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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! Waking up to steady rain this ayem. Had some seriously heavy rain off and on yesterday, on gym class got caught outside in one of the downpours. The kids thought it was great fun! And boy, could they make noise when they came piling into the gym! It actually was good to hear them. Sadie thought they were funny when I told her about it when I got home.

    Chi--OUCH, that scaling sounds painful! Quite the list of dietary restrictions, too!

    Purple Rain Mixed Drink | Alcohol drink recipes, Vodka cocktails, Boozy drinks

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2021

    MistyEyes thank you. I can usually handle my emotions pretty well, and I have no pyhsical help. But I'm ok with that. If I could just not have anyone over for a long time!

    Hi Di, sorry to hear about your husband. Did you have those few drinks?

    Minus2, I tried to call Cami Wednesday, but it went right to a voice mail with a generic greeting, so I don't know if she just wasn't available, maybe sleeping, or if she has a different number than what I have. I'll reach out to her DD and find out.

    NM, what a beautiful rooftop fireplace, love it! And a Raspberry Marg. sounds yum! The sale was business stuff, it was personal stuff. Some clothes, lots of tools and guy stuff. That was a great project for the Eagle Scout. My son is an Eagle Scout. His project was at an Elementary school as well. They did some landscaping and worked on the playground, painting and such. Cute, about the kids getting caught in the rain.

    Sandy, glad you had an easy fix with the tooth and didn't need a crown replaced.

    Off to town today.

  • Dogmom2015
    Dogmom2015 Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2021

    I am wondering what you all think. I have a lot of guilt. I have a history of alcoholism in my family and I’ve always been hyperaware of my own drinking. I’ve done my fair share of partying too…I’ll admit. But also, in the past few years since my diagnosis, I’ve actually drank even MORE. My onc is really conservative-saying I should have no more than 2 drinks per week. Well I have blown that out of the water A LOT of times. I have these boomeranging thoughts between “Alcohol gave me/will give me cancer again” and “who knows what caused it? I’m gonna have fun and enjoy what I want” I know some of this has been self medicating (fear, stress, COVID etc) I was 34 when I was diagnosed and it was a really hard time-as you all know.

    Anyways, I am trying to drink less now. I’m actually headed to a wedding and looking forward to a drink or 2. Not 5 lol. I know I’m human and really, who knows what causes this. But do you all think I can drink moderately and still live a healthy life regarding BC? Also, do I need to be more compassionate and kind to myself? I’m thinking I do….

    You all, my survivor sisters, are incredible.

    I was stage 2a ER+ PR + HER2 + full chemo response and now 3.5 years out.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713
    edited September 2021

    dogmom, I drank a lot before cancer, in part due to a very stressful job but after rarely drinking during chemo, I mostly lost my taste for it and not drinking became the new habit. I have the same balance of be healthy and live your life how you want, especially being stage 4. So, I drink lots of water daily and party once or twice a month. No regrets since it’s infrequent and I have a good time.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited September 2021

    DI - sorry to hear about your husband's diagnosis.

    Dogmom - if you are questioning yourself, then I think you know the answer. Only you can decide what is best for you. I didn't drink during chemo or for a while after. Forget how long. Then there was a point that I had one drink most days - and the past year or so, I hardly drink - maybe once/week - mostly don't want the calories (though they have been piling back on due too much junk food). I'm 15 years 7 months since I heard those dreaded words.

    I'm going to have a full house in 2 weeks. DD#1 is coming for a long week-end. Short visit but it will be great. It will be a nice reunion for the kids to see each other.

    Sandy - We were talking at second day lunch saying I'm trying to learn how to not overcook so much and my son says - keep cooking, I want leftovers to take to work for lunch!!! So I thought I had plenty of chicken in the house, but had to buy more. As an adult he eats so much healthier than he did as a kid - well I should say he doesn't eat junk food. He's always eaten my food. Don't mind saying so, but I am a good cook/baker. I don't do fancy, but I don't like fancy!

    Any news from Cami?

    Have a great week-end.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2021

    Been thinking often of Cami too, especially during the Mi Sheberach prayers.

    Dogmom, only you know what's right and comfortable for you. One thing that might help is to ask yourself, before that first sip, why you are doing so. Is it for the destination (the buzz) or the journey (the taste)? And if the former, ask yourself after it whether the "trip" was worth it. One parallel for me is my relationship with sugsr & starch. I once (just before going low-carb) sat next to another doctor's wife at a hospital banquet, and as we passed the basket of rolls around she examined them closely and declared them "not carb-worthy." I asked her what she meant, and she replied they were simply not awesome enough to consider "cheating" with them. That's gone a long way for me. I used to immediately look at the wine-by-the-glass list as I sat down in a restaurant, and automatically pick what looked like it would go with what I'd planned to order. When I found myself sitting in a Texas Roadhouse contemplating which color of plonk I would have, it occurred to me that what I was doing was a conditioned reflex. Since then, I don't drink anything just for the sake of drinking it. It's got to be worth the calories and the unit of my weekly "alcohol ration." (It's why I bought a Coravin six years ago, so I can have an ounce or two of a really good wine without feeling I mustn't let the rest of the bottle go to waste). Even with coffee, it has to be really good-tasting, not just be a caffeine delivery device.

    Feeling a lot better today. Texted my perio, who said it was okay to have one glass of wine today and even almost-hot food & coffee, so long as I kept it away from that tooth. So at dinner tonight at Chez Moi, DOTD was a blanc de blancs (100% chardonnay) cremant de Bourgogne.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713
    edited September 2021

    DOTD and BBQ, yum!


  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited September 2021

    Illimae -That looks soooo good!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Sadie saw the vet for her annual check up yesterday. Vet says she's doing really well for a senior dog. We're going to keep her on her arthritis medicine and keep letting her be Silly Sadie for another year unless something comes up. She did like the ride in the car, wasn't so crazy about the vet visit and particularly did not care for having her nails trimmed, but got over it quickly enough.

    Got one paper finishedand posted yesterday for class. Need to get an essay written and posted today and then I get a 2 week break before the next class starts. By then things will have truly settled down at work and I won't feel like I'm being pulled in so many directions at once.

    Goldie--The rooftop fire pit was beautiful. Great place for drinks and nibbles, not a big menu for meals, although the dishes are all very good. I suspect we will be back there again. The Raspberry margarita was good, if quite potent. That made it a one drink night for me, not that it really matters. The company was great and getting caught up with everyone was fun. Hope you had a good trip to town.

    Dogmom2015--The whole diet/alcohol/lifestyle and cancer correlation thing is so poorly understood and creates such a troublesome gray area for those of us navigating these waters. Add to that medicine truly does not completely understand what causes cancer only adds to the confusion. We all have to take note of the information available, make our own decisions as to the validity of the information, determine how it affects our choices and lives. I am of the opinion that quality of life is more important than length of life for me. Quality of life for me includes drinking alcohol at times. I asked myself how I would feel 20 years from now if I continued to drink and the cancer recurred, or a met showed up, and how I would feel 20 years from now if I did not drink and the cancer recurred or a met was diagnosed. For me, the anger of sacrificing something I liked and still getting a recurrence was far less acceptable than the fleeting "I wonder if I did this to myself by drinking" feeling if I did not stop drinking entirely. I, too, have partied on occasion, don't much like the aftereffects so I don't do that anymore. I have used alcohol to self-medicate, too, and thankfully have found better ways to manage those issues.I believe that it is possible, and that I am able,to drink moderately and still have a health life regarding BC. Only you can know if that is something you can do. Whatever you choose, you do need to be compassionate and kind to yourself. Unless you went out and paid someone to give you BC, you are not responsible for getting it. None of us can control getting or not getting cancer. All of us have to live with it now.

    Morning, Illi!

    Karen--so glad to hear that all your children will be home at the same time, even if only for a short time! You must be so excited.

    Chi--glad to hear the dental work is healing up!


    A top-down shot of a golden-hued drink filling a highball glass, with a black paper straw and a long grapefruit peel garnish. The background is charcoal colored.

    Lazy Sunday


    • 1 1/2 ounces tequila
    • 1 1/2 ounces grapefruit juice
    • 1 ounce cinnamon syrup
    • 1/4 ounce turmeric tea*
    • Club soda water, to top
    • Garnish: grapefruit twist


    1. Add all ingredients into a shaker with ice and shake until well-chilled.
    2. Strain into a highball glass over fresh ice.
    3. Top with the soda water.
    4. Garnish with a grapefruit twist.

    *Turmeric tea: Add 1 teaspoon ground turmeric powder and 2 cups water to a medium pan, and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes, then strain.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2021

    Dogmom, I hope you had a nice time at the wedding and "enjoyed" those drinks!

    Karen, yay to a full house! I will get to see both of mine real soon.

    Sandy, glad that tooth/gum is doing better.

    BabyGirl, now that's the Corona you don't want a vaccine for!

    NM, trip to town is just for groceries. Wanted to go early enough to miss the crowds. However, when I got there, they were stocking shelves. Fortunately I only missed a couple of things. The other grocery store I went to, it was later, and boy was it crowded! Glad Sadie got a good check up. Did she use the ramp you got for her?

    Trying to get as much done around here as I can, since I will have someone basically "living" here while I'm gone. Trying to get some of those things done that you only do once a year or more. Some of cuboards are kind of dirty, with crumbs and such. And then of course the fridge needs to be cleaned. My yard is full of weeds, but unless I get out in the morning, it's too hot later in the day. For which I should get moving! Here are a couple of pics of my Neice, hubby, Nora and Rex. Look at how Nora is watching Rex!

    May be an image of Anthony Sieli and Lindsay Sieli, outdoors and tree

    May be an image of baby

  • Dogmom2015
    Dogmom2015 Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2021


    Thank you for your responses. You all said something I can resonate with. I appreciate you all! 😁

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited September 2021

    DD#2 is on the plane - I won't see her till after work so about 24 hours. But my husband is picking her up. She gets in around noon Denver time tomorrow. Long flight as she flies to San Fran which is 15 hours, 3 hour layover in San Fran then 2.5 hours to Denver.

    I can't wait!!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! Already getting e-mails about sick staff members at school, reminding them of the protocol, helping them find testing. Going to be a busy, busy year this year with COVID, I'm afraid. But as long as we can keep it out of the school I'll be content.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Goldie--what an adorable family portrait! Anorable looks so alert! Sadie isn't using the ramp, it doesn't sit level and doesn't feel stable to her, I think. I did learn that she needs to get in and out on the driver's side, apparently that side is easier for her to use her good leg more than on the passenger side. Sometimes I need to boost her in, but that's pretty easy with the harness on. I make her wear a harness in the car so I can safety belt her.

    Dogmom--glad we could help. What kind of dog are you Mom to? My Sadie is a yellow lab.

    Karen--how exciting!I can imagine everyone is counting down minutes!

    bright-green Fields of Travel cocktail in a coupe with a skewered zucchini ribbon balanced on the glass

    Fields of Travel



    1. Add the green Chartreuse, zucchini water and bitters to a shaker with ice, then shake until well-chilled.
    2. Strain into a chilled coupe glass.
    3. Top with the sake.
    4. Garnish with a skewered cucumber ribbon.

    *Zucchini water: Process 5 whole zucchinis through a juicer (which should yield about 1 quart). Add 1 ounce fresh lime juice, 1 ounce raw cane sugar and 1 barspoon vitamin C powder. Stir to combine.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2021

    Karen, that's a long flight! It will be so nice to have all of your kids at once. Great time to get a family photo! What took your DD1 to Canada? I'm assuming her husband? How did they meet and then end up there? I leave next Monday.

    NM, good that you know Sadie gets in better on one side. According to mom, Rex is very protective and very gentle with Nora. I can't wait to see her! Uh oh, on the sick staff. I sure hope it's not Covid either.

    Still working on doing stuff around the house, inside and out. Outside stuff has to be done in mornings, as it's too hot later, been in the 90's here. Hotter than it should be. It was like this last year. Been watching the weather in MI to see what I need to pack.

  • Dogmom2015
    Dogmom2015 Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2021

    Hey ladies,

    It was so nice to read your responses. I woke up feeling depressed because I’m convincing myself my drinking will bring back my cancer or cause some other problem. I’m literally panicking. I know this is supposed to be a fun thread so I’m sorry. I’m just not in a good place with this. I know I haven’t always been the most responsible drinker and I am trying to do better with it now. I just have so much guilt. NativeMaine I loved what you said that “unless I paid for someone to give me cancer…it definitely isn’t my fault.” I know I’m human and should be easier on myself but why can’t I? Sorry all, I feel bad for my negative juju.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2021

    Dogmom, we all have those days, and here is one place you can talk about it. We aren't always fun, altho we try to be, but like I said, we all have our days. They don't know what causes cancer. Just about everyone I knew with lung cancer were non smokers! I have not quit drinking, except back during treatment, and feel no guilt whatsoever. But that's me. In the end, the choice is yours.

  • elle2
    elle2 Member Posts: 57
    edited September 2021

    So I just got a crap diagnosis on the MX pathology report today and found myself on this thread, hubby and kids headed out of the house for a couple hours...okay, I searched "alcohol and recovery" because it just threw me under the bus to get this diagnosis and I said, "Self, can I have a drink?" Was expecting to come here for the answer, "Drink to thy's heart's content, oh worried one!" But alas, that didn't happen. Just my overactive imagination, I guess. So I read through and found there are some pretty fun women on this thread. I would love to join in, but don't want to upset a close group? Hope everyone is having a more decent day than I.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2021

    Elle, you are fine. We welcome you with open arms. Pull up a stool and have one of Tenders bring you a cocktail. Your choice. We love having new loungettes here at the Hot Tatties Lounge. What shall it be?

    I'm off tomorrow, DH has appts, so it will be all day.

  • jhl
    jhl Member Posts: 175
    edited September 2021

    Dogmom - I can hear the struggle in your posts. Can you share your diagnosis? I think you said you might be in your early 30's. One of the ways to gauge if you are drinking too much is do you need to have a drink when you wake in the morning? You absolutely did not cause your cancer - get that out of your head. Of course, alcohol is a risk factor as is smoking, being overweight, poor diet & a sedentary lifestyle. The biggest risk factor is ...... being a woman. You have already had the worst - your breast cancer diagnosis. So, let all that go away. You cannot change the past. You, however, can change the future. What has your oncologist & breast surgeon recommended? Let us all meet each other where we are & move forward to a healthier future.

    Elle - I am so sorry to hear you received a crap diagnosis. This is not a closed group at all. After all, it welcomed me. Have that drink & let the overwhelming impact wash over you. Tomorrow, will be another day & you'll be able to face whatever will be ahead.

    I wish for all of you to be well,


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Boy, was yesterday a long day at work. By the end of the day I kept thinking it was Tuesday peeyemor even Wednesday peeyem! COVID is rampant in the community, and is creating a huge workload for us school nurses tracking exposures and contact tracing, with the rules for quarantining and quarantine exceptions changing daily if not more often. And we are in the process of starting pooled testing, with its own set of rules and regs and problems that are cropping up almost every hour. Trying to get everyone up to speed and ready is really hard when we have to keep backtracking. But, we will get through, and I've laid in a larger bottle of tylenol to manage the headaches. Oh, yeah, did I mention fall allergies are a bigger than usual problem this year? And that allergy symptoms and COVID protocol symptoms are the same? And that testing supplies are running low and testing appointments are hard to get right now?

    Sadie finds all this very amusing. I told her all about my day while rubbing her belly last night, asked her what she thought when I was finished. She turned around and farted in my face. Then looked over her shoulder at me and laughed. Then she took over all the pillows until she got even more belly rubs. I get no respect!

    Goldie--it sounds like Rex is going to be a wonderful companion to little Nora. The sick staff member tested negative, thank goodness. Not sure how they found a test appointment on Monday, but glad they were able to! Take care of working in the heat, sounds like you do. 48 degrees outside this ayem here! Fall is coming!

    Dogmom--don't apologize for not being in a positive place right now. We've all been there, we understand how it feels. We have a lot of fun on this thread but mostly we are here for each other when things aren't so much fun. Much better you come here and talk to us! Depression is a common problem when cancer is in the picture. I had well controlled depression before I was diagnosed, and it got very much out of control and a lot worse after diagnosis, especially during the active treatment years. When I finally talked to my PCP about it and got my medication adjusted it got back under control and that made a huge difference for me. I strongly recommend you make an appointment with one of your doctors and let them know about feeling depressed, Depression makes it really hard to make good decisions and be kind to yourself. Medication can help a huge amount and often is only needed for a while. Believe me when I tell you it may take a few weeks to feel the effects, but once it kicks in its like night and day.

    Elle2--Welcome! Come on in! We love having new Loungettes join us. Sorry we don't have the answer you were looking for,but there is no one answer to that particular question, it's avery personal one. We're happy to share info and opinions, and we support everyone's individual decision as the right one for them.

    Goldie--drive safe and good luck with the appointments and driving!

    Jhl--great advice for Dogmom and Elle!

    Cherry Tuesday recipe

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2021

    Very well said jhl.

    Oh dear NM. Tell Miss Sadie that this is not funny, it's a serious situation. I'm not so sure I would have given her more belly rubs after she cut the cheese in your face. I can atest to the fall allergies. Mine were horrible, but starting to let up now. No working in the heat for this girl, just can't do it.

    Appts. are up here, so only only a little over an hours drive, but it'll still be an all day ordeal.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited September 2021

    Hi Dogmom and Elle2.

    NM -

    Sadie stories always make me smile. The schools here are still having bus driver shortage. I don't know if there is a shortage or if they have to quarantined for maybe exposure to Covid. I am assuming someone is having to stay late to watch kids at school until buses come to pick them up because they all do multiple routes. Sometimes it feels like this is a movie I am living in (hope its not a Stephen King movie) lol.

    Goldie - I hope the doctors visit for you husband goes well. I know he is feeling horrible.

    Hope Cami is feeling better.

    Hope Cami is doing good.

  • elle2
    elle2 Member Posts: 57
    edited September 2021

    So I have a section in my recipe book for drinks and it appears I may be able to fill several more pages with the recipes you all provide. Lovely! I’ve been told by Miss Manners or Martha Stewart or someone that every house should have a signature drink! Guess I should visit my neighbors more often to find out! We don’t have one, but maybe this fall I’ll find one. At the very least, I should start sampling some, you know?

    Thanks for the warm welcome, ladies. It’s nice to be wanted somewhere, even if it’s here..eke..

    NativeMaine - while I had to laugh with my arms wrapped around my stomach tightly, to avoid ripping out a stitch, I later rethought it and decided Sadie really didn’t need any more pats. That’s just rude, like, really?

    I am surrounded by wine because I love it, not gonna lie. The more I taste, the more I like from the cheap reisling I buy at the supermarket to the Chateau- Neuf- du-Pape, Face en Face I brought in the south of France. I don’t consider myself a connoisseur or anything, but I do love a perfect pairing. However, I put on my game face yesterday and declined a drink. Not really, I sat looking at my wine fridge salivating, then started negotiating with myself and ended up in a sniveling mess back upstairs without a drop and went to bed. I’m pathetic…but might try again tonight….

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2021

    Misty, DH just had to go for labs and to get his toenails clipped. I'm afraid to do it anymore, as they are horribly thick. Dr. said he usually only does this for diabetic patients, but he would continue to do it for him every 3 months.

    Elle, I hope you can talk yourself into that glass of wine! I'll have one of our Tenders pour you glass if you like? But you can't do it and then feel guilty! Tell us a little bit about yourself. I am 63, stage IV for 7 years. I live in AZ on 80 acres off grid. We did have our own business but are in the process of selling it as my DH (dear husband) has been diagnosed with ALS. I have to kids, a son in Michigan and a daughter that lives in the VI's. She is currently in Mi and I will get to see her when I'm there, along with my son and 2 of my brothers, nieces and a new grand niece. I have no animals and I am a beer drinker, but will occasionally have some wine. Oh, I just noticed your signature. Is this your second BC? Not mets?

    After his "pedicure" I asked him if they were rough. He says, I don't know I can't feel them. Well, you would feel if they snagged on your sock! We get home and he has to lay down. I take his socks off and he asks me if I should file them???? I'm thinking, why, if you can't feel them!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2021

    Oops, I forgot. I did hear back from Cami and she said it was ok to tell you ladies. She said, in her words, she has been in and out of hospitals, clinics and therapy for a couple of weeks now, getting blood transfusions and all the good stuff. All her white cells are eating her cells, causing 2 different blood diseases? She's been doing therapy at home, pretty weak, but actually feeling a bit better. Says she's around and eating but down to 110 lbs. That's pretty much it in a nutshell. So keep her in your prayers!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713
    edited September 2021

    Thank you Goldie, I appreciate the update.

    Cami, get better girl :)

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306
    edited September 2021

    Cami - holding you in our thoughts!!!

    Elle - I second Goldies comment - enjoy that glass of wine. Maybe just don't have 5 right now. Edited to say I have a gin & tonic almost every night - except when I bourbon & branch in the winter. Several times a week I also have a glass of wine with dinner. My oncologist told me about a doc friend of his who was getting cancer infusions & wanted to continue drinking. His recommendation was maybe cut back on the day of the infusions.

    NO GUILT!!!!! You didn't cause this - unless you want to feel guilty for being a woman.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 944
    edited September 2021

    Hello friends thank you for brightening my day with your stories or just sharing who/ how you are doing.

    Goldie I appreciate the update on Cami. Cami, get better I miss your great cat memes 🤪. Goldie enjoy your family visiting and travels!

    NM I'm sorry for the stress-load these times are adding to your work. Maybe in her fragrant way way Sadie was trying to say " just chill mom!"

    I have an autoimmune thing that sometimes affects my gut so no alcohol lately. But Baileys irish cream coffee weather is coming!! Ellie I echo what others said - no guilt. Make the choice that feels best to you. A wise woman on these threads used to say something similar about treatment decisions. Make the choice then don't look back or second guess yourself. No good comes of it.

    I'm forgetting people as I do this on my phone. Hugs to all. 🤗

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Ok, I just scared myself, was typing along and had to stop and look at my phone to figure out if it was Tuesday or Wednesday! This COVID thing is pounding us here in Maine. Every day we've got more kiddos out in quarantine because a family member has tested positive, and kiddos being sent home with symptoms that need to test before coming back to school who can't get a test appointment for 2 to 3 days, and then not getting results back for several days more. And we just about get the pooled testing program up and running and there's a rule change that sets everything back. The adults are worried/afraid of the delta variant making the vaccine seem to be not helpful, and worried about being exposed while at school and not knowing about it. Adults are afraid to touch the children, the children are starving for physical connection. I swear some of the kiddos coming to be for bandaids for bleeding only they can see are really coming in because I will touch them! My brain is exhausted and my heart is hurting for everyone.

    Sadie says I'm trying to fix things that I can't fix. I tried to tell her I know I can't fix all this, but I can make it better, a little easier for everyone. Sadie says that's ok as long as she gets her full ration of belly rubs every day. Hedonist.

    Goldie--I should have told Sadie that farting in my face was not funny, but I was laughing so hard at her expression and the way she flounced up to the pillows and flopped over that I just couldn't be upset with her. I haven't laughed that hard in ages! Which was probably her intent.

    Misty--there is a bus driver shortage here, too, but it existed before COVID. It's worse now after the 20/21 school year cut bus routes and laid off bus drivers because so many children were in remote learning. Now we need all those drivers back plus more to manage the increase in bus routes so as to have fewer children on the but together. There are drivers out with COVID or in quarantine, too, which certainly isn't helping.In my district, in the elementary schools, all teachers and staff stay until 15 minutes after all the children are gone,although we can leave earlier with the principal's ok. Getting the kiddos out and headed home isn't running late, for some reason that is a morning run problem they are working on. All this does seem like living in a disaster movie, doesn't it?

    Elle--I'll agree Sadie didn't NEED any more belly rubs, but she made me laugh and I just couldn't help myself. But we will have a talk about manners very soon! All this time I thought I was the only one who liked some of the cheaper wines just as much or more than some of the expensive ones! I'm not a connoisseur, either, but I know what I like when I taste it. When it comes to pairings, my tastes seem to be rather unconventional. ChiSandy is a true connoisseur and an expert at pairings, you'll enjoy her wine and food posts.

    Goldie--I was taught that filing nails smooth after trimming was part of the trimming process, does the doc not do that? One thing about working with kids that I do miss is giving food massages. Fun and easy to do, gave me time to get to just chat with people and really get to know them, and be doing something that isn't embarrassing, uncomfortable, or medical. Thanks for the Cammy update.

    Morning, Illi!

    Well said, Minus!

    Reader--I really believe Sadie did that on purpose just to make me laugh and to tell me to chill out, and it worked very well! The stress level from COVID is what it is, and is going to be high for some time to come. On top of the stress of the start of school, and this is my first year doing this part of the job, things are pretty tense. BUT, we all know that it will settle as time goes on and the school routines get worked out.I am also a big coffee fan, and just love a cup of coffee with a shot of Kahlua or Baileys, or Rumchata.


    Coffee with a shot of your choice!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306
    edited September 2021

    NM - You give FOOT MASSAGES??? I'll be on he next plane. Or the next plane after the Covid rush. So sorry to read about the Covid issues in your school district.

    Goldie - hope you have a great trip to see your kiddos & family.

    I've found lots of delicious wines below $20.00 and I see no need to spend more. One of my favorite white wines is Costco/Kirtland Marlborough TiPoint Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand - usually $6.99. Another is Total Wine's Carson Ridge Cabernet Sauvignon from Paso Robles - often on sale for $8.99. I am choosy though, and there is some 'rot gut' wine out there. I do not care for the "$2 buck chuck" wine from Trader Joes.