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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2021

    NM, glad (for the most part) that things went well for the first day of school for the kids. Bummer about the Covid issue. Like we all said long ago, it's going to get bad again. Amazing how Sadie was confused or bothered when you left for work. How did she know? Because you left her at home? And not somewhere else?

    Karen, happy momma bear indeed. I do hope DD1 can make it. Where does your son live?

    Sandy, lol on the "I gotta wash my hands".

    I left yesterday morning at 6 ayem and got home at 5 peeyem! 11 hour day for a 1 hour infusion. I did make a few other stops, but still! I spoke with our Cami. She is in the hospital, which I knew for a few days but didn't want to share until I knew it was ok with her. She had an open wound from her fall that wouldn't heal, her DD finally took her to the hospital. Her kidneys were only functioning at 30%. She says this has resolved. They are waiting for results to come back from labs and scans. She continues to lose weight, too much if you ask me. She said she is down below 115. I'll call her later today or tomorrow and report back here. Keep her in your prayers.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2021

    A BCO friend of mine shared this on FB. I think it speaks volumes!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2021

    Adding our Cami to my prayer list. Hoping that she's at a good hospital (IIRC, she's not far from either Gottlieb--which is part of Loyola--or Central DuPage, part of the excellent Cleveland Clinic-affiliated Northwestern Medicine system). May the wound care team get a handle on her injuries and set her on the road to healing...and eating.

    Karen, sounds like you're gonna need a bigger round challah next week, as well as more apples & honey! May it be a "sweet year" for you after all.

    Bob was running a low fever (how low we don't know, as he refused to take his temp) by this morning from his booster shot--I had to stand over him while he took a couple of Tylenol before going to work. (Half day, thank goodness). He has mildly achy muscles but refuses to take anything other than a Paloma. (I miss grapefruit juice....)

    DOTD with fish tonight, was Fess Parker Rodney's Vineyard 2016 Dry Riesling (Santa Barbara County). Because it's a 2016, the "petrol-ish" Riesling aroma is very apparent--an acquired taste, one that I acquired some years ago. Nice acidity & crispness too.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! How is everyone doing this ayem? Beautiful ayem here now that the sun has come up. I love how the nights are cooler and so nice for sleeping, which is a good thing cuz all the running around at school has be worn out by the time I get home. I am so out of shape it's not funny. But that will improve, the kiddoes will make sure of that! Started getting the first run of skinned elbows, nose bleeds, and bug bites yesterday. I rearranged my office so that I can see out the door while sitting at my desk, and some of the kiddos are funny, they don't recognize the office when they first look in!

    Sadie say Hi to everyone!

    Karen--Wow, it would be so wonderful for you to have all 3 kids home at once! Your family is really spread out over the world. I figure if we all got through the first day of school ok, the rest of the year is no problem! I'm probably being optimistic, but that's ok.

    Goldie--I think Sadie knows it's back to work time because I'm getting up with an alarm. That's really the only different thing going on. Thanks for the Cammy update. Saying prayers for her. Boy did you have a long day. That's just too long for a one hour treatment. I wish there was a better way for you.

    That does speak volumes. I hope people are paying attention.

    Chi--Hoping DH feels better soon, and glad he has you to stand over him while he takes some tylenol!

    Homemade spiced vodka 1.5oz

    Honey syrup 0.5oz

    Pomegranate juice 0.35oz

    Orange juice 1.75oz

    Orange 1oz

    Passion fruit 1.5oz

    Mint 0.03oz

    Cloves 0.03oz

    Star anise 0.06oz

    Ground cinnamon 0.03oz

    Ground ginger 0.03oz

    Ginger root 0.35oz

    Crushed ice 7oz

    Ice cubes 7oz

    • Fill a highball glass to the top with crushed ice
    • Place the pulp of a passionfruit half and squeeze 0.15 oz of ginger root juice into a shaker
    • Pour in 1.75 oz of orange juice, 0.5 oz of honey syrup and 1.5 oz of homemade spiced vodka
    • Add 1 clove, 1 star anise, a pinch of ground cinnamon and ground ginger into a shaker
    • Fill the shaker with ice cubes and shake
    • Finely strain into the highball glass
    • Add 0.35 oz of pomegranate juice
    • Top up with crushed ice
    • Garnish with an orange wheel, a star anise and a mint sprig

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited September 2021

    Lori - my son moved back to Denver in April :)

    Sandy - RH will just be DH and DS. DD#2 will be here YK through the end of the holidays. DD#1 hopes to come to see her siblings, but it depends on how well her husband is doing. She is hoping he will get out of the hospital by the end of the week or by Labor Day in time for RH. He has been in the hospital for 12 days now - they still don't have a positive Dx but are treating it as C-diff. The just changed antibiotics the other day. As he told my husband its coming along very slowly. Poor guy can't get a break!!!

    Been waking up at 4 the pasts couple days, but waiting till 4:30 to get out of bed!

    Happy Wednesday. Have a great day!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2021

    NM, it must be the alarm that lets Sadie know you will be home later? Funny the kids are confused with your office being rearranged. Our nights are getting a little cooler too, but still pretty hot during the day. That's quite a list of ingredients for that DOTD!

    Karen, your SIL is def. having a time of it. I hope he is well soon. I know you wish you could be there with your DD. I'm sorry and sendning a virtual hug.

    Sandy, I'm Bob will be feeling better soon. I do not know which hospital she is in.

    Thank you Teka.

    Off to get my Faslodex injection today and take some stuff to the sale and see what all my neighbors brought! Will be a muddy ride out since it's been raining. But gray and cloudy, so not sure I'll be able to get any pictures or video.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2021

    Bob is fine--we went out for a late dinner at our longtime fave Italian restaurant (from since before Gordy was born), and they kept the kitchen open for us even though it was closing time. He's talking to his best friend from high school (who was best man at our wedding), who works for the IRS in lower Manhattan and lives in eastern Queens near the Nassau County line. The entire NYC area is under 1-3 ft. of water right now (his house is up about 3' from street level). My sis in the NoVA suburbs of DC says their neck of the woods is very lucky--they lost power for a few minutes last night during the fusillade of thunder & lightning. I will stop b**ching about my own basement flooding from the city sewers backing up during downpours.

    My BIL is being worked up for possible thyroid cancer--he is in his late 50s. Fingers crossed. It's extremely treatable--I have two friends who are, respectively, 20 and 40-yr survivors.

    Lori, please keep us posted about Cami.

    DOTD was a split of Domaine Chandon brut.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! Waking up to steady rain this ayem, remnants of someone or other tropical storm/former hurricane. No wind to speak of, just steady rain. I guess we will get some heavier rain a little later in the day.It was so nice sleeping last night listening to the rain and cuddling with Sadie. It's just too bad that the first day of Phys Ed has to be an inside one.

    Karen--prayers for DD#1 husband's health improving quickly.

    Morning, Teka!

    Goldie--I think it's the alarm that let's Sadie know it It's a work day. All summer I've only gotten up to the alarm a few times when I had appointments. And I tell her I'm off to work and what time I'll be home when I leave in the ayem. Yeah, I know, she probably doesn't understand a work and can't tell time, but it's the routine and maybe that is part of what she recognizes, too. Here's to a good sales day!

    Chi--prayers for your BIL.

    Tropical Cocktails: 10 Recipes to get you on island time

    image alt="Tropical Cocktails: 10 Recipes to get you on island time">

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2021

    Sandy, sorry to hear about your BIL and glad Bob is doing better.

    LOL NM, of course Sadie understands and can tell time!!!! I assume the kids get recess too, which also probably had to be inside?

    I lost a day. I though today was going to be Thursday and I still had another day to get stuff over to the sale. So I had to bust butt yesterday to load stuff up and still have room for DH's walker. I was whooped and went to bed before 6 pee em. So I'm up at 3 ay em!

    Guess who?

    May be an image of baby

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! Half day with kids at school this morning, afternoon full of meetings, including all the school nurses getting together to finalize the pool testing process and plan. All along the powers that be (State Dept of Ed, primarily) kept saying that the bulk of the testingwork will not fall on the nurses, but guess what I found out when I met the new nurse coordinator yesterday--it's going to be mostly us nurses doing the work. Ah, well, such is the way of things, right? It will all work out one way or another. I do have to admit that I am looking forward to the first 3 day weekend!

    Sadie says Hi, and she's willing to beg for belly rubs and extra treats!

    Goldie--we got lucky yesterday, the rain blew through in time for outside recess. In fact, I stepped outside for a few minutes during recess and it was BEAUTIFUL, warm enough to be comfy, nice breeze keeping the bugs away, sun peeking through breaks in the clouds. Losing a day like that is a pain in the anatomy, isn't it? Anorable! Just Anorable!

    6 Cocktails You&#39;ll Be Craving This Winter Season | Four Seasons

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2021

    Found out today that my cousin in NE Westchester County lost everything (gym, wine cellar, media room) in her fully-finished & furnished basement, one of her cars, and even the controls for her pool. Despite living halfway up a hill, the downpours still filled basements on their way towards submerging the Saw Mill River Parkway. She's fully-insured and contractors have already removed the carpeting and are replacing drywall as they remediate to prevent black mold. But it's still a hassle. In the grand scheme of things, though, the living areas of her house are fine and nobody was injured. Sadly, in Brooklyn & Queens, 11 people drowned in their (illegal) basement apts., which for tens of thousands of essential workers are the only housing they can afford.

    We wanted to go to our fave little BYOB French joint last night (which was, per the sign on the door, to have reopened 8/10) but they didn't answer their phone; and when I clicked "reserve" on its site, Google Assistant said it would try to contact the place and e-mail me when they connected--but they never did. So we must assume they went under. So we walked to Cellars, which had an outdoor two-top available. Our DOTD was an eastern Portuguese red blend called Sao Miguel do Sul Tinto 2018 (tempranillo, alicante, garnacha and cab. sauv.). Very smooth & fruity.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Well, the first week of the new school year is over, and everyonesurvived! I spend the day at one of the other schools, a student there tested positive for COVID, their school nurse was out, so I went over to contact trace and make the required phone calls and notifications and such. Luckily, it was a small class so not too many students affected. But it's an exhausting process, dealing with so many people who are so emotionally charged and running down worst possible scenario paths. Thank goodness for the three day weekend giving everyone time to breathe. We've already got many students in quarantine from exposures that happened before school started, and almost as many students testing positive this one week as we had all last year. It's really gotten into the pediatric population big time, and many of the kiddoes are symptomatic, as are a number of parents and other family members. Businesses are having to shut down for lack of staff due to people being in isolation or quarantine. We so need a vaccine for the under 12 kiddos, and soon, or this is going to be another lost educational year I'm afraid.

    Sadie was so funny when I was telling her all about the contact tracing in the morning and the pool testing planning in the afternoon and all the other stuff that needs to get done. I could swear from the tilt of her head and cant of her ears that she was laughing at some of the people I was mimicking. And some of it was funny. People are so afraid of catching COVID from a student at school where everyone is masked and most of the adults are vaccinated that they are running to me the minute they hear there's a positive case in any school in the district, but are totally comfortable going to parties where no one is masked, having kids over to visit with their kids with no one wearing a mask (after all, they're all in school together is the explanation), and resist or refuse to wear a mask while at work or when going into a business. People are funny that way.

    Chi--sorry to hear about the damage to your cousin's basement. Having insurance was a good move on their part and sounds like it's been helpful. What a way to find out a fave restaurant has gone under.

    Autumn Fizz

    drink, classic cocktail, alcoholic beverage, whiskey sour, cocktail, mai tai, distilled beverage, rickey, cocktail garnish, highball,


    2 oz Alibi Gin

    .25 oz lemon juice

    Agave nectar, to taste

    Sparkling apple cider

    Garnished with thyme and apple


    Pour gin in shaker, add lemon juice and agave nectar, shake, and then pour into a high ball glass and top with sparkling cider. Garnish with fresh thyme and an apple slice.

    From <>

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! Yesterday was my fun day, spend the day with Mom, helped her shift around some heavy stuff, had lunch at 3 peeyem (she started working on it at noon, kept getting distracted), heard about all the doings of the friends and in the neighborhood. It was a beautiful day to sit out in the screen house and enjoy the sun and breeze.

    Sadie spent a goodly amount of time basking in the sun. When I got home she was still basking, the up side of her fur was so warm to touch while I was petting her. Eventually she just sort of rolled over, in slow motion, to present her belly for rubbing. I think we both almost fell asleep on the deck in the evening sun!

    Looks like everyone is having a bit of a lazy long weekend!

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Yesterday was my fun day, spend the day with Mom, helped her shift around some heavy stuff, had lunch at 3 peeyem (she started working on it at noon, kept getting distracted), heard about all the doings of the friends and in the neighborhood. It was a beautiful day to sit out in the screen house and enjoy the sun and breeze.

    Sadie spent a goodly amount of time basking in the sun. When I got home she was still basking, the up side of her fur was so warm to touch while I was petting her. Eventually she just sort of rolled over, in slow motion, to present her belly for rubbing. I think we both almost fell asleep on the deck in the evening sun!

    Looks like everyone is having a bit of a lazy long weekend!

    Labor Day Cocktail Recipes

    Gins & Roses


    .5 oz lemon juice

    .5 oz Rose & peppercorn infused syrup

    .5 oz Aperol

    1.5 oz Tanqueray gin


    Combine all ingredients into a shaker. Shake vigorously. Double strain into a rocks glass with cubed ice. Garnish with a rose bud and lemon slice.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2021

    Sandy, sorry about your cousin's flooding. You mention going to Cellars, I thought you said they were closing? Maybe that hasn't happened yet?

    NM, I fear Covid is going to be worse this time around, than before. Masking is required in so many places, but it's not being forced and therefore the majority are not masking. I have not stopped masking, and have only been in 4 restaraunts in a year and a half. Sorry about all the cases within the schools. Sounds like a lovely day with mom that carried over to a nice relaxing evening with Sadie.

    Ha, no lazy weekend for me! We are done with the sale, I think we did about $3500. Have some friends in that area that will take the stuff that didn't sell to the church. Now to start cleaning and getting ready for my trip. It's been hard taking DH to the sale. Yesterday when we got home, he had a real hard time walking up the ramp. While he was eating dinner, his left hand was shaking some and then I notice the muscles in his upper arm twitching. Really sad to watch.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited September 2021

    Lori - your grand niece is adorable and growing so quickly. Hope all is going well with the sale.

    Sandy - sorry about your cousin's flooding.

    My SIL got out of the hospital after 2 weeks on Friday. He sounds great.

    Yesterday was our 44th wedding anniversary!

    Best get cooking and baking for Rosh Hashanna (and some things for the freezer for later holidays in 2 weeks. DH is smoking a brkset, chicken things and a small turkey breast. We will freeze half the brisket and all the thighs. We will eat the turkey breast Sunday night, brisket Tuesday and Salmon on Wednesday. I'm doing all the baking and sides. I've scaled back so much from what I used to cook. For RH there are 3 of us and for the other holidays 4 as DD#1 arrives the 13th for 3 weeks. Hoping DD#1 will come for a few days. DD#2 hasn't seen either of her siblings in 2 years.

    Have a great Sunday and Labor Day.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2021

    Cellars' last meal will be tomorrow's brunch--we have reservations for it, and the goodbyes will likely last till I have to get ready for temple. We went last night and sat under the pergola, though the drizzle blew in sideways. DOTD was prosecco. (Also lots of saltwater rinsing for an inflamed gum behind my lower L molar--felt like when I was cutting my wisdom teeth at 21. Despite calls, texts, and phone messages from both my dentist & perio, haven't heard squat from them. Why do my emergencies--not just dental but also cat bites and kitchen-cuts--always seem to happen on weekends & holidays)?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day!Oh, wait, today is Tuesday.Ok, Happy Twofer Tuesday! I had to get a paper done and submitted yesterday, so I jumped right in on that yesterday ayem. One more week and this class is done. I'm giving myself a 2 week break before the next class. I could use the break to catch my breath from school starting and all the associated COVID craziness that is going on.

    I think Sadie can not only tell time, but read a calendar!Yesterday ayem, about the time I usually leave for work, she was absolutely insistent that I get off the computer and go! Almost makes me think she gets up to something when I'm not home!

    I saw a notice that a local nursing home is closing at the end of October. They are just barely meeting state required minimum staffing now, and will be losing staff due to the state vaccination mandate, and won't be able to meet minimum staffing when that goes into effect. It's sad, it's the only nursing home on that island. The nearest nursing homes are an hour's drive away. It's going to be hard for a lot of families.

    Goldie--I think you are right about COVID being worse this time around. Some of it is from the masking issue, some from the greater spread through children and younger adults who can't hunker down and stay home like older adults can. Travel opening back up will increase the opportunities for mutations and variants to develop and circulate. Travelers will need to re-learn to check their destinations for COVID the way they used to check for smallpox and polio outbreaks. It must be hard to see DH with new symptoms and slowing down. Sounds like the sale did well.

    Karen--Happy belated Anniversary! And happy to hear your SIL got out of the hospital and is sounding well. My mom was talking about how hard it is for her to adapt to cooking for one rather than for 2.I do hope all of your children get home this time around.

    Chi--you do seem to have awfully bad luck with the timing of your emergencies!

    Pineapple Screwdriver cocktail in pineapple glasses

    Pineapple Screwdriver


    • 6 ounces pineapple juice
    • 6 ounces orange juice
    • 4 ounces vodka
    • Optional garnishes:
    • fresh mint
    • orange peel
    • Maraschino cherries
    • pineapple chunks
    • ice


    1. Mix pineapple juice, orange juice and vodka together.
    2. Fill glasses with ice and top with pineapple screwdriver mixture.
    3. Garnish with mint, cherries, orange peel or pineapple if desired.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2021

    Karen, your poor SIL, but glad he's out of the hospital. He's sure had a tough go of it. Happy 44 Years! I too hope you can get all of your kids together. Thank you, I too think Nora is adorable!

    Sandy, I'll second what NM said about the untimely emergencies!

    NM, Silly Sadie. Maybe she was planning a big party and wanted you to leave!

    Went and met with a friend to get rid of the rest of the stuff for the church, but was told the person to transfer it all is out of state until the 14th. Well, I have to be cleared out by then. Anyways, she works at the elementary school, and we were able to drop it there. They are coming today to check out what's left. DH said this morning that it's getting harder to breathe now. It seems to me that his progression is going rather fast, as opposed to slow. And he cries alot, which is understandable. I just wish there was more I can do for him.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2021

    Karen, so great to have a double simcha--44 years plus Rosh Hashonah. And glad your SIL's out of the hospital.

    Kim, don't blame the vaccine mandate for staff shortages--blame the anti-vax nurses who ought to know better. It's on them, not on the state or county.

    Yesterday's last brunch at Cellars was bittersweet. I decided to indulge in a mimosa or two--and at the end of the afternoon, champagne that the chef-owner poured for everyone remaining. Lots of tear-filled hugs and goodbyes. They have a buyer for the fixtures, furnishings, and alcohol--but not for the business. The landlord has turned down every prospective buyer because he's gun-shy about having a restaurant in there in case there's another lockdown or even capacity limit that might make it hard to pay rent. The owners are taking time off to visit family and then tour northern Spain before deciding what to do when they get home in Feb. The staff have all found gigs elsewhere, but most of them are taking vacation time first.

    Despite Delta, Chicago's & Cook County's case numbers have started to decline (at least for adults)--thanks to the mask mandates and increased vaccinations. Of course, there are quarantines all over schools in those suburbs that have made masks optional for students. The city Bd. of Ed. has ordered a mandatory one week quarantine (10 days for those who test positive) for all unvaccinated students who traveled out of state over the holiday weekend. The days won't be counted as absences, but these kids are also not eligible for remote learning for the 7-10 days they have to stay home. No idea why--seems counterintuitive, since students who caught COVID within the state can log in while they have to quarantine. Guess it's more of a punishment for the parents, who had a week's warning in order to be able to alter travel plans.

    Oh, the gum around my molar is much better--thanks to saltwater rinses and Ora-Jel mouth sore mouthwash, which along with brushing knocked loose the food particle the floss didn't budge. Still seeing my perio on Thurs. to see if the culprit is a 45-yr-old crown that might have loosened and trapped food to where floss can't get to it. But haven't had to take any Tylenol since Sunday.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! The Wednesday, Women and Wine group is getting together this evening, there's a new bar/restaurant that managed to open up during COVID that has rooftop firepit seating that we're checking out. I'm looking forward to a lot of swapping of first week of school stories.

    Speaking of school, it seems things are beginning to settle into a routine. The big excitement yesterday was the little sparrow that got into the gym/cafeteria and spent the day with us. Had the usual visits for bug bites and bandaids, and a couple of headaches right before lunch--they will skip breakfast and then work those brains!

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Goldie--Hmm, maybe Sadie is partying while I'm working, and that's why she's sleepy in the evenings!Glad you were able to get all the sale stuff moved. I'm sorry to hear that DH is having more symptoms. It does seem like things are progressing rather quickly. It's hard when you want to help but there isn't really much to be done. Hugs.

    Chi--Many of the nurses leaving are vaccinated. They are leaving nursing not because of being anti-vaxx but because of the precedent government mandated vaccination will set and the ultimate effect it will have on everyone's bodily autonomy, starting with healthcare workers. Glad to hear that your gum problem is better. That can be really uncomfortable.

    Big Wednesday Cocktail


    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2021

    Sandy yes, glad the gum/tooth area is feeling better. Toothaches and the such can hurt terribly, same with ear aches!

    NM, the rooftop/firepit sounds devine. You'll have to get pictures. Sounds like it was a pretty uneventful day at school/work.

    Well, the person that came with my friend from the school, pretty much just took the stuff "she" wanted for her own personal use! Kind of pissed me off. So still lots left there. Now I have to try and find somewhere to take it, or just take it to the dump.

    Where the heck IS everyone?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2021

    Well, "body autonomy" is a red herring when people are okay with it not applying to uteruses, but I digress. Being afraid of more mandates is political and not a valid reason to quit one's essential job. Low pay for long hours, OTOH, is. We need to train--and if necessary, import--more skilled health workers, and pay them what they're worth.

    Maybe this thread is seeing a temporary lull because school has started and even those of us without little kids (at home or on the job) are getting busier--or perhaps are traveling. Some areas of the country are still seeing the remnants of horrible weather and the attendant power failures, cell towers down, cleanups and insurance red tape. Even in the Chicago area, some towns had violent storms: wind, downpours, baseball-sized hail--and even a tornado or two. (Here in the city we got 1/4 inch of rain--back to using the lawn sprinkler again).

    DOTD might be bubbles tonight (I'm making fish), because we got our bimonthly Mumm Napa delivery today. (Blanc de Blancs, RSV Champagne, sparkling Pinot Noir--which is kinda sweet-ish). Maybe crack a bottle of something we got at Cellars, and raise a glass to its memory and in hopes that its owners will find some way to reenter our neighborhood (they live nearby) and our lives.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited September 2021

    I love reading Karen and ChiSandy's post regarding Jewish celebrations. I always google it and read further. Karen, I am glad that you will have your kids there. It's exciting to have them all together.

    Goldie - It is so hard to see someone going downhill so quickly. ALS is a horrible disease. Hope you have physical and emotional help. Hope you find someone for the rest of your stuff.

    NM the roof top fireplace sounds so cool. We love your school stories too. School here started Aug 10th. The kids tell me that they are having trouble keeping bus drivers and some buses are doubling up. Not sure the answer to this one.

    Jazzy - I don't know if I told you - your new countertop in your kitchen and bathrooms are beautiful.

    Hello to everyone, I hope Cami is doing well.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2021

    Could it also be that one reason nurses & assistants as well as school bus drivers are quitting is not because of mandates but the opposite: fear of getting COVID? That's also contributing to the shortage of hospitality-industry workers.

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited September 2021

    My husband of of 53 years was DX with prostate cancer today......I will be drinking Tonight!


  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited September 2021

    Oh Di, I am so sorry to hear about your husband. Inner peace and strength for both of you.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306
    edited September 2021

    Oh Di - I too am so sorry. I'll keep you in my thoughts.

    Goldie - any updates from Cami? When do you leave on your trip?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2021

    I didn't take these pics, they come from the restaurant's website. This is the firepit area we had:

    May be an image of fire, indoor and outdoors

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! The WWW get together was really nice last night. The rooftop bar and restaurant is beautiful, and was incredibly comfortable despite the strong breeze that was blowing. It's a 3 level business, with a restaurant on the first floor, a night club/open area on the second, and then the rooftop. It may have been a Wednesday, Women and Wine get together, but all but one of us had a signature margarita, just to be different!

    Looks like lots and rain coming in today and tomorrow. Heaven knows we need the moisture!

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Goldie--It's amazing how quickly school has settled into a routine. Not that every day is the same, by all means, but generally speaking. It must be upsetting to have that person just take a few things when you were expecting more. This is gardening supplies, right? Irrigation equipment? Local schools might be interested, more and more of them are doing gardening projects for education, some even do larger projects and do garden-to-table things for lunches. My school just started this is a small way, and we are totally dependent on donations and volunteer work--making the raised beds was a local Eagle Scout's project. The district's high school has a full size green house and grows enough to donate to food cupboards, again all the work is done by the students and all the equipment is funded through donations or sales of plants and seeds.

    Chi--There really have been a lot of storm related power failures and other damage recently, hasn't there? We're looking at 3 inches of rain in places here over the next couple of days.

    Misty--I really enjoy reading Karen and Chi's posts about the Jewish Celebrations. Such a rich history, it's fascinating to learn about!

    Di--I am so sorry to hear about your husband's diagnosis. Of course you are drinking, last night and probably tonight as well!Hugs and prayers.

    Morning, Minus!

    This is what I had last night, except with a sugar rim instead of salt.

    Raspberry Margarita


    • 1 1/2 ounces silver tequila
    • 1 ounce raspberry sauce
    • 2 ounces sweet & sour mix
    • 1 ounce simple syrup
    • salt for rim
    • Ice


    1. Rim glass with sweet & sour and then place salt on edges by dipping glass into the salt and twisting.
    2. Mix all other ingredients and shake to combine. Strain over ice.
    3. Enjoy!

    From <>

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2021

    Di, so sorry to hear about your DH's dx. But prostate cancer tends to be very indolent when diagnosed early in elderly men. Wouldn't be surprised if "watchful waiting" is the treatment plan for now. Meanwhile, by all means knock back a few!

    In fact, you can have mine till at least Saturday. The periodontist this morning determined there was nothing wrong with the crown on my molar (and no cavity or infection); but there was a "4.5" deep pocket behind it that had some tartar that was trapping food. (The tartar wasn't visible to my regular hygienist). So he had to do a deep-scaling & root planing on that tooth. Alcohol might interfere with the topical antibiotic he applied at the end of the session. No hot food or drink till Sat. (warm is okay), nothing spicy for a few days, and nothing crunchy or crispy for a week. No chewing on that side either for the next 2 weeks. Natch, every food I'm allowed on the post-op sheet is carby as all get-out, except for tepid scrambled eggs, paté, meat mousse/terrine, cottage & ricotta cheese, fresh mozzarella and (too abundant) tomatoes, protein shakes (yuck) and diet jello & chocolate pudding (actually, not bad). Keto vanilla ice cream or sugar-free almond ice-milk has a bizarre texture, like mediocre cheesecake. I will cheat tonight--Bob is bringing home fettucine, and I got my vaccine-freebie Krispy Kreme glazed donut on the way back to my car.

    DOTD is lukewarm Keurig coffee & ice water.