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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2021

    Adding prayers for JCS Librarian.

    Lori, I guess BYOB restaurants are a city phenomenon. Liquor licenses are expensive and there are a lot of hoops to jump through (and in Chicago, palms to grease) to get one--and if a school is nearby, forget it. BYOB places do have the necessary glassware, etc., though. (We bring our own corkscrew and GoVino glasses just in case they don't--all Little Madrid had were water goblets and a crummy wing-type corkscrew the waiter-in-training had no idea how to use).

    Off to NYC in the morning--teetotaled all weekend in anticipation of the big fat drink I'm gonna need after the flight and the cab ride from LGA (the 7th Circle of Hell) to our hotel near the theater, where we're seeing Steven Colbert. (That is, if my flight isn't late, I can get a cab right away, and I'm not cutting it too close before rendezvouing with my sis in the lobby to drop off our bags before the 2-block trek to the theater...and 2-hr wait in line to get good seats). Flight is supposed to get in 11:10 am, figure 20 min. in the taxi line & an hour into the city. (Unlike JFK, LGA has no "Train to the Plane" option). My sis, who also went last week, reports that you have to be at the head of the line by 2:30 if you don't want to end up in the nosebleed seats, but with comfortable shoes, the wait is worth it.

    The biggest risk factor for ER+, non-genetic-mutation breast cancer? Estrogen. Supposedly, alcohol inhibits the liver's ability to metabolize estrogen, but then again, aromatase inhibitors inhibit the enzyme aromatase (made by the liver) that converts our natural androgens to estrogen, so it's a bit of a wash. Obesity is a factor because after menopause, fat cells (mostly the abdominal ones) make that androgen that gets converted--but so do the adrenal glands (no matter what you weigh). But the amount of estrogen exposure during one's lifetime is the main culprit. Start menstruating early, have no kids or only one, don't breastfeed, and have a late menopause? Your body is awash in estrogen until the ovaries quit working (and then the fat cells & adrenals take over). Hormone-negative breast cancer risk factors? Nobody really knows.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2021

    NM, did you get your presentation done? I'm sure you did! Hopefully the get together with your mom and Dick was nice for them. Does she go pick him up?

    BabyGirl, what gets me is when he gets like that, it drags me down too. I agree with, stage IV, do what you want!

    Cami, I'm so sorry that FF has tore your family apart, darn it and damn him. I forget what started it all. So are they both going to the family reunion (Jodi and FF)? Where is it going to be? I hope you are going. Ok, I went back and looked, it was over money. He said Les/Marty were making money off of you and you should give them some too.....right?

    Reader thank you. I don't think anyone here has any contact information for JCS. I know we all hope she is enjoying life the best we can. That is such a blow.

    Sandy, safe travels and enjoy the show.

    I had a talk with DH, telling him that he needs to be more positive and enjoy things while he can, etc. Not the first time I've told him this. I have my infusion tomorrow, need to be out of here by 6:30 am and then echo after that, so a long day! Also having trouble getting my Faslodex injections, specailty pharmacy has been trying to reach my MO since the 7th for a pre-auth, called and faxed, no response. I'm pretty pissed about that, I'm 2 weeks behind getting it. Not the first time this has happened. No wonder my TM's are all screwed up!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2021

    These are radar pictures I took at 3:50, 4:30 and 5:00. The blue dot is where I am, you can see how the rain is missing me. This is almost always the case. We did end up getting some yesterday and the day.




  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2021




    ● 3 oz Pineapple Juice, divided
    ● 3 oz Orange Juice, divided
    ● ½ oz 151 Rum
    ● ½ oz Triple Sec
    ● 1 oz Amaretto
    ● 1 oz Light Rum
    ● 1 oz Blackberry Brandy
    ● ½ oz Maraschino Cherry Juice
    ● Ice
    ● Maraschino Cherries for Garnish
    ● Pineapple for Garnish


    ● Fill a tall cocktail glass halfway with ice.
    ● In a cocktail shaker combine, 151 Rum, Triple Sec, Amaretto, Light Rum, Blackberry Brandy, Maraschino Cherry Juice, 2 ounces of Pineapple Juice, 2 ounces of Orange Juice; shake 10 times.
    ● Pour cocktail over ice in tall glass.
    ● Pour remaining Pineapple and Orange juices over the drink; do not stir.
    ● Garnish with Maraschino Cherries and a Pineapple wedge.
    ● Serve immediately

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2021

    Hi ladies- just a quick message as I wrote a longer one, went to send an my internet service dropped. So I will send a shortly and catch you again next weekend when there is more time to write more.

    Monsoons are back but not that much where I live. We got rain here in my part of town midweek one night but like Goldie, the storms often go around us. I was up on the north side of town yesterday and a swath of storms came down through the valley and it looked like my are might get rain. Saw some really wet areas along the drive south but no such luck, everything was dry when I got home. Sigh. I am continuing to do my watering and deep watering the trees again. Supposed to be more rainy this week but we will see.

    I wanted to weigh in on the alchohol and bc thing too. I talked to both MOs when I was first diagnosed; one said try to limit to a couple drinks a week. The other said he did not think it mattered, per ChiSandy, it is that lifetime exposure of estrogen and other factors that work more against us. I don't drink much these days, on enough medications for other things that I know it does not help anything. I got established with my new PCP last week and we talked about how much I drink. Pretty rarely for me, not even weekly although I did more this weekend with some social outings. For me, it's everything in moderation.

    Speaking of my new PCP, love her! I hand picked her through some earlier meetings I had on my project and got a vibe she was the right one for me. Great first visit, had a blood draw and called this weekend (by her) with the results which are mostly good. Got a bunch of referrals going for my mammo and other specialist I need to see. I can get my Prolia shot directly from their clinic which saves me a specialist and will see her in October for a follow up to be sure everything is coming together. I have been impressed by the level of care I have observed patients getting with my clinic work and felt she spent plenty of time with me to baseline all my dx and needs.

    Had a busy work week and fun social weekend. Saw two different sets of friends between Sat to Sun, including the trip to one of the local wineries I have not been to yet. Great wine and tapas and loved their Sangria, not too sweet and came away with a big bottle of that. This coming weekend will be some of the first outdoor music here this summer and meeting up with a friend for that.

    Hope everyone had a good weekend and back again next weekend with more individual updates. I am thinking of JCS too and hoping she is getting the good care she needs during this time.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2021

    See the source image

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2021


    I think all of us are thinking of JC but noone knows how to get a hold of anyone she knows.

    Lori ur right it started with money about 12 yrs ago but we never said anything. I don't know why I just got so fed up with him I couldn't hold it in. I kept Leslie down all these yrs and then I blew up. What a dopey mother I turned out to be. I know I never should have said all the things I did but it just kept on going nd going. Well what's done is done and wait to see what happens. BTW I hate when I hear how much u have to drive for any app't, any where I need to go is no more than 3-5 miles and I still complain. I always admire you for so much.

    Jazzy glad u had a good weekend it's about time.

    Kim when do u go back to work??? Everything is whizzing by. Hahaha I always think of Sadie

    I'll be bock.


  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067
    edited July 2021

    NativeMainer: I love love love "Meadow of Love" --- can't have it shipped to Canada. Delaware Phoenix makes an other absinthe, then name has slipped my mind. Also delicious. Pre-pandemic, I would have it shipped to my pal in Seattle and pick it up when I went down, or she'd bring it up. I have the spoons on a "just because" reason. The modern absinthes do not need the sugar cube.

    "White Wedding" is similar to "Death In The Afternoon" (raise a glass to Hemmingway!) The simple syrup uses coconut water.

    I must add with eyebrows raised 3 oz of wine? I guess I would save up my days so I could have a 6 oz or 9 oz ...once a week.

    I'll get around to taking a pic of the fountain. It is really quite attractive. Maybe I'll say "To Hell with the hassle" and make myself a glass., For photographic reasons only :-)

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited July 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!I got up early yesterday and jumped right into finishing the last assignment for class that was due by the end of the day. It had not been going well, and is worth 400 points, so I was starting to stress a bit. Took most of the day, but I did get it done and turned in and I think it's pretty good. I'm really curious to see what the professor says about it! Sadie is a little bit miffed that I've been pretty much on the computer working on this for the last 3 days. She has perfected the nose nudge to back of the arm to get my attention. I think she sticks her nose in the fridge before sticking it on the back of my arm! If I ignore that she gets in and nose nudges my hand off the keyboard. I still haven't figured out how she knows when I need to take a break, but her timing tends to be just about perfect!

    Illi--sounds like the surprise party will be a lot of fun!

    Cammy Cat--very punny you are this morning! Hey, not drinking is a perfectly acceptable option for any reason or no reason. There's no judgement in this lounge! Boy FF really has done a job on your family relationships. It's just so sad when that happens. Hugs.

    Reader--Glad I could help. Pretty wine bottle, I bet the wine is really good. I, too, wish there was a way to get an update on LCS. This is one of the harder parts of being a member of this club. I've had some really great sangrias, but can't make them myself, not sure why. Even when I use the same recipe mine doesn't come out the same!

    Chi--Great description of the estrogen factor in bc!

    Goldie--Yup, got it done and turned in, just waiting on the evaluation now. I've narrated PowerPoint presentations before, but this one just did not want to go smoothly, probably b/c I'm working on my home computer which is rather old, even though the software is up to date. And I kept getting tongue-tied and ended up restarting each slide 3 or 4 times. I would have kept re-recording but a thunderstorm was rolling in and I wanted to get done and submitted before the power and internet went out.Mom does pick up Dick and take him places pretty regularly now that he and most everyone they know are vaccinated. With all the technology available today it seems like there must be some way to automate or semi-automate the preauthorization process for these ongoing meds! The only people getting hurt by all this folderol are the patients! It makes me pretty angry to hear about stuff like this, and I hear about it all the time. Wow, it's like Moses parting the Red Sea over you!

    Nice DOTD!

    Jazzy--I'm so glad you found a PCP that you are comfortable with! That makes such a big difference in how things go.

    Cammy Cat--Technically, I go back to work Aug 28th, but there is a new school nurse orientation that starts the day I come back from my brother's on the 11th, and I'm going in for new staff orientation on the 20th, then will be in and out setting up the week of the 23rd. First day of school is the 30th.Things are really going by fast, I can't believe it's almost August already!

    Elderberry--Different sources use different amounts for the wine equivalent of a shot of hard liquor. I really don't pay any attention to any of that anymore. Sometimes my glass of wine is bigger than other times. It all depends on what I want at the moment. I'm so sorry you can't get Meadow of Love without going through a hassle. At least Canada has opened up the border for fully vaccinated people, so maybe you can plan a visit with your connection soon.

    I never knew Absinthe was used in so many cocktails until I started looking for them!

    1. Sazerac

    An oldie but a goody, this is one of the world's first cocktails, invented in New Orleans in the 19th century. You'll coat the sides of a frosted glass with absinthe. Dump out the excess liqueur into the sink (or drink it!). Then to a separate glass, add sugar, a splash of water, and Peychaud bitters and stir to dissolve. Strain into the absinthe-coated glass and add rye. Stir and garnish with a twist of lemon.

    2. Cocktail a la Louisiane

    There's a lot going on in this complex rye whiskey cocktail named after an old restaurant in New Orleans. You'll fill a cocktail pitcher with ice. Pour in rye whiskey, Benedictine, sweet vermouth, and a couple dashes of absinthe. Shake in a few dashes of Peychaud bitters, stir well, strain into a cocktail glass, and garnish with a cherry or a twist of lemon.

    3. Casino Cocktail

    Here's a variation on the traditional champagne cocktail with a splash of absinthe and a floater of cognac. You'll place a sugar cube in a champagne glass. Drip absinthe over the cube. Fill with sparkling wine. And float a small amount of good cognac over the top. Garnish with a twist of lemon.

    4. Death in the Afternoon

    It doesn't get easier than this. Pour absinthe into a champagne glass. Gradually add sparkling wine. Read some Hemingway.

    5. Corpse Reviver #2

    This gin cocktail will bring you back to life. Or else put you over the edge. You'll add ice to a cocktail shaker. Pour in gin, Lillet, Cointreau, and lemon juice. Add absinthe to a separate cocktail glass and swirl to coat sides of glass. Shake the cocktail, and then strain into the glass, garnishing with a cherry.

    6. McKinley's Delight

    This one takes the Manhattan as its inspiration but adds cherry brandy and a splash of absinthe — and loses the maraschino cherry. You'll place ice in a cocktail pitcher. Pour in whiskey, sweet vermouth, cherry brandy, and absinthe. Stir and strain into a chilled martini glass.

    7. Third Degree

    A martini, essentially, with a splash of absinthe and a twist of lemon to make things interesting. You'll pour gin, dry vermouth, and absinthe into a pitcher with ice. Stir to mix. Strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a twist of lemon.

    8. Sherman Cocktail

    Another variation on the Manhattan, with a splash of absinthe and orange bitters. Place ice in a cocktail pitcher. Pour in whiskey, sweet vermouth, and absinthe. Shake in Angostura and orange bitters. Stir and strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a lemon twist.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2021

    Jazzy, sorry about the lost internet and post and so glad you like your new doc, that is so important. Sounds like the perfect week, with work and with friends.

    Cami, you are NOT a dopey mother. You had just had enough. I hope over time, Jodi will let it go. Like you said, what's done is done.

    Elderberry, waiting on those pictures and one of the drink. Hopefully with you in it!

    NM, glad that Sadie knows when you need a break, but she needs to keep her nose out of the fridge, LOL. I wouldn't be surprised if you aced your paper, as you are too hard on yourself. I didn't know your mom was picking Dick up on a regular basis to do things, that's nice. I guess maybe I thought he was worse off than he is? Love the comparison to Moses parting the Red Sea...hilarious! But so true! Altho it happened again yesterday, I'll post another pic, we did get a down pour right before I got home.

    My visit and echo went well. Tech said my numbers on the echo looked good. MO is keeping me on the H/P and it totally agrees with the stress I was under was the cause of that huge TM spike. Had to use 4 wheel drive to get in yesterday, was almost a 12 day for me! With all the monsoons moving in, not sure if we are going to go anywhere or not. DH decided against going north for 4-5 days to going south for just one night! Doesn't want to go now cuz there's warning for flash floods. I have to get the radar pic off my phone, so I will edit to add that. Not that anyone is really interested!!!


  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited July 2021

    My gosh Goldie, The rain just circles around you. You need to go and do a rain dance. Please video it if you do one, we'd love to see it! lol

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2021

    Goldie- glad your visit went well. You had a long day sister. I understand the concerns too about the flash floods. Monsoons are back and packing a punch over this way.

    Not much rain at my house this week but the area on the east side of town got a big dump tuesday night which created some really bad flash floods. Four people were taken down in the arroyos, 1 climbed out, two got washed down to the retaining pond and unfortunately, lost their lives. Fourth one is still missing. There are deaths every summer with people who hang out in the arroyos and then along comes a 10 foot wave of water. I call the rain going around my area "living in the donut hole."

    Cami- my brothers wife created created a lot of problems in our famly too, which you and I have talked about in the past. FF is a trouble maker for sure. Wishing your familly better days. How do you like the new house and your room now that you have had more time to settle in?

    NM- glad you are getting some good progress done on your degree with the summer off. I just had some friends visiting up to your part of Maine and it made me wistful for times spent in Maine long ago.

    Will check in this weekend!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited July 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! Yesterday's CPR class went really well and I had a good time with them. Recertified 5 people. Took myself out to lunch at Pizza Hut, haven't eaten there in over a year, probably. Since before COVID anyway. BC now has a new meaning! Picked up some stuff at Dollar Tree and the grocery store. Managed to get home before the rain really started. It was still drizzling when I got up but seems to be clearing off now. Brought Sadie home a treat so she wasn't too upset with me going off for most of the day!

    Goldie--I got 97% on the final project, 95% for the class. Guess I'm doing ok! I'm more excited about the information that I've learned that I can actually use when I get back to work. Dick is doing OK, but not as well as when he was at home with Mom. He's incontinent of urine most of the time now, is really having trouble telling time and keeping track of dates, and has fallen at least once that I know of because he will not use his cane. If here weren't where there was someone to manage and supervise him taking medications those would be very messed up by now. Sometimes when he's talking to Mom on the phone he doesn't make any sense at all. And lately he is starting to have trouble making and answering phone calls. He really has declined since going into assisted living. It's kind of sad to see, but Mom couldn't take care of him by herself anymore, and his kids are all working and didn't have a lot of time to spend giving Mom breaks. She's better off now, and happier since her friends have come up from Florida so she has people to visit with. I actually have to make an appointment with her to have a day with her! I do like seeing the radar pics, so keep posting. I've got to figure out how to do that myself, just for fun!

    Misty--I'd pay to see that video!

    Jazzy--I was looking on the calendar and realized that the class I just started on Tuesday (my 3rd) will still be running when school starts! I did not realize how much of the summer has gone by already! Where did you spend time when you were in Maine?

    vodka cocktail

    image alt="vodka cocktail">

    Traveling Light


    • 1½ oz. vodka
    • 1 oz. fresh lemon juice
    • ¾ oz. honey syrup (2:1)
    • 2-3 dashes orange flower water
    • 1 oz. egg white (pasteurized, if you like)
    • 2-3 mint leaves


    Shake the first 5 ingredients in a shaker without ice until the egg white is emulsified. Add the mint, then hard shake with ice. Double strain into a coupe, then add a few drops of Angostura bitters drops on the top.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2021

    Hmmmm NM, how much are ya payin?


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2021

    NM- when I was young, we used to do a family trip to stay at a family cabin owned by a cousin of my moms and I could not actually tell you where that was because as a kid, I just didn't pay attention except for how long it took to get there. I think it was in the upper part of Maine and remember the dirt road and the outhouse at the cabin. We would go in August and pick the wild blueberries and I would fish with my dad and the otters would play around us in the water in our canoe. It was pretty remote, I do remember that and we would have to pack up groceries and stay in that place for the week and never left until we were going home.

    I also spent a lot of time on Ogunquit in my teens and early 20s. My BF at the time had family from there so we would usually go up there for long weekends. I worked up there one summer too slinging cocktails and waitressing in 1980 when I was 20 at a great place called Barbara Deans. We got lunch and dinner every day at the restaurant as part of our pay, and I would have the afternoons off to go hang at the beach. I lived in a basement apartment with four other college girls working up there for the summer. We had a little kitchen, bathroom and sleeping area so very dorm like. It was a really fun summer, but it was that same summer I decided the boyfriend and I were growing apart and needed to split and were done by the following year. Absence does NOT make the heart grow fonder in some instances, lol.

    I also have spent time in Bar Harbor where I think you may be close to and Acadia National Park. That is where the friends were just visiting. Love that area. Maine is one of my favorite states!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2021

    How about some music? Shaun Martin who is one of the members of the very cool band out of North TX State called Snarky Puppy.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306
    edited July 2021

    VERY nice Jazzy. I have several friends who kids went to school in Denton. I'll have to see if they know this group. Thanks for sharing.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited July 2021

    Jazzy - I thoroughly enjoyed the music. Thanks for sharing.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited July 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! Another pretty one shaping up here today. I started sorting clothes I want to pack to go to N. Carolina yesterday, and got my packing list started. Spend a goodly amount of time Messenger chatting with my cousin who is going to take care of Sadie while I'm away. Got Sadie's packing list started, too. I think she's going to have more luggage than I am!

    Goldie--how much ya asking?

    Jazzy--the remote cabin with an outhouse on a lake in the woods describes a whole lot of area in Maine! I was born and raised in Bar Harbor, with Acadian National Park practically in the backyard. I may be prejudiced, but I think it's the prettiest part of Maine.

    Nice music!

    Morning, Minus!

    Morning, Misty!

    image alt="" class="kUzFve CgpFtc" data-atf="1">

    Hello Friday


    • Ice cubes
    • 1/4 cup plus 3 tablespoons spicy ginger ale (such as Blenheim)
    • 1 tablespoons (1/2 ounce) 100-proof bourbon (such as Old Grand-Dad Bonded)
    • 1 teaspoon Angostura bitters


    Fill a rocks glass with ice cubes; add all ingredients. Stir gently, and serve.

    From <>

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited July 2021

    A quick check in as one son and his family are here. Supposed to be both sons and families but youngest granddaughter (age 11 so no vaccine yet) had her eyes checked for school early this week and got a call the next day that the doctor had tested positive for Covid so all 8 of them stayed home. On the other hand, DS2 had a bone marrow biopsy with results of no apparent residual disease or metastasis! PET scan next week (if he is out of quarantine since he is the one who took DGD to have her eyes checked). Fingers crossed.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2021

    imageHEY TEKA

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2021








  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2021

    Ha ha NM, I wasn't asking for money, you offered! But you don't have enough! No rain here yesterday for us, other than a sprinkle, and no rain dance! The rest of the state is flooding! I knew it, I just knew it, that you would do good on your presentation. And learned some stuff on the way. I think that's most important. Sorry to hear of Dick's failing, but glad your mom keeps up with him. I guess the failing is to be expected.

    Jazzy, sounds like a fun time as a kid.

    Beaver, am I reading right? Your son is not showing any signs of cancer or disease? It's a miracle! Praying none of them gets Covid.

    Cami, that cat needs some mustard on it's watermelon. Who is hosting the reunion? I hope FF doesn't cause more problems.

    We just had about a 20 minute rain of a down pour. Never good when it does that. But then I guess Monsoon doesn't mean a nice gentle rain!

    Wrote this yesterday afternoon, guess I didn't hit submit. So I will now!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited July 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Sadie says Woof to everyone!

    Beaver--have a good visit with the family that can make it, and holy cow aboutthe family exposed to COViD by the eye doctor! Prayers son is out of quarantine in time for testing. What a crazy world!

    Cammy Cat--Good luck with the visit with the sister, don't blame you for staying inside where it's cooler. Love the octoputer description! I have a very funny picture in my mind's eye of a computer with tentacles reaching into your fingers and making them hit things on the keyboard you don't know about.

    Goldie--I figured I couldn't afford what you would charge! That's ok. Falling down does come with the territory when you are pushing 90, have dementia, have a really wrecked ankle, and won't/don't remember to use the cane. Dick's apartment is set up with room for a wheelchair to get around, so there isn't furniture and stuff for him to hold on to every step of the way from room to room like there was at the house on the lake. He also has to walk a lot further to get from the apartment to the dining room, although they will bring his meals to his apartment. We're getting more storms with torrential rains here in Maine this summer than usual, it's causing all kinds of problems with road washouts and flooding. Gotta love climate change!


    The Monsoon


    Deselect All

    Crushed ice

    4 ounces unsweetened ice tea

    4 ounces tangerine vodka (recommended: Grey Goose)

    4 ounces sugar cane juice

    1/2 key lime, juiced

    Mint leaves

    1/3 cup brown sugar, for rimming glass


    1. In a large glass pitcher, combine some crushed ice, unsweetened tea, vodka, sugar cane juice, lime juice and a few mint leaves.
    2. Put the brown sugar in a shallow bowl or plate. Dip the rims of 4 glasses into a shallow bowl of water, then press them into the brown sugar.
    3. Pour the drink into the glasses and serve.

    From <>

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited July 2021

    Sending thoughts and prayers for safety for those dealing with fires, smoke, and flooding. The pictures on the news from the western states are horrific!

    Goldie, our son has not been declared NED but his most recent bone marrow biopsy reported no evidence of residual disease, waiting for PET scan.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2021

    Good afternoon ladies- hope everyone is having a good Saturday. Catching up on some reading here and sounds like everyone is mostly okay. Except Cami who is using all caps again so she must be yelling at us, lol.

    Goldie- the monsoons went away from here for a few weeks but came back with a vengence this week. A storm on the east side of town brough a downpour rate of five to six inches an hour on Tues night, and created some really serious arroyo conditions. Four people got caught in one of the washes and three were taken down and didn't survive. Happens every summer, constant warnings to not hang out in the arroyos. Yesterday, my side of town had a big storm in the afternoon and got a big storm with heavy rain. Then more rain last night too. Moisture is good, but heavy rain creates a lot of issues. I saw your photos on FB today about getting stuck in the mud.

    NM- that drink looks really good. Tangerine vodka? I am going to look for that......

    Cami- how did the family get together go?

    Beaver- glad you have some family visiting. I hope the tests for your other DS continue to indicate things re moving in the right direction on his medical care.

    Teka- what is going on in north country?

    Ill- have you been out to West Texas again or two hot right now? I would imagine they could be getting some of the monsoonal rains too?

    MinusTwo- the college in Denton has one of the best music programs around (outside of Juillard and Berkelee) which are really well known, but NTS College of Music attracts a lot of internationally known artists. Andy Narrell who plays jazz steel drums is one of them (and jazzy plays the steel drums so I follow this type of music and have been in a steel drum band). Here is another fun video of Narrell plus some of the students.

    Now that should get you moving!

    Mistyeyes- glad you liked the music. How is retirement treating you?

    ChiSandy- how are the wedding plans coming along for Gordie and Leslie?

    I am going to my first outdoor concert here in two years tonight (did go to one in Denver over Memorial Day). The outdoor jazz is back and meeting up with a friend. Jazz is ready to put on her dancing shoes.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713
    edited July 2021

    Jazzy, I’m still in Houston packing up the house. We took a trailer load of stuff out to the cabin about 2 months ago but not lately. There has been lots of rain though, which is great and so good for the local wildlife.

    Tonight we’re having a little (6 people) birthday party for our friend. He eats junk, so it’s chicken tenders/nuggets, frozen pizza, awesome cupcakes and cocktails, a mango/cantaloupe vodka drink and margaritas.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908
    edited July 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Going to Mom's for lunch and a visit today. Time to get caught up on all the gossip from her circle and find out what she plans on next. Not much going on here with me and Sadie, the usual routine of housework and classwork and falling asleep in the chair in the afternoon and then not sleeping well at night. Got to start getting this turned around ASAP, it's only a week and a half before I go to NC to see kid brother and his wife!

    Beaver--the fires must be absolutely horrific, I've been hearing about local air quality warnings, and the other day here was totally hazy, looked like fog, but smelled like smoke and was a result of the fires. The moon is coming up blood red through all the particulates in the air. This usually happens about once a summer, but the smoke more often comes from wildfires in Canada than the U.S. midwest. Glad to hear your son has no residual disease, praying for a good PET and NED status for him.

    Jazzy---It must be scary to see the water come rushing down the arroyos. I have a mental picture of a miniature tsunami blasting through the channels, like something you'd see in a disaster movie. It seems that no matter where you go there is some predictable danger like that, and warnings ignored, and injuries and death. I have discovered that I can make flavored vodkas really easily using essential oils. One or two drops in a shot shaken up works well for me. Now I can try some of those fancy drinks without buying all kinds of bottles of flavored vodka! I've been putting essential oils in water for years, don't know why it took me this long to think of putting some in vodka! Have fun at the concert and dance your heart out!

    Illi--That looks like a fun spread for a little party!


    Dragon's Breath Cocktail


    • 4 to 6 ice cubes (1 cup; for even more flavor, use smoked ice cubes)
    • 2 ounces (4 tablespoons) bourbon (use your favorite)
    • 1 teaspoon St-Germain
    • 1 teaspoon Cointreau (or other orange-flavored liqueur)
    • 1 teaspoon simple syrup or smoked simple syrup

    Recipe Steps

    Step 1: Load the smoker with sawdust and fire it up following the manufacturer's instructions.

    Step 2: Hold a brandy snifter upside down. Insert the smoker tube into the glass and fill it with smoke until you can't see through the glass. Tightly cover the glass with a coaster to hold in the smoke and turn it upright.

    Step 3: Place the ice cubes in a shaker. Add the bourbon, St-Germain, Cointreau, and simple syrup and stir rapidly for about 20 seconds.

    Step 4: Uncover the snifter and immediately strain the cocktail into it. Serve at once, with the smoke still spilling from the glass.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2021

    Cami, did you just hit the CapsLock key?

    NM, I sure hope Dick doesn't fall while with your mom and she can't help him or he hurts himself. Scary situation for sure. My DH HAS to have his walker. If he uses the cane, which is rare now, he still has to have something to hold onto with the other hand, usually just on the ramp. Coming up the ramp, he practically has to pull himself. Nice that you make your own flavored vodka. Enjoy your day with mom.

    Beaver, praying the results of the PET are as good as the biopsy!

    Jazzy yes, those arroyos, or washes as we call them, can be very dangerous. The one I posted a video of is probably 15' deep or more. And only once have we seen run full to the top. Sounds like a freight train coming through! Surely you had a good time at the concert.

    BabyGirl, that would be the food for my DH, all junk! Is the plan to move permanently to the cabin?

    NM, quite intersting about the smoked ice cubes in the DOTD.

    Like Jazzy mentioned, we DID get stuck out in the mud yesterday on our quad, at least 10" of mud, clay mud at that. I had about 10lbs of mud on my shoes, trying to get rocks to throw under the tires to get us out. Then had to walk through some water in the wash to make sure it wasn't too deep to cross. I didn't think it was, but wanted to make sure, only about 3-4".

    Here is what our quad looked like when we got home. I'll see if the video will post of the wash, but I'm not thinking it will.

    Here is the link, it is public, so it should work if you have FB.


    May be an image of outdoors

    May be an image of outdoors

    May be an image of outdoors and text that says 'HONDA DREMAN'

    May be an image of outdoors

    May be an image of outdoors

    May be an image of outdoors

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2021

    NM- you are right that when the arroyos fill up, it is like a mini tsunami with a wall of water that can sometimes be up to 10 or more feet high. I have never actually seen one coming down like that but have seen them raging full of water in the overpasses on the east sideof the city, as the water was coming down from the mountains. Albuquerque is in a valley so there are concrete channels built to channel the water to a Retention pond from the east and western higher areas where it is gthen is emptied into the Rio Grande River.

    And Goldie, yes we have the unconstructed washes out in the more rural areas of the state and there is one between here in and Santa Fe that is huge and seen it filled once with a lot of water.

    A video from our local news station about what went on here friday.