where they did, I didn't ask if they were vaccinated--they have enough "tsuris" as it is now without being judged). His case was nearly asymptomatic; but her oxygen sats tanked and she had to be admitted to the hospital. She was taking an immunosuppressant for her fibromyalgia (plus being diabetic). She's improving (on supplemental oxygen but--knock wood--not intubated). Between them and our temple board's President--whose original DCIS dx morphed into triple-positive IDC, with 9 months of chemo & a continued year of targeted therapy--there's a whole lotta prayin' goin' on chez nous. (The first verse of the Friedman version of the Mi Sheberach is 20 sec. long, so I "sing" it silently instead of "Happy Birthday" when I wash my hands, which is quite often).

    My DsOTD yesterday was at the ballpark--but I didn't like the alcohol offerings (no bubbly!). So I had an overpriced water, and a Coke Zero--first diet (or any flavored) soda since I began going low-carb. I found it so sweet as to be cloying. Cleansed my palate with plain seltzer when we got 11:40pm! (Bob had to be at work early today, and it was a long train ride home, so we left at only the top of the 7th inning). Felt very weird to be rooting against the Cubs...because they were playing the Sox, in the latter's "house." We've pretty much switched our allegiances, because even though we have always lived on the North Side, Bob has always worked on the South Side, and the Cubs suddenly traded away all of their best players in July. Was a very wild game--both teams squandered very large leads at least once. Sox won--we watched the last 2-1/2 innings on our phones on the train. The game ended only two stops before our home station! At the ballpark, we continued to mask except while sitting in our outdoor seats--I'm triple-vaxed, Bob sat to my right and he had nobody sitting to his right.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited August 2021

    Sandy - Hubby and I are going to the Safeway pharmacy when they open at 10 this morning and we are. both pulling out all our Dx cards for him cardiac patient, me cancer, kidney and MGUS. It is exactly 7 months and now they are saying 6-8 months. For the holidays, we will only go to an outdoor minyan. Since we go to an orthodox synagogue, there is no life streaming. 3 weeks ago, the shul had a large kiddush and 10 people tested positive. Tomorrow night is my MIL's second yarzheit so my husband will go to shul tomorrow night, Tuesday morning and evening so he can say kaddish. We are both getting tested every 2 weeks. Sorry to hear about your friends.

    Cooler day today and so far at almost 9am it is cloudy out. Need to get out for a walk

    Have a great Sunday.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2021

    Karen, if you don’t mind virtually attending a Reform service, my temple (Emanuel Congregation) streams worldwide. 5959Online is the url—you can also go to YouTube and look up Emanuel. Nashuva, an “alternative” congregation in L.A. headed by a Conservative-ordained rabbi, also livestreams its High Holy Day services and has done so for over a decade.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited August 2021

    Sandy -Thanks for the offer there are several congregations doing virtual/online services. That doesn't work for me as I keep Shabbat and all the holidays. We have an outdoor minyan that we will attend. It is in my neighborhood so 10 minute walk. Our synagogue is 25 minutes, but they are not. doing an outdoor service. Doing so much zoom and google the past year and half, I prefer attending in person or not going.

    We got our 3rd vaccination this morning. DD#2 is getting hers tomorrow - the 3 of us all got our 1st two shots around the same time in January. Who knows what is happening in Canada. My son got the J and J, so not sure what is happening for boosters.

    Trying to order DD#2 a couple pastries from Tel Aviv - we can get the website translated to English, but soon as we click on order it goes to Hebrew and I can't get it to translate. I can even get the menu in English, but can't order from it!!! They want to verify my phone number but I don't have my Israeli SIM in my phone when I'm in the US so that doesn't work. I'm sure I'll get it figured out. Might have my husband call his good friend to do the order and use our CC.

    Have a great Sunday night.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited August 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy First Day of School day for my students! I can't wait to see them all again. The weather has definitely changed, rainy and in the 60's, so back to wearing a sweater. What's left of Ida should come through on Thursday, not sure yet how far inland that storm will affect us.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Jazzy--the weather people keep saying we're going to get t-storms, but they don't seem to be happening. Enjoy your new kitchen and baths, and the fall cooking. See in October!

    Chi--thanks for the good wishes for me and Mom. I agree, sunshine is good, but not 90+ degrees worth! So sorry to hear about your friends illnesses. I think it's nice to have another song to sing to time the handwashing, I'm getting tired of Happy Birthday!

    Karen--please pass on my condolences to your DH on the anniversary of his mom's passing. Good for you for getting tested regularly, I bet it gives you a lot of peace of mind.

    Pencil Eraser- A Back to School Cocktail for Parents


    • 1 lemon cut into 8 wedges
    • 3 strawberries, hulled and quartered lengthwise
    • 4 ounces simple syrup
    • 6 ounces vodka
    • 1 ounce cranberry juice


    Step 1

    In a shaker, muddle lemon, strawberries, and simple syrup. Add ice, vodka, and cranberry juice. Shake well and strain into three martini glasses. Garnish with a strawberry and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2021

    Checking in with the Lounge Lizards! Just been so very busy. The sale went well, and now to take more and have another this weekend. Some of my neighbors are taking stuff too. Big stuff. I said to be sure they leave room for me to bring mine! I have to make sure they know it has to be out of there on Sunday. I have someone hauling my stuff out, but not theirs. Off to Phoenix this morning for treatment. I leave for MI in 3 weeks. I SOOOO need the break!

    Sandy, for the most part, I just deal with the allergies. Not a fan of pills.

    NM, have a very fun day at work with the kids. Let the stories begin!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2021

    Kim, the intro, first verse & chorus of "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" are 20 seconds long as well. Of course, "I Gotta Wash My Hands" makes more sense.

    My SC friend got released from the hospital today. She also finally tested COVID-negative, but is taking antibiotics for a secondary bacterial pneumonia.

    Bob got his third shot today. He just had to check the "immunocompromised" box, without mentioning why. Walgreen's form got a lot shorter than when I got my booster 10 days ago--I had to check "being treated for cancer" and "over 65."

    With grilled eggplant parm (using up older stuff from my crisper, plus some of whatever ripe tomatoes Bob didn't donate to his office), 2018 Fess Parker Syrah (Paso Robles). Coravined it last night--we drank it with grilled ribeye & Vidalia onion, insalata Caprese over arugula, and stir-fried Chinese long beans.

    Today was the last day of our farmers' market, and the Guatemalan guy had sold out of his coffee beans by the time I got there. I still had a bottle of cold brew from last week, so I had some over ice when I got home.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited August 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! We had an exciting first day of school yesterday. All of the usual crises of kiddoes on the wrong bus, getting off at the wrong school, lots of questions from parents about bus routes, lunches, COVID, and all sorts of other things. Got things going well and then my phone blows up about half an hour before the end of the day--a community youth sports team was exposed to COVID last week and now needs to quarantine! I had calls coming in steadily from parents who had been contacted by the coach and the CDC, and parents who were hearing the news and wanting to know if their child was involved, and parents worried about their child being exposed on the first day of school. Nothing like starting the year off with a bang! It was a blast seeing the returning kiddoes and meeting the new ones yesterday. I think it's going to be a fun and exciting year.

    Sadie has decided that my going back to work isn't so bad. She's getting regular belly rubs and pets morning and night, treats when I get home, and she loves to listen to me yammer on about the day.

    Goldie--So glad the sale is going well, and it sounds like things are getting moved along quite steadily. Allergies are a pain, but sometimes the side effects of the pills are more bothersome.

    Chi--LOL at the "I gotta wash my hands" line! So apropos!

    New School Recipe Recipe

    New School


    • 2 ounces whiskey
    • 1 ounce lemon juice
    • 1/2 ounce ginger syrup
    • 2 ounces soda water


    1. Combine whiskey, lemon juice and ginger syrup in a cocktail shaker with ice
    2. Shake hard to chill and combine ingredients
    3. Strain over fresh ice
    4. Top with soda

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited August 2021

    DD#2 is coming in 2 weeks. She decided on Sunday since she was getting her 3 shot and would only have to quarantine up to 24 hours till she gets her PCR tests reduced since landing she would come. She called me at work yesterday morning then after work while I was driving home, she was trying to figure out the best flight deal and times. She'll be here 3 weeks. Now DD#1 is thinking about coming while her sister is here, but I'm not sure her husband can travel. The girls haven't see each other in 2 years. IF DD#! comes, it will be all 3 kids in the same hours in several years - doesn't happen often. They live in 3 different countries on 2 different continents. Needless to say I'm a happy mama bear!!

    Hot again today - 93 predicted high - at least it cools down at night.

    Kim - quite the start to a new school year. It can only go up!

    Have a great Tuesday.